• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 926 Views, 30 Comments

MLP Gen.4.5–Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Phantom-Dragon

The story of Equestria's self-proclaimed new hero, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

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Mare–Do–Well Log 2: Manehattan

Mare–Do–Well Log 2 – My First Day On The Job

It was a clear blue night in the city of Manehattan. Though like Ponyville and Las Pegasus, this city too has its usual problems with the criminal elements. Well, it's not a problem that I the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well can't handle with the police.

I found a secluded spot – on the roof of a building – in the city where I can use as a stakeout to monitor crimes. Or to just wait for something to happen. And lo and behold, something did happen.

A group of three thugs had broken into a jewelry store – the same old desperate characters of the petty crimes. They're not much of a threat in my book, but still, crime's a crime. Plus, there's that old saying that "diamonds are a girl's best friend," but I'm not doing this for the jewels, or the flash glamours and everything. This is still the start for my career as the new hero of Equestria, and I had just spent all afternoon ironing my best cape. So I immediately jumped into action and took them by surprise.

I remember leaping down from the rooftops, using my cape to slow my fall, before standing in the broken window and declared, "HALT VILLAINS!" it was wrong the moment I said it. It's too cliche, and too...outdated. But hey, not all of us gets it right on our first day as heroes, right?

So these thugs, they stopped with what they were doing and they all turned to look at me. They took one good look at me, and they just started exchanging comments about how I look like a cosplayer for Bat–Mare. It's a good thing I was wearing a mask, because if any crooks were to see a hero like me blushing in embarrassment at their comments, then I would never live it down.

Anyway, I tried to go easy on these crooks, by asking them to put their hooves up in the air and to return every gemstone they were looting, and there won't be any trouble. Of course, as I expected, they refused and decided to give me troubles instead. Big mistake for them. They had no idea I have a black belt. I didn't study martial arts for nothing.

It was all a rush, but I remembered one of the thugs – an earth pony stallion – running towards me with a baseball bat in his mouth, and with a turn of his neck, he swung it at my head. Luckily I managed to duck down in time to dodge the attack, before I delivered an uppercut to his jaw. He's sure to feel that in the morning. Before the thug could recover, I landed a flying kick to his head, and he staggered back, right when his two friends decided to gang up on me. They were all stallions, though one of them is a unicorn and the other was another earth pony.

The earth pony thug tried to fight me with his bare hooves, but I blocked and deflected every one of them, while landing a few counters with every opening he left. Meanwhile, the unicorn tried to get me from behind, by carrying a large wooden chair with his magic. Or was trying to. I don't know unicorn magic, since I'm not even a unicorn to begin with, but I think their telekinesis, or psychic abilities all hangs depends how strong their mentalities are, kinda like how we earth ponies are known for our muscle powers in our hooves.

Anyway, the unicorn was struggling to hold the chair up in the air with his magic, so his groaning and straining pretty much alerted me of his so-called sneak attack. With that, I pulled out this fighting trick I've been working for the past months, or so. I called it my Mask Cape Strike. With a spin of my cape, I blinded both thugs as I got behind the unicorn thug, giving him a strong kick to the flank, causing him to stumble forward and crash into his comrade, while accidentally hitting him over the head with the chair in his magical hold. I had a laugh when I saw the look on the unicorn, when I told him, "Thank you," right before I punched him in the jaws, knocking a several of his teeth out, then I landed another kick to his horn and he was out cold.

Yep, I did a decent work for my first night on the job as Equestria's newest hero.

After the punks were dealt with, I went to work to tie them, with a rope trick I learned from Applejack, personally, when she was competing in the Equestria Rodeo Competition years ago.

See Season 2 episode "The Last Roundup."

Yeah, I know there were other competitors in the rodeo who've won a lot of blue ribbons than Applejack, but at least she was kind enough to show me the ropes, literally.

After I foiled the robbery, I quickly alerted the police, by tripping the store's alarm. But just before I left, I remembered to leave behind my personal calling card, to let the officials know that they're in the service of Equestria's new hero, me! The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

After that, I spent all night patrolling Manehattan to check if there are other criminal activities going on in the dark streets and alleys, before I decided to call it a night and went back to my room, in the hotel I was staying at.

In all honesty, the hardest about being a hero, especially for a pony like me, is to find a steady job and a decent home to fully live my life as a protector of Equestria in one moment, while living the other as an average civilian of Equestria and a loyal follower of Princess Twilight Sparkle. And now that I think about it, it wouldn't hurt if my new home comes with an attic, or a basement, or even a barn, or storm cellar where I can set up a shop for my secret hero life. Maybe get to work on some nifty gadgets I have in mind for my career. That is, if I can find the right materials for them first.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll manage. In the meantime, I've got only two more days left in this hotel, before I have to pack up and leave again.