• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 536 Views, 6 Comments

Split Personality - SwedeBrony

Hyper feather is a young pegasus that after a science expirment start seeing things.

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Chapter 3

Hyper was lying in his bed sound asleep. When the clock struck 03.00 in the morning Hyper woke as if and alarm clock had gone of. He sat up and yawned.

¨What time is it?¨ he looked at the clock on his wall.

¨It's 3 in the morning? Oh well might aswell go and get something to drink.¨

Hyper walked down the stairs into his kitchen and went to get a glass of water. By the time he had gotten his water he noticed that his door was open.

¨Am i really so stupid that i forgot to close my door?. It's a wonder that i haven't been robbed.¨ Hyper then walked over to his door to close it. But for some strange reason he couldn't bring himself to closing it. Instead he decided to go for a walk in the middle of the night. Not one of his best ideas but he couldn't help himself.

He walked trough all of ponyville without realising it and suddenly he was at the border to the everfree forest. Hyper had never really been scared of the everfree but had instead always found it quiet interesting. So for some reason without hesitation he walked into the forest.

Without even knowing it he keept walking further and further into the forest. After about 30 minutes of walking he didn't know where he was and he finally realised that he was lost in the everfree forest. So he decided to keep walking until he could find a place to rest until the morning.

After walking for about 10 more minutes he found a clearing in the forest. In the clearing he saw the usuall stuff. Some rocks a little pool of water and a tree log to sit on. But that was where he saw something out of the ordinary. On the tree log sat a small blue colt who looked to be crying. Hesitating a bit Hyper started to slowly walk torwards the log.

¨Um hel..hello? Are you lost?¨ hyper asked

¨Yes i was walking with my mother but then i lost her and i don't know where to go¨ the colt sobbed.

Hyper should have reacted to how familliar the colt looked but he was to tiered to think about it. When he was finally at the log it hit him like a bunch of bricks. The voice, the look, So familliar yet so strange. And connected to it was a name he couldn't quiet remember.

The colt had now stopped crying and it sounded a bit like he was laughing.

¨ You really don't remember me?¨ the colt asked him.

¨ No...should i?. Have i seen you somewhere before?¨ hyper asked with a tone that was somewhere between scared and confused.

¨ Oh well. That really makes me sad my old friend. But then let me refresh your mind. My name is Specter¨. The colt said and then smiled.

Hyper suddenly rememberd everything. His childhood. The Doctors appointments, The Psychologi sessions. And then the last piece of the pussle hit him.

Specter who had been his one and only friend when he was very young. The same specter that had died of a disease in the same hospital that hyper had visited just yesterday. And the last thing he rememberd was how he had talked with psychologists to cure him of the trauma of losing his best friend. But in all honesty he had never really lost his friend. He had been there with him trough all the years of his childhood as a manifestation of the trauma.

¨ But you are dead...how can you be here?¨ Hyper asked now scared out of his mind.

¨ The machiene they tested on you brought out your most inner wish. The wish that i was still alive and that we would be friends forever¨ The colt now looked hyper right in the eyes and smiled.

Hyper didn't know why but he couldn't controll himself and he found himself reaching for specter with his left hoof. The touched for a brief moment and then everything went dark.

The next thing hyper knew he woke up in a bed. But he quickly realised it wasn't his bed. The door to his room opened and a mare in a white uniform came in to the room.

¨ Exscuse me but where am i?¨ hyper asked really confused.

¨Well silly you are at the canterlot instution for mental health¨ she answered him.

And then it all clicked for him. He was in a mental asylum. But how long had he been here? Days? weeks? Months? Years?.

The last thing hyper asked before the nurse left was.

¨ Exscuse me nurse but what happened to my friend specter?¨

The nurse looked confused and shook her head. ¨ I don't know who you are talking about. I don't know of anyone called Specter¨

She then proceeded to leave the room.

¨ Maybe i just imagined it all? that must be the case¨ hyper told himself

¨ No im still here old friend¨ A voice that seemed to come from nowhere answered him.

Was it real? was it just in his head? Who knows. Not even Hyper knows.

Comments ( 1 )

So the last chapter is finally done. And in my honest opinion it turned out horrible. And i think it will be a long while before i ever try my hand at writing ever again.

But as always creative criticism is welcome.

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