• Member Since 27th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


The Low Budget Anthro version of Some_Leech. Now with 30% more Human trash!

Comments ( 2 )

“Indeed we should, “ Prince answers before the duo went to go get their brother and sisters to enjoy a meal.

“But no use dwelling on that, I already had placed an order for some roses and chocolates to be delivered here tomorrow,”

As he makes it to the shop and enters he sees his own little spawn manning the front counter.

‘Airheads, watermelons, hot dogs,(—— and bubbles. You can get these enhancements all in a form that rhymes with lotion.’

What are the Airheads and bubbles enhancement?

“Surprise!” three voices shout in unison spreading icing everywhere from bursting out of the cake. Magma looks to see two nude ponies covered in frosting come out of the cake, it was Twilight and surprisingly Princess Luna?

So who was the third?

“I got six aces ma’am,” Hollow says casually laying the cards on the table.

unfortunately become a tad bit empty unbeknownst to the everypony else her brain has become a bit empty.

“Like I don’t knowst about thou but I am like totally horny,” Luna says in a slightly ditzy speech.

“Oh you made her an airheaded bimbo,” Magma corrects himself.

Well that answers that question.

Sex scene was too short and not enough details.

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