• Published 19th Jul 2020
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A Dazzling Return (#3) - LightningStar626

After failing their alliance with Dr. Devil, Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings, begin plotting some other way to get their revenge on the Rainbooms

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Chapter 13: Banding Together.

Chapter 13: Banding Together.

~Everyone turned to see Rarity and her geode firmly in her hand. She panted and smiled at Karly, she smiled back.~

"Yes!" Lightning and Karly said happily.

"No!" Adagio and Aria said angrily.

"Maybe." Sonata said confusingly.

~Rarity smugged and casted four diamonds on each wall of the cage, then pushed. The diamonds made contact with the bars. With one smooth motion, she rips them free of their moorings and fling them across the room.~

"Whoa…" Lightning gasped.

"Nice…" Karly nodded.

~Rarity suddenly sways on her feet, that magic of the geode in her hand again leaves her feeling dizzy, she pitches forward onto the ground.~

"You ok, Rarity…?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, darling…I-I'm alright."

~She unsteadily gets back on her feet, still feeling slightly punchdrunk.~

"Maybe since the magic was partially taken, the geodes will need some time to recharge to full magic again." Sunset guessed.

"Well, you better stay put then until that happens." Karly suggested. "We don't want you guys to feel sick or anything."

"But we need to help!" Rainbow cried.

"We will have to without using our magic." Twilight confirmed.

"Hmm. I'll like to see you try." Adagio grinned.

~Aria got off of Lightning and joined her sisters in getting ready to fight the Rainbooms. Lightning and Karly began to worry. The Dazzlings faces the Rainbooms and all ten of them glared.~

Song: Magic in our Lives- (Made-up Song)

Lightning: You could have super speed,

If you run as fast as a car.

Karly: You could have super strength, lifting.

If you can lift at least 5 tons.

Lightning: All you do to call us,

We'll do everything we can.

You could have linguistics,

Listen to dogs, cats and rabbits around.

Karly: You could have telekinesis, thinking.

If you have an IQ of a hundred.

Both: Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just calling our names...!

Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just wanting us to answer...!

Yeah! Yeah!

Lightning: Party like nothing's wrong,

and dance like no one's watching!

Karly: Open up the presents,

And fire the cannons!

Both: Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just calling our names...!

Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just wanting us to answer...!

Lightning: Yeah! Magic...in our Lives!

It's just wanting us to answer!


In our Lives!

~The Dazzlings spring into action, charging at the Rainbooms with a flurry of quick shadowboxing punches. The girls jump back but Pinkie, Sunset and Applejack backpedal, parrying the Dazzlings' hands as fast as they could manage. They move with the practiced precision of a boxer. Then the three charged in and did the unbelievable.~

"Hey, that's the Corba Palm! And the Spring kick! AND THE SKY UPPERCUT! You girls learnt all the moves!"

"We had some extra time on our hands." Sunset shrugged.

"And after seeing the Dazzlings do it, it kinda clicked!" Pinkie smiled.


"Let's see if you have extra time for this...!"

~Adagio shifts her hips, spinning her body as she leaps into a roundhouse kick. Sunset leaps back, evading Adagio's blow.~

"Let's do your favourite move, shall we?"

~Adagio slides her foot and prepares to use a sky uppercut. Sunset widens her eyes but then looks at Lightning who gave her a firm nod.~

"We never learnt how to counter them though!"

"Sunset, You can do this." She said. "Just duck down."

Lightning: Invisibility, Mind control, Shapeshifter.

Controlling Metal?

Karly: (Controlling Metal.)

Lightning: Indestructibility, Time Travel, Read memories.

Fire and Ice.

The list goes on!

Both: Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just calling our names...!

Equestrian...Magic in our Lives!

It is just wanting us to answer...!

Yeah! Yeah!

"Not this time, Adagio." Sunset smugged.

~Sunset ducks and uses both of her hands to block Adagio's fist. Then, she mashes both her hands together and shoots up at supersonic speed to deliver a flying punch straight to Adagio's jaw. Before she can recover, Sunset follows up with a flurry of body blows, finishing off with a spinning elbow to the face. Adagio falls to the ground on her back in defeat.~

"Yes, Agent Shimmer!" Lightning cheered.

~Aria lunges at Applejack with surprising speed. She catches her hands, and the two of them lock in a tense grapple.~

"Solid grip y'all 'ave got there. But it's not exactly a match for super strength!"

~Aria ducks under her arm and spins behind her, pinning her arm to her back and squeezing her into a tight wrestling hold.~

"I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve…" She grinned evilly. "Now time for the Cobra Palm!"

Applejack struggles but then Lightning calls out to her. "Applejack, flip her!"

~Applejack smiled and reached back and grabbed the back of Aria's head. She drops low and pulls her over her shoulder, flipping her onto the floor with a thunderous thud.~


~As Aria struggles to get up, Applejack dives onto her, pinning her to the floor with her bodyweight.~

"Gotcha." Applejack grinned.

"Nice!" Karly cheered.

~Lastly, Pinkie and Sonata were going at it. They both exactly the same so it was hard for them to try to get the upper hand. Finally, Sonata thought of the Spring kick, and she began to do it.~

"Uh oh." Pinkie thought.

"Pinkie, catch it!" Karly called.

~After hearing Karly's words, Pinkie grabs Sonata's foot and spins her like a disc into the side of the crates, the wood splinter behind her. Pinkie then grabs Sonata by the front of her shirt and pulls her down. The two of them fall together, Pinkie landing on top of Sonata as she slams her into the marble floor below.~

"Wow…" Sonata groaned. "That was good."

"Thank you. Don't do it again." Pinkie glared happily.

"We did it, guys. The Dazzlings can't do anything now." Sunset said.

Adagio let out a mirthless laugh. "We still have your magic. So, if you do defeat us here and now, we will easily return."

~Adagio went to laugh again, but then she felt something. Her body stopped glowing and she felt a little bit weaker. And she wasn't alone. Aria and Sonata were feeling droopy too.~


"Oh. That didn't last long, now did it?" Lightning chuckled a little.

"Looks like you only have the magic for a certain amount of time. If you want it to last, you'd keep the geode on you at all times." Karly guessed.

"Nooo!" Adagio screamed.

"How were we supposed to know that?" Aria grunted.

"That's stupid." Sonata grumped.

"Sooo, what should we do with 'em?" Applejack asked.

"Well, since they...uh...kidnapped you guys, I say we turn them over to the police." Lightning shrugged.

"Sounds good to me."

"No! Wait! I don't wanna go to prison!" Sonata begged. "How about this? We run away, and never bother you guys again."

"Sonata!" Her sisters yelled.

"Hmm. Really?"

"Yes! Promise!"

"Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asked, raising a brow.

"Pinkie Promise."

"Well, if I've learnt something, no one ever breaks a Pinkie promise. Alright. Just run. Run away, Dazzlings, and never return." Lightning glared.

"Of course." Adagio reluctantly sighed.

~The Rainbooms quickly jumped off the Dazzlings, and then got up and ran out of the warehouse, into the darkness. Lightning put her hands on her hips and smirked at the girls.~

"Welcome to the agency!" She stretched out a hand.

"Welcome to the Rainbooms!" Sunset said, also giving out her hand.

~Lightning and Sunset both shook hands, then hugged. The rest cheered and also joined in. The hug lasted for a while, then everyone heard the beep of a car and headlights shine on them. They walked outside the warehouse to see a car pull up, and Steven Secret and Nimbus Star climb out of it.~



"Chief!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Dad?!" Lightning cried.