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Chapter 4: Showing TPI


Fluttershy woke up because of Trevor's shouting. She listened to the voice:

"Alright, bring weapons and wait for me in the lab," said Trevor. He entered the trailer and was met by his guest.

"Hi, what happened?" asked Fluttershy

"Ah, just some problem with a business," answered Trevor. After breakfast, he thought about something. Suddenly he said:

"Umm, girl, listen. You were very kind to me like a mother, who was always making fun of me, so do you want to see my lab?" asked Trevor. Fluttershy was surprised by this. She thought to herself and nodded.

"Well good, follow me." With those words, Trevor and Fluttershy headed to the truck. When they got in the car, they drove away. Then Fluttershy asked:

"What your company does?"

"Well, we sell drugs and weapons."


"Drugs and weapons."

"B-but this is illegal."

"I know that, but that is my dream to become an international drug sales and arms dealer," said Trevor. Fluttershy was shocked by this, but if Trevor helped her, that means he has a soul. Soon they arrived at the lab.

"Trevor, what happened? And who is this girl?" asked man, who came out of the building. Fluttershy looked at him. It was a bald man with mustache, apron, and glasses.

"Chef, that's Fluttershy. Fluttershy, that's Chef."

"Hi," said Fluttershy waving her arm. Chef looked at her with confusion and then looked at Trevor.

"Alright man, be prepared. Those sectants can attack in any second." Trevor approached the back of his truck and pulled out the sniper rifle and pistol. The last one he passed to Fluttershy.

"Wait, why we need it?"

"Some crazy sectants want me and my company dead. So, we will protect our property. Chef, take her and protect the first floor, I will be on the roof." With those words, Chef and Trevor entered the building, while Fluttershy was outside and thinking about what will happen next. Meanwhile, Chef asked:

"Trevor, where did you find this girl?"

"She just was lost, so I sheltered her."

"Hmm, okay," said Chef. Soon they were ready. Fluttershy and Chef were hiding behind the table, while Trevor was looking at his scope. Soon he saw a cloud of dust and then 20 sectants on the bikes. In one of them, Trevor recognized as a founder of the cult. Trevor shot and the bullet hit one of them. Then another one, third, fourth. Soon they were in front of the building and took cover. The leader shouted:

"Trevor Philips, surrender now and we'll promise you a fast death!"

"Sorry, I can't hear you. BAM I am killing your minions! Now go fuck yourself!" With those words, Trevor took a grenade and threw it into enemies.


Screams and curses meant that Trevor hit the target. 12 enemies were alive. Half of them entered the building but were met by Chef with an assault rifle. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was hiding in the corner and sobbing.

"That's not happening. That's not happening. That's not happening," she murmured to herself. Suddenly she heard Chef's scream of pain.

"Agh! Sons of bitches!" She saw 3 sectants standing near Chef and they were aiming at him.

"STOP!" Fluttershy shouted. Everyone looked at her and they were met by her stare.

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS! NOW!" Sectants dropped their weapons, while Chef seized the opportunity. He took his rifle and killed sectants. He got up and said:

"Geez girl, the hell was that?"

"It's just my stare. I use it in emergency situations," said Fluttershy. Suddenly Trevor approached them and said:

"No time to talk. We have 6 cultists there." With those words, he pulled out his shotgun and shot. One sectant was dead. Chef shot all clip and three enemies were dead. Then they went outside.

"For leader!" shouted cultist, running at Fluttershy with the knife. But he was stopped by the shot into the head. The trio began looking around to find the last one. Suddenly Fluttershy saw enemy, who was approaching Trevor behind him with the knife.

"Behind you!" shouted Fluttershy and shot. BAM The leader fell to the ground with the hole in his head. Trevor looked at the corpse and then at Fluttershy.

"Congratulations! That is your first kill!" shouted Trevor. However, Fluttershy wasn't happy at all. She threw the pistol to the ground and covered her mouth with her hands.

"I killed him. I killed him. I killed him," she murmured to herself. Trevor approached her and said:

"Hey girl, don't feel bad. He tried to kill me. You saved my life." Fluttershy looked at him and just nodded.

"Alright, get in the truck. Chef, help me with corpses." Chef nodded and began putting together corpses. Soon when all dead men were together, Trevor poured gasoline and torched it.

"Burn, motherfucker, burn!" shouted Trevor. "Chef, keep cooking meth."

"Okay, Trevor," answered Chef, heading to the building. Trevor got in the truck and started the engine. He looked at Fluttershy.

"Still in the shock?" Fluttershy nodded.

"Was that necessary to kill them?" she asked.

"Yeah. If we didn't kill them, they would return again," answered Trevor. "Don't feel bad. They were bad guys. We just made the world a little bit better." Fluttershy was just staring at the window and thinking about what happened.

Everfree forest

Main 7 were sitting around the fire and chatting with each other. Suddenly they heard something. They turned around and saw a car, from which 4 people exited.

"Dad, you know I hate forest. There are many bugs, animals, and grass," said the girl.

"Sweetie, we are here only for three days. Then we will move to Ponyville," said the man.

"I still wonder who gave to the city such a silly name," said the boy.

"Anyway, I heard that people there are very friendly and the crime rate is low," said the woman. Soon they headed to the main cabin.

"Hmm, who are they?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I heard from principal that there will be 6 guests in camp," said Twilight. Suddenly the family came out of the building. Boy, girl and woman headed to their cabin, while a man approached Main 7 and took a seat.

Girls looked at him. It was a middle-aged man with dark hair.

"You need to ask permission before sitting there," said Pinkie Pie.

"It's a public place, I can sit wherever I want," said the man.

"Hey, if you insult my friends, you will deal with me," said Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to insult your lover."

"What?" Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash blushed.

"Alright girls, stop that," said Twilight. "Sorry about this, sir."

"Nah, no problems." Man pulled out the cigarette and began smoking.

"Oh, that's it. You are barbarian ruffian!" shouted Rarity.


"Wait, what? For what? She insulted you," said Sunset

"But that was the most polite insult that anybody said to me. Many people call me motherfucker, idiot, bitch, etc."

"Enough! Girls stop it!" shouted Twilight.

"Heh, you know, you really remind me. Only one smart in the group."

"Oh, thanks. BTW, my name's Twilight Sparkle. That's Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash," said Twilight.

"Pleasure to meet you," said the man.

"So what's your name?" asked Applejack.

"Michael de Santa."