• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 1,679 Views, 62 Comments

Smitten - Natedogg2006

Pinkie Pie has a crush on somepony special. ..... So what else is new?

  • ...

First Date

Twilight turned on her hoof and took a few steps across the small living area of her library home. When she came to a wall she turned again and strode back across her own hoofsteps. Half way across the space coming back the other way she came to a stop and turned suddenly to the side.

"Spike, what time is it?"

"One minute, thirteen seconds since the last time you asked," he said dryly.

She did another pass in her pacing before turning to her dragon assistant once again. "Does my mane look ok?"

"Just as great as the last time you asked." He said this from the kitchen table, not looking up from the comic he was skimming through.

Another pass and another sudden turn. Spike cut her off this time. "Yes we did all the check lists. All eighteen of them plus the nine backup checklists to check the primary checklists." He finally closed his comic and stood from his spot. "Honestly Twilight, you are worrying way too much about this. It's Pinkie Pie. Just because you found out she has a crush on you doesn't mean you should be nervous about going out with her. You had lunch with her last week."

"I know Spike, but this is a little different." She paused as she resisted the urge to rub her hoof through her mane nervously. "I know I shouldn't be nervous. I know everything is probably ok. But... it's still my first date ever."

"Awwww, my little Twilight is finally growing up." Spike said this while approaching her and reaching up to tussle her mane.

Twilight managed to intercept his claw before he was able to reach her, brushing it aside while directing a glare at him. "Harhar, you're so funny."

"Yeah I know, but you're still better at magic." This confused Twilight somewhat until she noticed Spike gesturing downward with the claw she still held at bay. "Round three."

Looking down Twilight realized she had managed to wear a noticable rut into the floor, again. With a huff she lit her horn to cast a familiar restoration spell and watched as her hoofstep grooves seemed to fill themselves in. "Am I really freaking out that badly?"

"Not really. This is barely a level three, although it is presenting with aspects of a level five."

Twilight shot him another glare, but smiled as she did. "Thanks Spike, you always know how to keep me grounded when I'm freaking out."

"It's what I do. Although I am sorta hoping you getting a special somepony is going to ease that particular responsibility a little bit."

Twilight's glare was suddenly joined with a slight look of confusion as she tilted her head at her faithful assistant. "Spike, did you just make a joke suggesting that I need to get..."

Both suddenly turned as there was a knock at the door. Twilight's panic face was back as the topic of discussion was completely forgotten.

"Oh sweet Celestia, that's her. Oh no I'm not ready. Spike, did I..."

"Yes you did. You are ready and I'm sure she's going to just be happy to see you." Twilight had gone rigid with panic, thus making it easy for Spike to turn her where she stood and start scooting her towards the door. "Now go have fun."

Spike stopped and stood to the side once he'd pushed her all the way there. He waited a moment as Twilight just looked at the door in solid terror. He eventually just rolled his eyes and decided to open it for her.

Twilight seemed to relax very suddenly at what she saw waiting for her on the other side. Standing before her was Pinkie, but not like Twilight had seen her before. She seemed calmer then Twilight had ever seen her, possibly owing to the look she had decided to go for on this particular night.

She, like Twilight, had decided to dress up. The dress matched her colors fairly well, but seemed a little more sophisticated then something the party pony would usually wear. It did compliment well with the fact that she had opted to wear her mane thoroughly brushed out and even tied back in a way Twilight wouldn't have previously thought possible with her usually untamable locks. The few moments it took Twilight to take in the look culminated in one word.


A blush spread across Pinkie's face immediately. She raised a hoof to her face to hide it as well as a goofy smile she couldn't resist at the moment. "Wow yourself. You look great."

This caused Twilight's face to go even more red then she had already figured it was. Though she rarely felt the need to indulge her more feminine tendencies, this had been a special occasion. And Rarity had gone out of her way to make it as easy for the bookish unicorn as possible. The dress she had given her at the boutique just a few days before seemed to be made just for her despite it being ready for her at a moment's notice.

"Well, umm, Rarity usually knows what she's doing when it comes to making ponies look good." Twilight had been trying to distract herself by playing with some of the accenting frills around the neck of the dress, but with effort managed to look back at the now very noticably appealing pony before her. She then looked back to her own dress, then back to Pinkie. She then smiled brightly. "And I think I'm not the only one who felt that way."

Pinkie smiled as well as she too could tell Rarity had counted on both of them going to her and had managed to use the chance to make their outfits coordinate.

"Well I might know how to make things fun, but Rarity is clearly much better at doing pretty. Of course in your case, I think she had a lot to work with."

As she said this Twilight saw a kind of smile she didn't recognize cross the features of the fun loving pony. And between it and the compliment, she couldn't help but to feel another heavy blush come on and attempt to hide her face.

"... Twilight, are you going to react like that every time I flirt with you from now on?"

Not quite knowing how to answer the question, Twilight could only think to be honest. "It definitely seems like that might be the most likely outcome."

"... Well then, I'm going to have to spend the whole night doing nothing but flirting with you." Twilight still felt herself blushing, but managed to look up and see her date giving her a much more Pinkie like smile. "Because that might be the cutest reaction I've ever seen you make."

Though the comment didn't do anything to help with the blush, it did manage to make her laugh just a little. And in doing so Twilight suddenly realized that she was no longer feeling nearly as nervous as she had been. It was probably the same at ease feeling she normally felt around Pinkie, but with a little something more. Either way it made her smile a very genuine smile as she finally stepped forward to join her date outside.

"Well, I guess being flirted with by a mare that looks as pretty as you do isn't the worst thing in the world." She paused briefly as Pinkie smiled and held up a single rose Twilight hadn't noticed until this very moment. Thinking it over for a second Pinkie finally decided to reach up and weave it delicately into Twilight's styled mane. While doing so Twilight felt the need to ask a question. "Was that flirting, and did I do it right?"

Pinkie giggled slightly as she finished. "Yup, it was perfect. Just like you."

Twilight's face heated up again at the compliment being delivered by the pony who's face was so close to her own at that moment. "I think you're still much better at it though," she managed to sputter out through her embarrassment.

Pinkie giggled again, a soft one that seemed to match the unrecognized smile from earlier. However, Twilight noticed it seemed to trail off as Pinkie seemed to stop where she was for a brief second. She then smiled a much more Pinkie Pie smile again before stepping away to gesture to the path leading away from the library. "I'll have to do my best to keep you as flustered as I can for the night then. So, shall we milady?"

Twilight thought about it briefly, remembering that she had been wracked with crippling nerd nerves over being about to go on her first date not more then a few minutes before. So with a surprisingly easy smile she walked forward a few steps before turning and waiting for Pinkie to catch up so they could walk together.

"So, what did you have planned for tonight?" She asked as they both began walking along.

Pinkie was forgoing her usual pronking in favor of walking next to Twilight at a comfortable distance. With a nonchalant chirp to her voice she replied. "Oh, I was thinking it'd be fun if I let you decide what we did."

Twilight's eyes suddenly went wide and she stopped solidly where she was. "Oh my goodness. Was I suppose to be the one to plan the date? I only had enough time to research being taken on dates. I'm not sure what to do here. If you give me a few minutes I can go back and..."

Twilight's breathing had become rapid as her freakout was starting. It stopped suddenly however when a pink hoof suddenly made gentle contact with her snout, somehow eliciting a small squeak from it when it did. Twilight immediately went silent as her eyes went crossed to see it. Refocusing, she saw Pinkie's smiling face beyond it.

"You know Twilight, right now is probably a fairly good time to tell you that I've always thought your nerd freakouts are just about the cutest thing I've ever seen."

Twilight was sure that under different circumstances this would have made her blush hard enough for blood to shoot from her nose. However her freakout was still at a level where it took precedent in her reaction. "Sooooo, you have a plan?"

"Of course I do, silly Twilight. I asked you out didn't I."

Twilight visibly relaxed, then visibly blushed. "Sorry," she said sheepishly, "I'll try not to freak out too many times tonight."

Pinkie smiled and set the pace as they continued walking, light conversation passing between them as they went. The fact that they were actually on a date only came back to Twilight as they ventured into parts of ponyville that she didn't really know that well. Closer to the edge of town where the mayor was attempting to establish a cultural district sat a small building. It was elegantly adorned with a sign out front covered in clean calligraphic writing.

"The Canterlotian: Fine Dining in Traditional Canterlot Style." Twilight spoke the words aloud, almost surprised by them.

"Yup. It's kinda new, and I figured it's probably been a while since you had fancy food like you use to back in Canterlot."

Twilight considered this for a second before smiling. "I guess that makes sense. You're trying to win me over, so you're doing something you think I'd like." Twilight said this before looking over to see Pinkie giving her a goofy smile.

"Exactly how many books did you read to try to be ready for this date Twilight?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly as she looked away. "Well if you want to be technical, I didn't read any." Twilight could still feel the goofy smile on her which pushed her to finish the statement. "But that's only because I don't consider a book to be read until I've read it from cover to cover, and I only skimmed what I thought was important.... of the nineteen books I could find in the library about the subject."

Pinkie giggled which prompted Twilight to look back up to her. "So being the super genius expert on everything that you are, I guess you figured out that I'd bring you somewhere like this?"

This actually caused a sigh from Twilight. "Actually I didn't have any idea what to expect. All the books started to contradict each other after a while, so I just figured I'd have to trust you on the matter. It's just that knowing you I wouldn't have expected a place like this."

Pinkie just smiled at this, reaching up to boop Twilight's nose again. "You know, just because we're already friends doesn't mean I can't want to impress you too. I can't take a nice mare like you on a first date to, like, Sugarcube Corners or something like that." Pinkie's smile faltered just a little, but not enough that Twilight paid it any attention. "Unless you wanted to, or something like that. I can understand if this is a little much."

Twilight just gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm actually a little curious to try this place out now that I know it's here. Though I hope you weren't planning on paying for both of us, this place looks pricy."

"Of course I am, silly. I invited you out after all."

Twilight was going to protest, but by this time they had made it into the restaurant and to the front of the short line of other guests waiting to be seated. They were greeted by a pony they both knew from town who looked very out of his element, groomed and suited standing at his station.

"Good evening madams. How may I help you this evening." Twilight had to stifle a snort of laughter. The fake Canterlot accent he was using was way over the top.

Pinkie was clearly pretending not to notice as she responded. "Heya Caramel, reservations for two under Pinkamena."

Twilight once again forced back a laugh as the usually very un-Canterlot pony made several very exaggerated gestures to perform the simple task of opening and checking the ledger in front of him.

"Ah yes, Miss Pie. Your table is ready for you if you'll follow him." He proceeded to take two menus and some sort of note and pass them off to a waiter who had just approached. They made it to the table where they managed to order their drinks and wait for the waiter to leave, before giggles overtook both of them.

"Oh my goodness. He knows we know what he really sounds like right?" Twilight managed to get out between her laughter.

Pinkie giggle snorted her laughter short to respond. "I don't know, but either way it at least shows commitment to the bit I guess."

"Commitment if nothing else. I'm from Canterlot, and I almost feel like I should be offended by how posh he went with that. And I might have been, if that hadn't been so funny."

They looked at each other again and shared another laugh as Pinkie seemed to try to match the exaggerated motions he had been trying to perform to open her menu. Pinkie then paused to direct an expectant look to her date.

Realizing what Pinkie was expecting, Twilight managed to cut off her laughter. She threw her head back in a haughty manner before lighting her horn. Without the need to hold the menu in her hooves, her motions were even more exaggerated then either Pinkie's or Caramel's. When she noticed Pinkie's questioning look she said in the most posh voice she could muster, "A true Canterlot pony would never soil their hooves so needlessly."

The laughing overtook them again, and it seemed to come at the exact wrong time. They had a rough time of it as the waiter returned with their drinks and they had to hastily figure out their orders while trying to fight off they're laughter. After managing this and getting themselves back under control Twilight found herself smiling an easy smile while looking back up to her date. Pinkie was similarly smiling back to her.

"You know Pinkie," Twilight's words started before she even realized she was thinking them, but she decided to let them flow and see where they went. "I don't think you're the element of laughter because you like to make other ponies laugh."

Pinkie gave her a quizzical look before responding. "Really? Because I really really like making ponies laugh. If wanting to make ponies laugh doesn't make you the element of laughter then..." Catching herself running headlong into a Pinkie ramble, she managed to stop herself and instead simply asked. "What do you mean Twilight?"

Twilight was slightly amused by Pinkie's antics and so responded with an added giggle, "that. Just like that right there. You're not really doing anything funny and yet... I guess it just feels like it's so much easier to laugh when I'm around you."

Pinkie's smile became as big as Twilight had ever seen it, while simultaneously it almost seemed like she might start tearing up. "Twilight, that might be the nicest thing anypony has ever said to me." Twilight just smiled at Pinkie's antics again, at which Pinkie shook her head and her usual bright smile was back. It seemed like she wanted to say more, but the arrival of their food cut her off.

Brief pleasantries were exchanged with the pony bringing their food and two piping hot plates were placed between them. Twilight had to take a minute to take in a familiar smell. "Oh, this does remind me of Canterlot. It's been a while since I've had something like this."

Looking over, Pinkie seemed to be taking a minute to examine her plate from every angle. Noticing Twilight watching her she paused and smiled bashfully. "Umm, full disclosure, I have no idea what this is or how to eat it."

Twilight was taken aback for a second, then snickered lightly. "Oh right, Canterlot food. I forget how overly complicated it can be." Twilight lit her magic, taking a hold of a bag almost hidden on Pinkie's plate through heavy accenting and garnish and ripping it cleanly down the middle. In an instant a large puff of steam and an almost overpowering smell of perfectly seasoned vegetables escaped from it.

"Ooooh," Pinkie said, clearly delighted. "It's like a dinner surprise."

Twilight smiled at the explanation. "It's all cooked in this bag, so all the flavors mix together." She licked her lips as the scent hit her full force. "I forgot how much I like that particular dish too by the way."

Twilight could practically see sparkles in Pinkie's eyes do to the intensity of the smile that suddenly came to her. Without hesitation she took her fork from the table and speared what looked like a good sampling of the dish. "Then I guess you're going to have to tell me if it lives up to the hype."

To Pinkie's clear delight, Twilight felt her face become very warm yet again. She also couldn't help what felt like a very goofy smile come to her face as she considered briefly. Mostly hoping it would help her feel like less of a dork at the moment, she did decide to lean forward.

Savoring the flavors as they danced on her tongue did calm her some, enough that when she had finished with her bite she was able to respond with some confidence. "It's delicious, but you know you're skipping a few chapters on me right?"

Pinkie smiled and looked as though she was going to respond. However she seemed to suddenly think of something and consider it briefly before doing so. "Wait, did dating advice books really have chapters on when sharing food would be appropriate?"

Twilight's temporary confident moment faded as she now became very sheepish. "Umm... Rarity might have also suggested a few, questionable, romance books for reference as well."

Pinkie's smile became almost predatory. "Putting the final book total aaaaaaaaattttt...."

"..... Thirty three."

"You're adorable."

Pinkie giggled.

Twilight chuckled sheepishly.

They both stopped for a moment and found themselves just staring at each other.

Twilight was the first to realize she might be being awkward. "And you really know how to flatter a mare. You should try your food before it gets cold though."

Pinkie only now seemed to remember the dish below her even existed. She too now smiled sheepishly as Twilight took up her own fork. They both dug in, and did proceed to enjoy their meals with much playful conversation passing between them.

It wasn't until their meals were completed and the waiter had returned that Twilight had a brief return of her nervousness. Once again she was coming to a moment where her inexperience left her unsure how to proceed. Pinkie seemed to notice and spoke up even before the waiter even had to ask the question. "Could we see what you have on your dessert menu, pretty please." She batted her eyelashes at Twilight, obviously trying to fluster her more.

"Of course madam, I will be right back." He said this while refilling their drinks before taking up their plates and making his departure.

"Pinkie, if you are getting us a dessert then I am definitely going to help you pay."

"Eeenope," Pinkie replied in an almost disturbingly accurate impression of Big Macintosh.

"Pinkie no. This is going to get really expensive if we add on a dessert too." Despite attempting to put some firmness in her voice, Twilight's words were met with an unmovably sweet smile from the pony across from her. Knowing Pinkie as she already did, she knew that smile was not going to let her get a word in against it. Twilight just sighed. "Ok, fine." Pinkie's smile became less sweet and more smug at these words. "But the next time we go out I'm taking you some place really expensive and buying you everything."

Pinkie's smile changed to one Twilight couldn't recognize again as her ears twitched forward at those words. "Soooooo, you're saying you want to go out again?"

Realizing what she had said Twilight's mind threatened to relapse into a freak out. But maybe it was the strange smile Pinkie was giving her right at that moment that made her latch back onto her confidence from moments before. With an almost Rarity like haughty tone she replied, "well I guess I have to now. I have to try and impress you too don't I?"

Pinkie's smile became much more like one of her usual goofy ones, which Twilight figured meant she'd done something right. It was then that the waiter returned, passing her a small menu. Twilight was somewhat surprised to see her smile fall somewhat at reading it. She seemed to read it over a few more times before turning to Twilight.

"Umm, ok. I literally live in a bakery, and I have no idea what any of this is."

Twilight gestured for her to pass it over, which she did. After examining it she saw the problem. "Ah. It's because they decided to go very literal when it comes to 'traditional' with the desserts. These are all a little... old fashioned. You and the cakes always seem to try to keep things progressive." Twilight thought for a few seconds. "It's sort of a shame, there are a few Canterlot style desserts... Huuummm." She seemed to finally think of something before motioning the waiter to come closer. "I was just wondering, do you think it would be possible to order..."

At this she leaned in close to whisper into the waiters ear. Pinkie, now very curious, leaned forward and turned her ears trying to overhear the exchange. She could not.

"It is possible, though it is an off menu item. It's normally reserved for private parties, but for such distinguished guests as yourselves I'm sure we could make an exception."

"Dis...tinguished?" Twilight wondered about his choice of words.

Before he could respond both of their attentions were grabbed by a not so subtle, "pssst," from the other side of the table. They looked over to see Pinkie leaning over in a not so secret conspiratorial whisper. "Twilight, we hang out with princesses fairly regularly. Plus there's that, 'saved the world', thing." Pinkie then smiled goofily at her again.

"Quite, it is as miss Pie says, miss Sparkle. If you would like I can relay your request to the chef directly."

Taken more then slightly aback, Twilight could only smile bashfully. "That would be delightful." Her smile then became slightly more devious. "Just don't let her know what's coming until it gets here."

Pinkie put on a pout that made Twilight's head feel numb briefly. "Awww, but why?" Pinkie whined cutely.

Regaining her bearings, Twilight responded. "I thought you liked surprises."

Twilight noticed Pinkie's eyes go slightly lidded for a brief moment while it also seemed like they quickly traced over her in a way that made her feel warm. "Twilight, did I ever tell you how attractive that big brain of yours makes you."

Twilight found herself blushing again. "W, what do you mean?"

"You are already getting very good at this flirting thing, and I like it."

There was blushing between both mares that lasted a fair bit of time before regular conversation resumed. Although Twilight did notice Pinkie checking over her shoulder every so often. Still wanting to make what she had ordered a surprise, Twilight thought quickly to find something that would occupy Pinkie completely.

"So Pinkie, are there any big parties you're planning for right now?"

That seemed to do the trick as the excited mare now launched into a somewhat frantic explanation of no less then three parties and at least five potential parties she was eagerly planning for.

"Wait a second, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy aren't a couple. Why would you be planning them a party to congratulate them on going out."

"Oh Twilight, there's so much I could teach you about parties," Pinkie responded in a playful, almost singsong voice. "Sometimes for a party to be a surprise party you gotta start planning it even before you know it's gonna happen."

".... But doesn't that mean you're going to plan a lot of parties that you'll never actually have?"

"Hasn't happened to me yet," she stated very matter of factly. "Which is even more fun because that means that sometimes when I throw a surprise party it's even a surprise to me."

The logic didn't make any sense to Twilight. She just shook her head and smiled. "I don't know how that works, but I think I've suffered enough severe injuries to not question your intuition." Twilight's smile then became wider. "But since we're on the subject of surprises..."

Pinkie flinched only slightly as the waiter appeared next to their table pushing a cart with two items on top. The first he levitated between the mares. Pinkie examined it closely, though for all she could tell it was nothing more then a large brown orb.

"Oh, it's chocolate," Pinkie intoned, though Twilight could tell she had been expecting more. Twilight only smiled smugly as she waited.

"Not just chocolate madam," the waiter now said while lighting his horn and levitating a large ladle from the bowl still on the cart. Delicately, he drizzled a thin line of hot fudge in an intricate pattern across the top. Slowly it worked its magic, melting it in a specific way before it split. Inside, a small but elaborately built ice cream sundae was showered in melted chocolate and chocolate pieces.

Twilight was now intrigued and also a little concerned as she saw Pinkie's eyes literally sparkle as she stared. "OH! MY!! GOSH!!!" Her sudden out burst caught the attention of other diners, but Twilight was enjoying the look on Pinkie's face too much to care. "It's a surprise dessert that's also a dessert with a surprise dessert."

"Pinkie, are you crying?"

"Tears of joy, Twilight, tears of joy. It's just so beautiful I'm not even sure I can eat it." She then turned her head away in an obviously fake dramatic display.

Smiling widely without even noticing Twilight lifted one of the two spoons brought with the plate and gathered a heaping pile of a little of everything. "Are you sure you can't try a little bite."

Pinkies resolve was short lived. If there were intervening movements between her being turned away and her lips being wrapped around the spoon Twilight was holding then she did not see them. Pinkie smiled widely around the spoon with a very delighted look on her face. However as her eyes opened her cheeks also reddened and her smile became bashful. She pulled away gently, taking the spoon with her as she went.

"Sowwy..., Sorry," she repeated as she removed the spoon from her mouth. "Didn't mean to steal your spoon and stuff. I just got excited."

Though this seemed a little odd, Twilight only smiled to her. "Pinkie, I was kind of trying to get you excited." She picked up the other spoon, this time in her magic and filled another good scoop full. "How is it?"

Her smile brightened again. "It's one of the best things I've ever tasted. You have to try." She immediately grabbed the spoon from the magical grip and motioned it to the other mare. Twilight didn't hesitate this time, taking a bite and savoring it for a few moments.

"It rewwly..., It really is good."

The sweet treat was shared, and not long after the waiter returned with the check. Twilight made some protest that Pinkie should let her help pay, but only managed to get her to let her leave a tip. The mares were also delighted to get one last dose of Caramels Canterlotian bit as they were leaving.

Twilight was at this point a little surprised to find that she wasn't worried about what was going to happen. She turned with a smile to her date. "So, what did you have planned next?"

Pinkie smiled back. "Well, since it's just a first date I didn't want to keep you out too late." She took up a posture now that looked as though she was trying to seem as noble as possible. "I was going to show you my chivalrous side and walk you home to your door." She then deflated just a little and in a voice that seemed more like it should be coming from Fluttershy added, "but, I was going to let you decide the route we'd take."

They both smiled shyly to each other. Twilight then took her first confident step, in the exact opposite direction of the Golden Oaks library.

Over an hour and at least three laps of Ponyville later and the pair still couldn't seem to locate the easily spotted tree. It was only the absence of the sun and the coming of an only slightly too cold evening that finally forced them to acknowledge the night coming to an end. Both were tired from laughter had, but only one seemed to be showing it. Pinkie had suggested some time before that if Twilight was feeling tired or cold then she could lean against the sturdier earth pony for comfort, which Twilight was even surprised at herself when she had readily done so. She was actually much more hesitant to pull away when they were finally at her doorstep.

"Here you are, delivered home safely as promised."

Twilight smiled at the words as her date bowed and gestured grandly to the simple wooden door just a few steps away. The smile made a sudden pang of something she couldn't identify go through her chest. For some reason both the idea of opening the door and not opening the door seemed equally unappealing to her at the moment. She didn't quite know what to do, but apparently some part of her did. Her next actions came to her without nearly the consideration she'd normally give them.

"Such a dependable gentlemare," Twilight said appreciatively, but then stepped closer to Pinkie rather then her door. Pinkie seemed to notice this and look up as she continued. "You know, I really had no idea what to expect from tonight, but I knew at least with you it'd be fun. I didn't know I'd have nearly as much fun as I did though."

"I had a lot of fun too Twilight. And I'm really glad that you wanna do it again." Her smile now was big and genuine, if a little more reserved then Twilight would have thought it would be. That didn't matter much as the words made her blush and try not to look away in her bashfulness.

"Yeah, that was something else I didn't know about before tonight. But there was one big thing I was really unsure about, and it was about this specific moment right now."

Apparently noticing the bashful hesitance her date was showing, Pinkie smile only became bigger, though Twilight thought it was a little odd that she closed her eyes with the smile before she responded. "It's ok Twilight, tonight was already super amazing. If you aren't sure if you're ready fo..." Pinkie stopped and her eyes reopened as a purple hoof came to rest on her shoulder.

"I did have some idea of which way I was leaning on this decision from pretty early on in the night." In a very un-Twilight moment of throwing caution to the wind, she leaned forward until she felt soft lips press against her own.

The kiss was soft and tentative, surely do to the inexperience of the pony initiating it and it being unexpected for the one receiving. But despite being caught off guard Pinkie soon recovered and leaned into the kiss, her experience making it last longer then Twilight had intended.

Twilight was not about to complain as she couldn't help but giggle after their lips finally broke apart. Partially due to the release of her excitement, partially because of the sweetness she now tasted on her lips that she could tell didn't belong to the dessert they had shared.

"Goodnight Pinkie, let's do this again soon."

Pinkie smiled her usual big smile that now seemed to warm Twilight's heart even more then it normally did right now. "Yeah. Goodnight Twilight."

With that Twilight finally lit her horn and opened her door, stepping through and closing it before sighing and taking a moment to lean against the cool wood. She then laughed just a little at the sound of Pinkie pronking away, seemingly with a little more pronk them usual. Twilight didn't know if there was a way to tell, but she hoped it was the case.

With another sigh and her hooves feeling incredibly light, she proceeded to straighten herself up and head for her room. Upon getting there she saw the familiar sight of Spike in his little bed, flipping through a comic. As she entered he looked up.

"Oh, Twilight. You're later then I thought you'd be." He stood up and proceeded to walk over to a desk on the side of the room.

"Hey Spike," she said dreamily as she drifted ever closer to her bed, not really passing attention to his actions.

"So, should we get started on post date check list set A, B, C,..." The young dragon finally noticed Twilight's far off expression as the unicorn flopped lightly into bed, grabbing her pillow and smothering her face into it with a smile briefly before responding.

"It's ok Spike. We don't have to worry about it," she said, oblivious to the shocked look it caused on the dragons face.

Spike looked at her, blinking slowly before looking back to the desk and the six very large furled scrolls sitting upon it. "Oh... Kay." He began walking back over to his bed. "You feeling alright Twilight?"

"I feel great."

"You know Rarity would freak out of she knew you were sleeping in that dress."

Light, content snoring was the only response he received.

Elsewhere in Ponyville

The door to Pinkie's room slammed open, and yet did so quietly. Knowing the hour and knowing the twins were likely in bed she had forgone her loud pronks when she had gotten closer to home. She now did give a big excited hop as she entered her room. With an excited giggle she noticed Gummy just below her and scooped him up as she went, rolling over midair and rolling onto her back as she landed to hold her tiny pet alligator above her.

"Oh my gosh Gummy, everything went so good." She now brought him in close and hugged him tightly as she continued. "She was so pretty in her dress, and she said I was to, and we laughed together, and she got me this amazing dessert, and she kissed me, and I don't think I messed anything up!!!"

She now released him to hold him above her and look into his largely unresponsive eyes. As she did he suddenly reached forward and clamped his toothless jaws down on her nose.

"Yeah I know Gummy," she said while pulling him off with a wet snap. "I said that the last, few, times too. But this time I mean it so you don't need to worry." The alligator seemed to make no response, but did reopen his jaws in what looked like preparation for another bite to her nose. "Aww, thanks Gummy," she said while bringing him in for a hug again. "What would I do without you."

She then rolled over on the floor, depositing her pet there as she did. She suddenly turned around on a hoof, spinning fast enough to obscure her movements. Upon stopping her dress was now off and neatly hung on a hanger that wasn't there before. With an audible 'pomf', her mane even returned to it's usual puff as well.

"But right now it's time for bed. It's been a big day."

Author's Note:

I. Hate. My. PHONE!!!.
Sorry, but I could have had this chapter out days ago but something about writing on this phone keeps messing things up. I would make several big and obvious changes in one edit and they'd somehow still be there for the next. Which of course meant I was more watching for the recurring mistakes more then new ones. So please let me know if you spot any Ibis mistakes like that as each will be one less day until this phone execution.
Sorry. I've vented to about everyone about how much this phone sucks, now that includes all you lovely people.
Other then that this chapter had one little annoyance that is shared by my precious work, when did this happen. That is that I really don't know background ponies so I wasn't sure who I could put into different positions. My research said caramel is used as a stands in a lot, so that's who I went with. Hopefully it makes sense in context.
Other then that I actually had some fun with this chapter. Trying to get the subtle details right is the fun kind of challenge I enjoy. Let me know if it worked out ok or not, as always.