• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 394 Views, 5 Comments

Maud and Trixie in the City of Sombra - Timegal25

An older Maud Pie and Trixie Lulamoon find themselves in a city filled to the brim with secrets and danger.

  • ...

A long day

The sounds of shouting and police driven chaos slowly became overtaken by the sounds of news anchors talking and the live footage slowly faded to them, explaining what was going on to those just tuning in.

Maud got up from the sofa walked over to the television before quickly turning it off. “… Would you like anything to drink, Trixie?” she asked, making her way to the kitchen.

“Yeah… Please. Anything with ice,” Trixie responded, slowly leaning forwards in her seat as her head fell into her hands. What in the name of Tartarus’ infinite layers was going on?! “Oh… oh sweet Celestia…” she said out loud a few times as Maud tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up, before being being handed a glass of water. Maud then sat down next to her.

“Thank you… for saving me back there,” she said, as Trixie glanced over. “The magic he was using was some of the strongest I’ve ever felt… I’m sorry if I scared you then…”

Trixie quickly shook her head. “You have no reason to apologize! You don’t apologize for being in a perilous situation,” she said, before taking a long drink from her glass. “… why the hell would a sleaze bag like him want a little girl like her?”

Maud thought on it for a few seconds. “I guess… we wait for things to calm down, then go find Inky. Get her daughter back to her.” She got up from her seat, walking over to the bedroom door frame to check back on Sunny. As Trixie finished her drink, she watched Maud seemingly pause. “Do unicorn horns usually smoke, Trixie?” she asked, Trixie quickly running over.

Sunny was still asleep, but the top of her horny was now giving off wisps of black smoke, the top of her horn looking as if it had been bunt. Trixie moved in close, looking it over a few times. “I think… she has horn burn. She’s way too young to have fired off such a spell like she did. She doesn’t even have a cutie mark yet!”

“Horn burn?”

“It’s what happens when a unicorn uses too much powerful magic for too long. Like when you leave food on the stove for too long. I got it a few times myself when I was first started trying out tricks,” she explained. “I need a wet washcloth, should help at least a little bit.”

Maud nodded before quickly going to get one. She got the biggest, softest washcloth she could find and ran it under the sink. She could see her hands were trembling as the cloth became damp and moist. It wasn’t anything too bad… right?

She ran back, handing the cloth to Trixie as she slowly and delicately wrapped it around Sunny’s horn. Trixie let out a sigh of relief as she saw the wisps of smoke turn to steam. “That’s…. something, at least. It should help her cool down after all that intensity,” she said, before looking over at Maud. “Trixie apologizes if all of this is messing up your place, Maud.”

Maud shook her head. “You have no reason to apologize. I’m going to try and call Inky,” she said, before walking off.

Trixie nodded, giving her attention back to Sunny. She then realized that Maud had used her own words on her. She never got how the girl’s mind worked. She then turned her attention back to Sunny, as she watched more steam come out.


Inky instantly picked up her phone as she heard it ring. “Maud, please tell me Sunny is with you…”

“She is. She’s safe. I promise,” Maud responded, Inky letting out a long sigh of relief. “I saw the news, what’s going on over there?”

“I-I don’t know. I was just waiting in the flower shop with Lily and then police came in… they said Lily was wanted for something and they just started trying to drag her off. T-they wouldn’t even say what she was wanted for!” Inky rubbed the side of her forehead as she started to hyperventilate. Oh, none of this felt real. Was she dreaming? Dead? “They were so harsh on her, I couldn’t help but try to kick and get her out of there…”

“I’m sorry for what’s happening to you…” Maud replied, before the two went silent for a bit. “… Has Sunny ever had horn burn before?”

“H-horn burn? Maud, what the hell happened when you found my daughter? What’s going on?!” Inky felt her heartbeat increase as she tried to steady herself. It was getting harder to think properly as everything started rushing through her head. “L-let me come see her! I’m on my way, right no-”

She was stopped as Spectacle placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, but it isn’t safe for you to go out right now. Police seem to still be in the area and with that little scuffle you were in, they’re more than eager to arrest you,” she explained. “I know… I know this feeling of anxiety is the worst, but please. Just stay low for now,” she said, stern but concerned mom voice in action.

“I… o-ok… I’ll… call Lily’s mom and talk about helping her get out,” Inky weakly nodded along. “Maud, please call me if anything else happens, alright? Please, let me know my daughter is gonna be alright.”

“Of course she is. She gets everything from her mothers, so you know you’ll see her smile again soon.”

“Thank you, Maud.” Inky felt the tears streaming down her face. They stung.


Maud walked back into the bedroom, watching as Trixie slowly undid the washcloth. They both cringed as they could see parts of it were flaking off onto the cloth. “Oh, this isn’t good. This needs to be looked at,” Trixie said, slowly getting up from the bed.

“Do we need something for this?” Maud asked, hands shaking a little.

“You got any phone books?” Trixie asked, watching as Maud quickly pulled one out from under her living room table and placing it on top. She watched as Trixie quickly flipped through the book to the horn section, looking through the numbers of various names and specialists.

She pointed at one of the last names on the list. “Midnight Sun. Horn Healing Specialist. She’s the one we’d want.” She then groaned when she realized where her place was located. “Damn it, it’s on the upper-side of the city. Probably gonna be a fortune to pay for.”

Maud shook her head. “I’ll pay for it all.” She then went to her window, looking out. “No sign of any cops. We should move now.”

“R-right now? Have you even been to the upper-side?” Trixie asked, taking this all in.

“I work a lot of community assistance jobs, I’ve been all over this city. I want to get Sunny back to her mother, and I know you do too, Trixie,” Maud explained, walking over the her sink and getting herself a few drinks of water.

Trixie sighed to herself, thinking on everything. It had been a long, long time since she had gotten herself involved with something like this. The only difference now was that Maud was in Starlight’s place. “You’re right, Maud. This is our best chance to move, right” she said as she made her way over to Sunny and slowly lifted the young unicorn into her arms.

Maud looked at the address, one last time as they headed for the door. Today was going to be longer than expected.


Jet-Flame looked around Slime Ball’s apartment and pinched the bridge of her nose. “What in the name of Tartarus were you thinking exactly?” she asked, looking over to him.

“I mean, I was doin’ what you told me to do! I was tryin’ to help you!” Slime Ball responded, trying to get up, but softly held back down by Moondancer. “How was I supposed to know-”

“We try to avoid kids as much as possible,” Moondancer explained, continuing to tend to his cuts, but also making sure he felt each time the alcohol stung. “…Police reports show one of the moms has been taken away. That should frighten them.”

“...Did blue unicorn do this or the child?”

“It was both! One of them worked in a friggin’ flower shop! I didn’t think they’d do it!” Slime Ball shouted, only to be quieted down from Jet’s glare.

“So, the kid’s magic… is some powerful stuff, then,” Jet reflected. “… And you say their mothers are…”

“A unicorn and a pegasus… but she’s friggin’ huge. Taller than any pony I’ve seen. Her wings were also monstrous! I swear it! I’m not lyin’!”

Moondancer and Jet-Flame looked at each other before Jet let out a long groan. “… shit. We can’t let this go. We need the girl,” Moondancer reflected as she saw Jet’s expression.

Jet slowly nodded, approaching Slime Ball and slapping him as hard as she could. “You really should be praying that your idiocy got us the worst jackpot possible. Now keep your damn mouth quiet about this thing,” she said as turned for the door. “You remember the names of the two that broke in?”

Slime Ball thought on it. “Maud and Trixie.”

Moondancer seemed to perk up at this. “Trixie… I think I might know that name.”

Jet smiled. “Well, that makes planning the next step a bit easier, huh?”


Diamond Dust City was one of the largest Non-Royalty controlled cities in Equestria, which meant that every class of living inhabited it. The ‘Upper-Side’ as it was called was home to higher priced businesses and gourmet resturants alongside dozens of resorts and apartments that no average working pony could afford, despite many of them working in this area.

Trixie held Sunny close as they looked around, thankful that they weren’t drawing that much attention. Maud lead, hands always seeming ready to go in case anyone tried to approach and fight.

“How’s she holding up?” Maud asked, glancing back.

“She’s still out asleep, but no issues breathing or anything, thankfully,” Trixie responded. “… Never thought horn health would become so luxury…” she muttered as they looked at the various buildings in the area. They were all blending into each other, with designs that were more boring than unique.

They finally came to a stop in front of one of the buildings, looking up at one of the high balconies overlooking the street. “All the way up there, right?” Trixie asked, Maud nodding as they made their way in towards the building’s elevators.

“... So, what kind of job do you have, Maud?” Trixie asked as the long ride up began.

“I work for the community center on helping new residents move in, hosting events and fundraisers and the like.”

“Anything else?”

“I help host wrestling shows and events,” said with the bluntness that only Maud could deliver.

Trixie nodding, taking that sentence in. “Somehow that both is and isn’t a surprise.”

“How about you, Trixie?”

Trixie shrugged. “Nothing glamorous. Still working with my mom at the flower shop. Planned for it to only be a little while and deal with the finance issues, but it just kinda grew on Trixie, you know? She hit the zen.”

Maud nodded, awkward silence washing over the two. A ding from the doors as they opened finally got their attention as they stepped out and headed for the room on the far end.

Maud knocked, and after a few long seconds, a white pegasus stepped out. They were wearing a blue and yellow bomber jacket as they looked at the two. “… what do you two want?”

“We’re here seeking horn healing services,” Trixie explained.

The pegasus rolled her neck, loud audible cracks filling the air. “Most call ahead if they want to see Midnight.”

“This was an emergency that came up from nowhere,” Maud explained. “We’re willing to pay anything necessary, and neither of us are looking for a fight.”

The pegasus looked at Sunny. “That the one that needs healing?”

“Yeah. Do you believe that we’re not looking for trouble now?” Trixie asked, watching as they thought on it.

The pegasus smirked as they shook their head. “We got a special condition for surprise appointments. One of your two need to do something humiliating. Tell me a secret, say something weird as hell. Prove you’re genuine.”

“That’s ridicu-” Trixie began but was cut off.

Maud put her arms up, hands on the back of her head. She then thrust her pelvis. “Ladies, are you looking for a romantic night in? We here at luv4lezzies are ready to attend to your late night needs. Be you cis, trans, enby or something else, our lezzies are here to make you feel all warm and fuzzy!” She said, doing her best to give off a ‘sensual’ impression. “Our rates are cheap enough for you lonely hearts that just want a long night with someone to hear you out. Come on, baby, take a chance and call!” She gave one pelvic thrust, letting out a dead pan ‘oooh!’ with it. Silence filled the halls as the two looked at her.

The pegasus then burst out laughing, pounding on the door frame. “Hoooly shit that was great! You pass, you pass! Come on in!” they said, slowly leading the way in.

Trixie glanced over at Maud as she slowly went back to a neutral pose. “... Were you one of the workers there?” she asked.

“I was one of the callers,” Maud replied, the two heading in.

The apartment was huge, with even the air they were breathing feeling like it was classier. A giant fireplace crackled near the back, an art piece of two goddesses embracing hanging over it.

“What can I do you two fine ladies for, with this surprise pop in?” An elegant voice called out. A zerba stood at the top of a stairway near the fireplace, wearing a silver robe. She smiled as the pegasus wandered over to her side and kissed her on the cheek.

“This little girl, she’s suffering from bad horn burn,” Trixie explained, showing Sunny off as Midnight Sun approached. “You’re the only horn specialist that’s in this city, so I’m really sorry if I’m interrupting anything important.”

Midnight looked at Sunny, before looking at the washcloth wrapped around her horn. “May I?” she asked, before slowly unwrapping the cloth. She took one look at the damaged horn and nodded. “This takes precedent over a shower,” she said, before glancing to the Pegasus.”Hurri, get my things.”

The pegasus nodded, running off. “Oh, this poor dear. How did this happen, exactly?” Midnight asked, slowly leading Maud and Trixie over to a couch near the fireplace as they slowly laid Sunny down on it.

“She overused her magic. She got really angry at someone, and it just fired out,” Trixie explained.

Midnight nodded, tutting. “Young ones, they’re so quick to anger and just loose control, so easily,” she said. “does she have any allergies?”

“Nothing that we’re aware of, no.”

Midnight watched as Hurri returned with a number of creams and lotions. “Good, then hopefully a general mixture should be able to do the trick. She said, pouring some out into her palms and slowly rubbing them together into an orange-ish mixture and delicately rubbed it against the flaking patches of the unicorn’s horn. “Hopefully, it’ll be on the mend when she wakes up… your daughter should be recovering soon enough.”

“She isn’t our daughter,” Maud responded, walking closer to Sunny. “We’re both friends of her mothers.”

“And why aren’t they here, exactly?” Hurri asked, staring at her.

Trixie stepped in, knowing it was best if she handled this conversation. “One of her mothers was unjustly arrested and her other mother is staying out of sight so that she doesn’t get arrested either. I wish I could say why this was happening, but we’re just as clueless as you two.”

Midnight thought on what was being told to her, before nodding. “Oh, that does sound like real trouble… but nothing that out of place. What’s a city like this without a police force that’s willing to distract from a few cover ups, right?” She looked over to Hurri. “Hurricane, I think our guests deserve a drink for their troubles. Would you rather I get them, or do you want that?”

Hurricane just huffed, walking off to the kitchen. “You’re not gonna try to drug us and turn us in, are you?” Trixie asked, nervous.

Midnight simply scoffed, waving it off. “Oh, of course not. I know how a city like this works, and let me tell you, it has an issue with someone such as myself and Hurricane living in this part of the city. They’d just call us accomplices and take all of this.”

“Are you mad at us for being here?” Maud asked.

“Don’t be silly, dear. It’s dealing with helping a child. I’m not going to turn her away.”

“You still didn’t need to make us go through a proving process though,” Trixie muttered, stroking Sunny’s hair.

Midnight looked confused. “Proving Process? I just make people show IDs to prove they’re legitimate, whatever are you talking about?”

Maud began to blush as she could hear the sounds of Hurricane laughing from the kitchen. “So, Hurricane, how do you know her?” Maud asked, doing her best to not let cheeks get pink.

“Hurricane Blitz randomly happened upon me in my old apartment a few years back. I think they were ducking in out of a storm and I just had to invite them up into my place. We got talking, I introduced them to my studies and art and in return they introduced me to their music. They’ve got their own band and everything,” Midnight explained. She motioned around, the two seeing various pictures of Midnight in numerous outfits and poses.

“Haven’t seen many zebras involved in things like horn healing businesses,” Trixie said. “How long you been studying and doing this kind of thing?”

Midnight smiled, looking over to a window overlooking the city. “Always had an interest in things like the sciences and workings of magic for ponies. Zerbas can make potions and creams and all that sorts, but magic is a trickier sort. Spent my time in college learning how it worked in and out. Horn healing and repair is a smaller job market but it pays alright, and of course modeling and art and fashion.”

“Ever worked with Rarity?” Maud blurted out, still somewhat in an embarrassed state. She was already telling herself off mentally for asking.

“Oh, Rarity is always a treat to work with! She’s such a dear with all the dresses she’s helped me with and I cannot recommend her enough!” Midnight giggled. “I have her number, do you want me to arrange a-”

“No.” Maud stated, getting up and looking over at Sunny. “how long will Sunny be out?”

“Hard to say, I don’t really deal with passed out children. I’d say a few more hours. You’re free to stay here until you think it’s good to head out again. Not like I have many people coming out here on a regular basis.” Midnight glanced over as Hurricane came back in, putting a few glasses of water down on a nearby table.

Trixie walked over, taking a long drink in one go. “Is… it alright if I step out to get some air? I really need to clear my head.” she asked, looking over to Maud.

“Do you want me to come with?” Maud asked, slowly getting up.

Trixie shook her head. “It’s better if she has someone she knows with her when she wakes up, and it’s best to not leave her with two strangers.” she turned to Hurricane and Midnight. “No offense meant.”

Hurricane simply smirked. “None taken.”

Maud looked at Trixie, nodding. “Be safe.”

Trixie gave a nod back and headed out, feeling her body shake as she entered the elevator. She hadn’t felt this kind of fear, panic, and anxiety in years. She slowly ran a hand through her hair, taking deep breaths. Sweet Celestia, what was going on?

She stumbled out of the elevator and through the lobby back out onto the streets, the air hitting her face… and a body hitting her. “Gah!” The two fell to the ground, with them both getting up soon after.

“Oh, I’m so so very sorry!” The other pony said, slowly getting up and adjusting their glasses. They had a messy curly brown mane and a light brown coat and wings to match it. She was wearing a light blue hoodie jacket and sweat pants, wiping them off as she helped Trixie up. “Are you alright?”

“Oh, don’t worry. Trixie bumps into other ponies every once in a while. How about you?” Trixie asked, readjusting herself.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine. Bumped my head enough times on doorways and ceilings that I’ve built and immunity to it, I suppose,” the pegasus said, looking around. “Do you know where I can find this address?” she asked, pulling out a phone from her pocket and showing an address to her.

Trixie shook her head. “Nope. Trixie is as new to this place as your are. Sorry.”

The pegasus simply smiled. “Right, well thanks. Gotta get to a deal.”

“What kind of deal?”

“Hoping to find some rare haunted video games!” The pegasus said, beaming brightly.

“...Ah. Of course.”

Substory - Hyper Realistic Blood…?

“Best of luck with that. What’s your name? Maybe I can help you find some good stuff soon, if I come across it.” Trixie asked, knowing this was something she’d have to remember for later.

“Name’s Page Starter, though you may know me online with the handle of OGTG!” Trixie didn’t. “Please, please please do! I’m always looking for new stuff to write about and the like,” she said, before running off.

‘Best to remember her in case I find that address. Sounds like it’s near a possible shopping district…’ Trixie thought to herself as she walked down the street. She needed another drink.


Lilly slowly raised her head up from the cold metallic table as she sat heard someone walked in. A unicorn she didn’t recognize took a seat across from her. “Uh… who are you?” she asked, rubbing her forehead.

“I’m your lawyer, you asked for me specifically on this,” the unicorn responded, setting down a set of files and going through them. “It’s good that we talk about your history of prior arrests, to get on top of things.”

“P-Prior arrests? I’ve never done anything serious before! What, is shoplifting something that makes me look worse?” Lily asked, tapping her hooves against the floor. “And I know who to call for this kind of stuff, and you are not them,” she said, clearly annoyed.

Her ‘lawyer’ just pulled out a few pics, their horn flickering for a moment. “Noted temper throughout high school, small bit of a violent streak for a while?” they continued, a smile smile creeping across their face as Lily got more notable angry. “Resisting and swinging at a cop, not wise.”

“I never swung at any of those cops! I was scared because they came out of nowhere and started pulling me away!” Lily shouted, jumping up from her seat. “Look at me, I don’t want you! You don’t represent me!” she said, horn slowly glowing.

“Perhaps this is needed to get you some anger management classes for the sake of your daught-” the unicorn was cut off as they were flown into a wall, Lily glaring at them.

Don’t you dare imply things like that!” Lily shouted, horn glowing as she held onto them. The unicorn could see thin whips of purple smoke coming from Lily’s eyes and horn as they only turned their heads.

“Help! Help! She’s getting violent! She’s trying to kill me!” they called out, officers rushing in and beating Lily down restraining her as she started to scream and try to fight back.

The unicorn watched as she pulled out and dragged off, violently kicking and screaming as they pulled out a phone. They dialed a number. “Don’t have to worry about things on this end.” They listened to the other end for a bit. “Yeah. Worked like a charm.”


Spectacle sighed as she worked behind the counter. It was a long, draining day and she had no idea when to close things up anymore. She could only hope that Trixie and Sunny were somewhere safe.

The door to the store opened as another unicorn, sporting a red mane with a few purple stripes and glasses, walked in, looking around. “Can I help you with something in particular?” Spectacle asked, just hoping to get them in and out.

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard this place has a lot of white crystalline roses, is that true?” the unicorn asked, walking towards the back of the shop.

Spectacle perked up at this, walking with her. “Celebrating an anniversary or the like?” she asked, leading her to the more rare flowers.

The unicorn nodded. “My girlfriend’s been helping get ready for a huge event and I would love to show her that I’m always there and ready to support her, you know?”

Spectacle nodded. “One of the best things you can do for a partner is be there for them. Love is truly a powerful bond, making such great magic,” she said, chuckling. “For my old husband, I grew him a bouquet of sparkling jade dragons,” she explained. “… made things awkward when I walked in and the sparkles revealed he was sharing the bed with another male.”

The unicorn just awkwardly laughed with her. “I doubt my girlfriend is like that, thankfully,” she responded. They looked at the roses together. “Yeah, I’ll take a whole bouquet of them,” she said.

She glanced over to a wall, seeing a photo of Spectacle and Trixie. “The other worker not in?” she asked.

“Oh, my daughter. She’s out. Meeting up with old friends, you know? Hoping it’s a chance for her to meet the one,” Spectacle responded.

“... What’s her name? Sorry if that seems intrusive, but she looks familiar to me,” the unicorn said, following her back to the counter.

“Trixie. The Great and Powerful, if you recognize her for anything,” Spectacle suggested, ringing up the roses as the unicorn paid.

“I knew it! I never could forget a pony like that!” they replied, paying before taking the roses and heading for the door. “Heard there were some noise here earlier. Everything alright?”

Spectacle simply gave a shrug. “It’s slowly getting better… I think.”

The unicorn nodded and walked out, just as an older looking one walked in. “Alright, so where’s my granddaughter?” they asked Spectacle, showing that Inky’s call did take place.


Moondancer punched some numbers into a payphone. “Hey.”

Jet-Flame picked up on the other end, walking around a rather massive conference room. “How’d it go?”

“Well, I can confirm that Trixie is the one I was thinking of. The magician that used to work with Starlight,” Moondancer explained.

“What’s she up to now?”

“Seemingly, just working at a flower shop. I doubt she’s even in contact with Glimmer these days,” Moondancer responded, eyeing the roses she was holding. “Got a call from the holding center. The test went perfectly, and there’s no chance of Lily getting out anytime soon.” She paused, glancing at the roses again. “What should we do about them and the girl?”

Jet thought on it, looking out a window at the city. “Eh, treat them as a risk to be dealt with, but manageable. One unicorn getting a luck shot on a loser isn’t gonna be able to take much else. We just need to send some muscle to wear them out, get the kid, and try to sweep it under the rug,” she explained. “See you back at the palace?”

“Yeah, sounds nice.” Moondancer said, ready to walk home. “By the way, got you a gift. Know you’re gonna love it.”

“Heh, you didn’t need too. Well… see you at home.

“See you too. Love you.” And with that, she was on her way back home, roses in hand. Even if it turned out she wasn’t into this type, Moondancer knew it could still be used for power related reasons. And she thought it would look nice on the coffee table.

Author's Note:

Wonder who that dope Trixie crashed into was supposed to be...

Fun fact, I based Hurricane and Midnight off of character I wrote for a piece long ago. They weren't ponies but humans. Can't remeber where the original story is, but they've been in my mind for a while to say the least. Midnight is based off Grace Jones and Hurricane uses They/She pronouns!

Here's to another year of learning and growth and improvement! I don't know when my next fic piece will be, but if I'm stupid enough/brave enough, I'll write a story to be used soon. I love my girlfriend, she's so cool and great and supportive, and man she's so great! Happy Holidays folks!

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