> The Keeper of the keys > by Moonghost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The statue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pay attention class and then what do you think this statue represents, the statue in question was a Tall creature in a Strapped Dress, A crown was on it’s head with a spot missing for a key, the plaque at the base of the statue read one word (DECEIT) If you will notice the plaque at the base this statue, this statue represents (Deceit the ability to lie) in olden times it would go around getting ponies to do favors for It , In return, it would not kill them. “LIES!!!”I shouted , “My name is Dodge , not deceit!” ,She said “Whoa cool, you are alive?” A orange filly said “Yes I’m alive, no thanks to Celestia The backstabber!” She said. “Hey!!!, Celestia is not a backstabber , she is kind and understanding an—“ “Oh if she is so understanding then why is every single one of these statues in this garden alive like ME!!!, Discord was perfectly sane before he was turned into stone, just because he was different and a little mischievous and a little chaotic, apparently he deserves to be turned into stone because of that and why because Celestia was and still is biased against anything that is not a pony. “SILENCE CREATURE!!!, you tried to help Grogar takeover equestria.” Celestia said, “NO!!!, I was there to stop you and grogar, Who was your friend from needless death, and heartache, on both your parts and what you do to thank me you lock me in stone and don’t even put the right name on it, and you take my most valuable possessions and waste it on something that already happens on its own, you are not goddess, you are a demon in pony form, and you call me deceitful when you have been deceiving yourself for a millennia. Dodge said, now send for your student. “Why should I Dodge you have no power to command me?” Celestia spat, “Oh, but I do, you just confirmed everything I just said in front of a class of students and then teacher.” Dodge said, “So, I can threaten them With Banishment if they Tell.” Celestia said, “Well it doesn’t really matter Celestia, the spell you used on me is wearing off” Dodge said as one of her hands is freed from the stone ,as the stone spiderwebs with cracks, the cracks begin to travel up her arm, then the stone on her arm shatters like glass, the cracks come to grow across her and soon the rest of her freed is from the stone and the first thing her does is scratch an itch she got well being trapped in stone, “Oh and Celestia wearing my keys is stupid on your part and trying to use them against me also stupid, “Anyway ,I’m going to go.” She said as she used one of her keys on a door and open it not into the palace as it should have done, but into a forge with a odd looking key-like motif, “anyways ,goodbye” she said as she closed the door. > The keys (do not look at unless you want spoilers.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK I’m going to detailing the keys and and each one can do: 1. The shadow key: allows you to command and control great and powerful shadows. Current Owner: Dodge. Previous Owners: Sombra and The Merchant. 1A. The crown of shadows/shades: Allows finer, and more physical shadow creatures. Current Owner: Dodge. Previous Owners: The Merchant. 2. The matchstick key: allows you to burn anything. Current Owner: Dodge. Previous Owners: The Merchant 3. The echo key: allows you to bring back the Dead. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 4. The identity key: allows you to change your shape and form. Current Owner: Dodge. Previous Owners: Chrysalis, and The Merchant 5. The omega key: allows you to control demons, Also the key provides metal to make the other keys.( only use as last resort) Current Owner: Dodge. Previous Owners: Fluttershy, and The Merchant 6. The mirror key: allows you to trap things in mirrors. Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 7. The forge key: allows you to make anything. Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: N/A 8. The head key: allows you to enter some one mind. Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 9. The mending key: allows you to fix anything as long as it’s not a life. Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 10. The ghost key: allows you to become a ghost without death. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 11. The mimic key: allows you to mimic anything you have seen before. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 12. The Leach/Hell key: allows you to steal magic from others. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: Tirek, and The Merchant 13.anywhere key: allows you to go anywhere As long as there is a door. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 14. Chaos key: allows sane to one who is Insane. Current Owner: Discord Creator: Dodge 15. Animal key: Allows you to summon fourth beasts, or become an animal. Current Owner: Dodge Previous Owners: The Merchant 16. The Great Lock: a enormous lock, its purpose Keep Tartarus sealed and defend against all, but, the Owner of the Chain Key. Creator: Dodge 17. Chain Key: the only permanent weakness of The Great Lock. Owner: Dodge 18. Keyhouse Key: creates a physical entrance to Dodge’s home. Owner: Dodge Creator: Dodge 19. Time-shift Key: the third most powerful key (if used properly) allows the power of time manipulation to those who know how to uses it properly, otherwise can only be used with a grandfather clock. 20. The omni-periscope Key: allows anyone to see through the multi-verse if in possession and know how to use it if not can only be used with a periscope keyhole in it which will appear no matter what if you have the key > Forged mimic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight, you are a key keeper.” Celestia said, “What is that, Princess?” Twilight said, “What I mean is you have a key of an ancient being in your head, It’s why you are so good at magic, Now Dodge will probably be coming to get her key from out of your head.” Celestia said, “Well, not quite true, I already took the key out of her head, I have literally been standing in this corner for the last 30 minutes listening to you tell her this, oh, hi, my name is Dodge.” She said, “DODGE, what are you doing here?” Celestia said, “What do you think? I’m here for MY KEYS!!!”She said, “Mmm, what key was in my head?” Twilight said, “The Mimic Key, my dear keeper, aka, the knowledge key.”Dodge said, “Who Else Has has a key?”twilight asked, “Oh,Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Fluttershy, and me of course.”Dodge said, “How do I know you’re not lying?” Twilight asked, “Simple, I cannot lie, but must always speak the truth, just my nature, as an echo, I Also Cannot be kill with regular means. She said, “How many keys are there and how many do you have?” Twilight asked, “there are Fourteen, I have nine of them.” Dodge said, “And these nine are?” Twilight asked, “Anywhere, mending, mirror, forge, ghost, matchstick, head, echo, and mimic.” She said, Oh and I’m going to give you back the mimic key, okay?” Dodge said, “Why?” Twilight asked, Simple, how you need to need all there is to know about the keys you my dear keeper, you will need to learn, I already know all there is to know about the keys, anyways I’m gonna go, but ,before I do, I have an offer to make for you,Twilight, like to learn how to make keys?” Dodge asked, “Yes.” Twilight said > Forging a new key > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “To understand the keys you first must make one.” Dodge said, “OK, how do I do that?” Twilight asked, “First things first I need to get some more of the matter that the keys are made from, You are going to help me.” Dodge said, “OK so where do we get this metal?” Twilight asked, “First thing I need to retrieve another one of my keys, the omega Key to be precise.” Dodge said, “By any chance do you know where a Pegasus named Fluttershy lives?” Dodge asked, “Yes, yes I do.” Twilight said, “Good, Take me to her, if you please?” Dodge said, “ I know we need The omega key, But why do we need Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, “Because Fluttershy has the omega key in her head.” Dodge said, “Why are these keys so important to you?” Twilight asked, “Because the keys are the last vestiges of my home.” Dodge said with a sigh “Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight asked, “Did Celestia Put you up to this?” Dodge asked, “NO!!!” Twilight shouted, Well that answers that question, Twilight please don’t lie to me, you’re really bad at it.” Dodge said,Anyways we’re gonna have to wait for Chrysalis to invade Canterlot, for me to be able to tell that story properly,Don’t tell Celestia, I know things haven’t happened before they are going to happen,but,Anyways off to get the omega key. “Oh right, let’s go.” Twilight said, Location: Fluttershy’s cottage “I’m going to knockout Fluttershy, Oh and Twilight if you see Fluttershy’s fear we’ll we are in her head, run, Okay?”Dodge said, “Okay.” Twilight said,”What’s the name of the metal we need again?” “Whispering Iron.(aka, demon’s hubris)” Dodge said, “Wait, we’re going in for one of the rarest magic metals?” Twilight said, “Well magic metal, rare, not to Me, Whispering diamonds (aka, demon’s heart) are the rarest for me.” Dodge said, “Wait, You have demon’s heart?” Twilight asked, “Yes, I do, and no you’re not going to be seeing that.” Dodge said, now, can we focus on getting my key please.” Oh right I will knockout Fluttershy, you get the key, Twilight said, “Okay, go, go, go.” Dodge said, “...and that was that.” Dodge said, as she walk out of Fluttershy’s head door with the omega key in hand,” Now to the black door, Twilight, please stay here, I don’t want any one to know where the black door is, it’s nothing personal, I just don’t want any one to know where the black door is.” Dodge said ((12hours Later) Location: Key Forge) “Okay now I’m going to give you the crucible, that is if you have the mold ready to go?” Dodge said,” Also remember you can’t use levitation for this kind of magic.” “Why is this key mold the size of a Warhammer? And what do the runes on it do?” Twilight asked’ “This key is the keyhouse key, my young keeper, Celestia destroyed my last home so this key will make me a new one.” Dodge said, > KeyHouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight would you mind standing back a little bit?” Dodge said as she put the keyhouse key into the lock and turned it, immediately the house Began to come into being, Dodge gave twilight a Pamphlet, the pamphlet read: Keyhouse features: the foundation was a unusual, the first floor was a normal Floors two through seven are shifting. Ps. so do be careful you might end up in the bathroom when you’re intending to be in your bedroom. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked, “Oh, Silly me, I forgot to tell you you’re going to be living here for a few months.” Dodge said, > The Key Origin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear,Journal, It has been a few months since twilight moved in, twilight and her friends tried to shoot me with the elements of harmony, I just Let the elements hit me, at which point I had a conversation with the physical spirit of honesty, you know just a short conversation, ask if you questions like how is it going, could you tell the other elements that it’s just me, And could you please just stop working for the next week or two, but, That reminded me of how I got to equestria in the first place, ‘My name at the time was Lucas J. Matchstick, a normal man, I weighed 190 pounds, no wait, Those are my host memories,My names are the Legion, Bode Locke, Echo, Lucas Caravaggio, Lady in the Well, but, most call me, Dodge or with close friends star-swirl the bearded,I am not human, but I cannot live without a human host, or I did until, what My host called Comic-Con Happened, I at that time in the Possession of one most called THE MERCHANT, but, my host has more details.’ (1750 years ago) “Hello, my name is Lucas J. Matchstick, I had when to Comic-Con as Lucas Caravaggio’s ghost from The comic book series (Locke and Key) though I currently lacked the demon which was latched to Lucas’s ghost in the books and so, I Felt ridiculous, “Hey, stranger, you look like you need something, maybe I can help you?” Said a person dressed as the merchant from (Resident Evil 4) “And, there it was a exact replica of the demon, I needed, but even better a full set of keys also from the books, have much for the demon and the keys?” I said, as I pulled out my wallet, “Hmm, for you free, if you will take care of The Legion and buy this.” He said as he brought out a ornately carved crystal saber, “It’s named The Legion’s Saber, or Echo’s guard and of course the collection wouldn’t be complete without the crown of shadows.” He said as he extracted a replica of said crown, “and that should be about 450 dollars and 50 cents.” the merchant said, “Wait,” I said “You are going to just give me a exact replica of The Legion, and exact replicas of all the keys, for free, if I buy a saber, and replica of the crown of shadows, if you throw in that replica of the black door, and some whispering iron, and you have a deal.” I said, “Deal!!!” He said, (present) “You know It’s rude to rummage through someone’s else stuff, Twilight” Dodge said, “Wait, Celestia said, star-swirl the bearded was killed by you?” Twilight said, “Twilight, Focus, we can talk magic later, but for now you need to explain why you are rummaging?” Dodge said, “Well, I I I...” Twilight Trailed-out, “Did Celestia tell you to?” Dodge asked,Twilight nodded,”Twilight would you dictate a letter?” “Sure” Twilight said, Dear, Celestia, Celestia, you’re a idiot. Sign, Star-swirl the bearded, The pony you Thought was died Ps. You should’ve Learned by now to not but in to other ponies business. “And sent,” Twilight said, “now, how are you star-swirl the bearded?” “Wow you read my journal I think you could figure it out?” Dodge said, “The identity key, of course.” Twilight said, “Bingo!!!” Dodge said, “though, you cannot tell anypony, but I do have something to show you,” Dodge said, as she pulled out a ornately carved saber, seemingly from out of her our spine. “This is The Legion’s saber.” “Whoa,” Twilight exclaimed, when her felt the amount of magic coming off of the saber, “But, where did you get it?” “I believe you know the answer?” Dodge said, Yes, I know got it from the Merchant.” Twilight said, “but, what I mean is where did you get it, just now?” “From a subspace pocket, just like the one you just got that quill and scroll from, I did write the spell.” Dodge said, but, that’s not the point of me showing you this, this is made of pure whispering diamond and pure bleeding rubies(Tainted life), I am going to tell you this only once, DO NOT, try to make your ooowwwnnn. > The animal key and disgruntled blacklight xenomorph > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well it’s been a while since I’ve been summoned.”Dodge said as a scientist pony was trying emphasis on trying to stop her from getting to to the displaced who had summoned her,” Since this gentle stallion won’t let me go towards there and I guess I’ll just have to have something else sent my stead,” Dodge said as she looked through her keys,” oh here we go.” Dodge said as she brought out a key that looked normal at first glance, but if you look closer you would find it very much distinctly resembles bone.“Quibble, Theus, Septimus, come out I have jobs for you three.” She whispered to the key, “as you wish.” A wispy voice said, as a dark black mist began to pore from the key, got as quickly a feline-like lupin claw emerges from the mist, followed by the equivalent in onyx black bones Timberwolf. “W-w-what’s that?” The researcher choked-out, ”Who,Quibble?, He’s a big softy.” Dodge said, “Oh, looks like Theus is coming next.” ”Truth!!!” Booms a voice as bright silver smoke billowed from the key, slowly four enormous wings of bright silver emerged from the smoke, and six huge pure onyx silver eyes opened in the smoke, “I am Theus the shadow of truth and the killer of liars and thieves.” He said as his head and eight ears emerged. ”W-w-what are you?” The researcher said, ”I will answer your question but only if you answer one of mine?” Theus said, ”Find ask your question?” The researcher said, ”What is your name?” Theus said, ”Crystal Beaker” The researcher said, Now what are you?” ”The world truth beast of Equis.” Theus said, “but, what is truth without deception?” ”Liesss!!!”whispered, the key began to hiss out dark green fire, then just suddenly the fire began to pour to the ground, as the fire finished hiss and pouring to the ground, it settled in a 7 feet wide circle, then a obsidian jade skull came out from the Center of the circle of fire, it’s eye-sockets blaze with onyx black smoke,” so you’re the one who—“ “Enough with the dramatics.” Dodge said, “Septimus got out and please don’t you know anyone you don’t think is necessary.” ”But, mom you said I could have a dramatic entrance?” said the enormous serpent of obsidian jade almost pleadingly, ”I said you could do it if you made it quick I never said that you could have a long prolong dramatic entrance speaking of which at least quibble got the message, Theus yes we are going to have to have a serious talk about how long you make your entrances you messed up your own brothers entrance you and him may be polar opposite but that’s no excuse to be rude.” Dodge said, “And don’t you think I forgot about you?” Dodge said as she turned toward Crystal Beaker. “What are you going to do to me?” Crystal Beaker Quivered-out in terror. “Nothing ,If you help me?” Dodge said, “If not, wwweeelll, you don’t want to know what happens?” Dodge said, with a smile of needle-like teeth” now you are going to take me and my associates to The creature you were unlawfully experimenting on.” “And, if I don’t?” Crystal Beaker squealed-out, “Well, I haven’t had lunch.” Dodge said, “O-o-okay, I’ll—“ Crystal Beaker said, as he tried to hit the lockdown button, only to have his hoof cutoff by a 2 foot onyx black spike. “Thank you my dear Quibble,“ Dodge said, will Giving Quibble a scratch behind the ears, “As for you.” Dodge said,” you will take me to your unlawful prisoner, or I will eat your soul and leave a empty husk who only follows orders, AM I CLEAR!!!” “yes“ Crystal Beaker squealed-out, “Just so you remember, try anything to escape and you are dead.” Dodge said as if discussing the weather, “Hey you said you were displaced, Which means, dodge your contract is comple-AHH.” Crystal Beaker yelled, “No, you are not gggoooiiinnnggg tttooo ssstttoooppp mmmeee fffrrrooommm kkkeeeeeeepppiiinnnggg mmmyyy ppprrrooommmiiissseee,“ Dodge yell as she was being sucked back to her equis > Dang it > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dang it, well, sorry about that Twilight..” Dodge said as she sent back home, however she did not return to the same destination. “Oh, Great now I’m lost in everfree!!!” Dodge screamed out of anger as she fell out of the portal. “Well let’s see if I got any new tokens.. “ Dodge said as she started shuffling through her dimensional storage. “No, no, no, definitely not, Maybe, yes there you are, Hey you, come here and help me!” The token Dodge was speaking to was an ember gem, but no originery gem. Inside was a swirling black dragon silhouette that glows with a mysterious power. Upon speaking to it, the dragon inside suddenly changed shape; staring up at Dodge with a judging glare. Before Dodge could react, a black portal appeared within the fabrics of reality, slowly beginning to open up until it was big enough. From out of the vortex first came a dragon’s head, yet strangely with pony-like features, mostly its ears and mane. When the rest of the body emerged, it revealed a human rider on its back.  The dragon’s rider looked down upon Dodge. “...A cat Displaced?” The rider asked in confusion.   “Yeah, dramatic much? And no, I’m not a cat person. I don't know why people think that, I mean yes, I have catlike eyes, but why?” Dodge replied. “I’m used to seeing more human-like Displaced, sorry.” Elwood said as he rubbed the back of his head. “...Certainly is a strange creature.” A voice spoke inside of Dodge’s head, causing Elwood to look down at his dragon in disapproval.  “Did I tell you not everyone is used to that, Kaiserin?” Elwood asked with a frown, which only earned him an amused snorted by Kaiserin.  “It’s quite alright, and they didn’t realize I was in my quadrupedal form at the moment. Sorry I am usually humanoid but this happens sometimes. Also I don’t really mind people going inside my head. The real problem is figuring out how to get out of it.” Dodge said, trying not to laugh, “Speaking of which, I need you to help me find Chrysalis.” “They?” Elwood asked as he blinked in confusion. “Oh, you see, this locket I’m wearing it has a bunch of demons inside of it, not to mention other things.” Dodge said. “That would explain why I’m hearing multiple minds.” Kaiserin said with a curious hum. “Right. You said something about Chrysalis? What or who is that?” Elwood asked as he slipped out of the saddle and hopped down from Kaiserin’s back. “A Changeling queen and a friend of mine, at least a long time ago, she took something of mine, and I need it back, now can you help me?”  Dodge asked. “You might want to further into detail about her, perhaps her appearance? It would help me be more exact with my magic, otherwise we might end up finding some other Chrysalis or another changeling queen.” Elwood explained to Dodge.  “She’s a changeling, her appearance is never the same thing twice, What I do have here is a vial of her blood, Will that help?” Dodge said. “Yea, that can help since blood is unique to each person, more so if the blood has magic in it.” Elwood explained as he held his hand out expecting the vial of blood.  “Here you go, I would be careful with it as it has a bit of chaos magic stuck in it. Oh, the last time me and Chrysalis were together, we were doing an experiment with chaos magic with a friend Discord, I hope that won’t be a problem.” Dodge said as he handed it over. “That might interfere with it a little bit.” Elwood said as he placed the vial on the ground. “I’ll just clear up the confusion by mentioning it’s a queen.” Elwood said as he held his hand over the bottled blood. “Sé ka ono Dröttning Maru Blödh, vor Dodge.” Elwood spoke as both his hand and the vial glowed with an almost flame-like glow. The vial begins to spin rapidly as if playing a game of ‘spin the bottle’. After it’s erratic spinning, it eventually rests pointing to the north. Picking it up and balancing it on his palm, he turns to look at Dodge. “She’s somewhere in that direction. It should be your friend, assuming she doesn’t have some sort of anti tracking spell on her. It will take us about two or three hours if the weather is good.” Elwood explained. “Well, let’s get going then or are you going to make me walk?” asked Dodge. Elwood got back into the saddle on Kaiserin’s back. “Only if you’re afraid of heights.” Elwood said as he held out his hand toward Dodge.  “Not at all, although stay the heck away from my locket, unless you want to suffer a very very slow and painful death, better than that we’re fine.” Dodge said. “Duly noted..” Elwood said with a frown as he helped Dodge into the suddenly. Kaiserin let out a threatening growl as the mention of Elwood suffering a death if he ever did anything with the locket. “Oh yeah, and after we find chrysalis and get back what she took from me, I need you to take me back to ponyville afterwards, then how do you feel about breaking into tartarus?” Dodge asked. “Tartarus?” Elwood asked as he turned to look at Dodge like she had grown a second head. “If it’s anything like the one back home, I don’t think it’d be wise to break into it in risk of letting something out.” Elwood said with a look of disbelief. “Oh please you really think tartarus is that scary of a prison?” Dodge bellows in amusement, “ that’s just so cute.” “Sunburst told me it holds the most dangerous creatures either due they were too unstable to be reasoned with, unkillable, or too powerful to take down.” Elwood explained as Kaiserin started to flap her angelic scaled wings to allow herself to slowly ascend into the air; causing leafs and light branches to scatter around on the ground. “If anything it’s too dangerous the policy the royal sisters could’ve used is either turned to stone or locked in Tartarus. Tartarus usually for the lesser one dangers, I should know I am the one who built it.” Dodge said. “Or that said danger couldn’t be turned to stone.” Elwood said as Kaiserin got higher into the air; showing a good view of Equestria. With a powerful beat of her wings, Kaiserin bolted toward the north. Kaiserin would often turn or readjust whenever the vial would move in a different direction. “Look, I just want you to help me break into Tartarus, so I can beat Tirek to within an inch of his life. So, are you going to help me?” Dodge questioned. “Sounds like you’ve got a lot of hatred for the guy. What did he do to piss you off?” Elwood asked curiously. “you know the basics betrayed me, betrayed discord to a good friend of mine, oh and, tried to steal the freaking magic that keeps me alive, I think that’s reason enough to hate him, don’t you think?” Dodge said seething with rage. Elwood went silent for a moment as he thought about this. “...Yes, I know, Kaiserin, but do you really want to tell her that?” Elwood said out of the blue even though Kaiserin didn’t say anything. There were no further replies, although from their changes in facial expression, it was there was some sort of debute between the two unheard by Dodge. “Do you know it rude to have a discussion, even a mental one about someone in there right next to you.” Dodge said with the tact of rushing a bull in a china shop. “It’s mostly about morales, don’t mind Kaiserin. She believes revenge is petty even though she’d kill if any dragon was in danger.” Elwood explained. There’s a difference between protecting and revenge, Elwood.” Kaiserin replied with annoyance in his voice. “Oh, how would you like to be slowly being ripped apart as your magic is slowly being pulled out of you, oh so he stole something of mine and I need it back.” Dodge said. Kaiserin chuckled in amusement. “This Tirek would be a fool to try.” Kaiserin said with a feral equivalent of a grin.  “...What she’s saying is that she can attack Tirek’s mind if he tried to take her magic.” Elwood explained as he turned his head half-way to Dodge. “ Well, at that time I didn’t have that particular ability just yet, his head turning into mush is the least of his worries. What isn’t, is that I will find a way to get it with or without your help. Those you wouldn’t want me to be around you when I’m mad, just a warning, and you really wouldn’t want me to be your enemy.” Dodge said. “Nor would you want me as your enemy either, trust me.” Elwood said with a warning. Soon, in the distance, the trio could see a snowy mountain slowly come into view, it won’t be long till they arrive.  “Well, it looks like I will be arriving soon, finally be able to get out of this feline body, and back into my usual one. Oh, that does remind me, I am only going to allow you to touch my locket once and this is the time I need you to get out the key in the shape of the head, I'm going to be needing it to get back what was taken.” Dodge said. Elwood turned his head to look at Dodge. “You can’t use your locket in your current form?” Elwood asked as Kaiserin drew closer to the ground. “Okay, I can but it would just be inconvenient considering... well, I don’t have hands.” Dodge said holding her paws to make the point clear. “Fair enough.” Elwood said as Kaiserin landed on the snow-covered ground.  “It’s been a while since I last saw snow.” Kaiserin said as her gleaming red eyes scanned the area. “This is certainly a unique place for chrysalis to be living considering most changelings at least if she was telling me the correct things at the time are cold blooded.” Dodge said. Elwood continued to balance the vial on his palm; gently getting out of Kaiserin’s saddle. The vial started to glow brighter as Elwood continued to use it as a guide to find the changeling queen. “We’re either getting near, or she might be under or above us.” Elwood said as he glanced around. Slowly, he expanded his mind; listening for any mental voices that were not Dodges. “Oh, I should’ve probably mentioned that changelings are subterranean-raised. They like building things underground and they’re really good at it too. So, they’re probably underneath.” Dodge explained. “Kind of figured that out.” Elwood said as he heard mental thoughts underground. Elwood looks around trying to see if there’s a way underground. “We may need to pop in unannounced if I don’t find a way in.” Elwood explained. “If you wouldn’t mind grabbing the key ring out of my locket for a second, grab the one with the skull on it and just put it into the ground, a keyhole should appear wherever the heck you decide to put it and then turn the key and walk through, I’ll follow shortly.” Dodge said. “Ok, that’ll work too instead of teleporting in.” Elwood said with a gentle chuckle as he reached toward her locket, only to hesitate. “Didn’t you say there were demons inside of this? Wouldn’t they attack my arm?” Elwood asked with concern in his voice. “Oh don’t worry. Without a host they’re as harmless as flies as long as you have arm protection, you wouldn’t want to become one of their hosts.” Dodge said. At the mention of arm protection, Elwood decides to not take any changes as he focuses on his energy, causing orange flames to twirl around his arm until it is coated in a strange glass-like shimmer. Elwood reaches his arm into her locket, watching as it phases right through. Elwood moves his arm around reaching for a key, or something. Elwood can feel something attacking his arm, but dealing no damage to it thanks to the ward he applied to it. Eventually, he manages to grab onto something, allowing him to quickly pull his arm out to reveal the key Dodge asked for. “Thank you, now I think I can take it from here.” Dodge says as she takes the key in her paw and faces the tip of the key down. Keyhole appears directly underneath the key’s tip, she puts it in and turns the key. A portal big enough for a dragon to fit through opens up around the key. Suddenly, Dodges, Elwood’s and Kaiserin’s spirit suddenly falls through the portal; leaving the trio’s body in suspended animation.  “...W-what just happened?” Elwood asked in confusion as he looked at his transparent hands. “Don’t worry, the first time as a ghost is always the hardest.” Dodge said as she tried not to snicker. “How unusually unique.” Kaiserin said with an amused purr.  R-right….” Elwood said as he looked around the cavern they were in. The Cavern was enormous; the walls were filled with all sorts of gems. You could hear the chitter of changeling drone skittering along just outside the cavern’s entrance, but the most prominent feature of the cavern was a large obsidian throne. “We're definitely in the right place, chrysalis always had The flare for grandeur. Elwood could you teleport our bodies here so we can get back in Them now, please.” Dodge said. > From North to Ponyville then to Tartarus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “...I’ll need a moment..” Elwood said as he started thinking throughout the ancient language. Taking a nervous breath and focusing on a thought, Elwood speaks a sentence that will command his magic to do as he says. “Se iet líkami kausta ut nosu.” Elwood said. There is a moment of silence before a pair of bodies materialize in front of them. Elwood lets out a relieved sigh, glad that the spell worked. Not wasting any time, Elwood quickly enters his body, while Kaiserin studied hers for a moment, then did the same. “Each new world never ceases to surprise me with their indifference.” Kaiserin commented.  “That is an observation I made myself as well. And Chrysalis, please don’t try to be creepy. I already know you’re there.” Dodge said looking at the base with the throne. “Even as a cat, you can still detect when someone’s trying to sneak up on you, still the same old Dodge, hmm?” Chrysalis said as she stepped out from behind one of the many holes starting the base of the throne. “Anthropomorphic. That’s a new one in my book.” Elwood whispered to himself. “Dodge who is this?” Chrysalis questioned. “Just someone I had come to help me find you. So, Chrysalis, are you going to give me back my key or am I going to have to take it forcefully?” Dodge said. “Dodge, I’m really disappointed in you of course, I’m going to make it difficult.” Chrysalis said as millions of drones began to fill the throne room. Elwood looked toward Dodge, then pointed his thumb toward her. “Her first time meeting another Displaced?” Elwood asked with a chuckle to Dodge. “No, but she never seems to learn that it’s foolish to try and fight.” Dodge said as she grabbed a key out of her locket. “Would you mind holding this key while I activated it?” Dodge asked. “What are you about to do?” Elwood asked as he took the key from Dodge. ”Quibble,Theus, Septimus, get out here, and no large dramatic entrances, I’m talking to you Theus.” Dodge yelled at the key.  Three giant creatures leapt out of the key, the first one vaguely resembling a Timberwolf,the second Enormous  bat with four wings, third and final a jade obsidian snake skeleton with dark green smoke poured from the eye-sockets. “Elwood, I would like you to meet, Quibble, Theus, and Septimus.” Dodge said first pointing to the wolf then the bat and then the snake. “these are the three inhabitants of that particular key you’re holding.” Dodge explained. “Well, it isss certainly good to be around.” Septimus said. “I CERTAINLY AGREE WITH YOU THERE.” Theus booms. “Hhmmm.” Quibble growls with nod. “...Odd time for introductions considering we’re surrounded.” Elwood said more out of confusion than worry. “Theus if you would?” Dodge said. “Got it boss.” Theus said as he sliced through half of chrysalis’s army. “As you can see, you were more than covered, let’s go get my key.” Dodge said. “When did she take your key?” Elwood asked Dodge.. “I gave it to her when we were still friends, she got addicted to using it, I tried to take it back, it’s actually the reason why we are not friends anymore.” Dodge said. “Ah, make senses. Let’s go find your key while the Queen is distracted…” Elwood said, glancing toward the roof. Elwood once again expanded his mind; seen only parts of the underground maze created by the queen’s drones. It didn’t take long till he managed to find a hidden key under the throne.  “Sharjalvi!” Elwood spoke out, causing Dodge’s key and Elwood’s hand to be coated in orange. Quickly, it zips out from under the throne and into Elwood’s hand.  “No, not my key!” One rather clearly non-buzzing voice came from the crystals in the walls. “Immutationis, I thought you may have been behind this, did you use your usual gamut of if you make me a shrine in the coldest part of the world I will give you unlimited power?” Dodge snarled, “Elwood, I would like you to meet Immutationis The identity demon and prisoner of the key you are holding.” Dodge said. “How many keys do you have?” Elwood asked curiously as he looked over at Dodge.  “fourteen-fifteen keys at the very most, why do you ask?” Dodge said. “Created or Displaced with you?” Elwood asked as he took a wary glance behind him. “Twelve keys that I was originally displaced with, and I made four more. One to help discord control his powers when he was a bit younger. One that I made for a friend of mine in the sparkle family that I designed to go down through the generations into it found a worthy holder and that pony I would train myself in the art of making keys, one I made was to make my own house. And the last one I made allows me to make a forge wherever the heck I want.” Dodge said. “So in a way, your key forging is alot like the ancient language. Highly versatile.” Elwood said with a nod as he handed the key of Immutationis to Dodge. “Let’s get out of here before the queen notices.” Elwood said as he stretched his hand out. “Sé iet gatharí ládrin.” Elwood spoke, causing an orange transparental magical door to materialize out of thin air. Elwood opens it up, revealing the area above ground. “Let me just get back into my bipedal form real quick.” Dodge said as a small keyhole appeared below her chin that she put the key into and turned. “Oh that’s much better.” Dodge said as she grew back into her six for five foot female self. With a silent nod, Elwood walked on through while the door grew to allow Kaiserin through. “Well let’s get me back to ponyville.  Do you consider my offer for helping me break into tartarus.” Dodge asked as she walked out of the door. With the trio through, the door vanished in a sparkle of energy. “What will you do if the princesses found out?” Elwood asked out of concern.  “Trust me, the princesses know that even if they tried, I would still be able to beat them.” Dodge said cryptically. “If we do break in, do you have a way to reapply the seal?” Elwood asked. “I made the seal, I can remake it.” Dodge said. Elwood blinked in disbelief. “You made it, yet you need my help to break in?” Elwood asked in confusion. “Tirek has the only key that can deactivate the seal without breaking in. But Tirek doesn’t know that.” Dodge said. “...Then it’d be best if we get in before Tirek learns about it.” Elwood said as he had made up his mind.  “Well, even if he did figure it out, he wouldn’t be able to get past the lumen ex mortuis. The only way to get past is with the Mors key, which is also known as the Ghost Key.” Dodge said. “Alright.” Elwood began as he rubbed his head. “Where exactly is Tartarus?” Elwood asked as he climbed up onto Kaiserin’s back. “You know this version of Equestria more than I do.” Elwood said as he glanced around. “The top of Mt. Everhoof, but, watch out for Cadaverinus.” Dodge said. “I’m guessing that’s the guardian?” Elwood asked curiously.  “One of them.” Dodge said. “You see anyone who dies on the road to Tartarus, becomes one of its guardians.” “By force, brainwashed, or choice?” Elwood asked curiously. “It’s a Choice.” Dodge said. “Alright, I have no further questions. If you’re ready, just Kaiserin’s back.” Elwood explained to Dodge. “There is a reason why I said road and not air, there’s an enchantment on Mt. everhoof that makes it nothing can approach by air.” Dodge said. “Oh, alright. Riding is still an option though.” Elwood said with a nodd. “But first we need to go check up on Twilight, I don’t want my apprentice to get killed while I was gone now would I?” Dodge said with a slight smile. “Get on and we’ll head on over.” Elwood said as he patted the back of the saddle.     “Ok, but you must stay at least a mile away from even the start of a trail,” Dodge said. ‘Although I won’t be mentioning that to try to approach from the air would mean instantly death’ Dodge thought to herself. “Alright, fair enough..” Elwood said with a nod, although his tone of voice sounded unsure after he heard Dodge’s mental thoughts, as they fly towards Ponyville. > Flashbacks and Striking Deals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know this conversation really reminds me of one I had with Twilight. She was asking me what it was like to be a unicorn and Olden times.To which I burst out laughing.” Dodge explained to Elwood. -Flashback- “Why are you laughing.” Twilight said. “Oh,Twilight, Star-swirl the bearded is and always will be a draconic sphinx.“ Was My reply. “But historically sphinxes couldn’t do magic without using rhymes, how come you can do magic without?” Twilight asked. “Well you see Twilight, draconic sphinxes are shapeshifters unlike normal sphinxes, therefore my magic is more akin to Gargoyle Magic than Sphinx Magic.” I replied. -End of Flashback- “How about you? How did you get to be a master of this ancient language you keep mentioning?” Dodge asked. “I was taught by Queen Sunburst. It wasn’t easy though due to the differences between our languages. Oh sure, she speaks english she learned from the visitors of the past, but there were alot of words I spoke that couldn’t be translated that didn’t exist, so I had to get a little creative to fill in the gap.” Elwood explained as he got a bit more comfortable. “Years later when I got better at magic, she told me it could be achieved through mental focus, which made casting magic easier as long as my mind doesn’t stray during the casting. But of course.” Elwood said as he patted Kaiserin’s neck. “She helps out with the focus.” “Well, I could teach you runic magic if you want to learn another personal form of magic?” Dodge asked. “That and forge magic from my specialties.” Dodge said with pride. “The ancient language is highly versatile and it's only limitation is where I can draw the energy, or Ki as Asta once told me. As of now, I’ve used me and Kaiserin’s energy to cast my spells, but if I wanted to do something insane like...” Elwood paused as he thought about it. “Creating a whole new planet. I would need a lot of dragons just to make that happen.” Elwood explained. “Runic Magic is only limited by your world's ambient magic, and can keep interdimensional gateways open permanently if wanted, It also allows you to create your own dimensions, that how I made Tartarus.” Dodge said. “Maybe, but you’ll have to show what it can and can’t do later on.” Elwood said as Kaiserin rolled her eyes at Dodge.  “Please Kaiserin, don’t roll your eyes at me, my species is your cousin, which by the way means I am in a way your cousin.” Dodge said. “We came from two different worlds, Dodge. My kind’s dragons is not the same as yours.” Kaiserin said with a soft snort. “Na gut, Kaiserin, I do see your point.” Dodge said with a laugh. “The only way for us to be related is if we formed a magic bond.” Kaiserin explained. “Huh, like what Sunfire told me when she formed one with Aurora the Kirin.” Elwood said as he tapped his chin in thought.  “Well, okay why not, I think I have just a spell for that, I call it the oath spell, this oath would form a magic bond between two beings or more. Dodge said how she pulls out a stone slab from her locket with the appropriate rune scribed in it. “It is not a spell to be used as if it were candy being handed out to young dragons. It is something very sacred that can only be used twice. Once with a rider, and another with a very close friend.” Kaiserin explained as her tail flicked about.  “Did you know spell that I just pulled out is the most sacred thing that I have and I am willing to give it to you as a sign of trust and kinship, this rune is the deepest bond that my species ever makes, and you disgrace by calling me a sphinx who indulges in things as if they are candy.” Dodge said with rage. “Sign of trust? How curious considering we’ve known each other for only a few hours.” Kaiserin said as she raised an eyeridge. “This rune I hold is a cosmic oath rune, anyone who touches it can not be harmed by anyone else who touches the rune, that includes through proxy, it also allows knowledge and power be shared between people who have Touched the rune” Dodge said. “So it’s the same as me or Elwood looking through people’s mind by force or those willing to allow us to see through it.” Kaiserin said as she continued to lay there. “Kaiserin’s a little stubborn.” Elwood said as he rubbed the back of his mind. “Then again, it’d probably help if I did explain this whole works. We’re bonded by magic, so we can hear each other's thoughts, emotions, pain. It's like we’re as one but still separated. This gives me mind abilities and enhanced magic.” Elwood explained. “And I’m confident in my rider he would protect me.” Kaiserin said with faith. “Well, Sphinx Magic is something that most people will kill to be able to use.” Dodge said. “They haven’t learned about us then, but let’s leave it at that..” Kaiserin said, causing Elwood to let out a sigh. “The ancient language is very dangerous, even more so if someone had access to a collection of a dragon’s crystallized Eldunarí..” Elwood said as he still remembers the history lessons given by Sunfire. “Well, I don’t know what Eldunarí is, but, I’m guessing it’s important.” Dodge said. It’s the dragon’s heart; the core of their being. When a dragon dies by mortal wounds or magic, they have the choice to put their energy and spirit into their heart of hearts, allowing them to live on forever as a crystal. They can communicate telepathically and share their energy with anyone they desire. Now imagine there being thirty or fifty of them in the hands of a mage?” Elwood asked as he leaned onto the head of the saddle. “Hmm, like my race’s ritual of lucem ac vivorum et mortuorum, light of life and death. When you see you in the Sphinx dies they have a choice to go into a limbo-like state where they can interact with the world through a proxy or they can transfer the power to their first born heir.” Dodge said. “I don’t mean to cut the conversation short, but shouldn’t we check on your apprentice?” Kaiserin said with a hint of impatience in her voice.  “Oh, right, well let’s get going, and since you two have been such gracious helpers allow me to take us to Ponyville and then onward to Tartarus.”Dodge said she stood up dusting her dress off pulling out the identity key, but, then stopping. “You know you’ve never seen me use my own personal brand of magic allow me to remedy that now dona mihi potestatem minui dies mutante iIdentity reditu ego tibi damnationem.” Dodge said as the key seemed to melt into her skin and she began to change into a large draconic Sphinx with silver-ish gray fur and silver and onyx Mane and tail. Well, climb aboard.” Dodge said that she extended an enormous silver-ish gray wing down to the ground. Elwood stared at Dodge, then looked down at Kaiserin as they both looked at each other in confusion. “I… don’t think that would be necessary..” Elwood said as he looked back at Dodge.  “Oh you truly have never seen Sphinx Magic have you?” Dodge said with a Cheshire grin. Sphinx Magic allows for instantaneous travel between two points.” Dodge said, smiling even wider. “I would have done the same thing if I was in ponyville first. Doing it now with no knowledge of what it looks like will lead to going to the wrong place upon casting the spell.” Elwood explained as Kaiserin was examining Dodge’s draconic form.  “I haven’t ridden on another dragon’s back since the last time I rode on my father’s back…” Kaiserin said with a gentle chuckle.  “it’s just me trying to be kind, Okay, So if you don’t wanna ride on my back, you can at least follow.” Dodge said, shooting off into the sky. Kaiserin quickly spread her featherly wings and shot off as well after Dodge much like that of a pegasus, but with a lot of strength behind it. “RACE YOU!!!” Dodge shouted to Kaiserin and Elwood. “What? Why this all of a sudden.” Elwood shouted back. “BECAUSE I WANT TO, AND BECAUSE I HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO FLY IN CENTURIES!!!” Dodge shouted back. There was a moment of silence as Elwood and Kaiserin had a mental discussion. “I’ll give you a test then.” Elwood shouted as he held his hand forward. “vanyalí vindr.” Elwood whispered as gale winds suddenly came to life at his command, sweeping behind Kaiserin and boosting her forward past Dodge.  “WIND, You really think wind can stop me, I feel like you flying through gale force winds is a challenge? Sphinxes are creatures of the sky and the sand.” Dodge said as she launched past them both. “Flying through it, sure, but what will you do when it fights against you?” Elwood said as he thrusted his hand in a circular motion, causing the wind to suddenly push her back and slow her down, “Please, wind is the Sphinxes domain. Well that and riddles, but, that’s off subject.” Dodge said as she wrestled control of the wind’s might and tried to turn it against Elwood using her own magic. Dodge could feel a strange force behind the spell, like it was another dragon wrestling against her that could not be seen. “Reisa.” Elwood whispered, causing an unknown force of magic to suddenly cause Dodge to zip off further into the sky. The winds quickly dispelled as Elwood took the lead “Well, come on we need to get to Ponyville.” Dodge said. “Hey, all you need to do is think of where it is and we’ll go wherever you think Ponyville is.” Elwood said as everything around them calmed down.  “Do not insinuate that I do not know where I’m going.”Dodge said. “No, I meant we’d see whatever you think..” Elwood quickly corrected. “It’s faster than giving us directions.” Elwood said as he slowed down for Dodge.  “You know what, I'll just make a portal.” Dodge said well she ripped a hole which Ponyville could be seen. “...You could have done that from the start after we got out from the underground…” Elwood said with a frown as Kaiserin turned herself to head toward the hole. “It just slipped my mind.” Dodge said, she went through to the other side of the hole. “Hey Dodge, are we still scheduled for an Q&A session?” Lyra Heartstrings shouts as her marefriend Bon Bon laughs. Elwood looked down from where Kaiserin hovered, seeing everypony as… well, a pony instead of dragons like his world.  “Lyra, can we discuss this at a different time?” Dodge said well thinking I really shouldn’t have made that promise. “Sure” Lyra said with a frown. “Well, at least I finally have a human who I can look dry for secrets on the human race.” Lyra mentally thought.  “Where would she be, Dodge?” Elwood asked Dodge as he gave Lyra a curious look after hearing her thoughts. “Did you not notice the giant tree castle?” Dodge deadpanned. “Our worlds don’t follow the same thing. I don’t know what Twilight Sparkles looks like.” Elwood explained as he looked around.  “Oh, she is a purple horse with wings and a horn, in this world you would call her Alicorn.” Dodge explained to Elwood. Elwood looked toward the giant tree house as his eyes took on a strange gleam; his pupils turning into slits. Using scrying, Elwood’s sights move over to look inside the house to see if Dodge’s friend is inside and safe. “If there’s a purple dot that you can see in the tree, then that’s Twilight.” Dodge said.  “Purple dot? That’s not how scrying works. I can actually see inside as if I flew in there like an unseen ghost.” Elwood said as Kaiserin landed. Elwood’s eyes soon return to normal. “She doesn’t look like she’s home at the moment…” Elwood said to Dodge. “Well, hey! Eris Get over here!!!” Dodge yells at a random wall. “OK dodgy!” A voice shouted out. Suddenly, a head that appeared out of the side of the wall  “Take us to Twilight, please cousin, Oh, how rude of me, Elwood meet Eris, Lady of Chance, Eris meet Elwood master of the ancient language.” Dodge introduces. “Nice to meet cha, Elwood.” Eris said, suddenly shaking Elwood’s foot. “Well, I see you I was forgotten about.” Discord said, as he was passing by with Fluttershy. “I didn’t want to interrupt your date Dissy.” Dodge said to which both him and fluttershy blush, which causes Eris as well as Dodge to laugh. “Your appearance reminds me a lot of Disarray, a dragon Sunburst told me about.” Elwood remarked. “She’s probably referring to your world version of this guy, Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony.” Dodge explained. Elwood gave Discord a wary look. “Disarray in my world was known as the shade of madness and deception…” Elwood said with caution. “Well, hopefully at some point he’ll turn around his way of thinking and become an ally instead of an enemy.” Dodge said. “I won’t hold my breath on that one.” Elwood said as he looked at Eris. “So is Twilight Sparkle safe? I mean me and Dodge came over to check on her.” Elwood asked.  “She’s safe sequestered in a heavily warded room in the basement of her palace.” Eris said, “Dodge are we still on for a game of croquet this afternoon?” “Sorry, I’m Busy.” Dodge replied. “That’s fine, you go.” Eris said. “Tell you what, soon as I get back, we will have that game of croquet, Okay?” Dodge said. “Okay!” Eris exclaimed. “Alright, Elwood, let’s go.” Dodge said as she changed her form to a serpentine-like  Draconic form. “Lead the way.” Elwood said as he got comfortable in the saddle. “Try and keep up.” Dodge said, as she began to burrow a tunnel to Mount Everhoof, and subsequently Tartarus. Elwood on Kaiserin’s back followed after Dodge. Location: Mount Everhoof  “We’re here.” Dodge said, as she exits the tunnel and changes back to human form. “Huh, alot less hellfire and brimstone…” Elwood commented as Kaiserin shook the dirt off of her scales and feathers. “Well, the entrance of the most infamous prison in the world to be blatantly obvious would be stupid.” Dodge said. “...Does this place get a lot of attention or visitors due to it being infamous?” Elwood asked as he slid out of Kaiserin’s saddle. “Well, no, more like it’s in the middle of nowhere, hidden so that someone won’t stumble upon it by accident and open it up, not to mention to three guardians the patrol around the mountain.” Dodge explains. “I thought only you and the one holding the key can open it?” Elwood asked with confusion. “Well, there are three ways you can open Tartarus. One is breaking in, and the second one is using two keys to open it, then there’s the way that we are going to break it partially unlocking the seal with the ghost key, so that the lumen ex mortuis to go to sleep, taking the most dangerous of the three guardians out of commission. We still have Cerberus The Three Headed Hound, and Cadaverinus The Fresh Absorber.” Dodge explained. “I believe the hound I can put to sleep, although I have no clue of the other.” Elwood said as he thought about the lore of old monsters back when he was on earth.   “Cadaverinus is a ink demon, a creature made from blood ink.” Dodge explained. “Ok, maybe shocking it would be of help. Is it made of actual blood or is it different?” Elwood asked curiously. “Well, the ink is made from my blood, which isn’t actually blood, but, more like liquid metal, so that would be very effective.” Dodge said. “Yeaaa, I won’t be trying to control that element. It sounds complicated.” Elwood said, earning an amused look from Kaiserin. “That’s a first. Usually you’d try to take it apart just to understand it.” Kaiserin said with a grin. “When it’s from my world? Sure, but when it comes to the Displaced… It’s not so easy.” Elwood said with a chuckle  “What’s not so easy?” Dodge questions. “Remember when I said the ancient language is highly versatile? Basically, if I understood how the ink demon exists or how its body works from a logical point of view, I could practically control him with a word or sentence along with mental focus of what I want it to do.” Elwood explained to Dodge “Well his body is made of a hardened shell of ink, with a liquid interior except for at the mouth that there are hardened chunks of black ink that service teeth.” Dodge explains. “Oh, so just the normal kind of ink. I thought it alot more different than that” Elwood said with relief. “How big is it?” Elwood asked curiously. “It’s about thirty or fourty feet long and about ten feet tall.” Dodge said. “Ok, yea. We can immobilize it.” Elwood said as he shares the knowledge with Kaiserin via telepathy about how ink was made and works. “Be areful, it can shed its shell and make a new one, but for about ten minutes after the new Shell has been formed it is vulnerable to attack.” Dodge adds.  “I have no more questions.” Elwood said with a nod of understanding “Well since you have no more questions, I get this plan into action.” Dodge said. ‘Well Elwood takes care of the two less powerful guardians I’ll take care of the most powerful one.’ Dodge thinks to herself as she gets out the ghost key and puts it in one of the two locks of Tartarus. ‘It’s funny, it feels like just the other day, I was making this lock.’ Dodge Thought. -Flashback- “Clover could you get me the molding clay, please?” I asked. “Yes Sir.” Clover the Clever. “Clover we may be colleagues, but we’re also friends, please call me, Star.” I said. Okay, Star. Clover said. -End Flashback- ‘Hmm, I really wish I could tell Twilight she’s related to Clover, but, clover made me promise to tell no creature ever.’ Dodge thought with a sigh. “let’s get this over with.” Dodge said as she walked towards the floating ball of entropy made alive. “entropy et abiit.” Dodge whispered to the ghost key as she pointed it at the lumen ex mortuis,  as the lumen ex mortuis dropped to the ground, asleep, Dodge remember there was a fourth guardian, and just as soon was trapped in the chain limbs of The Great Lock. “Elwood help me, Please!!!” Dodge shrieked out in pain, as the The Great Lock’s chains began to constrict Dodge. “Vanyalí issa!” Elwood spoke with his hand thrusted toward The Great locks, causing the chains to be instantly encased in ice. Kaisering quickly followed by smashing her tail into the frozen links, attempting to shatter them. “Nice quick strategy, but, ultimately now it’s immune to ice and cold, although now I feel like it was a stupid idea to leaving the only permanent weakness for it behind it.” Dodge said, Elwood’s eyes darted around as he was trying  to think of another way to get Dodge freak. “What is it’s weakness then?” Elwood asked. “You see that large chain-like key behind it?” Dodge asked. “Yea?” Elwood answered as he looked behind the great lock. “Get it, at all costs.” Dodge said. Elwood made his way behind the lock, then reached out to grab the key. “I wouldn’t do that, frosting the chains holding the key won’t work.” Dodge said. However, the key easily slipped off as the ice parted with his touch. “You’ve got aloooot to learn about me.” Elwood said  “Well, we still need to get that key into lock.” Dodge said as she pulled her saber from its Sheath “Let’s go. “And you’re kind of in the way..” Elwood said with a frown as he glanced around the chains to see if there’s a way to get rid of them. “The weaknesses of the chains constantly shift between cold and hot” Dodge said. Elwood let out a sigh. Kaiserin got the mental message as he exhaled a blue flame onto the chains. “I guess I’m attacking with a cold.” Dodge said, as she slashed forward causing an icy wind to occur on the locks chains, slowly but surely the chains began to crack and then began to burst one by one. “Would you like to do the honors Elwood?” Dodge asked, as she stood far enough away that the lock couldn't create additional chains to grab her. Elwood quickly rushed it as he placed it into it’s gaping mouth as Elwood didn’t want to give it a chance to react. “Now we can go in, welcome to Tartarus.” Dodge said with a flourish, as she opened the gates. Elwood kept his guard up as the trio walked on through. “Follow me, stay the same path as me or you will get lost and no tracking magic works here so don’t try using it, come on, we have a centaur to beat up. Any questions?” Dodge said. “...You keep forgetting my magic is not the same as yours.” Elwood said with a whisper as this reminded him of Asta, another magic user who claimed they were immune to magic until Elwood proved that his magic was not the same that Asta is immune too. “No need to be rude about it, centuries old does make you a little bit forgetful if you will forgive me, also we’re nearly to Tirek, so, you might want to stop showing off your magic.” Dodge said as she pulled her key ring out in case Tirek tried to leech her magic. (Just as a side-note Tirek cannot sap magic from objects only beings.) “Good point. While he won’t be able to take it directly from me, he might take it if I casted some made from my energy.” Elwood said with a nod as he was confident his swordsmanship and Kaiserin’s fire breath, strength, and their mental powers can still be of some use. “Well, Here we are.” Dodge said as her stopped and pointing to a red twig looking creature with two eyes Golden Filled with avarice, and filled with burning hatred towards Dodge. “So you finally came to see me? I’m flattered.” Tirek said in an old and decrepit voice, “Ooh, and who are you?” “I’m sorry, but that won’t hold any importance for you as we won’t be meeting again after this.” Elwood said as he kept his name a secret.  “Oh, my dear boy, Name everything here, a wise choice to keep yours a secret.” Tirek said with a fang filled smile. “Enough of this Tirek, you know why we’re here, where is it?” Dodge growled. “I lost it. Tirek said. “Liar, you know exactly where it is Tirek, you may have forgotten, but, I’m the ruler of Tartarus, so I know when you’re lying when you’re here so stop lying. “Oh I’m sick of doing this.” Tirek said as he began to try to sap Magic of Dodge and Elwood. “Elwood, Cover me.” Dodge yells as she Loosen demons from her keys. “fetch!” Dodge said,as pointing at Tirek.  Elwood and Kaiserin took to the air, leaving Tirek in confusion of why magic was not coming out of Elwood. With a mighty exhale, Kaiserin released blue flames down upon Tirek. “Septimus get the key.” Dodge said as Tirek began to be more and more in raged. “WHY CAN’T I TAKE YOUR MAGIC!!!” Tirek bellowed. “There’s a little failsafe that I put in place if someone isn’t currently using magic, you can’t take it.” Dodge said. “You won’t be learning how my magic works either!” Elwood yelled in return as Kaiserin swooped down to allow Elwood to attempt to slash at Tirek’s chest.  “Do Not Discount an old centaur.” Tirek said as a huge WarAxe materializes in his hands, The blades seemingly glowing with powerful fire and hatred, The handle seemingly made from bones and engraved with many runes, Blades seemingly connected to the haft by Sinewy veins of black,“Now prepare yourself.” Tirek said as he did something that delayed his strength,Tirek began to Pull the chains that bound him taut and then proceeded to rip the chain anchors free.“You have no idea how many cramps you get when you’re immobile for 1000 years.” Tirek said. “Do you know Tirek, if you give me back my key, I could shorten your sentence to do I don’t know maybe two years? If you’re on your best behavior I could release you now, under parole of course, but I still could release you now, Heck I could even pay you in Magic if you would work for me?” Dodge said. “A tempting offer, but if I may ask, what would I be doing if I worked for you?” Tirek said. “You would be a Lower level ruler of Tartarus, would you find that appealing?” Dodge said. “Are there any hidden strings attached?” Tirek questioned. “Naturally and we both know when I make a deal it’s ironclad and there are no loopholes, So is it a deal?” Dodge asked.  I will take your deal, but I have but one condition, You, My Good Sir, what is your name?” Tirek asked Elwood. “Tirek, he already said he wouldn’t tell you, also that would violate one of the terms of our deal trying to make loopholes during or after negotiations of said deal.” Dodge said. “But…I” Tirek said. “The deal became active as soon as you agreed, therefore any clauses that pertain to trying to alter the do you are in effect, or in other words you can’t change a single thing. Now handover my key.” Dodge said, holding her hand out for it. “Hmm” Tirek grumbled, as he handed over an ornate onyx key about the size of a large chicken, or a small cow. “Thank you” Dodge said, as she projected her thoughts to Elwood and Kaiserin, thinking to them. ‘ keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn’t do any funny business, I have to use a little bit of magic to put this key away in my locket.’ “Well now that’s taken care of.” Dodge said closing her locket  “Tirek, come here and put that axe away.”  Elwood and Kaiserin landed nearby. Elwood looked relieved while Kaiserin looked disappointed.  “Well I don’t know about you, but, I think I could use a drink, how about you Elwood, Tirek?” Dodge said. “If he can be trusted.” Elwood said as he gave Tirek a sideways glance. “Oh, trust me, if he tried to escape, The contract he made with me would kill him.” Dodge said. “Fair enough.” Elwood said with a nod. “Come on, I know the place.” Dodge said as she made a portal out of Tartarus. ‘Oh it’s great to be able to do that again,’ Dodge though. With nothing else to say, Elwood and Kaiserin followed Dodge through the portal. Dodge led them to a small tavern her name punch’s tavern. “Sphinx Blood wine please?” Dodge said to berry punch. “Dodge, how have you been?” Berry Punch said as she grabbed the requested Beverage. “Oh,Just was collecting a few things, Oh where my manners, berry, Tirek and Elwood.” Dodge said as she grabbed the chalice containing her drink. “There’s also a quite friendly dragon outside named Kaiserin.” Dodge said, after taking a sip. “Please sit down, can I get you anything?” Berry punch asked to Tirek and Elwood. “I’m pretty new here, so I have no idea what you serve.” Elwood said as he took a seat. “Well, we are pretty much any alcoholic beverage you can think of as well as all of the non-alcoholic beverages you can think of also a few things that you should be physically impossible in this universe, those are for Discord, Eris and occasionally Dodge, so what would you like?” Berry asked. “Centaurian Fire Whiskey.” Tirek said back to Berry. “Just water will do.” Elwood answered. “Well, we have got that out of the way. Do you want to stay a little longer or would you like me to send you back to your own universe?” Dodge asked Elwood. “Be sent back. There’s really nothing here I need.” Elwood responded with a nod. “Very well then,it was nice meeting you, Elwood, Elwood our contract is concluded,but before you go away have one more thing.” Dodge said as she grabbed a Lump of whispering iron and quickly made it into one small dagger. “I would be very much grateful if you would take this as a token of friendship. Also this blade can cut through the fabric of reality if you handle it carelessly. Please be careful with it.” ‘Oh I have missed this.’ Dodge thought as she reminisce all the other times she had made a blade with her hands alone. Elwood was taken back at the mention of it cutting open reality. “I’ll be mindful of that.” Elwood said as he took the knife.”Gëuloth du knífr.” Elwood spoke as magic made the blade temporarily blade. Elwood wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be cutting anytime soon. Once Berry Punch returned with his water, he drinks it down as a magical door materialized into thin air and possibly startling the nearby patrons. A bigger door of similar design also appears for Kaiserin, allowing them to leave Dodge’s world. The glass cup Elwood had spun around in place before floating over safely to the nearest counter. “Well, he certainly was a nice fellow.” Berry Commented. “He is certainly a worthy opponent.” Tirek said. “I really do hope he doesn’t die.Now I have a croquet match to attend.” Dodge said standing up, and leaving a bag of bits to pay for the drinks.  “You’ll be good Tirek don’t take anyone’s magic.” Dodge call to Tirek. > Shadows and keys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodge was have a usual day, looking out into the infinite multiverse, when she spotted a disturbance in the void, and Took a closer look. Looks like a mind without a true body’ Dodge thought, as she used her Omniscope, “Mihi vero sine corpore veniunt.” Dodge said in runic Script, to bring this shadowy displaced to her. Hans appeared looking around in a dark black suit white gloves, red tie, and that faceless white head. “What did you do Discord!” The truth of how Hans saw the world was strange even to him. What his vision and sense saw was a large room and nothing beyond it. “Well, I wish this wasn’t such a common sight for me, yeah being the Lady of Tartarus.” A voice came from behind him. Appearing looking away from the ‘Lady of Tartarus’ his head turns around 90 degrees to look at the voice. “You aren’t Discord. Well, I hope for your sake this wouldn’t be messy.” He then reaches up and rubs his temple. It should be impossible given his head was on backward and his arm seemed to bend in the wrong way. “Well this is certainly an interesting meeting Names Star-swirl, but you can call me Dodge.” “Star-Swirl… hmm, interesting. I go by the name of Hans. Some would call me Slender man, Boogieman, or even perhaps a Japanese Noppera-bo.” He turns all the way around, as in his head stayed stable and his body twisted to face the woman. “Now please explain why I am here. It might be best for you to return me, my master would be most displeased at my being taken.” “Dang it, I thought you were the displaced I was sensing, either that or you’re a void echo, and if you are a member of the void then I have to kill you, which is something I really didn’t want to do today,” Dodge said rubbing your head as she thought of a way to figure out which one he was. “tell you what Hans, you answer my questions for me and I will tell you why I brought you here. Otherwise, your death will be instant and my day will be ruined.” Dodge said as she touched a rune and a pot of something appeared on the table in front of her. “I doubt you could kill me. This body was forged via the Infinity Gauntlet wielded by Doctor Doom. What did you mean by Displaced or Void Echos”? Thoughts about his fractured memories crossed his mind. At the same time, tendrils of blackness slide out of his back forming blades of various types. Oh, darling, it’s cute you think you can hurt me. Dodge said stifling a laugh “Now to answer your first question I am displaced and what I am and presumably what you are going or What I hope you are,” Dodge answered as she poured a cup of the green-ish black liquid in the pot. “That still doesn’t answer the question of what is a Displaced. As for harming you, no that wouldn’t be my goal. Distracting you till He shows up, that is possible. Miss Swirl.” “Please, call me Dodge Miss makes me feel old,” Dodge said after taking a sip from her cup. “Now to answer your question I must ask a question: is that your original Body?” Dodge said. “Ah, I understand now. So sure of your superiority, did you not hear me? This body was forged by the Infinity Gauntlet. Or using simple words, no it, not my original body.” Hans folds his hands together as his head moves in a way as if he was smiling. “Any chance were you human at one point?” Dodge asked. “Humans are such pathetic creatures, trapped in their life of enduring day to day survival. I am glad I am free of that pathetic existence. To answer your question, I suspect yes I once was. There are boring mundane memories of mindless labor or hate-filled days of dread.” “Don’t discredit humans all right, well sure that your master is one?” Dodge said. “That really depends on what you would consider human. He broke out of that way of life, or he believes he did. Doctor Doom is not one you call normal.” “Oh you were an unlucky one indeed; your own body stole, your own consciousness ousted out, And never ever discredit the ability of a human, humans are the most adept beings I’ve ever seen when it comes to the use of magic as you have well seen probably by Victor Von Doom your master,” Dodge said. “A person or individual can rise above the common drudge. This I do agree with, but many are happy with just enough to get by. Either its culture or ingrained humans have kept their heads down ignoring the abuse. They turned up the T.V. volume when they hear screams of a man beating his wife or child. Yes, a human can be more than a grunt. They can also be lower than slime, or worse indifferent.” “As for Doom, he’s something more, he’s a masterpiece. Perhaps created from those memories that are now gone from my mind. Oh, I know what I am, I’m the trash left behind, but he’s more than I could ever be. Just like every real father hopes for. If that cost me memories, so be it.” “This is where you have it all wrong you were not trash, you were not the infection, you are the one who should be in the body, Doom currently possesses. You should be the master not him. He is egotistical and overly confident to the point that he is careless. He's indeed been a great man but it is overshadowed by his ambition, but this is off-topic. “Pot calling the kettle black, miss Star-Swirl. We will not agree with our views. I remember suffering from human arrogance, indifference, or ignorance. Nor do I care if I am in that body. I’m having my enjoyment with this one just fine. Besides the face under the mask isn’t mine even if I was in that body is not the one I had.” His tendrils wiggle as he fights his desire to lash out. “So what else do you want to ask? I’m sure he will be tracking your spell soon.” “Oh but that’s the beauty of this you have runes were hidden all over your body I am a master rune Smith. I simply use the ruins that your master would use to summon you, the truth I’m not keeping your here, your master just hasn’t summoned you back yet,” Dodge said. “The time is ticking if you have more questions, ask them.” “Just a bit more. Will you tell your master he has an ally with me as long as he fights to help the griffins, that and would you like to be free and have your own body or be an immortal shadow?” "I already answered the body question. This is more who I am then what I was born with. We do not need help, nor would Doom ask for it. His plans for the Griffons rebuilding are going along fine, even if we were confronting Discord in the Grand Hall. I do believe I’m a hostage, so Doom wouldn’t just snap Discord into stone.” “Wait, Doom hurt Discord?” “No, but he was about to. We raced our way to the castle after hearing that Discord was free. Saw the Minotaur guard Stoneslasher running inside, in slow motion. Inside was discord looking at the Idol of Boreas. Then he smiles and looks at us. I remember Doom raising his left arm, but Discord was faster on the snap I guess and I’m here.” “Well, back to your master with you.” Just then a hole in reality opened and a lion claw reached out and grabbed Hans' shirt collar and yanks him through. Discord’s head looks into the pocket dimension “Sorry, I can’t have a treasure hunt without one of the prizes.” Then the hole closes. ‘ Well that was interesting.’ Dodge thought. “Twilight, get in here, I know you’re outside. So, just get in here.” Dodge said. “Who were you talking to?” Twilight asked. “No one of consequence to you. Now why are you here?” Dodge said. “I’m here for your magic lessons.” Twilight. said. ‘Oh right that’s today, How to begin?’ Dodge thought, “ OK first things first: the classifications of Key Magic, any questions?” “How many classifications are there?” Twilight asks. “There are four Main classifications, and twelve sub classifications, The four main ones are:Mind, Soul, Element, and Bone. The sub classifications of Mind are: Thought, Control, and Mimic. The sub classifications of Soul are: Time, Ghost, and Power. The sub classifications of Element are: Aether, Void, and Fire. The sub classifications of Bone are: Blood, Flesh, and Stone. You got all that?” Dodge said. “Yes, what now?” Twilight asks. “Now we get you your own Key ring, Any particular color you want it to be?” Dodge said “Golden onyx.” Twilight said. “Which of four types do you want to learn first?“ Dodge asks. “Element“ twilight said. “Sub type?” Dodge asks. “Aether” Twilight said. “Well that come along, Let’s get out the stuffy pocket dimension and into my primary Mansion.” Dodge said After producing a key, opening the door and stepping out of the Observatory. “TIREK!!!“ Dodge shouts. “Yes, how do you need?” Tirek said as he walked up to them. “Heat up the forge, you know the one I want.” Dodge said. “Very well.” Tirek said “I’m still wondering how did you get one of the most dangerous beings in Existence to be your butler?“ Twilight asks. “A contract” Dodge said. “What!!!You can’t be serious?“ Twilight says. “Twilight, Need I remember you, I am one of the three tricksters of Equis, and I’m the Deal Maker of Equis.” Dodge said. “Oh” Twilight said. “Now,Can we get a move on? We have forging to……” Dodge trailed off as just would a moment Twilight was made of smoke and shadows. > Forging Fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now,Can we get a move on? We have forging to……” Dodge trailed off as just would a moment for Twilight was made of smoke and shadows. “Twilight what magic are you most proficient in?” Dodge asked suspecting she knew the answer. “Well, I’m Equally profession to normal types, why do you ask?” Twilight asked. “Have tried specialized Magic types, and if so which was the easiest?“ Dodge asked. “Ahem yes, Umbramancy, but that bad magic, right?“ Twilight said. “Oh Celestia, Celestia, Dear Stupid Celestia, No Twilight Shadow Magic is not bad by nature, dangerous yes, but bad or evil no, for instance did you know you and many other ponies use shadow magic all the time?” Dodge said. “What, no we don’t!!!” Twilight Blurted out. “Oh, but, you do, after all the teleportation spell’s roots are in shadow magic.“ Dodge said “But....but....I?“ Twilight stammered. “No need to worry, but we will be needing a very special individual, before we can continue, okay?“ Dodge said as she shoves her hand into her own shadow and pulled out a very old and love worn looking spell book. “What’s that?“ Twilight asked. Mhaaa, Oh this, this is the book of cera et sanguis, and that’s all you need to know “But…I” Twilight stuttered. “Trust me Twilight you do not want to know that’s in this book, now can you please Calm down?” Dodge said in a way that Brooke no argument. “Can I at least know who you are summoning?” Twilight asked. “Your Father if I do it right, so, you might want to hide behind something, The summoning process isn’t exactly gentle.” Dodge said as she made a small circle with one of Twilight’s hair inside it with a larger circle filled with Dodge’s Mercury-like blood. “Why do you want to know who my father is?“ Twilight asked. “Just a hunch.” Dodge said as she grabbed a small candle made of sunshine, and Lit the blood circle. The flame instantly was extinguished and a stallion was in the center of the circle. “No, that’s impossible, S-S-S-Sombra, he can’t be my f-f-f-father.“ Twilight said. “Umbra? We Thought you were lose when...Umbra what’s wrong?, Oh the armor you never really like it, I can fix that.” Sombra Said the armor disappearing, and Sombra Leaving Sombra in a black shirt, blue shorts, and sandals. “ there better?” Sombra said. “Twilight may I introduce Sombra Sparkle, your real father.“ Dodge said to which Twilight fainted. “You owe me 50 Jade Sombra. “Dodge, I’m glad you find my little shadow, but why is she so scare of me?” Sombra said. “I suspect manipulation by Celestia as well as a memory erasing spell, all the while thinking her self clean, because no one knows, but we know, and we will never. Now let’s get this ghastly illusion off of her. Sombra I do need your key.”Dodge said. “Hmm,Very well.“ Sombra said, as he shoved his hand into his shadow, and removing his hand holding the key from his shadow and gave it to Dodge. “Dodge, I……” “I know, I mess her to, she was a good pony, but, a greater friend.” Dodge said, as she put the key in her crown. “Now, Let us go chat with Celestia, shall we?” Dodge said, as she will shadow of the Canterlot throne room door into existence and opened it into the throne room, and when through it. “Celestia, we need to talk.” Dodge said. “Who are you to make demands to the princess?“ a foolish solar guard demanded. “Who am I, Hahahaha, Celestia, listen to this fool.” Dodge said, as she laughed. “Who am I? I‘m the reason this stupid, idiotic fool of a pony, you call a princess, now shut up and be quiet.” Dodge said. “How dare you, call her—“ “I said, be QUIET!!! Now Celestia, why do you?: ponynapped from, mind wipe, murder, curse, imprisons, and lie, about The Crystal Empire? I'm sure we’re all just DYING to know?” Dodge said. “I do not know what you are talking about, I didn’t do any of that, and unless you have evidence, you should leave.” Celestia said emotionlessly. “Oh, but I do have evidence, Sombra wrote testimony, that Twilight is the true heir of the crystal empire, and my own eye witness testimony of your crimes. Now are you going to come quietly or will force be required?” Dodge said, resting her hand on her saber. “Dodge this is foolish!!!” Celestia yelled. “No, What was foolish is you think you were right in doing what you did.” Dodge said, as she pulled her saber out of its sheath on her back, and shadows of the great beasts crawl, sneak, slither, and fly from Dodge shadow. “But what you did was wrong, You murdered half of the native umbrums, trapped the other half  below their own kingdom by cursing an entire race.” Dodge said, as the shadows solidify into: a hydra, a bone wolf, a basilisk, and a Roc. “And then you had the gall to fill the kingdom you just stole, and your oh so perfect ponies.” Dodge said the last word dropping with disgust. “Now, Celestia I’m only saying this once, we can do this the easy way or the painful way, your choice.” Dodge said. “You do know this is treason?” Celestia said, as summoned her armour and her weapon daystar a sword made of magic and killer of millions of innocent races. “Painful way, it is than.” Dodge said, as she lunges towards Celestia. Celestia sidesteps the attack, and tries to cut Dodge’s sword arm out. Dodge dodges and cuts off Celestia’s left wing. “ come now Celestia surely you can do better than that?” Dodge mocks, as she cuts Celestia’s remaining wing out. “Dodge this is madness! I have not—“ Celestia is cut off by Dodge cutting her horn off. “Don’t you talk to me about madness, after you locked your own sister on the moon, because she didn’t agree with you in causing genocide to all the other sentient races on Equis!!!” Dodge said. “Dodge, please stop, I’m—”  “Don’t you say you’re sorry, cause I know you’re not.” Dodge said, holding Celestia to sword point. “Now you are going to have three seconds to tell  me why I shouldn’t drape you to Tartarus.” Dodge said. “Well,I—”  “Times up” Dodge said, as she cut open a portal to Tartarus, and shoved Celestia through, and then closed it. “Hmm, Come on sombra let’s go back to my house.” Dodge said, cutting open a portal to Keyhouse.  “What the hell, Lucas, what are you thinking?” Dodge yelled at a mirror she was looking at. “Dodge,you know Celestia had murdered millions, and you did nothing, we both know that can’t stand.” said a voice from the mirror. “That doesn’t excuse trying to murder her, she is necessary, sombra please don’t try to stop me.” Dodge said, as she pulled out a dagger. “What are you doing?!” Sombra said. “Oh, silly me, I should probably take off all my weapons.” Dodge said, as she took off her crown, followed by her locket, and saber. “ Oh before I die,  crush the head on the top of that mirror I was holding,please.” Dodge said, before stabbing herself in the heart. “DODGE!!! d-d-don’t  worry I’ll I’ll save you.” Sombra said start to try to help Dodge. “NO!!! You need to break the skull on the mirror. I will be fine, but, you don’t break that skull then you won’t be, please, as a friend just break the skull for me.” Dodge said, smiling even as she began to bleed out on the floor. “But”  No but, just do it, please, for me” Dodge said. “Okay” Sombra said, summoning his scythe and completely destroying the skull with one stroke. “Okay Dodge now—” There on the ground laid nothing, but a black silk dress with a oily gray stain. “WhAt WrOnG sOmBrA¿?” A voice said from above the dress. Sombra looked and saw a large ornate key covered with yellow cat-like eyes, The largest one staring with concern at Sombra. “Dodge?” Sombra said. “YeP tHaT’s Me, Wait a minute Hmmhm, sorry about that, but, yes it’s me, man has it been awhile since I haven’t been outside a host . I must say it’s quite nice. And before you ask me how am I still alive? Well I told you I would be fine and I am. my host on the other hand is quite dead. Now, let’s get to work.” Dodge said, followed by a clapping noise. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia awoke not in Tartarus, as she expected, but in a ornate Alicorn size bed, and was immediately addressed by a voice “Celestia, good you’re awake. I must apologize for my host’s actions. You are lucky, I was able to save from my host killing you. But, I digress, you must’ve questions?” “Yes, yes, I do. Where am I, who are you, and how do you know my name?” Celestia said. “Oh, Celestia, I hurt, don’t recognize the keyhouse?” The voice asked. “Dodge, let me out at once!” Celestia said. “Oh, I’m not holding you captive. you’re free to go anytime.” Dodge said. “Dodge, I won’t fall for your tricks, show yourself!” Celestia said. “I truly wish I could, but I can’t because my host is dead for not just trying to kill you, but also Luna. Oh, I feel so very very Awful, for breaking the promise I made to your mother so long ago, but, I...I..I—”  “How dare you mock My mentor, He was a great stallion, and you tarnish his reputation with your lies.” Celestia hiss in the general direction of where she thought Dodge was. Well in actuality dodge was floating right behind her. “Oh, Celestia you were always so bright, but never quite bright enough to see the truth.” Dodge said Its voice shifted to that of Celestia’s Sphinx mentor in the last two words. “Okay, if you are my mentor, then what was my first pet?” Celestia said. “ Philomena my old thunderbird, but you Always thought she was a phoenix.” Dodge said and the walls seemed to brighten. “That proves nothing, and you are wrong Philomena is a Phoenix, not a thunderbird, I don’t even know what that is.” Celestia said and thought she won. “Why don’t we ask for Philomena?” Dodge said as a flaming bird in question flew into the room and landed on a perch on the wall. “Philomena. Celestia and I  have   stumbled upon a question of if you are a Phoenix or a Thunderbird? Can you please get Us the answer?” Dodge asked the bird. “I’m a Thunderbird with the illusion of being a Phoenix.” Philomena Spoke to Celestia shock. “Philomena you can spoke!” Celestia exclaimed. “Yes in fact I’ve had entire conversations with you without you even having knowledge of them.”  Philomena said. “Why haven’t I been able to understand you before?” Celestia asked. “I can answer this one Celestia. You see Celestia phoenixes only speak in Egyptian. But the room that we are in right now has a universal translation rune in it, and so you can understand her.” Dodge said. “OK, you proved you’re my mentor,Now What?” Celestia said. “Well for one thing an apology, I did lock me in Stone after all.” Dodge said. “Oh, right, sorry.” Celestia said.  “I’m also going to need Twilight as a host.” Dodge said. “What, no!!!” Celestia yelled. “Now, now, hear me out, Twilight is the only one who could possibly be able to hold my sword and carry around my locket. Unfortunately the keys will all be stuck in my sword for the time being because no one but me and only me can take them out, and it takes a while for the host and occupant to Connect thoroughly enough. Besides I will only do it if Twilight is willing. I’m not a monster despite whatever you think of me Celestia. Also sorry for the dewinging and dehorning. I didn’t tell my host what actually happened at the Crystal Empire, I do always keep going on my promises especially for my favorite student or niece.Twilight you can come in now.” Dodge said. (Meanwhile in dodge’s master bedroom 10 minutes ago) Twilight awoke in Dodge’s bed. The large bed that was seemingly made of metal that seemed to constantly be shifting between all sorts of metals when barely awake but was actually as grey as the walls of the house. As she sat up, she noticed that she was dressed in one of Dodge's dresses. A silver dress with embroidery. “Oh, good you are awake.” Twilight hears a voice say, causing her to spin around and see the source of the voice to be Sombra. “Sombra, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “What father can’t keep an eye on his daughter?” Sombra said. “You’re not my father.” Twilight said. “Look whether or not I am your father I know one thing: you’re a lot older than you think you are. We can talk about that in a minute come on Dodge wants to see you.” Sombra said. (Back to present time) “Twilight are you willing to be my host?” Dodge asked. “On one condition, I get to ask you one question, you can’t lie, you can’t do anything about it, you will give me the truth and nothing but the truth. If that is OK then I will be your host.” Twilight said. “Seems fair, What’s your question?” Dodge asked. “Who is my mother?” Twilight asked. “Twilight I promise I will tell you who your mother is just not right now.” Dodge said. “But you said—.” I don’t have to tell you now, after all you did leave a massive loophole, you never specified when I had to tell you, Just that I had to tell you.” Dodge said as It entered Twilight. “Oh and also Twilight, put your hands up, unless you want to get pelted By my locket and sword.” Dodge said Twilight instantly reacted as dodge’s sword and locket flew and equipped themselves to Twilight.  “Now, what?” Twilight asked. “Now we wait.” Dodge replied. > Intermission. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodge was flowing as Twilight was off on a food run when a blood red soul appeared  “well this is Interesting, A soul of agony. Let’s see to whom this soul is connected.” Dodge said touching the soul, itself and hearing an interesting message. “We are the Animatronics from FNaF 6, Summon us if you wish, but be careful for if you are a true monster, we will not be cooperative.” ‘Well, this is sure to be interesting’ Dodge Thought as a portal  opened and the Animatronics fell out of it before closing.  “Who are you?” said Lefty.  “Are you a displaced?” said Helpy.  “My names Dodge, and your names are?” Dodge said,pointedly ignoring the second question. “My name Hugo” said Lefty. "This is Blue, but his full name is Bluestone," Hugo said pointing to Molten Freddy. “Hi!” said Blue “There is Emily,” Hugo said pointing to Scrapbaby. “And there is Bob,” Hugo said pointing to Springtrap. “And you have already met Helpy,” said Hugo.  “By the way,” said Bob. “Helpy has the souls of Henry and Michael Afton,” “Well, you are all lively Bunch. Helpy did you mind if I rip Michael away for a little while?” Dodge addressing Helpy. “Sure,” said Helpy. “Michael and Henry doesn't mind either.” “Oh good Because I wasn’t asking.” Dodge said as it ripped the soul of Michael Afton from Helpy’s body. When Dodge did that Helpy immediately sparked and shut down, falling onto the grass and the glow leaving his eyes. “Give Michael soul back!” Lefty shouted as he and the others got into battle stances. “Oh, and why should I do that? this is the Soul of one who ended lives before their times just for fun. Why should I listen to you who has not even lived one century, when I have been around for much longer than that. Please tell me I really want to know?” Dodge said, the whole room shaking at the end of each sentence Spoken. “Hmm, I’m sorry, Now would you all please just listen to me for a second? First of all, I didn’t harm Helpy. Yes I know it looks like I did, but trust me, Helpy is fine. Second of all, You are in my Domain, so no funny business. Third of all, as long as you don’t touch anything you will be fine, also stay away from Tirek. Other than that we’re fine, I can give you some synthetic flesh so you don’t look like robots, if you want.” Dodge said.  “Can you make them look like a pony version of ourselves that we can switch when we want,” asked Blue. “Well, first we need some clarification are you a ponies by bipedal or are they non-bipedal?” Dodge asked. “They are bipedal” Blue told Dodge. “Oh, good, that makes my job significantly easier. Also yes I can.” Dodge said. “So… When will you do it or how?” asked Bob. “I would like to know.” “You might want to back up towards the wall.” Dodge said. “Ok…”The animatronics all said as they slowly backed up to the wall. “Good now I can do this.” Dodge said as giant drop of metal fall from the ceiling and created six microchips. “There you go.”   “Just to ask why 6?” said Lefty. “Oh Almost Forgot.” Dodge said as a full Endoskeleton formed from the remaining metal. “There you go Afton.” “Wow,” said Micheal. “I guess I missed having my own body.”. Now just for the final details.” Dodge said as a long sword appeared on the Endoskeleton. “Wait what?” said Micheal “What your grandfather’s sword isn’t good enough for you?” Dodge said, holding back a chuckle. “Don't you mean his fathers?” said Emily. “No, I know what I said.” Dodge said. “Ok.” I said. “What about payment?” Lefty said. “If you follow the two rules, I gave you it’s free.” Dodge said. “So how do we get home?” Lefty said. “Simple just asked me to send your home.” Dodge said. “Can we go home please?”Lefty asked. “Sure, animatronics our contract is complete” Dodge said. “Bye” all the animatronics said as they got sucked into the portal and disappears. “Well that was very interesting. TIREK GET IN AND GET ME SOME TEA!!!“ Dodge said. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, well, well, well, what are you, and what brings you here?” Dodge said, staring at millions of odd lizard-like things, with its millions of shadowy golden cat-like eyes. “WE ARE THE ANZIEK, AND WE COME TO DESTROY YOU AND YOUR REALITY!!!” All the Anziek Boomed. “Your loud is what you are. you can destroy whatever you want just as long as you leave me and mine out of it.” Dodge said.”Twilight go get your friends and the rest of the town, Bring them back here then we have to leave.”Dodge whispered to Twilight “But, what about.....” “Twilight We don’t have time to argue, just do it I’ll explain when we aren’t in a immediate danger.”Dodge whispered “Okay, good luck.” Twilight whispered before running to get everyone ‘Now how to distract you?’ Dodge thought. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Twilight ran to tell her friends and the town to evacuate. Just as she got to town, she almost collapsed from exhaustion, but was able to get to golden oaks. Stuttering and wheezing she ran through the door, Just her luck all her friends were there. “Twilight are you alright, sugar cube?” Applejack said as she helped Twilight back up Twilight ignored Applejack in favor of catching her breath, before saying to Pinkie. “gather everyone to town Hall, Now!” “Twilight what is going on with you?” Rainbow Dash asked “No time to explain, we all need to go to the Town hall now.” Twilight said |||||||||||||||||time skip||||||||||||||||| “Now I know you’re all worried about why you’ve all been called here?” Twilight said “Yeah” The Crowd chorused “OK to put it simply our reality is doomed.” Twilight said and the whole crowd panicked “Can you let me finish?” Twilight said as crowd started to calm. “Okay put it simply we’re all going to go live with Dodge for the time being. Now everyone move it, we don’t have much time.” Twilight said “Spike!!!” Twilight shouted over The din of noise “Yeah,Twilight?” Spike replied. “Send a letter to princesses, tell them exactly what’s going on here and then I’ll try and convince Dodge to at least come and get them.” Twilight said. meanwhile at KeyHouse Hundreds of Anziek warriors lay dying as Quibble ripped and shredded through them one after another,all the while ripping the skeletons of warriors out of their bodies to add to his armor and absorbing all the blood of the dying, and with no sign of slowing down this bone wolf was hungry.Theus was a trapping groups of 30 to 40 Anziek warriors, and proceeded to kill and/or mutilate one at a time, in various ways such as burning up all the skin with an aerosolized acid or slicing the limbs off one by one very slowly, or just biting them in half with his enormous head. Dodge parrying, weaved, stabbing as many as possible. ‘Twilight please hurry up I can’t hold this army forever.’ Dodge thought. |||||||||||||||||||time shift Canterlot||||||||||||||||| “Everyone get in quickly!” Dodge, Luna, and Celestia shouted a they Fought the encroaching army of Anziek. “Celestia, Luna, pull as much of the sun, and moon, as you can. then get inside with the others, We have to go now!!” Dodge yelled as they ran to the door to KeyHouse. As soon as the door shut it disappeared. “Hhhhmmmm, that was cutting it close.” Dodge said, only to Twilight tap Dodge. “Dodge, where are we?” Twilight asked. “This, This is Home Sweet Home.” Dodge said. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This… This is Home Sweet Home,” Dodge announced. “Well, it cccertainly seemsss…roomy,” commented one of the creatures behind him, as confused as his fellows were by how much space there was to move around within. “Yes, I tend to get that comment a lot,” Dodge said with a polite laugh. “But if any you would prefer having a larger space, that can be arranged.” “How?” Before Dodge could explain, a loud noise suddenly echoed to them from within the kitchen. “Um, I’m sorry, but could you give me one moment?” he requested before quickly darting into the room, only to finda cloaked figure rummaging around in his fridge. “What the— Who the heck are you!?” Dodge asked, furrowing his brow in anger. “Huh!?” the person yelped, standing up straight and facing Dodge. He then grinned awkwardly and hid the stolen pizza slice behind his back, muttering, “Oh, sorry. Don’t mind me; I’m no one important.” A brief flicker of recognition flitted across Dodge’s face upon hearing the intruder’s voice, but he quickly hid it behind a frown. “That didn’t answer my question,” hedeadpanned, crossing his arms and pointedly glaring at him. “Hey, I’m just passing through and needed something to eat,” the strangergroaned, taking a swig from the bottle of beer he held in his other hand. Dodge blinked and questioned, “Where did you get that beer? I don’t have beer in my house.” “Pfft! Really? Of all the things you can ask, you ask about the beer?” he scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “Well, I could ask again who you are and what you’re doing in my kitchen, but I don’t really care about either since I’m about to throw you out.” The fridge thief held up the beer to him, saying, “Understandable. I’d do the same if I stumbled into my kitchen and there was a random guy looting my fridge.” “Yes, this certainly is quite the first encounter,” Dodge acknowledged, looking over the intruder appraisingly. “Although I at least now know what you meant by ‘the patience of a saint.’” “…What?” “You explain yourself first,” he demanded. “Well, fine then. First of all, the beer’s mine,” he claimed, downing another gulp of it. “As for what I’m doing here? Stealing from your fridge ‘cause I was hungry. As for what I’m doing in your place specifically? Well, uh? To put it simply, I frankly have no idea.” “You have no idea?” “One second I’m being yeeted though another portal, and thenext second I’m in your kitchen.” “You’ve been displaced,” Dodge whispered to himself, wincing in realization. “Yuh-huh. So, uh…? Mind doing me a favor and telling where exactly I was sent to this time?” “You are in the Plains of Leng.” The stranger just shrugged, so Dodge added, “In the Aether?” They just shrugged again, so he stepped forward and extended a hand, “Okay, look… My name is Dodge. Hello, nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too,” the fridge thief responded, shaking his hand cordially. “I’m Redsopine Prism Dash. Or just… Redsopine. ‘Redsopine Prism Dash’ is only my name in some of the realities I end up in.” Dodge blinked owlishly. “Yeah, I know; it confuses the heck out of me too,” Red said, sinking his teeth into the stolen pizza slice. “By the way, are you anyone important?” “Well, I certainly think I’m important.” “Everyone thinks they’re important, but are you actually important? Like…?” Red took another bite of the pizza and inquired, “Are you someone I gotta be all respectful and stuff too?” “As amusing as it would be to see you bow, I tend to find such things unnecessary.” “Good, because I don’t bow.” “Didn’t think so. I would, however, like to know how you ended up displaced to begin with?” “Yeah? Well, I wanna know why, for the first time in twenty-six years, I’m finally alone in my head.” “What do you mean exactly?” Dodge asked, tilting his head in bewilderment. “He means us.” Dodge glanced upward and saw a large polar bear standing on the roof. Its form was composed of an immaculate layer of white diamonds that shimmered as majestically as the emeralds orbs that served as its eyes. Atop the creatures skull, a small panther cub sat up and stared at Dodge, perking its ears in interest. Trails of shadowy smoke slowly streamed off of its body, and every so often, its form seemed to flicker before re-solidifying. “Oh, so that’s where you were,” Red muttered, drawing the attention of the two creatures. “How are you guys on the ceiling?” “We’re stuck between realities, Red,” the bear explained, moving over to a nearby wall and walking along it until it stood on the floor proper. “Quite a number of rules clash here, and gravity is one such rule.” “Terra, that makes literally no sense at all,” Red countered bluntly. “No. What doesn’t make sense is your reaction,” Terra argued in a surprisingly soft voice that didn’t match his intimidating appearance in the slightest. “Why is the first thing you do upon being separated from us stealing and eating someone else’s food?” “Yeah, Red,” the cub spoke up in a young, innocent voice. “I thought you’d be celebrating or something.” “I am!” Red laughed, doing an eccentric, little twirl. “What better way to celebrate finally being exorcised than by cheating on my diet without you guys ragging on me for it?” “Red, stop cheating on your diet,” Terra wasted no time commanding. “No!” Red then made a rather obnoxious show of finishing off the pizza slice. “Mm-mm, good!” he shouted with his mouth full. The panther giggled at Red’s antics while his crystalline companion merely shook his head in disappointment. Terra then turned his attention to Dodge, saying, “We’re ever so sorry for this intrusion, Lord Dodge. We’ll be on our way shortly, we’re just—” A loud roaring suddenly bellowed outside the abode, followed by an ear-grating, demonic shriek. “Waiting for our associates to settle down,” Terra finished bluntly. “Yep. Say, Gramps? Is Iggy ranting again, or is he still celebrating having a body?” “Both, I think. It’s hard to tell with Gelu screaming over him.” “Sure wish I could still understand what they’re saying.” “I’m surprised you care,” Terra commented, a slight grin tugging at his muzzle. “Hey, I’m always up for those two bickering,” Red said, smirking. “It’s been my go-to entertainment ever since you guys ruined kayaking for me.” Terra sighed somberly, releasing a cloud of dust into the air. The shadowy creature upon his back, however, splayed his ears back and mumbled, “S-Sorry, Red.” “Not your fault, Shadow-Cat,” Red assuaged, rolling his eyes. “Ignis was way more terrified of the water than you were.” “I’m still sorry…” Red was silent for a moment until he smiled slightly and said, “Apology accepted, kiddo.” “Yay!” Umbra cheered, leaping off of Umbra and pouncing Red. “Thank you for forgiving me, Red,” he thanked, hugging him tightly. “U-Um, sure! No, uh, no problem,” Red muttered, having no clue how to respond to the sudden hug attack. He ultimately settled for patting Umbra’s back politely while grimacing at Terramar and silently pleading for his help. After a minute, Terra conceded and grabbed Umbra by the scruff of his neck, gently pulling him away from Red. “Come on, kiddo, give him a bit of space. He’s not in the mood.” “But, Terra! I wanna keep hugging him,” Umbra pouted, staring at his elder through glistening eyes. “I really missed being able to hug…” “You can hug him some more later,” Terra promised, chuckling when the cub’s wide smile returned. “But for now, control yourself. We’ve all only just gotten our bodies back, and Red is adjusting to it just as we are.” “Awww! Can I at least hug Red one more time? Pleeeaaase!?” he requested adorably. Not remotely ready to be hugged by the shadow demon again, Red hurriedly interjected, “Hey, Shadow-Cat! Since you—you know?—just got your body back, doesn’t that mean you can eat again too?” Umbra gasped, realizing, “Yeah, I can!” “Then why don’t you go ahead and do that,” he encouraged, winking. “Okay!” Umbra chirped, looking around the kitchen and spotting a box of popcorn bags. He then squeed and lunged for it, extracting a bag from it and staring at the item quizzically. “Um…? How do I eat again?” “You don’t know how to eat?” Red asked incredulously. “W-Well, I haven’t eaten in a few centuries,” he explained, flicking his tail shyly. “And— And I’m not sure I remember how…” “You’ve seen me eat all the time!” “Yeah, but I can’t remember how I’msupposed to eat,” Umbra confessed, eliciting a facepalm from his former host. “Here, let me show you,” Terra spoke up, approaching the cub and instructing him on the process. Red, meanwhile, returned his attention to Dodge and said, “Yeaaahhh, sorry about all of this. Thanks for the pizza though.” They both then flinched when a jet of flames seared right through the home and between Red and Dodge. The two then glanced at Umbra who danced in celebration at the newly cooked bags of popcorn he now had access to. “Also, uh… ‘Dodge,’ was it? Yeah, Dodge. Uh, you have insurance, right? I really hope you do because those two siblings ain’t gonna stop anytime soon,” Red stated in the most casual manner possible. … “WHAT IS GOING ON!?” Dodge screamed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “A question I find myself asking as well,” said a new voice from the hallway. A giant four-winged bat then entered the kitchen, followed closely by an equally enormous, shadowy serpent and a fanged wolf seemingly formed entirely of bones and dried, long-dead sinew. “Dodge? What is going on?” Dodge rubbed his forehead, growling, “Apparently, this lot got displaced and just so conveniently stumbled into my house.” While the other creatures all nodded in understanding, Dodge shot an unamused glare at Red, adding, “And stole my food.” “Yeah, that pretty much sums this whole situation up pretty well,” Red concurred, shrugging nonchalantly. “Isss he a threat?” the snake hissed, rearing up slightly and flaring its eye-pattered hood. “I doubt that highly.” “AND FOR ANOTHER THING, BROTHER!” a loud, feminine voice suddenly roared. Whatever she said next came out as dragonian jargon, but her words rang loudly enough to break the windows and allow a blast of icy wind to flood the abode. Not a second later, Dodge snapped his fingers casually, and the shattered glass immediately flew back to the window sills, reforming and shutting the cold air back out. “Neat trick, dude,” Red complimented, clapping. “Thank you,” Dodge said, bowing theatrically. “I don’t do requests.” “Didn’t ask.” “Just reminding you in advance for when you will,” he replied aloofly. “Uh-huh…?” Red murmured, raising an eyebrow. Deciding not to question Dodge’s choice of words, he instead glanced at his former roommates and asked, “So, um, Terra? Mind telling me what the trouble twins are fighting about now?” “You can’t understand them?” the bat creature questioned. “Not right now, I can’t. All I’m hearing is a bunch of angry dragon noises.” “From what I can tell,” Umbra spoke up in a voice Red could understand. “Ignis asked Gelu if she wanted to kill you, but she said ‘no.’” After munching on some more popcorn, he added, “And I think he asked why, but she just started scolding him about considering killing you at all.” “And then it just sort of spiraled from there?” Red guessed. “Yup,” Umbra confirmed, filling his mouth up with another pawful of popcorn and humming in delight. “Of course… So, yeah,” Red grumbled, returning his attention to Dodge’s friends. “Any of you guys have a translation spell on hand? I’d prefer knowing when my roommates are fighting over killing me. You know? So I can yell at ‘em for it?” “I have something,” Dodge said, walking over to a bookcase that hadn’t been there a moment ago. “Give me a second to find the right book,” he requested, perusing the selection. “Why can you not underssstand your wardsss,” the serpent wondered, frowning. “I normally understand them just fine when they’re in my head,” Red elaborated, leaning against the kitchen counter. “But since they’re not in my head right now, I couldn’t tell you a thing about what they’re ranting about.” “So, you haven’t bonded with them,” the wolf creature finally spoke up in a gruff, subdued tone. “Curious. Though that certainly explains your evident hostility.” “Whatever. So, Dodgy? You got a translationspell for me or what?” Red inquired impatiently. “Goodness, you were not kidding when you said you weren’t the most mature of individuals,” Dodge grumbled to himself. “What was that?” “I said you should have patience,” he readily responded. “Now, you seem to speak this dimension’s language, so it should be…this one? Er, no-no, not that one. Ummm? Ah-ha! This should be it,” he said, grabbing the book he was looking for and passing it to Red. “Page eighty-eight.” “Sweet! Thanks, Dodgy,” Red said, skimming through the tome until he reached the indicated page. “You’re welcome. Anywho,” Dodge continued, addressing Red as well as Terra and Umbra. “Allow me to introduce myself properly: I am Dodge.” “Hello, Mr. Dodge,” Umbra greeted, waving enthusiastically. “It’s nice to meet you.” “It’s nice to meet you as well, Mr. Umbra,” he replied, bowing politely. Umbra bowed back, tittering. He then blinked and cocked his head in confusion. “Wait… How did you know my name was—” “And I am Terra,” the earth elemental interrupted, bowing far more deeply than the others. “And I must ask once again for you forgiveness; we meant no disrespect or harm.” While Red raised an eyebrow at Terra’s worried tone, Dodge just chuckled calmly. “No worries, Terra. It happens. Case in point?” He gestured to the other creatures in the room, saying, “Allow me to introduce you to my good friends: Theus.” The bat creature unfurled his wings as he bowed as deeply as Terra. “It is a pleasure to meet you, fellow Elementals.” “Septimus,” Dodge continued. The enormous shadow-like snake hissed, its blood red tongue flitting past its lips and tasting their scents. Upon registering no enmity from said scents, it retracted its hood and silently bowed as well. “And last but certainly not least: Quibble.” Red snorted. The wolf immediately locked eyes with him and warned, “I am the guardian of the Beast Key, mortal. Should you offend me, I shall not hesitate to cleave your soul from your body and feast upon it in the eons to come.” “You must have one hell of a strong stomach if you’re drooling over my soul,” Red fired back, snickering. “On the other hand? If I do ever offend you, I can just give you some belly rubs to make up for it. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” “You think me a mutt!?” Quibble growled indignantly. “I don’t hear you denying you’d like a good belly rub,” Red pointed out in a sing-song voice, eliciting a happy giggle from Umbra. “Or are you more into ear-scratches?” Quibble adamantly refused to say another word, but his tail gave him away. Upon noticing said appendage wagging, Quibble slammed a paw down upon it and glowered back at the guffawing Red, Umbra, and Theus. “Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” “No, no. It’s a little funny,” Theus chortled, sneaking the wolf a quick ear-scratch. The wolf entity slapped his fellow’s claw away and snarled, “Stop that!” “Relax, Quibble,” Dodge intervened in a soothing voice, holding back his own chuckle. “They’re merely teasing you; don’t let their antics irk you too much.” Quibble harrumphed and rolled his eyes, ultimately falling silent. “In any case,” Red began, looking back down and reading over the translation spell. “It’s nice to meet all of you.” Before anyone could say anything further, acrimson-scaled dragon crashed thrown through a wall and landed on the floor before him with a pained grunt. A deep cerulean dragoness calmly strode in through the hole in the wall not one second later, stopping at her brother’s head and leering at him. “Anything more you wish to say, dear brother?” Gelu spoke in her usual, stoic voice. Ignis snarled in his native tongue. “That’s what I thought,” she commented, flicking him on his snout before looking up and noticing the audience she and her brother had. “My idiotic brother decided he’d rather spend his first ten minutes of freedom challenging me to a duel rather than fleeing away from that idiot,” she explained, shooting a venomous glare toward Red. “So, pray tell? What have I missed?” she asked Terra. “We are in the Plains of Leng,” the elder Elemental elaborated. “And this is our kind host, Lord Dodge,” he added, nodding toward him. “Just ‘Dodge’ is fine,” he said, extending a hand. Gelu stared at the appendage with nothing short of repugnance, pondering, “Do you expect me to touch that?” “Well… It is a sign of cordiality.” “Mhmm.” She then turned her attention back to Terra, not even bothering to glance at Dodge’s friends. “Terra, what exactly are we to do now?” Ignis shot back up, roaring at his sister before glaring daggers at Redsopine. “If you’re insulting me, Iggy, hold on a second,” Red deadpanned without so much as glancing up from his book. “I can’t understand you, so I can’t insult you back yet.” Ignis made to strike his former host, but both Terra and Gelu stepped in front of him. “Leave it, Brother,” the latter commanded. After Ignis stopped roaring again, she clarified, “Ignis, Terra said we are in the Plains of Leng. You know what that means for us.” “And in case you forgot, it means we can’t keep our physical forms if we leave this place,” Terra said aloud, less for Ignis’ sake and more for Red’s. “You mean… I won’t be able to hug anyone again if we go back home?” Umbra mumbled. All three of his fellow demons spared him a pitying look, and Ignis grumbled something under his breath. Gelu responded by slapping him upside his head and barking, “Take that back this instant!” Ignis growled at her. “You wanna say that to me again!?” she shrieked, whipping her tail and causing a long stretch of sharpened icicles to jut out of the floor behind her. “Would you two please just stop fighting!?” Terra growled, pushing himself between the two. Gelu and Ignis both shoved him out of the way and locked horns, snarling at each other in their native tongue, but they then both yelped when the floor between them stretched apart magically. Once it stopped, they turned and glared at the individual responsible. “I would like to remind everyone present that this is my domain,” Dodge proclaimed, meeting the dragons’ glares with his own stern frown. “I’d prefer not engaging in mindless violence, but this is a safe haven. And if anyone here threatens that, you will discover that I am quite merciless in defending my home.” “Never fear, Lord Dodge!” Terra hurriedly declared, gripping both of their shoulders tightly and ignoring the dragons’ subsequent, angered snarls. “We shall not do anything to incur your wrath. Will we?” he finished, digging his claws into Ignis’ flesh. Ignis struggled for a second, but upon seeing not a hint of mercy in his elder’s eyes, he huffed and grumbled his agreement. Terra then turned and glared at Gelu until she too conceded defeat. “My elder is correct. No harm against you shall be committed by my claw.” “Good,” Dodge chirped, exchanging his sinister grimace for a pleased smile. “Now then! With all that settled, you’re all new to the Plains of Leng, yes? Or at least, most of you are,” he added, glancing pointedly at Redsopine who hadn’t bothered paying attention to the sibling’s squabble as he was too busy performing the translation incantation. “Am I correct?” “Uh-huh,” Umbra answered for all of them. “Terra’s told us about this place, but I’ve never been here before at all.” “Hee-hee. Well, I’m glad you finally get to visit our glorious realm, little one.” “And I’m glad to finally have my body back!” Gelu announced, arcing her back and letting out a series of cracks. “Ooooh, it’s been far, far too long since I’ve been able to do that,” she whispered to herself. “On that, we agree, dear Sister,” Ignis concurred, still speaking in his dragonian tongue. “Now, may we please kill the mortal now?” “Hey, no! Bad Iggy!” Redsopine spoke up, throwing the spell book at the dragon. “No killing your roommate!” “You were never my ‘roommate’ you gutless, reckless, life-endangering, suicidal, abomination of a mortal!” Ignis roared, leering menacingly at Red. “You are nothing more and nothing less than a glorified flesh puppet, and were it not for my sister and elder’s interference, I’d have already burned you into ash and sent your soul to immolate with the rest of your putrid, mortal kind in that eternal lake of sulfur and fire your kind fear!” he growled, huffing out a plume of smoke. “You know, Iggy? I’d take your threats a lot more seriously if you didn’t make them the most over-the-top, edgy nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life,” Red replied, causing Ignis to blink in surprise. “You sound like a whiny, immature teenager who’s mad about their mommy setting them a curfew.” “Wait! You understood me!?” Red gasped theatrically, asking, “Did I!? Whaaat!?” Ignis blinked rapidly in confusion, asking, “How— How did you understand me; I’m speaking in my native language! Your puny mortal mind should be reeling in pain from my every syllable,” he remarked, infuriated that that wasn’t the case. “Translation spell. Duh,” Red clarified. “I performed it while you and your sister were being the rudest guests possible to our lovely host over here,” he said, gesturing to Dodge. “And Red’s connection to us is still present, Ignis,” Terra continued explaining. “Our physical presences will not adversely effect him as it would other mortals.” “You wanna bet?” Ignis whirled around and slammed his tail into Red, sending him flying into a nearby wall. Red grunted from the impact and fell to his knees, holding his stinging abdomen. He then looked up and found the fire demon towering over him and grinning devilishly. “Um, Gramps? He’s not actually gonna kill me, right?” Red asked, backing away from the dragon. “Oh, no. I am absolutely going to— AGH!” Ignis shrieked when Gelu grabbed him by the horns and pulled him away from Red. “Let go, Sister!” “No, Ignis,” she sneered, slamming him to the ground. “This is the final time I will say this, Brother! You will not kill him!” Gelu commanded, her gaze unflinching. “Why not!?” Ignis shrieked, baring his fangs at his traitorous sibling. “I don’t understand, Sister; why do you suddenly not wish to kill that foolish whelp!?” “Ignis, we will kill him,” Gelu promised, apathetic to the grim silence that followed her declaration. “But not now. Not when we have no clue where we are or how to get back, and certainly not when the Anziek are still alive,” she ended, taking a deep breath as a mask of indifference returned to her face. Ignis snorted furiously and looked away. “Fine,” he eventually conceded. Ignis then directed his slit-eyed gaze onto his former host, swearing, “But mark my words, Redsopine, the very second that I finally have the opportunity to kill you…? I will.” Red just glared back as he struggled to stand back up but to no avail. Thankfully, Umbra swiftly appeared at his side and helped him finally stand proper. The shadow demon then placed a gentle paw against Red’s injury, healing it and whispering, “He doesn’t mean that.” “Yeah, he does,” Red whispered back, not dropping his hateful gaze away from the siblings. “They both do.” A moment of tense silence passed, but it was soon ended when Quibble suddenly inquired, “You know of the Anziek?” “Yes, we do,” Terra confirmed, keeping a close eye on the siblings. “We’ve had quite a number of experiences with them.” “We lost our home,” Umbra murmured, looking away and trying to fight back the onslaught of bad memories. “We lost everyone…” “And we need to get back and kill those cheap, lizard bastards!” Red snarled, clenching his fist tightly. “So, Dodgy, if you could get us home so that we could do just that, we’d greatly appreciate it.” Dodge looked over Red and each of his demons in turn before closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. “When did the Anziek attack your home?” “A few days ago, I think. Though I might be off, considering all the dimension-hopping I’ve been subjected to.” “Tell me how you escaped.” “Errr…?” Red groaned, looking to Terra. “We didn’t,” the earth Elemental ominously answered. “We had to invoke the Resurrection Ritual.” Dodge cursed and shook his head slowly. “Their forces are growing even stronger than I thought… But you said we could beat them if you…?” he quietly muttered to himself, staring directly at Red who stared back in confusion. “If you and they…” When Dodge suddenly fell silent, Theus placed a claw on his shoulder, whispering, “My Lord?” Dodge blinked, his attention snapping back to the present. “Redsopine, Terra, Ignis, Gelu, and Umbra?” he began calmly. “I can indeed transport you to whichever dimension you wish.” “Good! In that case, can you get us to wherever their head honcho is?” Red requested, cracking his knuckles. “I’m itching to pay that monster back for killing my friends.” “Are you insssane!?” Septimus screeched, gawking at Red in complete disbelief. “You don’t know the half of it,” Gelu grumbled. “You are nothing compared to the Anziek Lord!” Theus argued bluntly. “He could kill all of you faster than your hearts could beat.” “Not that he would ever dare sully his claws with your blood, of course,” Quibble quipped. “You’d be unworthy of such an ‘honor.’” “The Anziek know nothing of honor!” Ignis shouted, puffing his chest proudly. “They know of their own honor,” Quibble shot back without so much as glancing at the dragon. “And their honor is the only kind they care for.” That shut Ignis up. “Furthermore,” Dodge continued. “His various lieutenants and generals would also be able to strike you down with minimal effort. Making any degree of attacks against the Anziek Lord’s forces would be akin to suicide. And I trust that none of you wish to invoke the Resurrection Ritual again, correct?” he speculated, raising an eyebrow. Red had been about to protest all of them and profess that he and his roommates could, in fact, best the Anziek Lord. However, Dodge’s last words stopped him in his tracks and made him take a moment to reconsider everything that had recently happened to him and the others. He then spared a glance to Terra who looked back at him silently and gave an ever-so-subtle shake of his head. Redsopine then looked back at Dodge and said, “No. I don’t want any of us to die again. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more than to beat the asshole to a bloody pulp, but…” He shrugged. “If you say we can’t handle him…? I guess we can’t.” While Terra clearly looked relieved to hear him say that, the other demons all gaped at Red in complete disbelief. “How can you possibly believe that we’d be no match for the Anziek Lord!?” Ignis questioned, a mix of indignation and curiosity penetrating his gruff voice. “I, alone, could incinerate the vermin in the blink of an eye!” “And even if that weren’t the case,” Gelu continued, tilting her head in puzzlement. “Why are you suddenly so reluctant to face those beasts’ leader? Don’t tell me you’re afraid?” “Tch! No!” Red sneered, scoffing at the mere accusation. “I’m not afraid of anything.” “Except pain,” Ignis deadpanned. Red opted to ignore that comment and explain, “Guys, look… You don’t want to die again. I don’t want to die again. And this guy clearly knows about the Anziek too,” he acknowledged, gesturing to Dodge who nodded confidently. “And he says we’re nothing to the guy.” “And you believe that, do you?” “Regardless of whatever I believe, I don’t want to make another reckless decision that could get us slaughtered,” Red proclaimed to the utter shock of the siblings. “Sooo…? Until we come up with an actual plan, let’s just not go near that guy, okay?” “I second the notion,” Terra concurred. “As do I!” Umbra spoke up, raising his paw into the air. Ignis and Gelu shared a glance, both deeply unsettled by Red’s sudden shift in attitude and their fellow Elementals’ siding with him. Eventually, Gelu shuffled nervously and muttered, “I… Suppose that’s not a… Bad idea.” “I still say we can slay that honor-less monstrosity,” Ignis barked, huffing out a plume of fire and smoke. He then looked over his sister and winced upon remembering how weakened she had been after the Resurrection Ritual. “But…? It would be preferable if we determined a strategy to face him, as opposed to blindly engaging the threat.” “Glad to hear you all see it that way,” Dodge commented, grinning confidently. “Yeah, it means you all have at lease some degree of sanity,” Quibble deadpanned. “In any case,” Dodge resumed. “I hold a great deal of disdain for the Anziek as well, so I would very much enjoy aiding you in your conflict with them however I can.” “We are forever grateful for your aid, Lord Dodge,” Terra said, bowing deeply. “Please… Tell us what you can of the Anziek and their Lord.” “Then I will do so,” Dodge confirmed, bowing back. “However, before I do so, I must see to another, far more pressing matter,” he insisted, snapping his fingers. In response, the wall that had been demolished from Ignis and Gelu’s tussle reconstructed itself, only now with the addition of a set of double doors. Said doors opened a moment later, revealing a gargantuan chamber filled to the brim with people, ponies, and various other creatures who were either severely wounded or tending to the aforementioned wounded. Oddly, not one single creature so much as glanced at the double doors, seemingly completely unaware of the creatures within the kitchen. “Erm, Dodgy?” Red mumbled, as stupefied by the sight as his roommates were. “Why is there an entire town’s worth of ponies in your living room?” “The Anziek showed up,” Dodge answered so casually he might have been talking about the weather. “I evactuated the populace of my world, and we’re here now. In my house. In the Plains of Leng.” “Wait, so…” Gelu looked to Dodge, then to Terra, back to Dodge, and then back to Terra. “He’s that Lord Dodge!?” “I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out sooner.” “We’re traveling through the multiverse, Terra; for all I know there are ten billion alternate version of me running around,” she shot back, taking a step closer to her elder and away from Dodge. “Oh, I assure you, Gelu; the number is much higher than that,” Dodge joked, winking coyly at her. “Did you just wink at my sister?” Ignis questioned, stepping between the two and flaring his wings defensively. “It was a friendly wink,” he argued, shrugging. “Yes, well, no one is allowed to wink at my sister without her permission,” he harrumphed. Gelu buried her face into her claws, groaning in exasperation and humiliation. “Sooo, what?” Red bluntly interjected. “Are we just gonna stay here then?” “I won’t force you, but I would prefer that you do,” Dodge answered simply. “Fine… But we really do have to get back to our reality as soon as possible. The Anziek are still in it, and so are my friends.” Red shook his head fervently, declaring, “I won’t leave them to die.” “Understood. For tonight, I want you all to rest up and prepare yourselves. Come morning, I will tell you all I know and help you all I can,” Dodge swore, extending his hand. After a second of hesitation, Red took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake. “And we’ll help you however we can too.” “It’s a deal.” “Thank you. Now then!” he exclaimed, clapping loudly and gazing back into the living room. “Where exactly are we gonna sleep? Or, I dunno, keep the four literal demons from being seen by all of them?” “I am this dimension’s deity, Mr. Redsopine,” Dodge replied with a hint of smugness. “I can do whatever I want,” he bragged, casually sweeping a hand over the double doors. The image lying beyond the doors became a shifting blur of color until it ultimately settled on a long, gilded hotel hallway. And yet they made even you run away from them,” Red snarked. “Oh, I didn’t flee from Anziek hordes. I fled from their Lord,” Dodge clarified. “Oh.” “Yes. Although, he was at the back at the army. And I’m very grateful for that actually,” he continued, distractedly rumpling the back of his hair. “Had he been at the front, I wouldn’t have been able to evacuate as many as I did.” “Tch. Of course, that coward would be at the back,” Ignis grumbled. “Cowardiccce isss not the reassson he remained at the back of hisss army,” Septimus argued, frowning spitefully at the memory of that monstrosity. “Our forcesss were no challenge to him; thusss, he sssought not to wassste hisss time or energy.” “That sounds pretty cowardly to me.” Septimus was silent for moment but ultimately nodded in agreement. “Yesss. It doesss.” “Coward or no, we’re gonna kill that bastard for what he did to our home,” Red interjected, crossing his arms and glaring at nothing in particular. “You know? Once we get a plan, anyway.” “And get back home to kill him,” Umbra added, shoving aside the last of his empty popcorn bags. “Certainly would help if we could navigate realities ourselves,” Red responded with a pointed look at Terra. “Because getting thrown through portals by weirdos in lab coats is getting pretty annoying.” “Weirdosss in what?” Septimus asked, confused. “Don’t worry about it,” Red deflected, not wanting to think about that mysterious individual at the moment. “Though he refers to something completely different, his words bear a certain truth, my Lord,” Quibble whispered into Dodge’s ear. “If we hope to save the multiverse from the Anziek, we cannot simply go from world-to-world individually. It is far too draining on you and us,” he ended calmly-yet-firmly. “I know, Quibble; I know,” Dodge whispered back. “I’ve been trying to think of solutions, but the only idea I have would…” He seized up, eyes widening as he appraised Red in a completely different manner. “Backfire…” “My Lord?” “Give me one of your keys, Quibble,” Dodge demanded, holding his hand out palm-up. “Preferably the silver one.” Although initially bewildered by the sudden command, Quibble ultimately complied and discreetly reached into his flesh, withdrawing a small, ornate, silver-colored key from its depths. He then dropped the item into his Lord’s hand. Dodge called out, “Oh, Mr. Redsopine?” “Huh? Yeah, Dodgy?” “Catch,” he urged, tossing the key over to Red who caught it easily. “Did you just toss one of my—” Quibble furiously began only for Dodge to place a hand gently against his muzzle, silencing him instantly. “You said you wished for a method to traverse realities?” Dodge said, smirking and ignoring his friend’s protests. “That will allow you to do so.” Red frowned at the item, shared a similarly suspicious glance with Terra, and looked back at Dodge. “What’s the catch?” “The catch is that I’ll explain how to use it over a nice cup of tea,” he answered aloofly. “Later tonight, or perhaps during our conversations in the morning. For now though,” Dodge rambled on before red or his roommates could say anything further. “Theus? Please be a dear and show them to their rooms.” “As you wish, my Lord,” Theus said, bowing politely. He then addressed the others, beckoning, “Come, my friends, I will show you to your rooms,” as he marched toward the hallway entrance. Gelu’s head shot up, her body going rigid as she squealed, “Wait! So we actually get our own rooms!? All to ourselves!? WITH BEDS!?” “As well as kitchens, bathrooms, and showers,” Theus confirmed. Though silent at first, Gelu let out an undignified shriek of joy and raced forward, purposefully slamming Red out of her way and shouting, “MAKE WAY FOR THE ICE QUEEN! MOMMA WANTS SOME ‘ME’ TIME!” “Sister, wait!” Ignis called out, dashing after his giddily giggling sister and disappearing into the cavernous corridors beyond. “It’s always the ribs…” Red groaned weakly as he lied on the floor, curled up and clutching his abdomen. “Why is it always the damn ribs…!?” Umbra stepped up to him and pressed a paw to his ribs, healing them once again. “You okay, Red?” “Yeah, just winded,” he responded, taking several large gulps of air and relishing the feeling of his lungs not burning in pain for once. “You?” “Uhhh…? Yeah, I’m good,” Umbra confirmed, nodding. “Gotcha. So, guys, we’re apparently staying with this guy for a while,” Red acknowledged, standing back up and gesturing to Dodge. “You two cool with that?” Umbra nodded. “I am, indeed,” Terra affirmed, approaching Red. “Are you?” “Yeah…?” Red murmured, still staring suspiciously at their unbelievably benevolent host. He then passed Terra the silver key, requesting, “Gramps, ya mind holding onto this?” Terra glanced at Dodge as if requesting permission to do so, and upon receiving a nod, he plucked the key from Red’s hand. The crystals of his paw then twisted and shifted, allowing the key to sink into the depths of his body before reforming back as if nothing had happened. “Marvelous,” Theus blurted out, smiling tranquilly upon reacquiring their attention. “Shall I take you to your rooms now? Or would you prefer doing the same as your fellows and charging blindly into the labyrinth?” “We’ll follow you,” Terra promised. “Good. Now then, allow me to show you your rooms then,” he said, striding forward. > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “ anything in particular that you would like to know about?” Theus asked, “Well I would ask how dodge seems to know me but considering I’ve ran into three beings now that know me and seen myself during one occasion I’m thinking time travel.” Red says flippantly before continuing the conversation. “So instead I’m gonna ask is there room service?” “There is room service, but unless you want your skin Filleted off your body, I don’t think you want to call for it.” Theus said, “While Iggy would love to see that I think i will pass.” Red said, before seeing Gelu running past looking lost.  “So should anyone tell her she’s not gonna find anything or should we be nice to her?” Red asks as Umbra and Terra raise there paws. “Well now I cannot really do any harm to anyone else yet unless dodge specifically wills it to happen. She’ll be fine.” Theus said, “That’s good to know how much further before we get there I could really do with a nap in silence for once without Terras snoring in my head.” Red says as Terra gives an annoyed huff. “ silence?” Theus Paused, “Ha ha ha ha, that hasn’t been silence here since two millennia ago.” Theus chortled, “Yes silence as I said back in the kitchen normally I can hear all four of them in my head including when I’m asleep and just great the one time I can be alone in my head I still won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep.”  Red says annoyed crossing his arms as he sulks. “I’m sorry I just find this unbelievably hilarious. I haven’t had a good sleep for over two millennia.” Theus said, “It could be worse at least I’m not bunking with torchy he’s likely to set me alight while I’m asleep just because he could.” Red says just before said fire demon comes walking around the corner in front of them. “Your not wrong though if Terra and the runt wasn’t there I’d do it right now.” “ do please try and refrain from murder.” Theus booms, “He could try but I don’t have this scar for no reason.” Red says taking his tinted glasses off and showing a large scare over his left eye. “I got that a few weeks ago after he went berserk and tried to kill me or did you forget the ass kicking you took. “You mean when you cheated and used that draining spell on me yes I do and it won’t happen again mark my words. “Will do please refrain otherwise there won’t be anything left of you to examine or identify in anyway that you were living beings.” Theus said not as a threat but as a fact. Gelu rounds the corner at that moment seeing Ignis and Red glaring daggers at each other. “I can’t leave you alone for five minutes and your already threatening Red again dear brother.” “Do not worry They will not be hurting one unless they would like to die” Theus said, “Well thisss isss interessst.” Septimus said as he slithered around the corner. “Go away Septimus please.” Theus said exasperatedly, “Why ssshould I?” Septimus hissed, “Because you are not required.” Theus growled, As Theus and Septimus are talking umbra carefully sits on Reds head and starts mimicking Theus as he is talking while pulling funny faces stopping anytime Theus turned around and continuing when he looks away. “I suppossse you have a point.” Septimus conceded, “Well, then please go away.” Theus grumbled, “But, Thisss demon.” Septimus said, staring at Umbra. “Thisss young demon hasss much ssskill at the artsss of mimicry. Might I train thisss one?” Septimus inquired, “Do you promise on your worth as an Arch Eldridge Demon to never lie to him?” Theus questioned, “Theus, Theus, I am the spirit of lies itself why wouldn’t I lie to him, but nevertheless I promise.” The shadowy serpent said, Umbra casually has his tail pointing at Ignis when Theus turns around blaming him “Iggy how many times must I tell you not to mock people behind their backs it’s rude.” Red admonishes as Terra and Gelu try to hide there giggles “Well it seems that Septimus has a student if you are willing to except young Umbra.” Theus said In exasperation, “Ooooo your good not many can tell when I’m doing that.” Umbra giggles and gives a bow. “I would be honoured to learn from you but only if it won’t impact my pranking skills oh and someone yeets Ignis though a wall for the runt comment.” “Quite ambitiousss, I like it. We begin at once.” Septimus said, as he surged forward engulfing Umbra and taking him elsewhere.  “Well that just happened and a bonus Iggy gets getter though a wall at any point fun.” Terra facepalms at the antics of Red and Umbra “So, We have finally arrived at your room, here you go.” Theus said, as he gave the room key to Red. “Yoink.” Is all Gelu says taking the key and walking into the room locking the rest out shouting. “No one disturb my me time or else!” Theus then gave a key to everyone else present. “Do whatever you want, just don’t disturb Dodge.” Theus said,as he turned and flying into the Aether.  “ do you know despite how annoying it is to have millions of people in my dimension kind of glad for the company.” Dodge Mused aloud. “Now let’s see what this is.” Dodge said as Object that was found by one of the underlings began to play at message. ————————————————————————— CoreVerse Omni-verse System [Version 1̶̫͛̓͗͘0̵̤̝̥͉̦̤̿͠.̶̧̳̭̞̂̎͂̒͂ͅ0̷̞̙͂̎̃̐.̵̹̼̰̻̅̇͌͝1̶͔̥̹̱͕͌̃9̵̝̠̗͕̱̤̈̏̀̎̎͛0̷̛̺̭̖̄̈́4̶̢̞̺̱̼̺͂̊͂̅̇̈̒1̷͇̳͉̀͂͐͒̊͌.̴̳͚̰̌̄̊̓̌͐9̴̘̃8̷̡̠̭̲͍͒̾5̷̜͆̍] (c) Umbrella CoreVerse Corporation. All rights reserved. NOTIFICATION ============ The Omni-verse System Administrator has granted you System Authorization Level 8 for the duration of the Anziek War Event._> Perks of Authorization Level 8 are listed bellow. One free resurrection in the Event of Death during the Anziek War Event. Authorization to use the services of the Information Broker (Please note that access to the Information Broker does not exempt you from payment for the information you request. All participants will still be require to pay his price.) One Time Access to the Omni-verse Shop & 1000 COINS for the Omni-verse Shop Please note that the System Administrator is watching all participant and depending on Participants Performance these privilege's may be extended or lengthened. ———————————————————————— “Well that’s interesting I think I’ll look into that a little bit later.” Dodge mused. > There is an in story reason for this (Edited)Chapter 15 & 16? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You do know it is rude to open the portal into someone’s dimension without asking permission.” A large metallic form covered in yellow cat-like eyes said, “Oh, more people. Sorry about that, just paranoid you know, Anzeik and all that.” The being then shifted into a woman in an ornamental simple black dress with a highly ornamental crown, a large key ring, oily black hair, bright yellow cat’s eyes and smile with a mouthful of needle-like metallic fangs. The being appeared to be in a constant state of decay,and regeneration.  “Ooh! Rot, nice touch,” Violetta complimented cheerfully. “My apologies for the intrusion sir, madam or thing, we happened upon your abode while my associate here was scrying the void and we were uncertain if you had any means for us to contact you,” Sophia explained diplomatically. “Look, to be honest I have no clue why you were here but just...tell me your names please.” The being, who psychically placed a thought into Sophia’s mind to introduce themselves as Dodge, said with a hint of exasperation before he turned his attention to the nearby pegasus. “Red, how do you find these people?” “Hey, don’t look at me. I’ve only met 2 people able to make portals and I’m pretty sure one of them is a nutcase and the other is searching for her brother and dealing with a zombie outbreak,” the pegasus defended, annoyed at his associate’s assumption.. “I’m a nutcase!” Violetta cheerfully proclaimed. “Not helping,” Red mutters. “Can I get your names please?” Dodge said  “Please forgive my addled cousin sirs. My name is Sophia ‘Archon’ Craft and this is my cousin Violetta ‘Love’ Craft,” Sophia introduced. “Any relation to HP Lovecraft?” Dodge asked “None at all, our names are simply a sort of identification for our abilities,” Sophia explained. “We have known the works though and Violetta is named like that because she has four terrors from the Void imprisoned in her head.” “Oh, so you have good old squid face in there?” Dodge asked  “More like a mass of flesh and eyes with a giant eyeball on top, a mass with many mouths, a beast with seven heads representing seven gateways to madness and a squid-like being who is good at reshaping flesh,” Violetta explained. “So you have Yaldy, Frank, Fred, and Squid Face in there?” Dodge asked. “I’ve wondered where they went off to. Oh, how I miss the good days.” “Oh, so that’s what happened to those crazy guys.” Umbra said as Gelu growled loudly. “They just vanished from hell sometime ago. It was kind of boring without them but at least we were less likely to be torn apart and remade a different species or gender as a joke though.” “If it’s the same squid head that turned me into a girl, I have one thing to say,” Gelu paused before she giggled. “Thanks, that made it so much easier to come out with how I felt to my brother.” Violetta looks at the others with curiosity, “I dunno if they are the same as my prisoners, these four are really cranky in their prison and keep talking about reviving their little empire on some world I abducted them from. They never really talk about their past. Nowadays they go by C’thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'shaarj, and N’Zoth” “Oh, well I can let them out.” Dodge offered. “It’s probably stuffy up there anyway, just imagine the door and I’ll open it.” “I’d rather she didn’t,” Sophia warned. “The place is already crowded enough with the rowdy dragons here. Last thing we need are the mortal-minded being subjected to feelings of doubt, despair, anger, hatred, fear, violence for the sake of violence and absolute arrogance all at once.” “Rowdy is an understatement,” Red mumbled. “Less than five minutes here they broke a wall, shattered windows and admitted without shame that they would set me alight given a chance to and...huh, are they related to you Iggy? Sounds like you on a good day.” “No they’re not and I’d rather not be lumped in with that bunch with my brother,” Gelu snapped before faceclawing as Ignis has a look in his eyes akin to a child in a candy store after Sophia listed the effects. “It’s not really crowded,” Dodge offered, ignoring Red’s and Gelu’s interruption. “I have the population of at least three different Equestrias here. Also, I could probably make a lot more space if needed. Also, I’d rather they didn’t use their powers here. I’ll have to beat them up until they learn to respect my rules here.” Dodge said with a needle toothed smile. “I can let them out if I want,” Violetta explained. “I just have to make sure they are on their best behavior if they want me to let them out for our brief visit. I am their jailor after all.” “Aww, I was looking forward to beating their skulls in.” Dodge grunted as thousands of hammers, guns, screaming souls, normal souls, swords, flaming swords, and various other items fell down into a heap behind Dodge. “This is your house Dodge, I would rather not behave so untoward to you or our fellow guests,” Sophia assured. “I also make sure those who accompany me act with the same courtesy since they know what happens if I report them to her aunt.” Violetta shuddered. “Just to clarify, Umbra and Gelu were joking about knowing them.” Terra says before grabbing Reds by his cloak hood. And you're not even going near those weapons. I know how you think and you were eyeing that foam hammer.” “I wouldn’t touch those weapons, especially not the hammers if you don’t want to die Red.” Dodge warned. “Aww, I was hoping I could break my record for sending Umbra flying with a foam hammer.” Red  pouted along with Umbra. “Same, last time we did that I landed inside a roof in cloudsdale,” Umbra explained. “No,” Dodge stated with finality. “Sophia can kick someone out of orbit,” Violetta bragged. “Not the time to be comparing feats of strength, Vio.” Sophia admonished. “I don’t see why not. I’ve ripped in half entire universes just for fun before.” Dodge bragged. “Kicking out of orbit which would kill someone violates the game rules of no killing and Dodge,  see a therapist. That’s not something to brag about let alone for fun.” Red said. “I did once, he tried to eat me.” Dodge said  “Get a better non-murdering therapist or ask the crazy one for hers.” “Oh you said therapist, not therapeutic, and no I will never do that.” Dodge said. “I’ve done therapy before as a therapist,” Violetta said. “Of course, whether I fix them or spice their brains up with madness is up to my whims.” “Can you try being less creepy?” Sophia admonished her companion. “You’re the one being weird Sophie, I know you are trying to butter them up so they can help us but do you have to be such a stick in the mud about it?” Sophia rolled her eyes to Violetta’s comment. “It would be no fun if we didn’t have someone who was at least semi-sane to see all the insanity.” Dodge said as eyes spread across all the surrounding area. Sophia shrugged, “I’ve seen worse. One time Vio drove an entire universe into killing each other. This wasn’t simply war, it was every lifeform against each other as she turned everyone into violent sociopaths.” “Oh, that’s nothing. I can at least get one multiverse to kill itself and I mean that it quite literally, started stabbing a gigantic knife into itself.” Dodge bragged. “Oh, we so have to go on a multiversal murder spree sometime,” Violetta cheered. “That sounds like fun.” Dodge said “Ok we’re getting off topic here and people think I’m crazy,” Red said before looking at Sophia. “You mentioned you came here because of the Anziek right?” Sophia politely cleared her throat, “Before that, I must ask if our host is providing refreshments before I begin.” “Oh, sorry, do you like blood or tea?” Dodge said  Sophia placed a hand to her chin in thought, “Are you able to add meat flavorings to a tea mixed in blood?” “Yes I believe this is possible, is that what you want?” Dodge said “That sounds lovely, I’ll even make sure Violetta, when she requests blood, drinks hers instead of her using it to write on the walls.” “Spoilsport,” Violetta pouted. “Now, what type of blood do you want? I have: dragon, snake, cat, dog, my own, jabberwocky, fish, windigo, siren, bat, ghost, vampire, and goblin.” Dodge offered. “Any will do, I have devoured many species in my long life for their essence so whatever you serve will be fine.” Jabberwock it is then, here you go.” Dodge said as a saucer holding a teacup containing a strange brew within it manifested before handing it to Sophia. “Please tell me you got the Jabberwock blood from the universe where Alice is a complete asylum case?” Violetta pleaded. “No, I just got it from the neighboring dimension next to this one.” Dodge said. Violetta pouted in response. “Any blood high in protein is good for me especially if I can keep it in vials for use later. It helps with my healing abilities to have it on me even if I can’t stand the taste,” Red says casually surprising Dodge. Sophia had a feeling he would have unusual tastes since he was a vessel to a bunch of demons. “Snakes are pretty high in protein.” Dodge offered. “Thanks I will keep that in mind when hunting, so anything to eat?”  “I only have whispering iron, but you probably don’t want that.” Dodge said, holding up a squirming mass of what looked like red hot iron. “Interesting I’m gonna pass on that but the crazy girl might want it.” “Which one are you talking about?” Sophia smirked. “The one currently poking a fire demon in the eye for fun.” Red deadpanned as Violetta poked Ignis, who tried to bite her hand off, only to fail to bite down as his own mind couldn’t process the command to bite. “I wanted to see if I could feel what he feels,” Violetta defended. “Just don’t feed him anger. Last time it took me kicking his ass with the help of an immortal who had access to every known weapon to subdue him and even then it took me two weeks to put him in his place myself and he’s still pissed about it.” “Or I could have done so by making him think he’s a puppy,” Violetta stated cheerfully. “Well, best not to do anything to Reds demons, especially Umbra,The spirit of deception itself taught him when he was here last time.” Dodge said  Both Red and Umbra blink as Terra, Ignis, and Gelu look at them both. Sophia quietly sipped her tea while Red complained about time shenanigans and Violetta had a chat with Dodge’s serpentine companion about deception. “Anyway miss Sophia, I still want to know what you know about the Anziek seeing as both me and Dodge have had them show up on us as well and, well, I’m lucky some of my people are scattered and that I’m alive but they’re no joke. Even with all the power of my magic and my roommates we lost hard.” Red says getting impatient and a headache  Sophia noticed the frustration growing on the Pegasus’ face and grinned, “Information from me must be exchanged for information of equal value. It’s only fair after all.” “Well I don’t know much just that they’re capable of killing god type beings and seem to attack indiscriminately seeing as they hit not just my home but Terra’s, Ignis’, Gelu’s and Umbra’s multiple times, barely repelled. Seems killing entire realities has the side effect of sending the damned into different hells. That’s all I’m saying as we’re not allowed to say any more aside that the one that leads them is called the Lord and I’ve never seen the coward, but maybe Dodge has?” “After decimating half the army that he sent for my dimension, yeah. I’ve met him, a real piece of work, that guy and a pain in the butt to fight.” Dodge said “Hmm,” Sophia pondered. “It supports my theory that they are travelling the multiverse and I did encounter someone who was extremely powerful that kept me from just moving in and slaughtering the army myself. I ended up evacuating those who wished to do so before I fragged the planet. I also gained knowledge of their biology after eating one of them.”  “Extreme, but useful and sadly one of the only ways to slow them down I fear so the question is what do we do now? It’s only a matter of time before he finds this place and I still have to find my people and a new home while trying not to die in the process.” Red says before lowering his voice as it takes on a somber tone. “And I won’t ever forget that kid’s face when I died for the second time. I tried to save them only for some sick joke of them being the one that dies so I can come back.” Red says, his voice betraying his calm expression as his eyes show regret. Sophia looked at Red with eyes of sympathy, “So you ended up sacrificing a child’s life so that you may continue? I won’t say anything cruel about that but you know that you must now carry that burden for the remainder of your existence.” Her expression became somber. “Innocent lives are lost in the fires of war throughout the multiverse and it will never discriminate between who lives and who dies.” “It’s a cruel twist of fate, a life for a life. I died trying to save the kid only for them to take my place. I knew the risks of taking the deal, I just didn’t expect it to happen in front of me.” “I’m a creature who lives off of suffering and pain so I really have no clue what you are talking about because I really don’t care. I mean I love killing things but I do it in such a way that it’s fun for me at least.” Dodge said. “Imagine someone you care about and how you would die for them only to be brought back and watch them die as you had in pain and suffering; the fear as they can’t understand what’s happening to them.” “Oh, oh, oh, that’s one of my favorite things to do. I rip someone’s soul out and put it into an object and destroy the earth and continue until I am no more of that specific object. Then I continue doing it with all sides of others and yes, I know it’s creepy.” Dodge said.  “Forget it Redsopine,” Sophia said. “You can’t teach an eldritch horror to empathize with mortal lives like you can’t teach your demons how to act like good pets.” Sophia suddenly sensed aggressive thoughts coming from the pegasus. She sensed that he was intending on attacking her in the left shoulder so she quickly deadened the nerves in that area of her body. “Pets you say?” Red asked, his tone becoming cold with an edge to it as something sharp suddenly digs into Sophia’s shoulder from behind revealing a deformed claw before pulling out as Red brings his bloodied claw out from behind himself. “You best choose your words carefully when talking about my friends.” Sophia looked at the wound and back at Red unfazed while her tone took on her own edge, “Don’t start something here, boy. We are guests here and I would prefer not to turn this into a test to see how many times you can revive yourself as I rip you apart, limb by limb, organ by organ. I am controlling myself here while you show your immaturity by rising to my jabs.” The wound quickly regenerates and within seconds, it appeared as if the wound was never there. She made a mental note to pay him back if he should ever find himself on her ship. “You sure you want to take the risk of the life being chosen yours?” Red asked before calmly dipping the tips of his claws into a couple of vials, storing the blood in them before wiping the rest on his cloak. “Though you’re right that I’m a guest and unlike most of the people here we’re not uncaring monsters.”  Noticing what the pegasus was doing, Sophia was glad that the properties of her family’s blood became permanently inert upon leaving the body or there might have been a problem at some point down the line. As the exchange was going on, Ignis whispers to his sister. “Did he almost get killed defending us or am I seeing things dear sister?” “No, I saw it too and we always thought he just saw us as tools or pets. Yet even with the connection muted I think he meant it.” “Do you please share with the rest of the class?” Dodge said as it walked up behind the draconic demons. “Nothing, just a family matter. But I think my brother’s temper might have rubbed off on Red.” “Oh, so you consider Red to be family now.” Dodge said  “No!” Gelu quickly stated. “We were just discussing ideas on how best to ditch him for a better host is all. As we said, it was a family matter.” Sophia smirked without anyone noticing as she knew what was said between the two dragons. “Ooh please don’t lie to me. I can hear everything in this dimension. It is mine after all.” Dodge said.  “Want me to repeat what was said?” Violetta asked. “Yes, please, go ahead.” Dodge said With a wicked grin, a fanged mouth opened on Violetta’s left forearm. “Don’t!” Red shouts, interrupting them. “It’s not important, and unlike you two I respect their privacy. We don’t get much from each other so we respect what we can. It's only fair and we’re bound so we need to have trust in each other and despite our arguments, I trust them with my life and me with theirs. That’s all I need.” The mouth on Violetta’s forearm closed and she pouted while muttering, “Killjoy…” Sophia sighed, “Entertainment aside, we need to consider our next move if we want to find a way to halt this invasion.” “There’s only one way. It’s the same reason I bear the burden of immortality: we eradicate them completely so they cannot come back.” Red says grimly. “The question is how do we do it?” “Well, I mean I have a freaking armory filled with immortal-killing weapons. Oh, did I mention that I have the heads of other immortals that I’ve killed over the millennia?” Dodge mentioned proudly.  “I have considered constructing a virus that would disrupt their reproductive capabilities so they will be more hard-pressed to renew their numbers when they suffer heavy casualties,” Sophia offered. “Sort of like that one from the Mass Effect section of the multiverse but leaving them no chance of reproduction.” “That sounds like that would be a decent idea but they need to be something more, we need to find the original dimension of the Anzeik and destroy it. That way there is absolutely no chance they are coming back.” Dodge said. Sophia shook her head. “I stole a few secrets that the Anziek attackers had in their minds. They destroyed their own home long ago. These creatures are nomads; like locusts, they swarm upon worlds and plunder the resources before obliterating it.” “So that’s out, any other ideas?” Red asked. “I would suggest you train. It's very hard to be able to use a god-killing weapon without training. It took me thousands of years to learn how to use my dear Saber Cutting Void. So get training, unless you have a better idea.” Dodge ordered as a giant appeared behind them and open revealing thousands of weapons of all kinds, from flamethrowers to ghost-throwers, from daggers to claymores, from pistols to gatling guns, from ghosts to poltergeists, from normal grenades to null grenades. “I know some swordsmanship but it was only a week of intense training, otherwise I improvise so I wouldn’t know where to begin. On another note, if anyone picks up any information about my people can you let me know so I can find them.” “I would suggest you improve yourself before you worry about others, kid.” Sophia said. “I might know someone who can be your instructor with the sword, but she will also be helping me develop the plague.” “While that sounds nice we have Red’s training in various skills well in hand,” said Umbra, smiling before his lips slowly lowered. “Oh right, that was meant to be a surprise. Well, surprise, we’re gonna teach you.” “Also, since you know in all likelihood there will be a time where Red will have to fight without you guys, give him your powers. I’m going to need to train Red separately from you guys. Same with you, Violetta, the more powerful you are the bigger of a target you are so we’re going to need you to let your eldritch demons out.” Dodge said. Violetta simply ignored everyone as she inspected the decor.  “Do any of you know of our abilities both open and hidden or the knowledge and experience we all own? Red might be a brawler and a dirty fighter but that was not us who taught him that. He’s been able to use our magic, how could you teach him things that are a part of us and him without us?” Terra asks. Sophia shrugged, “Everyone’s capable of learning something new every day, even you demons. It’s when you think yourself perfect that you doom yourself to stagnation.” Red fiddled with the key Dodge gave him and asked, “Dodge, you said this key could go to anyplace I have been before. Is it that one place exactly or one close to it if that place has been destroyed?” “Correct,” Dodge said “You're not gonna say which one, are you?” Red deadpans before sighing and standing up. “I’m heading to bed, Dodge, could you make a door for me please?” “Here you go,” Dodge said as a door appeared in front of Red. “Thanks, you coming?” Red asked his demons as they nodded, even Ignis, albeit reluctantly, as they walked over next to him and they walked through the doorway which seemed to vanish as they did so before the door closed. “Well, I’m gonna go to sleep in my bedroom.” Dodge said as a small well house appeared in the distance and began walking toward it.  Sophia and Violetta were left alone as they finished off their refreshments. “Do you think they will be of any assistance?” Violetta asked. Sophia took a moment to finish her tea before responding, “Maybe, maybe not. The child has much to learn about fighting and he needs to improve his relationship with his demons if he wishes to avoid death, whether by enemy or the embarrassment of his own demons being his end. The eldritch being has a point though, your little mental prison may make you a liability in the future which is why I would prefer to have you use your abilities carefully from now on. Unlike with mister Dash’s demons, you have a jailor and prisoner relationship with yours and I don’t see that improving anytime soon. Meanwhile, I need to work with Thanatas on the plague and get Ingram to devise a means to distribute it throughout the omniverse. Perhaps in time, our gracious host and their guest might prove helpful to us, but we may have to leave them to their own devices until we have need of them or they come to us.” Violetta pondered on what Sophia said for a moment then shrugged. “So what now?” “Back to the ship, of course.” “You got it.” With that, Violetta opened a maw portal back to Sophia’s ship. “Well, if you’re going to leave, take these with you.” A voice boomed as a key appeared in each of their hands. Sophia and Violetta were curious about their new gifts for a moment but shrugged as they decided that they had stayed their welcome long enough and walked through the fanged portal. “after all this nonsense, I really need a cup of tea” dodge muttered as their drinks parlor.