• Published 20th Apr 2020
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Revenge of the Storm King - IronStories

Princess Celestia and Queen Novo must fight through the Storm King's gladiatorial arena

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Chapter 4: The Day the Mountain Fell

Novo reawoke from her unconscious state after being zapped by a Storm Guard for tackling the Storm King. She looked at Celestia, upset.

"Glad to see you awake, Novo." Celestia said. She noticed Novo looking distraught. "Is something troubling you?"

"Celestia," Novo asked, "do you think I'm.... a coward?"

"Heavens no!" Celestia replied "You fought bravely today!"

"No," Novo said, "I mean, do you think I'm a coward for hiding out with my subjects in Seaquestria?"

"Of course not!" Celestia replied. "You did what was best for your subjects and your kingdom. You didn't want to risk losing any of them."

"I'm not sure." Novo sighed. "I wonder how different things would be if I stayed and fight. Maybe... just maybe... Waverider would still be here." Novo tried her hardest to hold back tears.

Celestia looked very concerned. She walked close to Novo to try and comfort her. "I know it's hard for you to talk about that day, but maybe it would help if you at least told me about it. That is, if you want to."

Novo looked at Celestia. "Alright," she said, "I'll tell you the whole thing." She was hesitant at first, but she felt it would better help Celestia understand why she hated the Storm King so much and why she was not too keen towards outsiders to her kingdom originally. It was a tale of that faithful day, one the hippogriffs referred to as the Day the Mountain Fell.

The day seemed like any other on Mount Aris. It was calm and peaceful, and the hippogriffs were enjoying the tranquility. Queen Novo and King Waverider were enjoying a relaxing afternoon with their young daughter, Princess Skystar, when suddenly a massive explosion was heard throughout the kingdom. Waverider, who was also the Commander of the Royal Hippogriff Navy, got up and surveyed what happened, with Novo clinging to Skystar. The kingdom has been invaded from the north.

"What is it, dear?" Novo asked.

"We're being invaded." Waverider responded. "Quickly, round up the other hippogriffs and initiate our evacuation plan."

Novo was concerned. "Are you sure you don't need help? I could ask Celestia and the Canterlot Royal Guard."

Waverider shrugged off the concern. "Don't worry. I got the finest navy at my command. All we need to do is hold the invaders off long enough for you to evacuate everygriff to the place we discovered. Now go, take Skystar with you. I'll get General Seapray."

Novo reluctantly agreed. She gathered Skystar and headed to the center of town, but not before giving one last exchange to Waverider.

"Promise me that you'll be safe."

"Don't worry about me." Waverider chuckled. "I'll be fine. Now go, everygriff is counting on you"

Both rulers went their separate ways. Waverider went to gather the troops to hold off the invasion, while Novo went to round up the other hippogriffs and get them to safety.

"Mommy, what's happening?" Skystar asked. "Where's Daddy going?"

"Daddy and I have some important things to do, honey." Novo said, with a slight edge to her voice. "Here, let's go see your auntie Ocean Flow and your cousin Silverstream, okay?"

The Storm Kingdom fleet made its landfall, bringing with it a complete onslaught. The Storm King commanded his army to wipe every last hippogriff out, and that all resistance be crushed. Close by, the Royal Navy made its stand.

"This is it, troops!" Waverider exclaimed. "We're the last line of defense against these invaders! We'll keep them at bay long enough for the Queen to get all the citizens to safety. Let's go! For Mount Aris! "

"For Mount Aris! " the troops replied, and they prepared to counterattack the forces of the Storm Kingdom.

"Quickly everygriff! Make haste!" Novo shouted. She has been busy gathering all the hippogriffs to the safety of the caves. In them, there was a magical Pearl that allowed its bearers to transform into the mystical SeaPonies. The plan called for turning all of the kingdom's inhabitants into SeaPonies so they could take refuge in the underwater land of Seaquestria, a long lost city that Novo and Waverider discovered. That way, everyone could evade capture and detection from the Storm King, or worse.

Novo surveyed. Skystar was sent with her aunt Ocean Flow, so she would be safe while Novo evacuated the city. Suddenly, a light green hippogriff, the local shell merchant, quickly came running to Novo.

"Queen Novo! " He pleaded, trying to catch his breath. "Please! You must help me!"

"What is it?" Novo said. "This better be important. We're in the middle of a crisis here."

"It's my daughter, your majesty! " The merchant said, still panting. "She's trapped underneath some rubble, and it's too much for me and my wife to dig through! Please! You must help us, I beg of you!"

Novo grew concerned. Knowing a child was trapped underneath some rubble sent her maternal instincts into overdrive. All the remaining hippogriffs were either back in the caves or already in Seaquestria. "Show me where she is, quickly!" Novo told the merchant, and they quickly made haste.

The battle against the Storm King's army was not in the favor of the Royal Navy. The hippogriffs were getting overwhelmed by the sheer size and scope of the Storm Guard. Not liking where the battle is heading, Waverider had to give the regrettable order to retreat.

"Captain!" Waverider ordered to Seaspray. "We must withdraw our forces immediately! "

"But sir," Seaspray said, "what about the invasion? "

"There's too many of them!" Waverider responded. "I will not risk losing more soldiers! Besides, looks like everygriff has been evacuated! Go! I'll go and look for Novo and we'll hold the line here!"

"Yes sir! Alright troops, fall back! Fall back immediately!"

Seaspray rallied the remaining forces of the Royal Navy and headed for the shelter of the caves. Waverider, meanwhile, diverted to find Novo and hold down the fort while the remaining hippogriffs head to the safety of Seaquestria. The Storm Guard followed the hippogriff king.

Elsewhere, Novo followed the merchant to the area where his daughter is. His wife tried removing all the rubble, but it was too heavy. Finally, they arrived to lend a helping talon.

"Queen Novo! " The merchant's wife was grateful. "Thank the seven seas you arrived."

"Stand back! I'll get your daughter out!" Novo began removing the rubble as quickly as she could. She was nearly there when a massive shadow was appearing. A Storm Creature was right next to Novo and was getting ready to attack. The merchant and his wife slowly backed away, and Novo was ready to stand her ground. The Storm Creature raised its battle axe in the air, ready to deliver the final blow.

Just then, King Waverider swooped in and delivered the first blow, knocking the Storm Creature away. He headed for Novo and they exchanged a heartfelt hug.

"Told you not to worry about me." he said.

"Oh hush." Novo replied. "I need your help. This couple's child is trapped underneath here."

Novo and Waverider made haste in rescuing the trapped hippogriff, and after much work, they managed to see a light-blue color. It was the child, and Novo quickly brought her out from the rubble. The young griff was a little scuffed, but she was surprisingly unharmed.

"Oh, thank you, your majesties!" The merchant said, he and his wife overcome with joy. "How can we ever repay you both?"

"Head for the caves. The other hippogriffs will fill you in." Novo replied. "Hurry now!"

The hippogriff family did as they were told, and headed for the caves. Novo and Waverider stayed behind to hold down the fort. Just then, a massive cannonball fell from the sky right near the king and queen, knocking them off their feet. The fog cast a massive silhouette of the Storm Guard, and as they got closer, it showed how immense the army was. At last, Novo and Waverider got a glimpse of the Storm King.

"Well, look what we have here!" The Storm King boasted. "The Great Queen Novo and her dear King Waverider. I get to finally meet you two at last!"

"What do you want from us?" Novo asked, as she and Waverider got back up. "Why are you doing this to our kingdom?"

"Oh, I just needed to expand my reach even further," the Storm King remarked, "I want to show other kingdoms the might of my forces, that I mean business."

"We can work this out peacefully." Waverider attempted to plead. "Just call off the invasion."

"And miss the opportunity to try out my new weapon? " The Storm King held an Obsidian Sphere. "You should feel honored to be the first test subjects for it." The Storm King tossed it in Novo's direction.

"Novo, look out!" Waverider shouted, as he shoved Novo away and was hit directly by the Obsidian Sphere. "AAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGHHHH!" His body was slowly petrifying to stone, completely unable to break free.

"W-Waverider?" Novo said, witnessing the horror of what was happening to her husband.

"T-take.... care of..... Skystar..... and our.... kingdom...." the hippogriff king was now completely turned into a statue, still with a distraught look on his face.

"Waverider?!" Novo was in utter shock. "What have you done to my husband?!"

"Nothing major." The Storm King chuckled. "Just turned him into stone, nothing more. And now comes the fun part!"

A Storm Guard handed his master a massive sledgehammer. The Storm King made his way to the petrified Waverider, completely unable to fight back. Novo knew what would happen next, and she became incredibly worried.

"No, wait!" She pleaded. "What are you doing?! Keep away from him!" Novo's cries were completely ignored, as the Storm King raised the sledgehammer and delivered the fatal blow to Waverider.


In one massive hit, King Waverider, the once proud and noble king of the hippogriffs, was smashed to pieces. The Storm King handed the sledgehammer back to the Guard, while Novo was grieving the loss of her beloved.

"No, no, no no no NOOOO!!!" Tears ran down the Queen's face as she lied near the rubble of her husband. She experienced loss before, but this was the biggest blow for her. Not only was Mount Aris gone, but so was the hippogriff she loved the most. The Storm King came close to the crying Novo.

"There, there, my dear." He said, seeming like he was trying to comfort the distraught Queen. "Its alright, there is no reason to be upset. You will reunite with your dear husband soon enough. "

Novo looked up at the Storm King and noticed him holding an Obsidian Sphere. Gasping, she pushed him away and ran as fast as she could go, fleeing to the safety of the caves.

"Do not let her escape!" He growled, ordering his troops to chase after the Queen. Novo was running at top speed, with the Storm Guard quick on her tail feathers. She was completely terrified at the prospect of being captured.
Soon enough, the fog proved to be an advantage her, as she was able to give the slip on the Guards chasing her. She successfully made it to the caves, sealing the entrance so that the Guards would not find her, or the remaining hippogriffs. The Storm King looked everywhere for Novo, and grew increasingly more angry.

"How does a hippogriff just disappear like that?!" He shouted. "Rrrgh! No matter, the coward's fate is sealed. We're done here, let's move out!"

The entire Storm Army pulled out of Mount Aris, once the bustling home of the hippogriffs, now a barren, eerie, and desolate place. Back inside the caves, Novo reunited with the remaining hippogriffs, who were pleased with her return. Skystar ran up to her mother, giving her a big hug.

"Mommy, Mommy!" She exclaimed. "I'm so glad your here! But where's Daddy?"

Novo's jovial smile went to a depressed frown. The other hippogriffs knew that the look on her face was not a good sign. Novo tried her best to remain calm, but it was a near impossible task.

"Honey," she said, trying her hardest to hold back tears, "Daddy... won't be here to join us."

All the hippogriffs were transformed into SeaPonies, with Novo being the last one. As she dived into the pool, she took one last look at the interior of the caves, knowing that there was no going back. She grabbed the magic Pearl and dived down, ready to start her new life in Seaquestria.

"I was never truly the same after that day" Novo told Celestia. "Everygriff managed to move on. But it was hard for me. I let that day haunt me for so long. It changed me. I became too prideful, too protective, and when outsiders came asking for help, I turned them away. I-I was afraid of what would happen if we were discovered, that the Storm King would be after us again."

Celestia tried her best to comfort Novo. "You did what you had to. And you kept you subjects safe. That's what really matters. You had a right to me weary."

"But at what cost?" Novo remarked. "I was pulling double duty ruling, when before Waverider and I ruled on equal footing. I put too much pressure on Skystar, especially during her adolescence, and I turned away your student and her friends when she needed help!"

"Well, I mean, she did try to steal your Pearl."

Novo gave an unamused look at Celestia.

"Anyway," Celestia said, once again getting back on track, "you did what you felt was best for your kingdom. That is what's important. I know I've had to make some really tough decisions. Some hurt more than others. I know exactly the kind of pain you've been through. I know what it's like to lose someone you care the most about. Believe me."

"The only difference is" Novo added, "you at least got to see your sister again." Novo stated to break down and cry.

Celestia, feeling upset, gave Novo a big hug, comforting her. "I just want to let you know that you are one of the bravest individuals I've ever met." She said. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

Novo, wiping away her tears, started to feel better. "Thank you." She whispered. It was painful to talk about the past, but really helped Celestia better understand what Novo went through. The rulers, however, had to face even bigger obstacles ahead, as two more matches had to be won before they can finally go home. For now, all they could do is rest and regain their strength for the next match.