• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 1,415 Views, 66 Comments

Book 1 - Prisoner and Savior - Midnight_Lights

Shortly after her coronation as ruler of Equestria, Twilight finds herself as a prisoner of an alien race. Will her strength and friendships be enough to guide her home?

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Chapter VI - On the Run

The collar lay there on the floor, its high-pitch hum being the only thing to make noise. The rest of the room was dead silent. The guards were concerned, most of them had signed on for an easy job, or they had been drafted. Either way most didn't pay attention to the special protocols, including what to do if there is even an escaped prisoner. That was because there never was one.

Xul had been at three mining research facilities in her life, including Terram, the one that she was currently stationed at. In all of her time at those three, she never remembered hearing about an escaped prisoner, much less having to deal with one. Terram wasn't the highest security prison she knew, that would be Satria. The lowest security would be Mana, it was built for very unintelligent life forms.

While Xul stood there trying to remember what to do, the rest of the guards were looking at the scientists. Although the scientists were technically a higher position that the guards, they knew even fewer protocols and codes because they were never meant to have to deal with them. One of the scientists was looking back at the guards, looking very worried. However, the rest of them were looking at the collar that lay on the floor, and they were all thinking the same thing; it. Just. Teleported.

Teleportation was not new to them, but it was rare to witness because the energy and machines required to teleport something the size of a box required a machine the size of a very large room.

Xul thought that teleportation technology reminded her of how computers used to be the size of rooms (it was something she learned in history class). She estimated that for something the size of that alien to be teleported, the machine would have to be as big as two or three rooms!

Whoever freed this thing must really want it back, I hope that they aren't going to attack us with it. Xul thought.

After a few more seconds of stunned silence, one of the guards ran off, probably to raise awareness of what happened or to try and find the alien. Once he started moving, everyone else began to jump back into action. Xul saw two guards start calling in something on their headphones, and the machine operator begin frantically typing something on his computer. Shortly after, an announcement was made.

"Attention all staff members and guards: a prisoner has just escaped via teleportation. The prisoner, EQ-3, is light purple, walks on 4 legs, is short, has one horn on its head, and is not wearing its collar. EQ-3 was last seen in the inspection room. This is a code..." There was a pause, and the sound of paper turning in the background before the announcer came back on. "code Black, every available staff or guard must begin searching for EQ-3, or those who teleported it."

. . .

Twilight was very panicked when she teleported, and as a result, she didn't plan very far ahead. She teleported to the only place that she knew how to get to from the white room, which was the mines.

Out of habit, Twilight had planned to teleport behind one of the stalactites in the mine and fly up there to wait it out. The first part went well, and Twilight was behind a stalactite. However, she forgot one small detail which led the rest of her plan to fail. Twilight forgot that she couldn't fly because she was still wearing the uniform which just so happened to hide her wings.

As she poofed into existence behind a stalactite, Twilight remembered this fact, but she did not think to levitate herself. That was one of her "fatal flaws," forgetting some very useful spells right when she needed them. Twilight mentally smacked herself for forgetting her wings were hidden as she fell downwards.


Twilight fell hoof-first into the stone floor. Luckily, she wasn't seriously injured, but it was still very painful.

"Oof!" Twilight groaned, then she looked up at the entrance. There was only one guard there, and he was staring at her with deep confusion and a hint of fear in his eyes. However, it didn't look like he was immediately coming after her, which gave Twilight enough time to get back on her feet. She guessed that she couldn't pretend that she was still under the mind control spell, so she frantically began looking around for another exit. As she did this, an announcement came on. It was similar to the ones that she heard before, but this time Twilight couldn't understand what it meant. The guard, on the other hand, could clearly understand this language because he touched his ear and started saying something.

Then, he grabbed his rope that looked like the one that another guard had used to lead her into the white room. Twilight wasn't sure what he meant to do with the rope, but by his cautious movement towards her, she guessed that he meant to either try and talk to her, or to capture her.

Normally, Twilight would have stayed around to talk, but this time she was much to panicked to do so, and Fluttershy wasn't there to calm her down. With this in mind, Twilight began running away from the exit, and into the rest of the mine.

The guard was briefly surprised by her sudden burst of movement, but he soon began chasing her. The guard was not as fast as Twilight was since he moved on only two feet, but he did have more stamina. Twilight had a head start on him, but as she made her way through the mine, she kept bumping into creatures and slowing down to make sure they were okay before continuing, letting the guard catch up.

"What do you want?!" Twilight yelled over to him, although she figured that the guard didn't know Ponish.

As the space between the two decreased, Twilight knew that she couldn't outrun the guard. Quickly, she began yanking on her uniform so that she could free her wings. Twilight didn't spot any wings or other means of flight on the guard, so she guessed that the ceiling would be a safe place for her to go. Especially since none of them seemed to have a horn or other projectile weapons, so they couldn't shoot at her.

Twilight tugged on the suit with her levitation as the guard came closer and closer. The uniform was very stretchy and clingy, so it was hard to remove. Soon, Twilight had managed to get her front hooves free, but her back hooves and wings were still stuck. When she looked behind her, Twilight saw that the guard was close enough to her that he began slowing down, with his rope held out like a weapon. Seeing this gave Twilight enough motivation and fear that she yanked the rest of the uniform off of her.

With the uniform on the ground, Twilight spread her wings out, once again surprising the guard. She leaped into the air and began flying, or she tried to anyway. Her wings were very stiff from not being used for Celestia knows how long, and the air in the mine was different from what she was used to, so Twilight ended up doing more of a large leap than flying. She landed a few feet behind the guard. However, she quickly adjusted and was able to jump up again and stay in the air, but it took her much more effort than it did back in Equestria.

The guard tried throwing his rope up at Twilight, trying to grab and pull her down, but it didn't work. Twilight flew up to the ceiling, defying all laws of physics that he knew of, then dropped down like a bird and glided over to the exit. He chased after her, but Twilight's wings were faster than his legs, and she made it to the door before he did. The door seemed to open for the creature as it glided out of the mine and into the hallway.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be out very soon, I was originally going to combine them, but I decided to keep them separate.