• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,018 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 26: The Kingdom Part One

Chapter 26:

The Kingdom Part One

Shortly after the funeral, Midnight wearing her Mare-Do-Well cloak travels through the harsh blizzard into the very center where the Crystal Empire was hidden. Once she gets to the exact and precise spot she is looking for she focuses her horn which glows its original bright purple aura before changing it into a mixture of purple, green, and black as she about ready to use dark magic with her horn. She uses it to blast dark magic into the ground as the snow blizzard raged on.

After a good minute of focusing her dark magic on her targeted spot she then calmly walks away as she heads back to Equestria while clearly telling that from behind her back as she briefly looks back that King Sombra’s spirit has reawakened and resurrected ready to attempt to take over the Crystal Empire before looking forward with a satisfied smile.

Back in the present day, Midnight is walking through the Canterlot Castle with the same smile as she carries some of her belongings to her room.

In the following days since her successful attack at the Equestrian Games, Midnight has been assuming her new role as leader of Equestria. During this, Midnight has been keeping busy. She has had most of her stuff transferred from the Golden Oaks Library to her room in the Canterlot Castle where she used to reside there even when she revealed her true colors at the wedding to her closest enemies including the keys to the Elements of Harmony which she keeps her safe hidden behind a portrait above her bed.

Spike was helping move her belongings to her new room with both doing a fair share of the lifting as Midnight is not the pony like Rarity to dump all of the heavy lifting onto him like that after all he did worth himself worthy to her.

“Okay, that’s the last of it.” Spike said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he puts away the last of Midnight’s belongings.

“Great work Spike!” Midnight sincerely complimented.

“Well it’s the least I can do for the pony who raised me even though she resorted to threatening the Crystal Empire to force the princesses to surrender all of Equestria to her.” Spike commented as he thought nothing of it other than trying to stay on her good graces and couldn’t help but comment on her ruthlessness.

“Well at least you’re not in jail since you are still the Crystal Empire’s savior from all of that very cold sharp ice from the ceiling.” Midnight added to hint that he should be grateful that she didn’t throw him in jail along with the Mane 5 and her brother.

“True, but I got to ask since now you have control of Equestria what do you want from me?” Spike somewhat nervously questioned her of what she plans to do to him.

“Nothing.” Midnight comfortingly reassured Spike. “Other than you becoming my royal advisor.”

“Huh?” Spike asked confused.

“Because I’ve seen you in action even from the shadows and you proved yourself worthy for the job.” Midnight explained. “All of those struggles you have faced were all tests to prove to see what you are capable of doing including at the games.”

“Really?” Spike asked still confused.

“Yes.” Midnight answered as she comfortably places a hoof on him. “You have proven you are ready to fulfill your new destiny.”

“Uh, yeah.” Spike nervously agreed while uncomfortable with Midnight’s gesture at the same time. “Look, Twilight. Don’t take this the wrong way but don’t you think this has gone far enough.” Spike kindly tried to reason with her. “I not saying I’m not grateful of what you are offering me but I’m just saying I think your brother, Princess Celestia, and the girls have suffered enough and you’d already made you point when you crashed the wedding.”

“No, I don’t.” Midnight coldly responded causing Spike to flinch at her response as she removes her hoof from him and turns away causing Spike to look guilty. “For they don’t understand how much pain they caused me since they walked out on me. And here I’m giving you an opportunity to let bygones be bygones since I saw that you only left out of fear of being ostracized as well and that you deserve to be rewarded for your valor and you are declining it.” Midnight added sounding a little upset at Spike to guilt sling him. “Fine, I understand, maybe some time with the others will help you come to your senses too.” She further spoke as she glanced a bitter look at Spike.

“No, no, Twilight!” Spike pleaded sounding guilty for upsetting her. “Please, you don’t need to do that. I’d be very honored to accept your offer to serve by your side as you are like the mother I never had before.”

“Well that’s nice to hear.” Midnight responded not sounding convinced by the 360 turnaround gesture.

“I’m sorry.” Spike sincerely apologized to her. “From this day forward I won’t disappoint you again.” He vowed as he bowed to accept her offer to which Midnight relented once she saw that the young dragon truly is sincere with his apology.

“Great to hear!” Midnight spoke with a smile as she handed up a checklist and a badge. “Here is your badge and your list of tasks to complete for the day while I and the other princesses deal with the meeting with the Duke and Duchess who is coming all the way from Maretonia for an important visit. You know what to do from here?”

“You got it Twilight.” Spike reluctantly accepted the items Midnight gave to her as he walked off to carry out his new responsibilities.

After Midnight leaves he can't help but think back to the moment Twilight blew up on her former friends, brother, and former mentor as he thinks back to witnessing when the Mane Six have been brought back to Queen Chrysalis by her changeling army with he and Cadance now restrained by her goo, with Celestia cocooned, and Shining Armor still under Chrysalis's hypnosis.

""You won't get away with this!" Cadance defiantly told Chrysalis. "Twilight and her friends will stop you and-" However, she was cut short by the sound of the doors opening, revealing the Mane Six being escorted by a group of Changeling Soldiers after being overwhelmed by their sheer number of changelings that fought them.

"You were saying?" Chrysalis asked with an evil smile.

"You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you?" Chrysalis asked as the other changelings laughed before she turned to them to give them orders. "Go! Feed!"

With that command said, the changelings would all head to feed on the love from everypony outside of the castle leaving Chrysalis alone with the captives as she approached Twilight.

"It's funny, really." Chrysalis spoke as she lifted Twilight's chin. "Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along. Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct! !" As the queen removed her hoof from the unicorn, Twilight lowered her head acknowledging how true it was.

"Sorry, Twi." Applejack said as she approached her. "We should've listened to you." Twlight instead of telling them it's not their fault only turned her head slightly as she speaks.

"No question about that." She bluntly spoke as she bitterly looked away from Applejack causing the girls feel worse hearing that including Spike to feel even more guilty as he watches Twilight sneak up to Cadance to free him so she and Shining Armor can perform their love spell to banish Chrysalis and her army out of Canterlot.

Back to the present day, Spike is still having the same guilty look on his face as he sets out to carry out his new responsibilities.

She has also had kept the princesses in compliance to make themselves presentable and warm welcoming to the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia as Midnight still wants to make good on her promise to ensure Equestria is still the country of prosperity like she envisioned at what everypony outside of Equestria sees as well.

Once everything was all set up at the Crystal Empire castle trumpets of fanfare are heard through the area signaling that the ceremony was about to start.

“The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!” One of the guards announces the important pony’s arrival as they approach the castle as crystal ponies watch on from the sidelines. The duke was wearing blue and purple robes while the duchess was wearing purple and pink robes with two elderly ponies walking right behind them.

All four princesses approach with smiles and wings all spread out as they walked towards the approaching ponies as they all meet face to face Midnight using her magic unrolls a banner with Maretonia’ symbol on it from the balcony.

Once the Duke and Duchess meet face to face with the princesses they bow to them as they lead them inside so they could have their classified meeting.

After their meeting the Duke and Duchess took their leave shortly afterwards after walking out of the hallway with the four princesses behind them with Midnight smiling and waving them off.

Once the Duke and Duchess leave and close the hallway doors after them, Midnight drops her smile as she turns to the others with a serious expression.

“Now that this is all over.” Midnight started to speak. “It’s time for the proper rearrangements under new management.” She added as she levitated Celestia’s crown from her head and removed her necklace and slippers.

“But why did you let me in on this important meeting without letting them know of what happened at the games?” Celestia questioned her reason for having her join in even though she had no reason to.

“Having all four of us in the Empire to greet them lets the dignitaries know that their visit is considered an important one.” Midnight explained. “And it’s not in my interest to alarm them of the recent changes to Equestria’s leadership at this time.”

“But you know that sooner or later they are going to find out what you did and how you took over Equestria.” Celestia warned her.

“Yes, they will.” Midnight agreed with her there not even denying the inevitable will happen as she motioned the nearby royal guards ready to escort her back to Canterlot with her open hoof. “But with the right words to the truth they will see why this change is for the better.”

“Not you if you lie to them.” Celestia counter argued. “It is wrong for a princess to lie to the ponies they trust even if it is for a good reason.”

“Is it? Like what you did when you decided not to tell the truth about what happened at the wedding rehearsal or the truth of my true identity?” Midnight questioned again bringing up the fact that they kept quiet about the truth of who she really is and what happened at the rehearsal a secret from them.

Celestia at that moment could not come with another counter-argument as the guards escorted her of the hallway and onto the next train back to Canterlot where she will begin her jail time in the castle’s prison.

After watching Celestia being escorted out of the hallway, Midnight turns to both Luna and Cadance who give concerned looks for both Celestia and Twilight.

“Twilight?” Cadance started to ask.

“Yes.” Midnight kindly returned.

“Now that you have what you want, just what do you plan to do us?” Cadance worryingly asked wondering what Midnight plans to do to her and Luna. “Are you going to throw us in prison along with your brother and friends?”

Midnight simply laughed at the idea as she begins to answer her question to both alicorn’s confusion.

“Why would I even think of doing that to do you?” Midnight asked as she walked up to them with an honest smile. “You both have done nothing wrong and you both have managed to prove that you both worthy to keep your crowns and positions especially since you both helped clean up the dark magic and tried your hardest to stop the never ending winter storm.”

“So was that why you planned on us trying to stop that brutal winter storm and when dark magic was infesting all of Equestria.” Luna asked catching on to Midnight’s plan on having them play hero to ensure they look like great princesses.

“Yes.” Midnight replied. “With the first one a test to Spike’s capabilities before I make him my royal assistant, both of these recent catastrophes were also tests to see if you both could earn the right to see if you both are capable of ruling Equestria by my side.”

“What?” Luna asked a little incredulous. “Listen to yourself. We are capable princesses even without you orchestrating these potential disasters that could have hurt many ponies in our awake.”

“Yeah, Twilight!” Cadance agreed with Luna while trying to get through to her. “You could have hurt many innocent ponies with what you just did. A real princess would never endanger the lives of the ponies who look up to her even with good intentions.”

“Princess Celestia didn’t have any problems putting me on the front-lines of danger when she sent me to deal Nightmare Moon, Discord, and King Sombra.” Midnight countered responded her former mentor’s methods are no different from hers. “Not to mention leaving me at Queen Chrysalis’s mercy when she abandoned me.” She added as her tone turned bitter as she spoke the last part. “So why is that I am wrong compared to her?”

“Because she put’s everypony’s well-being before herself.” Cadance counter responded. “And if you are the pony I knew and loved, you would do the same.”

“And even with my disputes with her the ponies who used to be friends and my brother I still care for everypony who looks up to me and I wouldn’t be letting you rule my side if I didn’t.” Midnight asserted that she is doing nothing wrong and does care for all of Equestria. “Under my leadership Equestria will be a place of great prosperity. It will be a paradise of magic, learning, and research. I can’t wait to see what you’ll both accomplish. “ She further explained as she walks around and places her hooves around both princesses. “What we’ll accomplish.”

“What?!” Luna asked in disbelief. “Listen to yourself! That dark magic you’d been carrying in her heart has been in there too long. If you don’t stop now the more corrupted you will become to the point you won’t be able tell what’s really right from wrong anymore.”

"I'm sorry, Twilight." Cadance added in the same tone agreeing with Luna. "But you are not the pony I foalsat for and loved and you'd have to be crazy to think we'd ever join you after what you just did."

“I think I have just enough control over my actions to still tell the difference between right from wrong.” Midnight calmly retorted and shrugged off the night princess and love princess's concerns. “And since this is all so sudden, I’ll give you both the time to properly think about it.” As she turned to leave she then added. “Tragedy has molden us, our heart’s desires have driven us, now we stand at the doorway to greatness. And once you see the changes I have made during our rule you’ll see things differently. And besides ever since I have this dark magic in my heart I have felt much more powerful than I ever had been in years and truthfully it’s been quite liberating.” She added as her heart glowed briefly as a demonstration to them.

“No I won’t! I’m not like you!” Luna protested.

“Aren’t you?” Midnight questioned unconvinced as she changes into her Nightmare Moon form with a smirk which Luna is left at a loss for words seeing that she did something similar when she was evil.

With all that said and done, Midnight walks off ahead as Cadance and Luna watches on in concern with no way of how they can get through to her with the dark magic in her heart and the alicorn amulet having nearly corrupted her mind. They can’t also figure out why she hasn’t taken away their crowns and necklaces to even when she has no reason to allow them to keep their princess statuses. But they decided they are just going to have to play along with it not wanting to get themselves in anymore trouble.

“What are we going to do?” Cadance asked Luna with great concern once Midnight has left. “Twilight now has control over Equestria and her heart is very nearly consumed by darkness.”

“I’m afraid there is not much we can do other than complying with her orders to stay in her good graces.” Luna sadly explained to Cadance. “We should be thankful that Twilight is at least allowing us to keep our Princess statuses.”

“If only her heart wasn’t consumed by darkness and she was willing to forgive them I could have been able to perform my love spell on her.” Cadance wished she could have done more to stop Twilight. “But that would have meant forcing it against her free will.”

“If only tough love is an option.” Luna added on as made their way onto the balcony. “Then Twilight would now see the errors of her ways instead of driving to pursue this ambitious drive for power and control.”

“Yeah, I just wish there would be something that would allow us to help her find the light in the dark from within her which would allow her to see how sorry they all are.” Cadance hopefully wished for Twilight’s redemption and not having to see her own sister-in-law getting sent to the moon. “So that your fate doesn’t become hers.” She added as a single tear fell from her eye. “I really don’t want lose her for 1000 years.”

“Me too dear.” Luna comfortingly placed a hoof around Cadance as she too looks up the moon wishing the same thing. “Me too.”

In a world of peace and harmony

One would never have known

One small mistake would lead to so much tragedy and heartbreak.”

Cadance sang as she looks up at the moon.

“She now has control of our land

As darkness grows over the fading light

I may not know how to get through to her

I may not have gone through what she has

But somewhere in her heart

I know

Love will find a way.”

She sang as remembrances all of the times back to when she used to foalsit for Twilight from greeting her at her room in Canterlot with a hug, to bandaging a cut she got from a scooter accident and wiping away the tears that were forming around her eyes, pushing her on the sea-saw, and doing their signature secret hoof-shake.

“Someway and somehow she’ll see

If she truly does care for everypony

Like dark turning into day

Somehow we'll come through

And find the light in the dark as

Love will find a way.”

She sang as another single tear formed around her eye as it falls onto the ground forming the shape of a heart as it landed as Princess Luna looks up at the sky as well as she sings.

“Back when I was Nightmare Moon

I was so consumed by bitterness and resentment.”

She sang as she remembrances the time when she first fought Princess Celestia as Nightmare Moon, to the time was on the moon as Nightmare Moon frantically searching for a way off of the moon, to facing off against Twilight Sparkle at the Castle of the Two Sisters, then being defeated by the Elements of Harmony Twilight and the girls used against her while Twilight's eyes glowed pure white at that moment.

"Now I realize

How much my anger had blinded me from seeing what’s right

How much my anger had blinded me from seeing the light in the dark

Until I faced a shimmer of light

Shining in her eyes.”

Luna sang as she placed a comforting hoof on Cadance.

And if only she could see it too

The happiness she’s kept buried inside of her long enough

She'd know.”

Both Cadance and Luna sang as they faced each other.

“Love will find a way

To find the light in the dark

For the sun to emerge

From the very dark skies.”

Like dark turning into day.”

Cadance and Luna sang as looked up at the moon from the balcony.

“Somehow we'll come through

To help her find the light in the dark as

Love will find a way

We know love will find a way.”

Cadance and Luna finished singing as the two face each other.

“I don’t know how but someway love will find a way to help Twilight let go of her hatred towards the very ponies who hurt her.” Luna reassured Cadance that things will work out in the end to which Cadance briefly smiled as her worries over her corrupted sister-in-law still remains as things are looking very bleak right now as Cadance thinks back to when Twilight first discovered her underground as she glares at her with angry eyes and a flaring horn thinking she is the Cadance she is hunting down.

“No! Wait”! Cadance screamed for Twilight not to kill her only for her pleading cries to flat as she tackles her.

“Please don’t hurt me.” Cadance pleaded as Twilight looks down at her still glaring at her with killer daggers in her eyes. “Twilight it’s me. You have to believe me. The Cadance that brought you down here is an imposter.”

“Likely story!” Twilight responded not buying every word that came out of her mouth until Cadance did something very familiar.

“Sunshine Sunshine lady bugs awake...” Cadance spoke as she did her and Twilight’s signature hoofshake and clapped Twilght’s hoof much to her surprise. “Clap your hooves...”

“...And do I little shake” Both Twilight and Cadance said in unison.

Seeing that this is the real Cadance as she grins, Twilight gives a wide happy smile as she hugs her.

“You remember me!” Twilight happily exclaimed.

“Of course I do.” Cadance reassured her as she embraced her. “How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?”

Their bonding moment however was cut short by Queen Chrysalis’s cackling from outside of the caverns causing the two to try to find a way out of the caves in order to stop her.

As the two try to find their way out they have some time to speak to each other as they try to find an exit.

"Sorry, about what just happened." Twilight apologized to her as they ran through the caves together. "Until now I thought I was dealing with a pony who has really has turned evil."

"It's all right, Twilight." Cadance reassured her it's nothing to worry about for now. "At least you didn't kill me."

"Yeah." Twilight said in agreement. "I'd really hate to be responsible for a death of a pony everyone cares about. Although, it's not like I would have been allowed back into the wedding either way."

"What do you mean?" Cadance asked out of surprised curiosity. "Why would you say you'd be kicked out of the wedding either way?"

"Because whoever is pretending to be you made it look like she was innocent even though I was the only pony who saw through her act and saw something was wrong when I tried to expose her at the wedding rehearsal after multiple acts of suspicious behavior throughout the preparations..." Twilight started to calmly explained. "...Just after running her out of the room, Shining Armor scolded me and said it was all wedding stress and banned from the wedding all together with my friends and even Princess Celestia all walked out on me like I was in the wrong which for a moment I thought I was until she trapped me underground." Twilight concluded her explanation as tears started forming around her eyes as the emotional wound she had just gotten was still raw as Cadance opens her jaw in shock and disbelief hearing this.

"He did what?" Cadance asked in a mixture of shock and anger. "And they just left you alone like that?"

"Yes." Twilight spoke as she let loose a few tears. "All I was trying to do was protect him and instead I just got the boot from his life as thanks for it."

"Oh, Twilight I'm so sorry." Cadance sympathetically told her as they approached what seemed to be the exit from the caves and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"We'll deal with that later." Twilight responded after regaining her composure and shook off the tears in her eyes. "We gotta stop that imposter before she take over Equestria."

Twilight immediately focusing on what's important trots ahead to find another way out as Cadance quickly follows her from behind while looking very worried for her and wondering if what they said and did really took a toll on her.

As the flashback scene ends Cadance looks on with the same worried look as she looks at the moon hoping things don't come down to having to banish her there for a 1000 years.

Later that night while sorting out and readjusting her room in the Crystal Empire Castle she sees her crystal orb shining in alarm. Turning her attention to it she sees a unicorn levitating a basket of oranges as he walks down a dark alley in Canterlot who is nervously shaken at hearing strange noise from rolling tin cans before meeting face to face with a hooded mysterious figure breathing in front of him catching him by surprise.

“Very sorry.“ The pony chuckled nervously. “You came out of nowhere.”

“Is he friend or is he foe? The pony wonders.” This hooded figure speaks as the pony looks on confused as he speaks. “I can assure you... I am no friend.” He added as he popped his head up from his hood. “I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago.” The creature revealed himself as he sucks him the unicorn’s magic with his mouth as he breathes in it leaving the unicorn drained of his magic with dull eyes and his cutie mark vanishing as he evilly chuckles as he gains a stronger form with glowing yellow eyes.

At that moment Princess Luna knock on her door and bursts into the room as she has something urgent to tell her.

“What is it Luna?” Midnight asked her noting the panic on her face.

“I just had a vision.” Luna urgently explained. “A vision of Lord Tirek! It would seem he has escaped from Tartarus.”

“Lord Tirek?!” Midnight asked in alarm hearing his name. “Find and call Princess Cadance to the throne room for an emergency meeting!” Midnight immediately ordered.

Princess Luna set off to do so as Midnight goes on straight forward to the throne room to get everything set up. Once all three alicorn princesses were all gathered together Midnight began by asking Luna the question of who is Lord Tirek who responds by pulling out a book.

“Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard.” Princess Luna narrated from the book as she showed an image of Tirek and Scorpan arriving in Equestria with evil intentions and a couple more images of Scorpan befriending the ponies in Equestria including a pony Star-Swirl the Bearded. “Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans.” Luna narrated as she showed an image Scorpan trying to reason with Tirek to no avail. “When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted me and my sister to Tirek's intentions.” She further narrated as an image of Scorpan talking to the two sisters. “Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape.” Luna finished narrating as she show images of Scorpan leaving Equestria while Tirek is now in chains and imprisoned in Tartarus. “I believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates.”

“But that was a long time ago. Why is he just now starting to steal magic?” Midnight inquired of how and why this is happening now.

“His time in Tartarus left him very weak. He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers.” Princess Luna explained “But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still.”

“Not if I can help with that!” Midnight said with fierce determination.

“Just the princess who can stop him.” Princess Cadance encouraged.

“Yes.” Midnight agreed with Cadance with a thankful smile. “I'll find him and make sure he stays in Tartarus for good.” She added as she rushed out of the room making her way to Canterlot using her orb to track Tirek down.

Along the way she came across Discord who was flying on an umbrella wearing a scarf and carrying a suitcase.

“Discord.” Midnight called out as she flew by.

“Ah, Princess Midnight, there’s Equestria’s newest top princess.” Discord acknowledged with a bow as they both flew down to the ground for a moment to talk. “Congratulations, on your successful takeover. Even though I find threatening a never-ending storm a little excessive but efficient.” He felt the need to add his thoughts of her extreme methods.

“Thanks.” Midnight acknowledged before continuing. “While I don’t deny my methods are harsh, winning tends to settle any arguments.”

“True. True.” Discord agreed.

“Anyways, I have an important task that I would like your help in.” Midnight then spoke wanting to get down to business.

“Oh, getting the honor of carrying out a royal task from the princess.” Discord eagerly replied as he appeared in a military outfit.

“Yes, a task that involves helping me re-imprison a recently escaped convict from Tartarus and in exchange for your help you can have a free will and creating some chaos around your surroundings to your liking.” Midnight explained and offered her diplomatic ally. “Does that sound like a fair deal for one of my friends?”

“Count me in!” Discord eagerly accepted as he appeared now wearing a crown and big pink wings as the two fly back up in the air in Canterlot and Tirek’s direction. “You I really think they should make me an alicorn princess someday.”

“Don’t get your hopes to high up.” Midnight told him in a way that what her offer is rewarding enough.

Taking flight from the Crystal Empire the two make their way as fast as they could back to Canterlot where they eventually find Tirek further regaining his strength by sucking up more magic from various ponies he comes across.

“You know the plan?” Midnight asked Discord again to make sure he is onboard.

“Crystal clear!” Discord firmly replied as he appeared in the form of the Crystal Heart from the Crystal Empire before quickly turning into the form of a unicorn with brown fur and a tornado cutie mark pretending he is packing up a box as he walked down the alley Tirek was in as he has just finished sucking up another unicorn’s magic.

Seeing Discord’s disguise assuming he is another unicorn, Tirek approaches him as Discord calmly acts like he doesn’t know Tirek is seeking up on him. Just as Tirek was about to reach him Discord revealed his disguise to him.

“Tirek, I presume?” Discord told him with a smirk.

“Discord. You're free?” Tirek asked in surprise.

“As a bird.” Discord positively commented as he took the form of a toucan on a bird stand.

“I commend you on your escape.” Tirek complimented as he lowered his head.

“I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual.” Discord commented as his expression turned into a more serious one as he returns to his normal form as he snaps his fingers making handcuffs appear on Tirek’s wrists to let him know he is being arrested for his crimes. Tirek tried to blast Discord’s head off which he easily dodges by literally splitting his head in half still retaining the serious expression.

“Oh, I should have known you would want to have Equestria all to yourself.” Tirek bitterly commented as Discord wears a cop uniform.

“Oh, I'm not doing this for me.” Discord quickly corrected him as he gets rids of his cop uniform as Midnight appears.

“He is doing this for me.” Midnight added on to his correction.

“Well, well. What do we have here.” Tirek amazingly commented on the sight of the tall and dark-furred alicorn.

“Someone who is taking you back where you belong.” Midnight assertively answered as she teleported the three of them back to Tartarus where Midnight has him imprisoned in a magic proof cage.

“Should have figured there would be a new princess here to stop me.” Tirek said to Midnight as he figures out she is an Alicorn princess. “And that someone with your intellect does not see this 'friendship' is but a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces.” Tirek commented to Discord as he innocently plays a harp with a halo over his head. Discord stops when he sees Midnight glaring at him.

“I have done nothing of the sort!” Discord responded as he tossed the harp away and sent the hallo flying away like a bird.

“And besides he is in the right graces. My graces.” Midnight added seeing through what Tirek is trying to do.

“Oh, please, I've seen this before. But he was always weak minded.” Tirek continued to bargain with Discord as he approaches him and places a hand on him while Midnight watches seeing through his attempted manipulations. “You are Discord, you are legend, you cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother! Help me to grow strong, and be rewarded with something far greater than friendship. Freedom.” He added as his yellow eyes glowed. “Once I've stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the master of chaos himself?” He added as he bowed to him causing Discord to have second thoughts of following Midnight. “Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless, of course, 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play in this world.”

Discord having Tirek’s words planted inside of him causes him to now be stuck in deep thought as he looks at a desktop with a portrait of him and Fluttershy and the Discord mannequin lamp he made himself along with the portrait of him and Midnight with the former having a decorative sash she made for him for his services.

Midnight not allowing Tirek to try to manipulate Discord to following him steps forward in front of him while having Discord stand aside.

“I think it’s perfectly clear who he knows whose footsteps he wants to follow in.” Midnight sternly told off the tempting villain. “You’re just saying that to bait him into helping you do your dirty work while you only to betray him when you no longer need his help into conjuring up all of the magic you can get your hands on.”

Midnight turned away to leave as she walked up to Discord as she prepares to teleport themselves out of Tartarus and back to Canterlot.

“You’re not getting out.” Midnight added one final and firm say on her decision as they teleported away as Tirek smirks seeing that Discord will judging from the hesitation on his face.

“Thank you for your help, Discord.” Midnight gratefully thanked the Lord of Chaos as she presents him a royal document and a badge with a star. “You’ve earned this.”

“Well, thanks, Princess.” Discord gratefully accepted yet still sounding hesitant feeling he is meant to be free instead of serving her which Midnight took notice of.

“Look I know what you’re thinking.” Midnight politely and calmly started to voice her input on his thoughts. “But If I were you I wouldn’t listen to Tirek. He’s trying to bait in thinking that there is something worth more than friendship and order, but he is really trying to use you so he gain all of the power for himself.” She added as she flew up so she can place a hoof on his shoulder. “Trust me when I tell you that it’s not worth it because if you do this he will be betray you then he will break you and call you a sucker for falling for his manipulations.”

After saying what needed to be said she then walks off down the hallway feeling she has said enough to convince Discord not to take Tirek’s bait into an obvious trap although behind her Discord even after what she said still seems very tempted and wanted to accept Tirek’s offer despite what Midnight had just rewarded her.

Shortly afterwards, Midnight makes her way down to the castle dungeons where her former friends, former mentor, and brother are all sitting in their cells feeling very defeated and sad as they are imprisoned under Midnight’s orders following her takeover of Equestria.

She approaches Celestia who is no longer wearing her crown, necklace, and her slippers as Midnight had confiscated them from her.

“What do you want now.” Celestia asked her now pleading for mercy.

“Nothing.” Midnight reassured Celestia she has already taken what she wants from her. “I just came to personally to tell you that the mission to deal with Tirek has been accomplished.” Midnight added confidently. “As he is now back behind bars back where he belongs in Tartarus.”

“Well at least that’s one of our problems taken care.” Celestia solemnly accepted that she is now capable of protecting Equestria on her own now. “Just how could you do this to Cadance?” Celestia further asked looking sounding like she is on the brink of tears as she starts to cry.

“Yeah, I mean shattering the Crystal Heart and threatening to unleash a never –ending winter storm on the Crystal Empire.” Applejack added in disbelief of how far her former friend is willing to go for the sake of power and control.

“Admittedly, it was hard but it was the only way to get you and the other princesses to surrender Equestria to me.” Midnight calmly responded with some hints that she didn’t want to have to do it but felt it was necessary.

“Except it wasn’t.” Pinkie retorted. “Of all of the ways to take over Equestria you decide to hurt your own sister-in-law like that as opposed to just fighting and taking down the princesses and calling it a day. I mean how did you even repair it so quickly unless…” Pinkie gasped in realization. “Unless you put magic inside of it that allows you to break and repair with a burst of magic whenever you wanted. Something that you had planned from the start.”

Hearing this causing them all to gasp in shock at this realization of why Midnight’s true role in her rescue of the Crystal Empire is coming to see piece together that she orchestrated the whole crisis and had her endgame plan already set up from the beginning hence the reason why she was bidding her time when she became Celestia’s protégé to obtain the alicorn amulet, alicorn transformation, and the memory of Luna becoming Nightmare Moon in order to achieve the Nightmare Moon like appearance.

“Figure that all out on your own did you?” Midnight questioned with a stoic expression while sounding impressed with Pinkie for a moment seeing it took somepony long enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together and she of all ponies managed to piece everything together. “Impressive! Although it did take some dark magic and some calculated reactions while expecting everything to play out the way I thought it would for the plan to work. Also Pinkie, that wouldn’t have worked because I had to bide my time until I was powerful and skilled enough to be able to plus they needed a good ultimatum to have reason to back down.” Midnight added as she felt the need to correct her on why a simple solution won’t work.

“How could you do this to us Twily?” Shining Armor pleaded while tearing up. “To everypony in Equestria including us your own friends and family?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash flew up to the bars angrily as she clenched them. “You’re acting like an evil tyrant and you’re no better than the bad guys who have attempted to take over Equestria before.”

Hearing those words caused something inside of Midnight to snap as she glares at her angrily.

“Oh am I?” Midnight questioned offended by that comment as she approaches them to get face to face with her leaving the blue Pegasus realizing she had just touched a very sensitive nerve in saying that remark. “Compared to them I am doing what I think is best for all of Equestria unlike Nightmare Moon who’s plan of eternal night means life being completely destroyed with the lack of sun or Discord’s plan of complete chaos threatens to ruin the very order of Equestria, or when Queen Chrysalis attempted to suck up all of the love from all of Equestria, or when King Sombra tried to enslave all of the ponies in the Crystal Empire.” She added as she angrily glares at Rainbow Dash who backs up a little nervously as she slams her hoof onto one of the bars. “If I was any worse than any of this villains I would have cared less about others well-being in all of Equestria and would have saw to it that everypony dies in the end.”

Rainbow Dash hearing this sighs realizing she does have a point seeing that deep down her dark heart she still has good intentions for all of Equestria even when she used extreme and ruthless methods to do so but she and everypony else wasn’t prepared for what Midnight had to say next.

“And you all should be thankful I haven’t considered throwing the other princesses and Spike in here along with all seven of you in here because at least they have proved their worth in trying to protect Equestria.” Midnight continued as she raised her voice a little sounding a little emotional as she speaks surprising them seeing this as her heart briefly glows for a moment. “Not to mention not sentencing you to death even after everything that had happened!”

“Now darling, please.” Rarity pleaded with her former friend to listen to her as the dark alicorn's temper continued to flare. “You don’t have to do this. We’re only trying to tell you that you are better than this. You are not like those bad guys and shouldn’t be.”

“But Rainbow Dash does.” Midnight countered by pointing a hoof at her direction unconvinced by the unicorn's attempt to ease her growing anger. “And what you all are saying is that I’m the bad guy who doesn’t care anypony’s feelings even though I do deep down.”

“That’s not true.” Shining Armor tried to reason with her again. “We don’t think that at all. We’re just saying that things didn’t need to come down this.”

However this proved futile as Midnight continues to raise her voice as her heart glows continuously as she speaks feeling even more angry hearing those words.

“Well things at the wedding didn’t have to come down to what happened at your own wedding when all I was trying to do was protect you from the biggest mistake of your life. I was only trying to protect you and this is how you repay me!” Midnight angrily yelled at her brother shocking everypony with her very emotional words as she again slammed the cell bars much harder as she releases the built-up anger inside of her as her horn flared up. “By banning me from your wedding and disowning me altogether!”

“I looked up to you as the only friend I had before moving to Ponyville, I worshiped you as my B.B.B.F.F.” She added as she struggled to keep herself from crying as her voice waivers. “Hearing you berate me like that really tore me apart to the point I too felt that I was wrong until Chrysalis revealed herself confirming that I had every right to be suspicious when she imprisoned me underground. It was only when I found the real Cadance did we escape the gemstone caverns she imprisoned me in.”

As Midnight speaks everypony looks shocked learning that this had just happened to her right after abandoning her and the fact that she was not only right but left her at Chrysalis’s mercy which could have provided her the opportunity to kill her if she chose to.

“Yes I needed proof and yes I was acting irrational when I presented my case but it was only because beforehand none of you took my thoughts into consideration when I tried to speak to all of you that I resorted to trying to expose her like that.” Midnight added as tears started forming around her eyes. “And yet you abandoned me in a time of need, treated me like I was in the wrong, and have failed to make good on your promises to be better friends and the worst part about it is you didn’t even say…I’m sorry.” She said as she turned away as she started to cry placing a hoof to her face to wipe away the tears.

“So none of you have any right to tell me that I don’t have everypony’s interests when all I did was try to be a good friend from the start.” Midnight’s voice continued to waiver as she speaks.

Hearing this left them very stunned seeing Midnight show this much emotion like she never had since the first wedding. They could tell from her tone of voice and look on her face and eyes that deep down she is still very hurt from the day they turned their backs on her at the wedding rehearsal and her dark heart is unable to let her see that her former friends really are sorry for the way they treated her as if the dark magic from her heart is unable to allow forgiveness and empathy back inside of her.

“Twily…I’m sorry.” Shining Armor tried to speak now sounding guilty for making her cry again seeing how hurt she really was deep down. “I never meant to hurt you like that.”

“Oh you didn’t?” Midnight bitterly and angrily questioned the stallion and her former friends as she turned to face them with a pained teary eyed expression on her face. “Did you spend every night thinking about how hurtful of what you all said and did to me really impacted me? Did you grow up with faith in friendship only to have it shattered just when you were getting warmed up to it? Did you live all alone in the shadows? Did you cry yourself to sleep every night over the thought of what could have been the day you lost your own life because your loved ones walk out you in a time of need?” Midnight questioned them all while showing just how much pain she in right now with tears still forming around her eyes and falling from her cheeks.

“But… But we do care about you Twi.” Applejack tried to assure her that they do care for her.

“Then why did you all walk on me when I needed you the most?” Midnight questioned the five and the now former princess as her tears still fall from her eyes as no pony could really give a good answer as Midnight takes another deep breath to recompose herself using Cadance's breathing technique.

“Well I guess you should be happy now. Because if something unfortunate were to happen to me you can say I deserved it because it seems no matter what I do to help make things better I am just the pony who always does something wrong. And since you view me as the bad guy, I might as well embrace what ponies think of me.” Midnight bitterly told the prisoners. “Now if you all will excuse me I have got a country of ponies that depend on me to run.” She added as made her way to leave. “And you can forget about seeking my forgiveness. In fact if I were all of you I would even look forward to your freedom at all.” She added as she stormed out of the room.

“Twilight I…” Celestia tried to speak.

“You have a lot to think about.” Midnight coldly cut her attempted apology off as she walked off not even looking at her as she walks out slamming the doors behind her.

“Maybe we were being too hard on her?” Celestia sadly said after seeing how much pain Twilight truly was in after all of this time as she looked out the nearby window. “I could have gained a new princess to help improve Equestria with but instead I just lost my most faithful student who I see as a daughter too to darkness.” She further lamented as briefly sang.

“She was my most faithful student and daughter

Forever deep down...

And now, she’ll never ever forgive us nor see us

Ever again.”

She sang as she hung her head as a single tear feel from her face which formed into a heart-shape as it landed on the ground.

"Even though she did took things too far I can't help but feel I really deserve this." Shining Armor expressed as he hung in his head as his sister goes on down the her dark path with nothing that can be done to stop it.

"We all do Shining Armor." Princess Celestia spoke up lifting her head from the window to face him while still tearing up. "We all do."

"And we'll never be able to forget the moment when she left us and called us out on for abandoning her before becoming the pony that is now holding the crown." Fluttershy sadly added as she reflects back to just after Queen Chrysalis and her changeling army have been defeated as Twilight looks on satisfied but not happy still feeling the sting of her friends betrayal especially just after being stopped from getting to the Elements of Harmony as she turns to leave only to walk right in front of Princess Celestia who has just recovered from being trapped in a cocoon.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. You have a real wedding to put together." Celestia told Twilight as she got herself up.

Instead of smiling, Twilight just bitterly frowns and says "I don't think so." in response and walks around Celestia as she makes her way to the exit surprising her in the process by her cold and bitter tone.

"Where are you going?" Princess Celestia asked surprised seeing this.

"I'm going home." Twilight coldly responded not even looking at her.

"But why?" Celestia asked again still not understanding her reasons.

"Because if you recall Shining Armor told me not to show up at the wedding seeing that this is something that obviously isn't as important to me even though I took great steps to trying to ensure this wedding would be perfect." Twilight responded calmly with hints of anger in her voice. "I'd think you of all ponies would know that since you were there and agreed with him when you walked out on me." Hearing this causes Shining Armor to remember what he said to her at the wedding rehearsal and cringe with guilt as Celestia too remembers she walked out on her too like she deserved it.

"But Twilight, you came through and saved everypony and proved that you were right all along." Celestia spoke as she attempted to place her wing on her shoulder only for her to quickly swat it away while backing up reacting as if she was going to harm her.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Twilight hissed in a venomous tone at the Princess causing her to flinch in surprise by her sudden hostility. "And of course I was right and I had to learn the hard way because of you!"

"But Twily..." Shining Armor tried to speak in her defense. "...She didn't know she was an imposter."

"Of course she didn't!" Twilight spoke sounding a little more angrier as she spoke unnerving her brother. "And neither did you and the girls but that didn't stop you from berating me after chasing her out of the room buying her excuse that her rude behavior was just wedding stress." She added recalling what happened at the wedding rehearsal. "Even though there were a lot of signs that should have given you the hint that something was wrong and should have rang bells to you considering that your special somepony would never have acted the way she did."

"Now, Twilight darling." Rarity tried to speak in his defense. "You can't really blame your brother from not noticing for that evil changeling fooled everypony."

"Oh I can't can I?" Twilight scoffed as she glared at Rarity causing her to step back in fright. "So you're saying I can't blame you or anypony for what has just blamed even though you were not living up to your element for listening to my concerns and taking them lightly again like you did when I nearly went crazy over a lack of friendship reports Miss Element of Generosity."

"But Twilight..." Fluttershy tried to speak up only to quickly hide behind her tail as Twilight angrily glares at her.

"But what!" Twilight angrily demanded as she raised her voice. "That Rarity isn't wrong for walking out on me or not being generous enough to give me a listening ear when I tried to warn everypony? Is that what you're trying to tell me?!"

"No. It just we think you shouldn't be so hard on your brother for not noticing that she wasn't Cadance." Fluttershy timidly explained to calm Twilight down which proved futile as she gets even more angrier as she literally bursts into flames and roared fire at Fluttershy sending her flying back a few feet startling everypony around her for what she has just done.

"Wow thanks Fluttershy I really needed to hear from the pony who's supposed to represent the element of kindness only for her not show me any kindness when I needed it." Twilight angrily and sarcastically commented as she walked up the stairs as if she is going to harm her until Pinkie Pie stepped in front of her in her defense.

"Now come on, Twilight. Don't be such a fiery flaming meany pants!" Pinkie assertively spoke in Fluttershy's defense. "I think what you need is a big part..." Pinkie tried to cheer her with only to have her mouth magically zipped up by Twilight's magic leaving her unable to speak as Twilight walks by evidently having none of Pinkie's antics.

"Zip it!" Twilight told Pinkie as Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepped in front of her.

"Now come on, Twi." Applejack tried to reason with her for her harsh attitude. "We get that we made a mistake, but it's time you moved on from all of this and let bygones be bygones."

"And here I thought the Element of Honesty was supposed to at least see that I was being honest when I tried to warn you that something was wrong." Twilight scoffed at Applejack's words seeing that the farmpony is expecting her to let go of what had just happened as if nothing had happened while ignoring of how much she hurt her especially since she told the others to forget about her in favor of checking up on the imposter.

"I am being honest." Applejack stubbornly retorted. "And I'm certainly being honest when I tell you that you need to bury the hatchet here."

"If that's what you want, fine!" Twilight angrily responded by making a hatchet appear with her magic then using it to make a hole on the ground around Applejack causing her to fall down to the ground as the hatchet falls down on her as Twilight closes the hole. "Done!"

"What the hey is your problem!" Rainbow demanded as she yelled in her face causing Twilight to pull her out of her personal space with her magic.

"You, the other girls, my brother, and the Princess are my problem!" Twilight angrily spoke as she pointed a hoof at every pony she addressed them. "The fact I was the only pony who saw something was wrong with the pony claiming to be Cadance and the fact that for my efforts to expose her I get berated for doing so, kicked out the wedding, and abandoned by all of you in a time of need yet you all treat me like I am in the wrong when I try to tell you all."

Hearing this causes the ponies to have surprised and guilty for what they have done to her at the wedding rehearsal.

"But come on, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash tried to speak defensively. "Why is it so hard for to let this all go now that this is all over!"

"Because of the fact of how much you hurt me the second you all walked out on me and the fact that you all didn't even bother to hear me when I tried to explain to you all that something was wrong." Twilight angrily yelled at Rainbow Dash as she uses her magic to hurl her up to the ceiling causing her to crash back down to the ground in a hard thud.

As soon as Twilight does that she turns back and walks back towards the exit. Princess Celestia was about to try to reach out to Twilight to try to speak to her only for her to respond with a flared horn ready to attack her if she tried to say another word leaving the sun monarch stunted and speechless seeing this from her star pupil as she grits her teeth in a very threatening manner as she walks by and slams the door after her after she leaves the room leaving the others in the room just as speechless and guilty seeing how hurt and angry Twilight was from what had just happened as Twilight walks through the hallways with a bitter expression on her face.

The scene then changes back to the present day as Midnight is walking through the same hallways with the same bitter expression just after making her way back upstairs with her heart no longer glowing after regaining her composure at the same time Spike ran up to her urgently.

“Twilight!” Spike called out as he ran up to her. “Emergency meeting with the other princesses in the throne room quick!”

Midnight seeing the huge worry on his face quickly made her way to the throne room where she sees both Cadance and Luna are already waiting for her.

“I came as fast as I could!" Midnight spoke as she entered the room and approached them. “What’s the emergency?”

“Tirek has escaped again!” Cadance worryingly explained.

“What?!” Midnight asked in surprise hearing this. “What do you mean, Tirek has escaped again I just reimprisoned him just a little while ago?” Midnight questioned as she turned her attention to the moon princess.

“It would seem Discord managed to break the magical lock you left on his cell and has helped him escape.” Luna explained confirming that this is true. “Discord has betrayed the ponies of Equestria and joined forces with Tirek. “

Hearing this causes Midnight’s heart to glow continuously again as she is very furious about hearing this betrayal.

“How could he do this?!” Midnight angrily exclaimed. “I thought he had changed and would know better than make a deal with him!”

“Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well.” Cadance added on to the news of the epidemic of Tirek. “Without Pegasi to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria. There is word he has gone after Earth ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land.”

“Ponies will no longer be in control of their world. That power will belong solely to Tirek.” Luna added on to explain the severity of the situation that Tirek is now winning and slowly taking control of Equestria. “And there is no doubt that Tirek is after Alicorn magic. With Discord by his side, we will not be able to stop him from taking it. Once it is in his possession, his power will know no bounds, and all hope will be lost.“ Luna concluded as she lower her head at the thought things seeming bleak.

“But there is one solution.” Cadance pointed out as she approached her. “It is only by making this sacrifice that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved.” She explained as she paused for a moment in preparation of what she was about to say next. “We must rid ourselves of our magic before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us.”

“What?” Midnight questioned at this proposal as her heart still continues to glow.

Author's Note:

Here in this chapter we have Midnight just establishing her rule with the intent have Princess Cadance and Princess Luna rule by her side along with having Spike (with some acted guilt tripping on Midnight's part to get Spike to coply with her wishes.) as her royal advisor while the rest of the main cast behind bars to reflect on what they have done.

Even with the threat of Tirek on the rise, Midnight was able to stay a step ahead and quickly neutralized him with Discord's help. The only reason Tirek still managed to become a threat again was because Midnight did not expect Discord to have the guts to help Tirek despite Midnight taking extra precautions to warn Discord against siding with him.

Here we have Midnight for the first time really showing emotion when she very lividly and emotionally tears into Celestia, Shining Armor, and the Mane 5 to let them know of how much she is still hurting deep down from what happened at the wedding rehearsal and what she really went through just after being abandoned. Here it is Twilight speaking through to them through her heart but the dark magic is not letting her accept forgiveness into herself as the right words to get through to her have not been spoken to her yet.

I have also had taken the time to add flashback scenes of when Cadance and Twilight found each other underground with the seeds of resentment growing inside of Twilight, Twilight's reaction to Applejack's attempted apology just after being captured and brought back to Chrysalis, and Twilight calling out the others for abandoning her which I wrote to have them not quite understanding why Twilight is furious at them to show that they don't seem to grasp how much they really hurt her and what she has been bottling up since then which further fuels Twilight's anger at them.

I added these flashbacks scenes in order to show what happened just before Twilight became Midnight and how the scene that lead to the entire story playing out the way it did for all those wondering what went down between them and how it all came to this.

As for the songs I couldn't quite make "You'll Play Your Part." fit in with Midnight in charge and Celestia in jail so I altered it with a parody of "Love Will Find A Way." between Cadance and Luna as Cadance reflects hoping there is a way to get through to Twilight even when darkness has completely consumed her while Luna reflects on her pastime as Nightmare Moon of how much pain she truly felt with the darkness consuming her while both sing of how much Twilight means to them in their lives and how much of an positive impact she has made on their lives before her descend to villainy. In addition, I had Celestia sing the dark reprise variation of "My Big Brother Best Friend" Twilight sang just after being abandoned to reflect on how all hope seems lost on saving Twilight from her inner darkness and how her relationship with her is now seemingly ruined for good.

Now we have Part 2 left to see how the threat of Tirek plays out with Discord by his side and the princesses deciding to take drastic measures to stop him.