• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 926 Views, 30 Comments

MLP Gen.4.5–Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Phantom-Dragon

The story of Equestria's self-proclaimed new hero, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

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Mare-Do-Well Log 4: The Case of the Blue Rhino

Mare-Do-Well Log 5: The Case of the Blue Rhino

My second night in Manehattan. Luna's moon was shrouded behind the dark clouds, which spells a storm brewing. And not the kind that is the work of the Storm King. No, this was a different kind of storm. The kind that waits in silence, like a hungry lion hiding behind the grass, stalking its unsuspecting preys, ready to pounce for the kill.Is this too dark of a description? I kinda like it!

Well, that won't stop me! For I, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well am on a really BIG case! There were breaking news about a blue rhino running loose in Manehattan, tearing up the streets and terrorizing the ponies, causing major blackouts, which was why I had to step out of my hotel room to write this latest entry log of my career with a flashlight.

Anyway, onto the topic about the blue rhino.

The Blue Rhino

The Blue Rhino

The blue rhino is an elemental storm creature that has the appearance of a rhino, but is ten times larger than a full-grown adult.

Legends say that it was a created by the Storm King's mystics, but it was proven to be too strong and too wild beyond their control, and so it destroyed them all before it escaped into the wild. And now, it has made itself home in Equestria.

Aside from having a piercing sapphire blue hide that gives its distinctive namesake, the blue rhino draws powers of the storms via its horn and is said to ride on clouds and electric currents for travels. The creature is relentlessly territorial and will chase off any intruders who have come trespassing into it's domain.

Well, Manehattan is not up for grabs, thus the blue rhino will know soon enough that it has made a grave mistake for intruding the kingdom of Princess Twilight Sparkle, because then it will have the misfortune to tangle with her highness's greatest champion, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well!

Because if there's one thing Professor Fluttershy had taught us in her class of Fantastic Beasts and How To Tame Them, it's that Blue Rhinos are just like any electric elemental beasts. They're all attracted to metals. All the more reason I was armed with a metal rod that is connected with a jumper cable at one end, while the other end was connected, somewhere underground. And as anyone would learn in class, and remember from all the tornado drills we've had to do, the best way to avoid ourselves getting electrocuted by a lightning bolt in a storm, would be to take cover under a structure that's no taller than a skyscraper, or an average tree. So I stalked the blue rhino simply by hiding in the sewers. It's a dirty work, but somebody's got to do it. Besides, I'm just glad I didn't run into any alligators in the sewers.

Manehattan Central
11:01 PM

I was watching from under the manhole, waiting for the blue rhino to come passing by. The street is awfully quiet, as well as it should be, since the police had ordered all the ponies of Manehattan to close up shop, to stay indoors, while they work on trying to recapture and contain the rhinoceros. Now I'm no police officer, nor did I knew anyone who works in the police force, and believe me, I know these ponies trained, they fight and they protect with their names on their badges every day, because that's their job, but sometimes, I'll be blunt, they need help. Say that they're dealing with a bigger threat that's bigger than Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, or even that pint-sized of a threat with a serious case of Naponyeon Complex named Cozy Glow, then they're kinda out of their league since, let's face it. They're no Rainbow Dash.

So I was watching from under the manhole, while most of the police forces were patrolling the streets, keeping a lookout for the blue rhino, and the sky turned dark, rumbling with thunders, telling us all to anticipate for what was to come next. Six minutes had passed and I was just on the verge of collapsing to the stench of the sewers, when we heard the bellowing roar of an angry beast, and low and behold, there it is. The blue rhino.

It was even more terrifying in pony than it was described in the stories we've been told about it. This thing is definitely ten times the size of an average rhinoceros, but it was far from blue. This thing is covered in a coat of thick dark smoky black clouds, with piercing yellow eyes that can stare into the soul of a pony, and it has two horns on the snout.

How did the police plan on capturing a monstrous beast this big? I decided to just wait and see how it's done. First, the pegasi ponies, being the experts of the weathers, attempted to drive the beast off by using some thunderclouds to draw the rhinoceros's electricities away and into the clouds. Big mistake, because I watched as the thunderclouds were overloaded with the vast amount of the rhinoceros's electric currents and they exploded, turning Manehattan's flying finest into Manehattan's frying finest. Next, some of the unicorns in the police forces tried to repel the beast with their magic. That did little good, because all it did was aggravate the beast and made it even angrier.

The blue rhino let out a bloodcurdling roar, and I watched it arching its head up to the sky and I saw the first long curved horn glowing in a fiery blue aura, as it draws all the electrical powers from the clouds above and into its horn, which then travels into the beast's entire body, giving off an intensive blue light, which was how it got its name.

I knew what the beast was going to do, and I also knew the police won't stand a change from this attack. So I knew right then and there that I had to act fast! Just before the blue rhino was about to stomp its hooves down into the ground, to unleash its wrath on the city, I leapt out from under the manhole and threw my metal rod in the air. I watched as the metal rod connected with one of the rhino's lightning bolts, and next thing I knew, there was a great big flash of light and everything went all white. Before I went completely blind, I took it as my cue to duck and hide myself behind my cape.

It was no easy task. My life just flashed before my eyes. And I have singed cape to show for it. If I can just find the right pony AND the perfect cover for it, I can fix my suit.

When I finally looked up from behind my cape, I realized my plan worked a little too well. I didn't realize it then, but I later found out, there were electric junction boxes that were aligned in the sewers, which runs throughout Manehattan, powering up all the electronic home appliances, buildings, not to mention the street lights. Thus, the major blackout I mentioned earlier.... it was all on me. But at least no one got hurt, right?

Of course, there were panics in the city and chaos – I just hoped Discord didn't take any inspirations from this mishap of my heroic attempt. But as for the blue rhino, it clearly didn't liked me for intervening, so the best thing I could do was run!

For my second night on the job as Equestria's newest defender, it was the most scariest and the most intensive moment I've ever had to experience. And that's says a lot compared to the time when Twilight Sparkle saved Ponyville from an angry Ursa Minor (still wouldn't want to know what an Ursa Major is like), or that changling invasion during the Royal Canterlot Wedding a few years back, or when Tirek first escaped from Tartarus, or when said demon centaur joined forces with former changling queen, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow and it requires the entire kingdom of Equestria and beyond to take them all down.

*See Boast Buster (Trixie Lulamoon's official debut), A Canterlot Wedding Part 1-2, Twilight's Kingdom Part 1-2, and The Ending of the End Part 1-2 in that respective order.

Reminiscent aside, the blue rhinoceros was too dangerous to be kept loose in Manehattan. So the least I could do was lure it out of the city, or at least somewhere else so it would do less damage than it already did. But it was no picnic, because with the entire city's lights out, I can barely see where I'm going. I'm pretty much blind as a bat, which is saying something since Mare-Do-Well is modeled after Batman. Note to self: Find needed techs to equip my lenses with night vision.

I was tripping over my own cape, as well as bumping headfirst into most of the police officers who were still walking and breathing.

"Get out of the way! Out of the way!" I shouted, which was pretty much a blind and futile command, now that I think about it. "On your right! Or left! MARE DO WELL COMING THROUGH!"

I thought for sure my goose was cooked tonight. I didn't know where I was in the big city, but I soon found out where I was when the smell of salty air of the sea, which means I somehow made my way to the dock, and the blue rhino was still behind me. I looked around, trying to find something I can use to fend this creature off with. The dock was packed with crates, all loaded with foods, fabrics, and medicines, hardly anything I could use to fight the rhinoceros off with. The blue rhino soon realized I'm cornered, because I saw it paving the street with one of its hooves, before it kicked itself off the ground, charging towards me at full throttle. I thought I was done for that time, when suddenly, there was a whoosh and the air just roared to life.

I looked up, and there, flying in the sky are the Wonderbolts! And leading the charge is Rainbow Dash herself! The blue rhinoceros was even more furious at the sight of more ponies to contend with. I decided to sit back and watch Rainbow Dash and her flying colleagues work their magics against this storm ungulate. Needless to say, I was impressed with the flying formations the Wonderbolts were putting on to distract and confuse the rhino, before Rainbow Dash took to the sky and pierced through the sound barrier, resulting in another of her breathtaking, awe-inspiring Sonic Rainboom! But that's not all. When I took a closer look, I saw the Sonic Rainboom had pierced through dark clouds, banishing them, and the rhino was frightened away by the bright, luminescent colors of the rainbow. We all watched as the rhino became nothing more but a puff of smokes, disappearing into the sky.

Manehattan was safe from the terror of the Blue Rhino, courtesy of Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts. Kinda ironic, really. Before, it was the Mare-Do-Well who outshined Rainbow Dash and saved the day. But tonight, it was Rainbow Dash's turn to save Mare-Do-Well and the city. If I had known Rainbow Dash would be here tonight, then I swear, I would've put a lot of time and effort to really amp up my suit, upgrade myself with some fancy gadgets, to impress her and every pony. But I'm afraid the least I can do to make a good first impression on Rainbow Dash is when I'm in my civilian suit.

12:00 AM

After the commotions had died down, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts have stayed behind to help with the repairs. I made a quick change out of my burned up suit and slipped into my more decent outwear, passing myself off as a regular citizen of Manehattan who is a big fan of Rainbow Dash.

While I was on my way to meet Rainbow Dash in pony, I couldn't help but overhearing some of the police talking to each other about filing a report, to be on the look out of a "masked mad pony" vigilante. Another was accusing me of pulling a sneak attack on him during the blackout. I wasn't attacking that pony! I couldn't see him! I was blind!

"Vigilantes, crooks. Two sides of the same coin, as long as they hide behind masks," one of the police officers commented.

As usual, the life of a vigilante is never done. But harsh criticism aside, I got to meet Rainbow Dash, asking for her autograph and her advice on making the world a better place and all.

"How to make the world a better place?" she asked. "Well, am I awesome? Yes. Yes I am. But aside from the obvious, just keep doing what you do best and help your friends along the way. And next time a blue rhino comes charging through town, then just find a safe place and leave the fighting to the pros. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. "But say that we're under attack from something bigger than Tirek, and you're not around. Then what do we do?"

"Well, ya can't just go charging in, headfirst into a fight," she said. "I mean, don't get me wrong... I have done that, and it's a habit of mine. But when I do, I–"

"Like that time you battled against the changelings and lead the charge during the Canterlot Wedding? That was an awesome fight you did back then!" I felt like an idiot for geeking out in front of one of my greatest idols back there. But I just couldn't help myself. I'm such a big fan of her that I almost wanted to tell her who I am.

"Perfect example," Rainbow Dash nodded. "But the trick is, I didn't go in alone. I have friends at my side for full support. As much as I like to show off, this isn't a one-mare show kind fo a deal. The key to my success is teamwork. Once you start making friends, then your friends become your family, and your family is your team. And your team will support you one step of the way. Ok?"

And I said, "Ok, but that's easy for you to say. I'm sorry, it's just I'm not so outgoing, and I never made a lot of friends like you have."

Rainbow Dash looked at me, and I could see it in her eyes that it was the look of pity, "Alright. Start talking about yourself," she instructed. "Let's hear your awesomeness and your flaws. What're your favorite kind of hobbies? What do you like to do aside from the whole 'trying to make the world a better place' kind of a deal?" so I started talking to Rainbow Dash about the things I like to do, while keeping out the details that I'm the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. "Huh, you're an interesting kind of a pony," whether that was a compliment, or she was trying to be nice to avoid hurting my feelings, I don't care. "You kinda remind me of this pony I once knew in Ponyville. I think you and her will get along great."

I almost burst out laughing. She has no idea that I'm that pony.

"But seriously, you just need to go out more, meet some new ponies, find some common grounds, you get me?" I nodded. "And before you know it, you're already friends, and you're on your way to experiencing the magic of friendship. Alright? Good. See ya around."

"Wait! I–thank you." I said.

"Anytime." and that was the last word from Rainbow Dash that night.

It was moving, and inspiring for Rainbow Dash to give me such an insightful advice. A team, huh? Hmmm. Yeah, I guess I could put together a team, though it ain't gonna be easy. It's going to be hard for me to make friends, without saying, "Hey there! I'm the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! I fight crimes! I'm the new defender of Equestria! Will you be friends with me?"

Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually. Besides, another good thing came out for me from my recent meeting with Rainbow Dash. Tomorrow is the day when I'm moving out of the hotel, and she showed me a place where I can actually find a place to live.

Hope Hollow


Hope Hollow is the "end of the rainbow" where ponies and creatures of all kinds are treated and welcomed with equal respect.

This little town is also the main settings for the annual Rainbow Festival which brings neighbors and visitors closer than ever before, not to mention the irresistible apricot pies they serve.

"They're GREEEEEAT!" – Pinkie Pie and Tony Tiger.

The Rainbow Generator

As the highlight of the festival's festivity, Hope Hollow is also home to the magnificent machine – the Rainbow Generator.

House For Sale

Hope Hollow is always open to welcome new neighbors. Come to Mayor Sunny Skies's office.