Beyond Earth and Heaven

by normandyman

First published

Imagine if our real world get mixed with the typical fantastical one, and then that mixture enter in contact with the MLP's universe. This is my first history with my own characters, many ideas floating on my mind and a lot of references.

My little pony is a universe of love, harmony and tolerance but what happen with other universes? What happen if something, or someone, hostile land here and find an easy prey. A hero accustomed to a hard life would be a villain? A villain accustomed to fight a powerful hero would be the apocalypse? Our protagonist will find it out: to face fear to the unknown, painful choices in a world without them and, first of all, don't look like the bad guy of the story... as much as possible. Time to be a paladin and forge alliances to save the world, or be a merciless monster and show them all what is a true evil being. History topics, hilarious references and humor, all mixed with sadness and existential crisis.
Be wary: you may decide the final of the story.
My thanks to BrightIdea for the inspiration.
P.D: Apologize my English.


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In the insides of a tent, a soldier was sitting in front of a table. He wears a full body plate armor with prominent shoulder pads, and over it a black-scarlet tabard. This man has a small stature and his face, yet serious, reflects an expression of solemnity and tranquility. His hair, red as a hot coal, performs a large mane tied up in a pigtail. Almost as if he ignores the rest of the world, he submerged a feather inside an ink boat and began to write.

“Commander Libringer:

Lately, the nights become very cold and the days extremely suffocating. I can feel it not only in the weather; all the nature is being affected by the recent rifts along the Mirrormoon River. In the moment I write this letter, we’re fortifying the Pylon Amena. Both, Qart and me, have several reasons to believe that the demons will try to destroy it and call reinforcements. Probably a garrison will be left here to protect it when we march tomorrow. Qart are doing an excellent job tracing the demons’s track. He hopes to reach them tomorrow in the midday if we march at full speed. But that’s not the matter. If I were you, I would not worry about his capabilities. You know them very well. I’m sure that you understand why I write these letters. Sir, I’m informing you first instead of the Marshal because while more time pass, more Qart…”

In that precise moment, a huge soldier entered inside the tent. He was with a steel helmet on the head, and the armor that he wears, with the same design of the other knight, barely can contain his colossal body.

“Did Qart return?”

The other soldier put down the feather and breathed deeply.

“No, not yet.”

“How is the situation?”

“Poisoned land and probably all the riverbed is corrupt.”

A deep silence reigned inside the tent. The seated soldier attempted hiding the letter, but his companion noticed that.

“Are you…? -The other one only looked at him in silence- Again? Dude, let it be.”

“I can’t. Do you saw him this morning? He went to explore alone.”

“He is certainly fine. Do you think a demon can harm him?”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“Oh, man. – Said the tallest in a low voice- I see. Well, then talk to him or something.”

“Yeah? For what? The only I obtain is more excuses at best, mostly is that strange philosophy of him. I’m beginning to think he ignores me, and probably everyone.”

“Je je, yeah. Is almost like if you talk with a catapult. At the end, it will shoot wherever he wants.”

“You aren’t helping Kanto.”

Kanto took off his helmet, revealing a gray hair in tresses. Next, he took a sit beside his companion, put an arm on his left shoulder and breathed deeply. The other one stared upon him.

“Let me repeat: let it be. Or if you prefer, bind him up if that bother you so.”

“Thanks, Kanto. I’ll keep that on my mind.”

“At your service.” He said in a funny accent and making a reverence. “Will you drink it?”

Kanto signed with the head a jar and a cup on the table. The smallest knight did a gesture of permission. Kanto took jar and cup and served himself, drinking all the content in one swallow. When he finished, he dropped off the cup and drank directly from the jar. A long silence dominated the place for a few minutes, although the sounds of metal being hammered, soldiers marching were heard strongly. The atmosphere continued very heavy and uncomfortable for a while, in spite of the noisy drink of Kanto. The giant eructed, and gave a friendly slap in the shoulder of his colleague.

“Take it easy, Metaurus. All will be alright.”

Metaurus shrugged his shoulders. He bent the letter and stored it in his belt. Both men stand up and prepared to get out. Suddenly, another knight appeared in the tent. This knight has a brown skin, dark and thick hair and a severe expression on his face. His armor is a light version of the protection of his comrades, consisting only in a short chainmail and the tabard, without gauntlets or shoulder pads. He had a strange insignia too, held by the straps on the chest of his armor. This insignia was a circle with three lines coming out from its inside.

He was hurried, and barely paid attention to the others two. Kanto opened his arms in a fraternal signal and presented him a grand smile.

“Talking about the king of Rome!”

The knight ignored the greeting and took many things from a table, including a map. Before abandoning the tent, he turned to his comrades, who kept looking at him amazedly.

“We got them.”

He said, and as fast as he entered he left. Metaurus and Kanto hastened to go after him, taking all his equipment at full speed. The three knights left the tent behind and walked through the campsite.

“Qart, what’s happen? What did you saw?”

“They’re coming for us. I calculate they will be here for the sunset.”

“Jo jo. And we will receive them right here. -Qart assented with the head- Wonderful! I’ll prepare the stockades. Men! Tonight is free party!”

The soldiers stopped working when they heard the barbarian’s irate shout, with a mixture between confusion and terror on his faces.

“What are you looking at? Anyone wanna a tea with the demons?! Keep going!”

Metaurus did a small smile and was observing Kanto until he disappeared, roaring, among soldiers. The two knights walked to the center of the campsite and reach the pylon. The levitating-stone pillar shimmered with a green thin glare. Many men were working raising turrets and barricades around it, and artillery pieces already had been installed in strategical positions.

“What said the specialists?”

“The same image of healthy.”

Metaurus gave a small whistle, surprised. “So fast” he thought. Both kept looking the stone for a moment, hypnotized. In the pinnacle of the monolith, four men in blue robes did a signal of satisfaction to Qart.

“Come here -said Qart-”

The two knights walked to a nearby table. Qart unrolled the map and marked three points in it.

“Look: here, in the northwest, are the demons coming for us. This is the Pylon Amena and our bulwark. The plan is deploying so many phalanxes as can be possible to cover the tight passage between the river and it’s affluent. The demon we are facing is a Magna Proeza. You know what that mean. No horns, great size, cracked skin, hard to kill and hardest to look. His name is Baayai, and he is the new alpha. He is the reason why we will fight them here.”

“So many details. How do you know that sort of things?”

“I’m very good at my job. Now listen: the north pass is unprotected. -Said indicating the third point- A small force must defend it and with it the main army. A little exposed but close enough to send reinforcements.”

“And here is when I fit, right?”


“Kanto then?”

“Not at all! Both of you will be in the reinforcements forces. If the situation gets complex you charge and stabilize it.”

Metaurus looked at him indignant. Qart, without noticing it, picked up the map. He almost goes away, but his comrade caught him firmly by the arm.

“This is the plan? Me and Kanto in the rearguard?”

“It is as important as any place in the battlefront. And if someone will protect my back I prefer the most trustworthy ones.”

“Oh no no no. I’ll go to the battlefront. I’ll be right there from the beginning.”

“You are forgetting our principles. We exterminate demons for security, not for glory.”

“This is not a matter of glory! What is happening to you? Each day you become more and more reclusive. Libringer excused you with Aga’s incident and he believed that you would recover in time. Now I think the situation is even more critical.”

“How you dare to put the commander Libringer inside this matter! You are no one to give opinions about my life.”

“I’m your friend!”

“Wrong! First, you are a soldier, and I…”

Metaurus stood up firmness right in front of Qart, so close that he can feel his friend’s breath. His eyes showed a furious expression. Qart got muted with such appearance, like if all his strength, or courage, disappear instantly.

“Say it! Say the word!”

He only obtained silence, Mataurus was practically crushing Qart’s position with his presence. With the absence of an answer, Metaurus recovered his composure. All the workers stopped to view the scene in the middle of the camp. Metaurus looked his surroundings and gave a signal to the other men. They reinitiated the work immediately dissimulating the incident like if nothing would have happened. Then, the red haired man get close to his companion, speaking in a more discreet tone of voice.

“I’m getting Libringer into all of this because is better deal with him than with the marshal the possibility of you being the next one to fall!”

Trying to relax, Metaurus combed his hair backward and walked away from Qart very fast.

“Where do you go?” Qart asked.

“To my goddamned rearguard. We’ll talk about this later.”


Pylon Amena. Six hours later. 11:40 pm

The night comes with a deep darkness. The sky, filled with clouds, hid moon and stars, immersing the campsite in an abyss of nocturnal creepy sounds and total obscurity. Only the torches and the light provided by mages illuminated a few steps beyond the camp perimeter. A large column of men was formed on phalanx, with a deadly wall of pikes pointing forward. Behind of them, in the wood walls, the archers and magicians took position. Then silence. The soldiers gazed the darkness, anxious and trembling. Multiple yellow eyes began to appear in the limits of light.

“Light!” Said an officer and some magicians threw huge fireballs to the eyes’s position. The burning vegetation revealed a legion of monsters of any size and type. The monsters started to scream and to hit the ground in a terrible spectacle. “Great Ludmila, help us!” Muttered a soldier totally terrified.

The demons charged between roars against the pikes. All resulted in a great commotion. In the same instant of the crush between the two factions, the sanity lost any meaning. The smell of sulfurs, the maddening cries and the dying light bring as result a nightmare in the real life.

However, Qart was in the same battlefront running from side to side in the battle in a whirlwind of chunks and lightnings, giving orders and relieving the situation where it was more unsustainable. With flash steps, he charged alone against the monsters and did enormous damage to them. In a demonstration of pure strength, he destroyed the more sized demons fulminating them with savage and scorching fire. The soldiers got encouraged and attacked with bigger strength. In a few minutes, the human forces started to gain advantage.

Suddenly, an explosion shook the earth. Everyone turn back to see the origin of the detonation of such magnitude. Like an infectious disease, all man and woman present there was stunned. A man with blue robes went to the army screaming the name of Qart with all his forces.

“What happened back there?!” Qart asked.

“The demons… they destroyed the north pass’s garrison. No one survived.”

“What?! How?”

“We don’t know. The attacking force is not even enormous.

“And the lieutenants?”

“Lieutenant Metaurus teleported me here to report you. Right now, they must be fighting close to the pylon.”

Using his flash steps, Qart disappeared instantly due toward the pylon. The soldiers got nervous. The demons, apparently knowing the Qart absence, reinitiated the attack with an unstoppable charge.


Camp center. 12:05 AM.

Metaurus was involved in a very difficult situation. An entire army was vaporized and the demons began to corner the fortification. Kanto was fighting against an enormous monster with tusks similar to gigantic blades. Metauro gave some orders attempting to recover the discipline, but over the half of his men was already dead. Some demons tried to attack him at the same time in any direction possible, but he swept them out casting earth spells. Another demon appeared, but this was different. His aura was more powerful, he has no horns and his skin looked cracked, very similar to the dry clay. “Baayai I suppose” he thought.

“You have something I want.” Said the demon in a deep voice.

“No one is stopping you. You’re free to come here and take it.”

Both fighters attack each other with tremendous violence. The tranquil appearance of Metaurus contrasted with the fierceness of his blows. However, the lesser demons stopped the fight and created a circle around his master and the knight. Each wound Baayai obtained was healed consuming one of his minions.

“I know what you are.” Said Baayai pointing Metaurus, “And I’m prepared.”

The demons constringed the siege around Metaurus. He attempted to attack them but all the times Baayai interrupted him. Then, Metaurus felt a huge amount of magic energy. He formed a stone cocoon and enclosed himself inside. A colossal lightning hit the ground making a deafening clash. With the flash steps Qart took position beside Metaurus.

“And the rest of the army?” Asked Metaurus coming out from his shell.

“They’re fine. What happened here?”

“Another rift, right in the middle of the north pass.”

The demonic aura intensified. Baayai, consuming the remnants of his forces, got up again. Qart and Metaurus braced themselves.

“This one can consume his underlings. Perhaps he is about to evolve.” Said Metaurus getting close to his friend.

The two knights attacked Baayai at the same time in a perfectly coordinated combo. A thin green glare shone at the distance. Metaurus looked back, but Baayain hit him in the stomach. Qart counterattacked piercing the demon with a lightning spear. Baayai stepped back, but Qart threw him plenty more lightning spears. Metaurus used his flash step to attack his enemy with a stony fist. Baayai dodged the attack and immobilized Metaurus holding him by the throat. Another green glare shone but now more intensely, almost blinding.

“Qart!” Shouted Metaurus striving. “The pylon!”

Before Qart may look the pylon, a massive explosion happened. A green nova covered all the zone under its intense flash. Qart saw all in green, then white and finally all became black.

Twilight’s Castle. 12:50 AM.

Twilight was sleeping in her castle. All that friendship stuff tired her, and principally now with Starlight’s celebration. She is a heroine now and Twilight, as her mentor, feels so proud, and also happy because Starlight didn’t abandon her. She was so excited that she couldn’t sleep. She rolled in bed but she didn’t get it.

She got up from bed and walked to the bedroom’s exit. “Only a little walk” She said to herself. She passed through a small bed containing a tiny lizard into it and she slipped out of the room. As she walked, she stopped in front of a window and enjoy the view of Ponyville. How many memories she has of this small town. How many time passed since she was a naive pony without knowledge about friendship. She sighed, entranced in her thoughts, until an earthquake woke her up her fantasies.

An intense green light flared in the town, catching her attention.

“What was that!”

Instantly, she teleported to the entrance of the castle and ran toward the town.

Ponyville. 12:55

Qart was so confused. The darkness disappeared to reveal a blurred image of the world. His armor was shattered and he had not boots. The headache was unbearable and the mere act of walk seemed impossible. The sounds, first so distant and inaudible, slowly became more and more strident, mixing screams of confusion, surprise and fear. His vision was still vague, and only made him get scared of the beings were began to surround him.

He tried to shoot some lightnings, but this only scared the creatures and them to Qart in turn. The knight, hardly, woke up and ran so fast as he can until he reached a nearby forest. He leant on a tree, panting. He felt a great pain in the right clavicle, enough to immobilize his arm. However, this little shelter demonstrated being even more dangerous. He perceived so many menacing entities staring at him, and the thrilling noises didn’t help it. He ran back to the town passing through the creatures and entered inside a house in a jump for the window. The inhabitants screamed in terror and Qart, in self-defense, made a psychic force-camp. The psychic wave knocked down lamps and candles, leaving the room in darkness. Qart felt a strange movement on his feet, and rapidly he caught whatever it was and held it strongly. More screams and more headache. His prisoner tried to escape but he increased the strength in his hand.

The door opened abruptly and some voices gave orders to the inhabitants that Qart, in his state, didn’t understand. When all the presences got out, another one entered in holding a purple thin light, although the said light was not enough to illuminate the impoverished vision of the knight. Qart took a closer position to his hostage and adopted a threatening posture.

“Easy. I’m not here to harm you. I want to help you.”

The voice sounded female, with a conciliating and tranquil tone, but evidently nervous under the circumstance. Qart felt relieved because they spoke the same idiom.

“What is it? Where am I?”

“Probably you’re a foreigner. Although this doesn’t explain the green glow where you come from… and the explosion”

“What happened?”

“That’s what I try to respond, and you can help me. We can help each other in fact, but holding a hostage will not.” The figure tried to get close to Qart, but he exhaled fire from his nose. “Are you a dra…”

This time Qart expelled a large breath of fire, and the figure had to step back until the scared knight showed signs of calm.

“Get away from me!” He scratched his eyes strongly. His vision was continuing being blurry, and the headache was impeding him to order his thoughts. “Who, or what, are you? Where I am?”

“Well, you are in the Kingdom of Equestria. I’m Twilight Sparkle, a pony who lives here. Well, I’m an alicorn exactly, but that’s irrelevant for now.

Qart did a large silence before that answer. The headache increased the intensity, his vision got worse and the darkness in all the room didn’t help him to verify that story.

“A pony? You?” Said Qart skeptical, but also with a bit of pain in his voice.

“Of course. Have you never seen a pony before?”

Twilight spoke with a little of sarcasm in her voice. She couldn’t believe that nopony never had seen, well, a pony before. She boosted the brilliance of light, and both of them saw mutually face to face.

“A human” said Twilight in a low voice

“So… that mean…”

Qart observed more carefully his hostage. A little filly trembled with a dread expression on his face. He was holding her by one of her front hoof. Now Qart saw Twilight confused.

“She is a filly. In your world she would be a kid”

The headache increased further. Qart freed the filly and she ran out from him, meeting Twilight.

“Look” Said the alicorn “Obviously this is a great confusion and you didn’t want to do this. I’m sure the other ponies will understand. But first you must relax and come with me peacefully.”

Qart raised up the arms and waited for a while. The pain now was extremely strong. His head was practically spinning. He never felt so much desire to puke in his life.

“I’ll take that as an acceptance. Please, accompa… ¡hey hey!”

The knight collapsed and fell flat. Twilight gave some orders calling for help, but by Qart the sounds extinguished slowly. The last thing he saw, like in the moment he came to this world, was a complete obscurity.

1-An Introducction

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???????? 8:40 am.

An absolute void filled only with deep silence and abyssal darkness. Qart felt himself floating in the middle of nowhere, without thinking, hearing or seeing... only was the sensation of being suspended on some kind of limbo. However, this feeling didn’t last very much because a torrent of thoughts invaded the knight’s mind. His last consciousness moments flight in front of his eyes on a single blink.

He tried to put his ideas in order and try to remember the recent events that put him in his current situation. He remembered the campsite, soldiers, some sort of persecution and a disagreeable discussion with an officer…


This name made an echo inside his head. The first part of this chaotic flows of memories now had been resolved. The siege, the battle in the night, the horde of demons, the pylon. He remembered all the details, how the army was winning the encounter until the explosion… the two explosions.

“Damn demons! Damn pylons! ... Damn Metaurus! When I find you…”

He made an extra effort to recover what happened next. The explosion, the green glow and the monsters in four hoofs. This last idea made so many twists inside his head. The reminder was blurred and the most of the figures was black shadows on a diffused world. He was holding something. Unfortunately, try to remind more made him to recover the terrible headache he was having before collapsing. It was like if something was squeezing his head and. But on the other side, this opportune pain finished off clearing Qart’s mind. There’s no doubt. All the pieces was in their places and now he could see the situation plainly. For some reason, he passed from fighting against a powerful demon to be surrounded by talking horses.

He now was very confused. The events had occurred too fast and he can’t find any logic inside his achy head. So much information to process and all seemed to be so unreal. He was hoping for all was a nightmare, which he simply got wounded in the battlefield and now was asleep or almost d… A chill sensation crawled on his back, but rapidly he tried to deny that idea. This can’t be the Hades, or he hoped so. Only a familiar feeling took off from him the anxiety, and was that security in our spirit when we wake up and leave behind the bad dreams. “I knew it!” he screamed relieved. The old sense of rest, apparently forgotten by him in this interminable emptiness.

Qart woke up on a bed covered in luxurious purple silk, but he didn’t notice that. Also, the walls were shining in a crystallized brilliance, but again he ignored that completely and proceed to sit down on the bed. His torn clothes had been changed for a more presentable purple tunic, conserving only his original red-black pants.

“Sheesh. I must leave the mati-mati.”

He scared a little when he found his vision still a little dark, but no matter that now it was better than before at least. He heard footsteps and he felt the necessity to give the thanks to the doctor who saved his life. But for his misfortune, nothing was as he had thought. Better his sight goes, more his relief crumbled. The room wasn’t one of the barracks. It was a medical bay, that’s sure, but not the kind whom he was familiarized.

A grey horse entering inside only confirmed his suspicions. Whatever was happening, the supposed dream was very real. He is wounded, but not in the place he want to. The horse walked to him smiling in satisfaction. His mane was pale blue, not too long, he has a horn on his forehead and he was wearing a white coat.

“Good morning, finally you’re awake.”

The horse walked to Qart’s bed and gave him some food in a salver. Then he walked toward a table and picked up some tools. When he returned to Qart’s bed he was whistling and juggling with his medical gears.

“You know, I’m happy you are awake” Said the doctor when he reached his patient. “After thirty hours I began to being scared. But now, you’re officially my first survivor.”

Qart was petrified. A horse was talking to him. The only thing he did was stared at him, without listening nothing that the supposed doctor was speaking to him.

“Don’t look at me like that. It’s a joke. Now I need you to stare to the light.”

Qart didn’t react. He only kept his looking to the doctor. The medic made the job of put the light in front of Qart’s eyes, considering the possibility of that experience turn him into a catatonic state. He tested the reflexes but nothing, no legs moved.

“Well, well. Can you say something? One blink to say yes and two for not.” The doctor’s horn shone and from his robe he drew out a candy. “I haven’t that mati-mati of yours but take this. Maybe it can make you feel better”.

Qart saw the candy. It was floating right in front of his eyes. He looked back to the doctor and gave him another look, this one more like a normal, but still confused, living being. He extended the left hand and caught the candy. “Nice!” Thought the doctor. Now he know his special patient is not catatonic, or maybe not completely. In reality, he know nothing about the physiology of humans, like the princess called him. But he is the most similar to a doctor in all the castle, so Your Highness commissioned this special task to him.

“I’m White Robe, by the way. I’ll be your personal doctor. Nice to meet you… awake I mean”.

White Robe walked to the right side of Qart and saw the abnormal position of his arm. He tried to rise it up, but the clavicle made a dull sound. Qart felt a great pain concussing his brain and immediately a new idea filled his mind: he was surrounded by the unknown, the danger or who know what more else. He must scape until get some extra information.

“My bad. Sorry” Said the doctor seeing his patient’s jolt. “But I need to make this test.”

Hastily, Qart used his telekinesis and lift up the doctor, dropping all the tools he was managing to the floor.

“Hey put me down!”

Qart ran to the door, and it was firmly closed and protected by a two magic barriers. Possibly, the horses thought in some security having in consideration his unpredictable reaction as a potentially dangerous guest.

“Don’t bother yourself in knocking down that door. The princess felt your magic and reinforce it. Take a deep breath and calm down.”

White Robe, suspended behind Qart, saw him analyzing the door but, most important, the irregular movements he made with his right arm. With each movement, an expression of discomfort or pain appeared on his face.

“Look, if all of this is because of my fault I’m really sorry. I never read a book of human’s anatomy until yesterday.”

Qart shook the doctor abruptly and he shut up. Then, he put the left hand in the door and analyzed it. “A good barrier”, he thought, “but not enough”. The doctor tried to see upper Qart’s shoulder what he was doing. The knight closed his fist and gave to the entrance a punch embodied in fierce flames. The door blew out in a loudly explosion.

The knight and the doctor peeked out in the middle of all smoke the crushed door in the front wall.

“You know this is a royalty castle, right? Out there are some guards, the best ones in all Equestria. Each one of them chasing you and only you”

“I will wipe them out of my way” Answered Qart with no hesitation.

The doctor made a skeptical look to Qart but he ignored him. Qart ran away starting his great breakout. The doctor didn’t resist to him. He was waiting to some guard to cut his path and bring the situation into normal. “For the next time, a sedative or two will be necessary”. Said White Robe to himself. He limited his actions to wait for his patient’s flight arrive to its inevitable ending. He didn’t have to wait for much. When they turned a corner five guards were moving at full speed in the opposite direction. The doctor smiled satisfied and he really thought that Qart would stop. To his surprise, the knight even increase the speed of the race. The guards stopped cold when they saw the figure who was in collision route and ordered halt. Qart kept going the race, and almost reach them and before they can do something, he smashed them in the ground using a powerful telekinetic force.

In half second all the hopes White Robe had vanished. Five guards knocked out with a single blow. “This human is dangerous” thought the doctor. His confidence crumbled and immediately he attempted to escape from his captor’s power-field. Unfortunately his telekinesis seems to be pathetic in comparison to Qart’s. When the knight felt resistance behind him he strengthened the magical tie practically squeezing the poor doctor.

Another group of guards appeared to cut his path when the alarm reach each corner of the castle. That didn’t bother him at all. As the previous guards, he got rid of the next ones he met without effort.

“You got another plan that not be run forever, don’t you?” Said the doctor, but instead to be scared, now he seems boring.

“Escape” Answer Qart instantly.

“You’re escaping right now! I meant after!”

“Go back home.”

White Robe get bothered with such indifferent attitude. Qart didn’t even looked at him.

“If you are lost, maybe you may ask for some instructions.”

“That will not work.”

“At least tell me how many words your language have. There’s no difference between blink for yes or no and your current speech abilities.”

Now the doctor was really upset. Being practically kidnapped from his own consultation could be tolerated, but only because he wanted to talk with the mysterious entity coming from another dimension on the time-space. For his disappointment his patient was that kind of non-speaking creature, and he was praying for his situation was caused by the past lived trauma. So much knowledge wasted. At least a trauma can be healed. Anyway, being suspended on air made him feel sick.

“Oh! I know this way! Turn your left” Said the doctor in an anxious tone, but Qart in opposition ran to his right and instantly he saw the sunlight.

In spite he was expecting for, the door conducted him to an ample balcony.

“Why did you turn to the right?! I told you to the left!!!

“It could be a trap”

“A trap? I’m tired of being carried all the time. I only want you to leave the castle and left me on the ground!”

Qart looked down. The height wasn’t so significant. He could levitate effortless until disappear in the forest he was seeing at the distance. However many armored pegasuses appeared and blocked the way. He could break the siege, but he would be followed anyway. More guards appeared in the door and cut any possibility of retreat.

“Whatever is running inside your mind” said White Robe, worried “remember the cute hostage hasn’t the fault of anything here.”

White Robe waited the next Qart’s movement. The guards and the knight looked to each other. Qart noticed the horn in the door’s guards, so as he could see in his personal medic this guards can do any kind of magic. The pegasuses has no horns, so they possibly only fly. Quickly, he elaborated his plan. First he would immobilize the unicorns with a lightning and next he feint the pegasuses. With luck, he will be able to fade away without leaving a trail. He brace himself and the guards did the same. A deep silence reigned between contenders. White Robe, who was in the middle of all of this, closed the eyes and covered his hears.


A female voice broke the silence. The guards in the door stepped aside and made a reverence when a purple horse walked through them. This one have wings and horn, and she seems very familiar to Qart.

“Good to see you awake, although not in this mood.” She said calmed. Inspecting Qart entirely. “Do you remember me?”

“Barely.” He answered. Many of his memories was still shattered.

“I’m the princess Twilight Sparkle. I’m the pony who brought you here”.

“Thanks, but I am leaving”



“Your highness, over here” Twilight looked to the power-field where White Robe was suspended. The grey horse was making signals to her. “He isn’t a speaker one. I know that well. And please, tell him to put me down”.

Twilight knew White Robe was right. What expect from someone whose first reaction was fight against anypony on his way? However, the first time she had met him he was confused, but still cooperative with her when he saw the wrong in his actions. Now he was in his plenty reason, the first step was to establish a well-spoken dialog. And to reach that, she must catch his attention.

“I know you come from another dimension. I know the mankind and that’s why you’re here, in my castle. We aren’t a menace to you. In fact, we are as overwhelmed as you, and we didn’t cross over dimensions suddenly.”

The look on Qart’s face didn’t pass inadvertent to Twilight. He was continuing being distrustful, but obviously some answers would arouse his interest.

“Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you some answers if you do the same. You’ll stay in my castle as my guest and you’ll have the respective cares. And nothing about fighting. If something dislikes you, just tell me.” Twilight looked behind Qart and saw White Robe giving her signals, anxious. “And put your medic down. He read a book of human medicine in a single night only to heal you”.

Qart grumbled. He looked at White Robe, who was smiling at him with a nervous face. After a couple of minutes thinking about it, he left the medic down on the ground.

“I will accept, princess, but first, I will stay wherever I want, and second, I am not obliged to give you an answer that it may compromise my land. Deal?

Twilight stepped forward and gave him one of his forehoofs.

“Deal”. She said. However Qart rejected the greeting leaving Twilight with his hoof lifted.

“He is talking. Is better than nothing. Don’t pressure him”. Muttered White Robe to Twilight behind Qart.


Twilight’s throne. 9:00 am.

Twilight guided Qart to his throne hall. The knight saw with the greater amazement of his entire life the hall where his hostess carried him. Shining floors, walls and roofs of pale blue, reflecting his image as mirrors. In the center of the room was a great circular table with seven thrones, one of them with a smaller size than the others, and all with the same color of the hall that give them shelter. All looks like made of diamonds and another precious stones, and Qart thought about how many wars would be realized only for possessing this hall. Twilight stopped and pointed Qart a sit with one hoof. The site has a pot filled of fruit and some cupcakes. Twilight took a sit and Qart did the same, following the enthusiastic sight of his host.

“I can’t believe this. A new creature from another universe apart the one I know already. I have so many question to you that I don’t know where begin.”

“Annoying” Said Qart to himself and looked back to the door. At least that medic, White Robe, wasn’t too talky.

“I gave a rest to White Robe. The last day was hard to him and your ‘happy morning activity’ tired him down. Nopony will interrupt us” Twilight put on the table feather, ink bottle and paper and made an expectant look to Qart. “Ready when you are.”

When Qart sat down, Twilight barely contain her enthusiasm. However and as she discovered, contrary to her expectations the conversation wasn’t very productive. She asked him about his name, birthplace and job, but Qart’s answers were fast, laconic and avoiding the question itself. Twilight stopped the questions to think for a few minutes. This man is strangely familiar but also new. She met the humans a lot of time before and befriends them, but this one doesn’t match with their kind. She investigated him asking to her friends in the human world, but he don’t even exist there.

Seeing his clothes, he is a sort of knight or soldier, so is normal his mistrust. He’s disoriented in a land he don’t know and where he appeared unexpectedly, so she would give him the signal beacon to his current situation. She remembered his first time with humans in the world beyond the portal she has in the castle and took another focus to this dilemma. If it is necessary, she will made the first step for cooperation.

She told him about Equestria and the village where he landed, Ponyville. She talked about the Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the kingdom’s rulers, about the northern Cristal Empire and his sovereigns: the Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and the Prince Shining Armor, her brother. In the same way, she related him a bit of ancient and recent national history in order that he get some familiarity with the equestrian culture. All was given in order to make a more pleasant atmosphere, to make feel the knight more reliable toward her. Twilight thought a civilized conversation would make him friendlier in spite the fast succession of unpleasant surprises.

Certainly, Twilight’s speech caught her gest’s attention. From start to finish, Qart was listening her up with utmost care. He even stopped her several times to make a few question about the topic she was speaking for. Twilight felt a little bit more confidence and made a large class about the equestrian geography, the inhabitants and some place of interest. In this point, she saw Qart less interested in conversation, but probably because she got enthused with her lesson and overwhelmed the soldier with excessive information. Even she gets tired of listening to somepony who speaks too much.

“So, tell me” she said recovering her breath “Forgetting all about me, what can you tell me about your land?”

“Depends. What do you want to know?”

The knight’s answer filled her with joy. Finally he is cooperating.

“Well, in first place, what’s your name?

“Qart. I told you already”

Sharp and brief. Twilight was waiting for a fancy name like Qart the Destroyer or maybe Qart the Dimensional Traveler and that medieval stuff.

“I’m referring to your last name.”

“I have none”

Again. She needs to make him talk a little more than that and personal information won’t make it.

“Okay… what’s your home-world’s name?

“The romans call it Luperquis, the hellenes Europe.”

She knew it! He comes from another world aside from the one she already know. In the human world beyond her portal there’s no Luperquis or Europe. The possibilities was so many…

“What do you do in your land?” She asked dissimulating the enthusiasm.

“I hunt and destroy demons.”

“No, I mean, tell me about your job.”

“I’m a walking-knight”.

Crude and direct, but that answer was obvious. His clothes practically screamed that all the time, though Twilight supposed that asking something of his preference would make him to feel more comfortable.

“So, you are inscribed in some kind of knightly order or you are a freelancer?

“I belong to an order.”

“And what the order…”. Twilight reformulated her question. He just said his activities, of course his order will do the same thing. “A knightly order, surely you got lots of adventures in there. Here in Equestria our knights belongs to the Royal Guard. You met them before. They are in all the nation and protect the inhabitants. Happens the same with yours?”

“Something like that.”

The first irregular answer since the beginning of the conversation. With a fast answer, Qart avoided to give a clear response. Twilight choose to ignore this fact and find the answer in another way.

“How is that so? How many knights your order has?”


‘Classified’, a polite way to tell to someone that you don’t want to talk. In fact, Qart was so distant, like if the conversation would have lost all importance for him. He only was there, seated just in front of Twilight, and the Friendship Princess could swear she saw a superiority look on his eyes. Such display of overconfidence bothered her. He was looking like Discord but without all his antics and chaotic craziness. Twilight took a deep breath and confronted her guest.

“Come on. I’m sure you can tell a few things. How is your order?”


“It has a huge castle like the princesses here in Equestria or only guild establishments?”


“A little bit of your history?”


“Your race and culture?”


“At least can you tell me if you have a leader?!” Twilight’s voice tone slowly became more and more frustrated. He wasn’t cooperating at all! Seated there, he was repeating over and over again ‘Classified’, and that’s unfair.

“Yes. We have a leader” The knight answered seeing the appreciable frustration, or maybe wrath, in the face of the princess.

“Thank you” She replied trying to calming herself down. “What’s its name?”


Twilight was about to explode. Definitely, this conversation has been a great waste of time. Qart, by his part, took the pot and brought it near to him and gave it a fake detailed look. Twilight saw his movement intrigued. Judging his hostess’s voice and facial expression, Qart knew already the situation.

“Princess” he finally said “you made a deal with me and I’m obeying it under my honor word. I’m not obligated to answer you if that compromise by somehow my home-world.”

“Of course, but practically all the questions that I made ‘compromise’ your home-world.”

“That’s not my fault.”

“I gave you a lot information about Equestria. That doesn’t endanger it in relation to you?

A brief silence was born in the hall. Qart left aside the pot and made a condescending look to Twilight.

“I never forced you to do it.”

“But… but, that’s cheating.”

“No at all”. Qart took an apple from the pot and moved it just in front his face, looking his own reflection on it. “You are a princess, right? Take this as a ‘governing lesson’. Besides, your entire universe can beat me up before any action of mine.”

Twilight looked at Qart with no idea about what to do. Did he really think that about the ponies? What kind is his world that made him a so distrusted and cold person, even with the ones who saved him? She now was feeling pity. In a close past, she realized something similar in the alternative human world when she crossed the portal, but apparently Qart’s world is a lot more extreme.

“Do you think we are a threat, don’t you?” she asked. Her voice was calmed, attempting to understand the mind of the knight. “We are a peaceful race, we rescued you. We haven’t the intention of harming you and least of all attacking your world.”

Qart kept silence. In his first time in all the conversation, he looked at Twilight as an equal and not as a dumb talking horse. He sat down in a more formal mode, unbowed and respectful, and saw Twilight’s face directly.

“Princess Twilight, I prefer to see a probable enemy on everyone than a fake ally. The second one is more dangerous”.

“That’s unfounded. Here we live in harmony. Nopony looks like, or acts like, a dangerous menace.”

“There is no way that I may know that”.

Twilight was about to riposte, but the giant door opened and White Robe showed himself from it, making urgency becks to her. Qart looked back and the doctor get paralyzed, dissimulating with an uncomfortable smile. Twilitght trotted toward the medic after doing a courtesy gesture to his invited guest. The two ponies closed the door behind them and stood up face to face.

“What happened” asked the princess?

“Your highness” White Robe barely was having breath “I have made extraordinary discoveries”.

“Well, and what was it?

“I renounced to the physical examination under the circumstances of our ‘friendly’ guest, but the magical examination revealed things that still stupefy me. Remember your preliminary analysis about his magic? Now he is active, the analyses were more precise. Princess, he is probably more powerful than we conceived.”

“White Robe, I already know that. He knocked out my guards with no difficulty.”

“No princess, more than that. His magical system is in constant movement: he never gets tired using spells and his power never loses potency”.

“Well, as I can see in how he talked to me his mistrust is justified by a very hostile world. And if that happens with his emotions is no surprising that he was born for combat.”

“No surprising. Yeah, that’s good, particularly when he has the power of thousand unicorns.”

Twilight gave to the doctor a worried look and he did the same to her. For a brief moment both opened the door and watched stealthily the knight. He was scrutinizing, although still on his seat, all the room with dissimulated curiosity.

“What do you suggest me?” Asked Twilight in a low voice.

“In a first place, I need a physical examination. We don’t know what kind of diseases he brought here…”


“Ok, ok. Aaaand to take care of his health.” He said in a sarcastic tone. Really, seeing the morning spectacle he has no doubt about the iron health of the patient, or at least not including that anomaly in his right arm. “Ah! And now we are in this, bring me the Princess Celestia… and Princess Luna just in case.”

Twilight gave him an angry look, and the doctor made an irritated face in response. The Princess of Friendship took that as a bad joke, but White Robe spoke very seriously, more now that he know that tens of guards would not protect him.

“Ok, plan B then.” Said the doctor taking a heavy iron bar with his magic. Twilight immediately putted down the tool. The brief fight between the princess and unicorn made strange noises behind the door. Both ponies looked back to Qart’s reactions. Nothing. The knight was impassible, as if nothing had happened. The ponies carefully retreated behind the door and close it carefully.

“Are you crazy?” Muttered Twilight, holding with a purple gleaming the iron bar.

“I heard that the ancient were pulling out molar teeth using this method, and I’m sure enough he can tolerate a sedative. Said so, hail to the ancients!”

“I have just explained to him that we are peaceful people, and do you appear with this?”

“A better plan? Because I’m listening any idea you have.”

A plan. Like if doing a plan may be so simple under this circumstances. Ironically, the authentic menace in the castle was considering himself in danger, and his behavior has left a very bad impression. However, if Qart go influenced for a more pleasant environment perhaps he would abandon, in the course of time, his world's apprehensions.

With decision, Twilight went inside the room and took her former seat in front of the knight. White Robe, by his part, remained behind, holding firmly the iron bar with two hoofs. Qart stared at Twilight, expecting. They took their time back there, and inside Qart’s head nothing was for something good. A chill was crawling over his back each time that he listened their splutters behind the door, and that ‘doctor’ was making him nervous. He remembered him the stereotypical crazy scientist at his home. Qart looked back and there he was, lurking from his position. When the doctor noticed he was being observed, he made the same weird smile as before. Twilight made face-hoof when she saw such embarrassing spectacle.

“Is that some kind of local courtesy?” Qart asked turning back to Twilight. The princess doubted some seconds. In reality, that face was disturbing.

“Oh! It’s only White Robe trying to say hello. He doesn’t seems so, but he is very happy because your recovery. Please doctor, come in!”

The doctor made an exaggerated refusal shaking his head, but Twilight push him inside the room using her telekinesis. The door closed with a slam and, without any choice, White Robe advanced until reach a seat beside the princess. She breathed deeply. Again, Qart was looking at her with his superiority eyes, but this time evidently impatient.

“Well… Qart… we were discussing about your situation, and we concluded that you need freedom now you are awake. As my guest, and as your hostess, it wouldn’t be correct maintaining you locked-up here. So, you’re free to go.”

“What!!!” Screamed White Robe, but Twilight put her hoof into his mouth. She was waiting for Qart’s answer, or at least a reaction.

“My thanks, princess. I will march and you will never know nothing about me.”

Qart was about to stand up, but Twilight gave a smack on the table. The knight stopped, and saw a triumphal expression on Twilight’s face.

“Not so fast. I have my conditions. First: you won’t go beyond Ponyville and my castle, except under an urgent necessity. Second: you must go accompanied by somepony chosen by me. Third: magic, weapons or any way to hurt isn’t allowed. Any doubt?”

Now was Qart the one confused. What was that? What a bad negotiator is the princess, or maybe she was playing with him, or at least that was that Qart were thinking about.

“Yes, too many. You are saying me that I must be free, but your first condition only puts my chains everywhere. The second one limits the little privacy that I have with an obtrusive guard. And the third… what in Moloch name the third is?”

“You are misunderstanding me. I need you nearby because right now a specialist team is investigating the anomaly that brought you here. I’m pretty sure you would be interested on it and maybe you even would help us to bring it a solution. The companion is a necessity. I don’t know your intentions, and differences between our cultures would be able to initiate friction. Also, your health must be kept under observation. So, a guard won’t be you escort. It will be White Robe, your doctor here at mi side.”

White Robe choked up. How fast the tides turns, and somehow he got more involved on it.

“Wait a sec. Let me out of all of this!”

“Nope. Reading all of those human anatomy’s books you’re my human expert now. Besides, what happened with your innumerable questions to your patient, the call of knowledge and the possibility to discover the unknown?”

“P-P-Princess, not in front of him.” Muttered White Robe. If he looked suspicious before, now all Qart’s doubts was clear: reduced at the same level as a crazy scientist. Resigning, he recovered the composure in hope that the knight be ignorant of the princess's words. “It’s not necessary.”

“Agreed” Qart said. “I will not interrupt the life of this world’s inhabitants. A caretaker is unnecessary.”

“There’s no way that I may know that.”

Twilight’s response hit him directly on his pride. ‘Well played.’ Thought the knight. With no claims, Twilight trotted towards the door.

“When you’re ready to go out, come to see me”.

She said and disappeared. Qart and White Robe looked each other in silence. White Robe stood up and walk nearby to Qart.

“I suppose we’re doomed, hu?”

Qart spoke nothing. He took out of one of his pockets the candy that he gave him in the morning, letting it on the table.

“I prefer grape flavor. Thanks”

Saying this, Qart went to the door and abandoned the hall. White Robe saw the candy and lifted it with a grey gleam of his magic.

“Grapes. That’s a beginning.”


Ponyville. 9:40 am

Qart didn’t waste time on get out the castle. Twilight would have wished to do some preparations, but the knight desisted vigorously. He was really anxious to explore the world, although this last thing he wasn’t wanting to admit it by no means. That morning, and in spite of what happened the last night, the town was very active. The markets were full of goods and the streets of ponies doing their shopping or working. With such activity, the cold face of Qart barely could dissimulate his amazement. In the same time, when the ponies noted the human’s presence they stayed looking at him, paralyzing at the instant any activity.

“Don’t worry. You are the first human they see.” Said Twilight, attempting to tranquilize him. So much looks on Qart were making him uneasy. “In no time they will forget you are here.”

“The same with the big green flash of yesterday, the explosion and the hostage. Pfff, why not?

White Robe spoke on a sarcastic voice tone. Twilight gave him an inquisitorial look, disapproving his lack of cooperation, but why lie? A human was walking on street only used, until that day, by the ponies. Seeing the princess Celestia with all her royal guard should make less commotion. All the better that no citizen knows that the human walking at his side was more than a simple curio. Should he warn about the weapon of mass destruction on a bipedal shape? Of course, he would make plus objections had it not been Twilight his main obstacle. At least being nearby was giving him the chance of studying Qart in detail. At a glance, the more urgent problem, and constant too, was the right clavicle. Qart rejected a closer examination, so as a doctor he can’t say what was happening to him.

While he was walking, Qart felt a chill. He looked back and found the doctor making the typical glance of the crazy scientists when they are watching a lab rat. Jeez, he don’t know what is more distressing: the creepy smile of before or that face. In fact, his sight on him was heavier than the ones of the rest of ponies. Is he still angry because of what happened in morning? Twilight was trying to dissimulate giving him a long explanation about the life in town, introducing some personages of interest and places where he would be able to obtain any supply that he need.

Talking about supplies, Twilight talked about many stores and Qart listened to her on the chance of solving his problem. His clavicle was killing him, at the point of that he couldn’t move the arm. Probably the doctor already was knowing that. Unfortunately, she said supplies but he didn’t see in no store something for his particular problem. On certain moment, he saw a turmoil crowded in a corner of the merchant’s place. Was nothing in the beginning but, thinking about it better, something more impressive than a human walking among horses should be really amazing. He tried to investigate it, but both the doctor and Twilight were pending at him.

Suddenly, he made a contraction and fell on his knees.

“What’s happening? Are you okay?” Asked Twilight worried.

“Step back princess. We don’t know if it is contagious.”

“Stop that, White. Qart, are you alright?”

“No. It’s my clavicle. It hurts a lot.” Qart stared at White Robe and pointed him with a finger. “You are my personal doctor, right? What is happening?

White Robe froze on his place. Such question so fast, and waiting for being answered for patient and princess.

“I-I don’t know.” White Robe muttered. “I need to see my books.”

“This is urgent doctor. Go, AND FAST!!!

Qart screamed and the doctor run as fast as he was able to. Twilight approached to Qart inspecting his status. The other ponies began to scrunching closer to them trying to find what had happened.

“Twilight, my life is in grave danger. I need your help.”

“Yes. Of course. How can I help you?”

“Until White Robe arrive, only first aids. I need a thin rope, robin’s feathers, iron and silver ores. If you can bring me a diamond much better. But fast, this kind of wounds is merciless without treatment.

“Don’t worry. I’ll search the ingredients and bring them at once.”

“I’m counting with that. Hurry!!

Twilight disappeared through the multitude with no hesitation. She never stopped to think about who will ‘protect’ the wounded knight. Qart stood up and shook out the dust from his clothes. “She is only a naive girl. That was easy” he thought to himself. The other ponies was staring at him, waiting for what will happen next. So much looks, so much faces wanting an answer. Qart tried to ignore them and get out of the circle that the ponies made.

“The sight weigh. Move out!” He screamed. Really, which is the problem of this people with looking at others?

With no opposition, Qart reached another multitude bunched around a particular store. Inside the store, two stallions was promoting their products. Both stallions was tall, with a pale yellow fur and red and white mane. They were wearing the same clothing with blue and white stripes plus straw hats. The unique difference was that one of them was using mustache.

“Come here everypony and see the miraculous tonic of Flim and Flam” Said the mustached pony.

A miraculous tonic. That sounds tempting to Qart.

“This medicine can heal any sickness you have” continued the other vendor. “Indigestion? Drink it and immediately you will heal. Headache? Use it as a shampoo and not only you will be healed, you will smell nice too. A course or another spiritual afflictions? Apply it on amulets and talismans. This works on everything and will resolve all your problems only for one hundred bits.

“It can cure a fractured bone?”

Qart lifted his left hand, catching everypony’s attention. The two vendors saw him and noted how he was dressed. A purple tunic of the best silk: a potential customer without any doubt, and no matter which is his race.

“Of course my lord.” They spoke in chorus. “But that problem is a little more ‘problematic’ if you know what we are saying. We recommend you our deluxe version: more potent, more effective, and infallible.”

“And how much will cost that ‘deluxe’ version?”

“Two hundred bits, my lord.”

Perfect. He found a cure, now he must found the money to pay for it. The two vendors was waiting for him, but Qart took his time to think on a plan. A random pony, dressed with a splendid suit, was the solution. Qart walked forward trough the multitude and when he was close to the pony he feigned to avoid him, stealing with a skillful move the coin purse. He reached the vendors and counted the coins in front of them. Fortunately, inside the purse was the two hundred bits and a much more.

“Thanks for your patronage. Enjoy it.” Said in chorus the two ponies giving to Qart the elixir.

Qart took his reward and gave to it a closer look. It looks like rancid cider, but he don’t know nothing about a cure with a pretty appearance. He drank all the content rapidly waiting for a disagreeable taste, but to his surprise it was sweet, too sweet. The clavicle still was hurting yet after some seconds waiting.

“Excuse me. You said immediately heal, do not you? Because it is not working.”

“Oh, we’re sorry to hear that.” Said the mustached one. “Maybe you need our extra version. It’s no problem. It’s yours for four hundred bits.”

Of course. More money and more cheap remedies. Qart made a deep breath. All the worlds have their smart guys trying to make money at expense of the others. And that don’t go, less with him.

“That is no necessary. Give me back my money and I am happy.”

The two vendors saw to each other, smiling with a roguish and tricky tone.

“We’re afraid of that is impossible. You already consumed the product, so we can’t give you back your money.”

“That product was sugared water. You lied to sell me that.”

“I repeat” said the one with no mustache. “You consumed the product and we can’t give you a payback.”

At this point, Qart was losing the patience. No one fool him and tell the story, less a ridiculous pair of talking horses.

“I remind you that your elixir did not work. Perhaps I should expose the fraud with the guards.”

“Calm down, sir. Perhaps it don’t work on other species.” Said the two ponies to each other, laughing in Qart’s face.

Qart gave a strong punch on the table and shut them up. His face was red of fury and from his nose was coming out small flames. He toke both ponies from the neck and put their faces close to him.

“Give me my money back, or I’ll take it from you in the bad way.”

“Really? Do it, and we will be the ones who will go to the guards to denounce you.”

‘Damn it!’ Thought Qart. He made a deal with Twilight and because of that he can’t beat up this horse trash. They were tempting him greatly with a pedantic smile on his faces and a triumph expression. Obviously, the thieves were ignoring the real possibility of that Qart twist their necks and how close he was to do it. The knight made a superhuman effort and putted them down. The vendors smile counting their victory, and one of them went to Qart to dismiss him, but the knight’s figure wasn’t all right. His body shook off in spasms and his head got disfigured into a monstrous features. His eyes turned into an intense yellow color, and his mouth was very much bigger than before and was full of sharp teeths. A lot of saliva was falling to the ground and he was panting a threatening snore.

A nightmarish creature coming from the darkest places in the universe. The monster roared thunderously, petrifying of horror the two vendors. They fell on the ground covering themselves with all their hoof and screaming as little fillies.

The vendors were on the ground, in front of all the ponies’ baffled look. Qart walked to them and took off the money from a chest. His eyes were reflecting prepotency and arrogance, celebrating his victory.

“Be careful losers. Today was an illusion, tomorrow you will be my dinner.”

Qart leaved as if nothing had happened, and the rest of ponies were wondering about what the hay have just occurred. Walking through the population Qart saw the same pony that he thieved before. The money fulfilled its function and have it at moment was a nonsense. So, it’s time to return it back to its legitimate owner.

“Excuse me, I think this is yours.” Said Qart reaching the pony.

The mentioned pony gave his thanks and continued his way, asking to himself how he could let to drop the purse. Without loose ends, Qart was ready to return to the place where the princess Twilight left him. However, on the road to coming back was waiting for him White Robe. The doctor was munching an apple calmly and Qart’s presence didn’t seem to disturb him at all.

“Are you finished? Because I have many things to tell you.”

“That depends of what you want to tell me.”

“Now you are funny. Great. Well, let me be brief. What do you think you’re doing? Not even an hour has passed and you are already braking your word fooling us? And to worst, you stole another citizen and putted Flim and Flam into an illusion …”


“The two swindling po-” White Robe interrupted suddenly his words. He was close of ruining the scolding. “The vendors, but that’s not the matter. Qart, we made a deal and you broke it. Do you know how much Princess Twilight has done to calm down the citizens after your incident? Your action isn’t helping her.

“Is that so? Because I told you two about how much the escort bothered me. You’re no one to blame me for wanting freedom.”

White Robe threw away the apple and walked toward Qart. His face was serious.

“Obviously you aren’t aware of the situation. The light that brought you here made a great explosion. The outsides of Ponyville blew out and you was in the epicenter of all of that. To this ponies you’re some kind of invader and only the princess keeps certain neutral attitude toward you. If you do a strange movement, no matter how insignificant it can be, that neutrality can become hostility.”

“And she let me free knowing that? Then the nobility here is as inept as in my universe.”

“She let you free because she trusted in you!

“You lie!” Qart’s features changed drastically. His tranquility transmuted into an imposing expression of power and authority. “She let me ‘free’ because she fears me. I am sure that she is making time until finding a way to destroy me. You told me this morning that she felt my magic? I can do it too, and she has more power than I.

“If that’s what you think, why would Twilight saved you?” Silence. Simple logic. That was a good point. “Listen to me, and maybe to the others, for a few seconds. This world has different rules, no matter what happened in yours. Use this experience to learn them before judge us in advance.

“My work is to judge people. Thanks to that I am still alive.”

“Well, we trust on each other and thanks to that we’re still alive.” White Robe approached to Qart and gave him an analgesic. The crystal flask floated over the doctor’s head in a thin gray glare “Give us a chance. Only one.”

Qart took the flask, and after a doubt moment he drank all the content. In a few seconds he felt the effects and the pain in the clavicle began to decrease. White Robe smiled, and next he gave him a candies bag. Qart read the label: grapes flavor. He was about to give the thanks, but a strong gust of wind caught his attention.

“Hey, I found him! He’s here!” Said a cyan-colored pegasus with a rainbow mane.

Immediately, Twilight and another three ponies appeared. One was a white unicorn with indigo mane, another with orange fur and blonde hair and the last has pink both mane and body. Qart saw such salutatory committee intrigued and a little bit annoyed. One pony left and five returned? How many people the princess want to implicate?

“So, you are the new, hu? “Said de pink-colored pony. “I’m Pinkie Pie and I was so anxious to meet you your welcome party will be the greater that I ever made everyponywillbetheretoknowaboutournefriendcomingfromanotherdimensionandwhoneverwantstoinvadeusyousurelywillmakealotoffriendshereinEquestria what is your name?

So much information. Damn, his hears was about to explode and his mind got a little dizzy. He looked at the rest of ponies but they looked back at him with same expression of confusion. At least, he heard the last question, probably because her oxygen ran out and she spoke more slowly.

“Qart. Nice to-“

“Nice to meet you too! You are incredible how many parties you do in your world canyouhelptodomineaswellbecasueIwanttomakeyouhappyandhpfpffff…”

Twilight sealed Pinkie’s mouth with one of her hoof. She could assure to have seen a relief expression on Qart's face and with all reason. He is too young in Equestria to deal with Pinkie Pie’s hyperactivity and probably, behind that face of tough guy, he was thankful.

“What happened? And your pain?” Asked Twilight. Qart was looking very healthy in comparison to when she left him. “Are you better?”


“I’m pretty good at my job, princess” Said suddenly White Robe. “I’m glad to confirm that entire night wakefully is paying off.”

“But still, I need those articles doctor. Just in case.”

Qart gave to himself a few little slaps on his chest, making a well performed expression of pain. Twilight gave him a small bag what was in her back. The doctor made an angry look, but Qart answered him shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, Qart” said Twilight “I’m sure you this is a little unexpected to you, so let me give you a more appropriate introduction: she is Pinkie Pie.”

“Hello!” Exclaimed Pinkie getting free.

“After today, I’m sure that you will never forget her. However, if something makes you sad she can bring a smile on your face.”

Twilight walked toward the cyan pegasus and pointed her with one hoof.

“The fast Pegasus who found you-”

“Excuse me!” Interrupted said Pegasus. “You forgot ‘the fastest and more awesome pegasus in all Equestria’. Try it again.”

“She is Rainbow Dash. Her speed is only reached by her modesty, but have for sure that if somepony will be loyal to you to the very end, it will be she.”

“Yeah, that’s me, although I’m much more awesome than that description.” Answered Rainbow Dash. ‘Definitely, the typical braggart.’ Thought Qart remembering all the soldiers fallen by those same words.

Then, Twilight went back to her original position with the remaining mares: the withe unicorn and the orange earth pony.

“She is Applejack.” She said indicating the orange mare. “If you need help, no matter how difficult the task is, she will give you a hand… or hoof. You understand me.”

“Hey ya’.” Saluted Applejack.

Qart got closer to White Robe. The doctor saw the knight’s effort and did the same, approximating his ear to him.

“Is she trying to tell me that the other mares will not help me in a hazardous job?”

“Of course not, but do you want an extremely extended presentation?!”

The knight’s silence was enough response. As Qart can see, only one mares left: the white unicorn with indigo mane.

“She is Rarity. Selfless and noble, if you need something ask to her. In fact the clothing you’re wearing was made for her.”

“Oh dear, don’t compliment me.” Said Rarity cuddling her mane. “That rustic thing can’t be considered clothing. I was so hurry, but with time I’ll make a wonderful clothe for you.”

That’s was all. A crazy pink pony, a bluffer pegasus, a countryside mare and a drama-queen unicorn. Eccentric gang Twilight has, and for some reason they treat him with familiarity… too much familiarity. How Twilight manage for herself to leave alone and return accompanied? The alicorn, by her part, gave a light smack on the ground.

“Fluttershy, can you go out for a moment please? Our guest is waiting.”

From behind Applejack and Rarity, a yellow Pegasus with a pale pink mane appeared. She was looking at the ground and making nervous movements with one of her forehoof.

“She is Fluttershy” continued Twilight. “Despite her external projection, she will give you a respite of comprehension and a patient friend to talk about.”

Twilight awaits for a Fluttershy answer, but she was too nervous to do so. Then she looked at Qart but he was in silence, probably waiting for another possible ‘friend’ to meet. The knight examined the group that Twilight brought to him. Reinforcements? No, they look like civilians, and so fragile… They must not be combatants. They have a low level of magic and was unarmed. Slaves? No, too free. Servants? Probably, although it means the princess likes to socialize with her servants. Qart’s head was filled of any possible interpretation of his current situation, extending the moment for an extra, and uncomfortable, time of silence. He felt a touch on his feet what put him out from his analysis. White Robe made to him a signal with the head, and he was obviously impatient.

“I am Qart. Nice to meet you all.”

“I know this is unexpected to you” said Twilight “but the emergency was so urgent and I needed help. They help me to find the ingredients and you can see by your own how fast we was.”

“And, of course, when she told us you are awake we came with her to know you.” Added Rarity. “You’re pretty famous in the village.”

“I am?”

“Yeah!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Everypony is talking about the threatening creature who came out from a great explosion."

“And what do you think now you know me?”

“I’m a little disappointed. You look tough, but I imagined something more massive, with fangs, claws and that sort of things. You know, something worthy of that explosion.”

Qart made a condescending apology. She is a jerk, no doubt, but that way to think may be useful. That means they are underestimating him, with the possible exception of Twilight and White Robe. He kept that on his mind in case of hostilities.

The ponies began to chat between them, and Twilight called White Robe asking for a report about what happened in her absence. They made him some questions, most of them in relation to his home-world but he avoided them in the same way that Twilight.

“Such a friend ya’ got Twilight” Said Applejack. “Is he a little talker or Classified is the only word he knows?”

Twilight face expression and corporal gestures gave a clear answer, and in the same time it was satisfactory to Qart. The princess began to explain many things about the discoveries of White Robe and hers, starting with the evident lack of eloquence of the knight and ending with the agreement between them. Thereafter that, they only spoke boring prate. At least Twilight was catching the other ponies’ attention. Qart hates the extra attention, and he was barely adapting to White Robe’s stalking looks. When Twilight began to talk interminably he felt relived. Then he saw Pinkie Pie.

Deep eyes staring at him, with pupils too pristine that the meaning of life could be seen on them. That’s not normal, and she was about to explode in any moment. He swore solemnly to keeping as far away from her as possible. In the brief instant the pink mare opened her mouth his brain got overloaded. Her eyes were showing an exaggerated emotion, and with Twilight busy there’s no one capable to protect him. In time, both were looking each other in the weirdest competition ever made.

“It’s normal” Said Twilight to her friends. “He’s new and he know nothing about our world.”

Twilight’s words finally woke up Qart. The conversation had progressed plenty of, though still talking about him. He looked back, anxious, but Pinkie had disappeared. That creeps him out, like the horror stories on his land.

“So, what you will do Twilight, dear?” asked Rarity. “Showing our world is a giant task for a single pony… or human.”

“I don’t want to show him our world. I only want to show him how the ponies are, and Ponyville is our starting point.”

The rest of mares got enthused, each one with her own ideas about how to do it. Qart and White Robe, by their part, wasn’t enthused at all.

“A large friendship walk with a large friendship speech?” Asked Qart.

“It seems so.”

“A tactical flight?”

White Robe smiled. The stony knight made a joke. A good surprise. Unfortunately, a flight is not possible no matter how much he wish one. So, the doctor made a negation with the head, although still smiling. Both, doctor and knight, saw quietly how Twilight was planning the traveling guide.

“So, girls, this is what we will do: Rarity, you can take the town’s square. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will show him the meadow. Applejack, you are in charge of Ponyville’s exterior, and if you want it your farm. Remember, nothing too loud or brusque. And by that, Pinkie…”

“The party!” Said the pink pony appearing from nowhere, just below Twilight and hugging her. That simple action made Qart to think on a logical explanation to whatever it was. “I know. I’m planning his party from yesterday. Don’t worryYour partywillbeaswellastheonesIplannedwithmonthsofantalitionOnlytellmewhatdoyoupreferchimichangaorcherryIprefer…”

“Pinkie!” Twilight screamed, holding Pinkie Pie by the head and shutting her mouth up with a hoof. “Listen to me: our guest is a little susceptible to loud emotions. One of your parties would give him a fright. So I need you to be quiet, at least while I habituates him to our world. Understood?”

Pinkie assented with the head and Twilight let her free. Then, all the mares walked toward Qart with the Princess of Friendship leading them.

“Well then, Qart”. Where do you like to start?” Asked the princess.

“That is not necessary princess. I think I can manage this by my own.”

“Nonsenses!” Protested Rarity. “You need somepony who knows the town to show it to you properly.”

“That and cuz ya’ need a good excuse to shopping.” Added Applejack.

Rarity gasped and everypony laughed. Twilight took Qart’s hand with her magic and cheered him to follow her and her friends. The knight sighed, resigned.

“So, if all the presents are right, I’m going out.” Said White Robe leaving. “I have too much to read. Have fun Qart.”

Quickly Qart reacted. With a blinding movement the soldier held the doctor by the horn before he may even blink. Everypony stared at him, amazed by such speed.

“What about my health? I need you in case of emergency… doctor.”

Qart’s voice tone was imposing, scary, but looks like Twilight didn’t notice it. She thought that was a great idea. The next White Robe saw was he being grabbed by the princess and enrolled to the travel. ‘Oh heavens’ he said in a low voice. ‘Please help me.’


Apple Family’s farm. 4:30 pm.

Finally the tour finished. An entire day moving over the entire town and its surroundings. They began with the marketplace, obviously because it was nearest than the other places to show. However Rarity took her time with the guide, focusing herself more in the shopping activity than in the travel, under the pretext of acquire utilities to Qart’s new clothes. Only the time will tell if she was saying the truth. Another thing Qart saw was the goods in the market. Large amounts of food, silk, jewels, gold, and others precious materials, all being sold as if they were simple trifles. Or this world has a very powerful economy, or the distribution of riches between universes is very disparate. Surely, any market in Carthage would want, at least, half of whole of that.

Pinkie Pie wasn’t a problem. She maintained her word and let Qart in peace. But in time she got more and more active. To prevent a disaster, Twilight left her with Rarity.

Next they went to the meadows, in particular Fluttershy’s cottage, and showed to the knight the vast terrain of green grass and trees, filled with animals of any specie and their activities. Twilight tried to cheer up Fluttershy to make the birds’ chorus, but the yellow pegasus rejected on shame. They passed nearby a forest and Twilight gave a warning to Qart about how dangerous the forest is. Its name is Everfree, and she said it isn’t safe for anypony. Qart thought about said forest. It’s the only one nearby to Ponyville, so if he appeared in the town that means he covered a really impressive distance running. Unfortunately, Fluttershy was too nervous to explain anything and Rainbow Dash tried, in vain, to demonstrate how awesome she is making any sort of flying maneuvers.

After the midday, they reached the Apple family’s farm. There, Appplejack was waiting for them. This part of travel was surprising. Qart was visibly interested in the bucolic lifestyle of the family and, before they may understand what was happening, the outsides of Ponyville were forgotten. Applejack showed gladly her family’s farm, and no matter how much she talked, Qart wasn’t seeming irritated. In fact, he looked very pleasant, and surely Applejack too for talk with somebody her countryside stuffs. However, maybe Qart was at ease but White Robe was exhausted. Panting, hardly managing to not fall flat, he was wondering why the princess didn’t use her position to make the tour on a vehicle.

Seeing the doctor, Qart realize how late the time was. Walking around took time and Qart, unless White Robe, didn’t felt tired. However, he got much information to think about, including the dimensional jump, the shiny world of colored ponies or, what is more important, what happened with his friends, the soldiers and the demos he was fighting. Making good use of the doctor’s situation Qart asked for a shelter, interrupting Twilight and Applejack and taking a weary ‘hurray’ from the doctor.

“You can stay in my castle.” Answered Twilight pensive. “I’m your hostess after all. There’s no problem and you will have food, water, attention and medical treatment.”

“Thank you princess, but I must reject your offer”. Said Qart making a negation signal with the hand. "In the morning I made a disagreeable situation and I am afraid that my presence may create tension.”

“Well, that’s a fair point. Do you have any idea on your mind?”

Qart began to think, in silence and anypony durst to interrupt him. Maybe someplace quiet, retired, without much traffic. As silent as be possible and where he can meditate. Qart gave his specifications and the ponies took a moment to think about it. A singular request, but not difficult. It’s easy finding a tranquil place in Ponyville.

“We should ask to Rarity in her boutique.” Proposed Twilight. “She appreciates the tranquility too and most of the time she is working on her dresses, unless Sweetie Bell and her friends are around.”

“You can stay in my house too if you need it. But only if you want to. “Added Fluttershy in a so low voice that Qart, honestly, barely understood the offering.

“With all your animals? Really? Yeah, I don’t think so.” Interfered Rainbow Dash.

The knight rejected the offers one more time, but now with a pleasant smile on his face. Definitely, this display of friendship and solidarity made him more receptive to Equestria, or that was what Twilight likes to think about.

“The town is agreeable, I admit it” Finally said Qart. “But I am sure that boutique receive many clients on a single day. For now, I do not want to catch the public attention. Besides, nearby live that creature, Pinkie Pie, and she is the antonym of tranquility.” He turned then to Fluttershy. His face was a mixture of seriousness and cordiality. “I appreciate you offer Flutter, but Dash is correct. Your work with animals, as I saw today, do not allow me the peace I want.”

Qart turned to Applejack and walked toward her. He took a deep breath. Twilight felt herself proud. Finally he was trusting on her and the others. A good progress according to what happened in the morning. In no time, he will know what friendship is.

“If that doesn’t bother you, young Apple… I will be eternally thankful to you.”

“Nah. It’s not a problem. We will take care of ya.”

“Take a moment to think about it. White Robe comes with me too. Are you sure?”

“Said and done. When Ah’ make a promise, Ah don’t break it.”

“Oh, thank you Applejack!” Said White Robe hugging extremely strong the orange mare. “And you Qart, double ration of grape candies tomorrow. Now if you excuse me, I need a bath and 24 hours of rest.”

White Robe marched with no hesitation to the house. Twilight smiled: this was a little permission for all his work.

“I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

Twilight asked filled of hope, but the knight only answered back shrugging his shoulders. The princess thought that he probably has too many things to think about, then the fairest thing is let him to spend some time alone.

With nothing more to do, Twilight and the other mares said goodbye to Qart and Applejack. When they was out of sigh, Qart and Applejack walked to the house.

“Tell me, young Apple, which is the quietest place in the farm?”

“Ah’ suppose is the granary, right there.”

Applejack signed with one of her hoofs a tall building, red, where a red stallion was coming out with a hay cart. Qart changed his route and walked toward the granary.

“Hey, dimensional invader, the house is over here.”

“I know. But understand that I need some private time. If you need me, call me.”

Qart left Applejack alone. In route to his new home, he began to think about was happened during the day and tried to put his mind in order. He was especially intrigued, and feared, about the anomaly what brought him in this new world. If he is here, then the monsters he was fighting may have followed him too. An intense alertness is necessary.

2-Something to think about

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Someplace in Equestria. 11:30 am. 2 days after dimensional anomaly.

A sunny day raised up that morning. In a modest cottage, a brown stallion of dark mane was packing up traveling supplies. Food, utilities and others camp stuff, the decorations were ignored and the interior had been cleaned contentiously. If not for the total absence of essential goods, the house would suggest that it was being inhabited. The stallion was serious, immersed inside his own thoughts, like if he was dreaming awake.

Interrupting the moment, a young unicorn appeared and walked toward the stallion. For some reason, he didn’t disturb the greater one and limited himself to observe. When the stallion noticed the young colt, he stopped his activities and tried to hide his actions with a fake smile.

“Hello there. What’s wrong?” Said the stallion in a paternal voice tone. “The others colts bothered you again?”

“No, they didn’t. Lately, they’re pretty quiet.”

“I’m glad. How can I help you then?”

“You didn’t came yesterday to train. I was worried.”

The stallion took a deep breath and marauded for the house. The young unicorn saw him all the time. Maybe, both of them was waiting for the other to talk. Finally, the colt gave a step forward and pointed with his eyes the bag.

“Are you leaving, Mr. Cinnamon?”

The stallion stopped his actions and made a large pause, like if the child was an unmerciful judge waiting for the wrong declaration to condemn him.

“Kid” he said finally. His unhurried tone was more a distraction than an honest contest. “For umpteenth time, my name is Cionne. Don’t change my name ag…

“Are you leaving?” The colt insisted again, with clear determination on his words. “What I did wrong?”

The stallion, seeing that his cheat was ineffective, took off the bag from the ground and putted inside the last supplies he has.

“Nothing wrong, kiddo” Answered without looking at the colt’s face. “But something… appeared… and I need to investigate it.”

“It’s related with your work?”

“Yes. And you must understand how important it is to me. I’ve need to investigate.”

Cionne took the bag and placed it on his back. With the head, he made a signal to the colt to follow him and the unicorn obeyed. Both walked toward the door and the earth pony was checking everything inside the house. Windows, furniture or any useful material that he may have forgotten. The unicorn offered him a map of Equestria. His face was showing sadness and worry, and in her eyes the tears had begun to gush out.

“No, no. Don’t cry buddy.” The stallion stepped forward to cheer up the young colt. The poor kid was sniveling downcast, and no matter what the stallion said he was cheerless. “Hey, listen to me. When I met you, you told me you will be the most powerful archmage in Equestria’s history. Archmages cry here in Equestria?

The little unicorn raised up the head, moving it on a negative answer. With one of his hoof, Cionne cleaned his eyes, but the colt jumped to him in a strong hug.

“Will you come back?”

“Of course I will. I must return all the furniture to your parents.”

The colt stepped back and looked at Cionne’s eyes directly,

“Promise it!”

“Kid, when have I…”

“Promise it!”

Cionne got muted with this display of will-force. Strong eyes, strong voice… undoubtedly the projection of a commander who guides an army to the victory. The stallion got away from the colt and walked toward a red-black banner suspended in the wall. He took it down with a solemn procession, although a little defective for using his mouth, and gave it to the young unicorn smiling in satisfaction.

“You know already what is this.” The stallion said, looking at the banner.

“Your pride, your honor and your life.”

“It is, yeah, but it has something more. A banner gives luck to its bearer, but curses whom steals it. No one of us dares to lose it, so if I’m giving it to you I’m obligated to recover it, no matter how dangerous the mission can be be. This is a great responsibility, and I’m putting it on your hoofs.

Cionne extended the banner to the colt and he took it with the same seriousness of before. Both, stallion and unicorn, gave to each other a hug. The young unicorn was about to cry, but he resisted with stoicism. Cionne opened the door and leaved the house. The colt observed the emptiness around of him, with an old telescope as exception. He ran hurried to the door, when Cionne was about to disappear in the horizon.

“I’ll see you on the stars Cinnamon!”­­­­­­­­


Apple farm. 12:05 pm. 4 days after dimensional anomaly.

“Three days with no food and water? Are you completely sure?” Asked Twilight.

That morning was pretty frenetic. The Princess of Friendship was called urgently by Applejack, the pony in charge of give sheltering to the dimensional traveler that came to Equestria by inexplicable way. The earth pony, in response to her friend doubt, raised an eyebrow and the princess laughed awkwardly. Of course she is sure, she is the personification of honesty and deserves no suspicion.

Speaking serious, everything related with Qart makes Twilight nervous, anguished, with an uncontrollable anxiety. She was hoping to talk him the next day when they met, but the knight entered in the granary and no soul on Equestria can’t put him out of there. Two days ago, Twilight stayed in the Apples’ farm waiting for any moment to catch the knight abandoning his retreat. Unfortunately, hermitic is a word too good to define him, and Twilight gave in against the knight’s lack of social life.

For that reason, when Applejack called her she thought, she don’t know how, in problems. She summoned her friends, pointed the farm as reunion point and ran as fast as she can. At that hours of the day, they met Applejack at the entrance of the granary, everypony asking to themselves what had happened. Well, everypony except Rarity. His face was a poem, and she was more occupied taking care of his mane than the problem that she went for. Gladly for Twilight, the only problem she must face is a possible inanition of his dimensional guest.

“Can you do something White? How bad is it?”

The doctor, seated on the ground, was writing eagerly, talking with himself in a low voice formulating and refuting theories. From his horn, a green screen with a human effigy on it was displayed. The screen was showing many data about the effigy’s vital signs, and White Robe was taking notes of it ignoring completely his surroundings. He only reacted when Applejack gave him a smack on the head, and still he barely blinked.

“Eh? What? ... No. Why should I do something? This is a great opportunity to understand human metabolism. Do you think humans can hold four days with no food and water?

Twilight growled, hoping that the constitution of Qart was as tough as it seems to, because with White Robe it will be tested all the time. She approached at the entrance and gave it a closer look. A magic barrier was protecting not only the door, but the entire building too.

“Qart, may you open the door?”

The princess knocking the door repeatedly. White Robe, without abandoning his place, fired a ray of magic against the wall. The ray vaporized instantly with no noise, leaving Twilight with even more doubts. “Soundless barrier” was the only thing he muttered.

“Yeah” Said Applejack. “Mah’ sister can get incredible results, although in this case it was depleting the patience of our visitor.”

“Applejack, dear, that’s not the point.” Added Rarity. “A creature is starving inside, and who knows what happened to him during this time.”

Rarity was right. No matter what happened, the circumstances was very clear. Maybe Qart has a proverbial resistance and all this mess was because his unsocial character, or maybe he got starved and weakness impeded him ask for help. One or another, is time to check it on, Qart likes it or not.

“Everypony, behind me” Said Twilight charging magic on her horn. A purple energy began to accumulate and increase its magnitude in no time. Hastily, all the attendees hide behind the princess. All except White Robe.

“I’m not sure about that” He said. “He’s walking toward the…”

Twilight fired the energy blast against the door, but it got opened suddenly. The radiance blinded everypony, but not enough to ignore the fact of the opened door and a bipedal figure being hitting by a potent ray of energy. Twilight cancelled the cast, blaming herself for injury her gest and, possibly, initiate an interdimensional conflict.

Surprisingly, Qart was undamaged. His hands were expelling smoke, true, but excepting that nothing more. He wasn’t even surprised. His imperturbable expression, sobriety and intimidating look were intact.

“Are you… okay?” Asked Twilight in shame.

Qart shook his hands dissipating the smoke, and then gave furtive look to the ponies, inspecting them.

“What is it now? This can’t be only for my negative to play with the young filly.

Safe and sound. That energy blast probably was an insignificant tickle to him. All the mares were petrified. Only Pinkie Pie was bouncing in happiness.

“Do it again! Do it again!”

Twilight looked White Robe, confused, but he looked back at her with an ‘I told you’ expression.

“What the hay have just happened?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“I detect your magic through the barrier.” Answered Qart immediately pointing with the thumb the opened door. “Too many presences, so I wondered if do you need something.”

“I… I hit you… with the spell.” Twilight barely can stand it. It was so close or Qart simply resisted the attack as nothing.

“And you did it, Miss Sparkle. And I may say that you must work on your magic projections. This one was deficient.”

The knight inspected the Princess of Friendship. She was in panic, fearing that he get wounded. No, not only that. Perhaps she was fearing to lose the possibility of talk with him in a good mood. Well, at least the intentions are what really matter.

“Take it easy, princess” Said the knight to all ponies. Surprisingly, his voice was charm, still imposing but soft. Finally, something worth of what means knight is coming out. “There is no crisis here and I am perfectly healthy. Thanks the concern but I am fine. Nothing to see nor report. Do you need something more?”

“Well…” Muttered Twilight “Not really important. I mean, Applejack told us about you and how you haven’t been eating anything and we were… worried?

Qart arched an eyebrow. If it weren’t for the fur the princess would be sweating an entire ocean.

“And do you shoot people in the face when you are worried?”

Twilight hided her face behind one hoof. What a shame! Only when Applejack stepped forward she felt less guilty. The yellow mare was exuding confidence, and her air was as proud and strong as Qart’s.

“Be quiet right there, sir. Everypony here were worried for ya’. Twilight only wanted to help and yer’ attitude aren’t making the things easy to her. At least ya’ may be more considerate with her efforts.”

Qart looked at Applejack with indifference. The speech only brought him to think about how noisy the ponies are. In fact, he was seeing all this situation pretty similar to an annoying mob of his world. All the mares got encouraged after Applejack’s intervention, and was looking at him waiting for an apologie. Only Pinkie Pie was the exception: her face was exited and begging for another spell. However that didn’t surprise Qart. He saw how weird she is three days ago.

“As you can see, no help is requested” Said Qart “And my personal stalker here at my side guarantees vigilance the twenty four hours of the day.”

“Yeah princess.” Added White Robe “He keeps quiet and I can do all my analysis. For example: do you know humans have two hearts?

White Robe pointed with a hoof a huge bulb in the belly zone of the human effigy. Qart breathed deeply. Damn… and the doctor was asking him why his reticence to a medical exam.

“Doctor, that is my liver.”

Qart looked at Twilight again hoping she got convinced, but the princess only felt more nervous with White Robe’s unfortunate blunder. To Qart, it was indifferent. He obtain tranquility, the doctor stays away from him and the princess should be happy of avoiding an accident. Why she cannot leave him alone? All this matter was bothering him and, more important, was interrupting invaluable time of vigilance.

“Hmmm, maybe, hmmm, Twilight is more worried about your confinement.” Said Fluttershy in a soft voice, barely audible. Qart looked at her above Twilight’s head. One single look was enough to freeze the shy pegasus. Qart was doubting for this reaction. Metaurus used to tell him that he is a little intimidating, but Fluttershy’s reaction was extreme: he didn’t understand nothing.

“What she is trying to say is that we are very concerned about the ease that you secluded yourself of the rest of the world.” Intervened Rarity calming her friend. “This lifestyle is depressing. You can’t keep it going.”

“I can’t?”

“Of course not!” Exclaimed Applejack slamming the ground “You are mah’ guest, under my care and mah’ work is make ya’ feel comfortable.”

“I am already comfortable.”

Damn. Qart’s attitude was unmovable. Twilight felt something very familiar on that behavior, on that preference for isolation. Qart said he need time to meditate about his current situation, but if that’s so, why it was taking so much time? Is this an excuse to avoid direct contact or was the dimensional travel more traumatic than she thought? It’s comprehensible, but an ostracism life isn’t the solution. If he will going to learn to trust on her and her friends, an approach must be necessary.

“What about a walk for the town?” Proposed the Princess of Friendship. “Last time we talk you were very interested in our culture and history. Maybe a little walk may enhance the knowledge you have about us… aaaand maybe, if you want it, we may learn something more about you. But only if you want it, of course. No pony will obligate you.”

Qart took a brief pause. His face was serious, but also annoyed, like if he were losing the patience but not in the meaning of rage. That confused Twilight. She is practically giving him free valuable information about her homeland. Such reticence is frustrating. She can’t even imagine a society filled of humans like Qart. How it will grow if everyone work alone and refuse cooperation?

“No.” He answered. As laconic as ever, but Twilight was accustomed to that. At least she tried it. “I learned all what I need to know”.

Ponies and human stayed looking at each other a while. The knight explored the mares with the sight. Such sharp and fast answer was unexpected… not for Twilight, that’s sure, but still, all the ponies was waiting for that moment of cooperation.

“Why not?!” Screamed Rainbow Dash “How you will know how awesome our world is if you never…”

Qart made an authoritative gesture with the hand and obligated Rainbow Dash to shut up. He turned back and walked toward the door. That enraged Rainbow so much, so much that she never felt this angry before. Nopony, or human, hush her that easily and walk away like nothing.

“Hey” She called “I’m talking to you. How do you dare to hush and ignore me? In this world we have ma…”

Qart didn’t let her finish the sentence. He closed the door in a loud slam and all the ponies, even White Robe, got scared with such commotion. The silence was deep, but that slam really shocked them up and no one dares disturb the fragile peace. Only the angry breathing of Rainbow Dash can be heard over that atmosphere.

“I think this finished very bad.”

Fluttershy voice, still soft, was clear in that uncomfortable environment. After a few seconds, the confusion led to multiple reactions. Twilight was still confused because she really was hoping to convince him to explore the world. Fluttershy, well, the dark semblance of Qart made her to see him as a villain. Rarity was disgusted about how rude the knight was and Pinkie Pie was insisting, nevertheless, for another magic trick. Rainbow Dash immersed in her angry state was speaking nonsenses and she was being ignored by the others.

“And what we will do now?” Asked Fluttershy. That was a good question. Usually, Twilight resolve any conflict after a few tries. But this time is different: this time she was dealing with a grumpy and extradimensional human.

“Right now, I don’t know. But I’ll think on something.” Twilight’s answer, instead of bring confidence, was full of doubts. Speaking serious, she has no idea about what to do.

“I suggest discretion princess.” White Robe warn with an ominous voice tone. He showed the screen to the mares and displayed the human effigy, but this time colored in pale blue with zones darker than others. He pointed to a great concentration toward the chest zone. “Do you look at this? It’s his magic system, and the heart seems to be his core. Maybe he is a human, but magic and biology work in a similar way on him as any unicorn in Equestria.”

“Go slow, egghead” Interrupted Rainbow Dash “Why are you telling us this thing of magic when our problem has flesh and bones?

“Rainbow, you would avoid many problems if you finally learn to listen” White Robe tone was soft and calm. With the years, he learned to pay no attention to ignorant ponies around him. “When the princess Twilight insisted, and leaving Pinkie Pie aside, I registered a huge amount of energy and an increase of his arterial tension. Translating: his biology was preparing him for confrontation. You were angering him.”

“So, we take care of ‘im, and he got anger with us?” Yelled Applejack indignant. “How ungrateful!”

“Maybe, but he is the superpowerfull being here. It’s a good idea leaving him quiet.”

Applejack’s irritation spread among the mares, and they began to discuss again. White Robe and Twilight sighed. Nothing has changed.

“Any idea doctor?”

“Only the same that I told you before: leaving him alone and wait for a better chance to interact. When it will happen? I don’t know.”

“I have a plan!!!!”

Pinkie appeared between Twilight and White Robe, hugging them with so much strength that they were squeezed in her hoofs. Immediately, all the ponies paid attention to her.

“Let’s tempt him with something he can’t resist, or avoid… something that force him to act.”

“Oh yeah? And what is it, genius?”

Rainbow’s voice tone was sarcastic, but she was right. Everypony began to think on something that can be used against Qart, but immediately desisted when they realized that they have nothing to use. For some reason, all the mares looked at White Robe, who was attending the screen until the inquisitorial observation.

“Don’t look at me! The only thing I know is he likes grapes. Nothing more.”

“So we’re giving up?”

“Not at all. I’ll tell you the second part of my plan” Pinkie rubbed her hoofs anxious while her friends were getting together, surrounding her. White Robe joined to them. If the idea get stupid, he must stop them before they do it.

“Look girls, this is what we’ll do: he is a grumpy human who doesn’t want to talk to anypony. Trying to chat is impossible… yet. We don’t need a fancy strategy or a stereotypical plan. What is the most he want? Get rid of us. And we will give him the opportunity to get it, easy enough that he will accept our challenge without thinking about it.”

“But Pinkie, we don’t even thought on a plan, less on a challenge. And what happen if you lo…”

Twilight’s sentence was interrupted for one hoof of Pinkie Pie on her mouth. The pink pony winked at her friend, smiling and confident.

“Just leave it to me”

Pinkie Pie knock the door as she was crazy and for a brief instant the other mares doubt of the plan, but when White Robe prevented that Qart was walking toward the door all of them turned impatient, expecting in silence the results. When Qart opened the door and saw Pinkie Pie, a grimace appeared instantly on his face. Nevertheless, Pinkie was smiling, defying him.

“Hiiiii! It’s me again”

“Of course you are”

The knight observed in silence the other mares. Is this a punishment for not allow a concession before?

“Excuse me, but something tells me that you are very very VERY busy. But we are very VERY VERY enthusiastic to know you better. We have a problem here.”

“Clever girl…”

“I was talking with my associates here and we thought this impasse is unproductive for both sides. So, let me propose you an easy solution: give us a chance, a game, anyone you want. If we win, you come with us. But if we lose, you will be as tranquil as a little baby taking a nap and we will never bother you never ever. Deal?”

Qart was slow to react. The other ponies got near to Pinkie Pie judging her decision and trying to convince her to desist. By his part, he was thinking in a possible trap, a handicap to use against him. So much overconfidence… it was true bravery or just the grater bluff of all history? That doesn’t matter now. This isn’t his first time gambling, and he has his own cheats.

“All right, Pink. You have a deal. But if any of you break your promise I will demand a compensation of my chose, no matter how expensive or extravagant it can be. Agreed?

Qart’s voice tone, imposing and authoritative, brought an ominous atmosphere of fatalism. Deep inside him, he was expecting that the mares retract themselves because of the risk. But Pinkie Pie stood firmly in front of him with the same confidence.

“Bring it on” She said

In reality, Qart accepted the defiance not only because he was pretty sure of his victory. The atmosphere in this new land is full of magic and in this three days he confirmed that detection beyond a few dozens of meters is very hard and exhausting. He need some resources and now the hyperactive pony gave him the opportunity to get them. Besides, no matter if the mares obey the promise or not, his situation gains legitimacy. He obtain tranquility and in the same time the resources to hunt a possible demon who, like him, had travelled to Equestria trough the dimensional rift.

“The game is very simple. We will play Marble-Pike-Coin. Marble smash Pike, Pike beat Coin, and Coin buy Marble. Understood?”

Qart made the symbols of each component while he was speaking: a close fist is Marble, a single finger the Pike and the entire opened hand as the Coin. Twilight didn’t take that easily. Unconsciously, they fell in another Qart’s trap.

“That’s unfair. We have no hands!”

“She told me any game of my chose, and so I did it. So, I suppose I win by default.”

“That’s not problem. I’ll play… and I’ll win. Just trust on me.”

Pinkie stepped forward, amazing both ponies and human. With each second, Qart was more convinced that she was bluffing. A desperate move, or a surprising move of another universe that he doesn’t known. In extreme alert, he scanned the area and the ponies’ psychic emissions. If anyone tried an illusion, he would know it with anticipation. A trap is impossible. Just in case, he was ready to read Pinkie’s mind at any moment. Defeat wasn’t an option and, sincerely, they will never know nothing. A trap is a trap only if your enemy can see it.

All the ponies got close to the competitor to have a better look. Even White Robe leaved his research to watch the encounter. Qart and Pinkie stood up face to face, staring at the other without blinking. Qart made the first move. He extended the hand and bounced it several times in the air until make his token.

Both contenders extended a limb. Qart made a Coin, but Pinkie only was showing her hoof. The knight sighed. Really? That was her great plan? What a waste of time, but what else he could wait for? A smarty. he hate the smarty ones.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Pike, what means I beat your Coin. I won, I won! I told you I can do it.”

Pinkie jumped exited, but Qart, and even the other ponies, were skeptic. At the moment, Qart felt like if he play with a child.

“And how can I know that you are not making a Marble?”

“Because I’m not a cheater? I am being 100% honest.”

Qart smiled. Clever girl. But… he is a cheater, and a good one. Time to play with a child. He extended his arm again but with the fist closed. Now the game will be in the same conditions.


Qart’s provocation didn’t remained without answer. Pinkie stood proudly in front of him waiting for the challenge. The results were a little disappointing. Pony and human ended showing to each other hoof and close fist respectively again… and again… and again. Sincerely, the ponies were expecting something more intriguing and exciting, like a life-and-death match.

Pinkie and Qart continued replaying over and over again. However, Pinkie was getting tired. Surprisingly, the tactic of tiring people isn’t working. Qart has more nerve than expected. But that means that is the perfect moment for an unpredicted dramatic turn.

“Ready?” Said Pinkie Pie doing a bizarre pose. Qart nodded, but in reality he was paying no attention to her. Blank mind and no thoughts: the pony has no plan. He brace himself for whatever she was planning for.

Both showed their hands forward. Qart, as before, close his hands on a fist. Pinkie, proudly, made the coin token. In a first moment, Qart was perplexed. But rapidly he jumped back scared at the sight of a hoof with five fingers moving playfully.

“What in the…?”

“Shhhh” Hushed Pinkie putting a finger on Qart’s lips. Of course, the knight stepped back immediately. “It’s look like I won?”

Twilight and her friends can barely believe it. The knight has demonstrated be very cunning before and the princess was waiting for another mind trick, or ‘governing lesson’, of him. However, he seemed to be confused. Certainly Pinkie Pie’s trick caught him by surprise. Qart recovered the composure with haste. He wouldn’t let this end so easily.

“And how could you say that I am not doing a Pike” He said putting his hand forward.

“Because you have fingers, and you did Marble.”

“JaJa. Have dignity and accept your beat, loser!”

Screamed Rainbow Dash. The other mares jumped in support of the pegasus, congratulating Pinkie Pie for his victory. However, the knight was far from surrendering to them and to a stupid game.

“Again, this time serious!”

Overwhelming, fierce. Qart disbanded the group only with his mere presence and no pony there like it’. The situation rapidly got hostile. It was a behavior proper of someone anxious of solitude or arrogance of an excessive ego? By the first time in Equestria, Qart superiority got shattered, though not the composure. He was hiding an incalculable annoyance and still his poker-face was perfect. For him, defeat exist only if you surrender. To Qart’s misfortune, the pony he was trying to intimidate wasn’t scared at all.

“Hey, watch your manners, mister.” Protested Rarity. “We won legally. Now be a nice gentleco-er-human and keep your word as promised.”

“And trust me. Is futile.” Added Pinkie Pie “You are fighting against an author needed of a deus ex machina to make the history advance.”

As painful as it was, the white unicorn was right: a promise is a promise. His anger was because his lack of prudence. The Pink pony played well. She waited for him to be overconfident and then attacked with a secret trick. Clever, very clever. The mentality of a soldier and she used it against him. Maybe she is not as dumb as he imagined.

“I won as I promised. So, the most fair is he comes with me first. I’ll see you tomorrow with the biggest cake of all Equestria… what do you prefer, cinnamon orcandyorcherryor… you know what? It’s a surprise.

Pinkie leave the group in small jumps and humming a happy song. White Robe approximated to Qart reading the screen and alarmed about how fast his vital signs got froze. Seeing the doctor’s preoccupation, Twilight approached to the knight to investigate. Qart was looking at the horizon, to the way where Pinkie leaved, and is not necessary be a seer to know what his problem is.

“If it helps you” comforted the princess “not even I understand her completely.”

Someplace in Equestria. 1:00 a.m. Four days after dimensional anomaly.

The night was cold and dark. Seeking answers about the strange phenomenon that crumbled the dimensional veil, Cionne left his shelter hoping to find answers. Another anomalies befell before, but when he arrived to the place not even a single trail can be detected. Nothing, as if whatever that came to this world disappeared at the wind.

However, he has more faith in this one. His machines got crazy when whatever it was happened. The readings were out of scales, and maybe he had to improvise but he isn’t a newbie. That thing was greater, very much powerful than the previous ones. He felt shame for the little colt, but this is more important than anything. Happily, none of the previous anomalies brought a disagreeable surprise, but is not a risk that he was able to run.

He inspected again his instruments looking for more readings, but they were as silent as the night. Cionne leant back on tree and drew out from his bag an apple. He gave a bite and tried to enjoy the flavor. So tired. The endless vigil was taking a lot from him. He needs vacations, or at least a little break.

He lied flat on the ground and took a telescope. It was tiny, but in time he learned how to minimize massive instruments with minimal loss of functionality. The one he had he left it behind to his new student. Miracle Mirror is his name. A good child. The little colt has demonstrated to be an exceptional learner and his capabilities must be trained, even in absence of a formal teacher. He looked through the lens and saw the starred sky, shining in a warming radiance. He was looking for one star in particular: The Emergent. Miracle discovered it exploring the sky, a giant star who became a supernova. In hundreds of years, the dying star will become a black hole, and it was discovered by a child, his apprentice. Miracle thought in the name ‘The Emergent’ because, he said, it was very convenient, for himself, as student, and for him, as a teacher.

Cionne smiled. More reasons to return. It’s strange, but he was hoping that this time was nothing as the others anomalies. The vigil wasn’t bothering him, but a peaceful life neither.


He muttered, smiling. He left aside the telescope and tried to sleep. Next day in the morning he would reach the landsite in the town called Ponyville, and only to be cautious he needs rest. But something happened. The nocturnal animals stopped their howls and the silence brought many invisible eyes. Cionne stood up immediately and careful he walked toward his baggage. Suddenly, a tree branch cracked and the noise hit Cionne’s eardrums with the strength of an imminent menace. Quickly he took up a spear and pointed with it the bushes. Definitely, he is not alone.

“Ina? Ponnim sycartim des?”

A voice. Shady, calmed… coming from anywhere and everywhere at the same time. Only some familiarity in the language relieved his tension… momentarily.

“I only know one Carthaginian. Is that you, commander?

He said, holding firmly the spear, trying to identify the origin of the sounds. Then, the torch died out in vapor hissings and cracked branches. Something big and fast appeared and fled behind him.

“Judging by your voice, you are Hellene. Are you?”

The voice was near, very near. Cionne braced himself to fight, but an enormous creature caught him for his back and held him strongly. The creature lifted him up from the ground and the stunned stallion could see his capturer physiognomy. Bipedal, enormous size, big arms, black skin and glowing blue eyes. A hostile enemy, the first one he ever met in this land. Such monstrous creature didn’t leave time for questions: he is not going to be a beast’s snack. He gave a head-butt to what he thought it was the enemy’s forehead. The monster cried in pain and freed the stallion, who kicked it in the stomach once he landed on the ground. Cionne tried to attack with the spear, but the monster dissolved in a black fluid and fled through the trees.

“Are you a demon? Come out and fight me! Your size won’t save you.”

The creature smiled loudly. The sounds were indicating that it was moving for the surroundings with amazing rapidity.

“Did you read Xenophon the Young?” Panic imbibed Cionne’s body. Whatever had been stalking to him was just behind him. “The worst enemy lies in shadows.”


Ponyville’s central square. 9:00 a.m. Five days after dimensional anomaly.

“Come on everypony. The party is about to begin!”

Pinkie was very excited, and not only because she was the pony who brought Qart from his isolation. As promised, she made a welcome party and invited all the town to it. Qart couldn’t understand so much joy. He was a stranger, why anypony would attend to a party on his honor? Maybe those ponies are not so different of his companions back on his land. There, the parties are scandalous and most of guests didn’t care too much about the causes of celebration. Now, the knight will see how a party is made by colored horses. Points against them: too much decorations, confetti and that stuff. Many paper chips flew against his face and any attempt to speak only make them run into his mouth. Many nobles loves this kind of receptions in his homeworld, but this one eclipse any of those. At least, everybody forgot him.

He was about to say something about it, but then he saw more carefully the pieces of papers. Pinkie got the detail of make tiny figures of knights, helmets, swords and that knightly gears. Childish, but that simple gesture brought him distant memories of a happiest age, and the more curious: when Pinkie made all of those figures? A smile almost appeared on his face, but he resisted. In time, he will consider if Pinkie Pie deserve trust.

Looking at his surroundings, the party was massive. Many ponies, probably the entire village, was there, enjoying the music, provided by Pinkie Pie herself, and the food… the food. Honestly, he never saw so many food in his whole life. Mental note: when Pinkie Pie says party, she really means PARTY. He took up a glass of cider and drank it, slowly. Kanto loves parties too. He breathed deeply. Is still difficult to assimilate that they gone. Those three days Qart was wondering what happened with him, with Metaurus, or the army. He left many companions behind, and their fates are source of preoccupation to him.

“Everypony, listen to me.” Qart woke up from his dreams to pay attention to Pinkie Pie on the top of a podium. “These last days caught us with many surprises, but everypony here should trust me when I said that there’s nothing to be fear. I brought you today the foreigner that everypony is talking about as a proof of his friendly intentions. His name is Qart, and he is overrrrrrrr there. Qaaaartieeee, can you come here please?

Qart’s drink froze on his throat. He really needed to cough, but by his pride he refused to do it. All the ponies turned to him, staring in silence. He gave another drink, nice and easy, and ignored the huge mass of ponies awaiting for something to happen.

“C’mon! You are the only human here. It’s not too difficult.”

Qart toss aside the glass and walked away. He has no time for this. If the pink pony wants a party, she must do it alone. He is not a clown nor nothing of the sort. Was funny, but this is more than he is willing to tolerate. With some good luck, none of those ponies was expecting a big performance from him anyway.

“Heeeey! the podium is over there.”

Pinkie appeared just in front of him, seated over his head. Qart jumped back in surprise. He doesn’t know too much about physics, but Pinkie Pie has broken many of its laws. What kind of creature is she?

“Don’t be shy. Everypony want to know you.”

Pinkie hugged him, pressing her own face on Qart’s. To the pink pony, the knight only had suffered scenic panic and NEVER tried to flee. Qart propitiated that appearance immediately when he recovered from the initial impact. Who knows the abilities wielding by a pony capable to defy the reality?

“I am not an animator, Pink.” He said putting down Pinkie Pie. “That is your job, not mine.”

“Of course it is! This is your welcome party! Everypony here will know you right now and you must show your best face to them. Come on, they are waiting for you.

Qart, furtively, tried to escape but Pinkie Pie held him using a strength incompatible to her size. She pushed Qart by his back towards the podium. Apparently, the word ‘no’ wasn’t in her vocabulary. Before he may notice it, he was already on the podium in front of all those ponies.

“See? He is inoffensive, only a little bit grumpy but that will change if we work on it. Also he is mage, and a good one, and I’m sure that he wishes to share his tricks with us. Now, say hello to… to… hey, what’s your artistic name?

Qart stared at Pinkie confused. He really didn’t expect that. His face was a gigantic ‘WHAT!’ and his tough appearance barely can dissimulate it. On top of it, all the ponies, cheered by Pinkie’s introduction, were really wishing a spectacle coming from the dimensional wanderer. Pinkie Pie gave him some light raps in order to hurry him up. For some reason, he wasn’t able to take out of his mind the creepy face of White Robe.

“Mmm, Mad… Doctor?”

Pinkie bounced immediately and landed, like nothing, just in front of the public.

“You heard him, folks! Acting for us: Glad Doctor! Now quiet. He is nervous.”

Pinkie bounced again and fell in public’s first line. Although seated she almost could keep quiet for the emotion. Qart studied the situation wisely. Judging how ‘colorful’ this world is and the naive projection of its inhabitants, maybe their mental age should be approximated to an infant’s. This is good to him, because means they’re easy to impress, so a big effort is not necessary. Probably anything he do will fulfill their expectancies. At the same way, the situation demands a cautious behavior. An overcharged impression may be too excessive to them or even scary, and if a scared kid is conflictive he don’t like to imagine hundreds of those little demons. Maybe he may perform a popular infantile act of his world. That should be enough.

“This trick is an easy one” He finally said. “The only thing you must do is watch at this little wooden chip.” Making a hand movement a wooden chip appeared between Qart’s fingertips. “However, I need it bigger, or you will lost it, do not you? Then the only thing I must do is making it bigger and bigger.”

Qart bit the chip for one of its ends meanwhile he was holding it from the other. He pretend to do a hard effort, and the chip began to grow, bigger than his own fist. All the public exclaimed and clapped amazed by the trick, but the mage raised up the chip and everypony kept quiet.

“The problem with this kind magic, you know, it is a little unstable and tends to ig…” Suddenly, the wood ignited in violent flames. The public exclaimed, scared, but Qart’s tranquility face stopped panic. “Is a very common mishap and it is nothing serious. Take it easy, everything is fine.”

Qart closed the hand over the branch and the fire faded away.

“Now to begin the show, I need a volunteer to hold the branch. Anyone?”

Many colts stood up exited, and one of them ran to the podium to take said branch. Qart gave him the valuable object, but when the ‘assistant’ was about to take it he saw horrified that Qart’s other arm was on fire.

“Don’t worry. Everything is under control.” He said, but the fire spread over all his back. “Please, hold this a second”.

The colt took the branch, and everypony on the place were seeing Qart trying to extinguish the fire on him, but surprisingly his movements were exaggerated, like if he was doing a buffoonery. The fire spread faster and the knight, nice and easy, pulled out his left arm and began to give himself slaps on the back. Everypony on the public were scared and some mares faded away with the arm trick. Even Pinkie Pie felt a little weird with the act, though still joyful. She is an expert animating parties, and she always recognize a comedy act when she sees it.

Finally, the fire disappeared. The ponies’ shocked faces, including the deep silence, hurried up Qart to finish the actuation. He must go to the very end. A shame. The act has hundreds of years and, with some variations, still attract the children.

“I am sorry if that did not work” he said putting his arm back to its place. “I did my best. Said so, good bye”.

Qart made a reverence bending his body forward. Pinkie was unhappy. She saw so many magic in Applejack’s farm to see a number of five minutes! The public clapped bewildered of what they have just saw. Then a dull noise. Qart’s head was on the ground… and his body making gestures of confusion and bizarre movements.

“Heavens… I have forgotten it.” He said in an annoyed voice tone “Doing this magic you must have care of not lose you head”.

Pinkie laughed, but the rest of ponies weren’t in the same mood. Some mares that was recovering conscience faded away again. The young colt who was in front of Qart was trembling. Everything got worse when the lonely head moved toward him.

“Hey kid, that is my body. Can you put me back?”

The colt threw away the chip and ran as fast as he can. The other followed him and in a few seconds the entire place was empty. Pinkie Pie was still laughing, but to Qart this was worrying.

“That was a good one.” Said Pinkie “Don’t lose your head. Jaja! Not even Twilight can do anything like this!”

“It is not funny. Everyone fled away.”

Qart recovered his normal appearance. The illusion disappeared and now he was intact. He went down of the podium and walked toward the pink pony. Pinkie was laughing too much that she began to cry.

“I knew I wasn’t wrong with you.”

Qart kept in silence. No matter his efforts, he ended scaring all the ponies. Cultural breach is deepest than he thought. Definitely, this will damage his public image even more than before. If the doctor White Robe spoke truth days ago, the princess Twilight will have a hard work to do.

“Don’t worry. They’ll recover soon. You did your best, and that’s all what matter.”

“I can see you enjoy it.”

“I’m a very good public. I keep smiling all day, week, month and year. Besides, that joke about your head made mine ‘roll’.

Pinkie laughed even stronger. Such a bad pun. Was in that moment when Qart felt shame. Did the rest of ponies think he is a fool or a monster? Maybe a foolish monster. He cursed his luck for brought him to this place.

However he saw Pinkie Pie smiling and felt better. Metaurus always said that smiling is contagious, and sometimes is the best cure to sickness. When she is not talking compulsively she is a good company.

“Hey Pink” He said “now you are telling me this, I can see you have a ‘pink-colored lifestyle’.”

Pinkie made a loud laugh and fell on her back. She was crying by the effort and, speaking serious, Qart felt nice. He never saw someone smile in such way since Kanto’s jokes. That giant always had a good sense of humor, yet of being a barbarian. Some memories comes at him: the old times, the very good old times.

“By the way” Said Pinkie Pie. “What was that act? Coming from your home?”

“In did. Is a very popular act for kids. Knowing by everyone in the Mediterranean: "The adventures of Hercules". The head’s joke was about the hydra.
Same place. 1 hour later.

“You did WHAT!?”

The doctor was hyperventilating. He was already nervous when he picked up Qart in the midtown, but the pretty adventure of the knight only made his status got worst. Qart related him what he did, the actuation he performed and the public’s reaction. White Robe’s wasn’t too distinct. An entire town panicked! Who know how many traumas this performance could do in the future and what is worst: Princess Twilight’s reputation hangs by a tread. No matter her efforts, hardly nopony will see Qart as an inoffensive guest. Damn, and that happened in the two hours that he wasn’t watching him. But everything is Pinkie Pie’s fault. If you give wood to the fire, it will consume.

“She forced me to act. I performed an infantile number. Nothing serious.”

“Serious? What kind of children you have in your world, for Celestia’s sake!?”

Qart was silent but not for feeling guilt. It was like to be holding a striking response but, for any reason, he was keeping it for himself. White Robe read the signals and considered prudent not irritate the beast. Was Pinkie’s fault anyway… and Princess Twilight’s for leaving him walk free. Whatever, this whole matter fractured the weak peace in town and a pair of things trouble White Robe. How an entire town could react to Qart’s little performance demands attention, but how the knight had cast a massive illusion field is alarming. He is not only a mage with an amazing raw power, he has control over it, he knows how to manipulate the gift the nature gave him. As a scientist, he has found that the biggest predators disappeared, or got confined, for being brainless and ferocious. On the contrary, those more intelligent are small and weak: compensate their foibles with smartness. Qart broke that rule. A formidable brute force completed with a great intelligence or, at least, a skillful control. Princess Twilight was wrong. He is not only prepared to fight, he is an apex predator. Thanks to Celestia he is tranquil and, until now, he is on a cooperative mood.

The gray stallion and the knight walked for a while in an absolute silence. White Robe thought about initiate a conversation but, in a first place, he was the one who was rude. Said so, he kept silence the rest of the way. Not too late they were reaching a great building. Its shape, cylindrical and finely decorated, reminds a carousel, painted in pale tones of blue and purple, decorated with ribbons and gems. Qart stooped in front of the building. Such fancy architecture looks extravagant to him. With no care about if he was being observed, he made a deprecating face.

“Remind me why we are here, doctor.”

“Rarity requested us to her boutique. She said she have more appropriate clothes for you.”

Qart looked at himself. The tunic is comfortable, but is not apt for combat. If his suppositions are right and someone else, someone unfriendly, came to this world a tunic is not a proper attire to fight. Only imagining what would happen if the tunic fly out made him shiver. Maybe he is wearing his pants, but not matter the world the integrity first. White Robe knocked the door and instantly a white mare opened it.

“Oh, come in, come in”.

Doctor and knight entered in the building in silence. The place was quiet, empty, only with the company of the faceless mannequins. Qart heard many scary stories about mannequins and empty stores. Just in case, he projected his magic looking for any undesirable creature. Thinking about it, many scary stories implicate inherently gruesome secrets hideouts. Better check it out.

“Is not this place a little empty Miss. Rarity?” Asked White Robe inspecting more carefully one of the mannequins.

“You know how everypony here act when Pinkie Pie make one of her parties. The strange is that nopony came after. Do any of you know something about it?”

“He… well, you know… Pinkie’s parties use to be very hectic, yeah. Probably everypony are tired.”

Doctor’s nervousness got increased each second. That matter is still delicate to discuss, especially now when he know the true impact of Qart performance: all the ponies, surely, ran to the safety of their houses.

Rarity didn’t answer anything. She was more focused in her own job than in the explanation of the doctor. However, White was more concerned about consequences than before.

“Don’t worry” Said Qart placing a hand on doctor’s shoulder “In the basement below us there’s no organic or magical signals. She is clean”

“What?” Was the only thing that the doctor was able to respond.

Rarity opened a wardrobe and took a few examples. One of them was identified by Qart as a prototype of his current tunic, with the difference of white ribbons and laces.


Exclaimed Rarity levitating with her magic a full-body dress, totally white-colored.

“Being modest, I made many master pieces before, but to be my first time doing it for a human I exceed my own talent. What do you think? I think it’s precious, but customers’ opinion is always welcome.”

Qart analyzed the dress and he couldn’t resist the desire to pet his current gear. The new chest, a long jacket, was decorated with a large amount of diamond medals, and some details, like buttons and sleeves, was combined with golden and purple. On the shoulders, a pair of great golden epaulets were shining majestically. Beneath, a thin purple shirt works as underwear.

The pants, totally white with purple lines in the sides, long and, observing the cloth, heavy, was supported by an elegant belt covered in gems. No pockets and that kind of stuff.

“Miss Rarity, who teach you about humans?” Asked Qart.

“Twilight, of course. The schematics was awful, but I improved them. The doctor at your side helped too.”

Rarity made the clothes levitate toward Qart. The knight hesitate for a moment. So fancy, so colored… and so unpractical. He looked at the doctor. Wear that costume was a revenge? How a man, or pony, of science could invent an apparel like that one?


Said Rarity. She was very anxious to test her new creation, aside from Qart’s necessity.

“Let me help you.” Said White Robe smiling.

Fast, the tailor jumped forward, ready to accommodate the jacket over Qart’s torso. White Robe, enjoying the spectacle, forced the jacket to go down Qart’s chest. The clothing was tight, and more the knight wear it less his movements was.

“Miss Rarity…”

“Hold on. I got… it. Maybe I made… wrong calculations when… you were sleeping.”

“You wha…?”

The mare, still working with magic, was doing a hazardous work. Qart is a thin man, or that she supposed. Closely, his arms, back and chest are more bulky than they seem to be. Now, there’s no way that the jacket cover the pectoral zone. The white unicorn did an extra effort to link the buttons, and surprisingly it worked for three of them

“Miss… I can’t…”

“Almost there!”

It was a great challenge, but after a pair of minutes Qart was wearing the jacket. White Robe laughed. With his arms totally immobile, the knight looks like a gingerbread man. To Qart, wear that thing was a torture. He can barely breathe, his ribs hurt and his back was itching. He tried to call Rarity, but the lack of oxygen impedes it.

“Absolutely beautiful. You look like a prince, supposing the human princes wear the kind of clothing I make.”

Qart did a last effort to get free, but it was in vain. The cloth was very resistant and, as he supposed, thick, enough to overheat him. If he don’t hurry, a faint will be unavoidable.

“May I… speak now?” Rarity turned to look him, and when she did it she got shocked. Qart was covered in lightnings and they were disintegrating the cloth over his arms. When he was free, he opened the jacket abruptly plucking off the buttons. “The clothing is too tight. If I can’t move, it is useless.” Qart took the epaulettes and ripped them away. The same he did to the sleeves. He made some warm-up exercises. When he finished, he inspect the clothing and groaned. “Remind yourself” he said looking at Rarity “white color is very difficult to maintain clean. All the tailors know it. Besides, white has a fatidic meaning in my culture”.

The room was silent, as a desolated nocturnal landscape. Rarity, muted and paralyzed by the scene she just saw, opened wide her eyes and can’t believe what the knight have done. The cloth, made from the most good-grade material, in pieces. The epaulets and the sleeves, both manufactured by herself using gold fibers, ripped out as devaluated junk. Unconsciously, she embraced the pants. First, the shock made her babble fragments of incomprehensible words. Then she began to cry loudly, after fall dramatically in a conveniently placed couch. The scene didn’t seem to touch Qart. In fact, he was undressing himself and throwing the rags to the ground with disdain, or even anger.

“If you was the one who made my tunic, then keep on it.” Said Qart accommodating the tunic “I cannot use this. Your garments are not practical.”

Those last words pierced deep in Rarity’s spirit. So many efforts, so many hard working, paid in cruelty.

She ran away with her heart broken and with tears capable enough to show how broken it was. Rarity shut herself in her room, and once she locked the door, only her muffled whining could be listened.

White Robe didn’t say nothing. He was waiting for Qart’s reaction but, in opposition, it seems that Qart was waiting too. Apparently too many reprimands turned him on a defensive mood.

“Wow” Said the doctor. “You’re a gallant, no doubts.”

“If she will dress me, I have to do a constructive review.”

“Oh, I’m not judging you. I was only appreciating… whatever it was.”

Both, doctor and knight, stayed looking at each other in challenge. The doctor had a neutral expression to hide sarcasm, but the knight was severe, like if he can read his mind… and probably he was. In no time, White Robe knew that there’s no time for pretenses.

“Do you have a problem?”

Asked the knight. White Robe walked to him and took from the ground the rags that once were a majestic jacket. He inspected them and felt grief. It was an extraordinary cloth, now charred for who knows how many volts. Not even in an entire year of hard work and austerity his salary would pay such garment.

“I was thinking” he finally answered “Is a talent in your world be so mean or it’s only you? Because I’m impressed, really. A creature capable to subdue those who help him and, not happy with that, reject a free gift. Dude, I’m fascinated with your culture.

“A better idea?”

“’Thanks’ maybe?!”

“I gave my opinion. This only demonstrates the immaturity of my costumier.”

“Destroying the gift that she has been working? Freely? For you? Dude, in this world, we call this display of ‘immaturity’ frustration.”

White Robe sighed. He knows Rarity lost the common sense and probably the knight reacted in consequence. However, as guide his duty is educate the creature under his custody.

“Rarity tends to get excited in this kind of situation, and I know this first impression was… a little unpleasant to you. But is because she enjoy it.”

“Seeing the results, that means lack of professionalism”

Qart’s answer was as shocking as a cold water bucket. White Robe did a great effort to control his anger and count to 100 at the light speed.

“That means passion for her work, for everypony or creature that she helps. I don’t care if your world is a piece of trash, but here at least try to demonstrate a bit of gratitude.”

Qart keeps silent, meditative for the first time. A good signal to the doctor. That indicates he is not angry, unless he is thinking in how many ways he has to destroy a defenseless pony.

“Was not my intention” Said Qart.

“Good to know. Now, tell it to Rarity”

The doctor stepped aside indicating with the head Rarity’s room. However, the door grated. In a blue gleam, Rarity went out holding a short-sleeved shirt, red in the front and black on its back. Beneath, a pair of gray pants. Both, pants and shirt, seem to be not too tight.

Rarity offered them to Qart. Her eyes was still wet in tears, but also reflects some resignation. Qart accepted the clothes in a reverence of gratitude, thinking about how fast the unicorn worked. Maybe a contingency plan? He felt so dumb at the moment.

“I hope you like this one. White Robe suggested me to do something wherewith you be familiarized. It’s my fault to ignore him.”

And she tried to imitate the tabard over his former armor. Definitively, the sensation of being a complete fool was increasing inside of him. An appraised initiative. Who knows how many time he will be far from home or even go back someday? He looked at the doctor. Time for a second chance for the mad scientist.

“Thanks, Miss Rarity. I appreciate your generosity. I am so sorry if I was rude. Before all you did for me, you didn’t deserve what I have done.”

The knight sounded solemn, and his apologies looked to be sincere. Incredibly, White Robe got his purpose of teach some manners to his protégée… and without getting hurt! He was about to kneel begging clemency but the words didn’t come out of his mouth.

“What happened?” Asked the doctor to Qart. The knight was too pensive and for moments he looked at him and Rarity alternatively. Some guilt feelings invaded the doctor. He forgot completely that it must be hard for Qart too to adapt to another stranger world. “Don’t wanna try your new costume?”

He tried to sound more familiar, to inspire more confidence to the knight, but the soldier walked toward the door without no response.

“You don’t like it?” Inquired Rarity.

“Not at all.” Answered the knight. “I only have something to think about.”

3- Keep calm and...

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?????????????????? 1:00 am.

The world, gray and cloudy, was totally empty, desolated. A quadruped being stood dubitative, like a traveler who visit a well-known place but he found it totally changed.

The being explored with the sight the place, but nothing could be spotted. No magic, no living signatures, no movements. Utter silence. Only can hear the heartbeats of her. She never found nothing like this. What kind of creature is this with no dreams, no thoughts or life?

Footsteps. She turned back quickly. Something appeared suddenly and it’s moving quickly. The darkness began to advance and she turned on a light using her horn. The light revealed a majestic unicorn of dark blue fur and mane, this last one undulating and sparkling as the nocturnal sky itself. On her back, a pair of wings, on the head a black crown.

The alicorn explored more cautiously. The darkness retreated, but not for too long. Something is wrong, something lives here. The shadows moved in a hypnotic dance that trapped the alicorn’s attention.

“Who’s there?” She asked firmly, but obviously uneasy.

No response. The shadows keep the movements as nothing, but the alicorn still had the feeling of being observed.

After a couple of seconds she desisted. Maybe the circumstances turned her more nervous than usual. She relaxed herself. Next time, she will take it easy. Stress is contagious, for both sides, in the dream world.

The alicorn ignored the darkness and turned back only to find two yellow eyes looking directly at her face, so close that she could smell its putrid breath. She screamed in terror. In front of her stand a grotesque bipedal creature, made up as a clown. Its head was huge, covered in ginger hair, and from its eyes fell down two red lines until reaching both sides of its mouth, big and red. It was wearing the typical clown’s dress, but monotonous and dirty. When it saw the panic face of the alicorn it smiled, exhibiting its teeth in an ominous way.

“Hiya Luny. Wanna say hello?”

Said the creature. Its voice, creepy and shrill, only increased the sense of danger. Self-confident, gloomy, mannered look, everything in this creature is threatening.

“How do you know my name?” She asked, doing in the process great efforts to recover the composure.

“Penny knows many things. We’ll have so much fun together. If you like, you can join us.”


“Oh, oh! Yes, yes! You, me, the master and the maker. They come when Penny founds someone to have fun.”

The creature called ‘Penny’ began to laugh exaggeratedly between spasms. Master? Maker? The entire plane is a dream. Is it talking about the dreamer or all the place belong to a more complex system?

“And where is your master or maker?”

“Not here, not here. They let me play, and come when I’ve finished.”

Something in clown’s words caused in the alicorn an urgent necessity to flee away. The clown had stopped of laughing. Its eyes were fixed on her, and the yellow color was shining brighter than before.

“You must play with me first Luny, and then they will come. Come. Play with me.”

The clown reached a hand, and the alicorn felt as if an abyss be opened just in front of her. She has to run, desperately, but the ghastly face of the clown paralyzed her.

“No!” She screamed.

Penny stepped back. It seemed to be sad because it was crying.

“Why?” The question remained unanswered. The fright face of the alicorn peering at it was enough. “No one wants to play with Penny. No one understand that they made me as I am. Poor of me!”

The creature moved side to side simulating to be crying. It looks so fragile, but that only disturbed ‘Luny’ even more. Fakes sounds of sorrow and winding theatricality, like a dancing mongoose about to attack.

“Really sad. But maybe I can offer you a gift” the clown took from one of its pockets a red balloon and swelled it. Slowly, it offered the balloon to the alicorn. “Do you want a balloon Luny? It’s yours. Here, take it. Take it.

Darkness behind the clown grew bigger and involved the creepy creature leaving only the two shining yellow eyes at view. Terror: the alicorn doubted.


The clown rushed to the alicorn and she screamed terrified.

Then, she awakes, standing on a balcony. The fresh gust of the midnight embrace her and brought tranquility. A promise of safety.

“What was…. It?”


Sweet Apple Acres. 1:30 a.m Six days after the dimensional anomaly.

White Robe was lying on his back, sleeping peacefully. Applejack provided him with many supplies to mount guard outdoors like a bedroll, lantern and a tiny table. Honestly, only the bedroll was enough comfort. He is so active during the day that at night he fall asleep with ease.

However, something disturb his sleep. Something disrupted not only his dreams, but the entire night suffered a great commotion. The door of the granary thunderously. The doctor jumped of his bedroll and screamed because the fright. His sight, still blurry, could distinguish a bipedal silhouette walking in a rush, ignoring him and passing for his side.

“What happened?” Asked the doctor. He was ignored and the figure kept walking. “Hey!”

The doctor went after the biped and tried, in vain, to stop it.

“Qart what happened?”

“Someone tried to psy-attack me”

Qart answered without stopping his march. Judging his voice, he was really angry. The doctor took his left arm attempting to calm him down, but Qart refused with coarseness.

“And what do you pretend? Frisking all over Equestria?”

Qart didn’t answer and White Robe was about to call for help but something stopped his attempt. The doctor, in spite of the urgency, analyzed better the situation. Probably Qart was dreaming, he dreamed with something strange and some weird thing of his homeworld activated the terminator mode. The rest was only a sum of 2+2.

“Oh, you referred that! Of course. You’re not accustomed to the visit of the princess Luna.”

Qart stopped cold. The doctor sighed relieved. An angry lethal machine free in Equestria is the last problem he need.

“The princess Luna is the master of dreams and the oneiric space. She was only paying you a visit. That’s all. There’s no psy-attack.”

White Robe’s answer seemed to convince Qart, because he abandoned his aggressive stance for another more relaxed: almost meditative. He first looked at the doctor but later to the horizon. He sighed. His eyes lost any signs of angry. Now they were calm.

“One of the rulers, then. That means that I can not do a rough movement or I am doomed.”

“WE are doomed, but correct. And no one of us wants that, right?”

The knight rubbed his chin. The doctor is right. Too many risks on initiating a scandal. Later he will find answers, but for now discretion is the best resource he has. However, if there’s someone capable to perform a psychic attack at such long distance he must be careful. She is powerful, much much more than any unicorn in the town… and to be more worrisome he was incapable to detect her powers. With no care, this princess may melt his brain or worst: steal vital secrets of the order. Great. Another problem to think about.

“Very well, doc. You won. But I have a request for you”

“If you stay calm, I am all ears.”

Qart walked toward the doctor nice and easy, even smiling. But, while the knight was approaching, the doctor felt a chill, a true feeling of menace behind that smile.

“Tell to your princess that the next time she enter in mi mind she will see a true walking nightmare.”

Qart said, slowly, whispering to the doctor’s ear. Then he walked back to the granary. To the doctor the message was very clear. Immediately, he took up feather and paper and began to write. The lion has growled, the next time he will show the fangs.


Sweet Apple Acres. 10:25 a.m.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were expectant. From the distance, Qart was doing calisthenics. White Robe warned Applejack about the incident in the early morning. The farmer, on the other, chose to maintain Twilight out of the matter. These late days she was too busy and another problem on the list won’t help her. Applejack had to deal with the doctor first to convince him of not sending the letter. If Qart perceives that his behavior is causing disruption, he would be averse to dialogue only by resentment.

Applejack talked with Spike about the situation and he accepted to send a letter more “elaborated” to the princess Luna herself explaining the situation. And, to complete, she brought Rainbow Dash to the farm. The turns’ system conceived by Pinkie Pie has no sense now. So, Applejack thought on spend twice at the same time. To the pegasus all of this was very annoying. She has no intention to spend time with the human but Applejack was… convincing.

“Aren't you finished yet?”

Asked the pegasus. Qart ignored her and continued his exercises. After some minutes, he stood up upright controlling his breath. He did lateral movements with the head and the neck’s bones cracked. The same with arms and fingers in a nasty spectacle of sounds.

“Ready” He said laconically.

“What was that?” Inquired Rainbow. “Are you trying to intimidate us? Because with that ridiculous dance you won’t.

“That dance is gymnastic. It is fundamental to initiate a productive day. As an athlete you should know it”.

“How do you…? No matter. I don’t need that. I am an explosive force of awesomeness.”

“I see. So as an explosion you end as a pile of debris, right?”

Applejack refrained a loud laugh. Right in the pride! Rainbow was so angry that she could not articulate a response.

“Oh yeah, you… you black bald monkey!”

“What a nice counter Rainbow. Ja ja ja”

The pegasus looked at her even more annoyed. Applejack’s funny face was contrasting with the angry one of Rainbow or Qart, which was absolutely indifferent.

“That’s it! I will not tolerate this! I’m leaving.”

“Dash, wait” Said A.J, trying to control herself.

“Quit laughing!”

The pegasus tried but Applejack held her by the tail. Both mares began to discuss about the situation leaving Qart alone. He gave them time, but more and more time passed, more and more childish the conversation went. The knight stepped forward and clapped loudly. The mares interrupted the discussion and paid him attention.

“Excuse me for interrupt, but can you tell me what I will do today. I am busy and I want to go.”

“Now we are two pal”

Said Rainbow Dash. Applejack, in retaliation, threw her down to the ground.

“Don’t be rough with ma’ guest.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Exclaimed Rainbow standing up. “You have just…”

Qart whistled. Giving little taps with the foot was indicating boredom and impatience. Rainbow looked at him especially annoyed. No pony tells her what to do, less a human! And that face of prepotency... too much arrogant.

“The business today is simple: you will help Rainbow and I to work in the farm. Ma’ family should use an extra pair of hoofs and…

“We wha…?!” Rainbow exclaimed but Applejack shut her up putting a hoof on his mouth.

“… and I decide to use my turn to do it. Rainbow here came VOLUNTARELY to help too. So, whatcha say?”

Qart shrugged. He wasn’t interested at all in this and looking at Rainbow Dash she neither. However, the Apple family gave him refuge and only by that he is in debt with them. He must pay the selfless hospitality. Applejack, by his part, was trying to create a friendlier environment. If something bonded her to her friends more and more was the teamwork. The necessity of cooperate, the opportunity to know each other, to face mutual defects and still keep going on. So many memories came to Applejack’s mind, memories when her friendship were tested in no few problems. Time to apply that with the alien… in a low difficulty level of course. In time, she will introduce him to a more complex tasks.

“And what do you need?” Asked Qart

“Simple. Can ya’ see that plow? We’re goin’ to use it on that extensive field. That means we work together as a team and…”

Applejack interrupt his speech when she saw the plow floating in the air moving toward the said field. She saw Qart. As nothing, the human was moving a hand in graceful movements. With each movement he commands the plow, tilling the ground amazingly fast.

“What a teamwork A.J.”

Said Rainbow sarcastically. The yellow mare observed the act in silence. Twilight warned her that Qart would have advanced magical skills but his show exceed any magical skill she ever has seen. The plow was moving fluidly, fast and with no restraint, even better than with a pony using it. In twenty minutes, half land was tilled. Looking at her friend, the pegasus looks very disappointed. She, as the hostess, must do something.

“Wait!” She screamed. Qart stopped his activity, lifting the plow over the ground. “I know you’re a mage, but this time try to use no magic. That is how the Apple family works.

Qart inspected the plow, still in the air, a few seconds. Too heavy, and, more important, not made to be used for humans.

“And how should I use this with no magic?”

Really. He wasn’t paying attention to her? He assumed that he has to work alone? He wants so much finish the work and go? He has a plenty of disposition, but is lone wolf, that’s sure.

“Oh no. Not alone. We’re going to help ya’. As a TEAM. The work is lighter when is performed with friends.”

The knight grouched. Again the friendship’s prate. What is happening with this people? All the time when he wants to do something is friendship this, friendship the other… No matter how you see it, this time is pure logic. The magic is a faster way to finish the job a jump to another one. The productivity increases and no friendship could refute that. He wants to know, now, how the ponies deal with war with that attitude.

“Magic is more suitable. Hard works become easy.” Said the knight as laconic as ever.

“Sure, but nor Rainbow Dash nor I can use magic, and we can’t work.”

“You do not have to. You are giving me house and food. I have to carry my own burden.”

So, that was the meaning of all of this. He only wants to say ‘thanks’. The doctor is wrong. He is not a monster or, being honest, not completely. The perfect opportunity to establish a better relation. Time to a risky bet.

“The work, heavy or simple, is matter of team. Sometimes may be less productive, but contribute to improve the relations between teammates and, in time, everypony works as a single unit, beatin’ any challenge that they may face. Rainbow has wings and she is not usin’ them”

“Corps’ spirit: cohesion, bravery and loyalty.” Said the night. His eyes were shining in a gleaming of satisfaction and happiness. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other confused. “Young Apple, you think like a general. I’m impressed.”

That was a fast change of attitude. Two mares stayed silent knowing nothing about to do next. The knight erected one thumb and looks like he was waiting for a response. Applejack, however, recomposed fast. A little sample of good will, as it was, is a good start and she isn’t going to waste it.

“So, are ya’ ready to work hard as a team?” The yellow mare asked self-confident and Qart answered her with a small punch on his chest. “Bring some seeds sacks, Rainbow and I are goin’ to finish your work here”.

Qart leaved the pair of friends alone. The two mares began to till the land despite Rainbow’s refusals. After some minutes of silence, and when Qart was far enough, the pegasus interrupted the labor taking Applejack by his cheks.

“What was that?”

“A little counsel that the doctor gave me” Answered the yellow mare. “Attendin’ the results, he is quite perceptive.”


Ponyville’s outskirts. 2:30 p.m

An intense radiance illuminated the plain, and even the midday sun got shaded by it. From the epicenter several shockwaves palpitate, removing ground, grass and any sort of tiny objects. The heat increased and the lapse pulsations got more frequent and violent. Then, the space itself began to tear apart. A hole appeared in the middle of that clash between universes. It was small, not greater than a watermelon, and as fast it appeared it began to disappear. Suddenly a monstrous claw crossed the edge. The limb tore the space even more, expanding the hole in such a way that a huge and deformed body could pass through it.

The monster was enormous. With dark skin and some red cracks on it, its shady semblance is touched off with a pair of two shining yellow eyes and a mouth filled with sharped teeth. The monster looked its surroundings. Pretty much different to the last place it was pillaging. The change was sudden and now it is a little clueless. But a smell of living shake is very essence.

“Powerful.” The monster spotted a village on the distance. The feeling got stronger in that direction. “Dinner is served.”

Said the monster, walking to the village, slow but inexorable. Ground and grass, after each step, turned sickly and withered.

Fluttershy’s cottage. 2:00 p.m.

After a couple of rough hours of work in the farm the trio composed by Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Qart went to Fluttershy’s cottage following the turns’ system. The knight was visibly exhausted and Applejack tried to convince him to stay in the farm to rest. Qart refused alleging respect for the accord, and at the 1:00 p.m the two ponies and the human reached the next stop as expected. Fluttershy, as the next hostess, was in charge of the launch. Knowing nothing about human diet, she prepared a great and varied collection of food. To Qart’s disappointment, the menu was conformed by flowers, salad, hay and… riots, maybe? Obviously the knight didn’t ate nothing, and only limited to sit at the table with the mares. This last fact shamed Fluttershy. The tiny chair can barely contain Qart’s body and he looks ridiculous on it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash giggling didn’t make her feel better.

“And, mmm, how was your day? If I, mmm, may ask.” Asked Fluttershy to the knight in a murmur. The truth is Qart reacted almost immediately to her first words and gave her an attentive look. If not intimidating, it was very creepy.

“Rough” Answered Qart. “No healthy bones in my body”.

“Oh, poor thing. Does it hurt?”

“A lot.”

Applejack looked at them with a small smile of satisfaction. It seems that Fluttershy is having more success in holding a normal conversation with the guest.

“Yeah, well, apparently our tough guy is not, how to say it? so tough after all.” Interrupted Rainbow Dash “Sincerely, I was waiting for something more exciting coming from the alien who came from an explosion.”

“Well, surely he did his best, and that’s all what matters, right?”

“Yup.” Assented Applejack fast to Fluttershy’s answer. Sometimes Dash can be pretty annoying with her ‘self-confidence’ but right now that is the last thing needed. “Everypony did his job and we’ve finished. Ye’ were HELPIN’ ME, not competin’.”

“Of course A.J, but I’m still a little bit disappointed” Both Qart and Applejack looked at the pegasus. Applejack was visibly irritated. Qart seemed to be dissimulating a total lack of interest. “I mean, after a display of that face of ‘I’m stronger than you’ it’s impossible that you got tired working in a farm”

“What are ye’ saying?” Now Applejack was really mad.

“I’m sure that Rainbow didn’t mean it.”

Fluttershy tried in vain to calm her friend down. A.J ignored her continued his rampage against the pegasus.

“Work in a farm is not hard enough? Let me tell ya’ that work the farm is as noble as any work in Equestria.”

The environment turned in an uncomfortable heat. ‘Rivality’ thought the knight. To be sure, Qart made another mental note: be careful with the young Apple’s profession. The situation was nothing pleasant and Fluttershy’s face supported his theory. Qart cleared his throat loudly, calling the attention of both pegasus and earth pony.

“Your friend Rainbow is right” he said finally after a brief pause. “I am ashamed because of my work. It was mediocre, and my debt to your family is not going to be paid with it. My apologies. I thought that I can do it better.”

Qart voice was solemn, repented, as if was begging for pardon. Applejack felt bad. Surely the discussion made him felt guilty. Oh dear.

“However, you were evading the strength-based works. You didn’t help in nothing”.

“Hold on mister. I’m a pegasus. Don’t expect me to do brute jobs. I prefer speed, the adrenaline, the emotion. Of course, a human like you will not understand it”

“I did. As a flyer, your body is weak. We have flyers in my world too, so I know your physical weakness. But still, you got tired too easily. Only a couple of rounds to the farm and you were winded. I can see that you have too much explosive strength but low resistance. Work on it.”

“Are you teaching me about how to do sports?”

Rainbow voice was sarcastic, arrogant. Qart, still in silence, only accented nodding his head. Applejack smiled.

“That explains the ‘explosive force’ thing”

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled and the pegasus sited down in her chair, muttering a little bit upset. Maybe Rainbow will hate him who know for too long, but for now the atmosphere relaxed and that relieved Qart. He makes himself comfortable in his tiny chair and let the three friends finish the afternoon.

“Sorry to have stolen him Fluttershy. He warned us.”

“No problem Applejack. I’m glad that he is finally making friends.”

The fun fact in the ponies’ intentions was how they supposed that he can’t make friends. That is annoying to Qart. He is not a sociopath only for being three days in self-reclusion. They were judging him attending to their own communal lifestyle. He is pretty charismatic… or he thinks so. He took up a tea cup and drank slowly. The flavor was horrible, but the attentions dispensed to him don’t deserve a puke. Fluttershy saw him drinking and asked for his opinion. Qart only answered ‘Indescribable’. The yellow mare smiled satisfied and poured another cup. ‘Mental note: hunt something’. He thought. If the situation keep as usual, he is going to need a memo or something.

At least they are pleasant people, or animals, or ponies, or whatever. It could be worse.

“I promise, I’ll bring’im tomorrow.”

“If you prefer, I can go to Sweet Apple Acres instead. There’s no need to do anything alone”.

“What do you think Qart?”

Applejack asked cordially. To Qart such decision has no relevance. Is the same thing! No matter what the result is the same. Their mentality is simple and naive, like a child. Situations like this one remember him his duty more than usual.

After throwing a mental coin to decide, he was about to speak when he felt a strong fluctuation in the magic specter. He is not accustomed yet to the high magical presence in this land’s atmosphere and its interference, but still the sensation was strong enough to surpass it and feel it without instruments. It is near, very near. Coming from… Ponyville!!!

“Qart... earth callin’ knight. What do…?”

“Evacuate Ponyville.” Ordered abruptly the knight to Applejack.

Qart stood up and walked hurriedly to the door. Everypony was confused by sudden change in attitude.

“Is something wrong?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Evacuate Ponyville! NOW!”

Qart opened the door and went out of the cottage. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tried to follow him, but when they got out the knight had already disappeared.

Ponyville’s outskirts. 2:32 p.m.

The demon continued his march attracted by the strong living essence coming from the town. The Tartarus is not an empty zone precisely, rich in energy but also hostile and brutal. This land is an easy gift to it after centuries of fights. It was already imagining itself walking through years of evolution and reaching the most powerful daentus in Tartarus.

Its fantasies, however, impeded it to detect an intruder, intruder who was approaching excessively fast. The new prey stopped just in front of it, defying. The demon’s eyes opened wide. His essence was more dense and powerful than any other in the town. How is possible that such power passed unobserved to it?

The demon recognized the creature. A human with brown skin, male, tiny. It has devoured the essence of many humans, some more special than others. This one, yet, is unique.

“Tall, corpulent, barely horned, compact essence not too great. For sure your intelligence is limited. A Proeza class II, no doubts.” Said the human.

“Human. Powerful. I eat you.”

“Yep. No intelligence. I did it again.”

The demon rampaged against the human and punched him with its full strength. The earth cracked and trembled after the mastodontic blow. The monster raised up its fists looking for the squeezed remains but only found crushed rocks.

“Before destroy you, do you have a name or something? In fact, do you even know who I am?”

“You be my dinner!!!”

The demon charged again, but this time its fists were stopped by a violent explosion of energy. The monster flew through the air until crashing into the ground. It stood up, trying to find out what hit it.

“It is a shame. I suppose you will be the ‘Nameless demon no. 5000’. I am Qart. Be proud of knowing the name of your executioner.”

The human spoke and his voice sounded arrogant and confident, but also cruel and shady. One of his hands enlightened with lightnings and he disappeared. The demon blinked and the human was just in front of it. It tried to defend, but the direct blow drove it back. The knight did a pause, like analyzing what the monster would do next. The demon abused of it, because Qart reinitiated the offensive throwing several fireballs. Such basic attack was underestimated, erroneously, by the demon. It tried to stop them using only its hands and the first fireball broke both limbs. The next ones exploded involving the monster in flames.

“You are the dumbest demon that I ever faced. You are not even worthy of my first transformation, and usually your kind force me to use it.”

The demon stood up and began to run away. Qart charge an enormous lightning and shot it to the fleeing enemy. The day sparkled with the lightning and the thunder was ear-splitting. Fulminated, the demon fell on its knees defenseless. The human, smiling in satisfaction, walked toward it. The demon attacked the tiny human, but he was faster and gave it a catastrophic punch in the middle of the chest.

The monster used the proximity to its adversary to prepare a point-blank energy blast from his mouth. The human countered this using flash steps to take distance and, when the monster shot, he took the energy and returned it to its owner. The blast made a great explosion and provoked gusts of wind and dust. The demon, gasping, was almost agonizing. Its skin was pale, the cracks were more pronounced and they had lost any trail of vitality: the red color turned into a fading black.

“No more!!! No more!!!”

Cried the demon. Despite its size, it was trembling like gelatin. Qart advanced slowly, showing his teeth in a shady smile.

“What happened? I am not your dinner after all? That was a too brief battle.”

“I-I can’t… I can’t…”

The demon attempted to stand up, but its adversary crushed it against the ground using only pure telekinesis.

“Sit down, monster! Have some dignity and face the destiny you chose.”

The human looked toward the town. It seems that the ponies got nervous thanks to the fight and undoubtedly some snoopers would appear to find out what has been going on. Fortunately, the rift only brought one demon, and a foolish one indeed. Nothing to be alarmed… momentarily. His theory was right: the demons followed him.

“I told you! Something has happened” Exclaimed a pony accompanied with another one at his side, both dangerously near to the demon.

“For Celestia, look at that thing!”

Both, human and monster, saw the opportunity. The creature rushed to the ponies and its adversary did the same, using his flash steps to reach them. He did it and tried to run back, but two passengers is an excessive weight and the demon succeed in intercept him. He lost contact with one of the ponies, who fell on the ground at the mercy of the monster. The creature, taking the pony for the neck, put him in front of it as a living shield.

“I scape, or talking horse destroyed” Said the demon, now with renewed authority.

Damn dumb animals. Who walks directly to a giant and horrible monster admiring the beautiful day? The situation is now much more delicate. The demon knows its position and began to move back surely to flee. Qart attempted to do a dreadful movement to catch the monster’s attention. The tactic worked and the creature took a defensive stance abandoning the escape. No doubts. Time to improvise and being self-confident. Many people told him that he has a scary face: time to use it.

The human gave a step forward. The demon got scared and took the pony for the head. ‘Genial, one of the limb is still fully operational.’ Thought Qart but, no matter this, he didn’t draw back and kept walking.

“Stop!” The demon menaced.

“Or what?” Defied the man “Are you going to destroy him? And then what?”

“What are you doing?” Said the free pony “He is in danger!”

“You shut up, dumb! Because of you two we are in this situation and guess what: I don’t care your friend.”

The strong projection of character scared ponies and demon at the same time, and the human know it. He walked forward and the monster, one more time, menaced him with no results. More the human approached more nervous the demon turned on. In its state, it began to pressing the pony’s head and the hostage cried in pain. The human stopped. He was near enough.

“Alright, alright. You won. You are free.” Said the human raising his hands. His aura decreased and the demon felt his powers weakening. Feeling safe, the monster relieved the apprehension.

“But first” continued the man “watch out where you step on”.

The human raised a finger and a stone block jumped from the ground and trapped the demon’s arm. Prisoned, another stone block appeared to give a hard blow to the arm doing a nasty sound, liberating, in turn, the hostage. Using this advantage, Qart make the earth under the pony slide toward him. Now he is safe.

The attack immobilized the monster. It fell on his knees in pain and desperate prepared another energy blast. The human was faster, and shot a fireball what impacted just in the monster’s face. When the demon tried to recover visual contact, Qart disappeared. It felt a huge amount of energy from above. Its adversary was in the sky, flying it don’t know how and charging lightnings in his mouth. A couple of seconds was enough to shoot a powerful ray breath, as thunderous and sparkling as the previous lightning.

The impact generated a great shockwave and when the dust scattered away it revealed a small crater. In the center lied the monster, now a shadow of what it was. The human landed slowly on the borders of the crater.

“Treacherous beast” he said spitting a little bolt “now this is the part when you beg for mercy.”

“I yield, have mercy!” Scream the demon immediately. Its executioner smiled in satisfaction.

“Good boy”

No matter the pleas of the poor beast, its victor has no intention to stop. From his right hand the energy began to accumulate forming a pure white blade. The magical weapon reached approximately the ground, scratching it and making smoke. ‘Good bye’ thought the human preparing the final blow.

“Qart, stop!”

The human growled annoyed. ‘Damn, is to be fastidious a quality of ponies?’ he thought. Behind of him, a purple winged unicorn accompanied with another five mares was running to his position. Immediately, Qart calm down his temper. They were kids after all. Slowly, he turned his aura off.

“Don’t worry, Miss Sparkle. The menace is under control.”

The ponies reached the crater border. The vision of the monster inside didn’t scare them. In fact they were more curious than afraid.

“What is that… thing?” Ask Rarity pointing the demon with a hoof. Her face was a mixture of curiosity and disgust.

“That is a demon. The kind of creature that I fight.”

“Is he dangerous?” inquired Applejack.

“Not anymore”

The six mares dazed. The monster has at least two times Qart’s size and the knight gave it a tremendous beating. No wounds, no dirty, not even panting. Applejack gulped. She felt a chill when she remembered the menace of him against the princess Luna. Maybe he is not as crazy as she believed.

“I see. I’m glad you’re fine.” Qart did a reverence corresponding Twilight’s concerns. “If this is your work’s business, I won’t interrupt your duty. What’s next?”

Qart turned to the demon. His face was emanating pure darkness and his eyes, once brown, was shining in an intense yellow and a mixture of anger and satisfaction.

“The final blow.” He said ominously.

Qart prepared again the magic blade, but this time with a double size. Twilight, who was expecting something more ‘friendly’, saw the growing blade horrified. When the knight was about to swing the weapon she blocked it with her own magic. Only thinking about the true intentions of Qart was terrifying her.

“I thought you would not interfere my job.”

Twilight really was hoping to be wrong, but Qart’s expression didn’t help her. Using her magic she made disappear the magic blade. This surprised Qart, though his face maintained the same unshakeable seriousness of ever.

“He is a living creature!” She exclaimed.

“No. It is a spirit, and a bad one. It deserves no mercy.”

“And this is the best solution?”

“As effective as with any plague.”

The answer didn’t convinced her. So, she crossed the crater borders and descended to the demon’s position.

“You are crazy? Come here!” Yelled Qart

The other mares imitated her in spite the advices of the knight.

“She is our princess, and she never failed us” Said Applejack. “Give’ er a try”

Qart decided to descend too just in case the demon became too aggressive. No matter what, he was pretty sure of being capable to give the fatal blow before any stupidity. The only thing troubling him was the fact that the ponies want to reason with demons. If an infestation is in progress, said reaction is deadly in all situation. What is more important, the rulers of the country must be warned about the imminent danger.

Twilight didn’t waste time to fraternize with the enemy. Useless questions like name, age, birthplace, bla, bla, bla. The demon, with its eyes only on Qart, plead for mercy.

“You are safe now” Said Twilight. His voice, soft and calm, bring warmth to the suffered soul, even when this one don’t deserve it.

“I want return. I want the rapids.”

Now everypony were totally confused. Was it talking about its home? But that means it lives in a river? It has no aquatic physical characteristics. Its constitution is more proper to volcanos or arid territories. The mares looked back at Qart, waiting a clear answer.

“It is talking about the Tartarus, the place where it came from.”

“It is not a problem then. We could bring him to the entrance and leave.” Analyzed Twilight.

To Qart this little detail is critical. The ponies has an entrance to the Tartarus? A rift or a natural gate? One or another, he must investigate it. If not, it could be a weak point for a massive invasion. Mental note: investigate the Tartarus’s entrance immediately.

“We are going to help you. Don’t be afraid.”

“You know it is using you, right?” Retorted Qart. The idea of letting the demon scape freely sounded inconceivable. “Once it get enough strength it will come back. It knows here are strong essences to consume.”

“NO! No! I promise.” Screamed the demon. “I will go and never turn back”

Qart made a strong psychic field and squeezed the demon on its place. All the ponies gasped. Qart’s face was no more indifferent, it was cold, furious and cruel.

“I do not remember to have asked for your opinion.”

“Let him in peace!” Twilight’s voice, instead of being warmth and calmed, was now angry. “I don’t care your job, but if it is about hurt defenseless creatures I can’t allow it!”

“You are protecting a destructive monster! It would ravage all life if it get the opportunity!”

“And who is down on his knees right now? He is not more dangerous than you.”

“It devours living essence! YOUR living essence, YOUR subjects’ living essence.”

“Maybe he don’t want it”

“And how do you know?”

“And how do you know that he want to devour us?”

“Because I am the specialist here!”

“And thanks for your opinion. You are not requested for the moment. Let me do my job as princess of Equestria. Thanks.”

There is no words in the world to say how angry Qart was. He annulled the psychic field letting the demon in peace. He won‘t waste more time discussing with children. He is a knight and no one have rights to interrupt his duty. The young princess wants to fool about? So be it.

Qart stepped back furious and the mares gave a collective look to the Princess of Friendship. Twilight ignored this. She was totally convinced that she was doing the correct thing. Nopony is intrinsically a villain and if it is on her hoof to save him, she will do it no matter species, spirits or anything.

“Can you stand up?” She asked.

The demon tried it but it failed. His body was completely hurt, a testament of the power of the knight who fought it. Twilight could levitate it using her own telekinesis, but the weight and size are too much. She don’t know how, but the demon seemed to be heavier than an Ursa Minor in spite its stature.

Twilight looked at Qart. The knight recovered the regular face of indifference and stayed quiet. Still, he has an air of menace: his yellow eyes were fixed on the demon, waiting the moment to strike. Maybe or maybe not. It can be a mockery to her or he was just upset. She decided to ignore him for the moment.

The problem now is how to move such gargantuan creature to the Tartarus. Deep inside of her, she was waiting that Qart change his mind and help her. Unfortunately, said help never happened.

“I wounded” muttered the monster “but if you give energy…”

Energy? That essence thing that Qart was talking about? The demon, like Qart said, is a spirit. How is supposed that she will heal it? She forgot the idea of the essence: Qart’s warnings were especially emphatic with it, and when a superpowerful fighter is afraid of something is better pay attention to him. There’s must be something she can do.

Thinking about it, the demon was irradiating constantly small amounts of energy from its wounds and the entire body. Twilight detected that as a sudden increment of the demon’s magic. And if a “spirit” is only composed by energy and physical matter? Then the essence thing is not necessary. In theory, pure magic is enough to repay the damage inflicted to the monster.

“I’m going to try something...” Said Twilight.

“Are you sure darling?” Worried Rarity.

Twilight made a deep sigh. All her friends stepped forward nervous, even Qart got tense with Twilight intentions. All except, obviously, Pinkie Pie. She was imagining how big a party could be with big creatures as this demon in front of her. A Mega-Party maybe? She was curious and excited. A party with demons is probably out of any known scale.

“Here I go.”

Twilight made an orb of magic floating over her horn. She put in it a moderate quantity of magic, trying as much as possible to not feed too much the monster.

“Energy, as you required. But when you reach Tartarus you will never come back.”

Twilight tried to make her voice sound strong and imposing. The demon didn’t answer, it was focused on the floating orb of magic. When Twilight was near enough to give it to the demon, a white blade pierce the creature side to side. All the ponies exclaimed surprised for the unexpected attack. The blade, vibrating, was emitting a muffled screech like millions of volts condensed. The demon gasped. Its breath turned broken and heavy. Twilight saw, horrified, how Qart was holding the weapon from his fingertips. The monster tried to reach Twilight’s horn, but Qart made his blade grow to finally disintegrate his hated enemy.

The creature began to disappear in tiny shining particles. After a few seconds, the only trail of it was the long blade generated by Qart and glowing dust in the earth. All the ponies looked at the knight, more scared of him than of the demon itself. Only Twilight was furious.

“What is your problem?” She yelled not capable to control her anger. Qart didn’t answer. “You… you have just..! You…!”

“I saved your life.” Interrupted the knight. “You do not know it, but unconsciously you were creating an access point that the demon may use to take control of your essence, infesting you and stealing your body in the process. You are welcome.”

The six mares petrified. If Qart was saying the truth, for too close Twilight is still Twilight. In fact, the revelation blurred Pinkie’s color from his fur and turned it pale. Twilight, in spite of the notice, still felt mad and has courage for his previous action. He is no one to take a life.

“There’s another way. You can’t justify THIS!”

“I did not ask for your permission and I do not have to… ‘Princess’.”

Twilight felt like if a black hole swallow her. The knight was no more indifferent: he was authoritative, challenging, rude, and even hostile. Is this the creature she was taking care? He is a knight as he said or a bully? The line between cordiality and enmity disappeared totally. She failed to befriend him. She doesn’t like it, but if the knight is going to be averse to cooperate she needs help immediately. Now she knows what he is capable to do, and unfortunately White Robe was right: he is too dangerous.


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Cionne awaked in a great chamber barely lighted. Though confused, he could distinguish a quite large number of tables with lab devices on them. He tried to call somebody, but the image of the monster attacking him in the night was enough to erase any mist in his mind. However, the urgency didn’t allowed him to know how dangerous his situation really was. When he tried to move a lot of straps and chains was binding him to some sort of rack. He was hanging on a wall and the place was, in fact, a lot more scary: chains, anatomic maps of both humans and ponies and almost a dozen of tubular cells, three of them closed and operative. In panic, Cionne tried more desperately to get free.

“Please, don’t do that. Specimens get nervous with noises.”

A shadow, which Cionne identified as his attacker, walked toward him. His voice was shrill but also rough, like if two persons were talking at the same time. A creature inside one of the cells immediately began to hit the walls of its prison.

“See?” It said.

The creature walked to a table and picked up some tools. The creature inside the cell struck the tank more vigorously, screaming something but muffled thanks to the device.

“Usually the rifts don’t pass unnoticed to me, much less the travelers. The way you hid your magic is… intriguing.” Cionne tried one more time to get free, but the chains and stripes were firmly tied. His captor didn’t paid attention to him more focused on its own tools. “Forgive the security, but the last one did a lot of troubles, and he was only a simple human. Good subject. You may like him. Now, if you excuse me, I have to do some tests.”

The creature showed a strange tubular tool with a green stone in one of the ends. Closer it walked, more monstrous it looked like.

“What are you?” Asked Cionne trying to dissimulate his terror.

The creature one more time ignored him. It reached the rack, showing only its pair of unexpressive and big blue eyes.

“To your comfort, I don’t pay attention to lab rats. Save your breath… you’ll need it.”