• Member Since 7th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen May 29th

Buttery Biscuit

*dances the dance of Italy oh-hoh-oh* OASIS! 3 Mile Mark! This is what it means to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! 00:00:00

Comments ( 14 )

Twilight enters the forbidden section of Celestia's library in search of a book she needs for reference. She does not warn her mentor ahead of time as she assumes the legends that this place was cursed are untrue. What could it hurt to hurt to pick up just this one book?

EDIT: Also, you probably should put “just” before “pick up”.

Oh you are right! I'll have to fix that. Thanks.

Is the Tomb (grave) being a substitute to Tome (book) intentional in the title? I could see it working if so.

Yes it is on purpose I'm glad you caught that I wasnt sure anyone would.


I enjoyed your story. Good luck with the contest.

I was about to ask the same thing before I checked the comments.
Very clever.

thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks for submitting this! I look forward to reading it.

Space the text walls out, separate out dialogue.
It's a bit of a eyesore in this state.

Edit: autocorrect

What the what? How do you space the text walls out? And I have no idea what desperate the dialog means. I'm sorry. I gave it a shot anyway I hope it's better.

Ah, autocorrect. I mean separate.

As for how, it's hard to explain-but I see you've already fixed it.

Nice 👌

Oh ok cool! Thanks for your input and help so my story could be improved I appreciate it! I'm glad I could figure it out :)

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