• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 4,485 Views, 527 Comments

The Magic of Friendship, Love, and Guns - TheRedHood

Jason Todd goes to Equestria and tries to find peace after a life of pain and hardship

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Comments ( 20 )

Nightwing grabbed Robin’s collar and glared at him. “If we kill, we are no better than them!” Nightwing barked. “We do not kill because we represent what it means to have a heart! Do you think I never thought about hunting down Joker for all the shit he’s done?! To Jason?! To Tim?! To Barbara?! I spent years biting my tongue to the point I thought I would eat it!” Nightwing shoved Robin away and continued glaring at him. “You knew what you signed up for when you became part of this team, this family. For your sake, Damian, I highly advise you to keep that in mind.”

I'm sure all of the innocent people and ponies that were tortured and murdered by YOUR enemies, who have done this same song and dance time and time again, all appreciate what you are doing Nightwing. *Slow Mocking Clap* Bravo. Bravo for sticking to your little code you F:yay:KING DUMBASS!!


*Sigh* Sorry... had to get that out my system.

I'm with Spitfire and Robin. How many more have to suffer and die because none of you have the balls to put your enemies down like the filthy animals they are? Because you stick to your asinine code? For Christ sake, even the magical land of Friendship and Harmony can see they must die. If that doesn't mean something, then i don't know what will.

But I'm predicting that, despite all the death and suffering before them, Batman will still refuse letting them be killed. And I'm predicting things will come to blows. Who throws the first punch? I don't know. But someone will, and that someone will rip Batman a new one.

it is alive!

So grodd got his in the end not how expected but you reap what you sown

We do not kill because we represent what it means to have a heart!

Having a heart would mean you take care of the threat permanently so that it will never harm another ever again, so that a mother won't have to mourn their child, a brother won't have to mourn their sister. But because you refuse to permanently deal with the threat, they always come back, and even more will die. I agree entirely with spitfire, how many more have to die, how much more blood must be spilt before they actually, properly and permanently remove a known threat to the lives of the people and ponies around them?

I’m going to be honest, Jason’s probably going to kill Chrysalis and Tirek, but cozy I don’t know. I mean sure she’s evil, but she’s still just a kid. Evil or not Killing a child is too far! Who else agrees with me?

Yeah, that part is true. She's a manipulative little brat, but a kid nonetheless.

There’s far, then there’s too far.

She may be a kid but to do what she did still can't be ignored. I'll think about what to do with her whenever I reached that point

Pretty soon, more and more ponies will hate them for letting their loved ones be murdered in such brutal ways, and will demand true justice and not the Batman kind.

Probably sent her to juvenile or whatever it’s called for troubled kids. Unless she an orphan

Nightwing barked. “We do not kill because we represent what it means to have a heart!”

Having a heart means your willing to do anything to protect the innocent from harm even if it means taking the life of another to do it

As the saying goes “good intentions are the pathway to hell” same goes for the opposite “bad intentions are the pathway to heaven”

If you kill for no reason but for shit and giggles the. Yes yii oh I deserve to be put down but if your doing it to protect others you have a heart than those who would kill,

Yeah I think Batman parents are turning over in there graves for what their son is teaching their grandkids.

Nightwing kept his stoic face but could tell what she meant. “Ms. Spitfire…we do not kill,” Nightwing said.

GET YOUR Head out of your ass and spandex.

As someone once said from a game of mine but

Find your balls

STILL no response to what I said a while ago;

Reading on what you said, I agree. I mean, Batman semi-threatening the princesses of all ponies, in their own kingdom, and planet!? That they can't just rightfully execute the Joker once and for all, and for what he has done to both Earth and Equis!? When Jason hears this, he will be rightfully f**king livid, and confront Bruce on f**king threatening his own harem with his own BS "No killing" rule!!!!!

Right, author?

( P.S. To TheRedHood; I think you should make a edit of this, or add in the next chapter that the Princesses should be upset too, and also threatening Batman themselves, that they could have the justification to arrest him for threatening royally like that! It's like threatening the frickin president in their face for example. Not even Batman can just get away with it, without dire consequences. )


I actually want the alicorn princesses to use their authority, for once AGAINST Batman. Both them, and their "little ponies" DON'T have to follow the same "No Kill" rule like him!

And I bet the other non-pony leaders like Ember, Thorax, Rutherford, Novo, etc... will full-heartly agree with the princesses, they will also threaten Batman not to undermine their own authority as well. This ISN'T Gotham, NOR your world after all!!!!

And despite Batman being Batman. Bruce isn't really that stupid to go against a WHOLE lot of pissed-off rulers and their loyal subjects of a entirely different world that doesn't like your "No Kill" rule.

Especially the two princesses that can control the freaking Sun and Moon, WHAT was he thinking threatening those two like that!!!!???

It's one thing with him constantly "warning" Superman. But doing that same thing to those 2 Alicorn princesses is just pure dumb!!!!

Heck, he will be no better than Injustice Superman on enforcing his rule on the entire world. Ironic.


Although that Jason, Damien, and the vengeful ponies will be upset that Enchantress bitch stole the kill! They won't mourn Grodd, because he did get what he deserve at least!


Agreed! Jason needs to talk down to Dick/Nightwing when he eventually wakes up from that rather stupid "uncontrollable rage/mind control" cliche. :ajbemused:


I actually wanna see that happening. :pinkiecrazy:


Not "probably", it's a definite!!!!!


Agreed! In the next chapter, somepony like that poor rookie's own family should chastised Nightwing for saying that Bullcrap!!!!

( You're still seeing this, TheRedHood? I'm still making rather good story suggestions. )


I hope that due to Equestria's own magic mumbo jumbo. Batman/Bruce will finally see a glimpse of his own parents from beyond the grave. But he will get a huge surprise that both of them will be very, VERY disappointed in him on his "No Kill" Rule BS! Especially to un-remorseful monsters like the Joker, Lex Luther, Bane, Grodd, and MANY others.

Heck, I actually wanted Martha Wayne try to SLAP him for threatening the freaking princesses of all ponies like that from a few chapters ago!? Remember THAT, TheRedHood?



Can I just say that reading yours and others comments on this WARMS MY ABSOLUTE HEART AND SOUL! I truly mean it, it really does! I'm a big geek and when I'm passionate about something I get loud and I love that my story can get this kind of a feeling from others. I honestly didn't believe I could write anything relatively that good and it's all thanks to people like you and the amazing, wonderful people helping me on this story.

As for what you said I will definitely be adding something to that extent later on, probably won't go back and rewrite it because it's already been a while, but it is something that will be addressed and it's something that will cause big changes into the story (like character relationship wise and whatnot, not like actually changing the writing and story and stuff)

Batman is someone who is honestly insane and has a pretty big ego/pride even though he most likely won't openly admit. Batman does do a lot of good, he does, but he needs to learn that his way of justice doesn't always work. We have seen former villains actually change and become something better, one example was Bane and how he gave up the Venom serum and became a pro wrestler, even going so far as to destroy the people and place that was trying to recreate the serum.

But there are plenty more examples of people who will not change unless VERY specific situations happen. Like just because they helped saved the Earth after a world ending threat happened doesn't mean they're good. They still live on earth and if it gets blown up/taken over they're also dead. So it's not like they did it out of the goodness of their hearts, it was just survival for them.

But yes, Jason and the others will confront Batman and the others about their Rule and how it no longer has any meaning in this world, especially now that civilians have been killed.

Thank you for being so passionate, I truly do love and appreciate it. Thank you so much for enjoying my work!

What did I say? I forget.

Currently still in the works, I am truly sorry it takes me so long to write for y'all. I truly am sorry for that.

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