• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 1,644 Views, 31 Comments

The Keeper of the keys - Moonghost

(Displaced Locke and key) (Available for crossovers)

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Flashbacks and Striking Deals

You know this conversation really reminds me of one I had with Twilight. She was asking me what it was like to be a unicorn and Olden times.To which I burst out laughing.” Dodge explained to Elwood.


“Why are you laughing.” Twilight said.

“Oh,Twilight, Star-swirl the bearded is and always will be a draconic sphinx.“ Was My reply.

“But historically sphinxes couldn’t do magic without using rhymes, how come you can do magic without?” Twilight asked.

“Well you see Twilight, draconic sphinxes are shapeshifters unlike normal sphinxes, therefore my magic is more akin to Gargoyle Magic than Sphinx Magic.” I replied.

-End of Flashback-

“How about you? How did you get to be a master of this ancient language you keep mentioning?” Dodge asked.

“I was taught by Queen Sunburst. It wasn’t easy though due to the differences between our languages. Oh sure, she speaks english she learned from the visitors of the past, but there were alot of words I spoke that couldn’t be translated that didn’t exist, so I had to get a little creative to fill in the gap.” Elwood explained as he got a bit more comfortable. “Years later when I got better at magic, she told me it could be achieved through mental focus, which made casting magic easier as long as my mind doesn’t stray during the casting. But of course.” Elwood said as he patted Kaiserin’s neck. “She helps out with the focus.”

“Well, I could teach you runic magic if you want to learn another personal form of magic?” Dodge asked. “That and forge magic from my specialties.” Dodge said with pride.

“The ancient language is highly versatile and it's only limitation is where I can draw the energy, or Ki as Asta once told me. As of now, I’ve used me and Kaiserin’s energy to cast my spells, but if I wanted to do something insane like...” Elwood paused as he thought about it. “Creating a whole new planet. I would need a lot of dragons just to make that happen.” Elwood explained.

“Runic Magic is only limited by your world's ambient magic, and can keep interdimensional gateways open permanently if wanted, It also allows you to create your own dimensions, that how I made Tartarus.” Dodge said.

“Maybe, but you’ll have to show what it can and can’t do later on.” Elwood said as Kaiserin rolled her eyes at Dodge.

“Please Kaiserin, don’t roll your eyes at me, my species is your cousin, which by the way means I am in a way your cousin.” Dodge said.

“We came from two different worlds, Dodge. My kind’s dragons is not the same as yours.” Kaiserin said with a soft snort.

“Na gut, Kaiserin, I do see your point.” Dodge said with a laugh.

“The only way for us to be related is if we formed a magic bond.” Kaiserin explained.

“Huh, like what Sunfire told me when she formed one with Aurora the Kirin.” Elwood said as he tapped his chin in thought.

“Well, okay why not, I think I have just a spell for that, I call it the oath spell, this oath would form a magic bond between two beings or more. Dodge said how she pulls out a stone slab from her locket with the appropriate rune scribed in it.

“It is not a spell to be used as if it were candy being handed out to young dragons. It is something very sacred that can only be used twice. Once with a rider, and another with a very close friend.” Kaiserin explained as her tail flicked about.

“Did you know spell that I just pulled out is the most sacred thing that I have and I am willing to give it to you as a sign of trust and kinship, this rune is the deepest bond that my species ever makes, and you disgrace by calling me a sphinx who indulges in things as if they are candy.” Dodge said with rage.

“Sign of trust? How curious considering we’ve known each other for only a few hours.” Kaiserin said as she raised an eyeridge.

“This rune I hold is a cosmic oath rune, anyone who touches it can not be harmed by anyone else who touches the rune, that includes through proxy, it also allows knowledge and power be shared between people who have Touched the rune” Dodge said.

“So it’s the same as me or Elwood looking through people’s mind by force or those willing to allow us to see through it.” Kaiserin said as she continued to lay there.

“Kaiserin’s a little stubborn.” Elwood said as he rubbed the back of his mind. “Then again, it’d probably help if I did explain this whole works. We’re bonded by magic, so we can hear each other's thoughts, emotions, pain. It's like we’re as one but still separated. This gives me mind abilities and enhanced magic.” Elwood explained.
“And I’m confident in my rider he would protect me.” Kaiserin said with faith.

“Well, Sphinx Magic is something that most people will kill to be able to use.” Dodge said.

“They haven’t learned about us then, but let’s leave it at that..” Kaiserin said, causing Elwood to let out a sigh.

“The ancient language is very dangerous, even more so if someone had access to a collection of a dragon’s crystallized Eldunarí..” Elwood said as he still remembers the history lessons given by Sunfire.

“Well, I don’t know what Eldunarí is, but, I’m guessing it’s important.” Dodge said.

It’s the dragon’s heart; the core of their being. When a dragon dies by mortal wounds or magic, they have the choice to put their energy and spirit into their heart of hearts, allowing them to live on forever as a crystal. They can communicate telepathically and share their energy with anyone they desire. Now imagine there being thirty or fifty of them in the hands of a mage?” Elwood asked as he leaned onto the head of the saddle.

“Hmm, like my race’s ritual of lucem ac vivorum et mortuorum, light of life and death. When you see you in the Sphinx dies they have a choice to go into a limbo-like state where they can interact with the world through a proxy or they can transfer the power to their first born heir.” Dodge said.

“I don’t mean to cut the conversation short, but shouldn’t we check on your apprentice?” Kaiserin said with a hint of impatience in her voice.

“Oh, right, well let’s get going, and since you two have been such gracious helpers allow me to take us to Ponyville and then onward to Tartarus.”Dodge said she stood up dusting her dress off pulling out the identity key, but, then stopping. “You know you’ve never seen me use my own personal brand of magic allow me to remedy that now dona mihi potestatem minui dies mutante iIdentity reditu ego tibi damnationem.” Dodge said as the key seemed to melt into her skin and she began to change into a large draconic Sphinx with silver-ish gray fur and silver and onyx Mane and tail. Well, climb aboard.” Dodge said that she extended an enormous silver-ish gray wing down to the ground.

Elwood stared at Dodge, then looked down at Kaiserin as they both looked at each other in confusion. “I… don’t think that would be necessary..” Elwood said as he looked back at Dodge.

“Oh you truly have never seen Sphinx Magic have you?” Dodge said with a Cheshire grin. Sphinx Magic allows for instantaneous travel between two points.” Dodge said, smiling even wider.

“I would have done the same thing if I was in ponyville first. Doing it now with no knowledge of what it looks like will lead to going to the wrong place upon casting the spell.” Elwood explained as Kaiserin was examining Dodge’s draconic form.

“I haven’t ridden on another dragon’s back since the last time I rode on my father’s back…” Kaiserin said with a gentle chuckle.

“it’s just me trying to be kind, Okay, So if you don’t wanna ride on my back, you can at least follow.” Dodge said, shooting off into the sky.

Kaiserin quickly spread her featherly wings and shot off as well after Dodge much like that of a pegasus, but with a lot of strength behind it.

“RACE YOU!!!” Dodge shouted to Kaiserin and Elwood.

“What? Why this all of a sudden.” Elwood shouted back.


There was a moment of silence as Elwood and Kaiserin had a mental discussion. “I’ll give you a test then.” Elwood shouted as he held his hand forward. “vanyalí vindr.” Elwood whispered as gale winds suddenly came to life at his command, sweeping behind Kaiserin and boosting her forward past Dodge.

“WIND, You really think wind can stop me, I feel like you flying through gale force winds is a challenge? Sphinxes are creatures of the sky and the sand.” Dodge said as she launched past them both.

“Flying through it, sure, but what will you do when it fights against you?” Elwood said as he thrusted his hand in a circular motion, causing the wind to suddenly push her back and slow her down,

“Please, wind is the Sphinxes domain. Well that and riddles, but, that’s off subject.” Dodge said as she wrestled control of the wind’s might and tried to turn it against Elwood using her own magic. Dodge could feel a strange force behind the spell, like it was another dragon wrestling against her that could not be seen.

“Reisa.” Elwood whispered, causing an unknown force of magic to suddenly cause Dodge to zip off further into the sky. The winds quickly dispelled as Elwood took the lead

“Well, come on we need to get to Ponyville.” Dodge said.

“Hey, all you need to do is think of where it is and we’ll go wherever you think Ponyville is.” Elwood said as everything around them calmed down.

“Do not insinuate that I do not know where I’m going.”Dodge said.

“No, I meant we’d see whatever you think..” Elwood quickly corrected. “It’s faster than giving us directions.” Elwood said as he slowed down for Dodge.

“You know what, I'll just make a portal.” Dodge said well she ripped a hole which Ponyville could be seen.

“...You could have done that from the start after we got out from the underground…” Elwood said with a frown as Kaiserin turned herself to head toward the hole.

“It just slipped my mind.” Dodge said, she went through to the other side of the hole.

“Hey Dodge, are we still scheduled for an Q&A session?” Lyra Heartstrings shouts as her marefriend Bon Bon laughs.

Elwood looked down from where Kaiserin hovered, seeing everypony as… well, a pony instead of dragons like his world.

“Lyra, can we discuss this at a different time?” Dodge said well thinking I really shouldn’t have made that promise.

“Sure” Lyra said with a frown. “Well, at least I finally have a human who I can look dry for secrets on the human race.” Lyra mentally thought.

“Where would she be, Dodge?” Elwood asked Dodge as he gave Lyra a curious look after hearing her thoughts.

“Did you not notice the giant tree castle?” Dodge deadpanned.

“Our worlds don’t follow the same thing. I don’t know what Twilight Sparkles looks like.” Elwood explained as he looked around.

“Oh, she is a purple horse with wings and a horn, in this world you would call her Alicorn.” Dodge explained to Elwood.
Elwood looked toward the giant tree house as his eyes took on a strange gleam; his pupils turning into slits. Using scrying, Elwood’s sights move over to look inside the house to see if Dodge’s friend is inside and safe.

“If there’s a purple dot that you can see in the tree, then that’s Twilight.” Dodge said.

“Purple dot? That’s not how scrying works. I can actually see inside as if I flew in there like an unseen ghost.” Elwood said as Kaiserin landed. Elwood’s eyes soon return to normal. “She doesn’t look like she’s home at the moment…” Elwood said to Dodge.

“Well, hey! Eris Get over here!!!” Dodge yells at a random wall.

“OK dodgy!” A voice shouted out. Suddenly, a head that appeared out of the side of the wall

“Take us to Twilight, please cousin, Oh, how rude of me, Elwood meet Eris, Lady of Chance, Eris meet Elwood master of the ancient language.” Dodge introduces.

“Nice to meet cha, Elwood.” Eris said, suddenly shaking Elwood’s foot.

“Well, I see you I was forgotten about.” Discord said, as he was passing by with Fluttershy.

“I didn’t want to interrupt your date Dissy.” Dodge said to which both him and fluttershy blush, which causes Eris as well as Dodge to laugh.

“Your appearance reminds me a lot of Disarray, a dragon Sunburst told me about.” Elwood remarked.

“She’s probably referring to your world version of this guy, Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony.” Dodge explained.

Elwood gave Discord a wary look. “Disarray in my world was known as the shade of madness and deception…” Elwood said with caution.

“Well, hopefully at some point he’ll turn around his way of thinking and become an ally instead of an enemy.” Dodge said.

“I won’t hold my breath on that one.” Elwood said as he looked at Eris. “So is Twilight Sparkle safe? I mean me and Dodge came over to check on her.” Elwood asked.

“She’s safe sequestered in a heavily warded room in the basement of her palace.” Eris said, “Dodge are we still on for a game of croquet this afternoon?”

“Sorry, I’m Busy.” Dodge replied.

“That’s fine, you go.” Eris said.

“Tell you what, soon as I get back, we will have that game of croquet, Okay?” Dodge said.

“Okay!” Eris exclaimed.

“Alright, Elwood, let’s go.” Dodge said as she changed her form to a serpentine-like Draconic form.

“Lead the way.” Elwood said as he got comfortable in the saddle.

“Try and keep up.” Dodge said, as she began to burrow a tunnel to Mount Everhoof, and subsequently Tartarus. Elwood on Kaiserin’s back followed after Dodge.

Location: Mount Everhoof

“We’re here.” Dodge said, as she exits the tunnel and changes back to human form.

“Huh, alot less hellfire and brimstone…” Elwood commented as Kaiserin shook the dirt off of her scales and feathers.

“Well, the entrance of the most infamous prison in the world to be blatantly obvious would be stupid.” Dodge said.

“...Does this place get a lot of attention or visitors due to it being infamous?” Elwood asked as he slid out of Kaiserin’s saddle.

“Well, no, more like it’s in the middle of nowhere, hidden so that someone won’t stumble upon it by accident and open it up, not to mention to three guardians the patrol around the mountain.” Dodge explains.

“I thought only you and the one holding the key can open it?” Elwood asked with confusion.

“Well, there are three ways you can open Tartarus. One is breaking in, and the second one is using two keys to open it, then there’s the way that we are going to break it partially unlocking the seal with the ghost key, so that the lumen ex mortuis to go to sleep, taking the most dangerous of the three guardians out of commission. We still have Cerberus The Three Headed Hound, and Cadaverinus The Fresh Absorber.” Dodge explained.

“I believe the hound I can put to sleep, although I have no clue of the other.” Elwood said as he thought about the lore of old monsters back when he was on earth.

“Cadaverinus is a ink demon, a creature made from blood ink.” Dodge explained.

“Ok, maybe shocking it would be of help. Is it made of actual blood or is it different?” Elwood asked curiously.

“Well, the ink is made from my blood, which isn’t actually blood, but, more like liquid metal, so that would be very effective.” Dodge said.

“Yeaaa, I won’t be trying to control that element. It sounds complicated.” Elwood said, earning an amused look from Kaiserin.

“That’s a first. Usually you’d try to take it apart just to understand it.” Kaiserin said with a grin.

“When it’s from my world? Sure, but when it comes to the Displaced… It’s not so easy.” Elwood said with a chuckle

“What’s not so easy?” Dodge questions.

“Remember when I said the ancient language is highly versatile? Basically, if I understood how the ink demon exists or how its body works from a logical point of view, I could practically control him with a word or sentence along with mental focus of what I want it to do.” Elwood explained to Dodge

“Well his body is made of a hardened shell of ink, with a liquid interior except for at the mouth that there are hardened chunks of black ink that service teeth.” Dodge explains.

“Oh, so just the normal kind of ink. I thought it alot more different than that” Elwood said with relief. “How big is it?” Elwood asked curiously.

“It’s about thirty or fourty feet long and about ten feet tall.” Dodge said.

“Ok, yea. We can immobilize it.” Elwood said as he shares the knowledge with Kaiserin via telepathy about how ink was made and works.

“Be areful, it can shed its shell and make a new one, but for about ten minutes after the new Shell has been formed it is vulnerable to attack.” Dodge adds.

“I have no more questions.” Elwood said with a nod of understanding

“Well since you have no more questions, I get this plan into action.” Dodge said.

‘Well Elwood takes care of the two less powerful guardians I’ll take care of the most powerful one.’ Dodge thinks to herself as she gets out the ghost key and puts it in one of the two locks of Tartarus.

‘It’s funny, it feels like just the other day, I was making this lock.’ Dodge Thought.


Clover could you get me the molding clay, please?” I asked.

“Yes Sir.” Clover the Clever.

“Clover we may be colleagues, but we’re also friends, please call me, Star.” I said.

Okay, Star. Clover said.

-End Flashback-

‘Hmm, I really wish I could tell Twilight she’s related to Clover, but, clover made me promise to tell no creature ever.’ Dodge thought with a sigh. “let’s get this over with.” Dodge said as she walked towards the floating ball of entropy made alive. “entropy et abiit.” Dodge whispered to the ghost key as she pointed it at the lumen ex mortuis,
as the lumen ex mortuis dropped to the ground, asleep, Dodge remember there was a fourth guardian, and just as soon was trapped in the chain limbs of The Great Lock.
“Elwood help me, Please!!!” Dodge shrieked out in pain, as the The Great Lock’s chains began to constrict Dodge.

“Vanyalí issa!” Elwood spoke with his hand thrusted toward The Great locks, causing the chains to be instantly encased in ice. Kaisering quickly followed by smashing her tail into the frozen links, attempting to shatter them.

“Nice quick strategy, but, ultimately now it’s immune to ice and cold, although now I feel like it was a stupid idea to leaving the only permanent weakness for it behind it.” Dodge said,

Elwood’s eyes darted around as he was trying to think of another way to get Dodge freak. “What is it’s weakness then?” Elwood asked.

“You see that large chain-like key behind it?” Dodge asked.

“Yea?” Elwood answered as he looked behind the great lock.

“Get it, at all costs.” Dodge said.

Elwood made his way behind the lock, then reached out to grab the key.

“I wouldn’t do that, frosting the chains holding the key won’t work.” Dodge said. However, the key easily slipped off as the ice parted with his touch.

“You’ve got aloooot to learn about me.” Elwood said

“Well, we still need to get that key into lock.” Dodge said as she pulled her saber from its Sheath “Let’s go.

“And you’re kind of in the way..” Elwood said with a frown as he glanced around the chains to see if there’s a way to get rid of them.

“The weaknesses of the chains constantly shift between cold and hot” Dodge said.

Elwood let out a sigh. Kaiserin got the mental message as he exhaled a blue flame onto the chains.

“I guess I’m attacking with a cold.” Dodge said, as she slashed forward causing an icy wind to occur on the locks chains, slowly but surely the chains began to crack and then began to burst one by one. “Would you like to do the honors Elwood?” Dodge asked, as she stood far enough away that the lock couldn't create additional chains to grab her. Elwood quickly rushed it as he placed it into it’s gaping mouth as Elwood didn’t want to give it a chance to react.

“Now we can go in, welcome to Tartarus.” Dodge said with a flourish, as she opened the gates. Elwood kept his guard up as the trio walked on through.

“Follow me, stay the same path as me or you will get lost and no tracking magic works here so don’t try using it, come on, we have a centaur to beat up. Any questions?” Dodge said.

“...You keep forgetting my magic is not the same as yours.” Elwood said with a whisper as this reminded him of Asta, another magic user who claimed they were immune to magic until Elwood proved that his magic was not the same that Asta is immune too.

“No need to be rude about it, centuries old does make you a little bit forgetful if you will forgive me, also we’re nearly to Tirek, so, you might want to stop showing off your magic.” Dodge said as she pulled her key ring out in case Tirek tried to leech her magic. (Just as a side-note Tirek cannot sap magic from objects only beings.)

“Good point. While he won’t be able to take it directly from me, he might take it if I casted some made from my energy.” Elwood said with a nod as he was confident his swordsmanship and Kaiserin’s fire breath, strength, and their mental powers can still be of some use.

“Well, Here we are.” Dodge said as her stopped and pointing to a red twig looking creature with two eyes Golden Filled with avarice, and filled with burning hatred towards Dodge.

“So you finally came to see me? I’m flattered.” Tirek said in an old and decrepit voice,
“Ooh, and who are you?”

“I’m sorry, but that won’t hold any importance for you as we won’t be meeting again after this.” Elwood said as he kept his name a secret.

“Oh, my dear boy, Name everything here, a wise choice to keep yours a secret.” Tirek said with a fang filled smile.

“Enough of this Tirek, you know why we’re here, where is it?” Dodge growled.

“I lost it. Tirek said.

“Liar, you know exactly where it is Tirek, you may have forgotten, but, I’m the ruler of Tartarus, so I know when you’re lying when you’re here so stop lying.

“Oh I’m sick of doing this.” Tirek said as he began to try to sap Magic of Dodge and Elwood.

“Elwood, Cover me.” Dodge yells as she Loosen demons from her keys.
“fetch!” Dodge said,as pointing at Tirek.

Elwood and Kaiserin took to the air, leaving Tirek in confusion of why magic was not coming out of Elwood. With a mighty exhale, Kaiserin released blue flames down upon Tirek.

“Septimus get the key.” Dodge said as Tirek began to be more and more in raged.

“WHY CAN’T I TAKE YOUR MAGIC!!!” Tirek bellowed.

“There’s a little failsafe that I put in place if someone isn’t currently using magic, you can’t take it.” Dodge said.

“You won’t be learning how my magic works either!” Elwood yelled in return as Kaiserin swooped down to allow Elwood to attempt to slash at Tirek’s chest.

“Do Not Discount an old centaur.” Tirek said as a huge WarAxe materializes in his hands, The blades seemingly glowing with powerful fire and hatred, The handle seemingly made from bones and engraved with many runes, Blades seemingly connected to the haft by Sinewy veins of black,“Now prepare yourself.” Tirek said as he did something that delayed his strength,Tirek began to Pull the chains that bound him taut and then proceeded to rip the chain anchors free.“You have no idea how many cramps you get when you’re immobile for 1000 years.” Tirek said.

“Do you know Tirek, if you give me back my key, I could shorten your sentence to do I don’t know maybe two years? If you’re on your best behavior I could release you now, under parole of course, but I still could release you now, Heck I could even pay you in Magic if you would work for me?” Dodge said.

“A tempting offer, but if I may ask, what would I be doing if I worked for you?” Tirek said.

“You would be a Lower level ruler of Tartarus, would you find that appealing?” Dodge said.

“Are there any hidden strings attached?” Tirek questioned.

“Naturally and we both know when I make a deal it’s ironclad and there are no loopholes, So is it a deal?” Dodge asked.

I will take your deal, but I have but one condition, You, My Good Sir, what is your name?” Tirek asked Elwood.

“Tirek, he already said he wouldn’t tell you, also that would violate one of the terms of our deal trying to make loopholes during or after negotiations of said deal.” Dodge said.

“But…I” Tirek said.

“The deal became active as soon as you agreed, therefore any clauses that pertain to trying to alter the do you are in effect, or in other words you can’t change a single thing. Now handover my key.” Dodge said, holding her hand out for it.

“Hmm” Tirek grumbled, as he handed over an ornate onyx key about the size of a large chicken, or a small cow.

“Thank you” Dodge said, as she projected her thoughts to Elwood and Kaiserin, thinking to them. ‘ keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn’t do any funny business, I have to use a little bit of magic to put this key away in my locket.’

“Well now that’s taken care of.” Dodge said closing her locket “Tirek, come here and put that axe away.”

Elwood and Kaiserin landed nearby. Elwood looked relieved while Kaiserin looked disappointed.

“Well I don’t know about you, but, I think I could use a drink, how about you Elwood, Tirek?” Dodge said.

“If he can be trusted.” Elwood said as he gave Tirek a sideways glance.

“Oh, trust me, if he tried to escape, The contract he made with me would kill him.” Dodge said.

“Fair enough.” Elwood said with a nod.

“Come on, I know the place.” Dodge said as she made a portal out of Tartarus. ‘Oh it’s great to be able to do that again,’ Dodge though. With nothing else to say, Elwood and Kaiserin followed Dodge through the portal.

Dodge led them to a small tavern her name punch’s tavern.

“Sphinx Blood wine please?” Dodge said to berry punch.

“Dodge, how have you been?” Berry Punch said as she grabbed the requested Beverage.

“Oh,Just was collecting a few things, Oh where my manners, berry, Tirek and Elwood.” Dodge said as she grabbed the chalice containing her drink. “There’s also a quite friendly dragon outside named Kaiserin.” Dodge said, after taking a sip.

“Please sit down, can I get you anything?” Berry punch asked to Tirek and Elwood.

“I’m pretty new here, so I have no idea what you serve.” Elwood said as he took a seat.

“Well, we are pretty much any alcoholic beverage you can think of as well as all of the non-alcoholic beverages you can think of also a few things that you should be physically impossible in this universe, those are for Discord, Eris and occasionally Dodge, so what would you like?” Berry asked.

“Centaurian Fire Whiskey.” Tirek said back to Berry.

“Just water will do.” Elwood answered.

“Well, we have got that out of the way. Do you want to stay a little longer or would you like me to send you back to your own universe?” Dodge asked Elwood.

“Be sent back. There’s really nothing here I need.” Elwood responded with a nod.

“Very well then,it was nice meeting you, Elwood, Elwood our contract is concluded,but before you go away have one more thing.” Dodge said as she grabbed a Lump of whispering iron and quickly made it into one small dagger. “I would be very much grateful if you would take this as a token of friendship. Also this blade can cut through the fabric of reality if you handle it carelessly. Please be careful with it.” ‘Oh I have missed this.’ Dodge thought as she reminisce all the other times she had made a blade with her hands alone.

Elwood was taken back at the mention of it cutting open reality. “I’ll be mindful of that.” Elwood said as he took the knife.”Gëuloth du knífr.” Elwood spoke as magic made the blade temporarily blade. Elwood wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be cutting anytime soon. Once Berry Punch returned with his water, he drinks it down as a magical door materialized into thin air and possibly startling the nearby patrons. A bigger door of similar design also appears for Kaiserin, allowing them to leave Dodge’s world. The glass cup Elwood had spun around in place before floating over safely to the nearest counter.

“Well, he certainly was a nice fellow.” Berry Commented.

“He is certainly a worthy opponent.” Tirek said.

“I really do hope he doesn’t die.Now I have a croquet match to attend.” Dodge said standing up, and leaving a bag of bits to pay for the drinks.
“You’ll be good Tirek don’t take anyone’s magic.” Dodge call to Tirek.

Author's Note:
