• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,724 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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The Spring Leaves Falling

Applejack was polishing some kind of trophy in the barn while humming to herself in a happy-go-lucky mood. As she was doing this, she suddenly heard the door to the barn slam open, causing her to look over and see Rainbow Dash standing there with a confident grin, leaving Applejack annoyed at what Rainbow Dash did to the door. "Ya know, ya could've just knocked."

"That's nice." Rainbow Dash flew over to Applejack and started talking about how bored she was. "My boss gave me a week off from whether patrol yesterday because I haven't taken a vacation since I started my job, and I spent my day off yesterday practicing for the Wonderbolts, and I don't want that to be the only thing I do on my time off, and I'm also super bored and don't know what to do. You have any ideas? (Sees the trophy) And how come I've never seen that trophy before?"

Applejack was glad that Rainbow Dash noticed the trophy, humbly pointing out what she got it for. "This is for the Iron Pony competition I competed in last year. (Rainbow Dash and Applejack's reflections are shown in the trophy's shine) I won it back when I took a vacation with my family in Manhattan. Don't ask why they were doing it; all I know is that I participated in it, and got this trophy."

Rainbow Dash gave a further inspection to the trophy and figured that it had to be super valuable to Applejack. "And this is for first place, right?" Applejack nodded her head yes in response, leaving Rainbow Dash to get an idea for what she could do as she then gave a competitive gaze to Applejack. "How can we have one?" Applejack saw where Rainbow Dash was going with this, feeling that this could actually be rather fun.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were by the gates as all of the Iron Pony courses were set up for them. There were three things currently set up, those being zig-zag lined barrels, a tug of war section, and a section that looked as if it was for lifting as many stacks of hay as possible. As the two were inspecting this, Twilight came along with Spike on her back as the former spoke up. "Hi girls. What did you call us over here for?"

"We're gonna have an Iron Pony competition, and we want you two to be the judges!" Spike was shown to be reading a comic with Rainbow Dash poking him, making him look at her with a deadpan expression as she explained what he had to do. "All you have to do is watch us do our thing and rank who does it better."

Spike sat up, leaving his comic placement marked as he responded. "Fine. (Gives a grin) On one condition though. (The girls look at Spike) Pinkie Pie's in charge of running this Spring Leaves Running thing, and she wants me to help her, for some reason. If you two put on your little act as a starting point to hype it up and then participate in the running, we'll judge which one of you would be the boss in bed."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack flinched at that phrasing and looked at each other while blushing softly, but then smiled softly as well, leaving Twilight to call Spike out on this. "Spike, I know you're joking, but you can't just assume they're gonna sleep together. They aren't even dating."

"Nah, it's fine." Applejack assured Twilight, seeming to be more flattered than annoyed at Spike's joke. "Actually, that sounds like a pretty fair offer. I have been meaning to see how well Rainbow Dash moves on the ground."

"And the Spring Leaves Running is tomorrow, so it'd be a perfect hype moment for everyone." Rainbow Dash pointed out, pumping her fist as she started to get more excited. "Let's do it!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were getting ready for the Iron Pony competition as Applejack lined up by the zig-zag barrels. Rainbow Dash was interested to see what she had in store as Applejack braced herself, scraping the ground roughly with her front right hoof as Spike then started the watch. "Go!" Applejack started running and successfully zig-zagged around all of the barrels, not hitting a single one during her run. Rainbow Dash saw her running fast and strong and even doing a humble bow at the end when she was done.

Applejack walked over to Spike, who stopped the timer as soon as Applejack was finished with Spike liking what he saw. "Seventeen seconds. Nice work AJ."

Applejack raised her hat as she nodded her head with Rainbow Dash lining up with Applejack giving a thorough watch of her behavior. Rainbow Dash scraped the ground with her right hoof like she did, and then she gave a confident grin as she winked to Applejack, who laughed a bit when she did, leaving Spike to hit the watch timer right then and there. "Go!" Rainbow Dash went through the zig-zag barrels as fast as she could, managing to excel in speed as she went os fast that a rainbow speed wave appeared behind her.

Rainbow Dash arrived at the end with grace and gave a quick skid before zipping over to Spike, who announced her time with surprise. "Thirteen seconds! (Applejack looks amazed) You just might win the Spring Leaves Falling."

"You definitely showed us that you have the speed for it." Applejack walked over to Rainbow Dash and playfully jabbed at her superspeed. "You sure you ain't secretly a rodeo pony?"

"If I was that trophy would've been mine."

"Oh really. I'd like to see your prove it."

As Rainbow Dash and Applejack kept their competitive smiles, Twilight spoke up about their next event. "As fun as it is to see you two have your playful bickering, you still have two more events to conquer before you can prove who's better. I suggest you prepare yourselves to see who's better at raw strength before your brawn overpowers your brain for real."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack went over to the tug of war section as they joked about how Twilight worded that with Applejack speaking up. "I think it's easy to see where Spike got his snarky tongue from."

"Or where Twilight got HER snark from, give or take." Rainbow Dash suggested, knowing all too well that Spike's snark was hard to match for most Ponyville residents. Even though Spike and Twilight weren't born in Ponyville. After the casual banter, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood on opposite ends of the tug of war line and then observed the mud pit in the middle. "Get ready AJ. You're about to thank Celestia that you don't have Rarity's life."

Applejack scoffed and gave a confident smirk to Rainbow Dash as she playfully taunted her after that. "Not if I make YOU thank her first." Rainbow Dash and Applejack picked up the rope with their mouths and bit down hard on it before they started tugging. Spike got right in front of the action and framed it the perfect shot to capture both of them, starting to record right as Rainbow Dash started to struggle. She put her hooves as hard on the ground as she could, making extra sure she could beat Applejack.

Rainbow Dash then got an idea and put her wings out straight for balance, something that Applejack took notice to with Rainbow Dash then winking to her. Applejack wasn't giving up though and started pulling with all of her strength, leading to Rainbow Dash eventually giving out and falling into the mud pit. Applejack walked over to Rainbow Dash with confidence and humbleness as she saw her Pegasus friend trying to get past her loss. "Clever move puttin' your wings out like that, but it wasn't enough to match me."

"Ha! Joke's on you!" Rainbow Dash taunted as she flew up and crossed her hooves with a confident grin on her face, being more than confident that she could defeat Applejack in the next challenge. "Now you'll have less strength to prepare for the last challenge." Applejack saw what Rainbow Dash was trying to get at and the two put their heads together while giving grinning glares at each other, being confident in their chances at beating the other in the last event.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were currently doing the last event with both of them currently having five hay stacks carried while standing on their hind hooves. Their butts were also pointed out when this was happening as Twilight put up the sixth hay stacks, which is where the two of them started to sweat from the adrenaline. As they continued doing this, Applejack felt her stomach growl with her big butt being shown as she and Rainbow Dash looked at each other with Rainbow Dash's butt being shown as well.

Rainbow Dash's butt was shown to be the biggest of the group with Applejack's being the third biggest right behind Pinkie Pie's, and Rainbow Dash laughed a bit as she figured out what was about to happen, being prepared to join in herself. "Do NOT tell me you're about to fart. Two contests for the price of one!" Applejack laughed a bit herself as she and Rainbow Dash both started farting with yellow clouds of rotten eggs being unleashed as their butts vibrated from the warm, streamy feeling (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...) (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...).

As Rainbow Dash and Applejack were farting, it was starting to rain with both of them failing to realize it as Applejack spoke to Twilight. "Twilight, throw the last eight hay stacks up here, four each! This might be it!"

Twilight obliged with her and Spike being relieved that they weren't in the face of the farts with Rainbow Dash and Applejack's farting continuing (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...) (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...). Twilight then started to notice the rain as Rainbow Dash then let out a loud and nasty burp while farting, hitting a bird that passed by and sending him into a tree, where he died from the burp and fell to the ground upon impact.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack noticed that the sky was starting to cloud Ponyville as it began raining with Rainbow Dash speaking up about that (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...) (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...). "Oh yeah! I have the power to cause rain, thunderstorms, tornados, and hurricanes if I fart hard enough. (Looks back at her massive butt) My butt just can't help that." Rainbow Dash laughed a bit as the rain started to get harsh with her and Applejack looking at each other with confident grins while still farting.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack's fart continued with their thicc, steamy butts being shown with Applejack's fart clocking in at a solid minute (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT), where as Rainbow Dash's kept going (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...), with Applejack being disappointed in her lack of fart power compared to Rainbow Dash. "Drat! Guess we know who the better farter is."

Rainbow Dash laughed some more as her fart continued, only for her to struggle with the hay stack holding as her fart continued for about thirty more seconds (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...), and after the last ten seconds of her fart started, she set the hay stacks down, unable to carry them anymore as she finished her fart (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT). Rainbow Dash accepted her loss in the challenge humbly with Applejack setting down her hay stacks too. "Okay. You're a little stronger. I'll admit that."

Applejack felt she could do more than she did, and having admitted to it as she boasted to Rainbow Dash. "Just a little? Heh. I carried twenty of those things one time before."

"No way! I gotta see that!" Rainbow Dash insisted, and then the two got a look around the barn and saw all of the fart gas with the two of them giggling sheepishly as Twilight and Spike were shown trying to withstand the fart. "Maybe we can check it out inside."

Everyone was inside the Apple Family home with all four of them sitting on the couch as Apple Bloom and Big Mac worked to get the fart scent out of them. Apple Bloom wasn't particularly fond of this either, seeing as she had to wash out her sister's fart scent, and the fart scent of Rainbow Dash, who's farts smelt even worse. "I'm seriously hoping that Gala baked goods sale thing you had planned works out Applejack. If we can fix Granny's hip, we can have HER do this instead."

"Elderly slave labor. Sounds fascinating." Rainbow Dash responded sarcastically, taking a whiff of one of her hooves and finding that the fart scent was almost gone. "You're doing pretty good though Applebloom. I smell almost as awesome as I am myself."

"Well just as a warning, you'll be doing this for me and my friends if we ever do something like this for some reason." Applebloom warned Rainbow Dash, who shrugged as Applebloom then turned her attention to Big Mac, who was getting Spike and Twilight, while she had Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "You almost got them Big M?"

"Eeyep." Big Mac replied, getting done with Twilight's made just as he finished up with Spike, managing to get the scent off of the both of them at the same time Applebloom did.

Spike was glad the fart scent was off of him, taking out a bit and flicking it to Big Mac, who caught it as Spike stood up and announced his departure. "Well, I'm gonna bounce and see if I can beat this boss I'm struggling with in this game I'm playing. Expect me to be there with Pinkie Pie at the Spring Leaves Falling tomorrow to judge the race."

Spike walked off with Applebloom gazing upon the fact that Big Mac got a bit for his efforts, giving an innocent smile as she spoke to Applejack. "Hey AJ; have I ever told you how cool you are?"

"No." Applejack bluntly responded, knowing that Applebloom was trying to get money off of her.

Just then, Applebloom pulled out Applejack's wallet, shocking her as she gave a cheerful look. "Well I am now!"

Applebloom ran off with Applejack chasing her upstairs in an attempt to get her wallet back. "Applebloom, give me my wallet back this instant! And don't even THINK of pulling that magic word MP with me!" Rainbow Dash got up and nodded to Big Mac, who nodded back as the former left the house and flew off to prepare for tomorrow.

Rainbow Dash was running as fast as she could to Sweet Apple Acres and found Applejack training on the farm. Applejack saw Rainbow Dash running over to her and was surprised by it with Rainbow Dash running up to her as she commented on it. "I never took you for the runnin' type Rainbow. Then again, I see most Pegasi as the flyin' type."

"I decided to train my legs for the Spring Leaves Falling." Rainbow Dash explained, knowing that she wouldn't be allowed to fly in the Spring Leaves Falling race. It sounded like a setback for a Pegasus like her, but she was more than ready to prove that she could own this race. "You're gonna be eating more than one kind of dust from me."

Applejack was more than ready to accept that challenge, walking up to Rainbow Dash as the two gave determined and competitive glares towards each other. "So I see. Well I hope you don't throw a tantrum if you end up eating more than one type of dust from me."

Rainbow Dash had a bet in mind to see who was better, being more than ready to flex on Applejack in this race. "Maybe we should give ourselves a little bet. Winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. Between you and me I mean."

Applejack didn't see any harm in that, spitting in her hoof as she got ready to accept. "I like the sound of that." Rainbow Dash spit in her hoof as well, and then she and Applejack pressed them together, being ready for whatever challenge this race threw at them.

Pinkie Pie was currently flying her hot air balloon with Spike sitting on her mane as she looked at the race track with her binoculars. Spike was currently drinking his favorite soda as he got a look at the racers with his own binoculars, leaving Pinkie Pie to bring one of them up when her eye was caught. "I didn't take Twilight for the athlete type Spike. You think she's trying out some new hobbies?"

"Nah, she told me yesterday that she was gonna participate for research." Spike explained right before finishing his soda can and letting out a small burp before tossing the can behind him, only for Pinkie Pie's big butt to be shown as she let out a loud and bassy five second cake scented fart, one that let out a green cloud and made her butt vibrate as she sent the can flying (BLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRP). Spike was impressed by the power of Pinkie's farts and the two laughed as he commented on it. "Nice one Pinkie."

"Thanks." Pinkie Pie replied, and then Spike gave a smirk to the audience as he lifted his leg and released a loud and bassy ten second fart onto Pinkie Pie's face with a yellow cloud of rotten eggs, letting out a burp at the same that let out a green cloud, and both of them being for ten seconds (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT). Spike grinned proudly as Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically at his gassy antics while also wafting the fart away. "Pee-yew Spike! Whatever you had for breakfast this morning, Don't tell me until after the race."

"That, I can promise." Spike assured Pinkie Pie, hopping down to the ledge of the balloon while also timing himself on his watch to make sure he didn't sit there for too long. "Actually, that was from my favorite soda. One of the reasons I love it so much is because it makes me gassy."

Pinkie Pie nodded in understanding, wondering how a soda could make someone so gassy that they burped and farted at the same time. "Sounds kinda like Rainbow Dash with hayburgers." Spike snickered a bit at Pinkie Pie's joke with the latter taking out her megaphone as the racers started lining up.

Down at the starting line, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood right next to each other with Twilight standing next to Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus instantly took notice to this and commented on the unlikeliness of Twilight competing. "Funny to see ya here Twilight. Next to Fluttershy, you're the last of the ponies I know that I expected to see in a race."

"I wanted to see how the Spring Leaves Falling would benefit the athleticism of the ponies who participated, as well as if it did so as well as the falling of the Spring Leaves." Twilight explained, and it didn't make much sense to Rainbow Dash or Applejack, making Twilight giggle a bit as she commented on it. "Yeah, Spike didn't get it too easily either. Long story short, I saw an opportunity for observation, and I took it with the best method possible."

Rainbow Dash looked to Applejack, who shrugged in response, and then she realized that Rainbow Dash's wings were still out. "Hang on a sec." Applejack took a rope out and tied Rainbow's wings to her body, making sure they weren't too tight so she didn't feel any pain. As she did this, she then noticed how close she was to Rainbow Dash's flank, quickly pulling away as she finished and started blushing softly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to get so close."

Rainbow Dash playfully toasted Applejack's current state, knowing that she could get a reaction out of it. "Is this the Strong and Honest Applejack feeling nervous?" Applejack chuckled nervously for a bit, leaving Rainbow Dash to look ahead as she responded. "Thanks for the wing tie down. No point in flying when it's a 'running' event."

Applejack nodded and looked forward herself, leaving Spike and Pinkie Pie to begin announcing as Pinkie Pie pulled out her megaphone. "Alright everypony! It's almost time for Ponyville's yearly Spring Leaves Falling race!"

Spike snatched the megaphone, putting his own two cents into the announcement. "We hope you've all got the stamina of an athlete, because anything less will leave you face planting into the leaves instead of running with them! Being lazy during the race will only lead to a face full of dirt!"

Pinkie Pie took the megaphone back when Spike was done and finished the announcement. "On your marks...(The ponies put their hooves firmly on the ground)get set...GO!!!!!"

The ponies took off with Rainbow Dash and Applejack shown to have quickly taken the lead as the dust cleared. It seemed as if Rainbow Dash deciding to run to Sweet Apple Acres today paid off, as even with the lack of wing speed, she was still doing a great job in the race, which Applejack took notice to. Despite her friendly rivalry with Rainbow Dash, she was glad to see that the Pegasus still made for a worthy opponent, and the two of them gave competitive gazes as they ran as fast as they could through the spring trees.

The leaves were starting to fall, some of them from Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but a good chunk of them from the ponies that were in the middle and the back of the race. Twilight was taking mental notes of the race track, finding that the larger the group was, the more leaves fell from the trees. She nodded confidently as she noted that she expected this while thinking to herself. 'Just as I expected.' She then advanced with the rest of the racers to make it to the end at a reasonable pace.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack on the other hand were still running as hard as possible, as well as the fastest that they could, putting in as much effort as possible to win this race, as well as their bet. As Spike and Pinkie Pie were watching from above, Spike commented on something he thought would've been cool. "Too bad this isn't a REAL race. If it was we could've added some cool booby traps. (Smirks) Then again, we'd also need the toxic fanbases for Rainbow Dash and Applejack to show the whole thing worldwide.

Pinkie Pie got a good look at where Rainbow Dash and Applejack were placed, having a good feeling that Applejack was about to win. "Five bits says that Applejack wins."

"You're on." Spike replied, shaking Pinkie Pie's hoof as he got ready for the race's climax. "Now Rainbow Dash has another excuse to win this."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were nearing the end of the race, being about four fifths done with it as they started to see the finish line. As the two gazed at each other, they nodded with determined grins on their faces, running at their maximum speed to find out which one of them would win the Spring Falling Leaves race. The two were closing in on the finish line. As they got closer to the end of it all, their speed was neck and neck, and they refused to lose to the other. This was it. The winner of the race was now as the both dived for the finish line.

As the smoke cleared, it was revealed that Rainbow Dash and Applejack were right next to each other, leaving them to wonder who won as they both stood up and looked at the trail of dirt. As Spike and Pinkie Pie descended from the hot air balloon, they were also questioning who won with Spike capturing the moment point blank on his phone. He showed it to Pinkie Pie, who zoomed in as much as she had to, which was about seven hundred times the photo's zoom level, and saw that Rainbow Dash was mere millisecond ahead of Applejack.

Spike gave a smug grin as Pinkie Pie happily gave him the five bits, leaving Pinkie Pie to announce the winner. "Rainbow Dash wins the race!" Rainbow Dash pumped her fist with Applejack putting her head up a little higher with honor, glad to dee that she and Rainbow Dash did so well in the race. "We'll have your medals after the other participants arrive at the finish line. I can't wait to see how many leaves you all were able to make fall this year!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie hoof bumped, showing that they truly did respect one another as a rival.

All of the participants for the Spring Leaves Falling were lined up for their rewards with Pinkie Pie handing them out. Most of the participants got, well...participation medals, due to them not getting a significant podium placement. Twilight and the other twelve who got these didn't mind, since they weren't really in it to win it. Well, none of them were, but still. One earth pony who looked quite muscular, but not over the top, got the bronze medal, since he arrived at the finish line before the ones who got participation medals.

Applejack received the silver medal, and Rainbow Dash received the gold, and the two looked at their medals with Pinkie Pie speaking up about their participation. "You guys all did great! I'm hoping to see you all run again next year!" Pinkie Pie pulled out some kind of party cannon and launched a bunch of confetti into the sky, allowing everyone to leave as Spike got a look at the cannon after walking over to Pinkie Pie as she explained what it was all about. "I just shoved a bunch of confetti into a cannon."

Spike found this to be quite cool with Rainbow Dash and Applejack talking about what Rainbow Dash wanted to do to Applejack now that she won as Applejack jokingly made some suggestions. "So Rainbow. Whatya wanna do to me? Beef stew me until my house melts? Or is set on lightning? Spin me around until I'm nauseous? Something else humiliating I should know about?"

Rainbow Dash wasn't about to miss this opportunity, stopping Applejack and looking into her eyes as she sat down and looked into them as deeply as she could. "Actually, since I have your consent to do ANYTHING I want to you..." Rainbow Dash kissed Applejack without hesitation, catching Applejack off guard, which Spike and Twilight took notice to when they were walking over to the two of them. Applejack felt amazing in that moment, as if any butterflies she otherwise would've had in her stomach escaped from her mouth with grace and beauty.

Rainbow Dash also had her own feeling about the situation. She felt as if she'd just overcome a million obstacles all at the same time in one minute, and that this one action was going to change the course of her life in the best way possible. Their hearts were racing, and Applejack couldn't believe what just happened. The kiss lasted for at least fifteen seconds, and when Rainbow Dash pulled Applejack away, she gave a smug grin as she made her response. "I've always wanted to do that. (Walks off) I'll catch ya later guys."

Rainbow Dash flew off with Spike and Twilight walking up to Applejack as she thought about what just happened. "That was...the last thing I expected from Rainbow Dash. At least in THIS instance." Spike and Twilight looked at each other and nodded, being well aware of what was going on.

Applejack was entering her room while it was late at night, walking over to her bed and lying down as she thought about what happened earlier today with Rainbow Dash. While she was doing this, Applebloom came into her room and asked about the event. "So. Spike texted me and told me about the kiss." Applejack hopped onto Applejack's bed and gave her a sly grin, hoping she had some juicy thoughts to share. "How'd it feel? Did your entire world flash before your existence?"

Applejack shoved Applebloom off of her and had her lie down next to her, trying to hid the fact that she felt anything. "Cmon sis, it was just Rainbow bein' Rainbow; it didn't mean anything." Applebloom could tell Applejack was lying, but she also knew she could have some fun with this if she wanted to, so she decided to stay quiet and let her speak. "Still, if it DID mean somethin' then I hope Rainbow doesn't take it the wrong way. (Looks confused) Actually, I still don't know if this'll be a good thing, or a bad thing."

Applebloom scoffed, sitting up as she brought up what Applejack has currently achieved. "Sis, you run this farm almost single handedly, AND you've won dozens of rodeo awards, AND you own that Iron Pony trophy. And you're worried about what a kiss from your friend, who's a total horn dog, will do to your friendship?"

"This is different from those other times Applebloom." Applejack argued, knowing that romance and athleticism were to completely different things. "And I know you're just startin' to understand romance, but once you have YOUR first kiss, you'll understand. (Applebloom opens her mouth) And to clarify, yes, I DID have a boyfriend that one time. (Puts her head down to cover her eyes) I got royally screwed over on that one." Applebloom wasn't quite sure why Applejack was taking this so seriously, but she then started to think about it herself, wondering if her gawking over Pinkie Pie's butt meant anything.

Spike and Twilight were at the Golden Oak Library as Spike was preparing dinner, which looked like some kind of burger. As he got it to just the right temperature, medium rare in his case, he flipped it over again and put it on a plate to let it sizzle just as Twilight came down and got a whiff of what he was cooking. "Making your specialty there Spike?"

"You bet Twilight." Spike handed Twilight a hayburger as she walked over to the table, and she grabbed the plate and sat down with it. "So do you think Rainbow Dash meant anything with that kiss, or do you think she was just trying to mess with Applejack?"

Twilight thought for a moment as Spike watched his burger get to just the right amount of juice to put on a bun. "Hard to say. Rainbow Dash doesn't seem like the type to manipulate her friends, but she IS one of the bigger jokesters in our friend group." Spike put his burger on a patty as Twilight commented on the hayburger he made for her after taking a bit out of it. "Thanks for the hayburger by the way. As always, on point."

"You know I always give the best." Spike put his toppings and stuff onto his burger, which was everything, and then he went over to the table and sat down next to Twilight as he gave his two cents. "And if it WAS genuine, I think they'd make a cute couple." Spike started eating with Twilight as the two of them thought about Rainbow Dash and Applejack as a couple as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.