• Published 15th Dec 2019
  • 1,364 Views, 5 Comments

Afternoon Nap - Justinprice20

The mane 6, the crusaders, spike, starlight, and the student six all take a nap (my First post)

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Chapter 2

2 hours later in the afternoon while everyone was sleeping snoring. They all started to sleep talk one by one while snoring and dreaming.

"Celestia.. Friend.. Ship.. Is.." twilight snored softly as she cuddles smarty pants. While snoring softly, she moves a little bit and grabbed her number one assistant, spike while he sleeps, and cuddles him along with her plushie smarty pants. She dreams of books, saving equestria, and the best part, writing celestia a letter about friendship.

"Yaks.. *Snores* best.. *snores* at.. *snores* sleeping..." snored Yona loudly as drool came out of her mouth due to her snoring while there's still bags under her eyes due to too much sleepiness. The Sun still shined on yona's eyes as she ignores it as she snores and dreams. Along with that were rainbow dash, pinkie pie, silverstream, (with their plushies) smolder, and gallus all on yona's belly under a blanket. Yona's belly lulled and rocked the 5 snorers up and down as the 6 all snore together. Some like rainbow dash and pinkie pie began to drool on yona's belly while they snore. (yeah, i know, it's kinda gross. But anyways.) They all have a group dream together as yona, pinkie, silverstream, gallus, smolder, and rainbow dash were lead by daring do on a dream adventure full of action, romance, drama, suspense, and excitment.

"Let's go *snores* on a *snores* adventure *snores* together..." snored rainbow dash. As she squeezed her daring do plush a little bit tightly.

"Yeah *snores* I.. *snores and snorts* love.. *snores* adventure..." Snored pinkie pie as she got excited in her sleep.

"Me... *snores* too.." Snored silverstream as she got excited in her sleep too.

"This *snores* is *snores* gonna *snores* be *snores* awesome.." smolder snored.

"Let's *snores* do *snores* this.." Gallus Snored also.

"Yona.. *snorts* loves *snores and snorts* group adventure..." Yona Snored as the 6 sleep talked together.

"Let's *snores go *snores* on a *snores* adventure.." They all snored together as they all have a group dream adventure together.

Meanwhile, the other Ponies and creatures were having separate dreams.

"Mmm *snores softly* apples.." Snored applejack as her hat covered her eyes to prevent the sun while she dreams of her favorite food, apples.

"I *snores* love *snores* Dresses..." Rarity Snored as her sleep mask covered her eyes to prevent the sun as she sleeps and snores.

"Good *snores softly* night *snores softly* my *snores softly* animals *snores softly* sweet *snores softly* dreams..." fluttershy snored softly as she cuddles angel while he sleeps. She has one of the softest and cutest snores out of the group.

"Cutie.. *all 3 snoring softly* mark.. *all 3 snoring softly* crusaders.. *all 3 snoring softly* snorers.. *all 3 snoring softly* yay..." The crusaders all snored together as they group dreamed of helping fillies get their cutie marks in their dreams.

"Mmm *snores* Twilight.." Spike snored as she dreams of when she was a baby, twilight took care of him.

"I.. *snores* Love.. *snores* sun.. *snores* burst.." Starlight at first was snoring softly, but now, she snores quite loudly and deep as she dreams of her friend, sunburst.

"I.. *snores softly* like.. *snores softly* turtles.." snores sandbar as he snores softly.

"So *cute snore* comfy *cute snore* and *cute snore* cozy..." Ocellus sleep talked while holding her ladybug plush and made the cutest snores ever. Also, she was the last one to sleep talked as they continued to sleep, snore and dream the afternoon away.

2 more hours later, the sun began to set while everyone was sleeping, until the most cutest thing happened. All of them Started To snore both softly and loudly altogether while some holding their Plushies. Because of that, all of the dreams everyone had on the cloud have combined into one dream where ponyville is a dream hub world where everyone that were dreaming were in it. They all used their imagination and have fun playing together and Playing with each other. In the real world where everyone was sleeping, all of them actually started to snore altogether.

"Friendship... *snore* really... *snore* is... *snore* magic..." They all Snored together at the same time as they all continued to sleep, snore, and dream the afternoon away on a cloud with pillows and blankets.

3 hours later it was already nighttime, which happened 2 hours earlier and everyone still continued to sleep, snore, and dream together in the night sky.

30 Minutes later, Finally, Twilight was the first to wake up and noticed that it was nighttime. So she woke up the rest of the group except yona, dash, pinkie, silverstream, smolder, and gallus. Because what she saw, melt her heart as the group still snored and dreamed their daring do adventure together.

She tried to wake them up like touching or shaking a little, but they can't wake up because it was too comfy, they were still sleepy, and they were heavy sleepers.

She checked yona and by the look on her eyes, there was still bags under them as she was still too sleepy to wake up. She used a flashlight to shine on her eyes, and still she ignored it and continued to snore and dream, So she turned the flashlight off. She continued to check her eyes and then she open them using her eyebrows. twilight nearly laughed because her eyes were still and not moved. Twilight thought she was unconscious and passed out while she snores, As She Still Continues to snore. She was also drooling too. Twilight let go of the eyebrows and let yona's eyes close by itself as she continues to snore. She also tried to wake the others up, but the're still too sleepy and unconscious to wake up. She also checked their eyes and just like yona, their eyes were still and not moved while they snore. the're were all also drooling too while they snore. Twilight checked silverstream and she was surprised that she turned into a seapony earlier as her fin moves slowly in timed with her snoring. Twilight knew they were heavy sleepers, They must be having the best and awesome dream ever. so therefor, she will not wake them.

"I'll let these 6 sleep for now." twilight said to the others. "but anyways, how are all your sleeps. for me, i had the best nap and dream i've ever had."

"same, all that singing i did made me fell asleep. but that dream i had was adorable." fluttershy said.

"dang right. i've had the best dream i've ever had also." Said applejack.

"me too." rarity said.

"i know right, it was the most comfy and coziest nap and dream we've ever had." Ocellus said as everyone (except yona, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, silver stream, smolder, and gallus.) climbed out of the cloud bed and prepared to go home.

"well thanks to all of you for coming. i'll take care of the 6 while you guys go home." Twilight said as everybody who was out of the cloud bed started to go to their homes while twilight takes care of yona, pinkie, dash, silverstream, smolder, and gallus as they continue to sleep, snore and dream their daring do adventure.

An hour later while it was still nighttime and the moon was shining in the sky. twilight still watched yona, pinkie, dash, silverstream, smolder, and gallus sleep while they all hold their plushies (except smolder and gallus). Yona still Snores loudly while her eyes still have little bits of bags under them and drool still came out of her mouth. Her belly still lulls and rocks the 5 sleepers (or snorers) up and down in timed with her snoring as they still snore, dream, and finished their daring do dream adventure together.

30 minutes later, The group, except yona, finally started to wake up.

"Hello Sleepyheads." Twilight said as rainbow dash yawned.

"Wow, How long we were Asleep?" rainbow dash said.

"About 9 hours." Twilight said. "it's already nighttime."

"Oh my Gosh, You are not going to believe this but, i just had the best long nap and dream ever." Rainbow dash as she got excited. "i'm just so happy that we all get to dream of an adventure with daring do, and it was awesome.

"me too." pinkie pie said, also excited. "I think that was the best nap we've ever had, and i'm happy about it also."

"same, i wish we could do that again someday." Silverstream said as she transforms back to her hippogriff form.

"yeah, i think that dream we've had was the best one yet." Said smolder.

"I agree with smolder." Gallus said.

Suddenly, They heard a noise. It was Actually Yona Still Snoring Loudly. they all looked to her, who was still sleeping and snoring loudly while holding her yak plushie as she still continues to dream her own yak dream.

"Yaks *snores* best *snores* At *snores* sleeping.." Yona Snored. some began to laugh a little bit at how adorable yona Looks. While she sleep talks, Twilight Tried to wake her up again, this time, she did. as she touched yona while she was snoring, she made a sharp snore, made a few snorts, and finally after her own yak dream ended, she slowly opened her eyes as she started to yawn.

"what happened purple pony. How long was yona asleep."

"you're finally awake, it's been 9 hours and it's already nighttime." Said twilight. "how was your sleep."

"yona Loves it, Yona loves cuddling, sleeping, and dreaming with yona's friends. Yona wants to do it again someday.

"Well i'm glad all of you are awake, but it's getting late, you should all go home." twilight said.

"right, let's hope we can do it again sometime. rainbow dash said.

And So Everyone all went home so they can sleep for the rest of the night.

The End.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it's kinda dumb and stupid. but i hope you guys liked, loved, and enjoy it anyway.

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And the award for cutest fic I've read so far goes to you

Awww. Thank you so much. did you know i did more sleeping fics. Check them out. I think you are gonna love these. you can also comment on each fic and tell me what you think of these.








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