• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.

Comments ( 23 )

A nice Story of Yours.

Of course the real sticker is that we have never once seen ponies pray in any way, shape, or form. Not even like in this story. Why?

Because the show would have died before season 1 even ended from the backlash Hasbro would have gotten for making that a thing.

Of course ponies are not stupid enough to believe in false gods and other things that don't exist in any form. Celestia and Luna are real. But they're not gods by any stretch or definition of the word.

Story is fine. I just don't get why this fandom is so fused to this idea that deities exist in MLP.


Of course the real sticker is that we have never once seen ponies pray in any way, shape, or form.

Sunset says a sort-of prayer to "the universe" in Sunset's Backstage Pass.

Nice nod to Lauren, the various mlp writers and fanfic writers

Our story has been told now, and it is up to future generations to pass on what we have learned, and to make tomorrow a better one for all of us. It’s up to them to share, inspire, encourage, and love each other, just like we did. That is my greatest prayer.

yup and I will do the same also

Comment posted by AkumaKami64 deleted Oct 8th, 2019

Because they do, just not the kind of gods you and this writer is talking about. The Alicorns and other immortals are more akin to various polytheistic pantheons(Norse, Greek, Egyptian, etc) where the gods are very much finite and flawed. Norse especially, gods are perfectly capable of dyeing, just not to old age. And Twilight ascending is very similar to various Greek Gods that were mortals that became Gods(Hercules comes to mind)

So, do omnipotent Gods exists in MLP? Discord qualifies for some of us, but that aside, no. Do gods, immortals but not omnipotent entities, exist in MLP? Yes, very much so: It starts with one returning and ends with one taking her place as a ruler. Its just that people get too tied up with the idea that a god has to be completely almighty.

And in response to this story? Honestly, yes, I believe ponies pray to the Alicorns, no matter how much to one nerfs or overpowers compared to canon. They keep the day and night going, and one of them can dreamwalk. Add in immortality and that is something to pray to. Hell, I imagine plenty of ponies pray to the Tree or even Discord depending on their situation.

PS No idea how, but I somehow triple posted.

Comment posted by AkumaKami64 deleted Oct 8th, 2019

This story is sure going to make some people mad.

I, a Lutheran, am not among them.

Nice story.

Well, we do sort of see Ponies giving Celestia and Luna offerings. It could be gifts for beloved rulers or offerings to a deity or both.

This feels right. If anypony's going to be able to find faith through life experience, it's Twilight Sparkle. I don't think anyone can go through what she did when earning her wings and come out convinced that there is nothing more on heaven and earth.

Pony religion is one of those delicate but fascinating subjects that have to be handled carefully, but can yield so much if done well. I'd say you achieved that here. Making it into a coda for the series was an especially nice touch. Thank you for this.

Not sure what to say. I read it. It sounded like it should have dropped in a week in parts. Humbling.

I'm not mad at this story, I'm annoyed with people who use the flawed and narrowed-minded logic that a god must be omnipotent, therefore the Princesses can't be considered gods by ponies. In most religions, polytheistic ones especially, gods are plenty flawed and finite in what they can do, which is how I view the immortals of MLP.

I needed a story like this tonight, thanks :twilightsmile:

If you really think about it none of the ponies are real either :coolphoto::rainbowderp:

(I wish they were though)

Actually, if you check your facts, gods are almost always very powerful, compared to humans, either as a unit or as a singular deity. Flawless is not the same thing as all-powerful. Some examples:

The Greeks specifically created gods to explain nature, Zeus would create lightning storms, which sure sounds powerful to me. In a similar vein, Hades controlled the souls of the damned, and Poseidon controlled the sea and every organism in it. Of course, you had your minor gods, but those weren’t really important.

The Hebrews, and Muslims to an extension, believe in one singular God, and He is stated to be omnipotent if you read the manual, better known as The Bible or the Q’oran (did I spell that right?).

As for why we use this ‘narrow-minded logic that gods are omnipotent’ (I can tell you’re an Atheist, by the way). It’s generally because what we believe in states that the gods are omnipotent. Also, as I’ve stated, very powerful is not the same thing as flawless.

Also, Christianity is the biggest religion in the world right now (it was 33%, last time I checked, Islam was second, at about 27, so that’s 60% of the world who believes in one, singular, omnipotent entity), so who’s to say that the ponies, which Faust would’ve created to reach as many people as possible, don’t believe in the same thing as most of the world does? It wouldn’t be a stretch to think that. Besides, no one really believes in Greek, Roman, or Norse anymore, the only polytheistic religion I can think of, that’s still around, are the Hindus.

No meaning to start a debate, but you know, sometimes majority rules.

First off, despite being minor, some people do still worship Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse Gods. They're generally lumped together as Neopaganism, Modern Paganism, or Polytheistic Revival.

Next off, I have done my homework. Mythology is one of my favorite things to study. And yes, I know the polytheistic gods are powerful compared to most mortals, and that's kind of my point. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Chrysalis, etc. All of them not only are immortal, but have powers far beyond the norm of mortals. Celestia and Luna can move the Sun and Moon, among other abilities such as controlling the weather on their own or dreamwalking. Twilight was just all around powerful, like the elite of mortals before her ascension. Chrysalis could best Celestia with enough love and....Huh, I don't think we ever establish if mindcontrol was a changeling thing in general or just Chrysalis.

And before you bring up how Starlight and others are a match for them, there are often Heroes that are capable of besting gods in one field or another. Ares got injured during the Trojan war on a few accounts by a mortal. And like in the old tales, the ones capable of such are the most likely to rise to a divine status.

And as for your final point? That's not how world building works. This is a fictional universe with no basis in our own- it could be argued in the Equestria Girls side of the things, but that's besides the point. In the setting of MLP, it would make perfect sense for the Alicorns, Discord, and the other immortals to be considered gods for the overwhelming power(compared to the average mortal) and immortal lifespan. To you they might not be gods, but to the creatures of this world in this setting, they definitely could be. There's plenty of evidence for them when they swear by Celestia and Luna, as this story points out.

As for being an ashiest…..I'm not? No idea how you got that. I just think its narrowminded in terms of creativity to use the Abrahamic model as the only one for god-characters. As I said, I love mythology, I love writing with gods. So I get annoyed by people....not even saying that they don't think that a character can be considered a god, but by the fans that decry stories for writing them as gods.

Oh....To the author who I now see is going through a very rough time, apologies for cluttering your comment section with the back and forth between me and SociallyAwkward. In the hindsight of your blog, I can see this story is a form of venting or expression. That said, while it is a good and interesting view to take on Pony Religion, I still respectfully disagree for points I've mentioned and we probably all have heard. I sincerely hope your life turns around for you soon.

Thank you. I really appreciate that you took the time to reach out. And I hope you know that I respect your right to disagree with me and appreciate that you respect me and my work anyways. I hope you could find some aspect in that story to relate to. I attempted to make this as all-inclusive as I could make it so everybody could find something for themselves.

Different strokes for different folks, man. I respect anybody who has the courage to defend whatever they believe. That particular part of the story was based on the experience of my cousin, who survived an IED blast and was in a coma for a year but woke up. That's how he spoke about his experience, so I wanted to include it. But I respect the fact that you're defending your beliefs. I apologize if you felt that story undermined the courage of those who have died to defend their right to believe as they choose, as it certainly wasn't my intention. My hope was to make this story as all inclusive as possible, though I knew it might not come across quite that way. But I appreciate you sharing your point of view. If we all learned to see through one another's eyes more and found different ways of looking at things, I think the world would be a lot better.


"Oh....To the author who I now see is going through a very rough time, apologies for cluttering your comment section with the back and forth between me and SociallyAwkward."

Why? It was an educational conversation, that was relevant to the story.

I suppose SociallyAwkward was a bit rude, in his reply to you (the "if you check your facts" and "I can tell you’re an Atheist, by the way" weren't needed). But overall, like I said: It was an educational conversation, that was relevant to the story.


I have the distinct impression that this was amongst the little things they covered before absconding with their vagabonding.

Celestia:Okay Twi, we're off. Oh, but before that, there's something very important we need you to do.


Luna: Don't start a religion.

Twi: I wasn't planning on it.

Celestia: Don't do it!

Twi: I won't!

Luna: Don't!

Twi: I wont!

Celestia: We're serious! Last time this shit happened, sodomy and booze were outlawed!


Five minutes later

Celestia: Hang on, I forgot my... OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! TWILIGHT!


Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Applebloom: Uh... Granny... whats the sun doing

Granny Smith: Oh fiddlefucks, this horseapples again.


And while we're on the subject....

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