• Published 10th Aug 2019
  • 382 Views, 3 Comments

Beyond Earth and Heaven - normandyman

Imagine if our real world get mixed with the typical fantastical one, and then that mixture enter in contact with the MLP's universe. This is my first history with my own characters, many ideas floating on my mind and a lot of references.

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2-Something to think about

Someplace in Equestria. 11:30 am. 2 days after dimensional anomaly.

A sunny day raised up that morning. In a modest cottage, a brown stallion of dark mane was packing up traveling supplies. Food, utilities and others camp stuff, the decorations were ignored and the interior had been cleaned contentiously. If not for the total absence of essential goods, the house would suggest that it was being inhabited. The stallion was serious, immersed inside his own thoughts, like if he was dreaming awake.

Interrupting the moment, a young unicorn appeared and walked toward the stallion. For some reason, he didn’t disturb the greater one and limited himself to observe. When the stallion noticed the young colt, he stopped his activities and tried to hide his actions with a fake smile.

“Hello there. What’s wrong?” Said the stallion in a paternal voice tone. “The others colts bothered you again?”

“No, they didn’t. Lately, they’re pretty quiet.”

“I’m glad. How can I help you then?”

“You didn’t came yesterday to train. I was worried.”

The stallion took a deep breath and marauded for the house. The young unicorn saw him all the time. Maybe, both of them was waiting for the other to talk. Finally, the colt gave a step forward and pointed with his eyes the bag.

“Are you leaving, Mr. Cinnamon?”

The stallion stopped his actions and made a large pause, like if the child was an unmerciful judge waiting for the wrong declaration to condemn him.

“Kid” he said finally. His unhurried tone was more a distraction than an honest contest. “For umpteenth time, my name is Cionne. Don’t change my name ag…

“Are you leaving?” The colt insisted again, with clear determination on his words. “What I did wrong?”

The stallion, seeing that his cheat was ineffective, took off the bag from the ground and putted inside the last supplies he has.

“Nothing wrong, kiddo” Answered without looking at the colt’s face. “But something… appeared… and I need to investigate it.”

“It’s related with your work?”

“Yes. And you must understand how important it is to me. I’ve need to investigate.”

Cionne took the bag and placed it on his back. With the head, he made a signal to the colt to follow him and the unicorn obeyed. Both walked toward the door and the earth pony was checking everything inside the house. Windows, furniture or any useful material that he may have forgotten. The unicorn offered him a map of Equestria. His face was showing sadness and worry, and in her eyes the tears had begun to gush out.

“No, no. Don’t cry buddy.” The stallion stepped forward to cheer up the young colt. The poor kid was sniveling downcast, and no matter what the stallion said he was cheerless. “Hey, listen to me. When I met you, you told me you will be the most powerful archmage in Equestria’s history. Archmages cry here in Equestria?

The little unicorn raised up the head, moving it on a negative answer. With one of his hoof, Cionne cleaned his eyes, but the colt jumped to him in a strong hug.

“Will you come back?”

“Of course I will. I must return all the furniture to your parents.”

The colt stepped back and looked at Cionne’s eyes directly,

“Promise it!”

“Kid, when have I…”

“Promise it!”

Cionne got muted with this display of will-force. Strong eyes, strong voice… undoubtedly the projection of a commander who guides an army to the victory. The stallion got away from the colt and walked toward a red-black banner suspended in the wall. He took it down with a solemn procession, although a little defective for using his mouth, and gave it to the young unicorn smiling in satisfaction.

“You know already what is this.” The stallion said, looking at the banner.

“Your pride, your honor and your life.”

“It is, yeah, but it has something more. A banner gives luck to its bearer, but curses whom steals it. No one of us dares to lose it, so if I’m giving it to you I’m obligated to recover it, no matter how dangerous the mission can be be. This is a great responsibility, and I’m putting it on your hoofs.

Cionne extended the banner to the colt and he took it with the same seriousness of before. Both, stallion and unicorn, gave to each other a hug. The young unicorn was about to cry, but he resisted with stoicism. Cionne opened the door and leaved the house. The colt observed the emptiness around of him, with an old telescope as exception. He ran hurried to the door, when Cionne was about to disappear in the horizon.

“I’ll see you on the stars Cinnamon!”­­­­­­­­


Apple farm. 12:05 pm. 4 days after dimensional anomaly.

“Three days with no food and water? Are you completely sure?” Asked Twilight.

That morning was pretty frenetic. The Princess of Friendship was called urgently by Applejack, the pony in charge of give sheltering to the dimensional traveler that came to Equestria by inexplicable way. The earth pony, in response to her friend doubt, raised an eyebrow and the princess laughed awkwardly. Of course she is sure, she is the personification of honesty and deserves no suspicion.

Speaking serious, everything related with Qart makes Twilight nervous, anguished, with an uncontrollable anxiety. She was hoping to talk him the next day when they met, but the knight entered in the granary and no soul on Equestria can’t put him out of there. Two days ago, Twilight stayed in the Apples’ farm waiting for any moment to catch the knight abandoning his retreat. Unfortunately, hermitic is a word too good to define him, and Twilight gave in against the knight’s lack of social life.

For that reason, when Applejack called her she thought, she don’t know how, in problems. She summoned her friends, pointed the farm as reunion point and ran as fast as she can. At that hours of the day, they met Applejack at the entrance of the granary, everypony asking to themselves what had happened. Well, everypony except Rarity. His face was a poem, and she was more occupied taking care of his mane than the problem that she went for. Gladly for Twilight, the only problem she must face is a possible inanition of his dimensional guest.

“Can you do something White? How bad is it?”

The doctor, seated on the ground, was writing eagerly, talking with himself in a low voice formulating and refuting theories. From his horn, a green screen with a human effigy on it was displayed. The screen was showing many data about the effigy’s vital signs, and White Robe was taking notes of it ignoring completely his surroundings. He only reacted when Applejack gave him a smack on the head, and still he barely blinked.

“Eh? What? ... No. Why should I do something? This is a great opportunity to understand human metabolism. Do you think humans can hold four days with no food and water?

Twilight growled, hoping that the constitution of Qart was as tough as it seems to, because with White Robe it will be tested all the time. She approached at the entrance and gave it a closer look. A magic barrier was protecting not only the door, but the entire building too.

“Qart, may you open the door?”

The princess knocking the door repeatedly. White Robe, without abandoning his place, fired a ray of magic against the wall. The ray vaporized instantly with no noise, leaving Twilight with even more doubts. “Soundless barrier” was the only thing he muttered.

“Yeah” Said Applejack. “Mah’ sister can get incredible results, although in this case it was depleting the patience of our visitor.”

“Applejack, dear, that’s not the point.” Added Rarity. “A creature is starving inside, and who knows what happened to him during this time.”

Rarity was right. No matter what happened, the circumstances was very clear. Maybe Qart has a proverbial resistance and all this mess was because his unsocial character, or maybe he got starved and weakness impeded him ask for help. One or another, is time to check it on, Qart likes it or not.

“Everypony, behind me” Said Twilight charging magic on her horn. A purple energy began to accumulate and increase its magnitude in no time. Hastily, all the attendees hide behind the princess. All except White Robe.

“I’m not sure about that” He said. “He’s walking toward the…”

Twilight fired the energy blast against the door, but it got opened suddenly. The radiance blinded everypony, but not enough to ignore the fact of the opened door and a bipedal figure being hitting by a potent ray of energy. Twilight cancelled the cast, blaming herself for injury her gest and, possibly, initiate an interdimensional conflict.

Surprisingly, Qart was undamaged. His hands were expelling smoke, true, but excepting that nothing more. He wasn’t even surprised. His imperturbable expression, sobriety and intimidating look were intact.

“Are you… okay?” Asked Twilight in shame.

Qart shook his hands dissipating the smoke, and then gave furtive look to the ponies, inspecting them.

“What is it now? This can’t be only for my negative to play with the young filly.

Safe and sound. That energy blast probably was an insignificant tickle to him. All the mares were petrified. Only Pinkie Pie was bouncing in happiness.

“Do it again! Do it again!”

Twilight looked White Robe, confused, but he looked back at her with an ‘I told you’ expression.

“What the hay have just happened?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“I detect your magic through the barrier.” Answered Qart immediately pointing with the thumb the opened door. “Too many presences, so I wondered if do you need something.”

“I… I hit you… with the spell.” Twilight barely can stand it. It was so close or Qart simply resisted the attack as nothing.

“And you did it, Miss Sparkle. And I may say that you must work on your magic projections. This one was deficient.”

The knight inspected the Princess of Friendship. She was in panic, fearing that he get wounded. No, not only that. Perhaps she was fearing to lose the possibility of talk with him in a good mood. Well, at least the intentions are what really matter.

“Take it easy, princess” Said the knight to all ponies. Surprisingly, his voice was charm, still imposing but soft. Finally, something worth of what means knight is coming out. “There is no crisis here and I am perfectly healthy. Thanks the concern but I am fine. Nothing to see nor report. Do you need something more?”

“Well…” Muttered Twilight “Not really important. I mean, Applejack told us about you and how you haven’t been eating anything and we were… worried?

Qart arched an eyebrow. If it weren’t for the fur the princess would be sweating an entire ocean.

“And do you shoot people in the face when you are worried?”

Twilight hided her face behind one hoof. What a shame! Only when Applejack stepped forward she felt less guilty. The yellow mare was exuding confidence, and her air was as proud and strong as Qart’s.

“Be quiet right there, sir. Everypony here were worried for ya’. Twilight only wanted to help and yer’ attitude aren’t making the things easy to her. At least ya’ may be more considerate with her efforts.”

Qart looked at Applejack with indifference. The speech only brought him to think about how noisy the ponies are. In fact, he was seeing all this situation pretty similar to an annoying mob of his world. All the mares got encouraged after Applejack’s intervention, and was looking at him waiting for an apologie. Only Pinkie Pie was the exception: her face was exited and begging for another spell. However that didn’t surprise Qart. He saw how weird she is three days ago.

“As you can see, no help is requested” Said Qart “And my personal stalker here at my side guarantees vigilance the twenty four hours of the day.”

“Yeah princess.” Added White Robe “He keeps quiet and I can do all my analysis. For example: do you know humans have two hearts?

White Robe pointed with a hoof a huge bulb in the belly zone of the human effigy. Qart breathed deeply. Damn… and the doctor was asking him why his reticence to a medical exam.

“Doctor, that is my liver.”

Qart looked at Twilight again hoping she got convinced, but the princess only felt more nervous with White Robe’s unfortunate blunder. To Qart, it was indifferent. He obtain tranquility, the doctor stays away from him and the princess should be happy of avoiding an accident. Why she cannot leave him alone? All this matter was bothering him and, more important, was interrupting invaluable time of vigilance.

“Hmmm, maybe, hmmm, Twilight is more worried about your confinement.” Said Fluttershy in a soft voice, barely audible. Qart looked at her above Twilight’s head. One single look was enough to freeze the shy pegasus. Qart was doubting for this reaction. Metaurus used to tell him that he is a little intimidating, but Fluttershy’s reaction was extreme: he didn’t understand nothing.

“What she is trying to say is that we are very concerned about the ease that you secluded yourself of the rest of the world.” Intervened Rarity calming her friend. “This lifestyle is depressing. You can’t keep it going.”

“I can’t?”

“Of course not!” Exclaimed Applejack slamming the ground “You are mah’ guest, under my care and mah’ work is make ya’ feel comfortable.”

“I am already comfortable.”

Damn. Qart’s attitude was unmovable. Twilight felt something very familiar on that behavior, on that preference for isolation. Qart said he need time to meditate about his current situation, but if that’s so, why it was taking so much time? Is this an excuse to avoid direct contact or was the dimensional travel more traumatic than she thought? It’s comprehensible, but an ostracism life isn’t the solution. If he will going to learn to trust on her and her friends, an approach must be necessary.

“What about a walk for the town?” Proposed the Princess of Friendship. “Last time we talk you were very interested in our culture and history. Maybe a little walk may enhance the knowledge you have about us… aaaand maybe, if you want it, we may learn something more about you. But only if you want it, of course. No pony will obligate you.”

Qart took a brief pause. His face was serious, but also annoyed, like if he were losing the patience but not in the meaning of rage. That confused Twilight. She is practically giving him free valuable information about her homeland. Such reticence is frustrating. She can’t even imagine a society filled of humans like Qart. How it will grow if everyone work alone and refuse cooperation?

“No.” He answered. As laconic as ever, but Twilight was accustomed to that. At least she tried it. “I learned all what I need to know”.

Ponies and human stayed looking at each other a while. The knight explored the mares with the sight. Such sharp and fast answer was unexpected… not for Twilight, that’s sure, but still, all the ponies was waiting for that moment of cooperation.

“Why not?!” Screamed Rainbow Dash “How you will know how awesome our world is if you never…”

Qart made an authoritative gesture with the hand and obligated Rainbow Dash to shut up. He turned back and walked toward the door. That enraged Rainbow so much, so much that she never felt this angry before. Nopony, or human, hush her that easily and walk away like nothing.

“Hey” She called “I’m talking to you. How do you dare to hush and ignore me? In this world we have ma…”

Qart didn’t let her finish the sentence. He closed the door in a loud slam and all the ponies, even White Robe, got scared with such commotion. The silence was deep, but that slam really shocked them up and no one dares disturb the fragile peace. Only the angry breathing of Rainbow Dash can be heard over that atmosphere.

“I think this finished very bad.”

Fluttershy voice, still soft, was clear in that uncomfortable environment. After a few seconds, the confusion led to multiple reactions. Twilight was still confused because she really was hoping to convince him to explore the world. Fluttershy, well, the dark semblance of Qart made her to see him as a villain. Rarity was disgusted about how rude the knight was and Pinkie Pie was insisting, nevertheless, for another magic trick. Rainbow Dash immersed in her angry state was speaking nonsenses and she was being ignored by the others.

“And what we will do now?” Asked Fluttershy. That was a good question. Usually, Twilight resolve any conflict after a few tries. But this time is different: this time she was dealing with a grumpy and extradimensional human.

“Right now, I don’t know. But I’ll think on something.” Twilight’s answer, instead of bring confidence, was full of doubts. Speaking serious, she has no idea about what to do.

“I suggest discretion princess.” White Robe warn with an ominous voice tone. He showed the screen to the mares and displayed the human effigy, but this time colored in pale blue with zones darker than others. He pointed to a great concentration toward the chest zone. “Do you look at this? It’s his magic system, and the heart seems to be his core. Maybe he is a human, but magic and biology work in a similar way on him as any unicorn in Equestria.”

“Go slow, egghead” Interrupted Rainbow Dash “Why are you telling us this thing of magic when our problem has flesh and bones?

“Rainbow, you would avoid many problems if you finally learn to listen” White Robe tone was soft and calm. With the years, he learned to pay no attention to ignorant ponies around him. “When the princess Twilight insisted, and leaving Pinkie Pie aside, I registered a huge amount of energy and an increase of his arterial tension. Translating: his biology was preparing him for confrontation. You were angering him.”

“So, we take care of ‘im, and he got anger with us?” Yelled Applejack indignant. “How ungrateful!”

“Maybe, but he is the superpowerfull being here. It’s a good idea leaving him quiet.”

Applejack’s irritation spread among the mares, and they began to discuss again. White Robe and Twilight sighed. Nothing has changed.

“Any idea doctor?”

“Only the same that I told you before: leaving him alone and wait for a better chance to interact. When it will happen? I don’t know.”

“I have a plan!!!!”

Pinkie appeared between Twilight and White Robe, hugging them with so much strength that they were squeezed in her hoofs. Immediately, all the ponies paid attention to her.

“Let’s tempt him with something he can’t resist, or avoid… something that force him to act.”

“Oh yeah? And what is it, genius?”

Rainbow’s voice tone was sarcastic, but she was right. Everypony began to think on something that can be used against Qart, but immediately desisted when they realized that they have nothing to use. For some reason, all the mares looked at White Robe, who was attending the screen until the inquisitorial observation.

“Don’t look at me! The only thing I know is he likes grapes. Nothing more.”

“So we’re giving up?”

“Not at all. I’ll tell you the second part of my plan” Pinkie rubbed her hoofs anxious while her friends were getting together, surrounding her. White Robe joined to them. If the idea get stupid, he must stop them before they do it.

“Look girls, this is what we’ll do: he is a grumpy human who doesn’t want to talk to anypony. Trying to chat is impossible… yet. We don’t need a fancy strategy or a stereotypical plan. What is the most he want? Get rid of us. And we will give him the opportunity to get it, easy enough that he will accept our challenge without thinking about it.”

“But Pinkie, we don’t even thought on a plan, less on a challenge. And what happen if you lo…”

Twilight’s sentence was interrupted for one hoof of Pinkie Pie on her mouth. The pink pony winked at her friend, smiling and confident.

“Just leave it to me”

Pinkie Pie knock the door as she was crazy and for a brief instant the other mares doubt of the plan, but when White Robe prevented that Qart was walking toward the door all of them turned impatient, expecting in silence the results. When Qart opened the door and saw Pinkie Pie, a grimace appeared instantly on his face. Nevertheless, Pinkie was smiling, defying him.

“Hiiiii! It’s me again”

“Of course you are”

The knight observed in silence the other mares. Is this a punishment for not allow a concession before?

“Excuse me, but something tells me that you are very very VERY busy. But we are very VERY VERY enthusiastic to know you better. We have a problem here.”

“Clever girl…”

“I was talking with my associates here and we thought this impasse is unproductive for both sides. So, let me propose you an easy solution: give us a chance, a game, anyone you want. If we win, you come with us. But if we lose, you will be as tranquil as a little baby taking a nap and we will never bother you never ever. Deal?”

Qart was slow to react. The other ponies got near to Pinkie Pie judging her decision and trying to convince her to desist. By his part, he was thinking in a possible trap, a handicap to use against him. So much overconfidence… it was true bravery or just the grater bluff of all history? That doesn’t matter now. This isn’t his first time gambling, and he has his own cheats.

“All right, Pink. You have a deal. But if any of you break your promise I will demand a compensation of my chose, no matter how expensive or extravagant it can be. Agreed?

Qart’s voice tone, imposing and authoritative, brought an ominous atmosphere of fatalism. Deep inside him, he was expecting that the mares retract themselves because of the risk. But Pinkie Pie stood firmly in front of him with the same confidence.

“Bring it on” She said

In reality, Qart accepted the defiance not only because he was pretty sure of his victory. The atmosphere in this new land is full of magic and in this three days he confirmed that detection beyond a few dozens of meters is very hard and exhausting. He need some resources and now the hyperactive pony gave him the opportunity to get them. Besides, no matter if the mares obey the promise or not, his situation gains legitimacy. He obtain tranquility and in the same time the resources to hunt a possible demon who, like him, had travelled to Equestria trough the dimensional rift.

“The game is very simple. We will play Marble-Pike-Coin. Marble smash Pike, Pike beat Coin, and Coin buy Marble. Understood?”

Qart made the symbols of each component while he was speaking: a close fist is Marble, a single finger the Pike and the entire opened hand as the Coin. Twilight didn’t take that easily. Unconsciously, they fell in another Qart’s trap.

“That’s unfair. We have no hands!”

“She told me any game of my chose, and so I did it. So, I suppose I win by default.”

“That’s not problem. I’ll play… and I’ll win. Just trust on me.”

Pinkie stepped forward, amazing both ponies and human. With each second, Qart was more convinced that she was bluffing. A desperate move, or a surprising move of another universe that he doesn’t known. In extreme alert, he scanned the area and the ponies’ psychic emissions. If anyone tried an illusion, he would know it with anticipation. A trap is impossible. Just in case, he was ready to read Pinkie’s mind at any moment. Defeat wasn’t an option and, sincerely, they will never know nothing. A trap is a trap only if your enemy can see it.

All the ponies got close to the competitor to have a better look. Even White Robe leaved his research to watch the encounter. Qart and Pinkie stood up face to face, staring at the other without blinking. Qart made the first move. He extended the hand and bounced it several times in the air until make his token.

Both contenders extended a limb. Qart made a Coin, but Pinkie only was showing her hoof. The knight sighed. Really? That was her great plan? What a waste of time, but what else he could wait for? A smarty. he hate the smarty ones.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Pike, what means I beat your Coin. I won, I won! I told you I can do it.”

Pinkie jumped exited, but Qart, and even the other ponies, were skeptic. At the moment, Qart felt like if he play with a child.

“And how can I know that you are not making a Marble?”

“Because I’m not a cheater? I am being 100% honest.”

Qart smiled. Clever girl. But… he is a cheater, and a good one. Time to play with a child. He extended his arm again but with the fist closed. Now the game will be in the same conditions.


Qart’s provocation didn’t remained without answer. Pinkie stood proudly in front of him waiting for the challenge. The results were a little disappointing. Pony and human ended showing to each other hoof and close fist respectively again… and again… and again. Sincerely, the ponies were expecting something more intriguing and exciting, like a life-and-death match.

Pinkie and Qart continued replaying over and over again. However, Pinkie was getting tired. Surprisingly, the tactic of tiring people isn’t working. Qart has more nerve than expected. But that means that is the perfect moment for an unpredicted dramatic turn.

“Ready?” Said Pinkie Pie doing a bizarre pose. Qart nodded, but in reality he was paying no attention to her. Blank mind and no thoughts: the pony has no plan. He brace himself for whatever she was planning for.

Both showed their hands forward. Qart, as before, close his hands on a fist. Pinkie, proudly, made the coin token. In a first moment, Qart was perplexed. But rapidly he jumped back scared at the sight of a hoof with five fingers moving playfully.

“What in the…?”

“Shhhh” Hushed Pinkie putting a finger on Qart’s lips. Of course, the knight stepped back immediately. “It’s look like I won?”

Twilight and her friends can barely believe it. The knight has demonstrated be very cunning before and the princess was waiting for another mind trick, or ‘governing lesson’, of him. However, he seemed to be confused. Certainly Pinkie Pie’s trick caught him by surprise. Qart recovered the composure with haste. He wouldn’t let this end so easily.

“And how could you say that I am not doing a Pike” He said putting his hand forward.

“Because you have fingers, and you did Marble.”

“JaJa. Have dignity and accept your beat, loser!”

Screamed Rainbow Dash. The other mares jumped in support of the pegasus, congratulating Pinkie Pie for his victory. However, the knight was far from surrendering to them and to a stupid game.

“Again, this time serious!”

Overwhelming, fierce. Qart disbanded the group only with his mere presence and no pony there like it’. The situation rapidly got hostile. It was a behavior proper of someone anxious of solitude or arrogance of an excessive ego? By the first time in Equestria, Qart superiority got shattered, though not the composure. He was hiding an incalculable annoyance and still his poker-face was perfect. For him, defeat exist only if you surrender. To Qart’s misfortune, the pony he was trying to intimidate wasn’t scared at all.

“Hey, watch your manners, mister.” Protested Rarity. “We won legally. Now be a nice gentleco-er-human and keep your word as promised.”

“And trust me. Is futile.” Added Pinkie Pie “You are fighting against an author needed of a deus ex machina to make the history advance.”

As painful as it was, the white unicorn was right: a promise is a promise. His anger was because his lack of prudence. The Pink pony played well. She waited for him to be overconfident and then attacked with a secret trick. Clever, very clever. The mentality of a soldier and she used it against him. Maybe she is not as dumb as he imagined.

“I won as I promised. So, the most fair is he comes with me first. I’ll see you tomorrow with the biggest cake of all Equestria… what do you prefer, cinnamon orcandyorcherryor… you know what? It’s a surprise.

Pinkie leave the group in small jumps and humming a happy song. White Robe approximated to Qart reading the screen and alarmed about how fast his vital signs got froze. Seeing the doctor’s preoccupation, Twilight approached to the knight to investigate. Qart was looking at the horizon, to the way where Pinkie leaved, and is not necessary be a seer to know what his problem is.

“If it helps you” comforted the princess “not even I understand her completely.”

Someplace in Equestria. 1:00 a.m. Four days after dimensional anomaly.

The night was cold and dark. Seeking answers about the strange phenomenon that crumbled the dimensional veil, Cionne left his shelter hoping to find answers. Another anomalies befell before, but when he arrived to the place not even a single trail can be detected. Nothing, as if whatever that came to this world disappeared at the wind.

However, he has more faith in this one. His machines got crazy when whatever it was happened. The readings were out of scales, and maybe he had to improvise but he isn’t a newbie. That thing was greater, very much powerful than the previous ones. He felt shame for the little colt, but this is more important than anything. Happily, none of the previous anomalies brought a disagreeable surprise, but is not a risk that he was able to run.

He inspected again his instruments looking for more readings, but they were as silent as the night. Cionne leant back on tree and drew out from his bag an apple. He gave a bite and tried to enjoy the flavor. So tired. The endless vigil was taking a lot from him. He needs vacations, or at least a little break.

He lied flat on the ground and took a telescope. It was tiny, but in time he learned how to minimize massive instruments with minimal loss of functionality. The one he had he left it behind to his new student. Miracle Mirror is his name. A good child. The little colt has demonstrated to be an exceptional learner and his capabilities must be trained, even in absence of a formal teacher. He looked through the lens and saw the starred sky, shining in a warming radiance. He was looking for one star in particular: The Emergent. Miracle discovered it exploring the sky, a giant star who became a supernova. In hundreds of years, the dying star will become a black hole, and it was discovered by a child, his apprentice. Miracle thought in the name ‘The Emergent’ because, he said, it was very convenient, for himself, as student, and for him, as a teacher.

Cionne smiled. More reasons to return. It’s strange, but he was hoping that this time was nothing as the others anomalies. The vigil wasn’t bothering him, but a peaceful life neither.


He muttered, smiling. He left aside the telescope and tried to sleep. Next day in the morning he would reach the landsite in the town called Ponyville, and only to be cautious he needs rest. But something happened. The nocturnal animals stopped their howls and the silence brought many invisible eyes. Cionne stood up immediately and careful he walked toward his baggage. Suddenly, a tree branch cracked and the noise hit Cionne’s eardrums with the strength of an imminent menace. Quickly he took up a spear and pointed with it the bushes. Definitely, he is not alone.

“Ina? Ponnim sycartim des?”

A voice. Shady, calmed… coming from anywhere and everywhere at the same time. Only some familiarity in the language relieved his tension… momentarily.

“I only know one Carthaginian. Is that you, commander?

He said, holding firmly the spear, trying to identify the origin of the sounds. Then, the torch died out in vapor hissings and cracked branches. Something big and fast appeared and fled behind him.

“Judging by your voice, you are Hellene. Are you?”

The voice was near, very near. Cionne braced himself to fight, but an enormous creature caught him for his back and held him strongly. The creature lifted him up from the ground and the stunned stallion could see his capturer physiognomy. Bipedal, enormous size, big arms, black skin and glowing blue eyes. A hostile enemy, the first one he ever met in this land. Such monstrous creature didn’t leave time for questions: he is not going to be a beast’s snack. He gave a head-butt to what he thought it was the enemy’s forehead. The monster cried in pain and freed the stallion, who kicked it in the stomach once he landed on the ground. Cionne tried to attack with the spear, but the monster dissolved in a black fluid and fled through the trees.

“Are you a demon? Come out and fight me! Your size won’t save you.”

The creature smiled loudly. The sounds were indicating that it was moving for the surroundings with amazing rapidity.

“Did you read Xenophon the Young?” Panic imbibed Cionne’s body. Whatever had been stalking to him was just behind him. “The worst enemy lies in shadows.”


Ponyville’s central square. 9:00 a.m. Five days after dimensional anomaly.

“Come on everypony. The party is about to begin!”

Pinkie was very excited, and not only because she was the pony who brought Qart from his isolation. As promised, she made a welcome party and invited all the town to it. Qart couldn’t understand so much joy. He was a stranger, why anypony would attend to a party on his honor? Maybe those ponies are not so different of his companions back on his land. There, the parties are scandalous and most of guests didn’t care too much about the causes of celebration. Now, the knight will see how a party is made by colored horses. Points against them: too much decorations, confetti and that stuff. Many paper chips flew against his face and any attempt to speak only make them run into his mouth. Many nobles loves this kind of receptions in his homeworld, but this one eclipse any of those. At least, everybody forgot him.

He was about to say something about it, but then he saw more carefully the pieces of papers. Pinkie got the detail of make tiny figures of knights, helmets, swords and that knightly gears. Childish, but that simple gesture brought him distant memories of a happiest age, and the more curious: when Pinkie made all of those figures? A smile almost appeared on his face, but he resisted. In time, he will consider if Pinkie Pie deserve trust.

Looking at his surroundings, the party was massive. Many ponies, probably the entire village, was there, enjoying the music, provided by Pinkie Pie herself, and the food… the food. Honestly, he never saw so many food in his whole life. Mental note: when Pinkie Pie says party, she really means PARTY. He took up a glass of cider and drank it, slowly. Kanto loves parties too. He breathed deeply. Is still difficult to assimilate that they gone. Those three days Qart was wondering what happened with him, with Metaurus, or the army. He left many companions behind, and their fates are source of preoccupation to him.

“Everypony, listen to me.” Qart woke up from his dreams to pay attention to Pinkie Pie on the top of a podium. “These last days caught us with many surprises, but everypony here should trust me when I said that there’s nothing to be fear. I brought you today the foreigner that everypony is talking about as a proof of his friendly intentions. His name is Qart, and he is overrrrrrrr there. Qaaaartieeee, can you come here please?

Qart’s drink froze on his throat. He really needed to cough, but by his pride he refused to do it. All the ponies turned to him, staring in silence. He gave another drink, nice and easy, and ignored the huge mass of ponies awaiting for something to happen.

“C’mon! You are the only human here. It’s not too difficult.”

Qart toss aside the glass and walked away. He has no time for this. If the pink pony wants a party, she must do it alone. He is not a clown nor nothing of the sort. Was funny, but this is more than he is willing to tolerate. With some good luck, none of those ponies was expecting a big performance from him anyway.

“Heeeey! the podium is over there.”

Pinkie appeared just in front of him, seated over his head. Qart jumped back in surprise. He doesn’t know too much about physics, but Pinkie Pie has broken many of its laws. What kind of creature is she?

“Don’t be shy. Everypony want to know you.”

Pinkie hugged him, pressing her own face on Qart’s. To the pink pony, the knight only had suffered scenic panic and NEVER tried to flee. Qart propitiated that appearance immediately when he recovered from the initial impact. Who knows the abilities wielding by a pony capable to defy the reality?

“I am not an animator, Pink.” He said putting down Pinkie Pie. “That is your job, not mine.”

“Of course it is! This is your welcome party! Everypony here will know you right now and you must show your best face to them. Come on, they are waiting for you.

Qart, furtively, tried to escape but Pinkie Pie held him using a strength incompatible to her size. She pushed Qart by his back towards the podium. Apparently, the word ‘no’ wasn’t in her vocabulary. Before he may notice it, he was already on the podium in front of all those ponies.

“See? He is inoffensive, only a little bit grumpy but that will change if we work on it. Also he is mage, and a good one, and I’m sure that he wishes to share his tricks with us. Now, say hello to… to… hey, what’s your artistic name?

Qart stared at Pinkie confused. He really didn’t expect that. His face was a gigantic ‘WHAT!’ and his tough appearance barely can dissimulate it. On top of it, all the ponies, cheered by Pinkie’s introduction, were really wishing a spectacle coming from the dimensional wanderer. Pinkie Pie gave him some light raps in order to hurry him up. For some reason, he wasn’t able to take out of his mind the creepy face of White Robe.

“Mmm, Mad… Doctor?”

Pinkie bounced immediately and landed, like nothing, just in front of the public.

“You heard him, folks! Acting for us: Glad Doctor! Now quiet. He is nervous.”

Pinkie bounced again and fell in public’s first line. Although seated she almost could keep quiet for the emotion. Qart studied the situation wisely. Judging how ‘colorful’ this world is and the naive projection of its inhabitants, maybe their mental age should be approximated to an infant’s. This is good to him, because means they’re easy to impress, so a big effort is not necessary. Probably anything he do will fulfill their expectancies. At the same way, the situation demands a cautious behavior. An overcharged impression may be too excessive to them or even scary, and if a scared kid is conflictive he don’t like to imagine hundreds of those little demons. Maybe he may perform a popular infantile act of his world. That should be enough.

“This trick is an easy one” He finally said. “The only thing you must do is watch at this little wooden chip.” Making a hand movement a wooden chip appeared between Qart’s fingertips. “However, I need it bigger, or you will lost it, do not you? Then the only thing I must do is making it bigger and bigger.”

Qart bit the chip for one of its ends meanwhile he was holding it from the other. He pretend to do a hard effort, and the chip began to grow, bigger than his own fist. All the public exclaimed and clapped amazed by the trick, but the mage raised up the chip and everypony kept quiet.

“The problem with this kind magic, you know, it is a little unstable and tends to ig…” Suddenly, the wood ignited in violent flames. The public exclaimed, scared, but Qart’s tranquility face stopped panic. “Is a very common mishap and it is nothing serious. Take it easy, everything is fine.”

Qart closed the hand over the branch and the fire faded away.

“Now to begin the show, I need a volunteer to hold the branch. Anyone?”

Many colts stood up exited, and one of them ran to the podium to take said branch. Qart gave him the valuable object, but when the ‘assistant’ was about to take it he saw horrified that Qart’s other arm was on fire.

“Don’t worry. Everything is under control.” He said, but the fire spread over all his back. “Please, hold this a second”.

The colt took the branch, and everypony on the place were seeing Qart trying to extinguish the fire on him, but surprisingly his movements were exaggerated, like if he was doing a buffoonery. The fire spread faster and the knight, nice and easy, pulled out his left arm and began to give himself slaps on the back. Everypony on the public were scared and some mares faded away with the arm trick. Even Pinkie Pie felt a little weird with the act, though still joyful. She is an expert animating parties, and she always recognize a comedy act when she sees it.

Finally, the fire disappeared. The ponies’ shocked faces, including the deep silence, hurried up Qart to finish the actuation. He must go to the very end. A shame. The act has hundreds of years and, with some variations, still attract the children.

“I am sorry if that did not work” he said putting his arm back to its place. “I did my best. Said so, good bye”.

Qart made a reverence bending his body forward. Pinkie was unhappy. She saw so many magic in Applejack’s farm to see a number of five minutes! The public clapped bewildered of what they have just saw. Then a dull noise. Qart’s head was on the ground… and his body making gestures of confusion and bizarre movements.

“Heavens… I have forgotten it.” He said in an annoyed voice tone “Doing this magic you must have care of not lose you head”.

Pinkie laughed, but the rest of ponies weren’t in the same mood. Some mares that was recovering conscience faded away again. The young colt who was in front of Qart was trembling. Everything got worse when the lonely head moved toward him.

“Hey kid, that is my body. Can you put me back?”

The colt threw away the chip and ran as fast as he can. The other followed him and in a few seconds the entire place was empty. Pinkie Pie was still laughing, but to Qart this was worrying.

“That was a good one.” Said Pinkie “Don’t lose your head. Jaja! Not even Twilight can do anything like this!”

“It is not funny. Everyone fled away.”

Qart recovered his normal appearance. The illusion disappeared and now he was intact. He went down of the podium and walked toward the pink pony. Pinkie was laughing too much that she began to cry.

“I knew I wasn’t wrong with you.”

Qart kept in silence. No matter his efforts, he ended scaring all the ponies. Cultural breach is deepest than he thought. Definitely, this will damage his public image even more than before. If the doctor White Robe spoke truth days ago, the princess Twilight will have a hard work to do.

“Don’t worry. They’ll recover soon. You did your best, and that’s all what matter.”

“I can see you enjoy it.”

“I’m a very good public. I keep smiling all day, week, month and year. Besides, that joke about your head made mine ‘roll’.

Pinkie laughed even stronger. Such a bad pun. Was in that moment when Qart felt shame. Did the rest of ponies think he is a fool or a monster? Maybe a foolish monster. He cursed his luck for brought him to this place.

However he saw Pinkie Pie smiling and felt better. Metaurus always said that smiling is contagious, and sometimes is the best cure to sickness. When she is not talking compulsively she is a good company.

“Hey Pink” He said “now you are telling me this, I can see you have a ‘pink-colored lifestyle’.”

Pinkie made a loud laugh and fell on her back. She was crying by the effort and, speaking serious, Qart felt nice. He never saw someone smile in such way since Kanto’s jokes. That giant always had a good sense of humor, yet of being a barbarian. Some memories comes at him: the old times, the very good old times.

“By the way” Said Pinkie Pie. “What was that act? Coming from your home?”

“In did. Is a very popular act for kids. Knowing by everyone in the Mediterranean: "The adventures of Hercules". The head’s joke was about the hydra.
Same place. 1 hour later.

“You did WHAT!?”

The doctor was hyperventilating. He was already nervous when he picked up Qart in the midtown, but the pretty adventure of the knight only made his status got worst. Qart related him what he did, the actuation he performed and the public’s reaction. White Robe’s wasn’t too distinct. An entire town panicked! Who know how many traumas this performance could do in the future and what is worst: Princess Twilight’s reputation hangs by a tread. No matter her efforts, hardly nopony will see Qart as an inoffensive guest. Damn, and that happened in the two hours that he wasn’t watching him. But everything is Pinkie Pie’s fault. If you give wood to the fire, it will consume.

“She forced me to act. I performed an infantile number. Nothing serious.”

“Serious? What kind of children you have in your world, for Celestia’s sake!?”

Qart was silent but not for feeling guilt. It was like to be holding a striking response but, for any reason, he was keeping it for himself. White Robe read the signals and considered prudent not irritate the beast. Was Pinkie’s fault anyway… and Princess Twilight’s for leaving him walk free. Whatever, this whole matter fractured the weak peace in town and a pair of things trouble White Robe. How an entire town could react to Qart’s little performance demands attention, but how the knight had cast a massive illusion field is alarming. He is not only a mage with an amazing raw power, he has control over it, he knows how to manipulate the gift the nature gave him. As a scientist, he has found that the biggest predators disappeared, or got confined, for being brainless and ferocious. On the contrary, those more intelligent are small and weak: compensate their foibles with smartness. Qart broke that rule. A formidable brute force completed with a great intelligence or, at least, a skillful control. Princess Twilight was wrong. He is not only prepared to fight, he is an apex predator. Thanks to Celestia he is tranquil and, until now, he is on a cooperative mood.

The gray stallion and the knight walked for a while in an absolute silence. White Robe thought about initiate a conversation but, in a first place, he was the one who was rude. Said so, he kept silence the rest of the way. Not too late they were reaching a great building. Its shape, cylindrical and finely decorated, reminds a carousel, painted in pale tones of blue and purple, decorated with ribbons and gems. Qart stooped in front of the building. Such fancy architecture looks extravagant to him. With no care about if he was being observed, he made a deprecating face.

“Remind me why we are here, doctor.”

“Rarity requested us to her boutique. She said she have more appropriate clothes for you.”

Qart looked at himself. The tunic is comfortable, but is not apt for combat. If his suppositions are right and someone else, someone unfriendly, came to this world a tunic is not a proper attire to fight. Only imagining what would happen if the tunic fly out made him shiver. Maybe he is wearing his pants, but not matter the world the integrity first. White Robe knocked the door and instantly a white mare opened it.

“Oh, come in, come in”.

Doctor and knight entered in the building in silence. The place was quiet, empty, only with the company of the faceless mannequins. Qart heard many scary stories about mannequins and empty stores. Just in case, he projected his magic looking for any undesirable creature. Thinking about it, many scary stories implicate inherently gruesome secrets hideouts. Better check it out.

“Is not this place a little empty Miss. Rarity?” Asked White Robe inspecting more carefully one of the mannequins.

“You know how everypony here act when Pinkie Pie make one of her parties. The strange is that nopony came after. Do any of you know something about it?”

“He… well, you know… Pinkie’s parties use to be very hectic, yeah. Probably everypony are tired.”

Doctor’s nervousness got increased each second. That matter is still delicate to discuss, especially now when he know the true impact of Qart performance: all the ponies, surely, ran to the safety of their houses.

Rarity didn’t answer anything. She was more focused in her own job than in the explanation of the doctor. However, White was more concerned about consequences than before.

“Don’t worry” Said Qart placing a hand on doctor’s shoulder “In the basement below us there’s no organic or magical signals. She is clean”

“What?” Was the only thing that the doctor was able to respond.

Rarity opened a wardrobe and took a few examples. One of them was identified by Qart as a prototype of his current tunic, with the difference of white ribbons and laces.


Exclaimed Rarity levitating with her magic a full-body dress, totally white-colored.

“Being modest, I made many master pieces before, but to be my first time doing it for a human I exceed my own talent. What do you think? I think it’s precious, but customers’ opinion is always welcome.”

Qart analyzed the dress and he couldn’t resist the desire to pet his current gear. The new chest, a long jacket, was decorated with a large amount of diamond medals, and some details, like buttons and sleeves, was combined with golden and purple. On the shoulders, a pair of great golden epaulets were shining majestically. Beneath, a thin purple shirt works as underwear.

The pants, totally white with purple lines in the sides, long and, observing the cloth, heavy, was supported by an elegant belt covered in gems. No pockets and that kind of stuff.

“Miss Rarity, who teach you about humans?” Asked Qart.

“Twilight, of course. The schematics was awful, but I improved them. The doctor at your side helped too.”

Rarity made the clothes levitate toward Qart. The knight hesitate for a moment. So fancy, so colored… and so unpractical. He looked at the doctor. Wear that costume was a revenge? How a man, or pony, of science could invent an apparel like that one?


Said Rarity. She was very anxious to test her new creation, aside from Qart’s necessity.

“Let me help you.” Said White Robe smiling.

Fast, the tailor jumped forward, ready to accommodate the jacket over Qart’s torso. White Robe, enjoying the spectacle, forced the jacket to go down Qart’s chest. The clothing was tight, and more the knight wear it less his movements was.

“Miss Rarity…”

“Hold on. I got… it. Maybe I made… wrong calculations when… you were sleeping.”

“You wha…?”

The mare, still working with magic, was doing a hazardous work. Qart is a thin man, or that she supposed. Closely, his arms, back and chest are more bulky than they seem to be. Now, there’s no way that the jacket cover the pectoral zone. The white unicorn did an extra effort to link the buttons, and surprisingly it worked for three of them

“Miss… I can’t…”

“Almost there!”

It was a great challenge, but after a pair of minutes Qart was wearing the jacket. White Robe laughed. With his arms totally immobile, the knight looks like a gingerbread man. To Qart, wear that thing was a torture. He can barely breathe, his ribs hurt and his back was itching. He tried to call Rarity, but the lack of oxygen impedes it.

“Absolutely beautiful. You look like a prince, supposing the human princes wear the kind of clothing I make.”

Qart did a last effort to get free, but it was in vain. The cloth was very resistant and, as he supposed, thick, enough to overheat him. If he don’t hurry, a faint will be unavoidable.

“May I… speak now?” Rarity turned to look him, and when she did it she got shocked. Qart was covered in lightnings and they were disintegrating the cloth over his arms. When he was free, he opened the jacket abruptly plucking off the buttons. “The clothing is too tight. If I can’t move, it is useless.” Qart took the epaulettes and ripped them away. The same he did to the sleeves. He made some warm-up exercises. When he finished, he inspect the clothing and groaned. “Remind yourself” he said looking at Rarity “white color is very difficult to maintain clean. All the tailors know it. Besides, white has a fatidic meaning in my culture”.

The room was silent, as a desolated nocturnal landscape. Rarity, muted and paralyzed by the scene she just saw, opened wide her eyes and can’t believe what the knight have done. The cloth, made from the most good-grade material, in pieces. The epaulets and the sleeves, both manufactured by herself using gold fibers, ripped out as devaluated junk. Unconsciously, she embraced the pants. First, the shock made her babble fragments of incomprehensible words. Then she began to cry loudly, after fall dramatically in a conveniently placed couch. The scene didn’t seem to touch Qart. In fact, he was undressing himself and throwing the rags to the ground with disdain, or even anger.

“If you was the one who made my tunic, then keep on it.” Said Qart accommodating the tunic “I cannot use this. Your garments are not practical.”

Those last words pierced deep in Rarity’s spirit. So many efforts, so many hard working, paid in cruelty.

She ran away with her heart broken and with tears capable enough to show how broken it was. Rarity shut herself in her room, and once she locked the door, only her muffled whining could be listened.

White Robe didn’t say nothing. He was waiting for Qart’s reaction but, in opposition, it seems that Qart was waiting too. Apparently too many reprimands turned him on a defensive mood.

“Wow” Said the doctor. “You’re a gallant, no doubts.”

“If she will dress me, I have to do a constructive review.”

“Oh, I’m not judging you. I was only appreciating… whatever it was.”

Both, doctor and knight, stayed looking at each other in challenge. The doctor had a neutral expression to hide sarcasm, but the knight was severe, like if he can read his mind… and probably he was. In no time, White Robe knew that there’s no time for pretenses.

“Do you have a problem?”

Asked the knight. White Robe walked to him and took from the ground the rags that once were a majestic jacket. He inspected them and felt grief. It was an extraordinary cloth, now charred for who knows how many volts. Not even in an entire year of hard work and austerity his salary would pay such garment.

“I was thinking” he finally answered “Is a talent in your world be so mean or it’s only you? Because I’m impressed, really. A creature capable to subdue those who help him and, not happy with that, reject a free gift. Dude, I’m fascinated with your culture.

“A better idea?”

“’Thanks’ maybe?!”

“I gave my opinion. This only demonstrates the immaturity of my costumier.”

“Destroying the gift that she has been working? Freely? For you? Dude, in this world, we call this display of ‘immaturity’ frustration.”

White Robe sighed. He knows Rarity lost the common sense and probably the knight reacted in consequence. However, as guide his duty is educate the creature under his custody.

“Rarity tends to get excited in this kind of situation, and I know this first impression was… a little unpleasant to you. But is because she enjoy it.”

“Seeing the results, that means lack of professionalism”

Qart’s answer was as shocking as a cold water bucket. White Robe did a great effort to control his anger and count to 100 at the light speed.

“That means passion for her work, for everypony or creature that she helps. I don’t care if your world is a piece of trash, but here at least try to demonstrate a bit of gratitude.”

Qart keeps silent, meditative for the first time. A good signal to the doctor. That indicates he is not angry, unless he is thinking in how many ways he has to destroy a defenseless pony.

“Was not my intention” Said Qart.

“Good to know. Now, tell it to Rarity”

The doctor stepped aside indicating with the head Rarity’s room. However, the door grated. In a blue gleam, Rarity went out holding a short-sleeved shirt, red in the front and black on its back. Beneath, a pair of gray pants. Both, pants and shirt, seem to be not too tight.

Rarity offered them to Qart. Her eyes was still wet in tears, but also reflects some resignation. Qart accepted the clothes in a reverence of gratitude, thinking about how fast the unicorn worked. Maybe a contingency plan? He felt so dumb at the moment.

“I hope you like this one. White Robe suggested me to do something wherewith you be familiarized. It’s my fault to ignore him.”

And she tried to imitate the tabard over his former armor. Definitively, the sensation of being a complete fool was increasing inside of him. An appraised initiative. Who knows how many time he will be far from home or even go back someday? He looked at the doctor. Time for a second chance for the mad scientist.

“Thanks, Miss Rarity. I appreciate your generosity. I am so sorry if I was rude. Before all you did for me, you didn’t deserve what I have done.”

The knight sounded solemn, and his apologies looked to be sincere. Incredibly, White Robe got his purpose of teach some manners to his protégée… and without getting hurt! He was about to kneel begging clemency but the words didn’t come out of his mouth.

“What happened?” Asked the doctor to Qart. The knight was too pensive and for moments he looked at him and Rarity alternatively. Some guilt feelings invaded the doctor. He forgot completely that it must be hard for Qart too to adapt to another stranger world. “Don’t wanna try your new costume?”

He tried to sound more familiar, to inspire more confidence to the knight, but the soldier walked toward the door without no response.

“You don’t like it?” Inquired Rarity.

“Not at all.” Answered the knight. “I only have something to think about.”

Author's Note:

Nothing to say folks. Enjoy it.