• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 1,643 Views, 31 Comments

The Keeper of the keys - Moonghost

(Displaced Locke and key) (Available for crossovers)

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Shadows and keys

Dodge was have a usual day, looking out into the infinite multiverse, when she spotted a disturbance in the void, and Took a closer look. Looks like a mind without a true body’ Dodge thought, as she used her Omniscope,

“Mihi vero sine corpore veniunt.” Dodge said in runic Script, to bring this shadowy displaced to her.

Hans appeared looking around in a dark black suit white gloves, red tie, and that faceless white head. “What did you do Discord!” The truth of how Hans saw the world was strange even to him. What his vision and sense saw was a large room and nothing beyond it.

“Well, I wish this wasn’t such a common sight for me, yeah being the Lady of Tartarus.” A voice came from behind him.

Appearing looking away from the ‘Lady of Tartarus’ his head turns around 90 degrees to look at the voice. “You aren’t Discord. Well, I hope for your sake this wouldn’t be messy.” He then reaches up and rubs his temple. It should be impossible given his head was on backward and his arm seemed to bend in the wrong way.

“Well this is certainly an interesting meeting Names Star-swirl, but you can call me Dodge.”

“Star-Swirl… hmm, interesting. I go by the name of Hans. Some would call me Slender man, Boogieman, or even perhaps a Japanese Noppera-bo.” He turns all the way around, as in his head stayed stable and his body twisted to face the woman. “Now please explain why I am here. It might be best for you to return me, my master would be most displeased at my being taken.”

“Dang it, I thought you were the displaced I was sensing, either that or you’re a void echo, and if you are a member of the void then I have to kill you, which is something I really didn’t want to do today,” Dodge said rubbing your head as she thought of a way to figure out which one he was.

“tell you what Hans, you answer my questions for me and I will tell you why I brought you here. Otherwise, your death will be instant and my day will be ruined.” Dodge said as she touched a rune and a pot of something appeared on the table in front of her.

“I doubt you could kill me. This body was forged via the Infinity Gauntlet wielded by Doctor Doom. What did you mean by Displaced or Void Echos”? Thoughts about his fractured memories crossed his mind. At the same time, tendrils of blackness slide out of his back forming blades of various types.

Oh, darling, it’s cute you think you can hurt me. Dodge said stifling a laugh
“Now to answer your first question I am displaced and what I am and presumably what you are going or What I hope you are,” Dodge answered as she poured a cup of the green-ish black liquid in the pot.

“That still doesn’t answer the question of what is a Displaced. As for harming you, no that wouldn’t be my goal. Distracting you till He shows up, that is possible. Miss Swirl.”

“Please, call me Dodge Miss makes me feel old,” Dodge said after taking a sip from her cup. “Now to answer your question I must ask a question: is that your original Body?” Dodge said.

“Ah, I understand now. So sure of your superiority, did you not hear me? This body was forged by the Infinity Gauntlet. Or using simple words, no it, not my original body.” Hans folds his hands together as his head moves in a way as if he was smiling.

“Any chance were you human at one point?” Dodge asked.

“Humans are such pathetic creatures, trapped in their life of enduring day to day survival. I am glad I am free of that pathetic existence. To answer your question, I suspect yes I once was. There are boring mundane memories of mindless labor or hate-filled days of dread.”

“Don’t discredit humans all right, well sure that your master is one?” Dodge said.

“That really depends on what you would consider human. He broke out of that way of life, or he believes he did. Doctor Doom is not one you call normal.”

“Oh you were an unlucky one indeed; your own body stole, your own consciousness ousted out, And never ever discredit the ability of a human, humans are the most adept beings I’ve ever seen when it comes to the use of magic as you have well seen probably by Victor Von Doom your master,” Dodge said.

“A person or individual can rise above the common drudge. This I do agree with, but many are happy with just enough to get by. Either its culture or ingrained humans have kept their heads down ignoring the abuse. They turned up the T.V. volume when they hear screams of a man beating his wife or child. Yes, a human can be more than a grunt. They can also be lower than slime, or worse indifferent.”

“As for Doom, he’s something more, he’s a masterpiece. Perhaps created from those memories that are now gone from my mind. Oh, I know what I am, I’m the trash left behind, but he’s more than I could ever be. Just like every real father hopes for. If that cost me memories, so be it.”

“This is where you have it all wrong you were not trash, you were not the infection, you are the one who should be in the body, Doom currently possesses. You should be the master not him. He is egotistical and overly confident to the point that he is careless. He's indeed been a great man but it is overshadowed by his ambition, but this is off-topic.

“Pot calling the kettle black, miss Star-Swirl. We will not agree with our views. I remember suffering from human arrogance, indifference, or ignorance. Nor do I care if I am in that body. I’m having my enjoyment with this one just fine. Besides the face under the mask isn’t mine even if I was in that body is not the one I had.” His tendrils wiggle as he fights his desire to lash out. “So what else do you want to ask? I’m sure he will be tracking your spell soon.”

“Oh but that’s the beauty of this you have runes were hidden all over your body I am a master rune Smith. I simply use the ruins that your master would use to summon you, the truth I’m not keeping your here, your master just hasn’t summoned you back yet,” Dodge said.

“The time is ticking if you have more questions, ask them.”

“Just a bit more. Will you tell your master he has an ally with me as long as he fights to help the griffins, that and would you like to be free and have your own body or be an immortal shadow?”

"I already answered the body question. This is more who I am then what I was born with. We do not need help, nor would Doom ask for it. His plans for the Griffons rebuilding are going along fine, even if we were confronting Discord in the Grand Hall. I do believe I’m a hostage, so Doom wouldn’t just snap Discord into stone.”

“Wait, Doom hurt Discord?”

“No, but he was about to. We raced our way to the castle after hearing that Discord was free. Saw the Minotaur guard Stoneslasher running inside, in slow motion. Inside was discord looking at the Idol of Boreas. Then he smiles and looks at us. I remember Doom raising his left arm, but Discord was faster on the snap I guess and I’m here.”

“Well, back to your master with you.”

Just then a hole in reality opened and a lion claw reached out and grabbed Hans' shirt collar and yanks him through. Discord’s head looks into the pocket dimension “Sorry, I can’t have a treasure hunt without one of the prizes.” Then the hole closes.

‘ Well that was interesting.’ Dodge thought.

“Twilight, get in here, I know you’re outside. So, just get in here.” Dodge said.

“Who were you talking to?” Twilight asked.

“No one of consequence to you. Now why are you here?” Dodge said.

“I’m here for your magic lessons.” Twilight. said.

‘Oh right that’s today, How to begin?’ Dodge thought, “ OK first things first: the classifications of Key Magic, any questions?”

“How many classifications are there?” Twilight asks.

“There are four Main classifications, and twelve sub classifications, The four main ones are:Mind, Soul, Element, and Bone.
The sub classifications of Mind are: Thought, Control, and Mimic.
The sub classifications of Soul are: Time, Ghost, and Power.
The sub classifications of Element are: Aether, Void, and Fire.
The sub classifications of Bone are: Blood, Flesh, and Stone.
You got all that?” Dodge said.

“Yes, what now?” Twilight asks.

“Now we get you your own Key ring, Any particular color you want it to be?” Dodge said

“Golden onyx.” Twilight said.

“Which of four types do you want to learn first?“ Dodge asks.

“Element“ twilight said.

“Sub type?” Dodge asks.

“Aether” Twilight said.

“Well that come along, Let’s get out the stuffy pocket dimension and into my primary Mansion.” Dodge said After producing a key, opening the door and stepping out of the Observatory.

“TIREK!!!“ Dodge shouts.

“Yes, how do you need?” Tirek said as he walked up to them.

“Heat up the forge, you know the one I want.” Dodge said.

“Very well.” Tirek said

“I’m still wondering how did you get one of the most dangerous beings in Existence to be your butler?“ Twilight asks.

“A contract” Dodge said.

“What!!!You can’t be serious?“ Twilight says.

“Twilight, Need I remember you, I am one of the three tricksters of Equis, and I’m the Deal Maker of Equis.” Dodge said.

“Oh” Twilight said.

“Now,Can we get a move on? We have forging to……” Dodge trailed off as just would a moment Twilight was made of smoke and shadows.