• Published 1st Apr 2020
  • 314 Views, 0 Comments

A Pirate's Only Treasure - BlazyPazy

Trésor is in love for the first time but a couple of things are in his way of confessing his love towards his crush.

  • ...

True Love Or Just A Fantasy?

The sky was clear, sunny and light as Trésor trotted along the path of Canterlot in a slow and steady pace. He had just finished working. Visiting Canterlot for a couple of days before he would return home back in Ponyville. He felt quite lonely, looking around at small groups of ponies and creatures alike talk to themselves.

"Ever since princess Twilight became the princess of Equestria, things have gotten busy..maybe too busy" he thought to himself as he kept walking. He suddenly stopped in amazement. It was her.. Pastille Kurz. Her beautiful green eyes with her soft, silky gold mane. Her purple dress complimenting her yellow fur. It just screamed wealth.

All he could feel was his heart pumping out quickly as if he was having a sugar rush. He suddenly began to shake both in fear and nervousness. "Blazer had said she wasn't a very nice mare but...how can I not fall for such a beautiful mare as herself...? I really want to impress her..."

He gulped quietly as he looked around, waiting for whomever the young mare was speaking to left before tapping her lightly. "H-hello! Um...it's me!..again.."

"Oh yes...Trésor was it? I see your still improper as usual." She chuckled to herself "so what brings you to me?"

"Oh! Uh...I was wondering if...I-if you wouldn't mind of course..." He shuddered nervously.


"Would you be willing to...ya know..go out..with me...?" He smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You mean like a date?" She questioned, trying not to laugh.

"Uh...yes?" He chuckled nervously

"Hmm...I suppose it could be fun...tell you what, I'll go out with you but you must show me your romantic and maybe show me your wealth too." she looked at him, smirking "if you can do that, maybe we'll keep going on dates~"

"Oh s-sure! W-what time?" Trésor's face burned with blush

"Tomorrow night~ 8:00pm" she smirked almost as if she was going to take advantage of him.

"Where would you...like this date?" He asked, curious.

"Hmm...somewhere private, like a private park." She suggested

"I'll try my best then!" He smiled nervously, shaking more.

"Alright, don't make me wait for you~" she blew a fake kiss at him as she trotted off.

Trésor felt heart in his eyes as he nearly fell over himself. He looked at his hair and clothes "I need some new clothes and a new hairstyle"

he headed to his old home he lived in during his high school days, opening the door as it creaked. It was just how he left it, a mess. His horn suddenly lit up with light blue magic as he began to clean a bit of his home, sitting down in a wooden chair.

He pulled out a couple of books from his dusty bookshelf, blowing off the dust. One was a book about Hair Styles For Stallions and another was How To Impress Your Crush. He gently looked through the first one, tearing out a couple of pictures he liked for his mane.

In the other, he tore out a few pages that may help him when it came to impressing his crush. "I'll need a bouquet of flowers...a box of chocolate could be nice, maybe a nice diamond necklace...but...she wants to see how wealthy I am..." He thought in his train of thoughts before pulling out a few bags of bits and pouring them each on the table into a pile. It had made a medium sized pile. He sighed putting his money back in the bags as he laid his head down on the table.

"What am I gonna do...? The date is tomorrow night and I'm not even ready!" He slammed his head down lightly on the table in frustration. His head suddenly lit up with an idea "m-maybe rarity can help me! She seems like she's good with love advice! And she could also make me a suit!" He smiled brightly as he quickly went off to bed after stashing his items away into a saddle bag.

Trésor quickly trotted to Canterlot Carousel in a hurry and headed inside. He had never been inside before, seeing all the gorgeous dresses and suits by the window and in the shop. Sassy Saddles had just finished setting up a new dress as she looked at the nervous stallion.

"Ah! Welcome to Canterlot Carousel! How may I be an assistant to you today?" She smiled brightly.

"Oh, hello! Is..uh.. rarity here?" He asked, confused.

"Oh no I'm sorry, she's not here at the moment I'm afraid" she trotted over to Trésor. "Anything else I can help you with though?" She quickly smiled softly.

"Well...I'm looking to buy a suit...and maybe something with my mane...?" He sounded a bit unsteady

"Oh of course, I have a few suits on sale now, as for your mane...I guess I could try and work something out"

Trésor looked through the suits and put one on. He got his mane done and he eventually paid for everything. It felt like it took almost the whole day but he wasn't done yet. He got a bouquet of flowers from a nearby flower stand. He spent most of his bits on a expensive diamond necklace and even got a picnic basket set up. He quickly trotted to a private park as the sun went down. Everything seemed perfect.

He lit up a candle with his magic. "Right on time" he smiled as he saw Pastille fly down in a nice pink dress with a hat. It seemed quite expensive as it was a bit flowy with glitter on the ends of it.

"Oh, a formal picnic, not bad for a pirate" she complimented.

"I got you these" he said as he gave her the bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my, they are...lovely though my favorite flowers are lilies" she lightly sniffed the flowers.

"Oh, well I'll remember that next time.." He put a flower in her soft mane as she blushed a bit.

"You really got prepared for all this, didn't you?" She chuckled.

"That's not all" he pulled out the diamond necklace with his magic and put it around her neck. A perfect fit. "D-do you like it? I spent most of my bits on it..." He smiled nervously

"Hmm...perhaps you could have gotten shinier diamonds? But overall this is lovely.." She smiled with greed.

"a-alright..." He sighed quietly in a calm way.

She began to lean herself towards him, he didn't realize what she was doing at first until...it was too late. There they were, kissing. He was surprised at first but eventually warmed up to her and kissed her back.

"So this means..." He said quietly

"Yes...I'll be your marefriend.." She responded as she laid by him. "For now anyways" she smirked, giggling.

They both cuddled the night away, gazing at the stars and chatted a bit. But little did they know, it was just the beginning of their relationship.

Author's Note:

Reeee my first time writing a one chapter story! Hopefully this is good as I haven't been writing for a few months! :P

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