• Published 29th Aug 2019
  • 555 Views, 4 Comments

Forbidden dreams - Thomasfactoryuntold

Help us, I have no voice, yet I must scream.

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Forbidden dreams

Forbidden dreams

By thomasfactoryuntold

Through the years of eternal damnation that awaited me at the milky white orb in the sky, probing your mind with its glow, through the days of contempt as the mare in the moon as I once was. And now I am at a hospital where there is no freedom for me to go. My diagnosis is the damage of my vocal cords preventing me to ever speak, I had my mercy, but now it had already been used, I have no knowledge of when this punishment will end, but I assumed that it is eternal. I have no resentment or any jealousy of my sister, like when I was banished into the cursed waning moon, but had been wondering why the ponies on the lake of cuethar, were murdered mysteriously in such circumstances.

I was asked by Celestia what had happened to me, and I am writing this down to tell everypony the truth. Every night I had feared something eldritch will come to my hospital bed and will kill me if it had the chance, I am sure of it. I am not even certain if I should be writing this down, who will believe me when the note had been read? Will it be you sister? Will Anypony who had read this note refuse to believe me and interrogate me to know the truth? Or will they take me to a mental hospital knowing that I have gone mad of what I saw and cannot describe? Maybe no one should. Maybe it will be best to tell you all my experience of this never-ending punishing dream that I am in, and how my downfall would never let me speak ever again. At this moment I will only communicate with notes, so I must tell you my experience. I feared that it will lead you to revelation, so you must not read this if you do not have the courage.

I was told not to investigate cuethar by celestia that summer, when I disobeyed was investigating the crime sceans of the mysterious mass murder at cuethar. I had been curious and have been detecting what or who caused the crime scene, or what. I have a partner to help me investigate the beach at night, detective flossy sponge is his name. He witnessed the crime scene before, it was taught that the case had been closed for two years, but I am willing to change that by my curiosity, and to find the culprit. I have heard from the locals that the ponies at the beach were sleeping in the cabin, and that they have mysteriously been murdered with sutch grotesque cruelty. I was willing to sleep with the detective and let the culprits come to us. I have an alarm spell cast on this room that I have slept, so that when the culprit ever dares to touch us, we will be ready for what it had in store for the both of us.

"Detective I have cast the alarm spell upon this room so that we may catch the criminal. You will call the authorities and I will bring a signal to the royal guards if they come."

"I will try and find a phone in this place, and I will do my best to catch the criminal if I don't, we will work this out together you and I, and we are going to solve this case."

And with that the detective and I covered ouerselves with blankets and were tucked in bed, everything was in dead silence. As he and I slept in separate beds, the detective was already asleep, but I have watched the door for Anypony to come to the door, eventually I have fallen into a deep peaceful sleep, and when my eyes were shut I thought I saw something coming out of the sky, but I was too tired to pay attention to what was going on, as I was already asleep.

"Luna! Luna wake up! You will not believe this!"

I have opened my eyes, but only to find a wasteland with nothing but dust and rock. I have so many questions in my head as looked around this place, where were we? How did we get to this place? And what was that glowing ultraviolet light from the distance behind the trench? But what gets me the most was the sky. There were sickly clouds in the sky and they were made from an angry yellow smear of the sun which I could not understand. I believe that this was a dream, but what is this dream that I am in? I knew not how I have gotten here, nor do know what had happened after we slept.

"Princess, how long have we slept? What happened to equestria?"

"I do not know but we will find some answers once we find out where this faint glow behind the trenches of the mountain is coming from."

It had taken us ten hours through the trench of the mountain to get to our destination, but as we walked through the cavern, we noticed a slab blocking our path that has alien glyphs that we could not understand. Flossy sponge used to be an archaeologist before he was a detective, hence the cutie mark. He uses a sponge to find the remains of equestria's history. He had looked upon the text on the slab.

"The text seems to look like that of the zebra dialect. But the words I am reading have no meaning to it at all, it is so alien to me that it could have not been from zebra tongue. But I think it is a warning, but I am not sure what it had said. But for the sake of curiosity, we better get this slab out of the way and see what was behind it."

I used the telekinesis spell to move the slab to the side of the wall, and what revealed to us are stone steps of unknown ages. And on every hand we saw such a tower of the great plane of woah, and things left unknown. A green flame floats at the top of the tower, making a gleaming glow, hotter than iron need be for any craft, and the stairway leads us to that tower for the sign on the rock was written in the same language as the warning written in the stone zebra, a strange symbol that looked like either a clock or a sundyle. Including a stone pillar with alien carvings that I cannot understand.

"Luna I'm going out there alone. It might me fiendish work. I know that you do not want to get wild on this, and it is best if you stay behind the steps and do that you wouldn't get killed. But I promise to keep you informed over the telepphone of every move you see I’ve enough connection here to reach back to you."

Floss nods his head and trots up the stairway towards tower. I have waited countless hours for him to be safe. I fear for him he had been in greater dangers like what daring do had on her adventures. For he I might say is known to be brave when he was an archaeologist. As he went through many temples and many tombs. He hitched for equestria's ancient history. I had never heard from him since countless hours. My anxiety grew for hours to no end under stress and pressure. Until I hear his voice from my telephone.

"Celestia, if you can bear witness to my sight!"

His voice was calm earlier when he left me, but now it has changed into a shaky whisper more portentous than the loudest shriek. I did not answer him. I was speechless, I could only wait. Then came his frenzied tones again.

"Luna, this is terrible, monstrous, unbelievable!"

This time my voice did not fail me, and I poured into the transmitter a flood of excited questions. Traumatized, I asked,

"Floss, what is it!? What did you see!?"

His voice turned to shouts of terror from the telephone.

"I can't tell you luna, it's too utterly Beyond thought, I cannot tell you, no pony has known this and live! Great equestria I never dreamed of This!"

Stillness again, save for my now incoherent torrent of shuddering inquiry. Then the voice of flossy sponge in a pitch of wilder consternation. At the scorching light of the sun above me. Chest pounded like a vile mind of worries in my head as I feared that he was in greater danger.

"Floss, are you alright!? What is happening!?"

"Luna! for the love of celestia, just put the slab back and get out of this if you can! leave everything else and make for the outside! it’s your only chance! Just go!"

I never wanted him to die like This, my fear becomes even worse for I feel a vague resentment that I would abandon him in his time of need, I knew that he needed my help.

"Floss, heads up! I'm coming out there!"

His voice changes to his screams of despair from his voice. He sounds so desperate in his voice that I know for a fact that he was in terrible danger then I.

"DON'T! You can't understand! It's too late, and my oun fault! There is nothing that you can do now!"

I was paralyzed In fear of what I saw grotesque tendrils of ultraviolet light glowing around the tower. His voice becomes a shaky whisper again as the chains of stark horror froze me in place.

"Nearly over now, don’t make it harder. cover up those damned steps and run for your life! you’re losing time! So long, luna won’t see you again."

Here floss’ whisper bursts into screaming; a scream that gradually rose to a shriek fraught with all the horror of the ages.

"Hellish fiend! Legions! Hell! My celestia! Beat it! Beat it! Beat it! beat it!"

As his screaming turns to static, I bolted up the stairway, and I ran as fast as I could to reach him within the tower! Could the monster from the left side of the tower be a threat to equestria? Could that be the case of the gruesome murders at the beach of cuethar? I need to seek that knowledge! I need to find out what had happened to those ponies. And as I reach to the tower after hours of running, I finally noticed the material of the tower itself, for it is not made of stone, nor is it made from wood, what I can see is that the tower is made from bones and dead remains of an unknown creatures. And the structure of the tower astounds me to see rows of windows around the tower. I walked through the cyclopsian door as I step into the darkness.

I used the illumination spell, to shine a light within the towers. My eyes widened, and my face contorted in shocks of disbelief. The catacomb wake and pillars were filled with grotesque faces of tortured souls petrified and turned into stone within every face. Of creatures I have never seen. They have the looks of terror within the looks of those eyes, and the screaming in terror. I have seen the statue of worship within the tower. The outer god ul,cadar,jag. I can hear a faint sound within the stairs I walked up every step to reach the top. As I reach the top, what I saw was horrible,

It was ponies who had been murdered at the beach of cuethar. They too have been petrified and their faces were fused within these walls along with millions of tormented souls of the tower. But an even greater horror, was the face of flossy sponge in the wall. He looked terrified with in the face. I was too late to save him. I stepped back at the gruesome sight, and I bumped into a set of stairs behind me. I looked behind me and what I saw was a stained glass window. With the switch at the right side of the frame. The window had alien features, it glowed an ultraviolet glow within the neon light.

I pulled the switch up, and I have seen green flames filling up the glass swirling up to make a vortex of flames. The vortex opened up and what I saw is eldritch.

I beheld ul,cadar,jag. He had ultraviolet blots forming shapes beyond all memory. He bore tendrils created from the blots. He was the nightmare of dreams, forbidden to go. The unfathomable. I cannot describe him any further. The abomination grabbed me all over my body and dragged me in. I realized that he dragged me outside of the tower, I couldn't move my body since he held me. As i looked at him, the world around me began to spin. I believed I have gone mad after that.

everything went black from my madness that I couldn't remember what had happened to me when I woke up from my bed. I believed it to be a dream, or so I thought that it was a dream. But when I uncover the sheets from the bed that flossy sponge slept on, I screamed. There jay on the bed was the corpse of flossy sponge. In the cabin, he had been grotesquely murdered just like the rest of the tortured souls.

I looked at my stomach and I noticed that I was pregnant, my stomach starts bulging and bubbling a maddening growls within my stomach, I feel sick when I woke up, and I ran towards the bathroom, and began to vomit.

Out of my snout, I saw tendrils of ultraviolet light gleaming in the darkness. My eyes widened at the horrifying sight, along with the tears of pain. I have finally remembered what had happened to me.

I have gotten pregnant by the outer god, ul,cadar,jag. The nightmare of forbidden dreams. I have a dark one inside me. I have paid for my actions as nightmare moon once, and now I have paid again. The chiled I have gave birth to had came out of my mouth and it had destroyed my vocal cords, out of my throat.

The dark one I had given birth to had a shape of a pony, but it had tendrils of ultraviolet light for it's mane and tail, it is invisible to any light source including the sun, but not the ultraviolet light shined upon it.

Bulks rounding in the skin of a soft; slippery matter. Blotches of diseased glowing purple come and go on its surface as ultraviolet light beams from within.

Alteredly I have trembled and had been afraid of the thing that does not fit to be called an alicorn, a thing which shape is so alien of travesty, that equestria comes more obscene for the vague resemblance. It had eyes, but they form in and out of its body. It's wings are made of flaps gelatinous glowing purple slime which is what I believe can stretch outwards to help in its flight.

My instinct tells me to love the foal that I have given birth to, but at the same time I grew more disgusted at the eldritch sight. The outer god's intent was to summon me to allow pinkie to go missing. The cult of cthulhu will grow in numbers for all I had ever known. My fear and paranoia had began to grow of what will happen to me.

Right now in the hospital, I can see the monstrosity of the invisible light, my foal, flying: crawling; and creeping in the room. There were nopony in this room to see what I have witnessed, I have gone mad with fright.

I have no voice, yet I must scream.

Comments ( 4 )

I’ve noticed you seeking comments on this story and so here are my two cents. I’ll be brutally honest, this story needs reworking, lots if it. It is riddled with long and complex run-on sentences that are quite hard to read, confuse the audience and surely don’t entertain them. Chances are, these will turn your readers away after a paragraph or two, that’s probably why no one commented yet.

I’m sorry the first comment on your story had to be such a negative one, but I find this more helpful than pointless sugarcoating.

That was poetic wrighting and it is supposed to be like that. Have you read one of the novels of hp lovecraft? I mean look if you do not like the poetic writing, that's fine I respect your opinion.

I have read a few of Lovecraft's works, as well as many poetic pieces of literature. However, there is a significant difference between being poetic and not understandable.

Well, this sort of story is not my cup of tea. Major points for freaky weirdness though.

I have never read anything else that simultaneously has such a good use of imagery and phrasing and bad use of grammar and spelling. That made it difficult to get through, as meaning got cloudy sometimes. The style was interesting as feeling poetic, but it needs quite a lot of work to really be what you are going for. I think it is worth your time to keep at it.

There are a few things about which questions could be raised... exploring for 10 hours is one example. It took only a moment to write that, but that's a long time. Would they get hungry or thirsty? Did they find nothing of interest in that time? Develop more, fix grammar and spelling.

Here is one error, "I had been asked by celestia of what it had happened to me, and I am writing this down, to tell you all the truth."
Consider instead, "I was asked by Celestia what had happened to me, and I am writing this down to tell everypony the truth."

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