• Published 22nd Dec 2019
  • 498 Views, 2 Comments

Night of the Show: A Beatrix Belladonna Tale - Dr Sharaz Jek

Trixie's daughter makes her debut on the stage, but will she prove a hit?

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Only Chapter

The explosive pops of neon fireworks momentarily blinded a dazzled audience. Stars twinkled overhead, framing a pale moon forever scarred by the silhouette of Luna who lay trapped within, much as the sun bore a similar mark by Celestia. However this was a time of celebration in honor of the nocturnal mistress; the fabled Nightmare Night ritual which continued to this day. No matter what wounds the Cult of the Nemesis had inflicted on Equestria, its denizens continued traditions whenever they could.

The stage was unfolded from Trixie Lulamoon's wagon, set up in a villa so inconsequential it was neither named nor marked on a map. Many ponies turned to a nomadic lifestyle, still fearing the cult or its mercenaries would raid them at any time and preparing themselves to up and move on a moment's notice. She couldn't blame the wary looks she and her daughter received wherever they passed; after all, none had seen a blue-skinned humanoid nor something in between like her anthro offspring.

Backstage Beatrix Belladonna asked, “Do we really look that strange, mom?” She dressed in attire exactly like hers; wide-brimmed cone-shaped hat, fingerless gloves to her upper arms, heeled boots to her thighs, a leotard, and a cape, all swathed in star symbols. She twirled platinum locks tinted by a violet shade, a slightly darker hue on her skin and eyes.

“I'm afraid so,” answered Trixie who shifted through stacks of scattered props in their dressing room. She paused a moment before a full body mirror, tossing her mane with a smirk while she put on her game face. “Try not to let it bother you.”

“I know.” Nonetheless she pouted and crossed her arms. “We'll knock 'em dead tonight!”

“Yes we will, pumpkin.” Trixie knelt before her little girl, hugging her and laying a peck on her forehead. “You can't take it easy, though! This is what we've been working so hard for. Remember, this will be your true debut!”

“I'm ready!” She beamed wide, hands on her hips. “I only wish father and sister could see...” Her face fell a tad.

“I'm sure Shining Armor and Flurry Heart would be proud,” she replied with a playful poke at the tip of Beatrix's snout. “Well, we'd better not keep them waiting too long!” She took her by the hand, exiting out to begin the show.

The curtains rose. They looked upon an expectant crowd, some with skeptical expressions, others awed by the strange creatures before them. Like the mother-daughter team had practiced many times, they threw their arms wide open in unison, posing with heads cast upright. “Welcome to the most fantastic, sublime show you shall ever bear witness to! I shall be your hostess, the Great and Powerful Trixie! And making her entrance tonight is the her talented daughter, Beatrix Belladonna!”

More sparklers went off, casting a reflection over the mobs who stomped their hooves and cheered. The duo took a momentary bow, smiling with the knowledge they had won over the audience; for the moment. But the real test was about to commence.

Perfectly synced up after hours upon hours of work, they moved as one, starting slow and building their pace. When they began to cast, warmth filled them, radiating out from their fingertips. Whenever she worked a spell, a horn manifested from Trixie's temple, matching her blue skin, but otherwise she still looked like a human woman. Oohs and ahhs sounded, coins clinking when they were tossed onto the stage, fireworks loosed by their craft which popped and lit the sky, reflecting over them.

Trixie hid a smile creeping at the corner of her lip, watching how well her daughter was doing on her first try.

In contrast Beatrix couldn't swallow her own boisterous grin. She pirouetted on her heel, adding a touch of her own flourish to the act...and stumbled, tripping and landing flat on her face with a thump. Gasps escaped, and she sat up, rubbing her snout with a scrunched up face, while the audience burst into rapturous laughter, the ground shaking under their stomping.

Offering a hand, Trixie helped her rise, recalling the similar way she'd taken tumbles in the past. Quickly recovering her professional demeanor, Beatrix took a bow with her, and the curtains closed over them to more jubilation.

For a moment neither said anything before Beatrix cried, “They laughed at me!”

Lowering herself to one knee, Trixie leveled with her, resting hands on her shoulders. “That's happened to me plenty of times. It's something you'll have to get used to if you want to make it in this business. But they liked you!”

She turned her head aside, still pouting. “How do you figure that, mom?”

“We kept them entertained. You're cute as a button.” She poked her snout with a titter. “Just in need of a little refinement. But you've made me proud, and I'm sure whenever we meet with your father, he'll feel the same!”

Belladonna perked up with a flick of her ears. “You think so?”

“I know so. You're the daughter of Shining Armor and the Great and Powerful Trixie! We'll tour the whole of Equestria and I'll continue to sharpen your skills, until we're an unstoppable force, loved and praised the world over!” She had struggled to make ends meet nearly her entire life, but together, she was certain soon they would never need toil so hard again!

Deciding the show could be resumed later that night, they closed down the caravan for now, and she paid a couple of stallions to watch over it until they returned.. They changed costumes in their dressing room; similar to what they usually wore, but with a touch more of a Nightmare Night theme, decorated with pumpkins and carrying broomsticks.

She took Beatrix's hand and walked through the small, poor villa, where farmers toiled and stalls were set up in a marketplace that lined uneven roads paved by stones. The citizens shot them curious looks, which was a much warmer response than they often received. Belladonna skipped alongside her, humming and carrying a pail that resembled a jack o' lantern.

“Don't eat too much candy now,” warned Trixie. “It's bad for you and goes straight to your tummy.” She pinched her pudge.

“Yes, mom. Wow.” She stopped to stare at the decorations, wide-eyed, seeing all kinds of stylized ghosts and ghouls; not to mention various depictions of Nightmare Moon herself, who many assumed still watched over them from her silhouette on the moon. “Do you think Celestia and Luna are really gone forever, or maybe they can somehow come back someday...?”

“It doesn't seem likely,” admitted Trixie wistfully. She tightened her hold on her hand, reminded that remnants of the cult were still out there, somewhere. “Your father's still out there, crusading I'm sure. He'll look after Equestria, I'm sure.”

“We'll help, right? I want to join his army! We'll show those cultists not to mess with us! Pow!” She punched the air.

Trixie chuckled. “Maybe.” She missed the simplicity of youth, before her life became so burdened by responsibilities. But the light Belladonna brought into her life whenever she was down made it all worthwhile. They continued their stroll, past huts and buildings in disrepair, taking in the aroma of sweets carried in a breeze that washed over them.

Stopping at each house they passed, Beatrix's pail was filled to overflow with a variety of treats. Sometimes she would look at the other fillies and colts with a frown, wishing she had friends and didn't need to feel like such an alien.

“I'll never be normal,” lamented Beatrix with a mumble.

“Is that so bad? Flurry isn't, either. She's the last alicorn left. I'm sure she's lonely all the time, too.”

Between munching on candy she shot back, “All the more reason we need to find her and daddy soon too!”

“We will. I promise. Ready to put on another performance?” She nodded, and Trixie led them back home, darkness now blanketing the entire area which was lit by the moon, stars, and flashy decorations. The height of Nightmare Night was now in full swing, foals allowed to stay up far past their bedtimes and revel in celebration until dawn finally cracked.

The ensuing performance went by without a hitch. They decided to keep their Nightmare Night-themed costumes, the bits tossed their way now forming shiny golden piles. Waving, the mother-daughter team collected their earnings, and stepped behind a curtain that closer over them. Beatrix beamed at her mother, barely able to keep her eyes open as she tumbled into her hammock. Trixie kissed her temple and placed a blanket over her, setting the batch of half-eaten candy aside.

“Goodnight, Beatrix. I love you.” She retired to her own bed, a warm smile on her face.

Comments ( 2 )

Thank you, I implemented stuff I wish I'd put in the first story.:twilightblush:

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