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Chapter 7: Birth of a second personality


Trevor woke up on his couch and rubbed his eyes. Then he tried to find Fluttershy, but then remembered that she was in the hospital. He quickly ate the piece of pizza and approached his truck. He started the engine and drave to the hospital. When he arrived he saw a nurse, with who he talked yesterday. He asked:

"Excuse me, ma'am. Did you remember me?" The nurse looked at him and said:

"Oh good morning, sir. Your daughter has harmed again?"

"What do you mean again?"

"I thought you know."

"About what?"

"Well, there were some people who took your daughter."

"What!? How did they look?"

"Well, they were Merryweather Security workers," said the nurse. Trevor was pissed. Very pissed.

"AND WHERE ARE THEY NOW!?" shouted Trevor. The nurse backed away and said:

"I don't know, but-"

"Wait, you," someone said. Trevor looked at the person and recognized him as a doctor who was healing Fluttershy.

"Are you Mr. Trevor Philips?"


"Oh well, this is for you." With those words, the doctor passed to Trevor the note. He looked at it and then asked:

"Merryweather gave you this?" Doctor nodded. Trevor crumpled the note and headed to the truck with an angry expression on his face.


"We have your girl. Come to this address, if you want to see her alive."



Fluttershy woke up and tried to move, but she couldn't. She looked around and saw that she was in the darkroom. He was sitting on the chair with tied arms. Suddenly the lights turned on and she saw a man in smoking and with gray hair.

"Well, well, well. Looks like someone decided to wake up," said the old man.

"Who are you? Where am I?" asked Fluttershy.

"Before answering the questions, I will introduce myself. I am Don Percival. The founder of Merryweather Security. And you are one of my enemies' daughter. Trevor Philips."

"What Trevor did to you?"

"Oh, nothing. He just stole our secret weapon, blown up my plane with billions of dollars, killed many of my people, and killed Demons."

"Wait, Demons?"

"Yeah, those ones who were wearing red clothes. They were my partners. I sell them a weapon, while they were doing what I said. However, Trevor began killing them and now they are dead. Also, I surprised that you could kill Manuel."


"The boss of Demons." Fluttershy was now scared. She was in an unknown place with the man, who can kill her easily.

"Why do you need me?"

"Well, Trevor caused many problems to me, so I decided to make him feel the pain of losing his daughter," said Don.

"I am not his daughter, he just takes care of me."

"Hmm, but anyway, he will be here soon. And then I will kill you in front of him and then I will shoot him!" shouted Don, giving to Fluttershy the slap in the face. Fluttershy sobbed.

"So can you tell me the names of Trevor's workers?"

"I will tell you nothing!" shouted Fluttershy. Then Don pulled out the remote controller and pushed one button. Fluttershy screamed in pain because the electricity passed through her body.

"Will you tell me?"



"Aaaagh!" Suddenly the phone rang and Don picked it up.

"He is here."

"Very well. I am coming." Don put his phone into the pocket and clicked the button again.


"It seems like I need to leave, but no worries, I will back with Trevor." With those words Don exited the room, leaving Fluttershy alone. She was worried about Trevor and what Don will do to him. Then he remembered her friends, animals, and family. She began crying.

"If only I wasn't so shy and pathetic, this would never happen," she thought.

"Now everyone will die, because of me." Then she fell something she didn't feel ever. Anger. Her hair became straight, while her pupils shrank.

"Aaaaagh!" she shouted in the rage. Fluttershy broke the ropes and shouted to the sky.

"Aaaagh! I will kill them!" With those words, she approached the table and grabbed the knife. She came out of the room and was met by two guards with pistols. They tried to shoot her, but she was faster. She stabbed one man in the neck and then stabbed another one in the arm. The first man was dead, while the second one was holding his arm. Suddenly Fluttershy began stabbing him in the stomach. After a few seconds, her face and outerwear were covered in blood. She laughed maniacally and said:

"I am coming for you, Don." With those words she ran to a random direction, killing everyone she met on her way. Meanwhile, Trevor was waiting for Don in the room with a table and two chairs. Soon the door opened and Percival entered the room.

"Hello Trevor, I hope you know me."

"You are that bastard that kidnapped Fluttershy. Tell me where she is and I will promise not to bowel and dismember with my bare hands!" shouted Trevor. Don giggled and said:

"Be careful with the words Trevor. Or your girl will be dead," said Don. "As you know, you caused me a lot of problems. You stole my supplies and weapons, killed my people, and laughed at me. Because of you, many clients broke contracts with me, which cost millions! Now tell me where the rest of your friends or-" He was cut off by the man who ran to the room.

"Sir, the girl escaped!"

"What!? How is this possible? Find her!" shouted Don. Guard nodded and closed the door. Don cleared his throat and straightened his tie.

"Well, where was I?" Suddenly Trevor tackled him to the ground and began punching his face. But Don kicked him in the belly and pushed him.

"You will pay for it," said Don. He pulled out the pistol, but Trevor knocked it out from his hands and kicked him into balls. Don fell to his knees holding his balls and screaming in pain. Suddenly the door opened and revealed Fluttershy who was covered in blood. Also, he noticed that her hair changed.

"Hi Trevor," said Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy! I was worried about you, but I see that you took care of the guards," said Trevor. Fluttershy nodded and then looked at Don.

"What we will do with him?" she pointed to Percival with the knife. Trevor rubbed his chin and said:

"I know what we will do. But we need gasoline."

15 minutes later

Trevor was pouring the gasoline, while Fluttershy was throwing and catching her knife. When the canister was empty, he pulled out the matches and lightened it.

"I will kill you both!" shouted Don inside the warehouse. Trevor and Fluttershy smirked and he threw the match on the trail of gasoline. The fire quickly approached the warehouse and then it exploded.


"Hahahahaha! That happens when you are messing up with Trevor and Fluttershy!" shouted Trevor. Suddenly Fluttershy hugged him and said:

"I was worried about you." Trevor stroked her hair and said:

"I also was worried about you." After a few seconds, they heard sirens.

"Well, let's run away before cops will notice us," said Trevor. Fluttershy nodded and both of them ran to the truck. Trevor saw that her hair became normal. Soon they were in Trevor's trailer. Fluttershy was taking the shower, while Trevor was cooking the lunch. They sat at the table and began eating.


"Attention, everyone! Today is our last day. So pick up your staff and get on the bus!" said Celestia in a megaphone. Everybody began packing their clothes.

"Nah, man. We still didn't hook girl," said Lamar.

"Don't be sad, maybe the next time you will be lucky, homie," said Franklin putting bags in the trunk. In the meantime, Michael and his family were putting their baggage in the car.

"Well, that was a very nice and peaceful time," said Michael.

"I can't disagree. I hadn't been so relaxed since my first try in yoga," said Amanda. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Tracey were sitting on the rear seats and doing their things. Jimmy was playing the game, while Tracey was with her friends. Main 7 had already been prepared, but they were still worried about Fluttershy.

"Interesting, what Fluttershy is doing now?" asked Pinkie.