• Published 19th Jul 2020
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A Dazzling Return (#3) - LightningStar626

After failing their alliance with Dr. Devil, Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings, begin plotting some other way to get their revenge on the Rainbooms

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Chapter 9: Rainbooms in Action!

Chapter 9: Rainbooms in Action!

~The Rainbooms peek through the massive hole in the building and see the masked men move through the restaurant, automatic weapons trained on the terrified people.~

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for attending our little charity drive this afternoon." The lead gunman bowed. "So considerate of you to bring all your money and wear your finest jewels today. Makes things easier for us."

"Oh my gosh...I can't believe this is happening, girls! What should we do?" Rarity asked.

"We should fight them." Sunset said bravely.

"But, Sunset, they have guns!" Twilight screamed.

"So?" Rainbow shrugged. "You really think they want a massacre on their hands? As soon as I get the chance, I'm beating these guys!" She hit her hand with her fist.

"Remain calm, everyone…" said the manager of the place. "We just need to cooperate, and everything will be alright."

~A few gunmen started dividing the crowd into separate groups while the others focus on the manager.~

"This group, with me! And remember what the boss said...no funny business. We don't wanna kill you...we just wanna rob you!" Criminal 2 grinned.

~The Rainbooms glare and march straight into the building altogether. The lead gunman notices the girls and whirls on them, the barrel of his rifle aimed straight at Sunset.~

"You want something, ladies?" He asked angrily.

"We want you to stop all this." Sunset answered.

"And surrender!" Rainbow added.

The man immediately bursted into laughter. "What? Surrender to you? Oh, that's adorable. Heh heh. Just stand aside so ya don't get hurt."

~Before Sunset or anyone else could say something else, the man darts his eyes and his gun back to the manager.~

"You know what to do. Give us the combination to the safe."

"No! Leave him alone!" Rainbow demanded.

"Shut up, rainbow girl."

~The manager nervously writes down the combination on a piece of paper. The gunman reaches out to snatch it, but Rainbow lunges forward.~

"Rainbow, no!" The girls shouted.

~Rainbow collides with the gunman, tackling him to the floor. His gun files out of his grip and arcs through the air.~

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped.

~The gun flies right towards Sunset, and she catches it. As her fingers brush the handle, she begins to panic a little. She shakes it off and holds it firmly.~

The gunman was furious. "WHY YOU LITTLE-"

~The gunman goes to strike Rainbow but a force stops him. Applejack pulls Rainbow off the guy so she could pull him up and glare in his eyes.~

"What the hell?"

~Applejack makes her geode glow, then she lashes out with her fist, knocking the man across the restaurant to crunch lifelessly against the far wall.~

"Oh my god...boss!" Criminal 3 exclaimed.

~Applejack looks down at her hand in surprise. But then she looks up to see the three gunmen line up their weapons at her.~

"Say goodnight, freak!"

Fluttershy covered her eyes and whimpered. "I can't watch!"

~The men open fire and the bullets whizz towards Applejack. She flinches but suddenly the bullets penetrate a diamond shield that magically appeared in front of her. Rarity smiles and slides beside Applejack.~

"Don't worry, darling, I got you covered." Rarity said as she casted more shields.

"Thanks ya, Rarity, that was close." Applejack sighed in relief.

"We need to disarm them." Twilight said.

"On it!" Pinkie smiled.

~Pinkie reaches into her pockets and pulls out a shaker of sprinkles. She shakes a handful in her hand, lets them glow for a while, then tosses them straight to the gunman nearest to her. They explode right in his face and knocks him back into a table, his weapon is also blasted out of his hand.~

"Hey! What was that?!"

~The gun flies through the air and was about to land on a gentleman's head, but it freezes in mid-air and glows purple. The other two guns and the last men were holding also glowed. Suddenly, they were ripped out of their hands just before they realised what was going on with them. The guns levitated for a while, then they floated away from them over to where the girls were grouped up. Twilight lowered the guns down and gave one each to Pinkie, Rainbow, and herself.~

"Hey! Give those back!" Criminal 1 demanded.

"No way." Rainbow smiled, pointing the gun at him.

"It's over." Sunset glared.

"Not. Yet."

~A massive shadow falls over the girls as the lead gunman steps out again, his broad shoulders filling the hole in the wall he crashed in.~

"Let's get out of here, boss!" His henchman shouted.

"Not without a bag full of money!"

~He knocks the weapons out of the girls' hands and closes the distance between them.~

"Time to tell each other bye-bye…'cause you're dead!"

~The boss clasps both hands over his head and brings them down like a hammer to an anvil. Everyone shuts their eyes tightly, but then someone pokes the boss' eye, and he recoils in pain. He staggers to his feet, clutching his face, but before he can get his guard back up, someone lightly jabs his chest and slams him against the till, his head hits the edge with force and he falls down in defeat. He leers at the one who finished him.~

"Not bad, kid. Not bad…" He puts his head back and falls unconscious.

"Never hurt me or my friends again, you big meanie…!" It was Fluttershy, and her eyes were red.

"Whoa...Fluttershy…" Rainbow's eyes widen.

Fluttershy reverts back to normal and gasps when she saw the gunman. "Oh my goodness...did I...?"

"Yep. Ya sure did, sugarcube. I don't think he's gonna get back up after that anytime soon…" Applejack said.

"Oh my…-"

"We did it...We did it! Yes! We did it! We did it, We did it, We did it!" Pinkie cheered, pulling Fluttershy into a tight hug.

"So, what now?" Rainbow asked.

~Just then, everyone hears the wail of police sirens as squad cars pull up outside the restaurant.~

"We let the police take it from here." Twilight answered while smiling.

~Sometime later, the officers snapped handcuffs over the criminals' wrists and frogmarched them to their cars. The lead gunman frowns in despair as the seven girls watch him be taken away.~

"Well, guess you were right about me after all, Ma…" He muttered to himself. "You always said I'd end up in the slammer."

~After the policemen drive away, the manager and the employees run up to the girls.~

"You girls saved my shack!"

Fluttershy blushed. "Please, don't worry about thanking us-"

"Nonsense! We have to repay you! As manager of the shack, I declare that…" He stops in his sentence and cups his ear waiting for a name from the girls.

"The Rainbooms!" Pinkie smiled.

"The Rainbooms shall be given free pizza as long as they shall live!"

~The crowd surrounding them erupts in applause and the Mane 7 cheer excitedly, jumping up and down.~

"Thank you, sir!" Sunset said.

"No, thank you!" The manager nodded proudly.

~He and his employees walk back inside their restaurant and the crowd disappears. The Rainbooms smile, but sadly, it doesn't last long.~

"Yes, a very well done to you all." Everyone turned to see Adagio and the sirens again, gloating. "Now, where were we?

"Don't you dare come any nearer!" Rarity screamed. "You beasts!"

"And how will you stop us?" Adagio taunted. She stood a little more than two metres from where they cringed, and folded her arms. "Like I said, you can't do all the skills yet."

"And you must still be tired from all of that!" Sonata said. "So, this is going to be easy."

"Well, I'm not tired and I know all the skills." said a cheeky voice.

~The Dazzlings turn their heads to see Lightning Star and Karly Crystal directly behind them, arms folded. The Rainbooms smile while the Dazzlings snarl at them both.~

"I'm not going to be easy either." Lightning also added.

"Me too. Well, kinda." Karly shrugged ridiculously.

Sonata's face shrunk. "Um…"


~Lightning clicked and pointed behind her as the Dazzlings flee and sped off into the city.~

"Ugh. Dazzlings." Lightning grunted.

"You'll pay for this! You'll all pay for this!" Adagio shouted in the distance.

"Well, that was unexpected." Karly said weirdly.

"You girls alright?" Lightning asked.

"Better than alright!" Rainbow happily answered. "We just stopped some guys from robbing this place!"

The two agents were dumbfounded. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We got away from the Dazzlings, and we were about to hide when we saw some masked strangers with guns blow into this restaurant." Sunset explained.

Lightning looked up at the sign. "The Pizza Shack? This is my favourite pizza place!" She gasped. "I hardly come here though because it's so expensive! You saying it was robbed!?"

"Was 'Almost' robbed." Twilight pointed out.

"Until we stopped it! All by ourselves!" Pinkie smiled proudly.

"No way…" Lightning couldn't believe her ears. "I'm proud of you, guys! You stopped a crime without our help! We are one step closer to officially calling you super secret agents! We just need to teach you a few more techniques-"

"Tomorrow!" Twilight interrupted. "Right now, you gotta get back to school!"

"OH SHOOT, you're right! We snuck out cause we saw you being chased by the Dazzlings! Come on, Karly! I'll fly us back to school. You girls head back to the hideout in your world to train some more! We see you there later!"

~The Rainbooms nod while Lightning activated her geode, gains her raccoon ears and tail, wraps Karly up in her arms and gently pulls her up into the air.~

"Flying to school. So cool!" Karly smiled.

~As they fly off, The Rainbooms walk back to the school and to the portal by foot sneakily, just to be sure The Dazzlings aren't still close.~