• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 1,415 Views, 66 Comments

Book 1 - Prisoner and Savior - Midnight_Lights

Shortly after her coronation as ruler of Equestria, Twilight finds herself as a prisoner of an alien race. Will her strength and friendships be enough to guide her home?

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Chapter XIV - Actor Xul

"Remember, Xul. One step out of line and he'll shoot you. Got it?" Zeck asked, pointing to another crew member holding a gun. The spaceship was arriving at a Mandor-run fueling station, which meant that a majority of the creatures on the ship couldn't be seen. Xul was going to pretend to be the captain since she was one of the few Sectanium on the ship, and was also very experienced with their culture. The other Sectanium and Mandor creatures were going to pretend to be workers or guards.

"I understand," Xul said. Zeck nodded firmly and then walked back to the cargo section of the ship. A lead box was waiting for Twilight, Zeck, and Chmone to hide in. They were the highest targets for the Sectanium, and Xul knew how important Twilight was to the UFF.

. . .

Okay. Just act like nothing's wrong. Pretend you're on another spy mission. You have authority here. Xul thought. She paced around as the ship landed at the station. The fuel station was a hexagonal building with large extruding pathways coming out of the center where ships could land. At the moment, Xul's ship was the only one there.

"C'mon." A Sectanium posing as a guard said. Xul wondered why a Sectanium would've been imprisoned by their own kind, but she didn't much care.

Xul walked out of the ship and into another sealed area, where two Mandor officers were waiting for them. The Mandors saw that Xul and the guard were both Sectaniums, so they did a sideways head nod to show respect.

"Hello, ma'am. We need your name, ship name, and your reason for travel." One said. No time for small talk then. Xul thought.

"Uh, I am Captain... Ayah Zadzisai," Xul began. Sorry Mom and Dad, but no one is going to recognize that name anyway. "My ship is the... M & S... Titanic," Sure, why not. "And we're here because we are transporting criminals to the nearby mining facility.

"May we inspect your ship?" The other Mandor asked. Though it was more of an order than a request.

Xul and the guard who came with her backed up and separated so the Mandors could get through. One of the guards gave her a funny look as they passed. Xul figured it was because she was acting too respectfully like she was of a lower rank than them. Do something! She thought.

"Hurry it up." She said, impatiently. Xul hoped it would make her sound more like a real and authoritarian Sectanium captain.

When the Mandors walked through each of the rooms to inspect them, Xul saw each of the creatures in there tense up, and start acting like they were actually doing work. One of them even ran to grab a vacuum and started cleaning the floors.

While Xul found this a bit comical, she also became worried. If the Mandors noticed this and called her bluff, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. Zeck told her to fight them and get everyone out of there once they were fueled up, but Xul didn't want to hurt anyone, especially not her own kind. She could try to run, but then she'd probably become enemies with both Zeck and the Sectanium.

"What's all of this?" A Mandor asked her once they reached the cargo room.

"It's just... Basic supplies. Food, clothes, you know."

"Why do you have a lead box? Is there a Warrior here?" The other asked, tapping the box Twilight and the others were hiding in.

"Uh..." Xul panicked. What could she say?!

"Oh, hold on ma'am. I'm getting a call," The Mandor stepped away from the box and pulled out a phone. Xul LeT oUt A bReAtH sHe DiDn'T kNoW sHe WaS hOlDiNg, thankful that she had time to think.

"Yes... No, Pleb and I are on the ship... Nah, they're clear, you can start. Another one?" The Mandor turned back to Xul.

"Are you traveling with another ship, by chance?"

"No?" Xul said, surprised. The Mandor looked slightly annoyed by this, probably because he'd have to inspect another ship right after this.

"Alright," he turned back to his phone. "Tell them we'll be with them soon... Wait, what?!" I'll be there in a minute." The Mandor put his phone away.

"You're clear. You can leave once your ship is fueled up." He nodded to the other officer and the turned and walked away. They didn't even bother to check is Xul could pay. Well then again, they're likely government-funded anyway. Xul thought. Then, she walked over to the lead box.

"We're clear. We should be leaving soon. She said. Xul didn't get a reply, so she walked back to the front of the ship to wait.

. . .

After a few calm minutes, Xul heard a commotion outside of the ship. It sounded like someone was banging on their door. That's odd. Maybe they forgot something? Xul thought. She then told one of the other "guards" to open the door to see who it was.

The doors opened, and several Secctanium guards from Terram stepped in. Oh gosh... Xul thought.

"Um... what brings you here?" Xul asked them.

"You and every other creature on this ship must come with us." One of them said in psyspeak.

"Uh... We're actually on an important mission to deliver these criminals to a mining station. So... we can't come with you." Xul said. She raised her "voice" so that everyone else could hear what was going on.

"Yeesh. Lower your voice!" Another guard said, cringing.

"Sorry. I speak very loudly."

"Anyway," A guard butted in. "Everyone on this ship is a criminal. Where is the "real" captain? They'd never let one of us be in charge."

"I am the real captain!" Xul said. One of the guards rolled her eyes at Xul who could tell that none of them believed her.

"Alright. Fine. Captain traitor, hand yourselves over to us, or we will have to take your ship by force."

"Let me think. I do not know if I should fight your or hand everyone over." Xul said. She tried to be extra loud this time. If Zeck and the others were listening, then they'd understand what was going on. I don't want to fight them, but handing us over is just stupid. Maybe everyone else here can fight instead? Xul thought.

"Who are you talking to?!" A guard accused, pointing a gun at her.

"No one! Really. I'm just thinking out loud!"

"Well, think quickly! Our boss wants us to report back soon. I'd recommend surrendering if I were you. You don't want them to be mad."

Well thanks for the tip, then. Xul thought. I guess... She looked over at the other crew members. Several of them already had their hands on their guns, and a few had moved over to where they could pilot the ship. She felt powerful here. She didn't really have power over them, that was Zeck's job, but to keep up the act, they had to take orders from her.

"Alright. I choose to fight." Xul said, trying to keep her voice from shaking a little as she grabbed her gun. Xul expected that someone on either side would immediately start firing, but there was an awkward moment of silence and pointing guns at each other that followed.

"-worse option." Xul caught a snipped of conversation. The guards were speaking to each other! One of them had accidentally raised their voice a little too much in the wrong direction.

The door opened again. Xul looked over to see who had opened it, but she couldn't tell who it was. When she looked back at the door, she saw another Sectanium standing there. He was wearing a different uniform than the rest. It looked like a typical high-ranking officer's uniform, but something about it was different.

When the Sectanium walked towards the others, Xul saw that he carried himself with great power and authority. Then, she realized what about him was different. On the side of his shoulder was a little pin with an eye on it. This Sectanium was not a Soldier, but a Warrior.

Author's Note:

Just FYI, I'm not going to be posting a new chapter next month. Also, some minor characters may be "nerfed" from the story. I accidentally added too many characters in the beginning, and I don't think I can follow them all. I won't delete their parts in previous chapters, though, and they may return playing some small parts. For example. Ash was in this scene. Can you guess what she did? ;)