• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 818 Views, 0 Comments

The Rare Kind Of Girl - Csanimations

A continuation of Spike and Sunny Rays story from The Rare Kind Of Guy

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The Rare Kind Of Girl

It was Saturady Morning, 7am to be precise and we return to the humble castle abode of Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon as they were just waking up to start the day with a Bang!

BOOM!!!!!! went one of the rooms of the castle!

"AHHHHHHH", Twilight screamed waking up in a sudden panic, jumping up from her resting position to a 90 degree up right position.
"What was that!" Twilight stated worriedly as she tried to calm down from the rush of adrenaline cycling through her body.
Spike on the other hoof was not phased by the sudden loud noise as he rose with a calm and dosy expression on his face saying.
" I think one of your experiments is on the fritz"
Twilight growned with a sulked expression and hopped out of bed to check on her failed experiment.

A short time later Spike walked into the room where Twilight held her experiments or as twilight liked to call it, {the room where the betterment of ponykind can happen}
"doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it" ;)
But apart from that, Twilight experiment room was not a surprizingly big room, being in a castle with massive hallways and such, it was a cosy little room tucked away from seeing eyes, where twilight can work on her experiments in peace.
As Spike walked through the room, it was cluttered with paper notes, test tubes, graphs and experiment formulas Twilight was working on over the last few months.
Spike often described the room as a hoarder not parting with there stuff, Thing a bobs and gadgets everywhere.
Spike reached Twilight and commented " How is it?"
Twilight didn't reply right away, she just sat there hunched over her desk looking at her creation, then spoke.
" It was a failure" she said with sadness in her voice.
Spike paused for a moment before replying.
"..... Its ok Twilight, you'll get there" he suggested whist giving her a pat on the back.
Spike wasn't the best at what to say without making it worse sometimes but he knew to encourage Twilight to never give up.
"Thanks Spike" feeling comforted "but I wish this experiment would come through, I've been working on it for months"
With questions Spike continued " What experiment is that?"
Twilight rose and turned around to Spike.
" The experiment of love " she stated casually.
" The experiment of love?" Spike dumbly questioned back.
" Yes Spike, love is one of the most powerful feelings and expressions known to our kind" she proclamed in a hero like position.
" I have been studing it to understand it better, I mean you should know yourself Spike with your own special somepony" she added flatly.
Spike paused again then replied.
" ...Yes I do Twilight but I think this is something your failing at because you need to go out into the world to find yourself, instead of being inside, hiding away in this tucked away little room, you really need to go find it out there!" as Spike fingered pointed to the door in a quirky gesture.
Twilight had a feeling he was going to say that and quickly changed the subject.
" Say aren't you meeting up with Sunny Rays today for a date or something"
" Well let me see" but before he could think of something else, he was pushed straight out the door and the door shut behind with a slam!
"Twilight!" Spike exclamed from the shut door.
There was pause before Twilight replied.
" Yes Spike" she replied knowingly and sadly as she reopened the door half way.
"Look Twilight, I know your not a fan of going out, I can be like that too and I get it, your looking into this love thing because your lonely and scared of what might happen otherwise, but just know I am always here for you if you need me." Spike lasted added " I'm never far away, we can work on this together."
"Also if you want, Sunny Rays is there if you ever need a mare to talk too for those other types of things, so its ok Twilight you dont have to feel closed off in your little experiment room if you need help."
Spike looked at her with his caring eyes to his longest and dearest friend.
Twilight immediately opened the door all the way and hugged her dearest friend with a few tears rolling down from her eyes.
" Thank you Spike, Where would I be without you"
" I dont know, wearing a fake beard and having your head in a book" he chuckled as he let go of her hug.
" Oh you....you know me so well" she nudged her friend, feeling alot better hearing that.
" Now go find your Sunny Rays, I will be fine now, go have fun, I'll get there one day with this whole love thing" she reassured her dear friend.
"please dont worry about me after you leave, I have a wonderful dragon looking out for me and thats all I need right now"
Spike smiled widely for her " Ok Twilight I will, take care and you know where to find me if you need me" as he turned around and headed for Sunny Rays house whist looking back to do a few waves.
Twilight smiled more and waved back to him, then closed the door to the castle to go relax for a bit.

As Spike strolled down the path with a kick in his step, he passed what started his romantic journey, the pub on that fatefull night he helped home a tipsy Sunny Rays and bonded with her sweet and caring personality, which he can proudly say is his girlfriend.
Spike looked up at the place and stated for a second.
"Funny how life throws you amazing things from time to time, starting in the most random of places." he happily commented to no one in particular.
But Spike soon continued his journey to his girlfriends house which didn't take too long and he swiftly arrived in no time atall.
he walked up to the front door and knocked on its panel like design in a amusing way.
( Knock Kno Kno Knock Knock..... )

( Knock Knock ) soon came the reply and the door swung open revealing Sunny Rays with her happy smile and positive posture as she looked towards Spike.
With such excitment she exclamed " Spikey Pooh" and in no hesitation grabbed ahold of him in a big hug, almost smothering him in a hug lock.
With Spike smiling he replied " ha ha its great to see you too, how have you been! "
she blushed and let go of him " sorry I get a bit carried away Spikey "
Spike casually replied " its no problem, at least I know I'm loved" grinning more at her.
" you better believe it " as she winked at him.
Which instantly transitioned to Sunny Rays jumping in worry " Wait a second...... oh, oh dear was it date day, or a birthday, gosh I'm so forgetful sometimes, ive been super busy cloud busting, I'm so sorry, I really need to write down stuff more often".
Spike quickly stepped in to comfort her " Its ok no need to panic, you haven't forgot anything, I just came by to see if you were in thats all"
Sunny Rays thought for a second then relaxed " oh thank goodness, thats a relief" but then plastered a smurk on her face " oh a surprise visit huh " as she wrapped a hoof around her guy " you just couldn't wait to see me again could you " then in a dramtic pose with a spotlight coming down somehow, it went dark? " I know the feeling my Spikey Pooh, I sometimes cant wait either to see you again, so I spy on you in the castle, helping Twilight just to see your smiling face one more time, until the next time we meet for a date".
The spotlight dissappeared and the morning light came back!
Spike was dazed and confused.
" Wait what do you do inbetween our dates" he looked around and wondered how she did that with the spotlight and stuff" but it fell on deaf ears.
" ah pah pah, a lady never reveals her secrets" in which Spike was hurried along, out of her doorway and into the street.
" now I dont know about you but I fancy doing a fun activity, hmmmm shame theres not a tunnel of love ride here in ponyville... dont you think thats a shame Spikey! "
" huh! " as spike was still trying to catch up in his mind to all that just went on.

A short trip later Sunny Rays and Spike came across a rollerskaking ring with Sunny Rays eager to try it out.
Spike now caught up in his mind and the world around him happily agreed.

A short time later, whist in the que to have a turn on the rollerskating ring, Spike whiped his brow of some sweat collecting on his head from the hot sunny day in the middle of June.
He eyed the roller ring and admired its reasonable size to skate on, he also thought as to why Ponyville didn't have a permanent rollerskating ring, as it was so popular with the locals but he was kind of drifting off from reality by the heat until.
"Here you to go HoneyBear" came a close voice.
Spike then looked across and there was Sunny Rays beside him passing a fresh bottle of water.
He smiled happily back and collected the bottle from her pegasus wing, which had just came from her saddle bag around her waist.
"Thank you Sunny" he replied showing her care for him and proceeded to take a drink.
Sunny Rays smiled in delight and then had a drink of her own to cool off.

Some more time later as they were getting closer Sunny Rays broke the silence, well more like breaking the silence for about a minute.
Sunny Rays couldn't help it, she often hated dead air and wanted to talk to Spike more, which was no problem because Spike was always happy to listen to what she had to say next.
" Spike, sorry once again hehe" she chuckled nervously " but do you think they will allow us on for a little longer than what the time to skate says on the sign up ahead".
(a sign reading)
"Ovaltacular Fun for the whole family, Skate time of 1 hour, Adults - 3 coins, Teens & fillies - 2 coins, Under 5's and OAP's - Free, Have a great skate, tell your friends :) "

Spike whist listening nodded to her after noting the sign and simply replied " I dont see why not, I can ask the stand offical when we get a little closer".
Sunny Rays beamed and trotted on the spot like a little filly, then she added " hehe I'm so excited its my first time rollerskating with a handsome stud before ", Sunny Rays announced in playful tone " Spike's hand must be holding his girlfriends hoof at all times hehe"
Spike playfully rolled his eyes and finished with " ahhh I see so you dont get lost, then I must do so then as you have formly announced by law of me to do so" he cheekly winked.
" For it is written by me to do so yes hehe" she cheekly winked back and like clockwork Spike softly grabbed her hoof whist looking ahead at the que, with Sunny Rays looking ahead too with a blush on her cheeks and a happy silly smile on her face.
( shuv)
" Hey, Excuse you" Spike exclaimed angrily as a pony had just pushed passed to hop in front of them in the que.
Sunny Rays was knocked out of her dream daze and showed annoyance.
The rude unicorn mare didn't reply and played it off as if she didn't just do or hear Spike's out cry of annoyance.
Whist Spike was still fumed he then recieved a tap from his girlfriend and looked to her to see how she was.
" Spike" she expressed in a now equally fumed voice, loud enough for only Spike to hear " Spike the pony in front, I'm sure she just jumped the que!"
Spike now realising this agreed, she did just come from nowhere and its not like the space was being saved for her by a friend as she was standing alone.
Spike then quietly replied " Your right, dont worry I got this" and proceeded to get the attension of the unicorn in front with a audible but obvious cough, sadly with no success.
Spike wasn't one for making a scene however if somepony was going out of there way to cause problems, he couldn't just let it slide, with the long wait and heavy hot sun beating down on his purple scaly head, why should this pony get cuts, so he continued.
( Tap, Tap ) this will get the pony's attension
" Excuse me " he stated politely " I believe you cut the line, please go back to the position you were previously at, as its only fair on all of us waiting in line" but the reply he got was.
"No! "
....... Spike was just cut off with a simple word and the unicorn turned her head away from Spike and back to look at the front of the que, meanwhile Sunny Rays was caught off guard by the unicorns quick and blunt response and was becoming angry deep down.
So Spike asked again....." Excuse me again" with a bit more force " thats still not the right thing to say, I dont want to cause a scene but"
" OH DROP IT WILL YOU! " the unicorn blurted quickly back.
" No I will not drop it because your being very immature and unfair to the rest of us waiting patiently in line" speaking abit louder.
"Stop complaining dragon boy, your the one making a big deal out of a simple cut, why dont you continue to wait there in silence just like every other pony would, like it makes all the difference in the end" she finished bluntly and turned towards the front again.
"It does matter " came a voice.
The unicorn turned around fully to Sunny Rays giving the mare her full attention.
" you shouldn't talk to my boyfriend like that.... and he's right, you proved that your not bothered by a simple cut in line but we are so do the right thing and do like he said" she replied with a few stutters along the way.

Noticing this the mare became more confident thinking she could say what she liked to this mare and her dragon lover.
" Two words, make me" the mare replied with a smug smirk whist in the process making Sunny Rays more angry deep down.
Spike soon defended his girlfriend " Don't talk to her like that your being unreasonably rude" but the mare snapped back at Spike more.
" I WASN'T talking to you dragon, this is between me and her now" and looked back at Sunny Rays again with more confidence.
" But! " Spike lastly added before.
" I TOLD YOU butt out dragon boy, why dont you go off and lay an egg, thats what dragons do right..."
That was it, Sunny Rays snapped!
"STOP!!!!!" came a loud earshattering cry, making the whole line catch the attention of the scene that was about to go down.
One pony a few down the que started to grab his friends popcorn ready for whatever came next and said to himself "This is going to be good, you tell her girl!"
A sudden yellow hoof crashed to the floor, with her chest held out and proud as Sunny Rays stretched tall on all fours.
"DONT!.......YOU!!...........DARE!!!..........." catching the unicorn off guard and Spike to look to her in response.
"How Dare You Talk to someone like that, especially if its my wonderful, lovable SpikeyPooh, Love Muffin".
This made Spike plaster a huge blush on his face.
"No one talks to him like that" she expressed with passion with a tint of movie dramatics.
The unicorn was gobsmacked and confused... "Your.... Love Muffin?"
"Yes My Love Muffin, My SpikeyPooh, the dragon you told to go off and lay an egg" she relplied with rage " NOW WOULD YOU be so KIND to go back to your previous spot in the que and apologize, thank you".
" Geez lady, talk about overkill, I'll go.... I didn't want to stand here with you two weirdos anyway, you two deserve each other, im sorry alright!"
" Thank you " Sunny Rays expressed happily as if she didn't just have a rage outburst a few seconds ago, which secretly scared Spike a little.
The unicorn then trotted back down the quiet line and returned to her first spot.
" Geez what was that!" the unicorn said outloud to no one in the que in particular.
" I believe that was you getting owned as you youngsters may put it " said a random older pony standing just in front of her in line.
" Best day of my week" said the pony eating the popcorn.
After that no one said another word for the rest of the que.

After a little longer to wait, Spike and Sunny Rays did get there extended skate like they had talked about, as the offical thought it was the least he could do for them after that scene.
Even the rude unicorn mare never made it to the rollerskating ring herself as she decided not to hang around but Sunny Rays became very sad as her mood of what she wanted to experience changed all because of one pony.
Spike did his best to reassure her, trying to cheer her up with affection, holding her hoof, never letting go on the rollerskating ring but it was no good.

Later that evening when the two returned to Sunny's home, Spike really wanted to help her feel better but he didn't know how.
As the two collapsed into Sunny's comfy couch, Sunny without question rested her head on Spike's shoulder and huddled close to him.
Spike noting this knew she wasn't herself, she didn't say anymore after her outburst to defend him.
He paused for a second to think, to think of something to say, to do something other than put the tv on for her so they could have something on she liked ( a cute romance movie ).
But still nothing she just held him close, still resting on his shoulder with her eyes glued straight at the screen watching the movie.
Spike worriedly looked at her hoping to catch her eye, ready for his brain to think of something to say to help her out, when!
"Was that me! " came a quiet reply but just audible for Spike to hear.
"What was you, Strawberrycream"
" Me.........me back there.......was that really me in that que" speaking more clearer and louder.
"If you mean the rage you expressed that put that rude unicorn mare in her place, that was only you standing up to her, it reflects nothing more." Spike answered truthly.

Now talking again Sunny Rays looked up at Spike, eye to eye and said.
" Yeah", choking on her reply getting emotional.
" Of course my Sunny Rays, you are wonderful pony, a loving, caring soul that derseves the world full of its happy and sunny wonders"
"Never feel bad for defending yourself, you were also standing up for me too and for that I am so happy I found you and have you in my life, you cuddly LoveMuffin, who makes the days of others 101% better just by being here and thats facts."
Spike then proceeded to lean in and give his wonderful girlfriend a kiss on the forehead, which she playfully pushed him away to then quickly catch him full on the lips with great affection, holding him tight to not let him go.
( loving kiss awwwwwwwww :) ).

Sunny Rays after letting go of her dragon, took a breath and happily said " Thank you Spike, thank you for everything and also back there to defend me too, can not forget that either".
Spike just nodded and relaxed furthur into the comfy couch replying simply with " Your always welcome my Sunny Rays " and with that said they both snuggled together and watched the rest of the romance movie with some love banter thrown in for fun.
"My SugarBear".
"My Flowerpetal".
"My Honeysuckle".
" My.... errr Ham & Cheese!"
........" My Ham & Cheese, how is that romantic?"
" hmm..... I dont know, I guess I'm just hungry".
...... "Ok, I will make you a sandwich during the ad break".
.... "Thanks Spike, love you".
" Love you too Sunny"...... Ham & Cheese"
"XD" she lastly finished.

The End

Author's Note:

Phew that was put on hold and sorry about the long sequel if you enjoyed the first one.
Special thanks to { Smashmaster } for commenting on the first story to contiune Spike's and Sunny's love life.

Hope it was worth the wait.

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