• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 318 Views, 0 Comments

The Origins... - Ballisticzebra

Ever wonder how the ponies came to be? And where the Alicorns went? Well, this is that very story...

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The Origins, Part Three

"How could I have allowed this to happen?" Solaris groaned, sitting as his desk. His mind replaying the events of yesterday over and over.

"How would you have stopped it? There was no way you could have known!" Selene protested, hating to see her husband like this, blaming himself for things he couldn't even have done.

"I could have asked for all of their opinions! First, I lost the changelings, and now I lost the hyppogriffs. I am the worst ruler in all of Equestria!" He let his head drop heavily on the desk with a sigh.

"Well, you are the only ruler of Equestria… So that would mean you are also the best one," Selene teased.

"Not. Helping." He mumbled, "But I guess you are right, I can only hope they will be happy," He lifted his head.

"That's the husband I know! Now let's go outside and see how the unicorns are doing?"

"Alright, They seem to have been able to get the sun and moon to go through their cycles. Albeit not very smoothly, so we should go and give them some tips," He and Selene then started to walk out of the palace.

"You know, we still haven't named the capital city," Selene mentioned, just before they got out.

"Hm, why don't we name it Canterlot? I think that sounds great," Solaris said with a grin.

"You just love your puns, don't you?"

"Very much so, yes."

"Eh, it was only a 6/10, I can think of quite a few that are punnier," Selene said, with the biggest %$#^ eating grin you ever saw.

Solaris laughed, "Oh, so that's gonna be how you play it huh?" They both laughed as they walked outside of the door too help the unicorns.

10 Months Later....

The Alicorn Ruler was sleeping peacefully at night while Selene was monitoring the dreams of all of the citizens of Equestria. It was a hard job, it was easier of course when there were only the Alicorns, since the changelings didn't dream. It was the only work she got to do ever since she first got pregnant. And the only dreams she had to interfere in were the worst of the worst nightmares. Inside, Solaris sighed in his sleep. She still hadn't gotten revenge on him for all of the stuff that had happened, and she could change dreams into nightmares...

Before she could change her mind she went into his dreamed and silently changed it into something that would scare the living daylights out of him. She counted down in her mind of when he would wake up. 3... 2... 1... and right when she hit zero, he sprang up out of their bed gasping for breath, his eyes the size of dinner plates. He only calmed down when he noticed her snickering and trying to hold back her laughter.

"Did you do that?" He asked her, blatant confusion and nervousness in his eyes.

"Mhm!" She simply replied. His face contorted into rage. She took a step back at how angry he seemed to get.


"1. Don't yell at your wife mister.

2. I manipulated your dreams to turn them into a nightmare.

3. This is revenge for pampering me too much for this past year."

"What do you mean, 'pampering'?"

"I mean, you haven't let me do anything for the past year except the things that only I can do!" She yelled angrily.

"I don't want you to hurt the babies!"

"I know how much I, and they, can handle!"

"How could you possibly know that?!"

"Because I am the one carrying them! I would be able to tell, and I would never do anything to put them in danger," She suddenly got wide eyed and stumbled. Solaris went to her side, his anger quickly forgotten.

"Selene, are you okay?" He asked panicked.

"Yeah, but I have some good and bad news."


"The good news is that you will meet your daughters soon, the bad news is that you are going to meet your daughters soon," She said with an embarrassed smile on her face. Meanwhile Solaris was shocked into a frozen state, unmoving, and unblinking.

"Sol? Sooool. Somecreature get some water, he's gone into shock," An earth pony that was currently tending to some flowers like nothing was going on perked up her ears and rushed to the kitchen to get a pitcher of ice-cold water. A couple minutes later she returned with not a pitcher, but a bucket.

"Thank you," Selene said politely, "Now, would you please go and get the doctors?"

"Of course, My Queen," The earth pony replied, about to hurry off before she was stopped.

"May I know your name? So that I can reward you for keeping yourself calm and helping me through this?"

"No proble- I mean, Of course, Your Majesty. My name is Puddinghead."

"I will try to remember it. Trust me, you will be getting a great reward for this act of kindness."

"Thank you, My Queen. You are too kind."

"No, I am just being the queen you deserve. Now, can you please go and get the doctor and Prince Arbor?"

"Okie dokie loki!" The soon-to-be Chancellor rushed off.

"Ok, Sol, I am sorry for this but it has to be done," And with that, Selene dumped the bucket of water on him after stepping back. He awoke spluttering and flailing his hooves around.

"Wha-what happened?" He asked looking around dazed.

"Well, when I told you that the twins were coming you promptly fainted on the ground."

"Wait, they're coming? Now?! There is still a month left before they are supposed to come!” Solaris now started to pace around the floor erratically. what to do what to do…. From the looks of things he was going to wear a groove into the floor before he would help Selene. You could tell that Selene noticed as well from the look on her face.

“Uhm, Sol. Wife in labor here!” She yelled at him to snap him out of his frenzy.

“Right, I’ll go and get a doctor-”

“Already sent a servant for Dr. Flora.”

“Okay then. Let’s get you on the bed.”

“Turn around, Sol.” He did so and saw that she already was on the bed.

“You are already on the bed. What else do we need? Hot water? Blankets?”

“Sol, stop worrying about this. I am going to be fine. We’re immortal remember?”

“That isn’t what I’m worried about,” he slumped forward on the bed. He raised his head so he could look Selene in the eye. “What if I’m not a good enough father?”

Selene instantly softened, her brow going up in surprise, “ Oh, Sol! That’s what has gotten you in such a tizzy? You are going to be a great father!”

“But I have no experience! I’m not even a good husband!”

“You stop that! You are the best husband I could have ever hoped for! And you are like a father to all of our subjects each and everyday.”

He slowly drew himself up to stand on all four of his hooves, “Are you sure?”

“I am positive that you will also be the best father these little fillies could ever wish they had.” Suddenly her head jerked upwards as her body convulsed. She hissed and looked at Solaris, “Just get the doctor here quick. Okay?”

Solaris was outside the royal chambers while waiting for news. The reason for this was because when the first foal was starting to crown Solaris promptly fainted. Having to be dragged out by two earth pony nurses and banished from the room until the birthing was done. The only ones allowed in the room were the nurses, Dr. Flora who was an earth pony, and Selene, of course. Caelum was with Sol, assuring him that everything was fine and calming him down whenever he started to go hysterical.

“What if the babies don’t come out right? What if Selene dies while giving birth? What if-” Sol started to say. Only to be interrupted by Caelum.

“Brother, you are getting a bit unbearable. Calm down. There have been thousands, no, millions of creatures who have gone through this same exact process!”

“I know. You are right brother. I just hope that this all will be over soon.” Just as Sol said that Dr. Flora walked through the doors.

“Your Majesty, Queen Selene has finished delivering. You have two happy foals. Congrat-” Dr. Flora never got to finish her sentence as she was pushed aside abruptly by a charging Sol galloping past her into the room. There he saw her sitting with two baby alicorn fillies in her hooves.

“They are beautiful.” He said, walking up to her and hugging her. He drew back and booped one on the nose. The one he booped had snow white fur and a bright pink mane. She squealed under his hoof, causing both of her parents to laugh.

“Don’t tease her!” Selene scolded him.

“I’m sorry. It is just that she is so precious! Here’s an idea. Why don’t I get to name her and you get to name her sister?” He looked over to the other foal in her arms. She had stars in her hair. She looked a lot more like her mother and father than the white furred one.

“Okay… what are you going to name our first daughter?” Selene asked with one brow raised. Solaris knew the name immediately.


“It’s perfect.”

“Any name would be perfect for our daughter. Now, what are you going to name our other daughter?”

“I think I’ll name her…”

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone! I know that's been a while but I am here now and I will try my best not to go like that for a long time again! I fully intend on keeping that promise! Something I hope you guys will participate in will be the choosing of the twin of Celestia! You can choose either Princess Stella!

Or Princess Nova!

You can choose by commenting who you would like to see in the story! Also comment for any questions, concerns, or criticsms you have about the chapter or story as a whole!

See you Later!


P.s. I edited the previous chapters and added some stuff. So go check it out!

Edited by: Das Ares

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