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Chapter 3: Self-defense lessons



Fluttershy woke up on the bed and yawned. Soon she entered the bathroom and washed her face. Then she cleaned her teeth and began cooking breakfast. Meanwhile, Trevor wasn't on the couch. He was drinking the beer outside and thinking about what he will do next. Suddenly Fluttershy approached him and said:

"Good morning."

"Ah, good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Fine. Thanks for asking. Breakfast is ready." With those words, they headed to the trailer and sit at the table. After the breakfast Trevor said:

"Mmm, that was delicious. Anyway, come with me, I will show you something."

"Okay," said Fluttershy unsurely. Soon they were outside and Fluttershy saw bottles and cans on the rock. Trevor said to her to stay and headed to his truck. Soon he approached Fluttershy with...pistol.

"W-why do you need this?"

"Well, I decided to teach you to use a weapon, in case if you need to protect yourself," said Trevor. "Take." he held out a pistol. Fluttershy carefully took the weapon, while Trevor said:

"Alright, it's a Taurus PT92. It's reliable and easy to use. Alright, aim, remove from the fuse, jerk shutter, and pull the trigger." Fluttershy aimed and shot. BAM Because of the loud noise, she closed eyes, when she opened them, Fluttershy saw that one can was missing.

"Damn, with one try! You teach fast," said Trevor.

"But this is incorrect. It can hurt people." Trevor put his hand on Fluttershy's shoulder and said:

"Girl, sometimes we need to do things, which our society doesn't appreciate. But we need to do it to protect yourself or your family and friends," said Trevor. Fluttershy nodded and shot again. BAM Another can was missing. After a few shots, the pistol was empty, but Trevor quickly taught Fluttershy how to reload it.

"Alright, other pistols have the same technique of shooting and reloading. Now time for something big." With those words, Trevor quickly approached the truck and pulled out the shotgun.

"Old good shotgun. Very efficient in the short-range, but useless on the long-range. But be careful. It has big отдача. Fluttershy nodded and took the weapon. It was heavier than a pistol. Fluttershy aimed and shot. BAM Shotgun jumped in her hands and punched her into the cheek.

"Ouch!" She rubbed her cheek.

"Yeah, you don't need to aim like that. Shotguns don't use bullets. They use buckshot, but sometimes they can use big bullets. Fluttershy nodded and shot again от бедра. BAM One bottle shattered to pieces of glass.

"Good shot. Now let me show how to reload it." Fluttershy passed the shotgun to Trevor. He took the shell and put it into the shotgun and distort forearm. He passed the weapon to his padawan and she repeated the process. Then Trevor gave to Fluttershy the AK-47.

"It's AK-47. He is the most common assault rifle in the world. Just jerk shutter, aim, and pull the trigger. But it when you hold the trigger, the rifle will shoot, until you don't release the trigger," said Trevor.

"Ok," said Fluttershy. She aimed and pulled the trigger. TA-TA-TA-TA-TA-TA-TA-TA-TA-TA Fluttershy released the trigger. 4 bullets hit the rock, but few cans and bottles were shot.

"No worries, you will use it. Just more practice" said Trevor. Suddenly Fluttershy pulled the trigger again. TA-TA-TA-TA-TA All bullets hit the targets.

"Wow, never thought you are so determined," said Trevor.

"Yeah," she said, giving a small smile. Then he taught her how to reload it.

"Alright, take this." Trevor passed to Fluttershy the sniper rifle.

"It's a sniper rifle with the slide shutter," he said. "It's very accurate. When you take a shot, you need to jerk shutter, and then you can shoot again." Fluttershy nodded and looked at the scope.

"Advice: hold your breath. Then the scope won't flinch." She held the breath, aimed, and shot. BAM One bottle shattered to pieces. Fluttershy jerked shutter and shot again. BAM One can was shot.

"Good job," said Trevor. "Now I will teach you how to punch."


"Yeah, here." Trevor picked up the bag with something soft and said:

"Now punch." Fluttershy nodded, approached Trevor, and punched the bag.

"Stronger," said Trevor. Fluttershy punched stronger the bag.

"Now better. Kick the bag." With those words, Fluttershy kicked the bag, and Trevor slightly backed away.

"Oh sorry."

"No worries. That was a good kick," said Trevor. "Now I will teach you some tricks that I learned in the army." Trevor threw the bag on the ground and stood in the fight pose.

"Do like me." Fluttershy did the same.

4 hours later

"Phew, well you learn very fast," said Trevor, wiping sweat from his forehead. Fluttershy did the same and said:

"Yeah, thanks."

"Well, I have nothing more to teach you." Suddenly they heard the voice:

"Hello, Trevor."

"Ah, sup Ron," said Trevor. "What did you want?"

"Well, did you remember those guys from the north?"

"You mean those sectarians?"

"Yeah, well they want to talk with you tomorrow, they just asking you where?"

"Near my lab," said Trevor. Ron nodded, took the phone, and gone.

"What happened?"

"Nah, let's just say. They bit the arm, which fed them." With those words, Trevor and Fluttershy headed to trailer. Then she cooked dinner. While they were eating, Fluttershy saw a picture where Trevor was standing with two other men. One of them was in the middle. He was black and young, while another one was white and middle-aged. The last one was on the left.

"That's your friends?" asked Fluttershy pointing to the picture. Trevor turned to it and nodded.

"Yeah, they are my best friends. The guy on the left side is Michael. I remembered how I met him. It was long ago. I needed to wait for my employer with cargo when suddenly two cars arrived. From the first one, Michael came out, while from the second one some guy came out. This guy said me something and I shot him with a flare gun. I and Michael quickly threw it in the lake, but it was a disgusting sight. The shell didn't go out the whole ride. Then we talked with each other and began working together."

"You k-killed person?"

"Yeah," said Trevor. "And now you think that I some kind of psycho?"

"No, I don't judge you, just that's so terrible." Trevor thought a little and said: "Then we began robbing the banks. We were working together, but on one mission he and Brad Snider were shot. I heard Michael died, while Brad was sent to the prison. I was very upset about losing my friend, but then, after 10 years, I heard his catchphrase on the TV and I arrived in Los Santos. We met together and I was angry and happy. Angry - because he was in witness protection from the beginning of the heist, he faked his death, and in his grave was Brad's corpse. Happy - because my best friend wasn't dead."

"Pff, yeah, the whole plane smelled like a burned meat."

"Well, how did you meet another friend?"

"Oh, that's Franklin. He's a good boy. Of course, our first meeting wasn't nice, but then we became best friends. Damn, I trust him more, than to Michael. We were in a big shit a while ago. Franklin was hired to kill me or Michael, but no. For him, the friendship is more valuable, than money."

"Wow, he is really a good friend. But what happened next?"

"We just killed everyone who wanted us to be dead!" shouted Trevor. Fluttershy slightly leaned back. "Since then we began BFF! Ooo! The end of the story!" Fluttershy was surprised by such a story.

"So where are they now?"

"Michael is on the vacation with his family, while Franklin is working somewhere," said Trevor.


Lighting Dust moaned and got up from her bed. She looked at her floor and saw Gilda and Suri Polomare hugging each other and sleeping. Lighting Dust giggled and took the camera.

"That will be a good photo. But I have a feeling that we forgot something."

Author's Note:

Sorry guys for publishing this story late. However I will write this story to the end. Also, about who you want the story: Riddick or Agent 47?