• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 33 Comments

The Lost Prophecy of Equus - AlphariusOmegon

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XI. A Temporary Peace

Celestia stood at a podium in a room full of reporters, journalists, and observers who were eager to learn of the Azur and the events of last night. On the left of the room were the creatures of Equus, still reeling from the culture shock of learning that they were not the only lifeforms in the universe. On the right, were the Azur, speaking in hushed tones of life back home. There had been a massive influx of pilgrims who were eager to lay eyes upon Equus after the battle between the Azur Knights and the demons. Azur journalists had also arrived on Equus, interviewing ponies and other creatures about the events that had taken place just a few days ago.

When Void entered the room, he was met with a flurry of questions coming from the creatures of Equus. Many were eager just to learn who he even was and why he had come to Equus. The Azur simply stood and said, "Ave Imperator!" out of respect and worship. Decius was beside Void and raised his hand to quiet the crowd.

"Please, everyone, be seated. The Emperor will try to answer whatever questions you may have. Kinsman, you may be seated." The Azur took their seats as the questions from the creatures of Equus continued to intensify.

"My people," Celestia began, "We will be taking questions back and forth between the two parties present here today. Now," Celestia pointed a hoof at an earth pony, "you there, what is your question?"

The earth pony began to speak as the creatures of Equus quieted down. "Princess Celestia, with all due respect, we have no idea who these creatures are. Many of us think that we are under occupation by them. Have we been conquered?"

"No," Celestia responded. "My father made a pact with the Azur long ago. An alliance bound in blood. An oath, if you will."

It was Void's turn now to receive a question. The hands of the Azur reporters shot up in silence. He pointed at one in the front row. The reporter stood up to ask his question.

"My Emperor, Azkan Bathrul from the Obsidian City Post. Many Azur are wondering if you are going to open the borders once again. With the recent developments, will you reopen the borders to trade and commerce from other species?"

"Yes," Void responded. "The merchant fleets will be recommissioned into service to conduct trade with our allies. This will include Equus. The foreign currency exchange will also become active again on the stock market."

The Azur kept their hands up as Celestia pointed at one of them.

"Princess Celestia, Eresia Vraks with the Azur Independent. Will you allow pilgrim fleets to voyage to Equus to worship at the site of the battle? If so, will you allow the Ecclesiarchy to hold a sermon at the site?"

Celestia looked at Void as she responded. "I see no harm in it. It would be a valuable opportunity for my people to learn about Azur culture should they wish to attend." Celestia gave Decius a kind nod.

Void pointed to one of the creatures of Equus. "Yes, you, changeling."

Thorax spoke with a quiver in his voice. "Um... lord Void, while under the rule of Queen Chrysalis she often spoke of a... great demon who devoured our people in years long past. She said that the demon fought with incredible savagery, nearly driving us to extinction as it had slaughtered all of the changeling queens except for her. She said that this demon had... four wings... as black as night..."

The room was silent. Void folded his hands and sighed. "Yes, it is true. I was the Reaper... the name your people gave to me. I devoured the souls of the old changeling queens. Chrysalis somehow escaped my wrath. But that was a different time. A time when our people warred with one another. I see you have been redeemed in the eyes of the creatures of Equus. Do not worry, Thorax. The Reaper shall nevermore hunt your people."

Thorax and the other changelings breathed a sigh of relief.

Celestia pointed her hoof at a small dragon with purple scales and green spikes. He was seated on the shoulders of Dragon-Lord Ember.

"Princess Celestia," he began.

"Oh! Hello Spike!"

"Hi! So uh, Ember has been telling me stories about a fabled Dragon-King who would return to lead our people. Is he-" Spike pointed a finger at Void.

"Yes, Void is the Dragon-King," Celestia chuckled.

"Wooooooooooow." Spike gazed in awe at his new hero to look up to. Void smiled before turning his attention to the Azur.

"Mighty Emperor, Eskal Darim from the Rift Journal, will Princess Luna be reinstated as the Queen of the Imperium?"

Void leaned forward on the podium, staring directly at Eskal. "Is that a rhetorical question?" Void chuckled. The Azur laughed as Eskal took his seat in embarrassment. Luna, sitting in the back of the room with the rest of the royal family, including Ender and Star Rift, smiled.

"I was planning to make the announcement later, but I might as well do so now. Luna, my wife and mother of our two children, shall once more be the Queen of the Azur Imperium!"

The Azur stood and applauded. Luna shed a few tears of joy.

Sheol smashed the mirror he was watching the press conference through. For days he had been brooding over Void's return. "He should have died... I thrust my scythe through his damn heart! How could he have-"

A thrall burst into Sheol's throne room. "My lord, our armies have returned! We have it."

A dark grin spread across Sheol's face. "Finally, some good news for once! Bring it in!"

A few demons carried in a statue, a statue that served as a prison to three of Equus's most infamous villains. Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. Sheol knew that he was going to need lieutenants for his army if he was to make any headway on Equus. The demons set the statue down and left. Sheol's horn lit up as he started to chant.

"Nazsh nagal krintor vo'ex." The statue shattered, revealing the villains inside who fell onto the floor. All of them were disoriented from being in that statue for a while.

"Where are we?" Cozy Glow asked as her vision began to clear.

"I have no idea, but it feels cold... and dark..."

Chrysalis stood up. "It feels familiar... it feels like..." Her vision cleared and saw Sheol standing before her. Her eyes went wide as she recognized him. "Master...!" she said as she kneeled before him. Tirek and Cozy Glow looked on confused.

"You know this guy?" Tirek asked.

"KNEEL." Sheol commanded. Tirek kneeled immediately; his mind dominated by Sheol's will. he recognized this power.

"You're... you're the Demon-Pony! Creator of monsters! Dominator of Wills! Long have I heard the stories but-"

"But you did not believe them. Do you believe now?" Sheol asked Tirek as he stretched his wings, his body alight with dark power. Tirek simply gazed in awe. "Yes... I believe..."

"Rise, magic-eater. Rise, changeling queen," Sheol commanded. Tirek rose, not taking his eyes off of Sheol for a second. For the first time in his life, Tirek felt genuine fear.

Chrysalis spoke up. "Master... I did not think you survived. How-"

"It seems fate had other plans. For both me and the Anathema-Child."

"The Reaper has returned too?! How?!" Chrysalis trembled in fear.

"I'm sorry, I'm very confused. Who are you? Who is this 'Anathema-Child' you speak of?" Cozy Glow interrupted. Usually, Sheol would have cut the head off of those who interrupted him, but he knew the filly was a valuable asset for his plans to come to fruition.

Chrysalis began to speak. "Cozy Glow, this is Sheol. The Demon-Pony, Father of Monsters, Dominator of Wills. He's the one created who the changelings, the centaurs, the windigos-"

"I can speak for myself, Chrysalis."

"I'm sorry, master, forgive me for my-"

"It's fine," Sheol said as he turned his gaze to Cozy Glow. "Besides, how could she even know my name when all records of me have been lost to time? But she will come to learn eventually, along with every other creature. They will all learn to fear me once more."

"Very menacing, I like it!" Cozy Glow exclaimed. Sheol let out a small chuckle.

"Indeed. Now, let's get down to business," Sheol said as he picked up one of the shards of the broken mirror. He could still see Void through it. The very sight of him made Sheol's blood boil with rage. "You three are to be my generals for the coming war. A war that will be fought across the universe itself. Equus isn't the only planet with life on it. Millions of others are the home to alien races both big and small. I intend to conquer them."

"But why not just conquer Equus?" Tirek asked.

"Because there is a much greater prize that lies at the center of the universe. A prize that will divide it in two should we conquer it."

Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow. "And that planet is?"

"All in good time, child. All in good time you shall know its name," Sheol responded. "But first we need an army. The majority of the demons that once served me have moved on as I have been absent for the last ten billion years. My Thralls are all but depleted. The Storm King is dead. Sombra is dead. Grogar died by Void's hand all those years ago. And the changelings have... defected."

"Damn you Thorax," Chrysalis muttered under her breath.

"That being said, those losses can easily be replaced. Oh, and before I forget." Sheol paused as his horn shot pure darkness into Tirek's mouth. Tirek grew to his third form immediately after he absorbed it.

"Now that's more like it!"

Sheol smiled. "Remain loyal and you shall receive more power than you ever could have imagined. Now, back to the subject of the changelings..." Sheol trotted up to Chrysalis. "You know of the ways of how the queens used to compete for my attention through warring with one another and the enemy."

Chrysalis thought back to a time long ago. "Yes, I remember. You never found me in your favor. I was always the weakest of my sisters." Resentment built up in her like a volcano just thinking about it.

Sheol smiled at Chrysalis. "And yet, now you are the last changeling queen. None of your sisters are around to compete with you anymore. You are the winner by default. I think you know what that means."

Chrysalis blushed a very deep red.

"What does he mean?" Cozy Glow asked Tirek.

"Uh, you'll find out when you're older. I think we should leave them alone now."

Sheol looked over at Tirek and Cozy Glow. "My thralls will escort you to your rooms." Two thralls emerged from the shadows and gestured for Tirek and Cozy Glow to follow them. The two obliged, leaving Sheol and Chrysalis alone together. When the doors closed, Chrysalis pushed Sheol onto his back. She stood over him, licking her lips in anticipation.

"Oh my," Sheol said, clearly taken by surprise, "You're an eager one, aren't you?"

"Shut up. I've been waiting for this for an eternity."

Sheol smirked. "Well then, wait no longer. Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"I want you to breed me, Sheol," Chrysalis said with lust in her eyes. "Breed me, and I will give you the greatest hive in changeling history."

And with that, the two got to work.