• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)


So, you're an Incubator with very little to do, and you run across a planet with great magical potential. Clearly your objective is obvious. However, Kyubey didn't take into account one thing. It's a small matter really. One named Discord.

Scootaloo always wanted to fly, at any cost. This made her perfect prey for Kyubey. Again, he didn't factor one small thing into his equations. Discord. Oh dearie me.

A somewhat serious Puella Madoka Magica crossover in which Scootaloo learns the value of wishes and Kyubey gets his white butt thrown rather unceremoniously off-planet by one very angry draconequus.

(Featured on 9/18/19 and on 9/19/19)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

The way discord put Kyubey in a sun reminds me of how Kamen Rider Wizard "defeated" Phoenix. I'm not sure that was intended or not, it's just where my mind went.

With that hive mind I hope they have a way to shut it off of the whole collective is going to be in tons of pain. Then again they are but small fish to the Bruce that is Discord.

“Or I could possibly be trying to do that,” Discord shrugged. “I’ve lied, yes. Certainly misinterpreted. But I’ve always told the exact truth, in a way. It’s what I do. I’m the Trickster Mentor! I trick, I like to do a bit of backstabbing and quite possibly if I feel up to it, bamboozle you. But it’s all to prepare you, as a species, for harder times. I’m obvious in my ways. Others are not.”

We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and quite possibly, bamboozled.

Yeah, that was sorta intentional, and sorta not. I think there's very few ways to actually permanently deal with Kyubey, and tossing him/it/they into the sun is one of those rare few. The best one I saw was in a DW crossover, actually. Kyubey getting fed to the Vashta Nereda.

No, I'm not sorry. But come on, it's Discord. This is what he does.


He references pop culture about every other line. Hell, he's Q in MLP.

Oh, yes they are. This is quite a fitting fate, driven mad by all of that pain. And just to twist the knife even further? That Kyubey? It's the one Madoka and Homura would have eventually faced.

Having that happen to Kyubey and that the rest of his kind given the countless suffering and nightmarish events they brought about...

Its sort of satisfying and cleansing to read.

We've been smeckledorfed!

As someone who’s been grinding away at the new Madoka mobile game, you have no idea how much I needed this.

Now if Discord could just manipulate the gacha for me so I get Sayaka...

Yeah, this was... very cleansing I think. Like seriously, it was.

But yeah, I know your pain on both counts. One, on mobile games and their 'gotcha!' mechanics in general. And two, on Kyubey. ...can we have this happening, please?



No not her. She will end up “befriending” them. Although it will be very good to see happen, that means they can be redeemed and I doubt anyone wants that.

"A somewhat serious Puella Madoka Magica crossover in which Scootaloo learns the value of wishes and Kyubey gets his white butt thrown rather unceremoniously off-planet by one very angry draconequus."


I love seeing that monster suffer. Thank you for this:moustache:

good little one shot i enjoyed it

...you enjoyed this, I sense.

Because all these stories miss the point of Kyubey. He's like a computer program. He's no more evil than the guidance system of a cruise missile. Or the timer on a toaster. He's like a mechanism. Punishing him is like punishing an object. If Batman made the gun that killed his parents self-aware and capable of emotions, and then spent his days torturing it for something it did BEFORE it was self-aware! This is why Horuma's torture of Kyubey is only karma on the surface. Given Kyubey the ability to value his individual existence and able to have emotions just so she could inflict suffering on him doesn't balance the scales, it's just inflicting suffering.

And there was a fanfic where a DALEK thought the Incubators were worse than themselves... -_- When the Dalek kidnap little girls and wire them into their combat computers to take advantage of their imagination.

Ah, but is he? He's clearly tortured Madoka, just to get her to become a magical girl in episode 11. And before that, he made Sayaka 'experience real pain' just to prove a point. It had to be made, but keeping the pain up for half a minute? Was that really needed? Also, in one of the timelines, he left Earth to be destroyed by Krimchild. Granted, he could have just been being pragmatic as that was an unwinnable fight, but so much for that relationship being mutually beneficial eh?

I'd argue at the very least, he can think for himself. He definitely fits a textbook sociopath. He doesn't lie, but he dodges around certain concepts and shows no empathy for others whatsoever. As long as he's met his quota, he doesn't give a damn about anything other than himself or his hive mind. Earth will blow up, and he will not care. Let me ask you this, is it worth saving the universe by damning hundreds upon hundreds of innocents to suffering?

I think not.


I think not.

I imagine Kyubey would argue hundreds of souls against trillions of souls is inconsiderate to the trillions of souls.

And I stand by that Kyubey is ultimately just a biological machine. It can't suffer. Humiliating it like humiliating your coffee maker. Half a minute could have been what it calculated from it's inexperience with the feeling itself to drive the point home. Abandoning Earth is abandoning a resource after it's served its purpose, there no empathy, but there's also no hard feelings, but at the same time, the wishes DID help humanity along. To call Kyubey evil is childish. While its schemes are definitely a THREAT and a DANGER, Kyubey itself is no more evil than a mosquito carrying yellow fever.

Yeah, I suppose. He might be a bit beyond good and evil as we traditionally know it, but look, we can argue about this till the sun goes down. Agree to disagree?

Then it felt a strange sort of… heat. That was odd, it mused to itself. Where could possibly such a heat be coming from… Oh. It realized this far too late, and in a split second was burnt to ashes. It would keep on regenerating this body, time and time again, never allowed to even think for the first few million regenerations. And when it finally was allowed to think for itself again, Kyubey could only feel one emotion it never thought it would ever feel. Rage. And then it felt another emotion, hope. Hope for the final death, whenever it came and whenever this star finally burnt itself out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaZIyk0XooQ (WARNING: Part 5 Jojo Spoiler)

P.S. : Skimmed through this fic, though, might give it a proper read some days.


I finally got Sayaka this week! Thanks, Discord!

I don't know, I never had problems with magical girls becoming witches, it's just felt like something completely obvious. Magical girls had to clean their crystals to be able to do their jobs. I do have a problem with Kubey and how they resembed a machine that wasn't programmed to do it's job with responsibility. it was all about Madoka. Madoka this, and Madoka that. Kubey had an obsession with her and he is supposed to be quite intelligent but at the same time he is very stupid.

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