• Published 20th Apr 2020
  • 987 Views, 3 Comments

Revenge of the Storm King - IronStories

Princess Celestia and Queen Novo must fight through the Storm King's gladiatorial arena

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Chapter 3: The First Match

Celestia and Novo slept through the night without worry, even through they had reluctantly agreed to complete in the Storm King's gladiatorial arena and secure three victories, or face the destruction of their respective kingdoms. They rested together in their cell until the dawn arose. A loud banging sound awoke them.

"Rise and shine, ladies!" The Storm King said, banging on a miniature gong. "You have your first match today!"

The rulers begrudgingly got up. "I swear, I outta shove that gong where the Sun don't shine..." Novo crankily remarked.

"Save it for the ring, sister." The Storm King replied. "Now then, let's get you gals fitted for your armor!"

The Guards opened the cell, and the Storm King escorted Celestia and Novo to get them fitted for their armor. Once there, the rulers seemed uncertain about their choice.

"Are you certain that we'll be protected wearing that?" Celestia asked.

"Who needs protection?" The Storm King lamented. "Its about the entertainment, putting on a show! Besides, it's the only thing we got for a pony like you."

Novo started to angrily glare at the Storm King.

"Oh, and a hippogriff like you too!" He hastily added. "Now get suited up. You have an audience dying to see your first match!"

Novo was the first to get her armor on. It was fairly easy for her due to her dexterous forelimbs and talons. Celestia had some trouble getting her armor on, handicapped without the aid of her magic, so Novo helped her out. Finally, Novo put her helmet on, and she and Celestia began to walk out and into the arena.

"Are you ready for this?" Celestia asked her friend.

"I'm not sure. I just want to get this whole thing over with." Novo replied.

They entered the ring and saw that the stands were packed with Storm Creatures abroad. At the very top of the balcony was the Storm King himself, along with two Guards. He was eager to get the match started as the crowd cheered in anticipation. He got up and announced the match.

"Welcome, my dear subjects, to another glorious day at the Colosseum! Today we have a historic event taking place, as we have here the rulers of both Equestria and Mount Aris competing for the fate of their kingdoms! If they can win three matches, they'll leave this arena with no consequence!"

The crowd let a dissatisfied growl at the prospect of Celestia and Novo winning.

"But! If they manage to lose any match, I will lead an all-out attack on both kingdoms, wiping them out and leaving their inhabitants to my will!"

The crowd's groans went back into cheers upon hearing the prospect of that idea.

"Before we begin the match," the Storm King added, "do our competitors have anything to say?"

"Just shut up and let us fight already!" Novo shouted.

"Oooh, eager to get started, aren't we?" The Storm King said. "I like that attitude! Now we introduce you to our first match. You two will be facing off against one of the most dreadful, most vicious, most bloodthirsty beast to ever lay foot in the Storm Kingdom. I present to you...... the ThunderWraith!"

A loud banging echoed through the stadium. The sound of thrashing claws began to emit through the air. Celestia and Novo turned around to face their opponent. The banging grew louder and louder, until the gate finally opened. A massive black, white, and grey beast emerged, looking like a cross between a dragon and a wolf. Its snarled face, matched with its frilled coat and massive wings would send chills down anypony's spine. It bellowed at the sight of its opponents.


The crowd erupted in applause and cheer at the sight of the creature. Celestia and Novo stood there in complete shock, while the Storm King sat on his throne and grinned in anticipation.

"Let the match begin!" He announced. "And remember, ladies, your kingdoms are on the line here!"

The ThunderWraith charged at Celestia and Novo, but they managed to get out of the beast's path, causing it to crash into a wall. It shook its head, then turned towards the rulers and snarled. The crowd roared in cheers.

"So how do we stop this... thing?" Novo asked Celestia.

"I'm not sure." Celestia replied. "We need to determine its weaknesses and bring it down from there."

Their banter was soon interrupted by the ThunderWraith's slashing claws. Celestia and Novo charged at the beast, but were then pinned down. The monster roared at them, then proceeded to slash at them until Novo slashed back with her talons. The ThunderWraith wailed in agony as the crowd continued to cheer on. Enraged, the monster charged at Novo and pinned her to the wall. Celestia, sensing an opportunity, charged at the creature and rammed it with her horn. The ThunderWraith responded by kicking Celestia across the arena. Novo looked in horror as the beast flew towards Celestia, and all the while, the crowd watched in amazement, cheering on the ThunderWraith while the Storm King observed from his balcony, pleased with how the match was going.

Novo flew towards the creature before it could attack Celestia and began to slash at it. "Leave her alone, you brute!" she yelled, digging her talons into the beast's back. Roaring in pain and rage, the ThunderWraith flew into the air, trying to shake Novo off. It kept ramming into the walls, but the Queen held on. The creature then crashed down to the ground, sending Novo off it's back. Novo went to check on it, but it soon sprang up and was about to pounce on her, but then Celestia swooped in and gave a swift kick to the beast's face, sending it tumbling down with a thud. It seemed that Celestia and Novo managed to secure their first victory.

But the ThunderWraith wasn't going to go down so easily. Though weakened, it still had some fight left. Another charge and the beast grabbed the rulers and took off in the air and dived down, slamming both Celestia and Novo to the ground with tremendous force. The dust slowly cleared, and there was Celestia and Novo, seemingly lifeless on the ground. The ThunderWraith let out a triumphant roar, and the crowd cheered and applauded. The Storm King chuckled to himself, as it seemed that the deal he made with the rulers fell into his favor.

However, Novo's talons started to twitch. Soon enough, she and Celestia got up, battered and bruised, but not beaten. The ThunderWraith, annoyed at seeing its victims still standing, roared and charged. Celestia and Novo took to the wing, and performed a combo move together, hitting the beast with great force. The impact was enough to send the vicious ThunderWraith to the ground, completely knocking the monster out.

The crowd was silent. Some were in awestruck, others felt that it was inevitable. But their eyes didn't deceive them. Even the Storm King was in disbelief as to what he's seen. But it happened. The ThunderWraith has been defeated, and by a pony and hippogriff no less. The crowd erupted in a combination of applause and disappointed grunting, with Celestia and Novo standing there, looking stoic.

"Well, it seems that we have our winners!" The Storm King announced. "But can they win two more matches?"

The crowd continued cheering and growling, and the gate opened up, signaling the end of the match. Celestia and Novo entered the gate, lucky to have survived the first match. They finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they knew that they probably wouldn't get lucky the next time.

"How are you feeling?" Celestia asked Novo.

"Brused, battered, and sore everywhere. But I'm fine" Novo replied.

"I must say, ladies, I am beyond impressed!" The Storm King said, walking in. "That was the most entertaining thing I've ever seen! I could watch that for hours on end if I had the opportunity! You were a natural, Celestia! And you, Novo, I haven't seen you fight that hard since that faithful day!"

Novo paused. Any reminder of that day filled her with angst. She turned around and told the Storm King, "Never remind me of that day ever again."

"Novo, calm down." Celestia said. "Don't let him toy with your emotions."

"Oh, definitely, my dear!" The Storm King said, clearly striking a nerve. "Though I must say, while I was busy expanding my empire, you were busy hiding in that itty bitty little fishbowl under the sea. I don't know about you, but doesn't that seem a bit, oh, what's the word, cowardly?"

"I said, zip it." Novo angrily remarked.

"Alright, alright!" The Storm King chuckled. "You certainly showed your strength in the arena today. You know, your husband put up a good fight, and well, look where that got him."


Something in Novo just completely snapped. She pounced on the Storm King, pinning him to the ground. Celestia tried her best to get Novo to snap out of her rage, but it was fruitless. The Queen was stricken with blind, uncontrollable anger.


One of the Guards zapped Novo with a prod, sending her to the ground. The Storm King got back up, seemingly unphased from the Queen's attack.

"That's the best you have?!" He laughed. "I should have known how weak you and your kind are. Why, just for that I outta track down your precious Seaquestria and decimate that too! That is, if you lose any of the remaining two matches. Take Celestia and her bitter friend to their cell!"

The Guards escorted Celestia and carried the unconscious Novo back to their cell. They may have secured their first victory, but they still have two more matches to win, and the stakes couldn't be any higher.

Author's Note:

The ThunderWraith is based on a piece of concept art that was made for the MLP movie for this really cool looking monster that is suppose to in the Storm King's army. https://derpibooru.org/images/2268939?q=storm+guard
There were several pieces of art made of these creatures for the movie, and I thought it would be interesting to have these as creatures that fought in the areas. https://derpibooru.org/images/2227891?q=storm+guard