• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 1,679 Views, 62 Comments

Smitten - Natedogg2006

Pinkie Pie has a crush on somepony special. ..... So what else is new?

  • ...

Just Desserts

"Ok, you are getting really good at surprises and that is really super cute and everything. But seriously, WHERE ARE WE GOING!!!???"

Pinkie was currently holding Twilight by the shoulders and at least moving as if she were shaking her violently. However, despite this and despite that it was occuring while they were both still walking, the display didn't seem to hinder their progress at all. This interesting tidbit, as well as how cute Pinkie looked while being so frantic, were making Twilight's smile a pleasant one as they continued down the street.

Twilight's smile just became slightly more teasing as the dramatically frantic mare shifted, now attempting to restrain her while shifting to ride on her back. She also, and not for the first time, had to make a mental note to try to figure something out later. This time, why she didn't feel any more inhibited by the other mares weight while she was doing this.

She filed that away for future consideration before responding. "You don't have to worry about where we're going, seeing as we're almost there."

There were nearly no intervening moments as the pink pony seemed to suddenly disappear from her back and was now walking calmly next to her. "Oh, ok then." She smiled sweetly, having apparently managed to compose herself nearly immediately. "So I guess our second date is finally about to officially begin?"

Though Pinkies smile seemed almost too sweet for the situation, Twilight didn't give it much thought as she now let out a hearty laugh at the sudden change in her dates disposition.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Although I already had fun just on the train ride over."

Pinkies cheeks reddened just a little at that. "Yeah, me too."

Having had time in the previous day's to get together in a less formal capacity, they had both decided that they didn't need to be so formal with their dates. While they had both agreed that the other looked great in their dresses, they already knew each other well enough that going to that level wasn't necessary all the time. Thus they were unclothed as they normally would be as they walked down the streets of Canterlot.

Twilight had told Pinkie that she had come up with the perfect plan for their date, but it would involve getting a slightly earlier start. They had met at the train station just a few hours earlier to ride to the nation's capital, even having a small meal on the train in the meantime. Pinkie had been hesitant to do so, but Twilight had assured her that it wouldn't mess up their plans.

The now calm pony beside her tried to nonchalantly ask her a question as she walked. "But I am still curious. What could you possibly have in mind that involved coming to such a secluded corner of Canterlot?"

This actually made Twilight "huuummm" as she walked glancing around as she did so. "I was just starting to notice that too. This isn't actually a secluded corner of Canterlot, it's usually fairly busy here. I'm not sure why there are so few ponies around right now."

Pinkie hesitated a moment, but then stepped in a little closer to her date as she walked. "Maybe everypony just wanted to make sure I had you all to myself tonight." She then gave Twilight a playful bump of her hips.

Twilight blushed at the flirtatious action, but she felt she was getting use to it enough that it didn't affect her as badly as it use to. She managed to remain casual, as she walked straight into the sidewalk sign of a clothing store they were passing, proceeded to trip as she tried to catch herself, and landed on top of it with a loud clatter.

"Oh my goodness. Twilight you're not hurt are you?" Pinkie gasped, genuine concern in her voice.

"Only my pride." She grumbled this under her breath while trying to hide her face in the laid out position she'd found herself in.


There was then a flash and a pop that enveloped both Twilight and the sign. The sign reappeared behind her in it's original position while she was now standing on her hooves no worse for ware.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" She said while gesturing for them to keep walking as if nothing had happened.

Pinkies look of concern became one of confusion for a second, before becoming a smile once again. "Very smooth Twilight. I totally believe you didn't just do something completely adorkably cute."

This statement was met with an extended tongue followed by a purple flank becoming visible as it's owner turned away in obviously mock indignation. Pinkie giggled lightly as she pulled her attention back to walking and trotted to catch up to her date. "But you still haven't answered my question you know." She said once she was walking beside her again. "I was trying to be like you and do some super science brain stuff on the way here to figure it out, but I can't. I thought at first you were going to try to impress me by doing the Canterlot dinner but with a real Canterlot dinner this time instead, but you said it was ok to eat on the train."

Twilight just smiled. " Welllllll.... It does involve food. But I thought I'd try to do something you'd really like. I do still need to try to out do you after that wonderful date you took us on."

They rounded a corner and were hit in the face with a wall of sweet scents. Pinkies mouth started to water instantly and Twilight smiled brightly as she watched the baker's eyes seem to grow beyond the confines of her face.

"So Pinkie, do you happen to know what a dessert buffet is?"

The normally talkative mare was, possibly for the first time Twilight had ever seen her, speechless as she looked upon the facade of a sweet shop the likes of which she'd only ever seen in her dreams. She finally managed to squeak out a small clarifying question. "Dessert... Buffet?"

Twilight had to fight back the urge to prance in place. But she had one more move planned and right now seemed like the perfect moment. She leaned in close, her lips nearly brushing the stunned ponies ear, and whispered in what she hoped was a seductive way. "They have one hundred and thirty-seven different types of desserts to try on any given night."

Twilight made another mental note to consider for later as Pinkies jaw now literally hit the street below them with an audible clunk. It only lasted a second though as she very suddenly found herself spinning, her dates happy face beaming in front of her as she held her by the hooves and twirled her around excitedly. The whole time she felt her hooves flailing behind her she was bombarded by the clearly appreciative mares excited voice.

"Oh my goodness Twilight, this is the most awesometastic thing I have ever seen!!! I don't even know how to say how much I love this!!! Oh my goodness!!! I!!! I!...."

Twilight had been smiling brightly as she was spun around, Pinkie's beaming face in front of her while she gripped her forehooves tightly. She was then surprised when the spinning stopped suddenly and it felt like she was flicked like a blanket being shaken out. The result was her finding herself now under Pinkie, the mare above her dipping her low. And while they had managed to sneak in a, few, tender shows of affection since their first date, that was nothing compared to what Twilight was experiencing right now.

The analytical side of Twilight's brain wondered how anything could be quite as squishy as what was being pressed deeply into her own lips right now. She was glad neither of them wore lipstick, because she was sure the colors would be fully mixed by the time she finished. The other half of her brain had turned to mush, something her analytical side would be concerned about if it was in anyway in control at that moment.

Despite the state of her mind, Twilight did manage to register a slight gasp of shock that she didn't think had come from her own mouth a moment after their lips had parted. Once again she wasn't quite sure the actions that were taken with her body, but suddenly found herself upright once again and staring into the slightly concerned looking face of Pinkie.

"Ummm, sorry if I got a little over excited. I really didn't mean to be that... forward."

The parts of Twilight's mind that weren't currently pooling in the bottom of her skull did notice that Pinkie seemed a bit off at this moment. It was probably something she should address, but from her lips the predominance of mush simply said, "cake."


Twilight licked her lips without her brain issuing any command to do so. "You already taste like cake but I'm pretty sure you haven't had any cake. That means you naturally taste like cake." The muck in her head bubbled up for a moment as she thought on something. "I want to kiss you again after dessert to see how that affects the taste."

Pinkie decided to ignore the fact that Twilight sounded almost drunk and was even swaying slightly, especially since the cuteness of it made her blush just a little. The concern was easing in her face as she spoke again. "So, you aren't upset or anything?"

Twilight smacked her lips as her eyes seemed to refocus on the mare in front of her. She smile dopely as she leaned forward to nuzzle a pink cheek. "About what?"

The concern on the mares face turned to an easy smile at the touch. She nuzzled back before the nuzzle was used to turned her attention back to the building simply labeled "The Bakery", though still in the overly elaborate cursive that was on every other building they had passed.

"I also wanted to see just how much you actually could eat. Kind of an experiment, but also because the way you eat sweets is really cute."

Pinkie smiled at this. "You're running cuteness experiments on me?"

Still looking a little tipsy Twilight replied. "That's one way of putting it I guess. You're just fascinating on so many levels and I like having a chance to try to figure you out. I hope that's ok."

Pinkie only smiled back at that. "Well if you want to gather data on me, I guess I'll have to do my best."

Smiling to each other once again they both proceeded to the doors.


The doors to "The Bakery" were kicked open violently. A pair of pink and purple mares could be seen exiting the building at an arching path that ended with them landing with a loud thump on the ground one after the other.

"And don't come back!" The owner of the establishment barked as the hostess lit her horn and slammed the doors back shut.

"Well, that was rude," Twilight said as she stood from where she had landed, brushing off her flanks as she did so. "And you were right, his accent totally was fake. At least his was better then Caramels I guess." She turned to help Pinkie up from where she had landed, but stopped at what she saw.

Pinkie sat, having not moved from where she had landed. Her head was lowered as she poked at the ground with her hoof, a pensive look on her face that Twilight had never seen before.

"I'm so sorry Twilight. I really didn't mean to get us kicked out. It's just that tiramisu always makes me hyper, and they had so many different types of chocolate, and I didn't even know you could whip all the things they whipped, and, and.. there's always room for jello..."

Pinkie's ramble had been getting lower and lower as her date approached her. Her eyes closed tight as Twilight now stood before her and she saw her begin to raise her hoof. She winced only slightly as she felt a hoof pass through her mane and get stuck.

"How in the world did you get the whipped caramel in your mane?"

A cerulean eye peaked open and saw an unexpectedly warmly smiling face close to her own. Twilight's hoof was now pulled away, taking a few loose strands of pink mane with it. As she began to shake her hoof in an effort to dislodge the strands Pinkie decided to speak again.

"Twilight, I got us kicked out of the restaurant." Twilight only made the slightest grunt of affirmation as she now held her hoof upsidedown while shaking it violently. "Aren't.. aren't you mad at me."

Twilight now directed her attention back to Pinkie, her expression turning questioning as she finally decided to light her horn and pull the sticky strands free. "Pinkie, you know me, I plan for every worst case scenario."

Pinkies ears flattened slightly at those words. "So that really was the worst thing that could have happened?"

Twilight only smiled at that. "Nope, that wasn't even in the top ten. Most of my worst case scenarios involve meteor strikes, or ancient evils being resurrected, or pop quizzes I haven't studied for." Pinkie couldn't help but to let out a little giggle at that, which made Twilight's smile all the more bright. "You definitely don't need to worry about it, it's their loss. Literally."

Pinkies head tilted in question. "What do you mean?"

"To keep ponies from taking too much at one time, they charge you for anything you don't finish at the end." Pinkies head tilted a little more. "Which means they don't charge you until you finish."

Remembering that the owner had literally scooped her and Twilight up on their way back up to the buffet, Pinkie let out a deep chortle. Twilight joined in soon after as Pinkie finally took Twilight's hoof and stood. When she stood however her laughter cut off suddenly.

"But now I feel bad. I ate so much cake and didn't pay, and it still was a whole big scene that you got caught up in."

Twilight's laughter was slower to settle down. "Don't worry about it Pinkie. He was kind of a jerk, they did say all you can eat," she paused for a moment to direct a smug look to her date and put just a little inflection in her voice. "And it means I didn't pay for the date, so I still get to the next time we go out."

Pinkie was stopped dead at this, staring at the pony still holding her hoof. Her gaze then turned to a glare that was doing very little to hide her joy. "Oh you sneaky pony. You planned today to go like this just so you could plan another date."

Twilight's smile became mischievous. "Well you know I do like planning things. So planning so that I can plan more is just natural."

Pinkie turned away in mock indignance. "Well if I'm not going to get to woo you with one of the perfect dates I'VE planned, then I guess I'm just going to have to be extra charming."

Twilight massaged Pinkie's hoof with her own as she held it. "How about you just be extra Pinkie Pie. It's the most charming part of you anyway."

Pinkie's face shifted from it's usual pink to a slightly darker shade. "You, are getting really good at flirting."

Twilight giggled. "Nope, my need to plan also makes me think of cheesey lines like that in advance too. But I believe I also had one new plan tonight."

Pinkie was about to question this when the hoof still holding hers pulled her in. Her lips were pressed deeply against the other mares again, this time not by her own volition. After forever yet a moment they parted.

"...Still cake. Even after all of that you are still the sweetest thing I've tasted tonight."


"... What?"

Pinkie shook her head to regain her bearings. "What? Nothing. We should probably stop hanging out in front of the place we were kicked out of before they realize we didn't pay."

Twilight paused for a second, but only smiled as she turned and gestured for the other mare to take up position beside her.

"Well depending on how quickly it took us to get kicked out of the restaurant, I did have some other plans we could do before the last train to Ponyville. This is Canterlot, there's usually no shortage of stuff to do." She then took a second to check the streets around them at the intersection they had come to. "Although usually we'd have to be fighting the crowds for it at this time of night. That's still strange." She paused to wonder on that for a moment before turning to her companion. "Did you have anything that you'd like to do while we have time?"

"Oooooo, my chance to try to get even with you for all your sneaky planning. Hmm, let me see." She placed her hoof to her chin in a gesture to show deep thought, humming in concentration to sell it. Twilight could only giggle at the display. Both sounds cut off at the sound of a deep groan coming from the midsection of the pink pony. "I think we should go to a place with a well soundproofed bathroom."

"What? What was that...? Are you ok?" Twilight asked noticing a pained look on the usually unflappable mares face.

"Ooooohh, it feels like combining all the darknesses of chocolate might have made a dark chocolate so dark it made a black hole... In my tummy."

Twilight was actually taken aback by this. "Oh. Wow. I didn't think I'd actually be able to find the upper limits of your gastric potential quite this early in our relationship. Or maybe it's more to do with the fact that so much of it was sweets. I'd have to see if there's any relation between..."

"Twilight, as cute as your brain stuff is, less brain stuff and more place stuff."

"Oh right." Twilight looked around, getting a feel for where she was in a city she had spent most of her life in. She gave it a few moments of deep thought before responding. "I do know a place close by that has excellent facilities and where we can get you something that will help your stomach after." She hesitated just briefly. "But I actually do want to be able to go back to this place so promise me you won't make a scene."

Pinkie smiled at the jab as playfully as she could at the moment. "There might be a little scene, but after that I promise I'll be on my best behavior."

"Your normal behavior will be fine actually," Twilight said as she began leading the way down the street to their right. "It'll be nice to introduce you to ponies I knew before I moved to Ponyville. So I want them to get to know you just the way you usually are."

Pinkie smiled sheepishly as they walked.


Pinkie Pie inhaled deeply before taking a delicate sip of the steaming beverage provided to her. She then took a moment to savor it, almost seeming as well defined a picture of elegant grace as Rarity usually presented. Rolling her eyes, Twilight decided she had to call her on it.

"If you're going to take that long to enjoy it, maybe I should have ordered you a lavender tea instead."

The mask cracked slightly as Pinkie blushed, then shattered completely as she giggled at the implication. She then took a much deeper, slurping drink of the herbal blend. "I don't know, this is already the best tea I've ever tasted. Not sure I should add any more stimulation to it."

The mares shared a laugh at the inside joke as the owner of the establishment where they had ended up looked on in question. Twilight had led them down just a few blocks from where they had been to a fairly small tea shop of minimal embellishments. Though Pinkie had not noticed that bit at first. Her initial introduction to it was simply to nearly instantly appear before the stallion behind the counter and demand to know where the restrooms were. Twilight had trotted up after she departed to explain and put in an advanced order on tea that would have certain soothing properties.

After some embarrassed introductions the stallion had been casual enough about the situation to jokingly offer some cookies to go with their tea. It was the first time Twilight could remember Pinkie ever declining something sweet.

With a slight quirk to his eyebrows the stallion addressed the pair. "Well Twilight, the two of you seem pretty close. This wouldn't happen to be the last stop on a bad first date would it?"

Twilight blushed at that while Pinkie's ears pricked up and turned to the exchange with interest.

"Ummm, you're kinda right but mostly wrong there Herb. It's not a first date, and it's definitely not a bad date." She looked over to Pinkie who smiled timidly from behind her teacup. "But it is a date."

The stallion smiled but shook his head as if disappointed. "And just like that I'm indebted to royalty. Never bet against Celestia I guess. When will I learn?"

Twilight let out a groan. "Gah, was everypony taking bets on my sexuality and or love life." She slumped forward and angerly took a sip of her tea.

Her date giggled at the face she was making. She turned to address the stallion as well. "They didn't let me bet because I already had a huge crush on her, but a few of our friends back in Ponyville made a few bits off of her too."

Twilight rolled her eyes at that. "Rainbow Dash even won the pool on how long it would take for you to ask me out. Apparently if you'd waited just two more days it would have been Rarity."

Pinkie's smile became sheepish again as she went to take another sip from a cup Twilight was sure was empty. "They did bet on that huh? I was wondering if they would."

Twilight only had a moment to contemplate that before the stallion known as Herb had made it over to Pinkie with a steaming pot hovering in his magic. "Well you should have asked her much sooner if it was the thing that would get this little ray of sunshine back here."

"Oh please. He's joking because he has a crush on Princess Celestia and watching me when there was too much going on at the castle during my studies was part of his plan of getting on her good side."

Herb held up a hoof accusingly as his magic set the pot down at their table. "Hey! It wasn't just that, it was also that you were a cute little bundle of energy that livened up the shop. Even if it was a little annoying that you surpassed my level of education by the time you were ten and yet still NEVER stopped asking me questions."

The two glared at each other, but the moment broke as Pinkie's laughter caused them both to do the same. "Sounds like you spent a lot of time here Twilight."

"It was, still is, Princess Celestia's favorite tea shop, so it became mine too. And it was always a good place to study back when that was all I ever did."

"And we miss you around here. You should find more excuses to make it back to Canterlot to come see us."

"Should I bring Celestia next time," Twilight jabbed.

Herb rubbed his hoof across his cheek to hide a blush as both mares giggled. "No. Now that I know you like mares I might have to be worried you'll steal her away before I have a chance."

Twilight was taken aback by the implication of the statement, but caught Pinkie's eyes and just blushed. "No, I think I'm happy where I am right now."

The stallion smiled as the mares smiled at each other. "Well if you two are happy, then I'm happy." He picked the teapot up and refilled both their cups again before turning away. "I'd be happier with a little more business tonight though."

Twilight broke her gaze at that as a previous thought came to her. "Oh yeah. I wanted to ask somepony about that. Why is this side of Canterlot so dead this time of the evening? I don't remember the last time your shop was empty."

The shops owner busied himself with wiping down the already clean counter. He chuckled lightly as he did. "You haven't even been away that long and you already forgot about the usual yearly big wig gathering."

"Big wig ga... Pony feathers." Pinkie was taken aback by Twilight's outburst, but she leaned forward with interest as she turned to her with the most abashed smile she'd ever seen her make. "Ummm... I might not have planned tonight quite as carefully as I thought."

Pinkie looked quizzically between the two of them. "So what's the big wig gathering? Is it fun?"

"Oh sweet Celestia no," Twilight moaned. "The yearly peace conference. Diplomats and ambassadors from all over come for peace talks and negotiations. But Equestria has been at peace so long it's become just a big pageant for nations to show off."

Pinkies eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "Oh, a pageant with ponies from everywhere. That does sound fun."

"Not that kind of pageant Pinkie. It's become an event where all the biggest stuffed saddles around are at their most stuffed to show off as much as possible."

Pinkie visibly deflated. "Oh, that kind of party."

Herb chuckled more. "Yeah, and it means everypony in town is going through the motions of hanging around the main square and pretending to be in awe. It disrupts almost all local business and services."

Twilight sighed before asking. "Are the trains still running at this hour?"

Herb gave a sigh back. "I'm surprised you managed to get one into town today." He looked back and forth between the two now concerned mares. "Are you ladies going to be ok? Because I was going to close up soon, but I can stay open for a bit if you need to figure out accomodations."

"That's sweet of you, but I think we'll be ok." Twilight responded, scrunching up her face in thought as she took the last sip of her tea.

Pinkie finished her tea as well, watching Twilight with an expression she hoped seemed concerned but not too concerned. She was enjoying Twilight's thinking face too much to be sure though. As much as she liked watching Twilight ponder a problem she felt she had to contribute.

"If it's a problem Twilight, I could always help split the bill and we could get a room, a couple rooms, at an inn or something for the night."

Twilight blushed at Pinkie's backtrack. "No. Even getting one room is probably going to be impossible right now. Everything is always booked during the conference. My first thought was actually seeing if... my parents, could put us up for the night. But not only might that be a little awkward, you know, this early in our relationship." She smiled sheepishly to her date, who did the same back. "But they started a tradition of taking a vacation right around this specific time of year for obvious reasons. The house is sealed up tight and my key is back in Ponyville."

"Darn. If only one of us had wings, then we could fly back."

Twilight snorted a laugh. "Yeah, with your level of energy, if you had wings you'd fly like a hummingbird."

Pinkie gigglesnorted at that, but held back enough to respond. "I was actually thinking of you with wings. I think that would look really pretty on you."

Twilight laughed heartily at that. "Yeah, I'll just become an alicorn. That'll happen I'm sure."

The pair shared another laugh, herb joining in as he came back to refill their cups but was waved off.

"Oh come on Twilight, I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could figure out how to become an alicorn by the end of the night."

Twilight rolled her eyes at the compliment. "Yeah, well if I did it might resolve the only other idea I was having."

"What was that?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

Twilight waved her hoof to brush off her own words as she was talking. "I was thinking I could teleport us..."

"That sounds fun."

"... But long distance teleportation of two ponies would use way too much magic. It would be a few trips at least and the cool down between would make it take hours. Unless I had alicorn magic of course." She noticably deflated as she slumped forward and looked up to the other mare. "I'm sorry Pinkie, I might have ruined our second date just because I can't get us home."

"It's ok Twilight. I'm sure we'll figure out something. And in the meantime I'm thinking about you as an alicorn, and that's pretty nice."

Twilight laughed again. "Seriously, how do you do that. I should be upset right now but you can still make me laugh."

Pinkie blushed as she responded. "It's just what I do. My pretty alicorn princess."

Twilight laughed even more, then stopped as a thought came to her. She thought on it briefly before speaking again. "I guess if worse comes to worse we could ask Princess Celestia for help." She frowned at herself at the idea. "But I'm sure she's really busy right now. Plus the castle is probably pretty full."

Twilight's ears perked up suddenly. Pinkie caught herself smiling with a little too much smolder at the expression for a moment. She adjusted it while leaning forward until her nose was nearly touching Twilight's. "I know that look. That big, pretty brain of yours just figured it out didn't it."

Noticing Pinkie's expression change so quickly made Twilight's brows furrow slightly. She considered deeply for a few more moments before a blush crept onto her face. A few more and she nodded to herself slightly before turning to the counter of the shop.

Herb cut her off before she could speak. "I already put it on Celestia's tab. She always did say she'd personally pay off any debt you accrue here." He gave the two a sly smile. "You ladies have yourself a great night. And miss Pinkie," he said while turning what seemed to be a stern hoof to the other mare. "It's been a delight to meet you. Make sure you drag her back here every now and then."

Pinkie couldn't help but to bounce up from her chair giddily, pronk quickly over and embrace him in a crushing hug. He laughed heartily at the show of affection before shooing them from the shop.


Pinkie was still pronking along a few blocks later. Twilight frowned slightly when the mare finally noticed herself doing it and made a decent attempt to nonchalantly transition back into walking next to her as they went. Noticing the direction they were walking in she made a much less decent attempt to nonchalantly bring up the subject.

"Sooooooooooo, I noticed were heading kinda sorta in the general direction of towards the castle. Just what did that amazing Twilight brain of yours think up. Were we going to ask princess Celestia for a room. Oooooooooo, do you think the princess would be up for a sleep over if there aren't any rooms?"

Pinkie being Pinkie again made Twilight smile a little. However the weight of what she was about to suggest and why kept her from openly laughing at the suggestion.

"Of course not. I already told you she's going to be swamped. She's the one who has to pretend she likes all the overblown spectacle the most while actually liking it the least. The few times I've ever actually seen her in a bad mood were because of this whole thing. However, there is one room in the castle I know isn't occupied and we won't have to bother anypony except maybe like a guard or two to use it. And they all know me so it's fine."

Pinkie's eyes lit up in realization. "Oh yeah, I always forget that you practically lived at the castle. Being the perfect student you are and stuff."

Twilight rolled her eyes at the attempted flirtation, even as she felt her cheeks warm. "Well, being the perfect student I was, the princess wanted me to have a proper place to do experiments. It's still there. A small tower on the far side of the castle with a small lab and library in it. And also a bed I snuck in there for when I stayed up a little too late and didn't want to walk or teleport back to wherever I was staying."

Pinkie's eyes seemed to light up even more at this. "So it really is going to be like a sleep over." She managed to catch herself after just a few pronks.

Twilight was thankful the night was growing darker as she now felt her ears heating up. "Ummm, it's not exactly suitable for a proper sleepover. It's barely a single pony bed, and it's the only thing that's really made for sleeping in the whole tower. Unless you wanted to try out Spikes old basket," she joked as they were now nearing the river that separated the castle from the rest of the city. She knew most of the festivities would be going on down the main street of the city, so she planned to slip in from the side and cross the drawbridge before they all made their way into the castle itself. The muscle memory of the practiced path was what kept her going in the right direction as Pinkie seemed to intentionally miss the joke.

"Hmmm, well it might be a little cramped, but I've accidently fallen asleep in baskets before."

Twilight stared at her sidelong as she kept walking. "You're not being serious right?"

"Oh Twilight. I'm sure I can find something comfy to sleep on. Maybe I can make a bed from books."

"No on several levels. All the books up there are either rare first editions or older then Granny Smith. And more importantly, there's no way I'd make you sleep somewhere else when there's a bed."

"Well I'm not going to make you sleep somewhere..."

"We're sharing the bed." Twilight's whole head felt like it was on fire with her embarrassment as Pinkie suddenly stopped where she was, forcing Twilight to also stop and look back.

Pinkie now wore a hesitant expression Twilight would normally expect of Fluttershy. "B..but, you said it's only big enough for one pony."

Twilight forced herself to keep her voice steady as she responded. "Then I guess we'll just have to push together really close."

She had hoped that would get Pinkie excited, but she found herself disappointed as Pinkie became even more hesitant. "Twilight, you don't have to share if you don't want to. I don't want to push you into anything you aren't ready for. You don't have to do stuff just because I'm sure you've found out that I... I've been on a.. a few more dates then you." She suddenly tensed up when she felt another muzzle press up against her now downcast one.

Once they were eye to eye again Twilight motioned her to keep walking with her as they turned onto the drawbridge into the castle.

"Pinkie, we were friends long before you ever asked me out. I wouldn't be uncomfortable around you normally, much less now." She felt her blush starting to come back again as she continued. "And besides that, were both grown mares. If I want to spend the night cuddling my marefriend then that's noponies business but mine and hers."

Twilight stopped as she heard the hoof steps behind her stop again. She found Pinkie staring wide eyed at her this time.

"You, you actually do want to be marefriends? Like officially?"

The blush grew hotter, but Twilight tried to play it off. She gave what she hoped was a cocky smile before turning away with a flick of her mane. "Isn't that fairly obvious at this point?" She continued to walk away with as confident a strut as she could manage as her legs started to feel like jelly with embarrassment. Even moreso as she didn't hear hoof steps following her. She stopped and began to look back, smiling sheepishly as she was already preparing an apology. "Pink...wah!!!"

Her words were stopped as she was hit with what must have been a pink ballistic missile. She could only laugh as she felt her face being peppered with kisses as they rolled along from the force of the impact. They finally came to rest, Twilight looking up at her marefriend as she pinned her to the ground. Their lips met and pressed deeply, and for a moment the world melted away.

Then they heard the sound of somepony clearing their throat. Both mares looked up suddenly to see two stallions clad in golden armor, standing guard in front of the gate they had rolled to a stop in front of.

"What business do you have within the castle!" One of them barked the words as they both adjusted their spears to block the way. The harsh tone and show of force actually made Pinkie draw back slightly. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"Oh drop it Gleam." She lit her horn and with a flash and a pop both mares were now standing more presentably before the two guards. She cleared her own throat as she continued. "I didn't realize the conference was this week. As a result my.. marefriend and I are a little stuck here in Canterlot. We were just going to get some sleep up in my lab so we don't bother anypony."

For a moment it didn't seem like the stallion identified as Gleam was going to drop it. He leaned forward, glaring and seeming to be scrutinizing her very closely. It wasn't until his gaze pointedly turned to Pinkie and he noticed Twilight start to blush slightly that the edge of a smirk finally came to his features.

"So, I'm guessing this is a late night cake run protocol situation?"

Twilight groaned, but smiled. "Yes, it would be so good if Shining Armor didn't find out about this. At least specifically this, in this specific way. And the both of you can stop smiling like that and reading too much into this."

The guards were now thoroughly breaking rank and snickering openly it Twilight's blush. The other guard finally broke and had to comment. "Aww, our little Twily is finally growing up."

Twilight just rolled her eyes and pushed her way through the still barricading spears, stopping briefly to nod her marefriend through with her. As she stepped through, Pinkie felt a big smile come to her face.

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what's this about late night cake runs?" Her smile squeeked slightly as she finished speaking.

Twilight's eyebrows raised as she started walking with her. "Pinkie, we literally just got kicked out of a bakery like a couple hours ago for nearly eating them out of business."

There was an even louder squeek.

Twilight sighed. "We can only do it if Pierre is working tonight. If it's Gustav it becomes a stealth mission, he's a tattletale."

From behind them they heard the second stallion call out. "Gustav can't handle a rush. I'd be willing to bet it's Pierre." His voice went lower as he spoke again. "And speaking of bets...."

"Yeah yeah, as soon as we get off."

"You can pay me back at the bar."

Twilight groaned. "Did everypony get something out of my sexuality?"

Pinkie smiled deeper as she nuzzled Twilight's cheek. "Well, I definitely did."

Twilight felt herself blushing hard as she nuzzled back. "Yeah, I guess I did too."

That night the mares shared a bed that would have been cramped for a single pony. And being as pressed together as they were they were both very aware of each others fresh cake breath. Not to mention there was some kind of activity going on all night throughout the castle. And yet, they slept. And they slept peacefully all night, tangled in the others legs.