• Published 19th Aug 2012
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The Answer to Life... and Apples - BronyWalker

An scientist questions why he loves apples, and finds out a bit more about himself in the process.

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The Apple Stand

Apples. What the heck about them made them so appealing to him? They weren’t a particular special fruit, they weren't exotic or exceptionally healthy. They were 80% water and spoiled regularly. So why did Quantum have such a taste for them? Talk about your scientific anomalies. The pink maned earth pony sighed to himself as the reason for his love for the fruit continued to allude him. He was a scientist, or at least for all intents and practices he was. Some of the ponies in town called him eccentric, with his experiments and odd inventions, but he was still a scientist. And due to scientist law he had to find the logical reason behind his love for the fruit. With a small bit of disdain he turned and stared at the empty fruit bowl on his kitchen table. He had to figure out this mystery... right after he went out and bought some more apples.

The town of Ponyville was bustling with it's usual activity for this time of day. Noon was a prime time to get everypony's shopping done, a time to bask in sunlight while getting food and other necessities for their daily lives. For Quantum, this was usually some scrap metal, wood and a few odds and ends for his experiments, and of course apples. It seemed most peculiar to him, that as he passed the stalls selling cherries, oranges and grapes, he felt no need, no desire to spend his hard earned bits on their wares. Something that both astounded him, and piqued his curiosity; why was it only apples? Was it something in the aesthetic appeal of them? A round shape that could come in a multitude of colours, ranging from red, to green to yellow? Something about the texture, being smooth and flawless in every way, until you bit into the skin and it cracked under your teeth, spitting juice in a number of directions and sometimes leaving it running down your chin. Was it the taste? Something about the tart and tangy taste of the fruit that acted as his chain, forever binding him to the fruit he loves. Or maybe it was...

“Uh... sugarcube? Why have y'all been standin' there starin' off into space for the past 5 minutes?”

Quantum blinked at the new voice that invaded his thoughts, and found that even his legs had the craving in them, the need for the apples, because, while he was contemplating the secrets those delectable fruits had hidden away, his legs had taken him right to the only apple stand in town! Curse them and their treachery!

Well to be more accurate it was more of a cart then a stand, the wheels actually conformed that statement. And the pony who was running it was staring at him worriedly. “Hey Quantum? Y'all right in there? Y'all need to see a doctor or somethin'?” Applejack asked, taking a few steps towards the shock still pony.

Quantum merely shook his head in responds, an attempt to clear his head by messing the thoughts up more. “No need to worry-” 'Oh my goodness, when did we get on a first name basis? Should I do the same..?' “Ma'am.” '... I guess not' “I just came by today to pick up-”

“Another bag of apples Quantum?” The orange mare laughed, and Quantum nodded in agreement. “Yeah... how did you-”

“Come on Quantum! Y'all buy the same thing every few days, it'd be a right shame on me as a businessmare to not know the orders of all ma best customers!”

Quantum scuffed at the ground with his forehoof. “I-i don't know about best-.” “Really? Tarnation Quantum, I said to Big Mac just the other day we could probably run the farm on just the profits we make off of you!”

Quantum's head sunk even lower and turned to the side slightly, undoing the clasp on his saddlebags and pulling out 5 bits. “That's enough right Ma'am?” He muttered softly, grabbing the sack of apples. He was about to place them in his bag, when Applejack slid on single solitary apple across the cart towards him.

“Here Quantum, on the house for yah.” She said with a grin.

Quantum quickly leaned the bag up against the cart as he took in the sight of the apple. It was red and perfectly circular, it's skin reflected the sun brightly back into his eyes, and seemed to call out to him to sink his teeth into it. A single drip of water slowly trickled down the side of the apple, and something inside him snapped. With speed born of straight desire, he gripped the apple in his mouth and took a huge bite, nearly half of the fruit disappearing with that one action, and within a few moments, the rest of it soon followed, and all that was left was Quantum licking his lips, and a slightly impressed looking mare.

“Hooey! Quantum no matter how many times I dun seen you eat them apples, it still impresses me how fast you can do it.”
Quantum looked up from his fruit induced haze at the orange mare, who was now holding another apple in her hoof, staring at it. “Y'all know, an apple can be a might strange fruit partner. Twilight told me using her fancy mathematics or somethin' that apples are mostly water? Ain't that just weird?” Quantum was completely focused on the mare as she talked, and she returned it with a small smile. “I mean, how can somethin' with so much water, taste so good? Why do so many ponies like it then? It really make ya think.” Her gaze flickered over to the apple for a second before returning the Quantum. “Hey Quantum, what do y'all think is yer favourite part of an apple?” Quantum froze, as the mare had unknowing asked the question that had been plaguing the young stallion for weeks, if not months. He was unable to move as the mare held his gaze with her own, rolling the apple slightly in her hoof as a small grin played on her features. “Well Quantum? What does that big ol' scientific brain of yours say 'bout apples?”
Quantum couldn't think of anything to say, nothing, no answer could possibly come across as completely honest- “You.” Wait... what?

“The thing y'all like about apples... is me?” Applejack repeated slowly, setting down the apple she was playing with, and resting her head on that hoof as she looked up at him. “What did yah mean by that sugarcube?”

Quantum shook his head and slowly started backing away from the orange earth pony. “I have no idea, I... apples and the... 80% water... they are... I don't know why.” And with that jumble of words he turned tail and ran, away from the cart, back through the market place, and into the safety of his own home. For a moment he leaned back against the door, his eyes closed and his breathing hard. It was okay. No more confusion about apples, everything would be fine for the rest of the day...

Everything was not fine! Quantum was pacing the floor in front of his door, his mind a jumble of non-sense. He had gone down to the basement to work on his inventions (one was a device that removed to core of the apple for you,) and had come upstairs for a snack, when he realized he couldn't find the bag anywhere. He looked high and low, checked every corner, and under every surface and it was nowhere to be found, So now there was two possibilities, either he had left it at the cart, or the parasprites were back. And there was no way he could go back to buy some more, the cart would be closed at this time of night. He was just going over a plan in his head on where he could get some cymbals this late at night when there was a knock on his door. Quantum immediately pulled a kazoo off the stand next to the door, opened the aforementioned object, and blew loudly, shouting. “Begone evil cute fairy things!” The only thing that greeted him was Applejack, her ears flattened against her head at the noise that the eccentric scientist was making.

“Uh... sugarcube, what are y'all doin'?” She asked, and Quantum put the kazoo down.

“I was... um... you know-” He noticed the bag slung across her back. The bag that had his apples in it. He was speechless as the earth pony took the bag off her back and dropped it at his feet.

“Yah left it at mah cart earlier, so I thought I'd come on by and drop it off for yah.” Quantum nodded dumbly, but for some reason could only focus on Applejack and the way her mouth was forming into a small grin. “So what was that all about today sugarcube? You feelin' alright?” Quantum nodded slightly.

“It was just... I don't know why... I like apples.” Applejack blinked a few times then another smile appeared on her face. “Awww is that all, pardner? Well that's fine, sometimes we can't explain why we like the things we like.”

“But I'm a scientist! It has to have a logical basis for it to make any sense!” Applejack was quiet for a moment.

“Alright sugarcube you want logic, here yah go. You said the reason you like apples is because of... me.” She pointed a hoof to her own chest. “Now would that make a lick o' sense? That you would love apples so much... maybe 'cuz y'all have a little crush on me?”

Quantum snorted at the statement. “What? There is no way my intelligent, capable mind, could be tricked so easily into thinking that it wants one thing, when it really wants something else. That doesn't... I would know if... why would apples-” Quantum found his rambling cut short by the feeling of soft lips against his own. His eyes widened at the sight of Applejack right in front of him, kissing him, he slowly closed his eyes as a familiar feeling took over him. It felt like every time he at an apple, only if you magnified the feeling tenfold.

When the orange earth pony drew away, it all became clear to Quantum that what she had said was the truth, but now a new problem arose. “So with all that new information... I feel quite unsure how to continue in this... er.... crush you speak of? I mean before I could eat apples, but now what do I do?”

Applejack chuckled softly at the stallions reaction. “Well ma pal Rarity would be a better pony to ask that kinda question too, but I think that the way y'all get better from a crush, is ta go on a date.”

“A... date, yes... I could see that working out splendidly!” Quantum exclaimed happily. There was an awkward silence between the two for about twenty seconds before Applejack spoke up.

“Would you, want to go one of them dates with me?” Quantum, who had been staring off into space for the past few moments, came back to reality. “Hm? Oh... yeah of course!” Another silence. Applejack sighed, but smiled at Quantum.

“I come by your house after I'm done ma chores tomorrow, alright sugarcube?” Quantum nodded his head and Applejack shot him one last smile, and gave him a peck on the cheek, before racing down the darkened street towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Quantum watched her go for a few moments before slamming the door and rushing down to his laboratory. He had to find out why he liked her... I mean she's smart, and nice and... He slowly shook his head and walked back up his stairs, remembering what had happened last time... He opened his front door and pulled the bag of apples, opening it and pulling one out, her then returned to his lab, ready to find out why he liked Applejack so much...

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