• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 33 Comments

The Lost Prophecy of Equus - AlphariusOmegon

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V. Chance Encounters

As much as Sunburst wanted to attend the ascension of Twilight Sparkle, he had other things on his plate. Specifically, he had been dying to try out a new magical experiment involving dimensional doorways and location magic. He wanted to see if he could teleport to someone by projecting himself through the Astral Plane and exiting at that person's exact location. Of course, this certain person that he wanted to teleport to was Starlight.

Sunburst began the process of preparing the doorway, setting the proper protection spells in the case that something went wrong. He began by casting an astral projection spell upon himself, sending his consciousness to the Astral Plane. He had been here many times before on a few scout outings.

He found wandering to his intended destination, or what he thought was his intended destination. Truth was, he was completely lost. "Oh... dammit," he exclaimed while mentally punching himself. Poor Sunburst. One does not want to get lost in the Astral Plane. Otherwise, their consciousness could be lost there forever, never to return to one's body.

Just when he thought that all hope was lost, he found something.

"Starlight? No. This is... far more powerful. Ancient... massive... more than one of them... what could-

Sunburst found himself back on Equus. In the Astral Plane, one moves not through motion but willpower. His focus on the anomaly had caused him to exit the Astral Plane at its location, well, a few yards away at least.

He laid his eyes upon two, massive alien giants. Their skin was as black as night, their armor certainly not of this world. One was clad in black armor trimmed with ornate gold. The right pauldron was a color like cold steel, with the insignia of a wolf's head painted upon it. A cloak of grey fur hung from its back. The giant had features like it were a hybrid between its kin and a wolf, hair so... fluffy. Its hair had been tied back into a ponytail, but even then, its hair stretched down to its face. Sunburst could make out fangs in the giant's mouth behind its white beard. This giant carried what Sunburst could only make out to be a massive greatsword. Etched in the sword's blade were runes of some ancient language that he did not understand.

The other giant was clad in gold-like armor, although its black skin was significantly more exposed. Magical gems power and mystery were set upon the other giant's chest, while another gem in the shape of an eye adorned its waist. The legs of the giant were only covered in the front, possibly to allow for more mobility. The image of a golden scarab was beset into the lower legs of the armor. Its feet were that of a hippogriff's claws. This giant had two horns like tusks jutting out of its head. It wore a cape of black fur and upon its back were wings of red and blue feathers. Its hair was a deep crimson red. It carried a staff made of what seemed to be gold. The top of the staff was shaped like a scimitar burning with a blue flame.

The two giants were speaking to each other, sitting around a campfire. Sunburst moved in closer and cloaked himself as a bush so that he could eavesdrop. He was surprised when he heard them speaking in the common tongue.

"Magnus," the first giant said to the other, "why am I here? You're the one who always goes sticking your nose in 'magical places' and whatnot."

The second giant looked at the first, clearly trying not to be offended. "Well, Leman, you're the expert in winter warfare, and the farther north we go, the chillier it gets. You're here to make sure I don't freeze to death," Magnus shrugged.

Leman was obviously offended at Magnus's remark. He had more uses than just "fighting in the cold" as Magnus put it. He was the Emperor's executioner for Azur'rath's sake! "Brother, you know Vindicatus wouldn't put us together with a reason like that. I think I'm supposed to keep you from getting distracted."

"That or this is his idea of family bonding," Magnus sighed. It was clear the two were not on the best of terms. He surveyed the massive crystal tower in the distance. "I'll say, the Crystal Empire is quite similar to the Impossible Fortress, without all of the mind-bending insanity of course."

"On that, we agree, brother. It is quite pretty." Leman remarked while taking a bite of some unknown meat that Sunburst had never seen before. Clearly, Leman had roasted it over the open campfire. "So... this naturally born Alicorn-"

"Flurry Heart. She has a name you know." Magnus interrupted. "From what we have heard from our operatives, she is the first naturally-born Alicorn."

Leman was puzzled. "But what about Celestia and Luna? And Nox for that matter."

"Both of their parents are gods," Magnus answered, "Flurry Heart's father is a mortal unicorn. That's what makes this all the more intriguing."

"And Vindicatus wants us to verify it."

"Precisely," Magnus affirmed. He sat back down at the campfire, resting his staff on his shoulder. Sunburst could now see that Magnus was missing his right eye. Based on the chatter that he had seen between the two brothers and their relationship, Sunburst assumed that Leman had something to do with it.

"Brother... do you smell something?" Leman asked. His nose could pick up any scent from a mile away.

"Aside from the meadow before us and the smoke of the campfire? No. What is it? Meat? Wolves? A tennis ball?" Magnus chuckled to himself. Leman rolled his eyes.

"Brother, I'm serious. It smells like... a pony... we're being watched!" Leman stood up immediately and drew his sword, readying himself for combat. Magnus could tell from Leman's expression that he was being serious. He stood up with staff in hand. The blue flames emanating from the staff intensified. Sunburst panicked, causing his illusion to flicker slightly.

"Well brother, I assume our conversation is no longer private. In fact..." With a snap of his fingers, Magnus cast a bolt of lightning that shattered Sunburst's illusion. Leman immediately ran at Sunburst, pinning him down and holding his sword to his neck before Sunburst even had the chance to gallop away.

"Alrighty, you fucking eavesdropper! Why are you here and who are you working for?!" Leman bared his fangs at Sunburst, whose life flashed before his eyes. Magnus stood beside Leman and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax, brother, he's not a threat. Although he reeks of the Astral Plane. A magical experiment gone wrong I assume."

"Well, we can't just allow him to leave! He could jeopardize the mission!"

"Leman, he's just a pony. Besides, it's not like anyone would believe him anyway." Leman loosed his grip on Sunburst. Sunburst didn't try to run, paralyzed with both fear and wonder. The two god-like beings he stood before were both fascinating and terrifying. He didn't know what to say, or if he should say anything at all should he offend them in some way.

"Fine," Leman sighed, "let's just get on with what we need to do before we encounter any more... distractions."

"Agreed." Magnus snapped his fingers and, in an instant, the two were gone. The only thing that remained was the smoldering remains of a campfire.

Sunburst had questions... so many questions.

Magnus and Leman moved through the halls of the Crystal Palace as stealthily as they could, avoiding the guards in order not to cause a provocation. Magnus used cloaking spells on Leman and himself, while Leman's powerful sense of smell could detect any guards that may have come their way. The last thing Magnus wanted was a diplomatic incident between the Crystal Empire and the Azur. Leman didn't give much of a shit.

The two reached what they had been looking for: Flurry Heart's room. Magnus carefully opened the door while Leman covered his back, making sure no one was coming. The two then entered the room and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's the hard part over with," Magnus said as he locked the door, wanting to buy themselves as much time as possible in the case of someone discovering their presence. Leman moved over to the crib containing Flurry Heart, examining the sleeping filly.

Leman chuckled to himself. "D'aww. She's adorable! All of this trouble for one little filly?"

"She's not just one little filly, Leman," Magnus sighed as he moved over to examine Flurry Heart. When Magnus saw her for the first time, he could not help but be just a little bit shocked. The rumors were true. "By the gods... Void's visions were correct."

"Aren't they all?" Leman crossed his arms and tilted his head at Magnus.

Magnus facepalmed himself. "Leman, it doesn't hurt to verify. Besides, now that we've seen this wonderful sight for ourselves, we can relay the information back to Void. I'll send him a message."

Magnus put himself into a trance, sending a psychic message to Void back on the ship. As Magnus worked his magic, Leman bent down to get a closer look at the little filly. Leman could not help but just gawk over her. She was the cutest thing he had ever seen. And then... she started to wake up. She stared at the massive face above her, not in fear, but awe. Leman gave her a gentle smile. She smiled back. Leman covered his face and began to play peekaboo with her. She giggled and reached up to touch Leman's bushy beard. Leman was patient enough to let her play with it. To Flurry Heart, Leman's beard was softer than any blanket her parents could give her.

Magnus finished his message and turned back to see Leman playing with Flurry Heart. "LEMAN... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" he shouted in a whisper. Flurry Heart had made a nest in Leman's hair at this point.

"Language, brother! She's the one who woke herself up. Besides, I think she likes me!"

"Leman, this is going to cause a diplomatic incident! Put that child back in her crib!"

"Magnus, I don't think she's going back willingly."

Magnus snapped his fingers, levitating Flurry Heart into the air and bringing her towards him. Flurry Heart frowned and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Don't give me that lip, child! Back to bed, you go." Flurry only crossed her hooves in protest.

"Magnus, you are not good with kids," Leman sighed.

"Then what do you suggest we do, Mr. Child Expert?!" Magnus no longer cared about how loud he was.

"Give her to me, Magnus, I can take care of her." Leman took Flurry Heart in his arms cradled her. Flurry was happy to be with Leman again. Leman only smiled and began to rock her to sleep as he sang an old Fenrisian lullaby.

"The sky is dark and the hills are white
As the storm-king speeds from the north to-night,
And this is the song the storm-king sings,
As over the world his cloak he flings:
"Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;"
He rustles his wings and gruffly sings:
"Sleep, little one, sleep."
On yonder mountain-side a vine
Clings at the foot of a mother pine;
The tree bends over the trembling thing,
And only the vine can hear her sing:
"Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
What shall you fear when I am here?
Sleep, little one, sleep."
The king may sing in his bitter flight,
The tree may croon to the vine to-night,
But the little snowflake at my breast
Liketh the song I sing the best,—
Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
Weary thou art, anext my heart
Sleep, little one, sleep."

As Leman sang, Flurry Heart's eyes began to droop, her playfulness giving way to fatigue. She fell asleep in Leman's arms as he placed her back in her crib. Flurry Heart was fast asleep with a smile on her face. Magnus scoffed quietly as Leman smiled to himself. The silence between the two brothers was then shattered by a very pissed-off Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Shining had busted down the door as Cadence cast a flurry of spells at the two brothers.


"ALRIGHT, TIME TO GO!" Magnus grabbed Leman and teleported out of Flurry Heart's room, who was still fast asleep.

"What... the fuck... were you two thinking?!" Vindicatus, God Emperor of the Azur, slammed his fist on the projector table, causing it to glitch.

"Leman was the one who woke her up!"

"Magnus was the one who wanted to stay and observe her for a little longer! I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to 'take a sample'!"

"ENOUGH! You are both at fault here!" Vindicatus yelled with the fury of a god. Leman and Magnus shut up for fear of further angering their brother.

"I only asked you to confirm what I had seen in my visions. Nothing more, nothing less," Vindicatus sighed. "Now we have to worry about a diplomatic incident which I will have to explain."

Magnus and Leman kneeled, bowing their heads in shame. "We're sorry, brother," Leman said with remorse in his voice. "This won't happen again," Magnus assured Vindicatus.

"No," Vindicatus said sternly, "It won't. You two are suspended from any and all operations until further notice. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Emperor," both brothers said simultaneously.

Vindicatus sighed with frustration. "You are both dismissed."