• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 386 Views, 2 Comments

That Special Day - Changeling Degenerate

A big thank you and happy birthday story for a good friend.

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Merry Birthmas

The day was bright and clear as Tekky and Leech walked around downtown, the blue potion mare having asked her to accompany them on some errands.

"So, anything you want to do while we’re out and about Leech?" Tekky asked.

The midnight unicorn placed a finger on her chin in a thinking pose, before shrugging. "Nope, I can’t think of anything. How about we just finish getting your stuff and go home!" she said happily.

Tekky gave a small smile before patting her shoulder, "I guess we'll just have to rent a movie or something, to help fill the free time once we get there."

Leech chuckled and nodded, as the pair moved to the next store Tekky needed supplies from.The duo went from shop to shop, gathering a number of bags on each of their arms, before the blueberry mare checked the time.

"Well, that's all I needed to take care of today, how about we head home and have a bit of fun?" Tekky said nudging the smaller mare.

Leech clapped her hands a little, causing the bags to jostle a bit. When they reached the store, Tekky held back just a little, letting Leech open the door first. As she did, the lights suddenly turned on and a group of mismatched ponies shouted, "SURPRISE!" from within. Confetti and streamers were tossed in the air, some of it catching on a big banner that read "Happy Birthday" in bold, colored letters. Leech was speechless, the room full of all her friends, to the point it was almost uncomfortably packed and some were peeking through a side door.

After the initial surprise, the party quickly spilled out into the front of the two’s shop/home, with tables and decorations being set up. Snacks and punch aplenty, along with a few cheesy party games, and friends all around enjoying themselves. Everywhere she turned, Leech was being given hugs and handshakes from the partygoers. The party itself got underway with a small band playing covers, and a round of punch for every guest, the party growing as more arrived to wish the mare of the night a wonderful year. Many danced to the band and others drank, a few tried to do both with limited success while some just cheered and watched. Leech found herself dragged among the boogying folks, awkwardly joining in with them in their haphazard dances only to find herself whisked away after a few songs. Her blue and white dragon friend handing her a plate of various foods while enjoying some himself, before she could finish even half of the sizable portion, she was pulled in front of a few of the carnival games. A couple of ponies were tossing rings onto bottles, one having drunkenly grabbed a hat from a nearby table and flinging it through the air. Despite being mute, you could almost hear it making a screech as it spun through the air. The metal legged mare that threw it, quickly ran in fright, as the top hat skittered back after them once it landed.

The party raged on into the night, Leech constantly finding herself engaged with friends, even taking an abrupt impromptu flight with one of her bat-pony pals. Eventually, the band stopped playing and the cake was brought out. It was large enough to look at home at a fancy ball, instead of at what was essentially a block party at this point. The birthday mare was led to her “throne”, a plastic lawn chair painted gold, and sat down. A few candles at the base of the cake were lit and she was given a booming rendition of happy birthday by the hoard of friends that surrounded her. After a quick wish, the candles were blown out, and she was given the first slice. After everyone had gotten a slice and eaten, then came time for gifts. Ponies lining up in front of the birthday mare to give what they could, gifts and well wishes aplenty ready to be dumped on her.

First in line was her longtime friend Tekky, with the gift of a pillow of her favorite princess. “Leech, I love you, but screw you for all the fun dip jokes.” The blue mare said with a smile, giving Leech a tight hug before stepping to the side.

The eldritch hat followed shortly after, offering Leech a crumpled note that read, “Thank you, Leech.” with a smiley face scribbled on it before scuttling off into the crowd.

The familiar zebra disguised changeling Haan sauntered up holding a big Celestia plush. “Leech my good friend, thank you for all the fun times we have, I really hope they never end. Happy birthday, Leech.” He said, giving her a quick smooch on the lips before moving aside.

A robed figure with the name tag Moisn slinked up next, a raspy voice ringing out as a gloved hand held up a bottle of Celestia’s favorite alcohol. “From a fellow artist. Happy birthday, Leech.” Before seeming to vanish to the side.

A bandana wearing changeling came next, a book of pinup drawings of Celestia in hand. “You’re a good friend Leech, always listening to my stupid ramblings and just being nice to a fault. The world needs more ponies like you and I hold your friendship dear. Happy birthday, Leech.” He said giving her a quick hug before handing her the gift and stepping aside.

Anon: A white coated earth mare was next to bring a gift, a picture of Celestia with an autograph. "I just wanted to say that you are one of the coolest people I've ever met. Always so kind and caring, always genuinely happy to help out. You helped me out of a dark place and for that I am eternally grateful. I hope this day is as amazing as you are. Happy birthday, Leech.” Epithumia gave Leech a nuzzle before moving aside.

The pale blue earth mare Bristle Brush was next to reach Leech, she came with a big book of Celestia artwork. “Leech, you always bring smiles to everyone you talk to. I want you to know that you are a great friend. Happy birthday, Leech.” After a firm handshake she went to join the others on the side.

A dark furred bat pony with a neon mane was next in line, offering up a few big Celestia shaped lollipops. “My favorite writer, I’m going to read everything you publish. Happy birthday, Leech.” Moonlight Requiem said, before stepping away with a goofy grin on their face.

An earth pony stallion was next to approach, Teacup smiled wide, a box of angel food cupcakes presented to her. “Leech, you are a wonderful mare and a light in everyone’s life, never change and keep being so lovable. Happy birthday, Leech.” He gave her a swift snuggle before stepping aside.

Gadget was next to step up, a gift of thigh high socks with Celestia’s cutie mark on them. “Another year older, look at what a big mare you are! Happy birthday, Leech.” She teased playfully, before giving Leech a light peck on the cheek and moving over.

Next up was a young filly, holding an arts and crafts cardboard strip covered in glitter with an image of her cutie mark. “Big sister Leech, I made you a bookmark. Big sis Tekky says how much you love to read. Happy birthday Leech!” Young Hexy stepping out of line for the rest.

A sizable statured dragon was next, offering a couple Celestia posters. “Thank you for being my friend you rambunctious mare. Happy birthday, Leech.” He ruffled her hair with a claw before moving out of line.

The line nearly seemed endless as eac gave thanks for her friendship. Finally, after the last of the line shared their gifts and messages, Leech was left sitting there, amongst all her presents and her friends, tears welling in the corners of her eyes and threatening to fall. “I don’t know what to say, but thank you all for this.” She said smiling quietly for a few moments, before standing up. “But now, it's time to really get the party going!” she cried. The crowd all cheered loudly before the festivities resumed full force long into the night.

Eventually, the party would come to and end, with most of its party goers either passed out or went home. The birthday mare herself was one of the former, Tekky found her lying on her back in front of the cake, frosting spackling her snout. The potion mare chuckled a bit, before lifting Leech up and carrying her to bed. She tucked the sleeping unicorn in before giving her a soft kiss, licking away a bit of frosting. “Happy Birthday, Leech.” she said, then quietly left the room.

Author's Note:

Thank you Some Leech for the good times and happy days.

Comments ( 2 )

Yeah, I know this was written for me, but I legit teared up over it.

Damn, DAMN fine work. I don't deserve friends like y'all! :twilightsmile::heart::twilightsmile:

Happy Birthday Leech!

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