• Member Since 30th Apr, 2018
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Literally nothing on here is below mature, just to warn

Comments ( 15 )

I don't get why this has so few upvotes

People aren't all that into murder fuckin' I guess. I sort of expected it tbh

Well i enjoyed it - at lest the necro bits. :P Not that into torture but necro was nice!

Well I'll make sure each one gets some lovin' then!

I may not be into torture and heavy gore but i alweys appreciate some fresh corpse fucking! <3 :derpytongue2: :pinkiecrazy:

workin on it at the moment, dont fret!

i am VERY happy, that i read the fucking censored shit before i jumped STRAIGHT into this. fucking hell.

Gotta make sure people don't jump in blind

When it was just some deaths and necro it was fun. Now its getting more and more "meh" even for me.

It starting to have the same issue i had with headless_rainbow stories. His 1st couple of stories was fun as they were slower and they had some kind of story and nice snuff/necro with character that were not completely broken/insane. But the longer each story become the crazier it got. To a point of no return where you cant even fap to it as its more physical torture then clop... ;/
Sam here. At start Twilight was balanced - still crazy but believable. Now she is just so far OOC that its hard to enjoy.

Good points...although, doesnt it make sense for her to become more ooc as she goes further off the deep end? i honestly thought it did.

To a point. But at some point she stops being Twilight and thats when the story suffers.
When she was still kind of afraid to do "stuff" it was exciting. When she basically murder without remorse and do more and more disgusting thing to her friends its become like any other snuff story.
Noon falls into this depth of insanity in spawn of couple of days.
As in 1st two chapters she was exploring her possibilities and was still Twilight under all the layers of depravity and twisted mind. Later on it suddenly become something she do without remorse or thinking of consequences.

Its exciting to read about someone who act on his deepest darkest desires but its less fun when he become someone completely difrent and act like nothing can stop him. I mean Twilight could be turning into a crazy pony fascinated by corpses, necrophilia and difrent ways of death. But she should still be herself deep under all of that. Scared to get catch. Feel bad for her friends (example. give them spell to make them not feel pain)and feel satisfaction from dealing with her enemies (Chrysalis, Trixie mean Gilda etc.) by making them suffer a bit more.
At least thats my own opinion. :P

You're absolutely right-I'll have to finish this off as it's progressed so far, but I'll keep all this in mind for next time. Edit: just thinking it over even this fast, i think maybe i should go back and edit it, try more for the slow burn.

Ok, first of all, I wanna say that my rant won't be about the gore or necro part.You're probably tired of that.So I'll try to make my criticism more constructive:
At first, I really like that Twilight wasn't ooc, she actually showed emotions and we could actually see her descend into madness.That was neat.However, the story started to feel like a headless_rainbow fic&The experiments of Twilight Sparkle, which tamed my interest.And another complaint:at some points, the story feels...rushed.I understand that your focus was probably the gore, but it was all over the place.For example, the Rarity part was so underdeveloped.Plus, there aren't enough paragraphs and the dialogue is hard to read and understand

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