• Published 10th Aug 2019
  • 382 Views, 3 Comments

Beyond Earth and Heaven - normandyman

Imagine if our real world get mixed with the typical fantastical one, and then that mixture enter in contact with the MLP's universe. This is my first history with my own characters, many ideas floating on my mind and a lot of references.

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3- Keep calm and...

?????????????????? 1:00 am.

The world, gray and cloudy, was totally empty, desolated. A quadruped being stood dubitative, like a traveler who visit a well-known place but he found it totally changed.

The being explored with the sight the place, but nothing could be spotted. No magic, no living signatures, no movements. Utter silence. Only can hear the heartbeats of her. She never found nothing like this. What kind of creature is this with no dreams, no thoughts or life?

Footsteps. She turned back quickly. Something appeared suddenly and it’s moving quickly. The darkness began to advance and she turned on a light using her horn. The light revealed a majestic unicorn of dark blue fur and mane, this last one undulating and sparkling as the nocturnal sky itself. On her back, a pair of wings, on the head a black crown.

The alicorn explored more cautiously. The darkness retreated, but not for too long. Something is wrong, something lives here. The shadows moved in a hypnotic dance that trapped the alicorn’s attention.

“Who’s there?” She asked firmly, but obviously uneasy.

No response. The shadows keep the movements as nothing, but the alicorn still had the feeling of being observed.

After a couple of seconds she desisted. Maybe the circumstances turned her more nervous than usual. She relaxed herself. Next time, she will take it easy. Stress is contagious, for both sides, in the dream world.

The alicorn ignored the darkness and turned back only to find two yellow eyes looking directly at her face, so close that she could smell its putrid breath. She screamed in terror. In front of her stand a grotesque bipedal creature, made up as a clown. Its head was huge, covered in ginger hair, and from its eyes fell down two red lines until reaching both sides of its mouth, big and red. It was wearing the typical clown’s dress, but monotonous and dirty. When it saw the panic face of the alicorn it smiled, exhibiting its teeth in an ominous way.

“Hiya Luny. Wanna say hello?”

Said the creature. Its voice, creepy and shrill, only increased the sense of danger. Self-confident, gloomy, mannered look, everything in this creature is threatening.

“How do you know my name?” She asked, doing in the process great efforts to recover the composure.

“Penny knows many things. We’ll have so much fun together. If you like, you can join us.”


“Oh, oh! Yes, yes! You, me, the master and the maker. They come when Penny founds someone to have fun.”

The creature called ‘Penny’ began to laugh exaggeratedly between spasms. Master? Maker? The entire plane is a dream. Is it talking about the dreamer or all the place belong to a more complex system?

“And where is your master or maker?”

“Not here, not here. They let me play, and come when I’ve finished.”

Something in clown’s words caused in the alicorn an urgent necessity to flee away. The clown had stopped of laughing. Its eyes were fixed on her, and the yellow color was shining brighter than before.

“You must play with me first Luny, and then they will come. Come. Play with me.”

The clown reached a hand, and the alicorn felt as if an abyss be opened just in front of her. She has to run, desperately, but the ghastly face of the clown paralyzed her.

“No!” She screamed.

Penny stepped back. It seemed to be sad because it was crying.

“Why?” The question remained unanswered. The fright face of the alicorn peering at it was enough. “No one wants to play with Penny. No one understand that they made me as I am. Poor of me!”

The creature moved side to side simulating to be crying. It looks so fragile, but that only disturbed ‘Luny’ even more. Fakes sounds of sorrow and winding theatricality, like a dancing mongoose about to attack.

“Really sad. But maybe I can offer you a gift” the clown took from one of its pockets a red balloon and swelled it. Slowly, it offered the balloon to the alicorn. “Do you want a balloon Luny? It’s yours. Here, take it. Take it.

Darkness behind the clown grew bigger and involved the creepy creature leaving only the two shining yellow eyes at view. Terror: the alicorn doubted.


The clown rushed to the alicorn and she screamed terrified.

Then, she awakes, standing on a balcony. The fresh gust of the midnight embrace her and brought tranquility. A promise of safety.

“What was…. It?”


Sweet Apple Acres. 1:30 a.m Six days after the dimensional anomaly.

White Robe was lying on his back, sleeping peacefully. Applejack provided him with many supplies to mount guard outdoors like a bedroll, lantern and a tiny table. Honestly, only the bedroll was enough comfort. He is so active during the day that at night he fall asleep with ease.

However, something disturb his sleep. Something disrupted not only his dreams, but the entire night suffered a great commotion. The door of the granary thunderously. The doctor jumped of his bedroll and screamed because the fright. His sight, still blurry, could distinguish a bipedal silhouette walking in a rush, ignoring him and passing for his side.

“What happened?” Asked the doctor. He was ignored and the figure kept walking. “Hey!”

The doctor went after the biped and tried, in vain, to stop it.

“Qart what happened?”

“Someone tried to psy-attack me”

Qart answered without stopping his march. Judging his voice, he was really angry. The doctor took his left arm attempting to calm him down, but Qart refused with coarseness.

“And what do you pretend? Frisking all over Equestria?”

Qart didn’t answer and White Robe was about to call for help but something stopped his attempt. The doctor, in spite of the urgency, analyzed better the situation. Probably Qart was dreaming, he dreamed with something strange and some weird thing of his homeworld activated the terminator mode. The rest was only a sum of 2+2.

“Oh, you referred that! Of course. You’re not accustomed to the visit of the princess Luna.”

Qart stopped cold. The doctor sighed relieved. An angry lethal machine free in Equestria is the last problem he need.

“The princess Luna is the master of dreams and the oneiric space. She was only paying you a visit. That’s all. There’s no psy-attack.”

White Robe’s answer seemed to convince Qart, because he abandoned his aggressive stance for another more relaxed: almost meditative. He first looked at the doctor but later to the horizon. He sighed. His eyes lost any signs of angry. Now they were calm.

“One of the rulers, then. That means that I can not do a rough movement or I am doomed.”

“WE are doomed, but correct. And no one of us wants that, right?”

The knight rubbed his chin. The doctor is right. Too many risks on initiating a scandal. Later he will find answers, but for now discretion is the best resource he has. However, if there’s someone capable to perform a psychic attack at such long distance he must be careful. She is powerful, much much more than any unicorn in the town… and to be more worrisome he was incapable to detect her powers. With no care, this princess may melt his brain or worst: steal vital secrets of the order. Great. Another problem to think about.

“Very well, doc. You won. But I have a request for you”

“If you stay calm, I am all ears.”

Qart walked toward the doctor nice and easy, even smiling. But, while the knight was approaching, the doctor felt a chill, a true feeling of menace behind that smile.

“Tell to your princess that the next time she enter in mi mind she will see a true walking nightmare.”

Qart said, slowly, whispering to the doctor’s ear. Then he walked back to the granary. To the doctor the message was very clear. Immediately, he took up feather and paper and began to write. The lion has growled, the next time he will show the fangs.


Sweet Apple Acres. 10:25 a.m.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were expectant. From the distance, Qart was doing calisthenics. White Robe warned Applejack about the incident in the early morning. The farmer, on the other, chose to maintain Twilight out of the matter. These late days she was too busy and another problem on the list won’t help her. Applejack had to deal with the doctor first to convince him of not sending the letter. If Qart perceives that his behavior is causing disruption, he would be averse to dialogue only by resentment.

Applejack talked with Spike about the situation and he accepted to send a letter more “elaborated” to the princess Luna herself explaining the situation. And, to complete, she brought Rainbow Dash to the farm. The turns’ system conceived by Pinkie Pie has no sense now. So, Applejack thought on spend twice at the same time. To the pegasus all of this was very annoying. She has no intention to spend time with the human but Applejack was… convincing.

“Aren't you finished yet?”

Asked the pegasus. Qart ignored her and continued his exercises. After some minutes, he stood up upright controlling his breath. He did lateral movements with the head and the neck’s bones cracked. The same with arms and fingers in a nasty spectacle of sounds.

“Ready” He said laconically.

“What was that?” Inquired Rainbow. “Are you trying to intimidate us? Because with that ridiculous dance you won’t.

“That dance is gymnastic. It is fundamental to initiate a productive day. As an athlete you should know it”.

“How do you…? No matter. I don’t need that. I am an explosive force of awesomeness.”

“I see. So as an explosion you end as a pile of debris, right?”

Applejack refrained a loud laugh. Right in the pride! Rainbow was so angry that she could not articulate a response.

“Oh yeah, you… you black bald monkey!”

“What a nice counter Rainbow. Ja ja ja”

The pegasus looked at her even more annoyed. Applejack’s funny face was contrasting with the angry one of Rainbow or Qart, which was absolutely indifferent.

“That’s it! I will not tolerate this! I’m leaving.”

“Dash, wait” Said A.J, trying to control herself.

“Quit laughing!”

The pegasus tried but Applejack held her by the tail. Both mares began to discuss about the situation leaving Qart alone. He gave them time, but more and more time passed, more and more childish the conversation went. The knight stepped forward and clapped loudly. The mares interrupted the discussion and paid him attention.

“Excuse me for interrupt, but can you tell me what I will do today. I am busy and I want to go.”

“Now we are two pal”

Said Rainbow Dash. Applejack, in retaliation, threw her down to the ground.

“Don’t be rough with ma’ guest.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Exclaimed Rainbow standing up. “You have just…”

Qart whistled. Giving little taps with the foot was indicating boredom and impatience. Rainbow looked at him especially annoyed. No pony tells her what to do, less a human! And that face of prepotency... too much arrogant.

“The business today is simple: you will help Rainbow and I to work in the farm. Ma’ family should use an extra pair of hoofs and…

“We wha…?!” Rainbow exclaimed but Applejack shut her up putting a hoof on his mouth.

“… and I decide to use my turn to do it. Rainbow here came VOLUNTARELY to help too. So, whatcha say?”

Qart shrugged. He wasn’t interested at all in this and looking at Rainbow Dash she neither. However, the Apple family gave him refuge and only by that he is in debt with them. He must pay the selfless hospitality. Applejack, by his part, was trying to create a friendlier environment. If something bonded her to her friends more and more was the teamwork. The necessity of cooperate, the opportunity to know each other, to face mutual defects and still keep going on. So many memories came to Applejack’s mind, memories when her friendship were tested in no few problems. Time to apply that with the alien… in a low difficulty level of course. In time, she will introduce him to a more complex tasks.

“And what do you need?” Asked Qart

“Simple. Can ya’ see that plow? We’re goin’ to use it on that extensive field. That means we work together as a team and…”

Applejack interrupt his speech when she saw the plow floating in the air moving toward the said field. She saw Qart. As nothing, the human was moving a hand in graceful movements. With each movement he commands the plow, tilling the ground amazingly fast.

“What a teamwork A.J.”

Said Rainbow sarcastically. The yellow mare observed the act in silence. Twilight warned her that Qart would have advanced magical skills but his show exceed any magical skill she ever has seen. The plow was moving fluidly, fast and with no restraint, even better than with a pony using it. In twenty minutes, half land was tilled. Looking at her friend, the pegasus looks very disappointed. She, as the hostess, must do something.

“Wait!” She screamed. Qart stopped his activity, lifting the plow over the ground. “I know you’re a mage, but this time try to use no magic. That is how the Apple family works.

Qart inspected the plow, still in the air, a few seconds. Too heavy, and, more important, not made to be used for humans.

“And how should I use this with no magic?”

Really. He wasn’t paying attention to her? He assumed that he has to work alone? He wants so much finish the work and go? He has a plenty of disposition, but is lone wolf, that’s sure.

“Oh no. Not alone. We’re going to help ya’. As a TEAM. The work is lighter when is performed with friends.”

The knight grouched. Again the friendship’s prate. What is happening with this people? All the time when he wants to do something is friendship this, friendship the other… No matter how you see it, this time is pure logic. The magic is a faster way to finish the job a jump to another one. The productivity increases and no friendship could refute that. He wants to know, now, how the ponies deal with war with that attitude.

“Magic is more suitable. Hard works become easy.” Said the knight as laconic as ever.

“Sure, but nor Rainbow Dash nor I can use magic, and we can’t work.”

“You do not have to. You are giving me house and food. I have to carry my own burden.”

So, that was the meaning of all of this. He only wants to say ‘thanks’. The doctor is wrong. He is not a monster or, being honest, not completely. The perfect opportunity to establish a better relation. Time to a risky bet.

“The work, heavy or simple, is matter of team. Sometimes may be less productive, but contribute to improve the relations between teammates and, in time, everypony works as a single unit, beatin’ any challenge that they may face. Rainbow has wings and she is not usin’ them”

“Corps’ spirit: cohesion, bravery and loyalty.” Said the night. His eyes were shining in a gleaming of satisfaction and happiness. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other confused. “Young Apple, you think like a general. I’m impressed.”

That was a fast change of attitude. Two mares stayed silent knowing nothing about to do next. The knight erected one thumb and looks like he was waiting for a response. Applejack, however, recomposed fast. A little sample of good will, as it was, is a good start and she isn’t going to waste it.

“So, are ya’ ready to work hard as a team?” The yellow mare asked self-confident and Qart answered her with a small punch on his chest. “Bring some seeds sacks, Rainbow and I are goin’ to finish your work here”.

Qart leaved the pair of friends alone. The two mares began to till the land despite Rainbow’s refusals. After some minutes of silence, and when Qart was far enough, the pegasus interrupted the labor taking Applejack by his cheks.

“What was that?”

“A little counsel that the doctor gave me” Answered the yellow mare. “Attendin’ the results, he is quite perceptive.”


Ponyville’s outskirts. 2:30 p.m

An intense radiance illuminated the plain, and even the midday sun got shaded by it. From the epicenter several shockwaves palpitate, removing ground, grass and any sort of tiny objects. The heat increased and the lapse pulsations got more frequent and violent. Then, the space itself began to tear apart. A hole appeared in the middle of that clash between universes. It was small, not greater than a watermelon, and as fast it appeared it began to disappear. Suddenly a monstrous claw crossed the edge. The limb tore the space even more, expanding the hole in such a way that a huge and deformed body could pass through it.

The monster was enormous. With dark skin and some red cracks on it, its shady semblance is touched off with a pair of two shining yellow eyes and a mouth filled with sharped teeth. The monster looked its surroundings. Pretty much different to the last place it was pillaging. The change was sudden and now it is a little clueless. But a smell of living shake is very essence.

“Powerful.” The monster spotted a village on the distance. The feeling got stronger in that direction. “Dinner is served.”

Said the monster, walking to the village, slow but inexorable. Ground and grass, after each step, turned sickly and withered.

Fluttershy’s cottage. 2:00 p.m.

After a couple of rough hours of work in the farm the trio composed by Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Qart went to Fluttershy’s cottage following the turns’ system. The knight was visibly exhausted and Applejack tried to convince him to stay in the farm to rest. Qart refused alleging respect for the accord, and at the 1:00 p.m the two ponies and the human reached the next stop as expected. Fluttershy, as the next hostess, was in charge of the launch. Knowing nothing about human diet, she prepared a great and varied collection of food. To Qart’s disappointment, the menu was conformed by flowers, salad, hay and… riots, maybe? Obviously the knight didn’t ate nothing, and only limited to sit at the table with the mares. This last fact shamed Fluttershy. The tiny chair can barely contain Qart’s body and he looks ridiculous on it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash giggling didn’t make her feel better.

“And, mmm, how was your day? If I, mmm, may ask.” Asked Fluttershy to the knight in a murmur. The truth is Qart reacted almost immediately to her first words and gave her an attentive look. If not intimidating, it was very creepy.

“Rough” Answered Qart. “No healthy bones in my body”.

“Oh, poor thing. Does it hurt?”

“A lot.”

Applejack looked at them with a small smile of satisfaction. It seems that Fluttershy is having more success in holding a normal conversation with the guest.

“Yeah, well, apparently our tough guy is not, how to say it? so tough after all.” Interrupted Rainbow Dash “Sincerely, I was waiting for something more exciting coming from the alien who came from an explosion.”

“Well, surely he did his best, and that’s all what matters, right?”

“Yup.” Assented Applejack fast to Fluttershy’s answer. Sometimes Dash can be pretty annoying with her ‘self-confidence’ but right now that is the last thing needed. “Everypony did his job and we’ve finished. Ye’ were HELPIN’ ME, not competin’.”

“Of course A.J, but I’m still a little bit disappointed” Both Qart and Applejack looked at the pegasus. Applejack was visibly irritated. Qart seemed to be dissimulating a total lack of interest. “I mean, after a display of that face of ‘I’m stronger than you’ it’s impossible that you got tired working in a farm”

“What are ye’ saying?” Now Applejack was really mad.

“I’m sure that Rainbow didn’t mean it.”

Fluttershy tried in vain to calm her friend down. A.J ignored her continued his rampage against the pegasus.

“Work in a farm is not hard enough? Let me tell ya’ that work the farm is as noble as any work in Equestria.”

The environment turned in an uncomfortable heat. ‘Rivality’ thought the knight. To be sure, Qart made another mental note: be careful with the young Apple’s profession. The situation was nothing pleasant and Fluttershy’s face supported his theory. Qart cleared his throat loudly, calling the attention of both pegasus and earth pony.

“Your friend Rainbow is right” he said finally after a brief pause. “I am ashamed because of my work. It was mediocre, and my debt to your family is not going to be paid with it. My apologies. I thought that I can do it better.”

Qart voice was solemn, repented, as if was begging for pardon. Applejack felt bad. Surely the discussion made him felt guilty. Oh dear.

“However, you were evading the strength-based works. You didn’t help in nothing”.

“Hold on mister. I’m a pegasus. Don’t expect me to do brute jobs. I prefer speed, the adrenaline, the emotion. Of course, a human like you will not understand it”

“I did. As a flyer, your body is weak. We have flyers in my world too, so I know your physical weakness. But still, you got tired too easily. Only a couple of rounds to the farm and you were winded. I can see that you have too much explosive strength but low resistance. Work on it.”

“Are you teaching me about how to do sports?”

Rainbow voice was sarcastic, arrogant. Qart, still in silence, only accented nodding his head. Applejack smiled.

“That explains the ‘explosive force’ thing”

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled and the pegasus sited down in her chair, muttering a little bit upset. Maybe Rainbow will hate him who know for too long, but for now the atmosphere relaxed and that relieved Qart. He makes himself comfortable in his tiny chair and let the three friends finish the afternoon.

“Sorry to have stolen him Fluttershy. He warned us.”

“No problem Applejack. I’m glad that he is finally making friends.”

The fun fact in the ponies’ intentions was how they supposed that he can’t make friends. That is annoying to Qart. He is not a sociopath only for being three days in self-reclusion. They were judging him attending to their own communal lifestyle. He is pretty charismatic… or he thinks so. He took up a tea cup and drank slowly. The flavor was horrible, but the attentions dispensed to him don’t deserve a puke. Fluttershy saw him drinking and asked for his opinion. Qart only answered ‘Indescribable’. The yellow mare smiled satisfied and poured another cup. ‘Mental note: hunt something’. He thought. If the situation keep as usual, he is going to need a memo or something.

At least they are pleasant people, or animals, or ponies, or whatever. It could be worse.

“I promise, I’ll bring’im tomorrow.”

“If you prefer, I can go to Sweet Apple Acres instead. There’s no need to do anything alone”.

“What do you think Qart?”

Applejack asked cordially. To Qart such decision has no relevance. Is the same thing! No matter what the result is the same. Their mentality is simple and naive, like a child. Situations like this one remember him his duty more than usual.

After throwing a mental coin to decide, he was about to speak when he felt a strong fluctuation in the magic specter. He is not accustomed yet to the high magical presence in this land’s atmosphere and its interference, but still the sensation was strong enough to surpass it and feel it without instruments. It is near, very near. Coming from… Ponyville!!!

“Qart... earth callin’ knight. What do…?”

“Evacuate Ponyville.” Ordered abruptly the knight to Applejack.

Qart stood up and walked hurriedly to the door. Everypony was confused by sudden change in attitude.

“Is something wrong?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Evacuate Ponyville! NOW!”

Qart opened the door and went out of the cottage. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tried to follow him, but when they got out the knight had already disappeared.

Ponyville’s outskirts. 2:32 p.m.

The demon continued his march attracted by the strong living essence coming from the town. The Tartarus is not an empty zone precisely, rich in energy but also hostile and brutal. This land is an easy gift to it after centuries of fights. It was already imagining itself walking through years of evolution and reaching the most powerful daentus in Tartarus.

Its fantasies, however, impeded it to detect an intruder, intruder who was approaching excessively fast. The new prey stopped just in front of it, defying. The demon’s eyes opened wide. His essence was more dense and powerful than any other in the town. How is possible that such power passed unobserved to it?

The demon recognized the creature. A human with brown skin, male, tiny. It has devoured the essence of many humans, some more special than others. This one, yet, is unique.

“Tall, corpulent, barely horned, compact essence not too great. For sure your intelligence is limited. A Proeza class II, no doubts.” Said the human.

“Human. Powerful. I eat you.”

“Yep. No intelligence. I did it again.”

The demon rampaged against the human and punched him with its full strength. The earth cracked and trembled after the mastodontic blow. The monster raised up its fists looking for the squeezed remains but only found crushed rocks.

“Before destroy you, do you have a name or something? In fact, do you even know who I am?”

“You be my dinner!!!”

The demon charged again, but this time its fists were stopped by a violent explosion of energy. The monster flew through the air until crashing into the ground. It stood up, trying to find out what hit it.

“It is a shame. I suppose you will be the ‘Nameless demon no. 5000’. I am Qart. Be proud of knowing the name of your executioner.”

The human spoke and his voice sounded arrogant and confident, but also cruel and shady. One of his hands enlightened with lightnings and he disappeared. The demon blinked and the human was just in front of it. It tried to defend, but the direct blow drove it back. The knight did a pause, like analyzing what the monster would do next. The demon abused of it, because Qart reinitiated the offensive throwing several fireballs. Such basic attack was underestimated, erroneously, by the demon. It tried to stop them using only its hands and the first fireball broke both limbs. The next ones exploded involving the monster in flames.

“You are the dumbest demon that I ever faced. You are not even worthy of my first transformation, and usually your kind force me to use it.”

The demon stood up and began to run away. Qart charge an enormous lightning and shot it to the fleeing enemy. The day sparkled with the lightning and the thunder was ear-splitting. Fulminated, the demon fell on its knees defenseless. The human, smiling in satisfaction, walked toward it. The demon attacked the tiny human, but he was faster and gave it a catastrophic punch in the middle of the chest.

The monster used the proximity to its adversary to prepare a point-blank energy blast from his mouth. The human countered this using flash steps to take distance and, when the monster shot, he took the energy and returned it to its owner. The blast made a great explosion and provoked gusts of wind and dust. The demon, gasping, was almost agonizing. Its skin was pale, the cracks were more pronounced and they had lost any trail of vitality: the red color turned into a fading black.

“No more!!! No more!!!”

Cried the demon. Despite its size, it was trembling like gelatin. Qart advanced slowly, showing his teeth in a shady smile.

“What happened? I am not your dinner after all? That was a too brief battle.”

“I-I can’t… I can’t…”

The demon attempted to stand up, but its adversary crushed it against the ground using only pure telekinesis.

“Sit down, monster! Have some dignity and face the destiny you chose.”

The human looked toward the town. It seems that the ponies got nervous thanks to the fight and undoubtedly some snoopers would appear to find out what has been going on. Fortunately, the rift only brought one demon, and a foolish one indeed. Nothing to be alarmed… momentarily. His theory was right: the demons followed him.

“I told you! Something has happened” Exclaimed a pony accompanied with another one at his side, both dangerously near to the demon.

“For Celestia, look at that thing!”

Both, human and monster, saw the opportunity. The creature rushed to the ponies and its adversary did the same, using his flash steps to reach them. He did it and tried to run back, but two passengers is an excessive weight and the demon succeed in intercept him. He lost contact with one of the ponies, who fell on the ground at the mercy of the monster. The creature, taking the pony for the neck, put him in front of it as a living shield.

“I scape, or talking horse destroyed” Said the demon, now with renewed authority.

Damn dumb animals. Who walks directly to a giant and horrible monster admiring the beautiful day? The situation is now much more delicate. The demon knows its position and began to move back surely to flee. Qart attempted to do a dreadful movement to catch the monster’s attention. The tactic worked and the creature took a defensive stance abandoning the escape. No doubts. Time to improvise and being self-confident. Many people told him that he has a scary face: time to use it.

The human gave a step forward. The demon got scared and took the pony for the head. ‘Genial, one of the limb is still fully operational.’ Thought Qart but, no matter this, he didn’t draw back and kept walking.

“Stop!” The demon menaced.

“Or what?” Defied the man “Are you going to destroy him? And then what?”

“What are you doing?” Said the free pony “He is in danger!”

“You shut up, dumb! Because of you two we are in this situation and guess what: I don’t care your friend.”

The strong projection of character scared ponies and demon at the same time, and the human know it. He walked forward and the monster, one more time, menaced him with no results. More the human approached more nervous the demon turned on. In its state, it began to pressing the pony’s head and the hostage cried in pain. The human stopped. He was near enough.

“Alright, alright. You won. You are free.” Said the human raising his hands. His aura decreased and the demon felt his powers weakening. Feeling safe, the monster relieved the apprehension.

“But first” continued the man “watch out where you step on”.

The human raised a finger and a stone block jumped from the ground and trapped the demon’s arm. Prisoned, another stone block appeared to give a hard blow to the arm doing a nasty sound, liberating, in turn, the hostage. Using this advantage, Qart make the earth under the pony slide toward him. Now he is safe.

The attack immobilized the monster. It fell on his knees in pain and desperate prepared another energy blast. The human was faster, and shot a fireball what impacted just in the monster’s face. When the demon tried to recover visual contact, Qart disappeared. It felt a huge amount of energy from above. Its adversary was in the sky, flying it don’t know how and charging lightnings in his mouth. A couple of seconds was enough to shoot a powerful ray breath, as thunderous and sparkling as the previous lightning.

The impact generated a great shockwave and when the dust scattered away it revealed a small crater. In the center lied the monster, now a shadow of what it was. The human landed slowly on the borders of the crater.

“Treacherous beast” he said spitting a little bolt “now this is the part when you beg for mercy.”

“I yield, have mercy!” Scream the demon immediately. Its executioner smiled in satisfaction.

“Good boy”

No matter the pleas of the poor beast, its victor has no intention to stop. From his right hand the energy began to accumulate forming a pure white blade. The magical weapon reached approximately the ground, scratching it and making smoke. ‘Good bye’ thought the human preparing the final blow.

“Qart, stop!”

The human growled annoyed. ‘Damn, is to be fastidious a quality of ponies?’ he thought. Behind of him, a purple winged unicorn accompanied with another five mares was running to his position. Immediately, Qart calm down his temper. They were kids after all. Slowly, he turned his aura off.

“Don’t worry, Miss Sparkle. The menace is under control.”

The ponies reached the crater border. The vision of the monster inside didn’t scare them. In fact they were more curious than afraid.

“What is that… thing?” Ask Rarity pointing the demon with a hoof. Her face was a mixture of curiosity and disgust.

“That is a demon. The kind of creature that I fight.”

“Is he dangerous?” inquired Applejack.

“Not anymore”

The six mares dazed. The monster has at least two times Qart’s size and the knight gave it a tremendous beating. No wounds, no dirty, not even panting. Applejack gulped. She felt a chill when she remembered the menace of him against the princess Luna. Maybe he is not as crazy as she believed.

“I see. I’m glad you’re fine.” Qart did a reverence corresponding Twilight’s concerns. “If this is your work’s business, I won’t interrupt your duty. What’s next?”

Qart turned to the demon. His face was emanating pure darkness and his eyes, once brown, was shining in an intense yellow and a mixture of anger and satisfaction.

“The final blow.” He said ominously.

Qart prepared again the magic blade, but this time with a double size. Twilight, who was expecting something more ‘friendly’, saw the growing blade horrified. When the knight was about to swing the weapon she blocked it with her own magic. Only thinking about the true intentions of Qart was terrifying her.

“I thought you would not interfere my job.”

Twilight really was hoping to be wrong, but Qart’s expression didn’t help her. Using her magic she made disappear the magic blade. This surprised Qart, though his face maintained the same unshakeable seriousness of ever.

“He is a living creature!” She exclaimed.

“No. It is a spirit, and a bad one. It deserves no mercy.”

“And this is the best solution?”

“As effective as with any plague.”

The answer didn’t convinced her. So, she crossed the crater borders and descended to the demon’s position.

“You are crazy? Come here!” Yelled Qart

The other mares imitated her in spite the advices of the knight.

“She is our princess, and she never failed us” Said Applejack. “Give’ er a try”

Qart decided to descend too just in case the demon became too aggressive. No matter what, he was pretty sure of being capable to give the fatal blow before any stupidity. The only thing troubling him was the fact that the ponies want to reason with demons. If an infestation is in progress, said reaction is deadly in all situation. What is more important, the rulers of the country must be warned about the imminent danger.

Twilight didn’t waste time to fraternize with the enemy. Useless questions like name, age, birthplace, bla, bla, bla. The demon, with its eyes only on Qart, plead for mercy.

“You are safe now” Said Twilight. His voice, soft and calm, bring warmth to the suffered soul, even when this one don’t deserve it.

“I want return. I want the rapids.”

Now everypony were totally confused. Was it talking about its home? But that means it lives in a river? It has no aquatic physical characteristics. Its constitution is more proper to volcanos or arid territories. The mares looked back at Qart, waiting a clear answer.

“It is talking about the Tartarus, the place where it came from.”

“It is not a problem then. We could bring him to the entrance and leave.” Analyzed Twilight.

To Qart this little detail is critical. The ponies has an entrance to the Tartarus? A rift or a natural gate? One or another, he must investigate it. If not, it could be a weak point for a massive invasion. Mental note: investigate the Tartarus’s entrance immediately.

“We are going to help you. Don’t be afraid.”

“You know it is using you, right?” Retorted Qart. The idea of letting the demon scape freely sounded inconceivable. “Once it get enough strength it will come back. It knows here are strong essences to consume.”

“NO! No! I promise.” Screamed the demon. “I will go and never turn back”

Qart made a strong psychic field and squeezed the demon on its place. All the ponies gasped. Qart’s face was no more indifferent, it was cold, furious and cruel.

“I do not remember to have asked for your opinion.”

“Let him in peace!” Twilight’s voice, instead of being warmth and calmed, was now angry. “I don’t care your job, but if it is about hurt defenseless creatures I can’t allow it!”

“You are protecting a destructive monster! It would ravage all life if it get the opportunity!”

“And who is down on his knees right now? He is not more dangerous than you.”

“It devours living essence! YOUR living essence, YOUR subjects’ living essence.”

“Maybe he don’t want it”

“And how do you know?”

“And how do you know that he want to devour us?”

“Because I am the specialist here!”

“And thanks for your opinion. You are not requested for the moment. Let me do my job as princess of Equestria. Thanks.”

There is no words in the world to say how angry Qart was. He annulled the psychic field letting the demon in peace. He won‘t waste more time discussing with children. He is a knight and no one have rights to interrupt his duty. The young princess wants to fool about? So be it.

Qart stepped back furious and the mares gave a collective look to the Princess of Friendship. Twilight ignored this. She was totally convinced that she was doing the correct thing. Nopony is intrinsically a villain and if it is on her hoof to save him, she will do it no matter species, spirits or anything.

“Can you stand up?” She asked.

The demon tried it but it failed. His body was completely hurt, a testament of the power of the knight who fought it. Twilight could levitate it using her own telekinesis, but the weight and size are too much. She don’t know how, but the demon seemed to be heavier than an Ursa Minor in spite its stature.

Twilight looked at Qart. The knight recovered the regular face of indifference and stayed quiet. Still, he has an air of menace: his yellow eyes were fixed on the demon, waiting the moment to strike. Maybe or maybe not. It can be a mockery to her or he was just upset. She decided to ignore him for the moment.

The problem now is how to move such gargantuan creature to the Tartarus. Deep inside of her, she was waiting that Qart change his mind and help her. Unfortunately, said help never happened.

“I wounded” muttered the monster “but if you give energy…”

Energy? That essence thing that Qart was talking about? The demon, like Qart said, is a spirit. How is supposed that she will heal it? She forgot the idea of the essence: Qart’s warnings were especially emphatic with it, and when a superpowerful fighter is afraid of something is better pay attention to him. There’s must be something she can do.

Thinking about it, the demon was irradiating constantly small amounts of energy from its wounds and the entire body. Twilight detected that as a sudden increment of the demon’s magic. And if a “spirit” is only composed by energy and physical matter? Then the essence thing is not necessary. In theory, pure magic is enough to repay the damage inflicted to the monster.

“I’m going to try something...” Said Twilight.

“Are you sure darling?” Worried Rarity.

Twilight made a deep sigh. All her friends stepped forward nervous, even Qart got tense with Twilight intentions. All except, obviously, Pinkie Pie. She was imagining how big a party could be with big creatures as this demon in front of her. A Mega-Party maybe? She was curious and excited. A party with demons is probably out of any known scale.

“Here I go.”

Twilight made an orb of magic floating over her horn. She put in it a moderate quantity of magic, trying as much as possible to not feed too much the monster.

“Energy, as you required. But when you reach Tartarus you will never come back.”

Twilight tried to make her voice sound strong and imposing. The demon didn’t answer, it was focused on the floating orb of magic. When Twilight was near enough to give it to the demon, a white blade pierce the creature side to side. All the ponies exclaimed surprised for the unexpected attack. The blade, vibrating, was emitting a muffled screech like millions of volts condensed. The demon gasped. Its breath turned broken and heavy. Twilight saw, horrified, how Qart was holding the weapon from his fingertips. The monster tried to reach Twilight’s horn, but Qart made his blade grow to finally disintegrate his hated enemy.

The creature began to disappear in tiny shining particles. After a few seconds, the only trail of it was the long blade generated by Qart and glowing dust in the earth. All the ponies looked at the knight, more scared of him than of the demon itself. Only Twilight was furious.

“What is your problem?” She yelled not capable to control her anger. Qart didn’t answer. “You… you have just..! You…!”

“I saved your life.” Interrupted the knight. “You do not know it, but unconsciously you were creating an access point that the demon may use to take control of your essence, infesting you and stealing your body in the process. You are welcome.”

The six mares petrified. If Qart was saying the truth, for too close Twilight is still Twilight. In fact, the revelation blurred Pinkie’s color from his fur and turned it pale. Twilight, in spite of the notice, still felt mad and has courage for his previous action. He is no one to take a life.

“There’s another way. You can’t justify THIS!”

“I did not ask for your permission and I do not have to… ‘Princess’.”

Twilight felt like if a black hole swallow her. The knight was no more indifferent: he was authoritative, challenging, rude, and even hostile. Is this the creature she was taking care? He is a knight as he said or a bully? The line between cordiality and enmity disappeared totally. She failed to befriend him. She doesn’t like it, but if the knight is going to be averse to cooperate she needs help immediately. Now she knows what he is capable to do, and unfortunately White Robe was right: he is too dangerous.

Author's Note:

Finally some fight fellas and, as promised, the begining of the references. Hope you all enjoy it.