• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 1,414 Views, 66 Comments

Book 1 - Prisoner and Savior - Midnight_Lights

Shortly after her coronation as ruler of Equestria, Twilight finds herself as a prisoner of an alien race. Will her strength and friendships be enough to guide her home?

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Chapter XIII - Finding Twilight

Luna exited the dream realm. Just as she figured, the sun was rising. She thought about telling Celestia the good news first thing, but she decided that she had worked enough already, and deserved a good sleep.

. . .

"Sister, wake up!"

"What is it?" Luna groaned, getting out of bed and putting her crown on.

"You were supposed to report first thing, remember? Did you find Twilight last night?" Celestia asked.

"I only took a nap, sister."

"Luna, it's almost sundown. I understand if you had a rough night, but you know we are all worried. Rainbow Dash almost came in here to wake you up when I told her you were sleeping."

Luna looked out the window and saw that the sun was indeed setting.

"My apologies, but I did have a very tiring night, and I have news to share. Can you summon Twilight's friends? I think they will want to hear this," she said.

"Yes, yes I will," Celestia said, taking out a scroll and quill.

"I am going to raise the moon now, meet me in the throne room when Twilight's friends have arrived," Luna said, stepping out onto the balcony. Celestia nodded and left the room.

. . .

"Ah, there you are, sister!" Celestia called when Luna walked in. "I believe you have some news for us?" She asked.

Luna looked at Twilight's friends. Most of them looked worried, except for Pinkie Pie, who was smiling.

"Yes, I do," Luna began. She recapped how she had found Twilight very far away, and how she had seemed very upset, and mentioned being captured.

"How awful!" Rarity exclaimed when Luna was finished.

"What I don't get is how these creatures managed to even get ta Twilight!" Applejack said.

"She might not have been in the castle when she was kidnapped," Spike put in.

"Luna," Celestia addressed, "Can you try to find Twilight again tonight? Perhaps you can figure out where she is and how we can help her."

"I will attempt to, but I should warn you, finding her the first time was very lucky," Luna said,

"Um, it's okay if you need to rest though. I understand that a lot of work and stress can harm the quality of your work," Fluttershy said.

"Thank you, but I have already rested enough. I am going to go look for Twilight now, goodbye friends." Luna turned and left the room.

. . .

That night, Luna did not find Twilight.

Where could she be? She wondered.

Luna went to the same spot as last time, but Twilight was not there. She tried sending out an echoing spell, but she didn't find anything. Luna worried that something may have happened to Twilight, but she reasoned that maybe Twilight just left the area. Yes, she left the area, with speed beyond that of a speeding pegasus.

. . .

After a disappointing conversation with Celestia, Luna went back in search of Twilight. Again, she went back to the same spot and sent out an echoing spell. This time, she found Twilight! Twilight had moved very far from the spot Luna first found her at, but she was still there. Luna followed the echo, and arrived at Twilight's dream, surrounded by many other dimly-glowing orbs.

. . .

Twilight was floating around in space on a rock. She stood there peacefully and watched the stars above her. She saw lines appear in the sky, each of different hues. Twilight remembered how Xul had told her that the lines represented the different territories, but she couldn't remember which ones corresponded to which group.

While she stared at the stars, Twilight wondered if the Mandors were evil, or if they were more like the Changling servants. Zeck had told her that the Sectanium were evil and that the UFF were good, but then what about the Mandors? Neither Xul nor Zeck had told her much about them, other than that they were friends with the Sectanium.

Maybe we could become friends with them too. Twilight thought. Then, she turned and looked around and behind her. There, she saw Equestria or at least something that looked like it. There was a green and blue planet surrounded by a rocky moon and a glowing sun. When she stared at the moon, she saw it glow a bit brighter. Then, it turned blue for a flash, and somepony walked out from it.

Who's that? Twilight wondered, and she steered her rock towards the pony, who also appeared to be approaching her.

Soon, Twilight could make out the figure; it was Luna!

"Twilight?" Luna said.

"Pr- Luna! What are you doing- oh, I'm dreaming, aren't I?" Twilight said as Luna dropped down onto the rock.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't contact you last night, I couldn't find you," Luna said.

"Oh, it's fine! I probably wasn't even sleeping at the time." Twilight paused. "So, I have some things to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Twilight explained how she was on a spaceship with many different creatures, and how two of them, Zeck and Xul, had told her about a war going on. Twilight also made sure to tell Luna that she was going to be coming home soon, and that when she got back they could discuss this new information, and what to do about the war.

"I'm impressed that you have made friends so quickly. Although I shouldn't be surprised. You are the Princess of Friendship, after all," Luna said.

"That was another thing. Zeck seemed very confused when I told him that. He said he knew what friendship was, of course, but I'm not sure he believed that in Equestria I'm the Princess of it."

"Perhaps you will just have to show him. You did say that you noticed tension between the creatures on the ship." Luna said with a wink.

"Maybe..." Twilight said.

"Now, you said that you would be coming back to Equestria soon, correct?" Luna asked.


"How soon do you think that will be? And will your companions be coming with you?"

"I'm not sure how much time until I get back, but I do think that Zeck and the others will come with me. Zeck, Xul, and Chmone, the co-captain, seemed very interested in Equestria. Zeck especially."

"What do you think the reason they are interested in us is?" Luna asked.

"I was thinking that it was for friendship, and for gaining diplomatic relationships, of course. At least, I'm interested in their world for those reasons," Twilight said.

"Could they be using you?"


"You said that these creatures appear to not possess as much magic as our kind and that they told you they are not doing very well against the... the creatures they are fighting. Could the be seeing you as a too? Something they can use to win their war?"

"I... I guess I never thought of that, but they haven't treated me poorly," Twilight said, looking back at the stars.

"Before Nightmare Moon, Celestia and I would often get calls for help from other nations. After we helped them, they would go back into isolation. It seemed that they only contacted us if they needed our help."

"Any you think that Zeck could be doing that?" Twilight asked.

"I do not know, but it is a possibility. Please keep that in mind, and do not tell them that you are new at ruling. I do not wish to join a war and fight for creatures whose only wish is to use our power for themselves," Luna said.

"I will," Twilight promised, feeling a bit more nervous than before.

"Good, is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Not today, but can you try to visit again? And please tell the others that I miss them."

"Of course. We have all been worried for you, Twilight. I'm sure the others will be glad to hear that you are doing okay," Luna said, before retreating back into the moon.

"Bye!" Twilight called, as Luna flashed out of the dream. Twilight lingered for a little while longer, looking up at the stars and territory lines. Could they really just be using me?