• Published 2nd Jan 2020
  • 1,373 Views, 1 Comments

Flutters of a drunken heart - Dashie1995

Discord invites Fluttershy out to a bar for her birthday. Rated T for implied situations

  • ...

Birthday drinks and feelings

Fluttershy looked at the building that she was standing in front of apprehensively. The local bar in Ponyville was lit up and loud music was thumping through the walls.

"I don't know about this Discord. I've never drank before... Are you sure this is a good idea?" She turned and asked Discord who was standing behind her with a small smirk on his face.

"Of course my dear! What better way than to celebrate your birthday? Twilight and the girls are coming and I will be by your side" he snapped a suit of armour on himself and swung his sword protectively which caused Fluttershy to giggle "I will guard you so no harm comes to you so you have nothing to fear!"

Fluttershy smiled up at him. "You promise?"

He sheathed his sword and stood at attention. "On my honor! Dear Fluttershy."

She giggled again and nodded. "Ok, let's get out of the cold then."

He grinned and snapped himself back to normal and opened the door for her. "After you, my dear." She walked in and he followed closely behind. The bar was full of ponies but they managed to find a large booth in the corner and sat down at it. Fluttershy looked around at her surroundings. Lots of ponies looked content and happy so that made her relax alot more now that she knew what to expect for the night. Discord turned to a waitress and ordered drinks for the two of them.

"Shouldn't we wait for the girls? I wouldn't want them to feel like they missed something." Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"They will be here in a few minutes and besides a drink while we wait won't hurt. I ordered us apple martinis they sound right up your alley." He replied. The waitress came back with a trayful of martinis and set them on the table. He set one in front of her sat back and sipped his. Fluttershy looked at the drink. It was a beautiful shade of green with a slice of apple on the end of a small drink umbrella. She picked hers up and tasted it. The taste of apples flowed over her tounge and she could taste the alcohol in the drink but it wasn't unpleasant. She drank it back enjoying it and sighed happily as she set her empty glass down.

Discord smiled at her "I just knew you would like it. But i didn't expect you to chug it back. Are you sure this is the first time you've drank." He teased.

Fluttershy blushed and giggled. "It was just so good! I couldn't help myself. And of course it's my first time drinking." She replied. She started to feel tingly in her hooves as the drink started to work it's magic on her.

"Well I'm glad I could take your drink virginity." Discord waggled his eyebrows at her.

Fluttershy's face turned beat red at that comment and hid in her mane. Her heart was racing fast. She had a massive crush on the draconequis and to hear him say those words made her tremble even though he probably didn't mean anything by it. Oh my celestia! Keep it together Fluttershy he doesn't feel that way about you, he's your best friend.

"Discord! Fluttershy!" A voice spoke startling her from her thoughts. She looked up. Twilight smiled at her. "I'm so glad you were able to convince Fluttershy to come. I was wondering if she might have preferred a quiet birthday." She sat down next to Fluttershy.

Discord chuckled "oh it was easy to persuade her and besides it's not everyday you turn 22. I'm just surprised she never had any drinks since turning 19." Fluttershy smiled shyly at him from behind her mane and he grinned back.

"Well I'm happy your here now Fluttershy and it's going to be a memorable night!" Twilight smiled at her.

The rest of the girls arrived shortly after Twilight.
"Oh nice, you already ordered a bunch of drinks!" Rainbow flew into the booth and sat down. "I'm more of a fan of cider but those martinis are awesome!" She said. Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack sat down as well.

"Well then let's order some! We sold a bunch of barrels of cider to em." Applejack nudged rainbow in the side playfully. Rainbow rubbed her hooves together eagerly and waved down the waitress. Shortly there was an assortment of martinis and cider around the table and everyone started drinking

A few drinks later and Fluttershy was really tipsy. Moving back and forth in her seat to the music.

"How are you feeling Flutters?" Discord asked really buzzed and threw his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. She sighed contently feeling his fur against hers. She was always so surprised how soft and smooth his fur was.

"Amazing, everything is amazing. Thank you so much Discord."

"Your welcome, my dear." He replied his claw playing with a few strands of her rosy mane.

Applejack leaned over to Rarity and whispered "ya know I always thought Fluttershy woulda been a bit of a light weight considering how she never drank before."

Rarity nodded in agreement feeling warmth in her face from the effects of the martinis. "yes i thought so too. But she seems really relaxed, I'm happy to see that she's not nervous to be in a crowd tonight."

Pinkie leaned over and obnoxiously said "what are we whispering about???" Rarity and Applejack started chuckling at her.

Fluttershy drank the last of her seventh martini and hiccupped. "Mmmm I love how appley this is, this is the best appley thing ever."She glanced over at Applejack and laughed. "Don't you worry Applejack you the best Appley person so this drinky-poo is second best."

Applejack raised her eyebrow. "Uh ok then Fluttershy… thanks I guess?"

Twilight started giggling at the exchange. Everything was starting to get silly now.

The song changed and Fluttershy's eyes lit up. She stood up in the booth and turned to face Discord placeing her hooves on his shoulders. "Omg omg we need to DANCE Discord right now!"

"Well just let me finish my--" Discord started to say.

"NO! I said right now mister" Fluttershy snapped and pushed him out of the booth with the same force she had used with Harry the bear. The girls stared at her mouths agape as Fluttershy drug him to the dancefloor.

"Wh-what just happened?" Twilight asked

"Fluttershy got assertive." Pinkie piped up. The girls all nodded in agreement.

Discord was taken aback at how forward Fluttershy was being. Sure she had her moments before but this was on a whole other level. He liked it. Alot. Fluttershy grabbed his paw and claw and wrapped them around her and pulled him close with surprising strength. She swayed to the music drunkily. He started to dance with her -- as well as he could in their current state. She hummed to the slow song and put her head on his chest. He sighed contently as he looked down at her. She was so beautiful, he had feelings for a long time for her and he never imagined they would share an intimate moment like this. It was getting harder to keep his feelings secret but he knew she would never love a creature like him. No she would want a handsome stallion not someone like the Lord of chaos.

"Mmm you smell nice." Her soft voice broke through his thoughts.

"I do?" He asked

"Mmhmm like woodsy and electricity. It don't make sense for the smell of electricky but as you say where's the fun in making sense. You smell the bestestest." She smiled up at him cutely.

He laughed "well that's good to hear. You smell lovely as well my dear. Like mint and flowers."

She nuzzled him happily. The magic of the martinis gave her so much confidence. She would never have said those things out loud before.

Rarity watched the pair dance and sighed "oh they are actually really cute together. I bet you Fluttershy tells him how she feels."

Rainbow who was in the middle of drinking her cider choked and started coughing. "Wait what?? What do you mean?"

Rarity rolled her eyes."oh come on Rainbow Dash, haven't you see the way they look at each other? Especially Discord he's just devoted to her."

"Huh?" Rainbow's mouth dropped open.

Twilight spoke up. "Starlight told me when we were taken by Chrysalis. Discord turned so protective when he heard that Fluttershy was taken. He won't stop talking about saving her, not us her."

Pinkie piped up. "And how he went beserk in the party supplies store looking for the right things for their tea party. I mean I go crazy too to get everything perfect for everypony but he was super concerned and even asked for advice!"

Applejack nodded in agreement "yes I've seen alot of ponies in love specially Big Mac an' those two top it an' they aren't even together yet. How could you not see it sugarcube?"

Rainbow grabbed her face. "DID EVERYPONY KNOW THIS EXCEPT ME??"

Applejack glanced at the group and smirked "eeyup."

Discord gulped.It was getting harder every moment not to tell her his feelings. He didn't want to say it in public but he had to tell her he just had to.


"Yes Flutters?" He replied grasping on to her tightly not wanting their dance to end as the song was starting to finish.

"I'm super dizzy and I want to go home. Will you take me home?"

"Of course." He reluctantly pulled away.

"That dance was amazing thank you" Fluttershy said blushing and sad from her body not touching his.

"Your welcome, my dear Fluttershy."

They told the girls that Fluttershy was getting tired and they teleported to her cottage.

Once inside Fluttershy sat down on her couch and gestured for him to join her which he happily obliged.

The moonlight shone through the window and Fluttershy saw how handsome he was in the moonlight. His yellow red eyes like zinnias we're almost glowing in the dark.

"Fluttershy...can I tell you something?" He asked nervously fidgeting his claw and paw together. Normally he was so confident but right now he was terrified. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she never wanted to be friends after this? What if she never wanted to see him again?

"Of course Dissy."

He swalled his fears. "I-I love you, Fluttershy. I have for a long time. You're the most caring pony I have ever met, you are beautiful and amazing and I've never felt this way about anything before." He waited with baited breath.

Her teal eyes widened and she exclaimed with joy. "I love you too Discord. This makes me so happy. I thought you would never want a pony like me."

"How could I not?" Discord pulled her close onto his lap and his emotions took over as he pulled her into a heated kiss. She kissed him back eagerly and they stayed like that for a couple of minutes before they broke apart from lack of air.

She smiled at him after catching her breath. "That was amazing, "

He nodded and hugged her. "You've made me the happiest creature in Equestria, Flutters."

She snuggled into him and yawned a big yawn."I'm so glad." She said sleeply.

He chuckled "shall I put you to bed?"

She giggled. "Maybe...but only if you come with me." She said with rather lusty look.

He grinned and carried her into her bedroom and set her on the bed. "With pleasure." He purred at her and closed the door behind him.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this! I actually thought of this last night while I was drinking :twilightblush: hopefully it was ok. Happy new year! :yay:

Comments ( 1 )
Hillbe #1 · Jan 2nd, 2020 · · 1 ·

:raritystarry: Spikey what are you doing here?
:twilightblush: same as you , peeking through the window
:pinkiegasp: Look at that!
:rainbowderp: I can't believe what we're seeing
:applejackconfused: She's got him . . . She's gone bonkers
:moustache: I'm too short I need a boost
:duck: you have wings dear...
:moustache: It's a little hard to fly now
:rainbowlaugh: Spikes got a wing boner!
:twilightoops: "..."
:duck: "!"
:moustache: There goes guys night out, Shot all to heck...

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