• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,018 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Keep Calm and Flutter On

Chapter 8:

Keep Calm and Flutter On

Out in an open field just outside of Ponyville, Midnight along Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash have gathered together awaiting the arrival of Princess Celestia.

Rarity is preparing herself by spraying perfume on herself while Rainbow could only watch and cover her mouth with her hoof. Spike was walking in circles, staring at the ground in boredom as Pinkie bounced over to Rarity.

“I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Ponyville! I got my hooves shined just like Rarity for the occasion” She lifted her left hoof towards Rarity for her to observe. “Ya like?” She asked, presenting a hoof that was shined so brilliantly that it castes a reflection.

“I certainly do!” Rarity answered looking and sounding very impressed with the party pony for stepped up her fashion choice for the ocassion.

Midnight looking around said “Huh? I’m surprised she is not here yet.”

She couldn’t help but wonder what Princess Celestia had called them here for and sensed it is not like her to be late. “And where are Applejack and Fluttershy?” She continued knowing they are supposed to be here as well when the Princess arrives.

“Fluttershy's detained helping Applejack with a mishap at Sweet Apple Acres. They'll be along.” Rarity answered and reassured Midnight.

“But, I still don't get why the Princess would be so late.” Spike also questioned confirming to Midnight she is not the only one who senses something is off with her later arrival.

“She said she's bringing an important visitor. That could be part of it.” Midnight offering a possible explanation.

“A visitor who's important and slow.” Rainbow Dash said as she hastily flew towards us, continuing to flap her wings impatiently.

“Maybe its somepony so terribly important, she still had many more terribly important things to do before she got here.” Rarity answered offering a possible explanation as she walked towards them.

“Maybe the visitor has a deer antler, a goat leg, a bat wing, and a snake tail!” Spike said in horror as he gasped tugging at Midnight’s tail.

“What you mean Discord? The Lord of Chaos?” Midnight asked in a mixture of surprise and confusion. “Why would she bring Discord with her here?”

“Yeah why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would Princess Celestia bring along someone like that?” Rarity added expressing her disbelief as well.

“M-m-maybe you should ask... her!” Spike pointed out as he stammered to get out his words, as Princess Celestia arrived escorted by her royal guards to our location. Her carriage wasn’t the only one arriving as another group of royal guards was bringing something else… It was the statue of Discord.

This causes the five girls even Midnight to stare in confusion and disbelief.

Midnight herself is a little concerned for what Princess Celestia has in mind for him.

Princess Celestia stepped out of her carriage and stood before the ponies with a warm smile, especially at Midnight as the latter approaches.

“With all due to respect, Princess Celestia, may I ask why you brought Discord here?” Midnight respectfully asked. “Am I to assume it’s so we can finally destroy him for good?”

“I’m afraid not, Midnight.” Princess Celestia kindly answered Midnight’s second question before continuing “I'm fully aware that the last time Discord was here, he created serious havoc.” She said answering her first question as she turned her head to see the royal guards removing him from the carriage.

“If by "serious havoc" you mean "turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world"...” Rainbow Dash questioned while pointing out the last time he was here.

“…And tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves…” Rarity said adding to Rainbow Dash’s argument.

“And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!” Pinkie Pie added even though it was unnecessary.

“Yes, I understand. But I have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil.” Princess Celestia explained. “This is why I've brought Discord here, because I believe that you are the ponies who can help him do just that.”

“Including me?” Midnight asked sounding surprised at what Princess Celestia is saying before continuing. “As much as I have heard about Discord and what he had done in the past but how am I one of ponies who can believe that the Lord of Chaos could actually be reformed without a slight chance of being double-crossed?” Midnight added finding her idea very incredulous as she doesn’t believe in redemption for those who crossed a major line. “And forgive me for saying this, but as I recall the last time Discord was here with the Elements of Harmony being around, Twilight was the bearer of the Element of Magic that turned Discord back into stone and I wasn’t. Surely you realize the Elements of Harmony will only work when all of the element bearers are working the magic together. Especially not now since Twilight is now gone.” Midnight also added raising a bunch of valid and hard-hitting points that cause the girls mood to sadden including Princess Celestia after hearing Twilight’s name being mentioned.

After taking a moment to process Midnight’s words and acknowledging she is right with a deep sigh she begins to explain herself further. “Yes, I know.” She started as she maintains her composure. “But after witnessing your wonderful display of magic, I have reason to believe you have the power to be able to yield the Element of Magic needed to make the spell work.”

“So you really think I’m the new bearer of the Element of Magic capable of yielding it’s magic as much as Twilight? Is that why you asked me here as well?” Midnight asked the sun princess.

“Yes.” Princess Celestia replied confidently. “I think you have what it takes to fill the void and seek out Discord’s redemption.”

Midnight begin think about it for a minute before speaking.

“Well, if you really think so I suppose I could do that.” Midnight replied after warming up to the idea of this new responsibility being suddenly thrusted on herself as well as another potential opportunity for her to turn this into her favor “And worst case scenario we can always turn him back into stone in case he gets out of hand.”

“Uh,” Spike fearfully stammered “W-w-we probably need a volunteer to run away from here right away to get them. I'll do it!” Spike was ready to leave to do so until Princess Celestia stopped him in his tracks before he could run off ahead.

“No need, Spike. I have them right here” Celestia assured it won't be necessary as two of the royal guards placed the chest holding the elements down. “And I've cast a spell so Discord can't take them and hide them again.” She opened the chest with her magic to reveal them. “Now where is Fluttershy? I believe she may know best how to begin reforming Discord.”

“Fluttershy? Really?” Rainbow Dash questioned, having no faith in her.

“Yes, really.” Midnight answered giving her a stern look which Rainbow Dash is taken aback by her attitude. “In order for the spell to work we need every part of the Elements of Harmony and every pony who bears the very elements to be here in order to activate the spell and that includes Fluttershy who represents the Element of Kindness. And since the bearer of the Element of Loyalty is questioning kindness it would just seem you have just volunteered to go her and Applejack the Element of Honesty, Rainbow Dash.” Midnight sharply explained why it is necessary for Fluttershy to be here when they free Discord clearly irritated by her attitude leaving Rainbow Dash realizing she pushed her luck at drawing Midnight’s anger.

“Okay, Okay!” She said raising her hooves in an apologetic tone. “I’ll go get her ready.” Rainbow Dash quickly bolted away to do so not wanting to anger the unicorn further.

After calming herself down a little, Midnight thought to herself as she waited that this could work for either way since if he doesn’t reform, she can stand by and continuing seeing him in stone for the rest of his life. And if successful she could potentially use him to further her plans and keep his chaotic nature in line with the right words to sway him just like she did when she helped the Cutie Mark Crusaders to further befriend the Mane Five. But just in case she sends a blast of magic to the library to ensure none of her books get in Discord’s hands and is ready to secretly send another blast of magic immediately after freeing him from his stone prison.

“Everything all right, Midnight” Princess Celestia asked taking notice of her sending a wave of magic at the library in the distance.

“Yes, Princess.” Midnight calmly replied. “Just casting a spell on the books in the library to ensure Discord can’t ruin them when he is free from stone.”

Princess Celestia nods in approval for her thinking ahead when figuring out herself why she did it.

At that moment, Rainbow Dash flew in “They’re on their way.” She told them as they approached the group.

“Good.” Princess Celestia positively responded.

When Fluttershy and Applejack arrived, Fluttershy showed instant surprise upon seeing the Princess as if she wasn't expecting her to visit today.

“Princess Celestia!” Fluttershy softly exclaimed with widen eyes.

“Hello, Fluttershy.” Princess Celestia said with a warm smile to calm her down. “I was hoping you would know the most in reforming Discord to good.”

“…reform him…?” Fluttershy questioned “…to good? I…I don’t know…” She responded unsure of the princess's proposal and request.

“I realize that this is a tall order, but I wouldn't ask if I weren't confident you could get him to use magic obediently of his own free will.” Princess Celestia assured her that she will figure out the way to do it.

“And... you really think I'll know best how to do that?” Fluttershy asked again as she lowered her head and slightly looked away.

Princess Celestia placed a hoof under her chin and raised her head a little in order to meet eye to eye. “I do” Celestia reassured Fluttershy yes she does causing her to blush and turn away really touched by the gesture. “Now, I must return to Canterlot for Equestria’s royal summit.” Princess Celestia then said as she flapped her wings flying back into her royal carriage. “You may release Discord when ready.” She told them as the royal guards began taking her back to Canterlot.

After Princess Celestia left, Midnight turned around and began leading the other girls towards Discord’s statue as she held the chest holding the elements close to her.

“Okay ponies, guess it’s time to get started. I know this is my first time actually yielding the magic of the Elements of Harmony but let’s just hope this releasing spell works with my magic in the mix.”

“Or… let’s not.” Spike said hiding behind Midnight’s tail not wanting Discord to be freed from his stone prison.

“We'd best keep our elements on at all times 'til further notice.” Midnight instructed the other ponies as she placed the elements on the other girls, including herself.

Before putting on the crown that used to be Twilight’s when she wielded the element of magic she looked at it and sighed thinking she doesn’t feel quite right about this as if she is replacing Twilight from the day she instantly took her in as her student just recently after Twilight’s death.

“Check!” They all responded all on board with following Midnight’s lead on her first experience wielding the magic of the Elements of Harmony.

Midnight staying calm and collected focuses her magic and after a few seconds was able to activate the element’s magic which immediately focused the other elements.

All the girls are lifted into the air as all the colors mix together to form a rainbow which channels through the tiara on Midnight’s head releasing the Rainbow magic which causes Discord to slowly be free from stone as it cracks off from the magic running through.

Once free Discord lets loose a groan of pain and relief as he stretches himself finally relieved to be free from stone as Midnight quickly sends a burst of magic at Discord as he groans.

“Oh! Ooh! Ooooh! Well, it's about time somepony got me out of that prison block. What a relief!” Discord said pleased that he is now free as he snaps his fingers and turns a squirrel into a mean and muscular one causing the other girls except Midnight to gasp.

“And just what to do you think you are doing.” Midnight sternly asked Discord.

“Nnnnnnnnngh– Why, stretching, of course. When you're a creature of chaos, stone bodysuits aren't your typical go-to fashion choice. Nnngh...” Discord responded in a faux innocently tone as he snaps his fingers and turns a bunny into a mean and muscular one as well who roars viciously and hops off.

“Make that bunny cute again. Now!” Pinkie Pie demanded after she gasps at what Discord did.

“Oh, he’s adorable the way he is.” Discord said while ignoring Pinkie as he places a finger on the transformed bunny who respond by trying to bite his finger which Discord barely avoids. The Lord of Chaos responds to this by blowing a raspberry at him in return.

“You know what else is adorable? You ponies truly believe that you can reform me, and that you're putting your faith in this one here to make it happen. Makes me wanna pinch your little horsey cheeks...” Discord mockingly told them as he looked at Fluttershy with a magnifying glass before grabbing ahold of her while messing with her hair while the other ponies are glaring at him.

“And exactly how do you think we know we are going do that?” Midnight questioned him skeptically of his immediate knowledge of it.

“Being turned to stone doesn't keep me from hearing every word Celestia says.” Discord replied to the dark-furred unicorn face to face as he grabbed his own eye balls, shook them, and rolled them like dice to the ground. “Although I admit it makes rolling my eyes a challenge.” He said as he added a pun for fun.

“Well, if you ever care so much as not wanting to be turned back to stone, you’ll zap those animals back to the way they were right now.” Midnight said in an ice-cold tone not caring about his attempts of humor.

“Oh, you wouldn't dare turn me back to stone and risk disappointing your precious princess.” He responded with crossed arms trying to call out her bluff.

“Try me, and we’ll see whose bluffing.” Midnight said in the same cold threatening tone.

“Yeah, just try us, “Dip-cord”!” Rainbow Dash added ready to turn him back to stone as much as every pony else.

“You think you can treat poor defenseless animals like that and get away with it?!” Fluttershy called out to him as she pointed a hoof out in Discord's direction, flying towards him to scold him.

“You go, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash encouraged and cheered for her to put him in his place.

“You best watch your step, buster, or I give you the stare!” Fluttershy threatened as she pointed a hoof at his face.

“The Stare?” Discord reacted frightfully in a mocking way. “Oh no, please, not that! Anything but your disapproving eyeballs!” He immediately laughed as he rolled around in the air. Fluttershy instantly made good on her threat by releasing the stare on him “Oh no! No no no, stop! No, no!” He made strangling noises like he was choking, but Midnight herself knew it was an act as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. “I can't! Stop! I can't take it anymore! I'll do whatever you say! Because…” He laughed out loud after being done mocking Fluttershy. “You are hilarious!”

“If it turns out we need to use our elements against you, I'm sure we can convince Princess Celestia it was for a good reason!” Midnight mentioned in order to get through to him.

Discord hearing this thought this through and begrudgingly decided as he spoke. “Mmm... I suppose that's correct.” He snapped his fingers, immediately turning the animals back to normal.

“Well, it looks like I know where I'll be crashing while I'm being "reformed"... With you, Fluttershy.” Discord said as he teleported her to him and held her as he messed with her mane playfully.

He laughed evilly as Fluttershy could only stare at the others in horror as she utters to herself. “Oh, dear”

The seven later arrive at Fluttershy’s cottage, where Fluttershy tries her hardest to make Discord as comfortable as he can be, while the others watch.

“He may be horrible, but that doesn't mean we have to act the same way. We should at least try to be hospitable.” Fluttershy tells her friends as she puts her books on her bookshelf and put a flower on the table before facing Angel. “You don't mind giving up your favorite spot on the couch, do you, Angel Bunny?”

Angel quickly jumped, wanting to disagree on her question. He dashed over to Discord and began pulling his hoof in order to attempt to remove him from the couch. After realizing how futile this attempt is, he gave up and walked away while Discord looks at Angel with a grin on his face.

“Oh, I’m sorry about Angel are you all right?” Fluttershy asked Discord as she flew up to him.

“Oh, yes. Thank you, Fluttershy, for your concern. If only your pony friends could be as considerate...” Discord responded as she casts a look at the others who are still glaring at him still seeing that he is untrustworthy.

“Don't listen to him, Fluttershy! He's just trying to drive a wedge between us like he always does.” Rainbow Dash responded as he flew up to Fluttershy.

“Now why in the world would I ever try to do a thing like that?” Discord said pretending to sound innocent.

“So we can't unite and use the Elements of Harmony against you, that's why!” Rainbow answered boldly as he flew up to Discord.

“I never thought of that...” Discord said still pretending to be innocent and hurt.

“You big liar!” Rainbow Dash accused him seeing through his lies as she flew back to the others.

“Now look who’s a liar.” Discord said now shrunken to be tiny. “Anyone can plainly see I am not big at all.”

Angel noticed that since he was small, he could get back on the couch. However, when the second he did, Discord reverted back to his size and pushed Angel off the couch, along with pushing the lamp near him causing it to fall and break causing Fluttershy to put her hooves to her mouth seeing this.

“Whoops” Discord responded realizing his mistake snaps his fingers to transform it into a Discord figurine lamp with him holding the light bulb in his right hand and wearing the lamp shade like a skirt.

“There all better.” Discord said while tail swatting Angel off the couch again as he slid back on the couch even though the lamp is now fixed to his liking rather than Fluttershy's.

“I can’t watch.” Applejack said covering her face with her hat and turning to leave in disgust.

“We’ll be outside.” Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy following Applejack's example by quickly flying out of the cottage along with the other girls and Spike.

Before leaving Midnight turned to face Fluttershy to ask “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“I know it's not gonna be easy, but Princess Celestia's counting on me. And... I think I actually know what to do.” Fluttershy responded with certainly in her voice.

“You do?” Midnight questioned.

“I think the key is to befriend him. Being kind to him and letting him be my house guest is probably the best way to do that.” Fluttershy answered as Angel unsuccessfully tries to get back on the couch Discord is sitting on only for him to move it out of the way when he tried to jump on it causing Angel to crash into a wall in the process.

“And you really think that'll work?” Midnight asked again to make sure she know what she is doing.

“I think it’s worth a try!” Fluttershy responded with complete certainly

“Okay, then in that case, I will trust you on this.” Midnight said placing her faith in Fluttershy before whispering. “But if you need us, all you need to do is whisper "help", and we'll be back here with our elements." And remember Discord..." Midnight added turning to address Discord "...we got our eyes on you so think carefully of how you act.” Midnight cautiously warned him as he tapping Angel like a punching bag while holding him upside down.

“Wh-what?! Look at me! I'm practically reformed already.” Discord responded to Midnight's warning by acting and dressed sophisticated while pouring Angel a cup of tea while sitting on chairs.

Midnight rolls her eyes at Discord’s antics as she turns to leave as Fluttershy nervously smiles and closes the door.

“She's really alright with him staying there?” Rarity asked.

“That's what she said.” Midnight answered.

“Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan, in case this whole "befriending" business doesn't work out.” Rainbow Dash said crossing her arms still skeptical of the idea of Discord reforming.

“Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discord we are talking about, girls. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have another trick up our sleeves.’ Rarity said agreeing with Rainbow Dash.

“Personally, in my opinion I have to say I need to trust Fluttershy on knowing what is she doing.” Midnight responded voicing her input on the matter earning looks of bewildered surprise from the other girls. “But I already have another back-up plan in place as a last-resort.” Midnight added to reassure the girls that she a step ahead either way.

“You trust Fluttershy on this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Why?” Rarity added.

“As much as I am not 100% on the idea as all of you, but if there is one thing I learned about friendship is that you always got to place your complete faith in them. And I’m always a step ahead for either outcome.” Midnight said answering their question while walking with the others away from Fluttershy’s cottage. “So trust me, when I tell you that I have everything under control, okay?”

“Well I ain’t gonna lie to you, but I still don’t feel right about all this.” Applejack replied unconvinced “Cause I still think Discord is playing Fluttershy like he has before. Like he has with all of us except you Midnight”

“Yeah, you weren’t there when Discord was here last time!” Rainbow Dash added in the same tone while pointing her hoof at her.

“No, but I have read all about him and heard what he did through research and ears through Ponyville.” Midnight responded unfazed by Rainbow’s claim before continuing “But if it makes you all feel any better, just go on your separate ways and I will let you all know if Fluttershy needs us while do some research at the library.” Midnight told the others before walking off ahead clearly disgusted that only that they don’t put complete faith in Fluttershy but Midnight herself even when she is a step ahead. “Come on. Spike!” Midnight called as she headed back to the library.

Back at the library, Midnight checked all of her books including the ones with reforming spells ready to go use if necessary, and thanks to her quick thinking from earlier all of her books are fine no ripped pages. At the same time, Midnight observes Discord’s chaotic antics at Fluttershy’s cottage who is turning her cottage around and around from her crystal orb.

Of course Midnight doesn’t mind whatever happens next since she knows she will benefit from this situation but still has her faith in Fluttershy as promised swearing to herself only to use the reforming spells as a last resort as a testament to her vow.

She then heads back to the cottage to check up on Fluttershy to see her cottage is still rotating non-stop.

“Fluttershy!” Midnight called out to her. After a few seconds Fluttershy flew down to meet with Midnight and Spike while carrying Angel “Are you okay?” She asked with concern in her voice.

“We're fine. Everything's going great. Isn't it, Angel?” Fluttershy positively responded as she put Angel down on the ground who dizzily hops away.

“So, how it’s going with Discord?” Midnight asked.

“We're making great progress!” Fluttershy positively responded.

“Seriously?” Spike asked still not completely buying it.

“Oh yes. As you can see we're making great progress!” Fluttershy happily answered in order to attempt to assure him. “I'm earning his trust by giving him a little space to be himself.”

“Yes, I can tell by your cottage constantly rotating in the air.” Midnight sarcastically noted.

“But don’t worry, Midnight” Fluttershy again reassured her. “He's already really considering being reformed! He said so.”

“And you believed him?” Midnight asked in the same tone.

“If I'm going to be his friend, I have to start by giving him the benefit of the doubt! Tell you what. Bring all the ponies over for a dinner party this evening, and I'll bet his manners will have really improved by then.” She told her as she rose up into the air and pointed towards the cottage. “I'll even get him to put the cottage back on the ground first.”

“Then we’ll have to pray he doesn’t send it to another dimension.” Midnight said as she couldn’t help but throw in another sarcastic quirk before changing her tone into a more reassuring one. “But I still trust that you have everything under control.” Midnight told her to let her now she is still giving Fluttershy her faith in her. Fluttershy nods to Midnight thanking her for trusting her before flying back inside the cottage.

“Well, guess we now have a dinner to attend to.” Midnight said to Spike as she walks with them to tell the others what the plan is.

Just as she promised, Midnight leads the others back to Fluttershy’s cottage after having gathered them, although Midnight didn’t do much interacting with other than telling them they are meeting Fluttershy and Discord for dinner as she is pretty bitter for their lack in trust and faith in her even when she tells them that she is rightfully a step ahead in dealing with Discord.

“Ugh, I can't believe we're having a dinner party with Discord!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“This evening is sure to be a disaster. Glad I didn't bother wearing my fanciest outfit.” Rarity added who is wearing a fancy dress for the occasion.

“Fluttershy thinks this is the way to reform Discord and asked us to give it a chance.” Midnight said coldly still not even bothering to look at the girls. “And if Fluttershy thinks this is the way to go about it then I’m willing to give it a chance and I suggest the rest of you do the same whether you like or not.”

Before the girls surprised by Midnight’s cold tone could respond Discord opened the door to greet them.

“Oh, our pony guests!” Discord said in an upper class voice and wearing a tuxedo. “We're so delighted that you've come. Please, do come in.” Discord continued as he rolled out a red carpet for them to walk on with his tongue and then appeared at the doorway gesturing them to come in.

“With pleasure Discord.” Midnight politely responded to his gesture as she was the first to walk in as the other girls look on in shock at Midnight showing kindness and politeness towards the Lord of Chaos.

“See what a beautiful job he did helping? Discord set the entire table himself. I'm so proud.” Fluttershy told the others showing them the newly redesigned room as Discord appeared in front of Midnight.

“May I take your... hats, ladies?” Discord asked while clearing his throat while touching Midnight’s crown which Midnight is quick to hold on to.

“No, no. That wouldn’t be necessary, Discord. But thanks anyway.” Midnight politely replied.

“Hang on to your elements, girls. It's gonna be a bumpy night.” Midnight advised to the other girls in a whisper.

Once every pony was settled in they all set themselves at the table as dinner is served.

“As you all know, Princess Celestia hoped we'd help Discord use his magic for good instead of evil.” Fluttershy addressed every pony to remind them of their task.

“Pinkie Pie, care for some gravy?” Fluttershy kindly asked her who was chowing down on her plate of mashed potatoes.

“You bet!” Pinkie happily replied.

“Allow me.” Discord offered as he uses his magic to turn the gravy pot alive who walks up to Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, what a cute little gravy boat you are! Yes you are! Yes you are!” Pinkie said in an affectionate tone as she pets the gravy boat like a dog who in turn licks her before filling her mashed potatoes with gravy.

“That's one creepy little gravy boat if you ask me.” Rainbow Dash commented disturbed by the sight of it.

“Oh, come on now, Dashie. You're not even giving this a chance.” Fluttershy returned in a scolding tone.

The gravy boat ran over to Rainbow and released hot gravy on her aimed at her lower region. She immediately jumped into the air and began flying in place after having to dodge hot gravy being poured on her crotch.

“Hey! That’s hot!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Whoops, I’m so sorry” Discord chuckled pretending to act like he didn't mean to even though he clearly did it on purpose.

“He did that on purpose!” Rainbow rightfully accused while pointing at hoof at him.

Fluttershy formed a suspicious-like expression on her face, hesitating whether to believe Rainbow Dash or not.

“Oh, well, I don't know about that. Mistakes happen. Oh, look, every pony, dancing candles!” Discord innocently mentioned as he pointed to the candles that are now dancing with lit wicks which is something that only Spike is fascinated by only for Rainbow Dash fly over to blow them out.

“I'm not falling for that! Discord's just trying to distract us from–“ Rainbow Dash told him that he is not fooling anypony with the charde he is trying to pull. At that moment Rainbow was interrupted by the candles that repeatedly poke her as she landed her hooves on the table.

“Hey! Knock it off! I suppose that's another "mistake"?” Rainbow Dash grunted as she tried to speak trying to prove her point.

"No, I think you just made them mad.” Discord retorted with narrowed questionable eyes.

“But something to me feels something is fishy going on.” Midnight questionably said skeptical of Discord’s gestures.

As soon as she mentioned that, the soup tureen, which looked like a fish, immediately spat out the soup from inside towards Midnight which earned him a glare from the dark-furred unicorn. It faced Spike and spat soup at him as well.

“Discord?” Fluttershy scolded the Lord of Chaos.

“Well, it's hardly my fault if the soup tureen finds the term "something fishy" to be offensive.” Discord explained, wanting to blame someone else instead of himself not seeing that he has done anything wrong.

The soup tureen slowly angled towards Rarity. She immediately gasped and flinched, placing her hooves in front of her. “Not the dress! Not the dress!” She screamed begging for mercy. But it was to no avail as she winds up sprayed by the tureen anyway before doing the same to Applejack.

“That tureen's only doin' what you're makin' it do!” Applejack told Discord she tries to prevent herself from being hosed by the tureen.

“Now let's not jump to any conclusions.” Fluttershy addressed the others trying to keep the peace.

“Fluttershy! Can't you see what he's doing? He's playing innocent with you so you'll never agree to use the Elements of Harmony against him!” Rainbow Dash said as she finally kicked the candles that were attacking her away before being faced by the tureen and sprayed by it.

“Oh, well, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?” Discord said pretending to sound hurt by that comment as the tureen continues to spray every pony except Midnight who protected herself with a magic shield.

“You see what I’m saying, right, Fluttershy? Fluttershy!” Rainbow asked her as she quickly trapped the tureen under a plate cover.

“You know what I see? I see that Discord's far from perfect, but I also see none of you giving him a chance!” Fluttershy asserting her stance on seeing the good in Discord.

“I’m giving him a chance!” Midnight immediately and defensively countered her stance. “Even with the antics he has pulled right now, have you seen me complaining and making accusations?” Midnight added sounding offended by Fluttershy’s claim.

“Yeah, What's gotten into you?! Why do you keep cutting him so much slack?” Rainbow asked demanding to know why.

“Because that's what friends do.” Fluttershy simply responded as she hugged him.

“We’re friends?” Discord questioned surprised by this gesture.

“Why, of course! I can't remember my house ever being this lively before you came along. “ Fluttershy reassured her she meant her words while flying up to her face.

“Oh... Well, I've... never really had a friend before. “Discord responded taken aback by this sounding really touched by this.

“Well, now you do!” Fluttershy positively replied as she placed a hoof on his hand.

“Not just one” Midnight countered again, as she walked towards him sternly which surprises Fluttershy, before smiling “You’ve got two new friends now.” Midnight replied while placing her hoof on Discord.

This causes the other girls to react in shock and horror at what they are hearing from Midnight except Fluttershy who’s surprise turns into a smile seeing she is not the only pony giving him a chance who winks at Fluttershy to reassure her that.

Discord hearing this, is now so touched by Midnight’s gesture he doesn’t know what to say.

Before any pony could say something else and their thoughts of what just happened, Angel came inside through the window, hopping frantically in front of everyone.

“Now is not a good time, Angel. We're having a dinner party.” Fluttershy politely told him.

Angel continued his loud worried chitter, catching Applejack’s attention as she was trying to decode the message he is trying to tell them.

“Hold up! I-I think he's tryin' to tell us somethin'!” She pointed out.

Angel poured a glass of water on himself and began splashing around before grabbing and holding an apple over his head.

“Apple!” The mane cast minus Fluttershy and Midnight exclaimed leading to Angel to point towards Applejack. “Applejack!” He narrowed his eyes in order to send them the message that the girls didn’t guess correctly. He slapped a paw on his forehead and strained his face as he struggles to get the message through to them. He pushed another jar towards them, with what looked like tea, and threw the apple inside.

“Oh, oh, oh!” Rarity exclaimed, analyzing the jar that held the apple inside of the liquid carefully. “Sweet Apple Acres!”

Angel bounced happily on the table to tell Rarity she guessed correctly.

“Flooding at Sweet Apple Acres!” Rainbow pointed out finally putting the pieces together. “And we all know who's behind that now, don't we?!” She added as she flew over the table pointing another accusing hoof at Discord's direction.

“Who, me?” He asked, with a halo over his head acting innocently.

“Oh, give it a rest!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed not buying his act for one secondas the other girls except Midnight had already walked to the door and began leaving. “What do you think of your ‘friend’ now, Fluttershy?" She told her in a disgusted tone before turning to face Midnight in the same tone.

"And here I thought you said you knew what you were doing, Midnight? I can’t believe you of all ponies would trust him?” With that she stormed out of the cottage with Midnight glaring angrily at Rainbow’s remark at her in her direction while Fluttershy faced Discord with a significant change in expression. Discord shrugged while the look on Fluttershy's face has her feeling she has come to realize she has made the mistake of labeling him as her ‘friend’ while Midnight could only look on at the door looking pretty hurt and angered by Rainbow Dash’s comment and lack of trust in her.

Midnight then began to walk out with Fluttershy flying by her side to catch up to her.

“I’m sorry, Midnight.” Fluttershy apologetically told her while placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder which Midnight accepted.

“It’s not you or Discord that I’m upset about.” Midnight reassured Fluttershy that she is not at fault. “You’re doing everything you can to give Discord a chance and I followed in your example when no one else would.” She explained as she still looked down at the ground as she continues walking. “It’s the other girls for not putting their faith in me when I told them I have this all under control and I’m prepared for whatever happens with Discord that I’m really upset about. It’s like even after we just started knowing each other they still don’t completely trust me.” She further explained as she looks at Fluttershy.

“I know.” Fluttershy understandably responded like she knows what Midnight is feeling right now. “And I appreciate the fact that you tried to give him a chance. It’s the thought that counts.” Fluttershy kindly said with a smile. “If only they can see that Discord can be reformed if they just show him some kindness.”

“Or maybe there are just some things that can’t be changed.” Midnight responded sounding defeated as she walked ahead while Fluttershy could only look sorry for her as much as herself.

When every pony gets to Sweet Apple Acres, every pony widens their eyes in shock at the sight they were seeing. The entire area had been completely flooded! The water was so high that it reached the leaves of the trees! And the rest of the Apple family was on buckets, trying to retrieve floating apples! And the source of what was holding all this water were the beavers nearby. There were four beavers that are just completing their third dam.

“I've never seen the floodin' this bad!” Applejack said in shock commenting on the sight of what she is seeing. “They've built dams 'round here before, but never like this! What's goin' on?”

Fluttershy quickly attended to the problem by flying over to the beavers to speak with them. She calmly and politely tried to persuade them to stop what they are doing, they only angrily chittered and chattered at her, one of them waving a stick around.

Fluttershy gasped in shock at what the beaver had just said to her. “Such language!” The beaver that spoke back threw the stick he was holding at her. She flew out of the way and towards the others seeing the beavers won't listen to her.

“It’s no use. They won’t listen to a word I say!” Fluttershy told the others with a sigh.

“You see Discord's behind all this, right?” Rainbow asked her again.

“Oh, of course I do!” Fluttershy assertively responded “Do you all think I'm a silly, gullible fool?” She questioned the others who don't trust her and Midnight's word.

“Only in the sense of being silly and gullible…” Rarity awkwardly mentioned as she and the others except Midnight spoke in broken sentences and muttered words.

“Um, well…” Pinkie spoke awkwardly.

“Uh…uh, no, not exactly…” Applejack spoke in the same tone as Pinkie.

“I've just been trying to gain his friendship any way I can, so he'd come to trust and listen to me! And it seems only Midnight is willing to give him that chance as well!” Fluttershy explaining her efforts and sticking up for Midnight while she was at it.

“She’s right!” Midnight spoke up as she prepares to further defend her case. “And here I thought you girls would trust me and know what I’m doing when I claim I say so, and yet it seems I have to prove myself more and more even after you all warmed up to me.” Midnight added while directing a glare at them specifically at Rainbow Dash throwing her earlier words back at her as Discord called out from the overflowing body of water while water skiing in the flood pulled and powered by a pair of tureens.

“Hey there, Fluttershy, Midnight, do either of you want a turn? The water's great!” He called out to the two mares.

“Time to see if it worked.” Fluttershy said ready to put it to the test before turning to Midnight. “You ready, Midnight?”

“Ready when you are!” Midnight replied in the same tone as her.

“Fluttershy, Midnight, oh, there you are.” He jumped of his soup tureens and ran over to the two ponies. “A sight for sore eyes.”

“As you can see, there's a big mess down here at Sweet Apple Acres.” Fluttershy addressed him as she pointed out towards all the water in the farm.

“Oh, yes. Awful business, that. Mm…” He responded, not caring about the issue as he wiped himself dry with a towel.

“It is awful. This is Applejack's home, and it's being destroyed by innocent creatures who would never be acting this way if it weren't for your reckless behavior.” She added to emphasize the seriousness of the situation as she turned away from him and shut her eyes as she finished by saying. “You need to fix this.” in an assertive tone.

Discord thought about this for a moment before answering “Oh, yes, very well, I will fix it. I only ask one thing in return.”

“And what would that be?” Midnight asked with a arched eyebrow.

“I ask that the two of you never use your Element of Harmony against me. As a sign of our friendship.” He asked as he pointed towards Fluttershy’s necklace and Midnight’s crown.

Fluttershy opened her mouth, not sure of how to respond to this request. She looked to the others who only shook their head in disagreement. While Midnight still faced him while glaring at him, Fluttershy would then join in with her narrowed eyes.

After a moment Midnight took of her crown and tossed it towards Spike to catch.

“Fine, I won’t use my Element of Harmony against you…” Midnight spoke up with her decision made shocking the other girls except Fluttershy who takes off her necklace.

“Neither, will I!” Fluttershy added further shocking the girls as she tosses the element to Spike as well.

“Excellent!” Discord answered pleased hearing this as he snapped his fingers with a flash of magic. But instead of fixing the mess he turned the flood into an ice rink shocking Fluttershy while Midnight still contained her glare at Discord with her expression having zero change while unsurprised at Discord's predictable behavior.

“There, much better! I do prefer ice skating to water skiing! Don't you?” Discord happily said as he skated around by three clones he created to give him a perfect score each as a nonexistent crowd cheered.

“Discord!” Fluttershy scolded, sending a cold puff from her breath. “That’s not fixing it!” She jumped off towards the slippery ice while Midnight followed after her while trying to keep her balance.

Discord stopped skating when he saw Fluttershy and Midnight coming towards him “Why, I oughta...” She started before ended up sliding away from Discord as a result of losing her movement on the ice while Midnight was able to stop her skid in front of Discord.

“Where are you going?” He asked as if he had done nothing wrong again. “What's wrong, pal?”

“Don’t call me your pal!” Fluttershy angrily responded.

“Oh, pfft, come skating with me, and we'll let bygones be bygones.” Discord responded ignoring Fluttershy’s anger at him while creating two pairs of ice skates for both girls.

At that moment Spike slid up holding the girl’s elements in his hands ready to give them back to them so they can use them against Discord.

“Here you go, Fluttershy! Midnight! Game on!” Spike tried to tell them to change their minds about him to no avail as
Fluttershy is the first to speak her stance on the matter. “I made a promise not to use my element against him, and I'm going to keep it.”

“And so will I!” Midnight also vowed following in Fluttershy’s example causing the girls to react in complete shock as they walked away with the skates as Discord appeared on top of both Midnight and Fluttershy so he could gloat to the other ponies.

“Hahah! You see? They want to have fun with me because we're friends. She can't use the elements against me because we're friends. I'm free forever!” He laughed in triumph before Midnight got his attention by speaking up while dropping the skates.

“We said we won’t use the elements against you. That doesn’t mean we are still friends.” Midnight assertively said before turning to Fluttershy as she turned to walk away “Come on, Fluttershy! Let’s go!”

Fluttershy would then follow Midnight's example by dropping her skates to join Midnight by walking away from him in the same manner.

“Who cares?” Discord responded not fazed of what had just happened. “I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm Discord, the master of chaos! You think you can boss Discord around? You think I'm just going to turn all this back because you say so? Because if I don't, I'll lose the only friends I ever had?”

“Yes!” Midnight bluntly responded. “The only friends who offered you their friendship and a chance of redemption after everything you have done in the past. She gave you a chance when no one else would. And I followed in her example because I believed in her faith in you. So if I were to ask you this, is a lifetime of doing whatever you please at other expenses really worth throwing friendship away?” Midnight asked while raising an eyebrow at him as hearing this really knocks sense into Discord as he silently knows the answer.

“Oh. Oh. Well played, Fluttershy, Midnight.” Discord sadly answered having come to a realization.

Discord then skated towards a nearby apple tree gloomily and sat there. There, he turned everything back to normal.

When the other girls see that Fluttershy and Midnight’s plan actually worked, they all cheered and raced towards the two ponies.

Discord appeared before them as he offered to say a few words.

“I like it better my way, but... I guess when you're friends, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?” Discord told them with a genuine smile.

“Yeah, it’s tough.” Midnight sympathized. “But in the end you’ll find there are some things worth making sacrifices for even if it includes making tough choices as long as you use your magic for good going forward.”

“Wow, I can’t believe it!” Applejack commented in surprise as she addressed Midnight.

“Your and Fluttershy’s plan actually worked!” Applejack added now sounding guilty for not trusting them.

“And we didn’t believe in you, even when you said had this under control.” Rainbow Dash added just as guilty.

“Oh darlings, we are so sorry we doubted you and Fluttershy. Can you forgive us?” Rarity asked them now very regretful of the way she and the others treated them.

“I suppose as long as you put your faith and trust in me the next time I ask of all of you and assure you all to do so I suppose I let this all slide." Midnight replied in a seemingly forgiving manner before giving her a small and stern glare. "This time that is. But I won’t forget it”. She firmly told her which Rarity responded to with a nervous nod and grin as the girls all give her warm and understanding smiles hearing this from Midnight.

Later, Midnight sent out a letter, calling Princess Celestia to their location back in town.

She stood before them, smiling as if she was already expecting Discord to come clean with her royal guards waiting behind her with her carriage ready as Discord approaches her.

“Yes, Princess, I'm ready to use my magic for good instead of evil.” He told her as he bowed to her in respect. “Most of the time.” He said to himself under his breath which Midnight took notice of and heard with focused ears.

“Congratulations on your success, ponies. I definitely sense a big change in Discord.” Princess Celestia told them before leaning down to Midnight’s ear to whisper to her still weary of any tricks Discord has up his claws. “I'll leave the Elements of Harmony with you, Midnight. Just in case.” Midnight nodded in agreement before speaking up.

“You were right when you said Fluttershy would be the one to find the way to reform Discord. By treating Discord as a friend, she got him to realize that friendship was actually important to him. And something that, once he had, he didn't want to lose. Even more so, when I decided to follow in her example and give him a chance as well.” Fluttershy hearing this blushed and touched hearing Midnight vouch for her.

“Go on. Say it…” Fluttershy nudged Discord to say what Fluttershy instructed him to say.

He groans and hesitated like doesn't want to say it. “Alright” He grudgingly replied as closed his eyes and turned away. “Friendship is magic.” He quickly announced, looking around afterwards.

“See? He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him.” Fluttershy endearingly mentioned.

The others girls, including Spike and Princess Celestia, turned away in embarrassment as Midnight on the other hoof chuckled at Fluttershy’s words and the other’s embarrassed looks.

“Sweetheart might be a bit of stretch there if you ask me.” Midnight said to herself while putting a hoof on her mouth avoid being seen laughing at them.

Once Discord leaves with Princess Celestia in the latter's carriage she secretly smirks seeing that her plan of going along with Fluttershy’s reformation attempt and giving Discord her friendship gives her an angle to be able use Discord to further her plans in the future and outplay Celestia at her own game especially when he said he’ll use his powers for good most of the time.

Author's Note:

In this chapter we have Midnight showing a display of pragmatism which is a key part in her character by befriending Discord seeing him as someone who will follow her lead and work with her with the right words in order to ensure he doesn't cause trouble for her when she plans to takeover Equestria. By doing what she did in this chapter she is essentially playing and beating Celestia at her own game and turning her plan into her advantage which will come into play in later chapters without her realizing it.
Note: In case anyone isn't up to date on my author's notes from the last chapter, I have also added a flashback scene playing through Spike's mind to make Midnight's manipulation of Spike's emotions more heart-wrenching and hard-hitting to further cement his undying loyalty to her in the end. So for those who like the addition you can thank Omipotence for throwing the suggestion in my mind.