• Published 20th Apr 2020
  • 986 Views, 3 Comments

Revenge of the Storm King - IronStories

Princess Celestia and Queen Novo must fight through the Storm King's gladiatorial arena

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Chapter 2: Captured

Back at Mount Aris, Princess Celestia and Queen Novo were wrapping up their meeting. It went fairly well, and they wanted to take the remaining time to catch up with each other. Both have been so busy these days that they rarely get to do anything together. And since Celestia had some time left, she wanted to be with her old friend just a little longer.

"So tell me about those 'seaweed wraps' you like. Do you eat them or something?"

Novo chuckled. "You have no idea how lovely these are! They really help the complexity of your skin so much. I really reccomend them if you want to feel as smooth as a SeaPony's bottom."

"Oooh!" Celestia was intrigued. " I would like to try that out if it's as good as you say it is. I could definitely use one as a way to relax!"

"I'm glad you think so!" Novo replied. "I get one to relieve some of my stress. Plus it makes feel young. Come on, I'll take you to my personal specialist. They're a master of their craft!"

Celestia followed Novo down the mountain to get her first ever seaweed wrap. But not too far ahead, the massive airship of the Storm King was slowly closing in.

He observed from main deck, growling. "So, they managed to restore their precious kingdom, completely undoing all my hard work." Suddenly, he noticed Celestia and Novo. Smirking, he decided to set his plan in motion. One of the generals grunted, wondering when it would be the perfect time to strike.

"Patience, lieutenant." said the Storm King. "You know the most important rule of combat; catch your enemies off their guard."

As Celestia and Novo nearly made their way down the mountain, a rumble of thunder filled the air. Both royals looked up, confused. There wasn't suppose to be any rain this week. Something was not right.

Suddenly, two Storm Generals crash down onto the area where Celestia and Novo were at, knocking both rulers off their feet. "What?!" Novo gasped, getting up from her fall. She and Celestia soon got a glimpse of the Generals.

"It's impossible..." Celestia remarked.

"Who cares if it's impossible or not, we can't let them get any further!"

Celestia and Novo charged after the Storm Generals, but they miscalculated their movements, as the Generals dodged their movements, pulling out electrical prods and viciously zapped both rulers, causing them to scream in intense pain.


They soon fell to the ground with a loud thud, completely in shock and unconscious from the surges of electricity filling their bodies. The Generals soon picked up the unconscious rulers, ready to return to their master. The ship lowered, and the Generals boarded with their new prisoners. The Storm King grinned, satisfied with the success of the mission. "Quickly," he ordered, "before they spot us!" The airship soon made its quick escape from Mount Aris and headed back to the Storm Kingdom.

"Mom! Miss Celestia!"

Princess Skystar heard the screams of her mother and Celestia. She flew as fast as she could to the edge of the mountain. Normally she isn't involved in royal meetings, usually taking her mother's place on the throne, but the distressing cries she heard alerted her, and she swiftly took off to find out what happened.

"Mom! Miss Celestia! Did something happen? I heard you both scream, I hope you didn't-"

On the edge of the mountain were some of Novo's feathers. This was a clue that something was wrong. Skystar was on the verge of panicking.

"Mom?! Miss Celestia?! Where are you?!"

Skystar's cries went unheard from her mother, as Novo, along with Celestia, were far from Mount Aris and were heading for the Storm Kingdom, their fate completely unknown. Inside the airship's holding cell, the rulers regain consciousness, and try to take in their surroundings.

"W-where are we?" Celestia asked.

"I'm not sure." Novo replied. "But when I find out who did this, they're gonna pay dearly!"

Suddenly, an ominous and familiar voice filled the air. "Well, I see our guests have finally waken up." He walked up to the cage to glimpse his prisoners. Celestia and Novo could not believe their eyes.

"It... it can't be." Celestia said.

"No. Impossible! The Storm King?!" Novo added.

"Miss me?" The Storm King remarked. "You are looking very well my dear Queen Novo, a little less, uh, fishy than normal. And you, Princess Celestia, well, you look fine I suppose."

"But how?" Celestia asked. "You were turned to stone and shattered into pieces!"

"Correction! I was turned to stone and shattered into pieces! But thanks to my loyal army, I'm finally back, baby!"

"You better release us this instant, you oversized baboon!" Novo angrily demanded. "When I get my talons in you-"

"Temper, temper," the Storm King said, interrupting Novo. "I'll let you both go in due time. But right now, I have have some important business with the two of you. For too long I was encased in stone, scattered into tiny little pieces! And upon my restoration, I began to think, what better way to get my revenge on the ones responsible for my mishap in the first place than capturing two of the most important individuals in their ranks? Oh, it's only the beginning..."

"What are you going to do to us?" asked Celestia.

"Oh, you'll see in due time!" replied the Storm King. Soon the airship returned to the Storm Kingdom. "Let's go, ladies! We're going to have so much fun here!"

The Generals shackled Celestia and Novo to make sure they wouldn't try to escape as they exited the airship, heading towards what appeard to be an arena of some sort. As they approached closer and closer, the residents of the kingdom got a glimpse of the outsiders, grunting in anticipation for what would happen to them.

At last they arrived at the arena. Celestia and Novo were taken to a special holding chamber, but not before witnessing a brutal battle from within the arena. Two massive creatures appeared to be fighting to the death. Claws slashing, teeth gnashing, and deep booming roars could be heard echoing out. The two behemoths clashed until one ultimately fell. The victor was then shackled by the guards, but still put up a fight. The audience couldn't care less, and continued to cheer for the monster. The last thing that Celestia and Novo saw was the best flinging one of the guards into the stand.

The Generals soon unshackled the rulers and tossed them into their holding cell. One of them grabbed Celestia, who's attempts at fighting back were fruitless through the General's tight grip. He placed a strange device on her horn, then tossed her back in the cell.

"What the- AHHHHHHHHHHHGH!" Celestia tried using her magic, but the device glowed and she received a painful shock. Soon the Storm King reappeared to taunt his victims.

"Welcome to my Colosseum! This is where you'll be spending your time here in the Storm Kingdom! Why, you should feel honored!"

"Honor?" Novo sneered. "I don't feel anything but the urge kick your hairy butt all the way to the other side of the world!"

"Now now, my dear Queen Novo," lamented the Storm King, "save your agression for the ring. You should be proud to be the first hippogriff to ever compete in my area! And Princess Celestia is the second pony to compete here, right behind my former lieutenant Tempest Shadow!"

"C-compete?" Celestia wearily asked, still recovering from the shock.

"Yes!" The Storm King gleefully replied. "Also, like your new accessory? It's a magic blocker designed to give a 'fair' fight in the ring. If you attempt to use your magic, you get the zap. Cute, isn't it?"

Celestia and Novo didn't say a word, and instead angrily glared at the Storm King.

"Anyway," he continued, "you two will compete in my area. Gladiatorial sport is very popular here in the Storm Kingdom, so what better way of enacting the next phase of my revenge than having you two fight in it? I am a humble yeti though, and if you manage to win three matches, I will allow you both to leave, and take no further action. But, if you lose at least one match, I will send my army to wipe out both your kingdoms. Do we have a deal?"

Novo wasn't buying anything he said. "Do you expect us to believe such a blatant facade?! Fat chance! We'll never do such a-"

Just then, Celestia interrupts the irate hippogriff. "We'll do it." She said with heavy reluctance. "But you must promise to not take any further action against our kingdoms should we win the matches"

"What?!" Novo said, in complete shock.

"Ah, I knew you would agree to this!" The Storm King delightfully said. "Especially when your kingdoms are on the line! And don't worry, I'll keep to my promise. Now get some rest, ladies. We have a busy day ahead of us!"

The Storm King cackled as he and his Generals left. Novo was completely distraught as to what Celestia agreed to do.

"C-Celestia? How could you? Why would you even think of making a deal with that monster?"

"I had to do what I had to do," Celestia replied, "for the safety of my subjects. I trust you would have done the same."

Novo didn't say anything, seeming very reluctant. She was all to familiar with the Storm King's endeavors. For the moment, all she and Celestia could do was get some rest. Today didn't go exactly as planned, and it was only going to get even more challenging for the royals later on, as they had to win 3 gladiatorial matches, or risk having their kingdoms decimated.