• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 536 Views, 6 Comments

Split Personality - SwedeBrony

Hyper feather is a young pegasus that after a science expirment start seeing things.

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Chapter 1.

Split Personality

Hyper feather was a simple Pegasus that grew up in Cloudsdale. He never really had many friends but he was okay with that he didn't seem to care to much. His parents were always worried about him since he never really tried to become friends with anyone. But the main reason they worried was because Hyper always claimed to have a best friend called Spectre but he never really seemed to be around when Hyper's parents wanted to meet him. Years went and Hyper grew up and finally moved away from home. Hyper was not like other Pegasus he wasn't interested in flying and racing like most of his classmates were. Hyper was more interested in reading and playing role playing games with his few friends. So when Hyper moved away from home he decided to move to Ponyville hoping that he could mostly be left alone. After living in Ponyville for a few years he saw an ad in the paper about a science project that needed volunteers to test their new machine on. And being the science loving pony he was he of course volunteered for the experiment.
He woke up early on a Monday morning and decided to walk down to the location where they would be testing the science project. They were going to test it in a old factory building a good bit outside of town. Hyper arrived early and started to talk to the people in charge of the science project. He met with the project leader Dr. Free and his assistant Mr.Dapper. They all talked for about thirty minutes and then decided to begin the experiment. Hyper was placed in a so called ¨test chamber¨ where he got a few wires strapped to him. After everything was ready Dr. Free turned on his machine and started to do his work. The machine was designed to show the persons memories and thoughts. They went trough Hypers memories and everything went fine until they started seeing a dark blue colt playing with him almost all of the time and when they weren't playing the dark blue colt was following Hyper. Usually this wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary but when Dr. Free had made some research on his test subject his parents had told him that Hyper had very few friends and all of them were earth ponies. Dr. Free now very confused decided to try and turn of the machine but something in the machinery snapped and the machine started to over-heat eventually leading to it having a complete meltdown and later exploding after they had evacuated the old factory building.
What are we going to do now? - Hyper asked Dr. Free
Well there is nothing we can do now so i guess you can just return home and we will call you if we need any help from you in the future. - Dr. Free said before leaving to go talk to his assistant.
oh well i might as well head home then. Hyper thought to himself starting to walk slowly home. While walking he started to remember back to his childhood.
¨i don't really remember much of my childhood but did i really have no friends back then? i always thought it was odd that my parent said that because i remember a dark blue colt i used to play with. At least he listened to my problems and cared what i had to say. Too bad that i can't remember his name.¨ ¨SPECTRE!¨
¨Who was that?¨ - hype asked himself. Huh¨ i guess i am hearing things now.¨. Hyper continued to walk thinking about a vast majority of things and after about an hour of walking he reached his house. He unlocked his house and stepped inside ¨Ah it feels good to be home. Now i am not going to do anything for the rest of the night except read some books¨ Hyper walked upstairs having kind off a strange feeling all the way up. When he finally reached his bedroom he sat down on his bed and took out the book he had been reading for a few weeks from a desk drawer that was next to his bed. As he sat there reading he suddenly heard the same voice he had heard earlier today but this time it said something else.
¨you haven't forgotten me have you?¨ ¨Who's there!?¨ He shouted feeling very unsafe but he got no response. ¨Am i going insane here or what? oh well i guess loneliness makes you think you hear things sometimes¨ He sighed before continuing talking to himself. ¨But i guess i could always talk to a doctor tomorrow¨ and with that said he decided to go to bed. He did not sleep very good that night he awoke at three in the morning feeling almost sick. He decided to get some fresh air and went over to his window and opened it. It was raining outside. He looked down into his back yard and thought he saw someone down there. A split second after he saw it it was gone. ¨Did i just see a dark blue stallion in my yard...¨ he shook his head ¨Alright i am seeing things now that aren't real. The first thing i do tomorrow is visit the doctor.¨ He continued to close his window and went to sleep.
He woke up the next morning feeling as if he hadn't sleept in years. He had been having nightmares about his childhood and the thought that he couldn't remember his only friends name had almost driven him insane. He got up from bed and went downstairs and started to make some breakfast. After finishing his breakfast he started to walk torwards the trainstation in ponyville. He got on the train and headed to Canterlot. When he arrived there he went straight to the hospital. When he walked into the building it was empty seeing as it was very early in the morning. Behind the reception desk sat a young mare reading the newspaper. Hyper walked up to the desk and cleared his throat. ¨umm exscuse me?¨ - he said. The mare behind the desk now took her eyes of the newspaper and started to talk ask hyper questions.
¨Name? age? and reason for being here.¨ - she said in a casual voice.
¨Umm well my name is Hyper feather, i am 20 years old and i am here because i have started seeing things and i am having memory gaps¨
¨Alright then sit down over there and the doctor will talk to you soon¨.
He went over to a bench and sat down and started to wait for the doctor. After having waited for about 20 minutes the doctor finally arrived. The doctor looked at his paper work and then spoke.
¨I assume you are Hyper feather?¨
¨That is correct¨ Hyper answered.
¨Well follow me then¨
They walked trough a couple of doors and down a hall and finally went into a room where hyper was asked to sit down on a bed.