• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 926 Views, 30 Comments

MLP Gen.4.5–Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Phantom-Dragon

The story of Equestria's self-proclaimed new hero, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

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Mare-Do-Well Log 5: Welcome to Hope Hollow (A Welcome to Ponyville Parody)

Mare-Do-Well Log 5: Hope Hollow

7:05 AM

This morning, I got up early at around 7 AM in Manehattan. I took the next train, heading straight for Hope Hollow, as suggested by Rainbow Dash in my previous entry log. Seeing how it's still a little early and it will be a two hour trip on the train until I arrive, I might as well get some shut eyes.

Dream Log: Welcome to Ponyville

It was scary. I don't know how else to put it, but it was disturbing. I've had this nightmare for quite some time now. I haven't had it since my first days in Ponyville, and now it's back. Maybe it's a warning, or a premonition. And for some reason, Princess Luna wasn't there to help.

From what I remember, it always begins with the haunting tole of a bell. I would find myself in total darkness, before I would later find myself in a large ghost town. And by ghost town, I mean it looks completely run down and deserted, like there hasn't been any sign of inhabitance for more than a decade.

Instead of ponies, there were spiders, timberwolves, and this...this shadow with this wide, menacing smile and horrible laugh that haunts me, even when I'm wide awake...it's nothing like Pinkie Pie. Some reason, it just makes me lose my appetite for cupcakes.

Hope Hollow
9:10 AM

The train has come to a stop at the end of its trip. I glanced outside and I could hardly believe my eyes as I gazed to see the beautiful town that is Hope Hollow. I gotta say, it's like as if Ponyville has had a long lost brother-sister town, which is Hope Hollow! It's beautiful!

In some way, it felt almost like my first day in Ponyville all over again. I wish former Ponvyille me could see me now!

Now first thing's first, I gotta secure myself a new house in Hope Hollow. To town hall.

Hope Hollow – Town Hall
9:20 AM

After asking some directions and hoof pointing, I arrived in Town Hall, where I met Mayor Sunny Skies and his wife, Petunia Petals, in their office...as a civilian of course.

"Well hello there!" the mayor greeted me with what sounded like a Minnesota accent in his voice. "How may I help you?"

"I came here looking for a house," I told the mayor. "I just arrived in town."

"Oh! Then let me have the pleasure to welcome you to our little town!" the mayor smiled. "And you're in luck, because we happened to have only one house left for sale, don'tcha know?"

'Wow, I think that's too close for comfort than just dumb luck,' I thought. "Sounds good to me," I said. "How much is it?"

"Well, the usual price for a house like this costs about 2100 bits," Petunia Petals read the price list, much to my horror. "However, considering how remote we are currently, and the decline in our housing market, we'll sell it to you for 1500 bits, don'tcha know."

"Great! I can afford that. Just barely," I muttered the last part as I paid the rent.

"Very good then!" the mayor smiled as he took the bits and handed me the key to my new home. "Great to have you in our town as our newest earth pony resident! And please enjoy your stay. If you're ever looking for work, there is a board in the lobby that has the jobs posted."

"Enjoy your new home!" Petunia Petals followed. "And don't be afraid to stop by if you need anything."

"Thank you!" with that, I took my leave out of Town Hall, wheeling away all my bags to my new home.

My house just speaks to me! In appearance, it looks like a typical one story house, with a large purple roof, and two chimneys sprouting on both the left and right side of the house.

*Design reference

The inside of the house is wide and spacious. Overall, it's definitely welcoming and cozy enough for my taste, compared to the apartment back in Manehatten. And it's worth every bits. And best thing is, it comes with a basement! Now I definitely have a super secret lair that every superhero needs to make a quick costume changes to go out and perform their daring, noble, and heroic crusades for justice, harmony, and friendship! So swears I, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well!

Now onto my agenda:
To-Do List in Hope Hollow

  1. Find a home.
  2. Find a day job.
  3. Meet my new neighbors.
  4. Set up the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well's lair.
Author's Note:

Welcome To Ponyville reference, guest-star Smiley Pony.

Next chapter, our Mysterious Mare-Do-Well heroine will meet her new friends in Hope Hollow. And I'll be introducing the first of MMDW's first arch-nemesis.