• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 1,690 Views, 62 Comments

Smitten - Natedogg2006

Pinkie Pie has a crush on somepony special. ..... So what else is new?

  • ...



A familiar sound could be heard working it's way through the streets of Ponyville. Why the unnatural sound was made in the first place was a question the residents had long since stopped asking. The only thing they seemed to care about was the fact that it signaled the arrival of the brightening of their day.

Pinkie Pie happily hopped her way through town, her inexplicable bouncing turning ponies heads as she went.

"Morning Pinkie, good luck."

"Thanks Derpy, stay safe."

"Oh hey Pinkie. I know what that means."

Pinkie giggled to Carrotcake as she passed their cart.

"Oh Pinkie, who's the lucky pony."

"Iiiiit's aaaaaa seeeeecret," Pinkie managed to singsong even through her occupied mouth. She smiled at the attention. Even ponies too busy to greet her all seemed to manage to glance over, and flash her a sly smile. And she supposed it was fairly obvious why.

Pinkie smiled wider through her current haul as she continued on her way, her destination coming into view as she hopped around a corner.


It was now the only sound she heard as she finally approached the Golden Oaks library. Her hopping finally came to a stop as she came to the door. She plopped down on her flanks as she raised her hoof to knock. Though she didn't wait for very long, it was long enough for her to start bobbing her head from side to side, moving to a beat only she seemed to hear.

The door opened, revealing a young purple dragon. Spike smiled up to her, before his face went slightly quizzical. "Oh, heya Pinkie. What, uh, what's up?"

"Hey Spike," Pinkie chirped cheerfully, her voice seemingly unhampered by the small bouquet of flowers still gripped in her teeth. "Is Twilight busy?"

Spikes puzzlement seemed to be growing, but he did answer. "Umm, yeah. I think she's free right now." He noticed she seemed to have made herself comfortable on the front doorstep. "I'll go get her for you."

Spike left the door slightly open as he retreated. Pinkie didn't seem to much mind as she still sat, bobbing her head and smiling. Before long she heard the approach of hooves. Twilight Sparkle nudged the door open the rest of the way as she stepped in front of Pinkie.

"Good morning Pinkie, Spike said... You wanted to talk to me?" Her words seemed to become quizzical the same way Spikes had upon seeing her.

Pinkie didn't seem to pay this any mind as she nodded her head excitedly. "Absolutelytootily," she exclaimed, reaching up and finally removing the flowers from her mouth. She held them out to a very confused looking Twilight. "I came over to tell you that I think you're super fun, super smart, super cool, and super cute. Would you like to go out with me sometime?"

The confused look on Twilight's face had suddenly frozen in a position of absolute shock. Her mouth hung open just a little, moving slightly as if it expected words to be coming out. The offered flowers still sat in Pinkie's hooves as Twilight's hoof was also frozen, it seemed, midway to reaching out for them.

Pinkie's smile fell slightly as she leaned forward to inspect the now stuck pony before her. "Twilight, are you ok?" She set the flowers down, moving her hooves up to wave in front of Twilight's eyes. That didn't seem to work, so she tried clopping them together in front of her face. The sound seemed to do the trick as Twilight seemed to draw back with a start. "Oh good, thought I'd lost you there for a sec."

Twilight still seemed to be trying to come to her senses, so she struggled as she continued. "Uh... No, yeah. I mean, I'm ok, it's just that... Are you asking me, umm....,....."

"If I want to take you out on a date. Like a real romantic kind of date that might involve candles, and flowers, and maybe even kissing." Twilight hesitated briefly, but then nodded her head just slightly. "Yupadoodle. That is exactly what I'm asking." Pinkie's smile had been renewed to it's previous intensity as she saw the color in Twilight's cheeks darken a little more then slightly.

"Umm, I... I don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever really thought about you in that way." Twilight looked down and began rubbing her forelegs together nervously. "Or even mares in general. Or even stallions, I guess."

Pinkie's smile didn't seem to waver as she still sat, but lifted a forehoof up to the nervous ponies head, patting it a few times. "Silly Twilight, you don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't wanna, all you have to do is say so. I promise I won't be..."

"That's not it," Twilight cut in, her gaze finally rising to meet Pinkie's. "It's just that I don't know what to say at all." Twilight began pacing just inside the doorway to the library. The sight of it made Pinkie smile a little wider despite the situation. "Before I came to Ponyville I didn't even have time for friendship. Romance was a whole other world even beyond that that I don't think I ever took time to think about." She paused in her pacing to think very deeply for a moment, then turned back to the pony still sitting on her doorstep. "That's what I need."

"What's what you need Twilight?" Pinkie said sweetly as the pony before her came to stand in front of her again.

"It's probably not what you were hoping to hear, but I think I need a little time to think about it. Do you... Do you think you can give me that? I promise I won't make you wait too long for an answer."

Pinkie's smile shifted slightly as she tilted her head to the side to answer. "Of course Twilight. I wouldn't want you to do anything you weren't sure about." Seeing that Twilight had yet to accept the offered flowers, Pinkie leaned forward to retrieve them from the doorstep where they had ended up. "Just let me know what you decide, ok?"

"Ok Pinkie." For some reason the words felt hollow coming from her mouth.

Pinkie smiled from around the bouquet as she turned away.


Twilight could not put her hoof on what, but the retreating form of her friend didn't seem right as she heard the rhythmic sound of her hooves rapidly fading away. In fact, it felt wrong. Wrong enough that before she realized it she found herself charging magic through her horn. "Pinkie, wait."

A flash of light filled Pinkie's vision the moment she heard the words exclaimed from Twilight from behind her. And in that moment she found the pony she'd come to see that day once again before her. There was a look of determination on her face, one that quickly faded when she realized how closely she had teleported to the pony who had just asked her out.

"I... Umm, I." She looked away briefly as the color of her cheeks once again darkened. But she managed to look back up to Pinkie's eyes as she continued. "Just so you know, I... I think I have some idea of which way I'm leaning on my decision already." Her blush intensified as she began to lean forward.

Their cheeks brushed together lightly as Twilight took the previously offered flowers in her own mouth and gently pulled them away from the other mare.

"I promise I'll talk to you soon, ok Pinkie?" Her words were heavily muffled by the flower stems in her mouth.

It was now Pinkie's cheeks turn to darken as her now unrestrained smile grew much larger. "Okiedokiloki. See you soon Twilight."


Twilight now found herself smiling at the retreating form of her maybe possibly soon, slightly more then friend. But she supposed that was what she was going to have to think about. She began walking back to her library, trying to remember if she had a vase somewhere inside.

She did know one thing at this current moment; that she didn't know the first thing about this subject. But she had learned a few things in her time in Ponyville, and one of them was that difficult problems were more easily solved when you had help. Her magic flared as she stepped through the door, only to find Spike already waiting to close the door for her.

"Spike could you..." She relit her horn to levitate the flowers from her mouth this time. "Spike could you do me a favor?" Spike seemed like he had some questions for her, but decided they could wait and nodded his head instead. "Could you tell the girls, except Pinkie, that I need to talk to them all about something... important. As soon as is convenient if possible."

Spike stood up straight, putting his claw to his temple in an unpracticed salute. "You got it Twilight." He turned and reopened the door, scampering out and closing it again behind him.

Twilight's hooves turned to the interior of her tree home, once again wondering if she had any sufficient sized container to keep the flowers in.

Author's Note:

My first time writing for Pinkie. And I think this is going to be difficult. By the time I publish this chapter I'm hoping to have a few more of this one done, so it will probably go through a few changes before then. Not sure what I can really say here that won't be spoilers for future chapters actually. This one is going to be a little different from other stuff I've written before, so let me know what you think, as usual. It's been a little while since I've written anything new, so feedback is more appreciated then ever.