• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 33 Comments

The Lost Prophecy of Equus - AlphariusOmegon

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XIII. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus

In the days that followed Void's return to Equus, fleets of pilgrim ships had traveled from the Void bringing thousands of pilgrims who wished to worship at the battle site. They claimed that it was now a holy site as it had been touched by Void's power directly. This was technically true. Wherever gods fought, remnants of the victor's power would stain the battlefield for weeks, maybe even months afterward. Depending on the god or goddess, the battlefield could smell of a field of flowers, to the stench of rotting corpses. Those who walked upon the site felt a sense of pride, devotion, love, anger, hatred, sorrow, joy, and so much more within themselves. Void's power even took physical form as if it were a purple aurora borealis that had fallen from the sky. It was very faint, but you could see it if you squinted hard enough.

An altar had been erected on the site of the battlefield, constructed with obsidian and platinum to honor Void and his shared ancestry. A massive crowd of Azur and creatures of Equus were gathered around it, a ring of Custodes keeping them at a bit of a distance. After all, priests can't carry out religious ceremonies when the space is cramped. How else would they make the appropriate hand signs and distribute the various sacraments?

Twilight looked on from the crowd, observing the multitude of species that had come from near and far to watch this sacred ceremony. Azur, dragons, ponies, yaks, and even a few changelings. Spike flew above Twilight, trying to get a good view of the altar. Most of the dragons had the same idea, making it hard to see through crowds of wings. He eventually found a good spot.

A bell was rung and a ship hovering above began to blare with a chorus of organs. A choir of voices rang out amongst the crowd. They knew the songs by complete memory as if they were written upon the hearts of every Azur. Through the crowd, a procession was led by Decius. Decius carried with him what the Azur called "The Staff of Malcador". This ancient staff had always been wielded by the Ecclesiarch who was considered the Emperor's closest advisor. Behind Decius followed a procession of bishops from the Azur Ecclesiarchy. Behind the Bishops were two Chaplins, Azur Knights who had been appointed to be a spiritual leader within the legions, of obviously high standing. Behind them was Lorgar, dressed in priestly robes, those that he would use in meditation or leading religious ceremonies. Lorgar carried a book adorned in platinum and that strange purple crystal. From his morning star hung an incense censer, the smell was powerful yet subtle at the same time. Behind Lorgar was Void himself with an entourage of Custodes. As Void walked on the site of the battle, the purple aurora seemed to warp around him, becoming more visible to the naked eye as it got closer.

When the procession had reached the altar and they had all taken their positions, Decius moved to the altar and began the rites of the mass.

"In the name of Azur'rath, the Four, and the Emperor, amen."

"Amen," the crowd responded.

"Brothers and sisters, we are here to celebrate the sacred rite of the mass. I extend a warm welcome to the Dragon-kin, with whom the Emperor shares blood. Friends of the Imperium, creatures of Equus, you too are welcome to join us in giving thanks to the gods today. But first, let us acknowledge our sins so that we may be worthy to receive this sacred sacrament."

The crowd began to chant. "We are sorry for the sins we have committed against our creator, Azur'rath. We have turned from the path he has laid before us through our grievous fault. Sacred Pale Mother, we beseech thee to intercede for us! We ask for forgiveness so that when our final day comes, we may be one with Azur'rath, as the Void will be at the end of all things."

Decius then traded places with Lorgar at the altar. Lorgar kissed the book he was holding before he set it down on the table. He then whispered an incantation, a secret phrase, which opened the book to a page that upon seeing he smiled. The story was a classic.

"A reading from the book of Revelations. As the Emperor traveled across the stars to unite the Dragons, he came upon a world where the sun was smaller than the planet itself. He saw people, four-legged with coats, manes, and tails like silk.

"Wait a minute..." Twilight whispered to herself, "is he talking about us?"

"Upon this planet were savage dragons, those who had no discipline, those who would take and eat who and what they wanted." The ruler of the savage dragons was known as the Tyrant. He led his people on a campaign of violence against the other creatures, as a barbarian would pillage and prey upon those who could not defend themselves. Raid after raid the Tyrant came, stealing away the ponies one by one to be consumed. Their gods tried to intervene, but they were not able to save everyone."

"The Emperor moved with compassion and pity, descended to the surface of the planet. The ponies were terrified at the sight of the Emperor. In their eyes, he was but another dragon who wished to prey upon them. But then the Tyrant came, and with him, he brought a host of dragons, claws barred, and teeth sharpened. The Emperor turned to face the Tyrant. 'Who are you?' the Tyrant shouted at the Emperor. His breath smelled of death, his claws and teeth stained with the blood of many."

Void then began to speak with a voice of authority. He would play the part of his father. "I am the son of Bahamut, son of Asgorath, god of Dragons. Submit to me, and you shall be spared."

"The Tyrant scoffed at the Emperor, and then lunged for his throat! But the Tyrant was unable to pierce the Emperor's scales! The Tyrant's teeth shattered, and the Emperor struck down the Tyrant. The dragons and ponies were awestruck with wonder and fear. One of the dragons who had previously served the Tyrant stepped forward and asked, 'Who are you?'"

Void's third eye appeared, open and blazing with the light of the Void.


"You want me to do WHAT?" Celestia stared at Void in disbelief. The two were arguing in private, away from prying ears and eyes.

"You heard me, my former mentor." Void said with a smirk on his face. "Train Twilight as you did me."



"BECAUSE I SAID SO. Void, when I trained you, I intended to break you down and build you back up! Twilight wouldn't last the first day!"

Void rolled his eyes. "Someone has got to do it eventually."

"Why don't you just teach her yourself?"

"Because she would probably end up with a broken spine. Also, its better is she learns from someone she already knows and trusts wholeheartedly. Even with her niceties, I can feel that she still had doubts about me. You taught her once before, and you can do it again."

"I left that life behind a long time ago. I hung up my glaive and my armor to move forward. I will not be dragged back into the past."


"I'm sorry?!"

"BULLSHIT. You know that deep down that you're still the Goddess of War! You were one of the greatest warriors in the universe! You cut down legions of demons with a single swing of your glaive! What happened to you, Celestia?! Where's the fire that once burned within you?! Where is that burning beacon of light that guided her people through the darkest age of history?!"


Celestia's eyes were filled with fire, her mane and tail alight with the fire of the sun itself. It took her a moment before she regained her composure. Void knew that he had hurt her deeply.

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"Leave, Void."

"Very well. I'm sorry I even asked."

Void left the room, leaving Celestia alone. She began to cry, questioning herself and her leadership. A small spark ignited in her soul, a flame that had been long dead. The ashes had sparked a small ember. Celestia retreated to a hidden chamber and gazed upon her old armor. She remembered the days when she had been a warrior, the days when she didn't have to worry about being a princess. When she looked upon her glaive, the embers ignited.

"No... no more self-pity."

Celestia donned her old armor, her mane and tail reigniting with sun-fire. Not with an uncontrollable flame of emotion, but with a flame that could cut through metal, a flame that was focused.

"Control your anger, and it will be the greatest weapon in your arsenal."

She took up her glaive, reigniting it with her power.

"It's time for the Goddess of War to come out of retirement... temporarily."

Void was trying to train Twilight in the art of combat outside of the palace. Suffice to say, they weren't making much progress. Twilight was certainly struggling to understand. "I can't do this!" Twilight shouted. She threw down her training sword with anger. Void sighed to himself.

"Damn you Celestia."

"Void, I'm not a warrior. I'm a princess!"

"A ruler, let alone a god, must know how to fight to ensure the safety of their people!"

"Why can't I just get the royal guard to do the fighting?!"

Celestia let out a booming laugh as she observed the scene, leaping off of a balcony and descending to meet Void and Twilight. Twilight was shocked. "This... this can't be Celestia... this has to be someone else." Celestia glowed with the light of an angry sun, descending like a meteor.

"Because they've lost their touch with combat." Celestia's voice boomed as she landed. "I should replace them all now that I think about it. Well, your brother was actually competent. It was one of the reasons he rose up the ranks so fast."

There was no denying it. This was Celestia, but a much different Celestia. A Celestia of the past.


"Twilight, we know each other on a first-name basis, and you're a goddess now. There is no need to call me princess. However, for this training, to instill discipline, call me mentor."

"Yes, mentor." Twilight was never going to get used to calling Celestia that. Void smiled and took a seat on the sidelines.

The flames in Celestia's mane became gentler as she approached Twilight. She placed a hoof on her shoulder, her eyes filled with that gentle kindness that Twilight knew so well. "Twilight... I hate to admit it, but Void is right. If you are to survive what is to come, I must teach you a lesson I swore never to teach again. This will be your final lesson, a lesson in combat. I must warn you that I won't hold anything back, as I didn't hold anything back for Void. Do you know why? It's because I saw his potential. He just needed a push... actually it was more of a hard shove." Celestia chuckled a little, trying to hold back tears. "Now I see that potential in you, as much as I hate to admit it. Now I must do anything to bring out that potential. Do you understand?"

Twilight nodded, electing to say nothing.

"Good. Now pick up your sword." The fire in Celestia's eyes returned. "We have work to do."

Twilight raised her sword as Celestia ignited her glaive. She eyed Twilight intently as if she were a foe. The two circled around the sparring ground, waiting for one to make the first move.

"First lesson," Celestia started, "A wise ruler never seeks out war, but must always be ready for it. That is the most important thing to know. Now, repeat what I just said."

"A wise ruler never seeks out war, but must always be ready for it."

"Good. Now, second lesson," Celestia flew towards Twilight at lightning speed, knocking her off her hooves. She followed up by swinging her glaive at Twilight's wings while she was on the ground but stopped short by a centimeter. "Never leave your flanks open to attack! You see how easily I could have cut off your wing?"

Twilight looked over to see how close her wing was to being relieved from its socket. She shuddered to think what the pain would have been like.

The two continued to go back and forth for hours, Twilight always being laid out and almost killed by Celestia. Void observed patiently, looking for any sign that Twilight could be what he was hoping for. Dusk was beginning to settle, and Twilight was becoming increasingly frustrated. Void was beginning to worry.

"Azur'rath, great-grandfather... if she is the one we have been looking for... please..."

Celestia was increasingly frustrated too. So much that on her next swing that she accidentally scratched Twilight with her glaive along her cheek. The wound wasn't enough to inflict pain, but it did begin to bleed. Celestia realized her mistake in horror.

"Twilight I'm so sorry! I- maybe we should take a break until tomorrow."

Twilight felt something within her. A spark that had now blossomed into a fire.

"No... we keep going."


"I said, WE KEEP GOING." Twilight, blinded by rage, flew at Celestia, catching her off guard. Celestia raised her glaive to block, just barely able to deflect the blow. Celestia could see that this was raw power awakening within her. Twilight kept flying at Celestia eventually catching her off guard, knocking her to the ground. Celestia was bruised and bloodied. Twilight rose her training sword in anticipation to make the final blow.

"TWILIGHT, STOP!" Celestia begged. Twilight's rage ceased looking down at Celestia, now as bloodied and bruised as she was, if not more. What was once rage now turned into sadness. Twilight threw her sword down and embraced Celestia, starting to bawl.

"I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me-"

"Be still Twilight, it's over now."

"What was-"

"Rage. Anger. I know it all too well. You let it control you. I've let it control me too." She patted Twilight's head as she shot a dirty look at Void who was now approaching the scene.

"I think you've both done enough for today," Void said as he helped the both of them to their hooves.

"Yes, we have," Celestia agreed, dusting herself off. "Twilight, go inside and freshen yourself up. Pay a visit to the spa. That's an order."

"Yes, mam!" Twilight chuckled through tears. She hurried off inside where she found the spa already prepared.

"Happy, Void?"

"I didn't know she would-"

"I told you she wouldn't be able to handle it! This is exactly why I hung up my glaive. I hope you're happy because now I have just potentially mentally traumatized Twilight. She won't forget this."

"But now we know what power lies within her! If you can just show her how to-"

"NO, VOID. NO. I REFUSE TO DO THIS AGAIN." Celestia shouted at Void, stamping inside with a huff.

Void was left alone in the sparring grounds with his thoughts. Guilt washed over him like a wave over sand, but in the back of his mind, there was a sense of relief.

"She is the one."