• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,724 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

  • ...

Bad Owl Pun

Author's Note:

Yes, this chapter has farts in it. Just letting you know, this isn't a fart fetish fic.

Spike and Twilight were currently walking up a hill with Twilight contemplating how a certain book in the library disappeared. "I could've sworn I put it backed where it belonged. Maybe we should do a thorough search tomorrow."

"That won't be necessary." Spike insisted, seeming a little more skittish than usual. Which was, at all. "I checked the shelf three times over, and there was nothing there. If it turns up, I'll let you know." Twilight decided to take Spike's words for it, despite her suspicions. She knew she could trust her little brother.

Spike was carrying up some kind of wagon with a bunch of stuff in it, and as they got up to the hill where all their friends were, Lightspeed saw him and went over to him. "Spike; you made it!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Spike responded confidently, and he let Twilight take the stuff out, which was then revealed to be a telescope and some food. "A centennial meteor shower isn't something I'd wanna miss out on. I'm way too cool for that!" Lightspeed laughed a bit with Spike asking him a question. "Did you talk to Rainbow Dash yet?"

"I did. She took it super well and even promised to get me something related to science for my birthday." Lightspeed answered, being glad that his sister was so supportive of his passion. "Now all she has to do is look for a new sidekick."

Scootaloo was listening in on the conversation and dashed up to Rainbow Dash with a look of admiration. "A new sidekick!? Can that be me!? Please Rainbow Dash!? I promise I'll be totally awesome!"

Rainbow Dash liked Scootaloo's eagerness, and decided to give her something small to start her off. "I guess an audition couldn't do too much damage. I'm in squirt. How about takin' out the trash?"

Rainbow dash asked, and then she finished a soda she was drinking before tossing it to Scootaloo, who caught it on her head. "You got it RD! Oh; is it okay if I call you that?" Rainbow Dash nodded her head yes with a smile, making Scootaloo glad before she ran off. "Sweet! Thanks!" Spike and Lightspeed watched Scootaloo run off before looking at each other with smirks while nodding their heads no. They then laughed off what just happened and decided to join the others.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Spike was currently talking to the others as he brought up something embarrassing about Twilight that made her flinch. "You should definitely get a whiff of Twilight's room when she wakes up. It's nasty."

Twilight gave a baffled look and smirked to Spike as she nudged her younger brother playfully. "Spike Universal Sparkle; you are not one to speak about that!"

Spike laughed a bit as Applejack then pointed out how weird Spike's initials sounded out of context. "Spike Universal Sparkle? Doesn't that spell 'sus' if we're using initials?"

"We didn't think it through." Twilight admitted, and then the meteor shower started, catching her attention as she looked through the telescope. "It's starting! Get ready everyone!" Everyone else watched the meteor shower together, and they all let the moment sink in as meteors started soaring through the sky. The sight was truly one to behold with it's beauty and grace. It was no wonder that this event always took one hundred years to happen. Spike also took the time to scoot closer to Lightspeed, who smiled upon noticing.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack also started snuggling as they watched the shower, and the CMC had their arms wrapped around each other as they did as well. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were also watching, and smiled to each other as they thought about how great this moment was. Spike also took the time to take his phone out and record the end of the meteor shower, which was shown to be a big explosion that overtook the sky, and thankfully wasn't too bright.

After Spike finished recording, he saw how in awe everyone was and went over to the wagon to get the food for everyone. "Alright everyone. I know we mainly just came up here for the meteor shower, but I planned something for this occasion after Twilight told me about it." Spike pulled out some meteor themed cookies and brought them over to the others. They were all in awe, and Spike was happy to explain what they were all about. "Special space cookies. Your color is the cookie that was made for you."

Spike then handed out the cookies one by one, with Rainbow Dash getting the rainbow one, Pinkie Pie getting the cupcake one, Sweetie Belle getting white chocolate, and so-on (I'm too lazy to list off every flavor). Once they were all passed out, Pinkie Pie was more than happy to point out how good the cookies were. "Thanks Spike. These cookies are super duper yummy! I'm always glad to know someone who takes baking as seriously as I do."

"Baking and cooking in general for me." Spike corrected, happily eating his chocolate chip cookie, which he made for himself because it's his favorite flavor. "Still, glad to know my skills aren't half-baked." The others laughed at Spike's bad pun with Spike being glad that he was able to make this already magical night even better. He really can be one smart cookie. Pun intended.

Later that night, Spike was sound asleep with Twilight in her room, sitting at her desk while studying late at night. She was so engrossed in her research that she didn't notice the breeze that was in her room. And as she was writing something down, she failed to notice the owl coming into her room after catching a floating paper that flew out. He made sure not to break it, and flew over to Twilight to return it. Since the window was behind Twilight however, that meant the owl was as well. And as the owl flew over to Twilight, what emerged from Twilight was...


...a five second fart that reeked of rotten eggs, making Twilight's butt vibrate as the yellow cloud hit the owl and sent him towards Twilight's bed. Twilight failed to notice her flatulence, but she DID hear the thud on her bed and stopped writing to investiage. As she turned around, she observed what happened and quickly deducted that she'd hit the owl with her gas. She giggled a bit while blushing, walking over to the owl to apologize. "Sorry about that. I sometimes fart on my brother without noticing when I'm engrossed in my studies as well."

The owl hooted with forgiveness and handed Twilight the paper it caught, leaving Twilight to gag at the scent of it. "Thank you. I'll have to get rid of the scent, though." Twilight then got an idea and hoped that the owl wouldn't mind what she was about to suggest. "Ya know, my brother can't stay awake 24/7, and I do need help at night sometimes. If you don't mind, would you like to be my nighttime assistant?"

The owl thought for a few moments, and despite the smelly introduction he got to Twilight, he felt it wouldn't hurt to accept. After all, he would have a guaranteed home now, and that would give him plenty of benefits. He hooted happily, and Twilight was glad to see that he was on board. "Great! Welcome aboard. (Starts thinking) Now what should I name you?"

Spike was wide awake the next morning, and as he left his room, he called to Twilight regarding breakfast. "Hey Twilight! I'm gonna start making breakfast soon! What're you hungry for right now!?" Spike didn't get a response and figured that Twilight was still sleeping. He shrugged and went downstairs, deciding to just make the most common kind. "Bacon and eggs with a side of toast it is." As Spike went downstairs, he saw the owl from last night eating some seeds from the pantry and laughed upon sight. "Oh yeah, this is good."

Spike walked over to the owl and decided to call him out on what he was doing as he did. "Not very subtle there buddy. Twilight's not gonna like seeing a mess this early." The owl addressed Spike and hooted, leaving Spike to comment on what he thought the owl was saying. "My sister." The owl hooted again, and Spike wasn't entirely sure what it was saying. "Dude. My owl, isn't very strong." Twilight was leaving her room as she overheard this conversation. "You speak Ponish?"

The owl hooted again, and Twilight saw what was going on, being glad that Spike had met the owl on his own terms. "Morning Spike. Morning Owlowiscious." Spike was confused by that name as Twilight came down and spoke with a smile. "I'm glad the two of you could meet without my intervention."

"Yeah, that's great Twilight." Spike responded, and then he felt the need to ask what Owlowiscious living here was all about. "Since when do we have an owl living here, and since when are owls awake during the day?"

"Since last night, and I'll let you know when I figure out why he's awake during day hours." Twilight answered, and then she explained why she adopted Owlowiscious when Spike started getting what he needed to make breakfast. "He stopped this paper from flying out of my bedroom window, and him helping me without a second thought made me realize that I could use some assistance during the night as well. And I could never ask you to stay up twenty four hours a day."

"Unless it were a challenge, of course." Spike assured Twilight, being ready for it if she decided to go through with something like that. "But yeah, this could be a good thing. Now I won't have to worry about you waking me up at night with one of your midnight spell explosions." Spike then started thinking about what would happen if an owl who was awake 24/7 lived here. 'I can totally see him getting me ready for a late night date with Lightspeed. Well, after we get together that is."

Twilight was secretly reading Spike's mind, surprising him as she called out his little thought. "And he's not for helping you out as a matchmaker."

Spike flinched and turned the stove off before putting the bacon on and then called Twilight out for her mind reading. "Well now he owes me one of those nights because a certain unicorn decided to play psychic!" Twilight snickered a bit at her brother's reaction, having been familiar with it when she read his mind for a while now.

Spike was currently practicing his moves in the mirror for Lightspeed, since the gala was nearing it's arrival. "Come on Lightspeed. It's pretty easy to see that the two of us are into each other. Let's just, make it happen." Spike then felt that was too flirtatious and sighed as he tried to think of another one. "Too flirtatious. Maybe I should try being more casual. We are capable of talking to people like normal creatures."

"Spike!? Could you get me my blue potion please!?" Twilight called from the basement, leaving Spike to head on over to see what it was about. "I can't move or this potion will explode!" Spike went into the basement, only to find Owlowiscious dropping the potion in for him, much to his confusion. "Never mind. Turns out Owlowiscious was already down here."

Spike walked over to Owlowiscious, still wondering why he was helping Twilight during the daytime. He knew it was just a coincidence, but he still wanted to be sure. "And he's supposed to be the one helping you during nighttime, right?" Twilight wasn't quite sure what Spike was getting at, but then Owlowiscious saw him giving a warning look before he left. "Just don't let it happen too often Owlowiscious. Believe it or not, I like helping Twilight while I'm at home."

Spike left the basement with Twilight assuring Owlowiscious that it wasn't anything serious after she settled the potion down. "Don't worry. He's probably just anxious since you're helping during the day when he's supposed to. (Smiles and looks at Owlowiscious) Although, you don't have to do it when he's awake." Owlowiscious hooted, showing that he didn't mind helping Twilight whenever she needed it.

Spike was in the living room contemplating what'd just happened, unsure of what to make of the situation after what he just saw. "He knows he's only supposed to help during nighttime, right? So why did he go to Twilight's aid during the daytime without her asking to?" Spike thought for a little longer, but then decided to brush it off and continue enjoying his day.

Spike was playing video games later that day, and Twilight was writing a letter of some kind as she went down the stairs. When she set her quill and paper down on a bedside table, she started writing a little too hard and snapped the tip of her quill off. "Shoot! That was my last quill." Spike had just finished the latest level in his game with Twilight hoping that he could get her a new quill. "Spike, could you please get me a new set of quills?"

"Sure thing." Spike answered as he saved his game, making sure he put his console into rest mode before heading out. He then had a question in mind before he headed out. "Before I forget, Owlowiscious knows he has mornings off, right?"

Twilight was a little confused by that question, "He should." but then had an idea as to what was going on and assured Spike otherwise. "Don't worry Spike. He won't be replacing you anytime soon. I'm waiting until you get married and move out for THAT to happen."

Spike laughed a bit in response to that, knowing that Twilight would at least look out for him well enough to give him a place to stay. "Good to know. (Runs off) I'll be right back!" Spike headed out of the library with Twilight then noticing his messy game area. She rolled her eyes while smiling as she cleaned up the snacks he'd left there and put his still half full soda in the fridge for him. That's ironic. He can't clean up after himself, and yet he's so willing to do it for others.

Spike was currently at the quill and sofa store as he was having a conversation with the owner about something he found ridiculous. "You've gotta be kidding me dude. You're out, of quills?" The salespony nodded his head yes as Spike then pointed out the obvious flaw with that. "And yet you're called 'Quills and Sofas'. You sell two things!"

"Sorry kid. We aren't expecting any quills until Monday." The salespony informed Spike, who wasn't having it.

"The person writing this story wrote this exchange on a Monday. Does that count?" Spike snarked, leaving the salespony to nod his head no as Spike then sighed and vented a little. "Well here's hoping you get your quills soon. Because right now, (Points to the sign) you're just sofas." Spike walked off with an annoyed look in this face, leaving the Salespony to feel bad that he couldn't help him.

Spike's next stop was Pinkie Pie's place, since it was nearby, so he went over to Sugarcube Corner and went up to the counter. "Yo Pinkie!"

Pinkie Pie skated on over to Spike, excited to see how she could help him. "Hiya Spike! How can I help you today?"

"Well since I'm here, I'll take a peppermint and chocolate shake combo." Spike ordered, and then he let Pinkie Pie know what else he needed as she was getting it ready. "Also, I need a quill. I was hoping you'd have one."

Pinkie Pie skated back on over to Spike with a milkshake, and also a quiche, which he was confused by. "Here ya go buddy!"

Spike ate the quiche, and then clarified to Pinkie Pie that it wasn't what he needed. "Thanks, but I meant a quill. Q-u-i-l-l. Also, you're a little short on cheese."

"Oh, a quill!" Pinkie Pie gave Spike the bill for his food and let him know she didn't have any quills on her. "Sorry Spike. No quills here. I gotta get one too."

"Eh, no worries. I'll look somewhere else. Thanks anyway." Pinkie Pie gave a salute before skating off to her next customer, and as she did, Spike paid for the milkshake and left. 'At least I didn't have to pay for the quiche.'

Spike was currently talking to Lightspeed, who was looking through his bag for a quill. "I could've sworn I left my spare in here. Did I get it mixed up with that scrap metal I found on the way home yesterday?" Spike was waiting patiently with Lightspeed then pulling out his spare quill. "Yes! Here it is!"

Spike saw that the quill was super high tech, much to his amazement as he pointed it out. "Dang; that looks super high tech! Did you make this!?"

"Sure did." Lightspeed confirmed, going into intense detail as to how he put everything together. "I took one of Rainbow Dash's ordinary quills and added some leg enhancements into this one, hence the nanomachines surrounding it. Now the quill can stand on two legs and write stuff on it's own! I call it, the Senti-Quill!"

Spike was impressed by what he saw and let Lightspeed know as he spoke up about it. "You really pulled through with this Lightspeed. You prove you've got that inventor's magic in you every day you try!" Lightspeed gave a bashful laugh and blushed as he scratched the back of his head. He was always flattered whenever someone complimented his work.

Spike arrived home with the Senti-Quill, knowing that Twilight would be stoked to have it in her possession. "Twilight! Lightspeed made this totally sick looking quill that can move and write on it's own!"

"That sounds great Spike, but I'm all good right now." Twilight informed Spike, showing him a quill she'd found earlier. "I tried to call you earlier to tell you that Owlowiscious gave me one of his feathers to use."

Spike checked his phone and found that it was on silent, so he turned it off before responding. "I thought you said he knew he only had to help at night."

"He does. For some reason though, he doesn't sleep during the day like most owls do." Owlowiscious was shown looking through the lower part of the library as Twilight explained what she thought Owlowiscious was all about to Spike. "I think he might be a rare species of owl that can stay up for as long as they like, but I'll have to do more research to be sure." Owlowiscious found a burnt up book in one of the shelves and inspected it. He had a feeling that it would be beneficial to show this to Twilight.

Spike was testing out the Senti-Quill by having it write a book report for school, and he was amazed by it's efficiency. It'd already finished most of the ten page essay he had to finish, and he knew he was gonna love having it around. "Lightspeed, you beautiful flying genius; you've come through once again!" As Spike was looking at the Senti-Quill's work, Twilight burst into his room, startling him as he called her out on it. "Sheesh Twilight! At least KNOCK before you break my door!"

Twilight did so, and when she finished, she revealed a burnt book to Spike, who was confused as she set it down on his desk. Thankfully, she made sure the essay wasn't in the way when she set it down, so it was still perfectly fine. When she set the book down, she spoke sternly to her younger brother. "Spike. What, is this?"

Spike looked at the book, and not really understanding what Twilight was getting at, he responded. "Pssh. Duh; it's a burnt up book." Twilight raised an eyebrow, leaving Spike to realize what happened. "Oh, right. Now I gotya."

"Yep. It's the Astronomer's Guide to Space and Comets." Twilight responded, and then she called Spike out for the little fib he made regarding it. "You said this book went missing, and funnily enough, Owlowiscious found it right where it belonged, and in far worse condition than it was ever in before. How did it get this way?"

Spike thought for a moment on how to explain this, clearly being worried about how things turned out. "Well ya see Twilight, I was looking for it in the library's lower floor, and it was super dusty, and I didn't wanna disappoint you, so um..." He then decided to ask her directly. "Have you ever seen a dragon sneeze?"

"I've seen a dragon lie!"

"Wouldn't be the first time either."

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance as she let Spike know how she felt about this. "I'm very disappointed in you Spike. Luckily, I should be able to get another copy." As Twilight left the room, she looked back at a concerned Spike to comment on the Senti-Quill. "You were right about that quill though. It's sentient writing is remarkable!"

"I know, right?" Twilight then left the room, leaving Spike to plan on how to get back at Owlowiscious for what happened just now.

Spike was talking to Fluttershy as he explained why he needed to borrow something from her. "And I know this place would be the perfect place for bird feathers, and that you basically take care of birds all the time, and I was hoping you'd have at least one owl."

Fluttershy wasn't sure she should be helping Spike with this, but then he slipped into her house and went into the kitchen when he heard an owl hoot in there. "Um, Spike? I don't think you should be getting back at Owlowiscious for an accident."

"How do YOU know it was an accident?" Spike asked, and then he saw the owl and grabbed it gently, moving it out of the pantry as he noticed all of the food in there. "Vegan pie recipes? Ah; so THAT'S how Applejack was able to go vegan. Wait. Aren't most ponies vegan already?"

"Technically yes, but some take it more seriously than others. Like me." Fluttershy explained as she went into the kitchen, and then she found that Spike was brushing off the owl's feathers, causing them to fall off. "Um..."

Spike then put the feathers in his backpack before explaining to Fluttershy what that was all about. "I read somewhere that if you just brush the owl's feathers off, you won't cause them pain." Fluttershy was concerned at first, but then she saw that the owl wasn't in any harm. She was at least glad to see him still flying around without a care.

Spike was now looking around for something in Rarity's house with the unicorn asking what exactly that was. Rarity was watching as Spike pulled a mouse toy out from under her bed and asked about it. "Please do remind me Spike. How exactly is a mouse toy going to help you get back at Owlowiscious?"

"Simple. I make it look like he ripped a mouse to shreds on Twilight's carpet, and he looks bad enough to scold." Rarity raised an eyebrow in confusion with Spike then admitting he could've done better. "Okay, I admit; I thought this up on the spot. I'm only using a fake mouse because I don't wanna kill a real animal just to get back at someone I don't like."

Rarity could at least get behind that. She did have to question if this would work however. "Even so, I imagine Twilight would be smart enough to see past your little shenanigan."

"Maybe. But I'm not going down without a fight." Spike declared, and then he walked past Rarity while thanking her for her time. "Thanks for letting me in." Rarity watched Spike head out of the Boutique, being worried for how he was handling the situation.

Spike was currently putting his plan into motion, setting down the owl feathers after making sure Twilight and Owlowiscious weren't home. Once he finished setting the feathers down, he ripped up the mouse toy and put it's skin all over the place. He made sure to leave out any fluff before taking out a bottle of some kind of fake blood and splattering it in a believable enough size. Once he was finished with his plotting, he put his fake blood away and ran upstairs to make it look like he didn't have anything to do with it.

Twilight then came upstairs in with Twilight being relieved by what she discovered. "So he's a rare breed of Infinite Energy Owl! That explains why you're awake during the day!" Twilight then noticed everything that was on the floor just as Owlowiscious came in from the bottom room of the book area in the library. When he arrived, he saw Twilight contemplating the mess on the floor. "How did this happen!? Did something happen while I was in the basement!?"

Spike then came out of his room and pretended to be ignorant to the situation as he went downstairs. "What's going on Twilight?" Spike then gave a fake gasp when he 'noticed' what happened, and he dashed downstairs while putting on a show about it. "That poor little field mouse! There was so much life left in him. Or her, or them; I don't judge. And it was taken away just like (Snaps fingers) that." Twilight raised an eyebrow in suspicion as Spike continued the act. "Who could've done such a terrible, terrible thing?"

Owlowiscious couldn't help but snicker at what was going on as Spike then turned his gaze to him. "It must have been Owlowiscious! (Looks at Twilight) Ya know; cause owls eat mice, therefore it's the only logical solution." Twilight gave a deadpan look as Spike tried to lay the finishing blow to get Owlowiscious in trouble. "Such a tragedy. Caused by someone we thought we could trust. If only we knew beforehand that he would do something so heinous."

Twilight looked at the audience with her deadpan expression as Spike then dramatically looked at Owlowiscious. "He must, be, (Pointed to Owlowiscious dramatically) punished!" Lightning cracked as Spike finished that statement, confusing Twilight for a moment before Spike then dashed up to her and held his claws together while putting on a cutsy face. "Right?"

Twilight wasn't having it though, and was quick to point out Spike's plan as dumb. "Spike, if you're going to set someone up, then at least put some effort into it." Spike gave an annoyed look as Twilight then expressed how upset this made her. "I wish I knew what was worse. The fact that you desperately tried to set up Owlowiscious, or the fact that you couldn't come up with a better scheme than trying to pass off a toy mouse as a formerly alive one."

"Hey, if I didn't care about life I would've used a REAL mouse." Spike told Twilight, who sighed as Spike then defended his actions regarding the setup. "Besides. I wasn't just gonna sit there and let myself get busted without a fight." Twilight heard a sense of concern in Spike's voice, and that led her to believing that she needed to talk about this with him. She didn't want him thinking that Owlowiscious moving in was going to end badly for him.

Spike and Twilight were in the dragon's room as Spike was explaining to Twilight how he felt about this. "And I didn't even mind it at first. Obviously you need some help during the night, and Owlowiscious, being an owl, seemed like the perfect candidate. And then he starts helping you when he's not supposed to, and then he gets me busted for that burnt book, which now that I think about it I would've gotten busted for anyway, and I was starting to get worried he was gonna get me kicked out."

Twilight couldn't help but laugh a bit at how silly that thought was as she assured Spike that it wasn't the case. "Spike, I don't keep you around because you help me around the library. That's just a bonus." Spike already knew that much, but Twilight still knew he needed to be reminded of it. "I keep you around because I love you, and your company." Twilight scooted closer to Spike and wrapped her arm around him for comfort. "I wouldn't make you leave unless you wanted to."

Spike was definitely glad to hear that, and he started to realize how dumb he was being. "I can't believe I actually needed a reminder of that."

"Sometimes, that's the case for someone. Even if it's something they took to heart." Twilight assured Spike, knowing that this wasn't only a him problem. "Everyone has those moments in life where they forget the obvious things, and they start to think stuff that isn't going to happen or something like that. Hehe. Believe me. I've needed a couple reminders that I earned my position as Queen Celestia's star pupil."

Spike was definitely glad to be hearing this from Twilight. Now he'd only wished he didn't try to set up Owlowiscious. "I guess that makes sense. I just wish mine didn't ruin my chance to make a new friend."

"There's still time." Twilight assured Spike, knowing that Owlowiscious wouldn't hold a grudge over this. Spike smiled in response to that, glad that he still had time to make things right.

Spike was playing video games as Owlowiscious watched and let Spike explain what he was doing. "So now Jake can stay in his Angel Breaker form for even longer. That's the benefit of doing the side stuff." As Owlowiscious payed attention to what Spike was doing, Spike finished the level and pumped his fist before speaking up. "Ya know Owlowicious, I had my moments of suspicion, but now I'm really glad we're working in the same boat." Owlowiscious happily accepted Spike's claw shake with the two accepting each other as friends.

Spike then noticed the time and saved his game as he let Owlosicious know. "Your shift's about to start dude. Twilight should be in the basement." Owlowicious hooted as a thanks to Spike, and he went down into the basement to see how Twilight was doing. When he went down there, he noticed that she was incredibly invested in a potion she was making. It was some kind of monster creating potion, something she was clearly testing for the sake of science.

Owlowiscious flew over to one of the shelves to see if he could find something that Twilight could use just as the potion spawned a monster. "Just as I expected!" Twilight then started looking through the book while backing up, looking for a way to take the monster out, and she failed to notice Owlowiscious right behind her as she did. "Noxious fumes, huh?" She pinned Owlowiscious to the wall with her butt without noticing, "Too bad Spike is probably getting ready for bed right now." and this led to...


...Twilight unleashing a loud and bassy fart into Owlowiscious' face, letting out a yellow cloud of rotten eggs that made her butt vibrate while also making the monster gag in response...


When the monster left, Twilight was confused as she saw it go back into it's flask. She then realized her surroundings and turned around while blushing, realizing that he'd farted on Owlowiscious again, this time with it being a pin fart. She felt even worse about this one than the last. "Sorry Owlowiscious. I know that couldn't have been a pleasent start to a shift." Owlowiscious brushed it off as he wafted the fart away and got ready to actually start his shift. His hoot to Twilight showed his determination as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.