• Published 19th Jul 2020
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A Dazzling Return (#3) - LightningStar626

After failing their alliance with Dr. Devil, Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings, begin plotting some other way to get their revenge on the Rainbooms

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Chapter 10: The Dazzling Hideout

Chapter 10: The Dazzling Hideout.

~Sometime later, in the middle of the night, The Dazzlings roamed the dark roads. Adagio stomped in anger while Aria and Sonata just walked uncaringly. They were halfway across the city with nothing to do. They didn't know where they were going, but all they did know was that they need another plan.~

"Well, this afternoon went well." Aria frowned, dragging her feet along.

"Even if those two agents are at school, they still show up and ruin our chances of obtaining the magic!" Adagio growled, then sighed. "Equestrian magic is never going to be in our hands again if we don't get them."

"You said you would think of something to keep them distracted. But, you have nothing at all!" Aria said.

"I was relying on them going to school. It's not all that I found out though…"

What do you mean?" Aria asked.

"I found out that an important exam is coming up for The Rainbooms' little protectors."


"SO, when they're in the middle of that, we can swoop...right in and take what we want."

"How do you know they won't just ditch their exam and come to the rescue...again?"

"I am certain. I've seen them worry over it."

"You were also certain that they would be too busy at their school, look how that turned out."

"There's something called patience and trying again, you know?" Adagio glared. "We will not fail this chance of getting magic!"

"Ugh." Aria rolled her eyes and went to turn to Sonata, but she wasn't where she left her. "Where did Sonata go? I know she can be annoying and stupid, but It's not like her to wander off."

"Hey, girls, Check out what I found!" Sonata called, peeking her head around a corner behind them.

~Aria raised a brow and Adagio frowned at their sister, but they begrudgingly followed her through an alleyway and out on the other side to see a decrepit warehouse hidden around the tall, modern buildings.~

"It's a warehouse." Aria clarified.

"I know."

"Sonata, why do you want us to look at this warehouse?" Adagio glared.

"I just thought, maybe, it could be our hideout!" Sonata smiled.

"What?!" Adagio bellowed.

"Hear me out. The Rainbooms have a hideout, so I don't see why we can't have one. Also, if we do actually get the magic and get away with them, where are we going to hide?" Sonata asked.

"I hate to say it, but she makes a point." Aria agreed disgustingly.


~Adagio crosses the road, takes the first step through the warehouse doors and examines the inside thoroughly. The atmosphere hit her like a car going twice the speed limit. And it was wonderful. She looked at the stacks of crates, barrels and something large in the back corner. She pulled the tarp and dust over it and it revealed to be a large, iron-barred cage. It was so big, it could fit at least 3 lions inside it. Adagio grinned.~

"Hmm. I like this place. So dark, so inconspicuous, so Negative and evil."

"Really? You like it?" Sonata asked happily.

"Yes. This will actually do nicely for us, do you think?"

"I suppose I can live with it. I guess it's a good place to hide. I'm tired of constantly running around and sleeping outdoors." Aria shrugged.

"You gotta admit, It is very well hidden. No one would ever think to look in here." Sonata said.

"Devil did say to me that all good villains need a lair." Adagio said.

Aria turned seriously after she heard 'that' name. "What else did he tell you?" She asked.

"He told me that he doesn't tolerate annoying behaviour from his underlings...!"

"Since when were we your underlings?"

"Since the beginning of time."

"She is the eldest after all, Aria." Sonata shrugged.

~Aria crossed her arms and pouted, while Adagio just rolled her eyes and ignored her. She continued to wander the large warehouse.~

"If we can bring the Rainbooms and their magic here, don't have to worry about them running off, and if we take their geodes, they will be in our hands to use and corrupt. And once they are corrupt, they will be the first victims we can test on."

Aria nodded. "Ok. Great!" Her smile suddenly turned upside down. "How are we going to get them? How are we going to find them? How do you know their super agent friends won't come to save them?"

"Their friends won't be a bother to us. They will be occupied by a little exam tomorrow, and by the time they do get out, it will be too late. How to find them? We know their every hiding spot. It won't be that hard, Aria. They cannot run or hide anymore…"

~Adagio steps from the shadows, a wry smile playing across her features and she believed this plan was full proof.~

"Well, they can run. Just, not for long." Sonata suddenly commented.

Adagio's grin disappears and she sighs. "You know what I mean. The skills we have learnt took them down before, they can do it again. So, let's become more powerful in the meantime."

"Fine, whatever. The plan better work this time. I want to get a taste of negative energy once again." Aria clenched her fists.

"Patience, Aria, patience. We need to wait for tomorrow morning. Then we shall strike." Adagio looked down and grinned one more time.

"So, Fluttershy? Where did you learn those skills? The eye poke and the light jab thing? I don't think I've seen them in the email." Rainbow asked.

"Karly taught them to me." She answered shyly. "She said they were good beginners moves for people who are uncomfortable with learning more intense moves…"

"Oh right. Well, it was awesome!"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, Fluttershy. I didn't even know you could do that."

~The screen on Sunset's wristband suddenly beeps and glows with an image of Lightning, and her voice sounds clearly in the speaker.~

"Hey, guys!"

"Whoa! Cool." Rainbow admired.

"Hey, Lightning!"

"Hologram high five!"

~Sunset smiled and went to high five Lightning, but her hand phased through her. Lightning suddenly burst with laughter.~

"Heheheh. Gets them everytime. Sorry, I just wanted to call and see how your training is coming along?"

"Couldn't have used the phone?" Rarity asked.

"Ey! Firstly, Our school doesn't allow phones, and secondly, I wanted to see if the wrist calms work fine."

"Well, looks like they do." Rainbow said.

"The training is fine too. We only have to learn 3 more techniques." Sunset said.

"The hardest techniques yet! The Corba Palm, The Spring Kick, and the Sky uppercut. Ok, girls, I'm going to say this only once, these moves are the most dangerous. You get hit by one of those, it will hurt and mess you up. You have to be the first to use them. It's ok though, you can do it. I know you can. You girls have just handled an actual dire situation, so you can learn those 3 techniques, no magic!"

"Oh! Lightning, about that no using magic rule..." Twilight pointed up.


"I think we perform better if we do use our magic, so can we use our magic first?"

"But, what if you don't have your magic? What if a villain takes it from you and you gotta rely on yourself not using it?" Lightning asked worriedly.

"We will learn how to do it without using magic eventually, but if we do it with our magic, it will be easier to learn, then we'll challenge ourselves and not use it." Sunset spoke up.

"Well, I wanted to get the no using magic thing out of the way first and learn things the old fashioned way. All the things I just taught you, was how I was taught. Look at me! Do you think I'm a fantastic agent?"

"You are an amazing agent, Lightning! But, sometimes people have different views and ways to learn something."

She sighs. "Actually, you're right. Maybe I have been going this in my own way, not yours. I've just given you the way of Star."

"Well, I didn't say it wasn't working, it's working fine. But, we just want to add the slightest little bit of magic."

"...I understand. Ok. Learn the techniques with magic, then do them without using it.


"Lightning, where are you?" Karly's voice called out. "Breaktime's over! We gotta be the first to arrive at our next lesson."

"I gotta go, girls. Good luck!"

~Lightning quickly hangs up in the nick of time. Karly suddenly comes around the corner urgently and runs to Lightning.~

"There you are! Come on! Exams are tomorrow and we gotta work on maths...and english..."

"And History, Spanish, Art and Catering. I'll be there."


~Karly runs back around the corner, while Lightning stares at her wrist calm one more time. She nods bravely, then runs off to catch up with Karly. They both stumble into a classroom where their maths teacher was waiting.~

"Lightning Star. Karly Crystal. So nice of you two to join us after so long." He said.

"Yes, good to be back, sir." Lightning smiled nervously.

"The objective is on the board so, get to it!"

~Lightning slumps on her seat, fiddled around with her paperwork before settling down comfortably and went on with the rest of the day normally. They finished up, went to the hideout, tained a little with the girls, then went home, The next day, Lightning woke up in fear. She turned to look at her calendar, and looked at today's date and the words 'Exam Day.' written in bold red marker on it.~

"Exam day….Ughhhh!"

~She flipped her pillow up over her head and groaned. She did not want to go to school today. But after a few minutes, her mind started to say to her that she has to do this exam, because if she doesn't, she would be alot of trouble. So, she begrudgingly got out of bed, got changed into clean clothes, and raced downstairs. She panted as she arrived downstairs and happened to see Sunset and Twilight in the kitchen.~

"Morning, Lightning." Sunset waved.

"Hey Sunset..."

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Final exams are today…! I'm feeling more stressed than when Karly botched her mission because of some clown!"

~Sunset and Twilight turned to Lightning weirdly.~

"Don't ask. Not to mention, The Dazzlings are still out there! And Devil has taught them everything he knows! They are kinda unstoppable!" She buried her face in her hands.

"Hey...Lightning. That's not true. Sure Devil had taught the Dazzlings everything, but you have also taught us everything too." Sunset assured.

"Well, not everything, everything. We still have 3 more techniques left to learn." Twilight pointed.

"But like I said yesterday. They are the hard ones. And if the Dazzlings use them against you, you're doomed! Say goodbye to your magic!" Lightning threw her arm over her head dramatically.

Sunset patted her back. "That's not gonna happen. I promise, Lightning, we will be ok. And if they do attack before we learn the moves, we will have our magic to use."

"Well...I don't know, I still have a lot to learn about this Equestrian Magic, but if it's that good, then I believe it'll counter attack those moves."

"We believe too." Twilight smiled. She then looked at the clock above her. "Oh my goodness! It's already 8! Quick you gotta get to school in 20 minutes!"

"Right. KARLY! LET'S GO!"


"We'll see you at the hideout this afternoon!"
