• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 1,748 Views, 7 Comments

Ponyville Incident Aftermath - KikoGamez

(Takes place of an MLP animation called "Ponyville Incident" by BrutalWeather) After Applejack's mistake about kicking the football very hard causing Ponyville to be destroyed. What will everypony react?

  • ...


The kick Applejack had delivered to the football had been so hard that when it collided with the goal and ricocheted back, it had enough energy to begin a cavalcade of destruction. It wrecked her friends’ picnic, destroyed everything from the CMC Clubhouse, to the train, everypony's houses, the Mayor's hall, and even Twilight's Castle. The destruction drove everypony to hysterics, each of them panicking at the devastation that one ball had wrought Twilight Sparkle, in her rage, began to fire spell after painful spell at Applejack. The loss of both her castle and the rest of Ponyville causing the princess to almost homicidal attacks.

"OUR HOUSES ARE GONE!!!" a mare screamed, looking over the wreckage of what remained of Ponyville. Across town, many ponies were having similar panic attacks as they tried to make sense of what happened.

"What are we gonna do!!!" another shouts.

"OUR FLOWERS ARE RUINED!!!" Roseluck said, she and 2 other mares fainting dramaticly. "The horror, the horror!"

Next to the trio of overly dramatic mares, Bon Bon was busy chasing Lyra over a misunderstanding. A football had rushed past them and startled Lyra into spitting her drink in Bon Bon's face, and she wasn't taking it well.

"Bon Bon I'm sorry!" Lyra shouted, trying to reach her friend as she chased her.

Bon Bon doesn't have all the details of what happened. All she knew was that Lyra spit on her, and was chasing her in a blind rage. After 3 minutes of running, they came to an alley, leading Lyra to a dead end. She had nowhere to run as Bon Bon came closer, ready to attack.

"Bon Bon please... I didn't mean it" Lyra said, but she was still angry, getting closer. "Please, you need to think about this..." she pleaded, tears in her eyes. "remember the good times we had," her eyes closed as she prepared to get punched. "like sitting on benches together, sharing gifts at Hearth's Warming Eve and the long talks." Lyra thought it was no use, that her best friend was going to attack her. When she was about to, she stopped, realizing what she was doing.

Bon Bon saw Lyra closing her eyes, looking like she was about to cry, and looked down at her hoof. She was about to punch her best friend who cared so much, and she'd always do things together with. "What am i doing?" she thought as she put her hoof down.

A few seconds went by, confusing Lyra. As she opens her eyes, she sees Bon Bon trying to hug her instead of attacking. "Bon Bon, are you ok?" she asked.

Bon Bon started to sob as she tried to say something. "I...I...I'm so sorry... I don't know what I was thinking!!!"

Lyra paused for 10 seconds before hugging her friend. "It's okay...I'm sorry too... I shouldn't have spit on you. It's all because of that stupid football, I don't even know where it came from."

"I know that, Lyra." she replied. She stands, putting her hoof up. "Best friends forever?"

"Lyra puts her hoof up as well. "Best friends forever." she says as they put their hooves together, before hugging again.

The door to Button mash's house opens as he peeks outside, looking upon the chaos. "Mom!!! What's going on!!!" he asked.

"I don't know, sweetie." his mom replied. "Ponyville is pretty much destroyed... but at least our house is still intact."

"Can I go outside?" Button asks. "I think it's safe."

His mom looked outside for about 30 seconds before turning back to him. "I think that football is nowhere to be seen, so you can go... I hope."

Button headed out, his mom calling after him to stay safe. He made his way through the chaos that was once Ponyville. On one side, Derpy the mailpony was trying to deliver to what was left of somepony's destroyed house, putting the mail in the doorway. On the other, Mayor Mare's destroyed hall. "How could all this have happened from just a football?" he thought.

He'd soon come across one of his friends, Tender Taps. He was surveying the wreckage as well. "Tender Taps!!!" he shouts, running towards his friend.

"Button Mash!!!" Tender shouts back, doing the same. "What happened!!!"

"I think I saw a football rushing by, and I heard a lot of huge crashes. I even saw that Mayor Mare's hall was destroyed." Button replied.

"I saw that, too. The clock tower is also upside down."


"Yeah... That was one tough football." Tender said, looking over Ponyville. "I guess somepony kicked the football so hard that it destroyed everything."

A familiar voice called out to them. "HEY GUYS!!!"

They looked to the source of the voice, seeing a colt with a grey coat and black mane. "RUMBLE!!!" the 2 shouted his name at the same time as he came rushing to them.

"You guys won't believe this, the-" he started, but Button interrupted him.

"We already know, we saw everythi-" Button tried to say, but Rumble interrupted him.

"Yeah yeah, I saw everything. The clock tower, Mayor Mare's hall, WHATEVER!!!" he said, catching his breath as he thought about what he was going to say. "When I tried to explore the whole fudged up Ponyville, I just found out that football DESTROYED PRINCESS TWILIGHT'S CASTLE!!!"

"WHAT!!!" Button and Tender said at the same time, eyes widened in shock.

"YEAH!!!" Rumble tells them, motioning for them to follow. As they arrive, he points, shouting "LOOK!" It was true, Princess Twilight's castle had been destroyed.

"Ok, somepony needs to find out who kicked that football so hard they destroyed everything, even The Princess of Friendship's castle!!!" Tender said.

"I agree with you." Button said.

There was a silence of about five seconds before Rumble spoke up. "If we're just gonna stand here exploring the whole fudged up Ponyville, then maybe we should go see the CMC, see what they think about this whole football thing."

"Yeah, you're probably right, we had nothing to talk about anyway." Tender said.

"Do you guys know where they went." Button asked.

"Probably the CMC Clubhouse, they always hang out there." Rumble answered. The others nodded as the trio made their way to the clubhouse.

As the trio came closer to the CMC treehouse, they could hear sobbing, something was clearly wrong. They soon see the CMC crying, as well as the reason. Their treehouse was utterly demolished.

Tender was the first to speak up. "What happened to your treehouse?"


"BY THAT STUPID FOOTBALL!!!" Scootaloo cried as well. "HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!"

"Everything we worked for..." Apple Bloom said, trying to finish the words while she's still sobbing. "AND IT'S ALL GONE!!!"

The 3 colts separated to comfort their friends. Button went to Sweetie, Tender went to Apple Bloom and Rumble went to Scootaloo. After a few moments of comforting them, Button spoke up. "Maybe we can fix this." he said, picking up a couple of wooden planks. "It's just... a little wrecked, as we expected."

"Look guys..." Sweetie spoke up. "I appreciate your help, but... it's too late. I think this is unfixable". The others couldn't help but agree it seemed to be pretty much impossible for just them.

The 3 colts tried to cheer them, up by remembering the fun times they had. Like playing video games, Apple Bloom and Tender dancing together or the time Rumble tried to impress Scootaloo by trying to leap over the pig pen on a scooter and failed, ending up in the mud. They all couldn't help but laugh, the CMC seems to be feeling better a bit.

"Well, your treehouse wasn't the only thing that was destroyed." Tender added.

The CMC looked confused. "What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"That football wrecked not only your treehouse, but the Mayor's hall, the clock tower, Princess Celestia's statue, a few houses, and Princess Twilight's castle."

"WHAT!!!" the CMC said at the same time.

"No way." Scootaloo added.

"Yeah Tender and I had the same reaction." Button said.

"Same here." Rumble told them. "Come on, we'll show you." The group ran off towards what was left of Ponyille.

While they were seeing the messed up Ponyville, things were about to get even worse. The Princess of Friendship was absolutely furious, and going crazy. Because of Applejack and that stupid football, everything had been destroyed, including her castle. Now she was out for blood, chasing after Applejack while throwing anything and everything she can find at her.

Applejack had her back to a tree, cornered as Twilight came towards her, a look of pure rage on her face. Before she could deal the killing blow, the rest of her friends, including Starlight and Trixie grabbed her, trying to hold her back.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU APPLEJACK!!!" Twilight screamed.

Applejack screamed, taking off her hat, covering her face as the others try to calm her down.

Starlight began to speak up. "Twilight, you have to think this through. Your trying to kill your best friend!"

Twilight wouldn't listen to reason. "I DON'T CARE!!! SHE DESTROYED MY CASTLE!!!"

Applejack began to speak, trembling. "I'm sorry Twilight. i-i-i swear i never meant for this to happen... M-maybe we can build a new one?"

That only seemed to make it worse. Twilight let out a magic burst, throwing her friends off of her. She was free, and angrier than ever. "NNNNOOOO!!!" she growled, her mane bursting into flames from the pure anger she was feeling. Her friends hadn't seen her this mad since Pinkie Pie's doozy. She shoots a giant flame at Applejack.

Applejack braces herself, but starlight thinks fast, teleporting her out of the way. The tree was burnt to a crisp, crumbling to ash.

"WHAT IS THAT!!!" Rainbow Dash added.

"I've seen her like this before, but I don't know what she turned into." Applejack replied, seeing Twilight trying to shoot another fireball at her. She started running, trying to put some distance between them.

"You've seen this before?" Starlight asked, firing a blast from her horn at Twilight. She in turn shoots more fire at her, overpowering her blast. Starlight manages to dodge in time, leaving a smoking crater where she had been.

"Yeah," Pinkie said. "Last time was when she tried to discover my doozy. We ended up getting chased by a hydra, and she became frustrated that the hydra wasn't the doozy."

"LESS TALKING, MORE SAVING!!!" Applejack said, still trying to run from Twilight. The others give chase, trying to save her.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. This place is a wreck..." Scootaloo said as the group made their way through what remained of Ponyville. All around them were panicking ponies and destroyed buildings. The CMC gasp as Twilight's castle comes into view. The group runs up to it, looking on in silence.

After a few seconds Apple Bloom spoke up. "What do we now if there's no castle?"

"I don't know." Tender said.

"Let's just hope Twilight doesn't see this. She'll likely want to kill whoever did this." Scootaloo said.

Rumble looks up, noticing something. "Maybe Princess Celestia would know who did this."

"That'd be great but she's still in Canterlot and we can't take the train." Sweetie repled.

"No guys, look." Rumble said, pointing up. They could see Princess Celestia was flying to Ponyville with Luna close behind.

"I guess we should find out, come on!" Button said, the group running to where the princesses landed.

As the group arrived at the Mayor's hall, they could see that a large crowd had already gathered. They made their way through, overhearing the Mayor talking with the princesses as they got closer.

"So you're saying some football caused this much destruction?" Celestia asked.

"Yes Princess..." Mayor Mare said. "I know it's hard to believe but it's true. Just look what happened to my hall."

"So this is why the train isn't running, because a football destroyed it." Luna said.

The young group managed to make it to the front, listening to the conversation. "Looks like we don't have to take the train after all." Tender whispered to Apple Bloom to which she nodded.

The mayor didn't know the train was destroyed, but ignored it. "Yes, Princess... But you can fix this, right?"

The Princesses looked to each other, Celestia speaking up. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't fix this. Even both of our power put together wasn't enough."

"B-b-b-b-but... What can we do?!" the mayor stammered, starting to panic. "Ponyville we will take months to rebuild!"

Celestia looked around, looking over the destruction before giving a sigh. "I guess there's only one thing that can fix this. DISCORD!!!"

In a bright flash, Discord appeared, sitting on a couch while wearing a pair of sunglasses. He had a bag of popcorn in one claw while sipping from a drink in the other. It was pretty clear he'd been watching this the entire time.

"Hi Princesses." the lord of chaos said, waving.

Celestia and Luna were fuming. "Have you been watching this the entire time!?"

"What do you think?" Discord asked, snapping his fingers. In a flash, all of his stuff except his sunglasses disappeared. "I've been enjoying this football chaos for about an hour."

Luna just glared at him. "So after that football destroyed everything, you just sat by and watched everypony panic?!"

Discord took off his sunglasses. "Oh come on, it's too funny. I almost choked on my pocorn when somepony tried to deliver mail when she didn't know what was going on."

"It's not funny anymore Discord." Celestia said. "Please fix this."

"Oh you princesses are no fun." Discord said, snapping his fingers, causing a blinding flash.

Twilight has been shooting flames at Applejack for close to an hour now. Thankfully, Starlight currently had her protected by a magic barrier. Meanwhile, the others were trying to calm her down. Trixie and Rarity were trying to hit her with sleep spells, but she kept blocking them. Pinkie kept trying to hit her with her party cannon, but it kept burning up from the flames. Rainbow and Fluttershy were trying to confuse her by flying around her, but a pillar of flame forms around her, almost burning them as they dodge just in time. Twilight fires 1 more blast, the shield protecting Applejack starting to break.

"Can't this shield hold any longer?!" Applejack asked.

"I'm trying!" Starlight said.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash, enveloping all of them.

The mane 6 even Starlight and Trixie found themselves teleported to the mayor's hall. They were astonished too find that everything was back to normal. The town has no longer destroyed, even Twilight's castle had been fixed.

"There you go, back to normal." Discord said, sounding annoyed.

"Ok, now does anypony know what caused this mess?" Celestia asked.

Applejack gulped, nervously trying to sneak away unnoticed. She suddenly found herself trapped in a purple aura, unable to move.

Twilight had caught her, she wasn't going to let her get off that easily. "Well... ask APPLEJACK!!!" she shouts, teleporting her in front of everypony.

Everypony let out a loud gasp, shocked at the revelation. Apple Bloom couldn't believe her ears. "It was my sister??!" she thought, horrified.

Applejack's football appeared above her, falling on her head. "Ow!" she shouts, rubbing where it hit her.

"I think this belongs to you." Discord said, Disappearing.

Applejack starting to panic, trying to find the words to explain herself. "E-e-everypony... I-I-I-I can explain!" she stammers out.

"Well speak up!" one pony called out, everypony waiting to hear what she had to say.

Applejack started to explain the events leading up to this mess. How her friends and were just having a picnic. How she and Rainbow were playing football. And how she ended up kicking the ball too hard, missing the goal and sending it careening all over Ponyville. Everypony in the crowd were talking with each other as they processed all of this.

"I'm so sorry, everypony. It was an accident, I swear. I know you must hate me now because of my horrible mistake..." she said, staring to tear up. "Maybe even my friends and family. Especially Twilight, considering what happened to her castle." she didn't want to even mention that Twilight had tried to kill her.

Twilight could see the look of pure fear on Applejasck's face, finally realizing what she had done. Her friend had made a simple mistake, and istead of hearing her out, she'd tried to kill her. She stayed silent, listening to what she had to say.

"Once again everypony... I'm sorry about all of the trouble I've caused all of you. The panic, the misery, and the suffering... and Twilight..." she said, looking to her. "I don't know if you can ever forgive me for what happened to your castle, but I am so sorry for what I caused."

She then turns to Celestia and Luna, a serious look on her face. "Princesses, I deserve any punishment you give me." she says, looking down. Her ears perk as she hears a chuckle, looking up to see it was Celestia. "Huh?" she asked, more than a little confused.

"Why would you think we'd punish you over a little mistake?" Celestia asked.

"Huh?" Applejack repeated, even more confused. Everypony whispered among each other, just as confused as her.

"I know Applejack did something horrible" Celestia said. "but it was just an aciddent. Plus, how could a simple football cause that much destruction?"

"Umm, sister?" Luna spoke up, bewildered by what she was saying. "I would think that would be very possible if it was kicked hard en-" she was suddenly cut off as Celestia putting a hoof over her mouth to keep her quiet.

"My dear sister, maybe it's for the best that we don't find out what really caused this." Celestia told her.

Luna just gave her a funny look, making a horse noise.

"Do you think your sister is going to be ok?" Tender whispered to Apple Bloom.

"I hope so." Apple Bloom whispered back. "I mean the princess did say she wasn't going to be punished."

"I say Applejack will be given another chance." Celestia said, Luna making another horse noise in disbelief.

"Seriously, sis-" Luna starts, interrupted with another hoof in her mouth.

"No no no, Luna. I think it's best to see what everypony else thinks."

Everypony discussed it, thinking it over. Some seemed to agree, while other seemed convince by what Celestia had said.

"Psst, sister... A moment?" Luna whispered, she and Celestia heading inside to talk in private. "Once again sister... You and your STUPID IDEAS-"

"Oh come on sister." Celestia interrupted. " I mean it was just a mistake."

"Come on Celestia, do you honestly believe everypony is just going to accept this?!?!?!"

"We'll just have to see what they think." Celestia tells her, the pair checking on the crowd. They still seemed to be talking it over.

Meanwhile, the CMC and their friends approached the mane 6. Apple Bloom was the first to speak up. "Applejack!" They turn towards the group, waving. Apple Bloom was silent a moment before finally asking. "Is it true? Did you really cause all of this?"

Applejack looked away, sighing before speaking up. "It's true, every word of it." she answers.

"YOUR STUPID FOOTBALL DEMOLISHED OUR TREEHOUSE!?!?!?" Scootaloo shouted, shocking Applejack.

Luckily, Apple Bloom covered for her. "Scootaloo, don't shout at her!!" Scootaloo just gave an exasperated groan.

"So, you six seem to be getting along." Rainbow commented, referring to the 3 colts with the CMC.

"Yeah, they comforted us after our treehouse was destroyed because of REASONS!" Sweetie said, glaring at Applejack, who just gave a chuckle. "Anyway, it was pretty sweet of them to cheer us up."

Rainbow chuckled. "You 3 are pretty lucky fillies."

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked in confuson.

"Are you sure they aren't more than just friends?"

"Ooh, I know what you mean, they are so adorable together!" Rarity said in agreement.

That things they were saying caused the group to blush heavily, including the 3 colts. While they had a crush on the CMC, they weren't ready to tell them.

"Um n-no..." Apple Bloom said, her face beet red.

"They're just friends." Sweetie agreed. The others chimed in, stating they were just friends.

While they were trapped in an embarrassing situation, Applejack approached Twilight, hoping she'd calmed down enough to talk to. "U-um, hey Twilight..." she said nervously.

"Oh, um hey Applejack." Twilight said, turning to her.

"So um, Twilight... About what happened at the picnic..."

"Really... is this the conversation you want to have right now?!" Twilight shouted, turning away from her.

Applejack just sighed. "Twilight, I can't even begin to apologize for what happened. I don't know if you can ever forgive me, not after all I've done. Please, I don't want to lose my best friend." Twilight was just silent. "Please... Please say something!" Applejack started to sob. Again, there was no reaction. Applejack looked down in shame, tears running down her face. " I understand..." she said, turning and starting to walk away. She stopped as she suddenly felt somepony hugging her. She turned to see it was Twilight.

"I have to apologize too." Twilight told her.


"I let my anger get the better of me, I overreacted and ended up trying to kill you."

"Oh, right... You have every right to be angry with me. Look what I did to your castle."

Twilight gave a bit of a chuckle. "I guess we both have something to apologize for."

"Well, I'll forgive you, if you forgive me." Applejack said, offering her a hug. Twilight accepted, the two are finally making up.

After another few minutes, Celestia and Luna came back. "Once again sister," Luna whispered. "Nopony is going to agree to this."

Celestia just ignored her, speaking to the crowd. "Ok everypony, what do you think?"

Applejack gulped, worried about what would happen to her.

One pony spoke up. "Well, in my opinion... We can trust the Princesses decision, right?''

Another answered them. "I guess so... So we should give her another chance."

"I'm not so sure. What if this happens again?" one pony asks.

"Come on, it could never happen again."

"Yeah, it was a one time thing."

The crowd overall seemed to agree that it would never happen again and that Applejack deserved another chance. A few of the disagreed, but the decision seemed to have been made. Princess Celestia turned to Luna, a smirk on her face.

"Fine, you win. Just stop rubbing it in my face." Luna told her, rolling her eyes.

Celestia turned back to the crowd. "Then it's settled. Applejack, it looks like you've be given another chance.

Applejack gave a sigh of relief. She was really getting worried there.

Celestia turned to the mayor. "Unless there's any other problems going on, I believe everything's set."

The mayor started to sweat. "Nothing comes to mind. Frankly, it's more trouble keeping these ponies from panicking." she said, giving a nervous laugh.

"Well, we're heading back to Canterlot. I hope everypony has a fine day after that little incident." Celestia says as she and Luna fly off back to Canterlot.

Luna can't help but shake her head. "Next time somepony destroys Ponyville by accident, they won't be so easy to convince. Don't come crying to me when that happens."

Celestia can't help but chuckle as they flew home.

Meanwhile, everypony else went back to their days. Twilight and the rest stayed behind, chatting.

"Well, that went well." Scootaloo said.

"It could've gone a lot worse, especially after Twilight went berserk." Rainbow said.

The CMC and their friends looked confused. "What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Twilight said, blushing.

"Twilight's right." Applejack said. "Let's just say there are dangerous consequences to wrecking her castle."

Again, the six of them were confused, but they figured it was best to just leave it be.

Rarity picks up the football, handing it to Applejack. "I believe this is yours."

"Oh, right... I guess I'll go store this in the attic." Applejack said, starting to walk away before Twilight stopped her.

"We... we're still friends, right?"

"We will always be best friends." Applejack said, hugging her before leaving.

"I think I'll head to the spa. All of this drama is exhausting." Rarity said.

"I'm with you." Spike said as he followed Rarity. "I could really use some relaxation."

"Do you guys really think our treehouse is fixed?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Likely. Discord did say he fixed everything." Tender said.

"We could always see if he was lying." Button said.

"RACE YOU GUYS THERE!!!" Rumble and Scootaloo shouted at the same time. They suddenly dash towards the treehouse, leaving the others behind.

"Hey no fair!" Sweetie said as she and the others gave chase.

"I can tell, before long, those fillies will have a nice set of coltfriends." Rainbow said, Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm gonna go rest. Holding you off was tiring work." she said, flying off.

"Well, I guess Ponyville is back to normal." Starlight said.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie has had enough of this drama nonsense." Trixie said. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be resting in my cottage." she said, tossing one of her smoke bombs at the ground, causing a puff of smoke. She would appear to be gone, but a closer look would see her running off.

Twilight and Starlight headed back to the castle, everything seemed fixed. "I guess Discord really did fix everything." Twilight said.

"Yeah... I guess he did." Starlight said. "Just one thing left. WHAT WAS THAT THING YOU TURNED INTO WHEN YOU WERE ENRAGED???" she suddenly shouts.

Twilight was shocked by her outburst, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well uh, I don't really know. It happens when I get really angry." she says.

Starlight just sighed. "I'm sorry, I was just stressed out. I didn't expect you to try and kill one of your best friends."

"I think it's best that we never talk about this again." Twilight said, Starlight agreeing as the pair went into the castle.

Just an average day in Ponyville.


Author's Note:

when i first watch "Ponyville Incident" i really didn't like how the ending turn out so i made this story about it. so yeah thanks to Misty Dolphin proofreading this story. funny thing is that i made this story since before the end of mlp because it's hard finding a proofreader until i gave up but still i hope you like this aftermath.

Comments ( 7 )

Discord/MJ Smuv should react to "A Ponyville Incident"

Not bad. Ease up on the question marks and exclamation marks though.

I guess this is sort of accusation fic for Ponyville Incident.

To be fair, the video was meant to be comedy/slapstick stuff..... I think.

Well, good job on it.

I thought Double Rainbow was more destructive. I am thoroughly corrected.


...that one ball had wrought Twilight Sparkle, in her rage, began to fire spell after painful spell at Applejack. The loss of both her castle and the rest of Ponyville causing the princess to almost homicidal attacks.

Twilight, eat your snickers. You turn into a raging alicorn when you're hungry!
(That's DangerDean saying the above line.)

Not bad, but I don't think Twilight really apologized as well as she should have. I mean, Bon Bon seemed to feel worse about trying to punch Lyra. Twilight straight up tried to kill Applejack! Her apology just didn't seem as genuine in comparison

Considering what I had to work with, turned out rather welll.:twilightsmile:

"I'm so sorry, everypony. It was an accident, I swear. I know you must hate me now because of my horrible mistake..." he said, staring to tear up. "Maybe even my friends and family. Especially Twilight, considering what happened to her castle." she didn't want to even mention that Twilight had tried to kill her.

I feel like this shows how Applejack is a better friend than twilight, she could have easily threw her under the bus and told them how twilight tried to kill her, the same way twilight threw her under the bus by saying she did it.

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